Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

Jordy Smith completes a rodeo flip while on a trip in the Mentawais with the Red Bull surf team. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Surf 15 years ago 1,080,055 views

Jordy Smith completes a rodeo flip while on a trip in the Mentawais with the Red Bull surf team. _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

Mike Reilly
Mike Reilly - 6 years ago
I saw a guy do something like what's being done at 1:45 in Puerto Escondido at Spring Break. He was pretty pumped after landing it.
Tolba Szy
Tolba Szy - 6 years ago
João Cordeiro
João Cordeiro - 7 years ago
Kolohe was a kid
Alyssa Morales
Alyssa Morales - 9 years ago
whipash, whipash.. psssshhhhhhh
like whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bryony Higginson
Bryony Higginson - 10 years ago
Omg this is amazing.
When u say 'surfing' to a lot of people assume its riding a wave on a board but NO its backflips and superman now !!!!
Hineskitt Velvett
Hineskitt Velvett - 10 years ago
Tries 3 and makes it first try
Alex Monteer
Alex Monteer - 9 years ago
Hahahaha I heard that same thing and was like is he serious?
Filippo Gabriele
Filippo Gabriele - 10 years ago
Jordy freak
Ian - 10 years ago
sick man
Jarvis E
Jarvis E - 10 years ago
Exactly it is a different sport ars = bodyboarding..
Matt M.
Matt M. - 7 years ago
Jarvis E spongers rule

10. comment for Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

Ben Counsell
Ben Counsell - 10 years ago
Why do people like this not enter comps
PyroJesus - 9 years ago
+BC Films are you kidding me
Mackenzie Leamon
Mackenzie Leamon - 10 years ago
Puttinginyournameisstupid - 10 years ago
Surf board
Zorbacci O
Zorbacci O - 11 years ago
Is that Maccas?
TJ Tu - 11 years ago
Jordy hucking a sick rodeo clown
David Nova Inostroza
David Nova Inostroza - 11 years ago
Soundtrack name? :P
David Nova Inostroza
David Nova Inostroza - 11 years ago
Derek Miller - Devil Come Down Sunday (soundtrack)
Kempii - 11 years ago
hahaha piss off dude
Rowan Fitch
Rowan Fitch - 11 years ago
they all are gonna get sunburned really bad if they didn't wear shirts the whole session
Nicholas Coleman
Nicholas Coleman - 11 years ago
Sa all d way
thebestever475 - 11 years ago
is it cool to drink red bull?
Lowell lax
Lowell lax - 11 years ago
1:56 nice but crack

20. comment for Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

jf 302
jf 302 - 11 years ago
You guys think that's sick check this out /watch?v=7dvQ1JRVmNw
Collin McMenamin
Collin McMenamin - 11 years ago
So cool seing Kolohe and Conner as groms and now they're on the pro tour haha
zac simpson
zac simpson - 11 years ago
what a bugga of a month broke my neck surfing but i'm back now surfs my life got some new budgie smugglers these waves look a beaut hope there's no cozzies this arvo
Rowan Fitch
Rowan Fitch - 11 years ago
Does anyone else get bothered by Cristobal De Col's braces?
CallenBros123 - 11 years ago
oh hot dayum
Micah Blik
Micah Blik - 11 years ago
oh my dayum
Anthony Stephenson
Anthony Stephenson - 11 years ago
ive done this before and my highest is 792 likes but over 1000 seriously WTF
Arec Colon-Aldeguer
Arec Colon-Aldeguer - 12 years ago
like he said ARS bodyboarding for life!!!!
Jasper Harry
Jasper Harry - 12 years ago
doesn't evan try
MONSTERSURFER019 - 12 years ago
If u listened you would have heard he said "he tries 3 and makes it LIKE 1st time" The key word being like.

30. comment for Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

Marco Lonardi
Marco Lonardi - 12 years ago
Mentawai is an Archipelago West of Sumatra 100NM offshore until 2003 only way to reach there were surf charter sail off from Padang. For western people landing was almost impossible,more than 90% of local people has Malaria Disease that's why on this surf trip you live aboard at least a mile offshore where Mosquitos they can't fly.
Damian Rawle
Damian Rawle - 12 years ago
not even legal
splashcow136 - 12 years ago
Jasper Harry
Jasper Harry - 12 years ago
that is the one of the are the hardest i tried i screwed up and got nailed
Matthew Manzano
Matthew Manzano - 12 years ago
I have never seen 1000 + likes on one comment. 0.0
Pete M
Pete M - 12 years ago
i wish i could surf waves like that every day but hey gotta work with whatcha got right, good ol nj
soulsurfer2428 - 12 years ago
thats a valid point but under these circumstances it has became unsatisfactory due to the date thats this video was made
Greekrider55 - 12 years ago
they already have landed it
squidatsea - 12 years ago
He`s Australian not english!!!
zumasiam - 7 years ago
squidatsea is Durban in Australia?
raid123hero - 12 years ago
I fooled 990 people, surely that deserves some credit?
josh pawley
josh pawley - 12 years ago
fuck off no 1 cares about the song
Luis Roncayolo
Luis Roncayolo - 12 years ago
But he got his attention lol
brad erman
brad erman - 12 years ago
sick try a kickflip
josh van zeelandf
josh van zeelandf - 12 years ago
song ?
Corey W
Corey W - 12 years ago
thats a surfer for ya
hannah m
hannah m - 12 years ago
raquel mishe
raquel mishe - 12 years ago
♫Red Bull te da aaaaaaaalaaaaaas♫ =D
Michael Innes
Michael Innes - 12 years ago
yes they can: /watch?v=XZpxjPA2xbQ and this guy reckons hes really close to landing a double too
bangkokskater - 12 years ago
still sick the 2nd time I watch this
cmhsurf - 12 years ago
That is sick

50. comment for Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

Benjamin Steen
Benjamin Steen - 12 years ago
Holy Moses!!
HBCult - 12 years ago
The next big accomplishment in surfing is going to be the double backflip. It went from BMX to Motorcross and now to surfing
karlgene fiesta
karlgene fiesta - 12 years ago
34 people tried rodeo flip and fails..
Ace Scafe
Ace Scafe - 12 years ago
This is superhuman
Jailton santos
Jailton santos - 13 years ago
S Esterley
S Esterley - 13 years ago
That was SICK!
Piers Cropp
Piers Cropp - 13 years ago
"he tries 3 and makes it first try"
lance tamashiro
lance tamashiro - 13 years ago
he was fully inverted that was more than a corked spin. at most you could argue that it was an underflip 3
Maltay - 13 years ago
this was like 3 years ago... so its changed now
יאיר לבב
יאיר לבב - 13 years ago
AndyHarpist - 13 years ago
Lots of people do it. ...without even holding on to their surfing-boards.
nick redman
nick redman - 13 years ago
@DazzaMexicoese what the fuck do you do? ice skating?
WTFOMFGBBQFTW - 13 years ago
MrDRSkim - 13 years ago
You was able to do that because the Redbull he had earlier gave him wing.
saltrock0000 - 13 years ago
all done with his ass hanging out. guys got style! 1:56-1:58 if your wondering
westcoastswellrox - 13 years ago
love his reaction
Ryan Steinolfson
Ryan Steinolfson - 13 years ago
That is crazy. The sport of surfing is changing right before our eyes.
Johnny Hancock
Johnny Hancock - 13 years ago
if only he'd had a gopro...
kainaruksurf - 13 years ago
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@dansweeeeeney As in impact.
JohnCusley - 13 years ago
try to thumbs down this video while holding command 'q'
TheWAVESofGLORY - 13 years ago
@volcanaustin246 give me a break bro haha
Tyler Hobner
Tyler Hobner - 13 years ago
The utmost sickest thing i have ever seen. DAMNNNNNNNN
volcanaustin246 - 13 years ago
I don't live near an ocean but we have our flowriders. that surfing rodeo flip on an actual wave is similar to the "rodeo flip" done on the flowrider done on the bodyboard. The only difference between the two flips is that the surfboard is under him in his flip while the rodeo I'm used to seeing is also a backflip but the board is out in one hand to the side then as we complete the backflip 360, the board is then placed under the rider
sz430 - 13 years ago
Check out: ! Surf-Clothing and more
Daniel Guimarães
Daniel Guimarães - 13 years ago
i call ARS - air roll spin
gvdan8 - 13 years ago
@IlTomTomx surf math. don't question it :D it was rad to the power of ridiculous brah
Sparky Cohen
Sparky Cohen - 13 years ago
this guy is a ledgend id like to see more videos though
goblin boys
goblin boys - 13 years ago
@sransbury My bad, meant work*
1997itsmylife - 13 years ago
Jordy Smith, your doing it right.
sransbury - 13 years ago
@LetsPlaySomeRS You should work on your grammar and diction.
goblin boys
goblin boys - 13 years ago
@SurfinCalibitch You should world on your grammar.
SurfinCalibitch - 13 years ago
@FrigginLeprechaun69 u can do tht shit in cali jst not on ur gay longboard bra
Micah Pablo
Micah Pablo - 13 years ago
he jus did it .......
Samuel Reffé
Samuel Reffé - 13 years ago
Jeff Baggaley
Jeff Baggaley - 13 years ago
This inspires even a canadian kid like myself!! What's the song called?
noooooooooooooo0 - 13 years ago
supergangsta1998 - 13 years ago
@raid123hero yes but i just did im the 125th thumbs up
Melbourne Surfers
Melbourne Surfers - 13 years ago
@raid123hero what is meant 2 happen lol
rui silva
rui silva - 13 years ago
yesterday i did one too! in my dreams
Katsu LA
Katsu LA - 13 years ago
Thats why Kolohe is a pro surfer, cause half of the time he doesnt understand what he is saying.
Colt Cutback
Colt Cutback - 13 years ago
@DrGlax No its you. Do your friends ever call you a wous? Its better that some people think like you because there are more for the rest of us who want to live life to the fullest.
haleysunraes - 13 years ago
What is the song playing here?
Bruno Raphael
Bruno Raphael - 13 years ago
Louis Day
Louis Day - 13 years ago
he makes it look easy ! :O sweet !
Delvinus Sabolak
Delvinus Sabolak - 13 years ago
htp://mentawaisurftravel.c enjoy
raid123hero - 13 years ago
try to thumbs up this comment while holding alt... havent seen that before have you?
Aaron Bird
Aaron Bird - 13 years ago
its just you Dr Glax
Perry Griffith
Perry Griffith - 13 years ago
I'd love to go to places like this... but the vision of me getting swallowed hole by a great white or tiger shark.... landing on a razor sharp reef.... or getting stung my a man o' war or box jellyfish tend to keep me skim boarding and surfing in much more calm areas =) is it just me or do you all have the same fears?
MyMarlon111 - 13 years ago

100. comment for Jordy Smith Rodeo Flips Surfboard

Greekrider55 - 13 years ago
jacksonjake1 - 13 years ago
fucking a
jake - 13 years ago
i have done a 360 on that beach its awsome
jake - 13 years ago
im still trying 2 do that move the problem is landing and staying on ur board lol
Sloth55Chunk - 13 years ago
I can do like 4 of those on one jump in kelly slaters pro surfer!!! Your move!!
trulychloe - 13 years ago
ho brah
eduardo camilio
eduardo camilio - 13 years ago
dislikers just asume they will be never be able to do this piece of glory
Sérgio Alves
Sérgio Alves - 13 years ago
remember guys, kelly try it on pipe away back in time rodeo clowns lololol
della tanujaya
della tanujaya - 13 years ago
KoenBouman - 13 years ago
I want that white cap so bad!
chrizjier - 13 years ago
1:58 maybe reason of dislike?? But awesome shit.
Shititude - 13 years ago
@kidnike120 i should've told you it's a truck haha
Joe Askot
Joe Askot - 13 years ago
24 dislikes?? shitty conoeists
jimjammers27 - 13 years ago
who dislikes this?
NikkiInSouthAfrica - 13 years ago
Lekker bru!
kawentzmann - 13 years ago
@wehec No.
christian.s uzi 9mm.
christian.s uzi 9mm. - 13 years ago
@wensley80 they are jealous.
wehec - 13 years ago
Anyone know the song playing at the beginning ?
Tim123456103 - 13 years ago
@cacaretu one fact about that, the second i read number one, i looked for the missing number
Dan Sweeney
Dan Sweeney - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 the landing is harder?? are you taking the piss?!
Wave Fin
Wave Fin - 13 years ago
Hi, That is good. WaveFin Original Adjustable Wing Twin Fin Thank you WaveFin
dan man
dan man - 13 years ago
they're the puny, pale nerds or the fat, lazy slobs who don't have the heart to get out in the real world and learn to do something amazing like this
leandrobats - 13 years ago
é pra quem sabe!
Olga Marie
Olga Marie - 13 years ago
so sickkkkkkkkk
Staxx - 13 years ago
this move would be an automatic win in any championship
giannis1345 - 13 years ago
@YoureAShrub they disliked because on 0:52 they thought they saw justin bieber
Freihguy - 13 years ago
@rollin2525 Haha your videos suck. You do not kick this guys ass one bit!! LMAO.
Jake - 13 years ago
1:30 "He tries 3 and makes it like, the 1st try"
štrukelj - 13 years ago
haha that guy still says gnarly
TheTrentle - 13 years ago
@wensley80 maybe some people think jordy smith is an ass
MyMarlon111 - 13 years ago
sick *-*
mo - 13 years ago
Now just wait till doubles....
kidnike120 - 13 years ago
@Shititude hahahaha I was just joking
Shititude - 13 years ago
@kidnike120 of course it's a shortboard ! do you really think you can make a rodeo flip with a longboard? (anyway in my opinion i'd LOOOVE to see that haha)
Shititude - 13 years ago
@wensley80 let's hope they just missed the "like" button
kidnike120 - 13 years ago
What kind is that shortboard or longboard?
XxCrazyKBxX - 13 years ago
@wensley80 haters gonna hate
makai_02 - 13 years ago
@wensley80 They're all bodyboarders! ; p
turk mc turk
turk mc turk - 13 years ago
david low
david low - 13 years ago
@hollydolly065 skating can still go farther
Verdan79 - 13 years ago
The most incredible is that he could be able to get back to the wall and complete the wave! And he is a huge guy, diferent of the other surfers! Monster!!!
Upside1Productions - 13 years ago
I wish i didnt live in michigan.
JP Plasterers
JP Plasterers - 13 years ago
cool only pulling ya leg.........been surfing for 15 years...... im here in Portugal at the moment there a big bodyboarding comp on here for next 12 days in Praie grande Sintra....watched the pro out this morning just after i got called in off the surf ready for the comp to start. Although im joking still DEATH TO ALL SPONGERS LOL
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
I'm not hating on pro surfing, I respect those guys cause they rip out there like no other. Just the kook surfers or surfers who think its hard as fuck just to stand up and balance. You guys think its so much harder to stand up and balance than to actually really bodyboard and do tricks. It's vice versa. I'm sorry if standing up was hard for you and you're balance sucked and it took you so long to get it. Is that why ameteur surfing is harder than pro bodyboarding? I do both btw and enjoy both.
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@hollydolly065 For you it may have been hard. You must think bodyboarding is just riding a wave straight in. Theres a lot more to it. Theres prone, dk, and stand up along with tricks. Almost every pro bodyboarder has surfed before or can surf. Most pro bodyboarders can surf better than the average ameteur surfer on here who thinks bodyboarding is gay or is easy. I've seen them surf. Thats funny you think its for lazy bastards. Those guys have to be in shape or else its harder out there.
JP Plasterers
JP Plasterers - 13 years ago
Death to all spongers...........spongers sponge cause they havnt the skill to surf lol ;o)
kobe bryant
kobe bryant - 13 years ago
@lemmingsinsight89 shut the hell up you dumbass sponger
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@phippsy333 Surfing is easy. The aerials and grabs are hard to do. Just paddle with your arms and kick your feet and pop up. Balance is easy to. Either ride to the left or right and do a few bottom turns and cutbacks and maybe an occasional 180. Try drop knee or stand up on a bodyboard. That shit is harder to ride. A board half the size of a surfboard without "training wheels" to maneuver. Bodyboarders get higher air off the lip of wave and the landing is harder. You're just narrow minded.
JP Plasterers
JP Plasterers - 13 years ago
Compared to surfing bodyboarding is a sinch..........and so's winsurfing nand kite surfing........surfing is by far the hardest to master.....harder on the body...... All spongers are gay.......( this is fact )
Joris van Leeuwen
Joris van Leeuwen - 13 years ago
BigJules89 - 13 years ago
@haydenrhone Surfing is overrated, just because they're standing. Most kook surfers who hate bodyboarding think standing up is a trick and thats why they think bodyboarding is easy because they dont stand. Theres 3 ways one can ride a bodyboard. These guys are beyond good, thats what seperates them from the ameteurs who only do bottom turns to cutbacks. The pros in bodyboarding and surfing make it look it easy when in reality that shit is hard and only so few can do it, that's why they're pros.
Omar Khan
Omar Khan - 13 years ago
@kingcoop407 LOL. No your wrong hes just that good that he tries 3 and makes it like first try. LOL
Caspiller - 13 years ago
@kturd69 yeahh sonn :D
benji defresne
benji defresne - 13 years ago
zenbayfilm72 - 13 years ago
Leo Gonzalez
Leo Gonzalez - 13 years ago
que puto amoooooooooo
MrShongololo - 13 years ago
Cant wait to see Jordy as the new SA & World champ! Inspiring surfing man
Liam Shapley
Liam Shapley - 13 years ago
i got the jordyfreaks... they arere r his signature hyperfreaks.. (trunks)
Unreal Tality
Unreal Tality - 13 years ago
1:57 Chris Haslam of surfing
freshsniper17 - 13 years ago
its kolohe hes an idiot...
Wade Mitchell
Wade Mitchell - 13 years ago
whats with surfers being the most unoriginal people in the world?
Gabriel Abella
Gabriel Abella - 13 years ago
most surfers dish bodyboarders but this guy probably bodyboarded cause thats a fucking A.R.S. proving that they both sports go hand to hand!!
depret5 - 13 years ago
rui silva
rui silva - 13 years ago
Does anybody know the music's name ?
Joe Bulmer-Kidger
Joe Bulmer-Kidger - 13 years ago
@TheDonnie98 You should be inspired by this man!
Flip Daze
Flip Daze - 13 years ago
that's disgusting, moves like that should not be allowed on a surfboard.
DEXTER M - 13 years ago
I told them not to film me...
Jesse Rockwell
Jesse Rockwell - 13 years ago
this.. this is untenable, not real. FUCK!
YoureAShrub - 13 years ago
@IDikksonHD i honestly dont get how this can be disliked... i mean, they clicked the video knowing its surfing... and it was the sickest thing ever.
STDPunkBand - 13 years ago
Bone Gonsalves
Bone Gonsalves - 13 years ago
Joey - 13 years ago
he should do it in a contest!
RaidersLego - 13 years ago
why would someone dislike this, it was SO SICK!!!!
candyman2911 - 13 years ago
fuck a duck
SuperBuckable - 13 years ago
arjenf - 13 years ago
@jamiek2015 No there won't, don't be daft !! ;)
Slippery Skillz
Slippery Skillz - 13 years ago
jordy smith = jizz
Renzo Gallese
Renzo Gallese - 13 years ago
13 people didnt understand what the heck was that
Enrique Salgado
Enrique Salgado - 14 years ago
13 people have tried rodeo flip and failed
Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper - 14 years ago
1:30 he tries 3 and makes it first try means he made it the third try
SHOOKSLAY - 14 years ago
yeah fuck an inch high ollie kickflip
me - 14 years ago
so i ski it is a rodeo and i think you should continue working with it
xxximreallycoolxxx - 14 years ago
only he has a thick enough neck to pull it off jk, awesome stuff
The Get Up And Go Show
The Get Up And Go Show - 14 years ago
Dang, he surfs so much better than I do.
Mano's Old YouTube (New
Mano's Old YouTube (New - 14 years ago
All these people who argue can't surf or body board for shit, quit arguing and go enjoy the waves no matter what other people think.
Luca Silva
Luca Silva - 14 years ago
@damon79 Surfers do the same thing but unlike bnodyboarder we take the extra step and stand up on our board which increases our chances of wipingout, we aren't pussy's like bodyboarders.
damon79 - 14 years ago
@cowskater5 Well, he puleld it off, so... ummm. think he can call it wahever he wants dude. hell, he can call it "cat piss fairy floss" if he wants to I really don't care. The freak shreds, bottom line.
damon79 - 14 years ago
@potatoeyo You obviously can't bodyboard very well bra. Lol
damon79 - 14 years ago
@ddesnoyers17 You should come to OZ sometime and see the worlds best bodyboarders. PS - I taught my 18 month old daughter how stand up on a surfboard. Hmmmm.
damon79 - 14 years ago
@gassytank Sorry, are you trying to be funny? Don't quit your day job bro. You're terrible.
damon79 - 14 years ago
@Andrefigu Agreed
damon79 - 14 years ago
@whocares11234 Nah, I do both lid and stand up and I can tell you, you get punished 10 times harder on a bodyboard. Prefer surfing now I'm older though as I don't have the flexibility I used to.Tell me... is bodyboarding 15 foot coral reef that is sucking up to only 4 inches deep in shark infested waters for fags whocares11234? If you believe so... you have a very distorted sense of reality bra.
Alex cook
Alex cook - 14 years ago
@h2omanz hahaha
Tim McKaughan
Tim McKaughan - 14 years ago
I'm not hating on bodyboarders, some of them actually rip, but to equate the skill it takes to do this trick standing as opposed to laying down is just plain ridiculous. If it was that easy you'd see everyone doing them (just like ARS).
Amukina1991 - 14 years ago
What kind of boat is that?
Camilo P
Camilo P - 14 years ago
has he done it front side?
André Figueira
André Figueira - 14 years ago
@whocares11234 Cresce miúdo :)
André Figueira
André Figueira - 14 years ago
this is a ARS! This trick is from bodyboard!
N Gomes
N Gomes - 14 years ago
chuck norris dit it when he was born
Diogo Alpendre
Diogo Alpendre - 14 years ago
soooo sick!!
Kyle Rumsey
Kyle Rumsey - 14 years ago
i did a frontside rodeo lol
jack harrison
jack harrison - 14 years ago
finally a saffa showing the world who's boss. definately next south african world champ. :D
chomama77 - 14 years ago
Kristian Vergotis.
Kristian Vergotis. - 14 years ago
Jeff Kulp
Jeff Kulp - 14 years ago
Theres a number of guys that do it quite often in HB at the pier... Sorry Red Bull
Dave Desnoyers
Dave Desnoyers - 14 years ago
@kaylahk05 standing up like an adult. any 3 yr old can ride a bodyboard. now quit whining on the internet and go outside.
oliver kirch
oliver kirch - 14 years ago
Trecool1001 - 14 years ago
yeah i met these guys in a club..
Jord - 14 years ago
i hate people who hate on either bodyboarding or surfing. fuckers
spitboy66 - 14 years ago
nice wanna learn this too (:
wbendall - 14 years ago
Jordy is sick!!!Anyone know what song is playin?
brandon8474 - 14 years ago
what the fuck.
cowskater5 - 14 years ago
dude i give total props but its not a rodeo you have to spin the other way back toward the wave or at least thats what it is in snowboarding
SilverSnowballer3317 - 14 years ago
Super Awesome!!!
AsianScrotom - 14 years ago
EXACTLY like an ARS from Bodyboarding. Yet again Bodyboarding pioneering tricks which surfers copy.
M R - 14 years ago
LordBillGates - 14 years ago
Steven Segal did it on his first try and then taught Chuck Norris who taught Smith
bro breeze
bro breeze - 14 years ago
thats narley, solid as hell!
robair9911 - 14 years ago
soooooooo sick I m a skateboard/skimboard/snowboard enthusiast that was incredible
MutilateYOU - 14 years ago
I tried to do it today, 7 times... The board fell on me all 7 times :\
konanstan denoble
konanstan denoble - 14 years ago
@juanpasurfstyle this is the first!
smacky wee
smacky wee - 14 years ago
freshest cutti after aswell
Andro - 14 years ago
8 people have tried a rodeo flip and failed
Philip Perdue
Philip Perdue - 14 years ago
how can u dislike that
Larry Vieira
Larry Vieira - 14 years ago
what song is in this vid?
Ron Burgundy
Ron Burgundy - 14 years ago
I've tried aerials before. They never seem to work out this well.
Breaky0self44 - 14 years ago
so sickkk
Chloe Perry
Chloe Perry - 14 years ago
@surferslongboard haha truu
Tall Tee
Tall Tee - 14 years ago
@chrisbashaw1 same,but thats still impressive
Tall Tee
Tall Tee - 14 years ago
@mynameiszac100 i already did:P
Chloe Perry
Chloe Perry - 14 years ago
trhat was fucking mad....makes me kinda wanna give up booging and start surfing
Regina Denson
Regina Denson - 14 years ago
Half the tricks i know , i learned by accident !
berger6000 - 14 years ago
its the face he makes after he does it is what makes you stoked
Teddy0567 - 14 years ago
1:32 hahahahahahha
Shred Nugent
Shred Nugent - 14 years ago
craxbury - 14 years ago
its a rodeo 7
Avez - 14 years ago
its called a rodeo clown, Kelly may hav been told to do a ARS by a lid or something, and he did. he was the first one to pull it off on a surfboard and he got to name it becuase of that. And when he did , he was in a pipe contest, he was staying with jack johnson who was writing the song rodeo clowns. Hence, why he called it a 'rodeo clown'!! yeww jordy
Ben Hodges
Ben Hodges - 14 years ago
i know it's tough for surfers to give props to spongers, but come on man... that is not a "rodeo flip" it is an AIR ROLL SPIN (A R S). aussie sponger eppo invented this trick and encouraged kelly slater to go for one on a board... he was going for them straight away but not sure how long it took him to land one. this was back in about 2000 i believe. by the way this move by jordy smith is INSANE, massive respect!
Ben Hodges
Ben Hodges - 14 years ago
i know it's tough for surfers to give props to spongers, but come on man... that is not a "rodeo flip" it is an AIR ROLL SPIN (A R S). aussie sponger eppo invented this trick and encouraged kelly slater to go for one on a board... he was going for them straight away but not sure how long it took him to land it. by the way this move by jordy smith is INSANE, massive respect!
Rodolfo Rosa
Rodolfo Rosa - 14 years ago
nada demais tbm uahhahu
Daniel Estefanio
Daniel Estefanio - 14 years ago
The best manouver I ever seen!
George Huitema
George Huitema - 14 years ago
thats so sick!
Josh Stacey
Josh Stacey - 14 years ago
thats amazing brahh
Diego Pacheco R.
Diego Pacheco R. - 14 years ago
d a m n
Bones McGee
Bones McGee - 14 years ago
@goucla562 Post a vid on youtube please
Declan see
Declan see - 15 years ago
who cares
who cares - 15 years ago
instead of pranking post videoes. Im sick of those comments. "I do that everyday, its easy"
Gorb - 15 years ago
i do that trick everyday at my local, no big deal.
timothy keogh
timothy keogh - 15 years ago
jamie o'brien did that like 2 years ago this was cleaner but he shouldnt get all the props for it
kimnig - 15 years ago
awesome bro
Leoding - 15 years ago
Bijudo1 - 15 years ago
Just saw a similar maneuver in the game Kelly Slater Pro Surf
Finn's friend
Finn's friend - 15 years ago
josue400m - 15 years ago
i was gnarlier than the sushi roll
Jordy Saelens
Jordy Saelens - 15 years ago
my name is jordy awesome i love my name now
DM Fisher
DM Fisher - 15 years ago
dmanjohnson13 - 15 years ago
so if you guys really want to get down to the semantics of a flip you should learn about gymnastics boarders (I've been riding for 17 years) don't see the small details of a flip but who really gives a fuck it's sick but at the same time I've been living in santa cruz for 6 months and I have see it pulled 3 times, there are lot of people out there now days that have crazy shit up their sleeve
onealsurfer18 - 15 years ago
i honestly hope you are not trying to say that skateboarding came before surfing.
onealsurfer18 - 15 years ago
actually in surfing its called a rodeo clown. kelly slater was the first to start trying these on a wave and he got to name it. names like McTwist only exist in rocket power. dude.
riverjoe128 - 15 years ago
@jbeb420 I agree with jbeb, Curren + MP moved it foward, Jordy is moving foward, it´s natural, someone will be moving foward in 20 years (I hope)
krusher74 - 15 years ago
Nice of Jordy to acknowledge its basically a bodyboard ARS, pretty dam hard standing up though.
madpie109 - 15 years ago
pointless nonsense. this is nothing on curren, MP, or even Phil Edwards.
Jamie Carroll
Jamie Carroll - 15 years ago
yeah i was in the boat when he did that and we were all fukin ourselves over it
jozey hall
jozey hall - 15 years ago
yeh she should be with me but my dick is too big for her asshole
apepoopie53 - 15 years ago
dude thats amazing
thisdillonkid - 15 years ago
sick video. does anyone know the name of the song?
Andy Burns
Andy Burns - 15 years ago
fucking insane
elimenohpee182 - 15 years ago
I'm a bodyboarder and don't usually watch surfing videos, but this is FUCKING SICK!
zachary gaynor
zachary gaynor - 15 years ago
Foot, you just answered your own question. Comparing and contrasting him to the likes of a Pipe Master and WCT rookie of the year is proof he's popular. lol.
Matt Lutey
Matt Lutey - 15 years ago
wichi128 - 15 years ago
João - 15 years ago
im a bodyboarder, and i have to say that i'm impressed, gratz.
Ettienne Bester
Ettienne Bester - 15 years ago
ya... but standing up...
Azhiaziam - 15 years ago
I need a redbull and an AzHiaziaM shirt after seeing that!
jlmachado2 - 15 years ago
great sound... what is it? (there ain't anything to say about the surfing, we all got blown away =D )
Alejandro Pergrin
Alejandro Pergrin - 15 years ago
fa sho.
Gavin O' Driscoll
Gavin O' Driscoll - 15 years ago
Ant Ho
Ant Ho - 15 years ago
damn that is awesome!
Lightbulb Media
Lightbulb Media - 15 years ago
for sure...
Spear The Mighty
Spear The Mighty - 15 years ago
Go Jordy!
Tom Powers
Tom Powers - 15 years ago
nobody said stoked im all little disappointed but that was sick so jealous
Matt Haynes
Matt Haynes - 15 years ago
wat a beast move best trick ever and cool song wat is it?
malmsteen2002 - 15 years ago
Yikes!!!! I could never EVER do dat!!!! Jesus!!!
HollowRangiku - 15 years ago
Narly dude!
ElevatorDown ED
ElevatorDown ED - 15 years ago
What is the name of the song in the video
ElevatorDown ED
ElevatorDown ED - 15 years ago
hey did you found out the song name in the video?
ushotee - 15 years ago
Mooi dinge. Love it boy. Bravo Mzantsi for sure
bobmarleyja - 15 years ago
That is the sickest move I have ever seen. It's hard enough just to get air and pull it off.
Tylor - 15 years ago
that shit was sickkkkk...
Anthony Rodriguez
Anthony Rodriguez - 15 years ago
tony hawk 900 < jordy smith rodeo show that shit was ill nasty son.
enjoi625 - 15 years ago
kitohol - 15 years ago
wat, no commentary from the guy himself... its a shame only 564 ppl have seen this so far... :P
Oliver Bibby
Oliver Bibby - 15 years ago
som3where - 15 years ago
thats so sick

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