Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

1996 - TNN's "Prime Time Country." Junior Brown (Guit-Steel); Tanya Rae Brown (guitar); Steve Layne (bass); and Tom Lewis (drums). Please support Junior's music. For info, bio, tour dates, merchandise, and media kits, visit http://www.juniorbrown.com/ For music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/junior-brown/id3936696, https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Junior_Brown?id=Ab3ysxj57vj6qr3e4hjuyi6t7we&hl=en, and http://www.amazon.com/Junior-Brown/e/B000AQ04SW

Junior Brown - "Surf Medley" sentiment_very_dissatisfied 155

Surf 10 years ago 623,183 views

1996 - TNN's "Prime Time Country." Junior Brown (Guit-Steel); Tanya Rae Brown (guitar); Steve Layne (bass); and Tom Lewis (drums). Please support Junior's music. For info, bio, tour dates, merchandise, and media kits, visit http://www.juniorbrown.com/ For music: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/junior-brown/id3936696, https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Junior_Brown?id=Ab3ysxj57vj6qr3e4hjuyi6t7we&hl=en, and http://www.amazon.com/Junior-Brown/e/B000AQ04SW

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Most popular comments
for Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

flamencoprof - 6 years ago
And he only used half of that guitar! Would be great to be one of the best guitarists ever and have your wife backing up on stage with you, but Junior and Tanya Rae have achieved it.
Ed Jordan
Ed Jordan - 6 years ago
Beautiful music!!!
lakemaniac - 6 years ago
Paul Seibert
Paul Seibert - 6 years ago
What is the whammy bar thing he does with his hand
Jeff Mills
Jeff Mills - 6 years ago
"Secret Agent Man" is the rift he is doing...are not these the same base; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iaR3WO71j4
Reprogramming Mind
Reprogramming Mind - 6 years ago
So good!!!
Orlando Martinez
Orlando Martinez - 6 years ago
Brown is a master of his craft.
Gmabbit - 6 years ago
that was cool and all but why did he need a double neck stuck on a pole if he never played the lap steel? it was literally driving me crazy the entire time
Simon Williams
Simon Williams - 6 years ago
Like the backing track to a Klan rally. To ugly and stupid to endure.

10. comment for Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

Craig Hakes
Craig Hakes - 6 years ago
Straight gangster
Big Fanshope
Big Fanshope - 6 years ago
Wonderful feel good music , surf for sure.
iconoclast vituperations
iconoclast vituperations - 6 years ago
Did Trump or Evil Yoda ever come to California in the past 3 years... now they're threatening mayors and acting like cunts
Tina Smith
Tina Smith - 6 years ago
heavy1ism - 6 years ago
seen him on a commercial than found out he was in town the same week at the coach house in san juan, the guy rips
eric scott
eric scott - 6 years ago
I need a music video with a bunch of women surfing on top of horses in the desert
Greg Shields
Greg Shields - 6 years ago
fantastic. I have heard a remake of this by the ventures but it was nothing like this. great stuff
vonsmink1 - 6 years ago
Saw Him this year with Rev HH and the Blasters- One of the coolest shows i ever saw.
Barcelona Brown
Barcelona Brown - 6 years ago
Love me some Junior.
George Stokes
George Stokes - 6 years ago
what is he playing

20. comment for Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

J Harsch
J Harsch - 6 years ago
That lady really does need two scratch plates, cuz she is strumming the piss outta that guitar
Monty Russell
Monty Russell - 6 years ago
wow wow and wow
Matt Talbot
Matt Talbot - 7 years ago
Spank you very much!
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Get some junior . .
Randy Steele
Randy Steele - 7 years ago
Just when you thought the guitar had reached its limit. Wow.
nicholascremato - 7 years ago
This is inspirational
Otto Motto
Otto Motto - 7 years ago
Mark Adams
Mark Adams - 7 years ago
Tone master
pasnthr 62
pasnthr 62 - 7 years ago
Im such a loser
sarah waters
sarah waters - 7 years ago
junior plays surf/secret agent music!!!! music but wears a cowboy hat!!!! . . maybe thats why i never heard of him!

30. comment for Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

sarah waters
sarah waters - 7 years ago
i never heard if junior brown before now! . . i think i heard him yesterday on yoitube "surf music for 1963"!
mark kirkland
mark kirkland - 7 years ago
The way he moves his mouth made me want to feed him those little fish food pellets. Must be that surf music.
jhoneygoddess - 7 years ago
Wild Baby...Just Wild!!!
Blessings In Love,
JHoney Goddess
xxdfoster - 7 years ago
not going to lie that detune retune jig he does is pretty damn sweet!
armadillotoe - 7 years ago
When you enjoy what you do...............
DifferenceEngine - 7 years ago
Where's the two girls from the B52s when you need them
Jerry Jazzbo
Jerry Jazzbo - 7 years ago
He looks like a cowboy Billy Joel.
Jerry Kitich
Jerry Kitich - 7 years ago
Do you take your cowboy hat off when you to surfing?
tim hudson
tim hudson - 7 years ago
Remember this is "Pulp Fiction" when they won the dance , Urma Thurman and JohnT.
claudette dalton
claudette dalton - 7 years ago
awesome my little grandson loves highway patrol song too
David Stevens
David Stevens - 7 years ago
Duane Sandoval
Duane Sandoval - 7 years ago
Martin Downey
Martin Downey - 7 years ago
i would strap on a cock of any size to make you happy. I would even take singing lessons.
j d
j d - 7 years ago
Bravo cabron !!
Dreadful&Terrible - 7 years ago
Harold Mackie
Harold Mackie - 7 years ago
Junior is in a class all his own
Harold Mackie
Harold Mackie - 7 years ago
That's the Venture's song "Walk,don't run"more rthan one Venture's song in there and a Johnny River's song"secret agent man"
David Middlestetter
David Middlestetter - 7 years ago
My wife and I saw him live in Dayton Ohio years back. He is tremendous!
C.J. - 7 years ago
If you don't like that, then you don't like music!
kemo sabi223
kemo sabi223 - 7 years ago
When a guy has 1 drum in front of him...Can we say he's playing the drums?
CabinFeverReliever - 7 years ago
Good point Kemo!

50. comment for Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

aderek79 - 7 years ago
Thumbs up for the music, thumbs down for the camera work.
pattie lowe
pattie lowe - 7 years ago
What the hell is he playing, and what did it evolve into...?? Yep, I don't claim to know it all, at all....LOL!
Winston Beech
Winston Beech - 7 years ago
He is using non standard tuning... compare his fingering on the riff chords for Walk Don't Run with his wife on the acoustic... she barres the A-G-F-E but he's doing something else. I've actually learned simplified versions of these songs. I wish Youtube wouldn't jump to another song when one finishes and interrupt me typing a comment.
Hexspa - 7 years ago
Robert Whitlock
Robert Whitlock - 7 years ago
Sure puts all those tow-headed 'beach-bum' surfers from the mid sixties to shame!! Haha . . Saw him perform at a small nightclub in Muskogee, OK and he tossed his pick to me after the last set! He could see how amazed I was, standing there in awe, watching every hot lick and trill! WOW!
Arquitecto Asturias
Arquitecto Asturias - 7 years ago
Fantástico !!!
John Fiebke
John Fiebke - 7 years ago
Holy crap!
King David
King David - 7 years ago
Knarley man, just Knarley
john r
john r - 7 years ago
first class!
SelectCircle - 7 years ago
Kanami would dig it. ... So I dig it too. : )
Max Bien
Max Bien - 7 years ago
Chuck Martin
Chuck Martin - 7 years ago
ok...cabin fever reduced!
Jim Bezich
Jim Bezich - 7 years ago
so jr or dd?
Barry Homan
Barry Homan - 7 years ago
play it junior
Miguel Hernandez
Miguel Hernandez - 7 years ago
That was badass love the part where he goes into Secret Agent Man does a killer version
Robert Schreiber
Robert Schreiber - 7 years ago
Doug Brown
Doug Brown - 7 years ago
Genuine gentleman
nicsandknacksandseans - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ, someone get him a whammy bar!
Edward Chavez
Edward Chavez - 7 years ago
lemon derangello
lemon derangello - 7 years ago
i hear snare hits that i'm not seeing. snare hits with sticks not brushes. so some of this background is prerecorded. still junior kicks ass, so no biggie
Joshua Brooks
Joshua Brooks - 7 years ago
Awesome. Junior Brown is definitely a master guitarist.
awesome why did not he do more
Fatz Treeboy
Fatz Treeboy - 7 years ago
wow, anyone know the story behind that Tele/Steel combo ax? 3p/up's on the tele....2 in the ashtray!!!!!!!!!
RichLeespage - 7 years ago
I heard he designed that himself.
Elijah Sexton
Elijah Sexton - 7 years ago
You opened another jug a wine there bud
lwoodt1 - 7 years ago
This gentleman knows his way around the fret board ...
tigar z Lovrenčić
tigar z Lovrenčić - 7 years ago
O.K. Best !
cmartin1959 - 7 years ago
He's pretty damn awesome !
Samuel Blake
Samuel Blake - 7 years ago
Palm mutes, pull-ons, pull-offs, whammy dives....look at him shred!!!!
Samuel Blake
Samuel Blake - 7 years ago
..oh hell! he does chicken-picken' too! 3:58
Andrew Esposito
Andrew Esposito - 7 years ago
Don`t let the cowboy hat fool you! great music
frank dracmann
frank dracmann - 7 years ago
Unbelievable a surfing cowboy, he's dynamite.
bcherbs - 7 years ago
Looks like hes trying to chew on his own teeth !
Abraham lincoln
Abraham lincoln - 7 years ago
Awesome Medley.
映月泉 - 7 years ago
I'm on eager to hear him play on the other section.
Dick Danger
Dick Danger - 7 years ago
Just a snare drum!
Kubla Khan
Kubla Khan - 7 years ago
Affton Moe
Affton Moe - 7 years ago
Love it.... saw him twice
Never played this
Alexander Pyper
Alexander Pyper - 7 years ago
Superb. So great.
OMGWTFLOL - 7 years ago
Invest in a whammy bar, Jr.
Louis Taylor
Louis Taylor - 7 years ago
All the beach bands under one hat. Junior Brown, ugly as dirt, but almost as good as Glen Campbell and Roy Clark.
Empirism - 7 years ago
Cool stuff and awesome player, thou I can't get to guitar tone somehow, sounds too plastic to me :/ even if there's a bit of telecaster style on neck and feel... no matter... enjoyable piece of art.
bipola telly
bipola telly - 7 years ago
where IS that geetar now?
Tom Mitchell
Tom Mitchell - 7 years ago
Sooooo cool
cjellwood - 7 years ago
why did i think this said Smurf Medley?
sgvpotter - 7 years ago
mdmejia67 - 7 years ago
Saw Junior Brown with Big Sandy and the Mavericks in 93....such an amazing show.
Психушка Чертановская
Психушка Чертановская - 7 years ago
Сдаётся мне, что это был микс))
Michael Sena
Michael Sena - 7 years ago
This guy is having a Blast, best slow down Jr or the Highway Patrol will get ya they're doing there job.
jeffgabba1 - 7 years ago
Congratulations!! its great!!

100. comment for Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

Dnrothx - 7 years ago
Guit-steel. Somebody made that thing and was terrified by its potential.
CreativityAlliance - 7 years ago
I like the Shadow MILF.
StopWhatYerDoing - 7 years ago
I can't stop watching this. He's so mesmerizing...
Theodore Bennett
Theodore Bennett - 7 years ago
This is badass!
C. Haas
C. Haas - 7 years ago
This guy's absolutely amazing WOW can he strum that thing Holly shit Batman WTF
Fuzzy Butkus
Fuzzy Butkus - 7 years ago
Wouldn’t it be easier to just get a bixby installed?? Gotta love his wife.I see he went for glamour over substance.A real trophy wife.Just messing looks like he got the best of both worlds.beautiful and a great player.
Jason Kearny
Jason Kearny - 7 years ago
I know ive said this before but ill keep on saying it jr is the shit
John Norton
John Norton - 7 years ago
As California as trump supporters can get with out cutting themselves
SIMPLE SPIN - 7 years ago
So good Junior..I love surf music..Gives me goosebumps listening to this. Such excellent tone on it all. Extremely good. I hope you do this at all your concerts. Please include a Johnny Winter song if you can. Thanks
SoulDaddy33 - 7 years ago
He must get paid by the gimmick. No me gusta.
George johnson
George johnson - 7 years ago
SoulDaddy33 yeah
Ondioline - 7 years ago
I first heard of this guy approximately 7 minutes ago, and that was one of the most outstanding guitar pieces I've ever seen.
Good Tutt
Good Tutt - 7 years ago
Cowboy surfer?
virgil santos
virgil santos - 7 years ago
The 60s make me alive comprehend amigo ? Obrigado
Steve Garland
Steve Garland - 7 years ago
basically a Ventures medley, but the guy is damn good, and has spark in his playing
dave duchesne
dave duchesne - 7 years ago
Bad ass guitarist
David Benegas
David Benegas - 7 years ago
Well that was fabulous
Rod Tillett
Rod Tillett - 7 years ago
Stephanie Ann
Stephanie Ann - 7 years ago
I like this a lot. :-)
Roger Tycholiz
Roger Tycholiz - 7 years ago
Junior is fantastic - but what's that thing he's playing - it's so heavy it has to be mounted on it's own microphone stand.
HORSETHIEFKID - 7 years ago
OMG~ WHERE ARE YOU and plz be available`~~~
chump5101 - 7 years ago
As they say: "Ernest Tubb on acid".
Artemis Gordon
Artemis Gordon - 7 years ago
Genius. Playing genius.
ed young
ed young - 7 years ago
living testimony of the adage. "you have to work on your chops" phenomenal, maestro~
Ruben Ramirez
Ruben Ramirez - 7 years ago
So cool
valsopuseight - 7 years ago
Is this a David Lynch movie?
Winfried Kubitzki
Winfried Kubitzki - 7 years ago
Honey for ears!
Tony S
Tony S - 7 years ago
Impeccable technique
Richard H
Richard H - 7 years ago
I still remember the lyrics from the theme song for The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
MrBc733 - 7 years ago
Sweet tunes.
sdean4816 - 7 years ago
About what year is this ?
sdean4816 - 7 years ago
Jason Duncan
Jason Duncan - 7 years ago
I know his ex son inlaw pretty good did a little dope with his daughter Talita Carter back in my wild and Woodley days even got to see her fake titties lmao ... But junior is a phenomenal picker
Rex Truegood
Rex Truegood - 7 years ago
radarloveradar - 7 years ago
Cool as the center seed of a watermelon.
ILike Zappa
ILike Zappa - 7 years ago
The neck on that thing looks like it seen some love..........
karmanmechanic - 7 years ago
I was looking for a smurf medley and it got me here.
Laurie Crilly
Laurie Crilly - 7 years ago
when I use the board down the Jersey Shore where I grew up I wish I would have known this man because he is amazing 953 and I was a gymnast and I surfed the Jersey Shore I wish I would have known him list man is top of the line
Laurie Crilly
Laurie Crilly - 7 years ago
a man is music genius
Brian McLaughlin
Brian McLaughlin - 7 years ago
Man-alive, that was a fun video! I took me back, too.
Michael Newell
Michael Newell - 7 years ago
Bad Axe!
Charles Laughton
Charles Laughton - 7 years ago
I could listen to this 24 hours a day.....thank you Junior Brown.....you just made my life a little bit better.
Robert Frias
Robert Frias - 7 years ago
What a beast that guy in the white hat is.....
KE4BMT - 7 years ago
That man van play the guitar better than anyone I've heard in a log time.
1948tc - 7 years ago
Totally totally awesome ! Wow he is bad !
Michael A
Michael A - 7 years ago
Ride 'em cowboy!
Tom Kraushaar
Tom Kraushaar - 7 years ago
good music but what does it have to do with surfing?
lakisbouz - 7 years ago
for the love of god get a WHAMMY BAR!!!! PLEASE!!!
awesome performance, much love and respect!!!!!!
Metallizombie - 7 years ago
Fuck isn’t that rad
tikiduck - 7 years ago
Genius level guitar playing, yes?
Get Away Properties
Get Away Properties - 7 years ago
Junior is awesome , and very under rated musician. He  is VERY talented
DeadKoby - 7 years ago
I saw Junior on tour with Rev. Horton's Christmas show... he's great. This looks to be an older vid, as Junior is a bit more youthful.
64mung - 7 years ago
18661873 - 7 years ago
P. F. Sloan would be pleased.
Pegleg Noid
Pegleg Noid - 7 years ago
Woman looked like she was playing a baritone guitar, bajo sexto
slowbluesmaster - 7 years ago
Scott Wilkins
Scott Wilkins - 7 years ago
Too bad it's a "studio cover" audio over a live performance. Still, it's magic.
Richard Browne
Richard Browne - 7 years ago
Raúl Adolfo Böttger Prettzel
Raúl Adolfo Böttger Prettzel - 7 years ago
sencillamente.... maravillosoooooo
Jeff S
Jeff S - 7 years ago
mrvayne01 yes
TheRealWolfmaniac - 7 years ago
This guy is nothing. Reverent Horton Heat and Brian Setzer are much better !
Alwey Wong
Alwey Wong - 7 years ago
Better guitar players but they don't have originality.
Raymond Gaddis
Raymond Gaddis - 7 years ago
love the way he works the tuners for e miss him
Jim Harris
Jim Harris - 7 years ago
what a showman,and really hit the greatest surf bases.What fun this was,thanks Junior
TheAntipedy - 7 years ago
Dave Carves Wood
Dave Carves Wood - 7 years ago
Those drums were awesome
Will Warden
Will Warden - 7 years ago
What kind of guitar is that he’s playing?
Daisy Doodle
Daisy Doodle - 7 years ago
Detroit Gary
Detroit Gary - 7 years ago
Kinds of reminds me of a southern rocking Rick Nielsen
Kerry French
Kerry French - 7 years ago
Jr. and Jimmy Hendrix!
Casey Huff
Casey Huff - 7 years ago
Every show about poilce in Hawaii had this music in the open credits
Jeff Wilson
Jeff Wilson - 7 years ago
Junior Brown doesn't need a' whammy bar, he just grabs the bridge and pulls on it. What an awesome talent he is. ♥
Leitha McMinn
Leitha McMinn - 7 years ago
What?! I gotta go to Texas to see him play live. Please come to N. California! What is that guitar called? Great, just great!
nieze - 7 years ago
"That ain't no Hank Williams song"
Don Miller
Don Miller - 7 years ago
Junior Brown is an AMAZING talent. BI love all of his work. Great man.
jeff smith
jeff smith - 7 years ago
tanya rae rocks!!!
MMMETATRON Partch - 7 years ago
MMMetatron says one master guitarist, so nice, loving it
Raul Ramos Razo
Raul Ramos Razo - 7 years ago
Paolo DiGiorno
Paolo DiGiorno - 7 years ago
Very cool cat. His wife is on rythym guitar.
Raymond Dowd
Raymond Dowd - 7 years ago
met him a long time ago sat and watched him play he was a very nice guy, after his set we hung out for a while had a great time.
Larry K
Larry K - 7 years ago
Pretty darn impressive.Junior is one of the least known inventive guitarists.He is NOT underrated by anyone who has heard him.
DONALD ENOCH - 7 years ago
I would love to have a guitar like that . I assume it's not a production model .
Billy Hopkins
Billy Hopkins - 7 years ago
Come back to Chattanooga!!!
dearbornerik - 7 years ago
one too many doobies... before the show .
Lynne Allred
Lynne Allred - 7 years ago
Philip Lindsay
Philip Lindsay - 7 years ago
chru cas
chru cas - 7 years ago
Albert Head
Albert Head - 7 years ago
Evidently talented. Too bad the guy comes across as a total TWAT!
ceilingtracer - 7 years ago
norm macdonald on the drums
robulusx2 - 7 years ago
That was excellent, and a whole lotta fun too!
ToddtheExploder - 7 years ago
Never touches the lap steel that comprises the other half of his axe, so why wear it?
Robert Schreiber
Robert Schreiber - 7 years ago
Sam Moore
Sam Moore - 7 years ago
Country boy could play!
Prog X
Prog X - 7 years ago
Koool Beans !!! But very Creepy mouth movements !! Lol : )
bill h
bill h - 7 years ago
what is that guitar ? He is superb .
Stevey Boy Doolan
Stevey Boy Doolan - 7 years ago
Gary Rice
Gary Rice - 7 years ago
Published on Jan 10, 2015
3 Years and going strong. Great music and great guitar playing GBU
DesertDigger1 - 7 years ago
What's really great is he puts facial expressions in his music.
Justin Belshe
Justin Belshe - 7 years ago
Steve Layne on bass! He's the single best musician I've ever worked with. He plays a lot of different instruments, has perfect pitch, knows every classic song, sings like an angel!
Steve Walther
Steve Walther - 7 years ago
What kind of guitar is that?
slingd M
slingd M - 7 years ago
almost forgot he played during Sandy the squirrels sad lament, "the oceans no place for a squirrel, cause deep down she'll always be a texas girl!!!!
slingd M
slingd M - 7 years ago
If you listen to the intro of the Sponge Bob Square Pants, you may recognize his sound
olddogg eleventy2
olddogg eleventy2 - 7 years ago
When he does Hendrix on his steel is a treat (not here, but on an album, I used to have). Definitely, a remarkable talent that's been overlooked for too long by the biz. But they miss a lot of talent unless they can completely exploit it and make clones of it, to make sure their profit margins don't disappoint the shareholders.
Jay LaFrance
Jay LaFrance - 7 years ago
That’s Pipeline!
Eric Lee
Eric Lee - 7 years ago
hot damn yeehaw son
Johnny Yum
Johnny Yum - 7 years ago
Highway Patrol Guy!
Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 7 years ago
Junior Brown
Gary Sutton
Gary Sutton - 7 years ago
Secret Agent Man certainly fits here.
Nazmo King
Nazmo King - 7 years ago
Somebody buy that man a tremolo bar☺️
Dave k
Dave k - 7 years ago
Performs live in Texas. I need to book a flight.
Stitch Shifter
Stitch Shifter - 7 years ago
Junior kicks ass!
noel lesinski
noel lesinski - 7 years ago
Shaun Kelly-Kenyon
Shaun Kelly-Kenyon - 7 years ago
this is from another planet
Shaun Kelly-Kenyon
Shaun Kelly-Kenyon - 7 years ago
20252529 - 7 years ago
Man, I have seen some guitar players make goofy faces in my time, but this guy takes the cake. Not criticizing his playing, he is great, but those are some really bizarre faces he was making
Ryan Sample
Ryan Sample - 7 years ago
Looks like he’s high as hell on cocaine me!
Kevz Rhivera
Kevz Rhivera - 7 years ago
He’s not even “performing” just having the time of his life...so cool
bonkey dollocks
bonkey dollocks - 7 years ago
Wish I could do that
cdzlink - 7 years ago
Killed it
TOMMY GOAT - 7 years ago
now that's just f--king cool
Joshua Faustini
Joshua Faustini - 7 years ago
Anyone have a song list of the medley?
David Orr
David Orr - 7 years ago
He is having entirely too much fun!
TPHVICTIMS - 7 years ago
Excellent , five thumbs up.
Felix The Handyman
Felix The Handyman - 7 years ago
Waaaa..... Wipe-out !! Cool Jans ! Bitchen man !!
Tom Stern
Tom Stern - 7 years ago
Very cool! But seriously, I can't see how that guitar makes sense
Bill Martyn-Smith
Bill Martyn-Smith - 7 years ago
This guy is so cool
Ellotus Freeholy
Ellotus Freeholy - 7 years ago
Oh Yesss! When he broke into 'Secret Agent Man' my heart just leapt. Masterful!
Ruben Devereaux
Ruben Devereaux - 7 years ago
I like how he doesn't have a whammy bar and he lifts the bridge to give it that waaaa sound
Thomas Hohepa
Thomas Hohepa - 7 years ago
Ladislav Medved
Ladislav Medved - 7 years ago
the faces ruin the whole thang....
LouB - 7 years ago
Love it!
Elio Lopez
Elio Lopez - 7 years ago
Junior is one hell of a great guitarist!
David Newman
David Newman - 7 years ago
by todays artist he is good but not as good you think. nobody imitates Jr. Brown
Charles Peckham
Charles Peckham - 7 years ago
Looks like he's chewing on something.
michael m
michael m - 7 years ago
Wasn't this song played in Pulp Fiction
Cleat Dog
Cleat Dog - 7 years ago
Look mom no eyes
nick anderson
nick anderson - 7 years ago
all while sucking on a lemon.. damn
6teen 16
6teen 16 - 7 years ago
guy is a beast on the axe...
1 of my new heros !!!
Johnny Shelton
Johnny Shelton - 7 years ago
That tune down and back up was sexy
Joe Jones
Joe Jones - 7 years ago
this is soooo cool
pulaskifarm W
pulaskifarm W - 7 years ago
lip synchronized
Kathleen Shaw
Kathleen Shaw - 7 years ago
Tredw Miche
Tredw Miche - 7 years ago
Hell yeah, he knows his shit!
Edward Price
Edward Price - 7 years ago
If he didn't spend so much on that fancy guitar, they could buy the drummer a whole set of drums !
Dave Green
Dave Green - 7 years ago
nice sound
BLUESKYS - 7 years ago
marz3335 - 7 years ago
How the *&%_ does anyone play like that? Cowboy surfer -- anew genre.
Ian Barber
Ian Barber - 7 years ago
The Man...... I try to turn as many people on to him as I can.
Nic Lira
Nic Lira - 7 years ago
OK what is this? Obviously gifted guitarist. But what's with the hat and snare drum and dumb bass and acoustic rhythm guitar. Would have love it otherwise.
Bill Stotts
Bill Stotts - 7 years ago
OMG!! They're clapping on the one and three??
John Spooner
John Spooner - 7 years ago
Classic instrumentation with that weird combo guitar. Would love to see him play the slide section.
pappysully - 7 years ago
That was one the coolest things I've seen and heard for a long time. Junior has a new fan!
ZEZERBING - 7 years ago
Thats his wife btw
Carl Spackler
Carl Spackler - 7 years ago
Junior has the "pinching a deuce" guitar face.
Carl Spackler
Carl Spackler - 7 years ago
Charlie Sheen on "drum". Winning!
Evan Hadkins
Evan Hadkins - 7 years ago
Really fun, thanks.
D.B. Cross
D.B. Cross - 7 years ago
Watching Jr. play the surf medley is almost as good as sex......I said "almost".
Keith Purtell
Keith Purtell - 7 years ago
Junior Brown is not an oldies act; he's a solid country artist. Play that dang old guitar, Junior.
welch shahan
welch shahan - 7 years ago
Mike Gass
Mike Gass - 7 years ago
it would be a hoot if Junior & Beck would sit down for an hour! I'd just about kill to see that!
Jerry Outlaw
Jerry Outlaw - 7 years ago
Mighty fine fancy pickin'!!
Reverend Hogwash
Reverend Hogwash - 7 years ago
Tim from moonshiners? WOW!
misty man
misty man - 7 years ago
kevin jachim
kevin jachim - 7 years ago
Take it from this Country Metal Head,Junior Brown is top shelf,not many better!
Mr. Soul '69
Mr. Soul '69 - 7 years ago
arielrh500 - 7 years ago
Secret Asian Man
paul robinson
paul robinson - 7 years ago
true that! Beau.
WurstExpress - 7 years ago
Get yourself a chewing gum, buddy
StopCallingMe Shirley
StopCallingMe Shirley - 7 years ago
Dude can play
Jeanne Trilling
Jeanne Trilling - 7 years ago
I have visited but I AM NOT FROM the area. THanks for informing me.
Anne Rhoads
Anne Rhoads - 7 years ago
Jeanne Trilling If u ever lived in Cali u know what P C H IS PACIFIC COAST HWY
Jeanne Trilling
Jeanne Trilling - 7 years ago
P C H ?
Cam Alft
Cam Alft - 7 years ago
''secret surfer asian man''............................i had to
Jim Rafferty
Jim Rafferty - 7 years ago
That's his wife on the other guitar
Clayton Gillaspy
Clayton Gillaspy - 7 years ago
Ok guys what kind of guitar does junior play? I've never seen a guitar like his it must be custom made just for him I imagine very cool looking and sounding! A total genius guitar player junior is so many different styles sounds techniques just incredible player maybye the best alive today
CabinFeverReliever - 7 years ago
Clayton, this is from Junior's bio: "Struggling through each show with the back and forth switch between the six string guitar and its steel counterpart, he had a dream one night about the two instruments mysteriously melting into one. The result was Brown's unique invention, the "Guit-Steel", a double-necked guitar combining standard guitar with steel guitar, allowing him to switch instruments quickly in mid-song while singing. There are other Guit-Steel players now, but Junior was the first, and for many years the one and only. For this and other reasons, he is truly an American original."
Jim Rafferty
Jim Rafferty - 7 years ago
His invention - the guit steel....
Brian Hanson
Brian Hanson - 7 years ago
Not sure how secret agent man is surf music. Love this though.
63karl - 7 years ago
Much prefer this over metal noodlers !!
OMGWTFLOL - 7 years ago
This is actual music.
Clayton Gillaspy
Clayton Gillaspy - 7 years ago
Why isn't this guy better known? I think his playing is phenomenal! Modern srv maybye better he looks like he is from Texas like srv one of the best players today from what I heard great tone and super fast and great picker like Danny Gatton!
Don Rutter
Don Rutter - 7 years ago
Fender silverface amps. Slight modifacations to make them blackface at 20% of the price.
roger w
roger w - 7 years ago
Frick n Awesome ! Makes me want to Get up and Dance my ass off then go jump in my Hot Rod and go Burn Rubber and Race .
Peter Rahill
Peter Rahill - 7 years ago
Great surf tunes, with a Cowboy hat, to boot! Awesome... :0)
frank facts
frank facts - 7 years ago
MIchael Rigby
MIchael Rigby - 7 years ago
He's a 3.6 on the "Gatton Scale"..Danny Gatton was this guy plus another picking hand.
MIchael Rigby
MIchael Rigby - 7 years ago
I thought he had passed into the unknown.....
PaintHerWhite - 7 years ago
MIchael Rigby Gotta agree... the Humbler was the best.
Harold Mackie
Harold Mackie - 7 years ago
I learn more watching this song than 10 years of rock music
E F - 7 years ago
Bad ass !!
Ben Covington
Ben Covington - 7 years ago
Genius. He does things with the guitar no one has ever done.
elige brown
elige brown - 7 years ago
He sure can play
Orion Ake
Orion Ake - 7 years ago
Junior Brown is sorely underrated.
Chas No
Chas No - 7 years ago
This isn't just guitar playing. Junior Brown's music constructs worlds, and those are worlds in which lives were lived and ended. He is awesome like that!!!
Leonard Jackson
Leonard Jackson - 7 years ago
38 people should post videos of them doing it better...
Joe Jones
Joe Jones - 7 years ago
Leonard Jackson they are jealous
Randy Simmons
Randy Simmons - 7 years ago
Ive seen him several times.... one time tanya wasnt there,wasnt the same
Daryl J
Daryl J - 7 years ago
That kind of talent doesn’t happen very often!
Lennie Capuano
Lennie Capuano - 7 years ago
hes unbelievable
Stephanie Alberts
Stephanie Alberts - 7 years ago
OMG! Thank God for Junior Brown!!! Amazingly gifted musical genius!!! Love this guy!
Neil Martin
Neil Martin - 7 years ago
Holy shit. This guy is amazing!
gmaxfgo - 7 years ago
Junior, you need to come back out, saw you at We-Fest in Detroit Lakes MN. You ROCK and are one of my all time favorite guitarists!!
Herman Boing
Herman Boing - 7 years ago
Really a very underrated musician!
Jim NORRIS - 7 years ago
Wish I could make a 6 string talk like that
DOUG HAWKINS - 7 years ago
every note exceptionally crisp and clean... much better than people know
neshobanakni - 7 years ago
Link Wray!
Bryan Glovetsky
Bryan Glovetsky - 7 years ago
Incredible music. I'd like to know more about the musicians playing backup - the woman on rhythm guitar?
NothingSacred27 - 7 years ago
Junior's Wife, Tanya Rae Brown.
CabinFeverReliever - 7 years ago
Bryan, it's Junior's wife Tanya Rae Brown (guitar); Steve Layne (bass); and Tom Lewis (drums).
holoholo haole no ka oi
holoholo haole no ka oi - 7 years ago
Possibly one of the greatest Guitarists ever in the history!
holoholo haole no ka oi
holoholo haole no ka oi - 7 years ago
John Carter
John Carter - 7 years ago
I sometimes wonder if Mr. and Mrs. Brown even talk to each other when they're at home, or if they just play guitar at each other to communicate.
jkwfo - 7 years ago
who's that woman in the back. SHES HOT
Benjamin Lucas
Benjamin Lucas - 7 years ago
This guy can hang if not outdo the best of them. Can't figure out why he's never had more exposure.
Alexi Lopez
Alexi Lopez - 7 years ago
Sounds like spongebob music
Steve Tempo
Steve Tempo - 7 years ago
This guy is so COOL. Awesome. stevetempo.com
D Mac
D Mac - 7 years ago
what can one say? just pure brilliance!... and lucky me I'll be seeing him in Jan/2018 on a cruise...just can't wait
D Mac
D Mac - 7 years ago
well an update...I did get to see Jr and his wife TanyaRay(sp?)live and meet them and have a great conversation with Jr on the cruise and I just cannot express how great they were live and how appreciative and lovely they were...so happy to have had the experience...hope to have that great experience again sometime in the near future
Lee Crt
Lee Crt - 7 years ago
He can play the whole surfin catalog in his sleep.
Rick Kilimun
Rick Kilimun - 7 years ago
Songs: Pipeline, Walk Don't Run, Secret Agent Man,
Hambone Jones
Hambone Jones - 7 years ago
He should've considered tossing "Cecilia Ann" by The Surftones into the mix. I think that would've completed the medley beautifully.
Richard H
Richard H - 7 years ago
I was thinking of the Chantays. Fun fact, they were all still in high school when they formed their popular band.
Anne Rhoads
Anne Rhoads - 7 years ago
Rick Kilimun O Yes back in the real dAys
Cory Schritter
Cory Schritter - 7 years ago
Jr is bad ass.
mellow riot
mellow riot - 7 years ago
holy fvcq, soo, im on my dick dale pandora channel and junior brown comes on and blowns my mind to pieces !!!
Linda Gibb
Linda Gibb - 7 years ago
That's an interesting guitar. Don't think I've ever seen one like that before. Sounds like a great concert.
kalle kula
kalle kula - 7 years ago
29 wankers don't understand.
Chuck Wagon
Chuck Wagon - 7 years ago
Reminds me of listening to "Tom & Jerry's Greatest Guitar Hits" on my parents record player in the early 60's!
Bill Hughes
Bill Hughes - 7 years ago
Thats junior browns wife on accoustic guitar. Awesome talent
sledge1960 - 7 years ago
This is one guy I would love to see live on stage.
g ene batchelor
g ene batchelor - 6 years ago
yup,,,i did in pdc wis.
Doug Davis
Doug Davis - 7 years ago
sledge1960 : you just Did!
sledge1960 - 7 years ago
Unless he tours UK I won't be so lucky, must've been an experience buddy.
Parker Pearson
Parker Pearson - 7 years ago
I got to see him at the mucky duck
Mark Stith
Mark Stith - 7 years ago
Brilliant playing. Fun and skilled. Truly innovative electric guitar wizard.
heavy1ism - 7 years ago
Blake M
Blake M - 7 years ago
F'n beautiful! !!
William Durland
William Durland - 7 years ago
@ 4:10 ¡ GO JUNIOR GO !
R L - 7 years ago
"Rock" or "metal" no disrespect, should take lessons from him.. The things he does on and off the frett .. Playing above the nut... lol Great
Neil Morgan
Neil Morgan - 7 years ago
Class Act !!!!
ieronimo18 - 7 years ago
I've seen dozens of great guitarists perform live. NO ONE is in Junior Brown's league.
Barbara H.
Barbara H. - 7 years ago
Just saw him live - WOW what an awesome show!!
Samuel James
Samuel James - 7 years ago
This is good. I like this. It sounds nice to me.
Derek Salter
Derek Salter - 7 years ago
When music was music and cars girls and surf were all there was
browserhound - 7 years ago
Was having a bad day and listened to this....Junior Brown made it better
John Schmitt
John Schmitt - 7 years ago
Ellis Roberson
Ellis Roberson - 7 years ago
I've seen him in person, several yrs ago. He's beyond fantastic!!!!!-
Sebastião Lafaiete
Sebastião Lafaiete - 7 years ago
James Burdzinski
James Burdzinski - 7 years ago
Saw him Tonight at the Sainte Rocke . Hermosa Beach .Ca. tix were $30 worth every penny ! They said Sold out. Not til 8 pm .It was then PACKED! A bunch of is Red necks. close to the beach lol
James Burdzinski
James Burdzinski - 7 years ago
I would be Dancing to this. look at all those old Zombies lol
jan lacko
jan lacko - 7 years ago
mork swiney
mork swiney - 7 years ago
Amazing.....incredible guitar work....love this guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tom burns
tom burns - 7 years ago
Damn good stuff. Saw him in Birmingham Alabama on south side and at city stages. One helluva musician. Thanks for posting.
Roadmaster '93
Roadmaster '93 - 7 years ago
He's great
Bobby Wall
Bobby Wall - 7 years ago
Man, what a picker! Might be the best ever!!!
Graham Hartwell
Graham Hartwell - 7 years ago
Roadmaster '93 Jr. Brown. What can you say? but JUNIOR BROWN!!
mrnobodz1 - 7 years ago
rockabilly country surf that could only done by the great Junior Brown
Barcelona Brown
Barcelona Brown - 6 years ago
mrnobodz1 reminds me of the Red Elvis's. Siberian Surf Music.
joe bourdeau
joe bourdeau - 7 years ago
If he would get rid of that horrid had shape he insists on wearing to look like a liberal and to stand out like liberals like to with dreads and stuff. Looks like a wetback with pointy boots. Moron.
Tom Jones
Tom Jones - 7 years ago
Junior Brown's facial expressions...priceless lol. Fantastic song.
billyfury2608 - 7 years ago
Mind blowin
Jim - 7 years ago
this dude rocks
Sam Walters
Sam Walters - 7 years ago
my uncle Bill used to play that music on his Stratocaster!!
Juliya - 7 years ago
Wow!!! I love it!!! Very interesting!
Bruce Mashburn
Bruce Mashburn - 7 years ago
Junior Brown is in the same league as Carlos Santana, Alvin Lee, Steve Miller, James Burton, Jerry Garcia, and BB King. I know because I have seen them all live in concert. Junior rocks!!
prntsht - 7 years ago
in his day back when 3 finger cords were the norm santana lee king burton no garcia yes jr brown great in history not in praticed basics back then few were he was a great icon in rock history writer performer star

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prntsht - 7 years ago
in his day back when 3 finger cords were the norm santana lee king no garcia yes burton vocals jr brown great in history not in praticed basics
Bill & Bill`s Gentlemans Club
Bill & Bill`s Gentlemans Club - 7 years ago
I always thought BB King was overrated
Conrad Shull
Conrad Shull - 7 years ago
I've seen him and three out of your list, and I concur.
jdylan - 7 years ago
I'm kind of curious to hear from the 12 people who gave this a "thumbs down". What is the reason? He's one of the best guitarists in the world, and this is surf music. What's not to like? sigh...haters gonna hate.
Elijah Sexton
Elijah Sexton - 7 years ago
I'm thinking Ritalin and grand theft auto gots something to do with it
Rex Truegood
Rex Truegood - 7 years ago
canuckguy worried trannys
acmullane - 7 years ago
Some people don't like some stuff
canuckguy worried
canuckguy worried - 7 years ago
Not supposed to like everything anyways so they can dislike it..
Thought you could chose one ??
canuckguy worried
canuckguy worried - 7 years ago
Beaber fans probably
olddogg eleventy2
olddogg eleventy2 - 7 years ago
Musical snobs... of which I caught myself being one day, while I was expounding my musical "knowledge" with my big mouth and was promptly, but gently, put in my place. None so blind as those who will not see...that used to be me. There is no such thing as the best in the world, there is only the beautiful diversity of the wonderful talent that is here.
Eric Norton
Eric Norton - 7 years ago
AUSTIN KNIGHT - 7 years ago
junior.......at his best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stu Wright
Stu Wright - 7 years ago
Thanks to my son Alex, too good not to share.
Beau Littzen
Beau Littzen - 7 years ago
Junior Brown is one of the most underrated guitarist in history.
evianalmighty - 6 years ago
You are a dick and Brown is truly great no matter how many are better.
butchtropic - 7 years ago
Agree, that's a laughable comment TBH.
creeder44 - 7 years ago
Just saw Jr. Brown live two nights ago. The opening act was Jason Elmore, one of the best blues rock guitarists in Texas, and after he brought the crowd to its feet, he said, "Now, Junior Brown is going to come out here and kick our asses." I saw him after the show, asking JB how he did some of the things he does. I don't think he would agree with your dismissive snark about all the hundreds of thousands of "serviceable" guitarists on Brown's level.
butchtropic - 7 years ago
I think he meant he's relativity unknown, is he among the best?, since I don't play I can't say one way or the other but clearly there are not "100,000 here on you tube" that are this good, that's going way off the deep end in the other direction.
Eddie Hennig
Eddie Hennig - 7 years ago
He should hook up with the Derailers or BR549
James Lindgaard
James Lindgaard - 7 years ago
Image also sells. He just does not have the image of a great guitarist. Heck, he might not have even been an alcoholic or a drug addict.
SelectCircle - 7 years ago
I'll say! - I never heard of him till now ... and I thought I knew 'em all!
S Hurd
S Hurd - 7 years ago
Bless Jerry Reed Hubbard, may he forever rest in peace.
Parker Smith
Parker Smith - 7 years ago
Definitely underrated, but yes, there are thousands of people who can play at this level. Jerry Reed, on the other hand
Dave Hughes Farm
Dave Hughes Farm - 7 years ago
whiner......Im hungover too....
herbyverstink - 7 years ago
oh here we go with "most underrated/underappreciated/etc in history"...do you play guitar?..do you know just how many serviceable guitarist there are?..there are at least 100,000 guitarists at this guys level and thats probably just on youtube....just do this next time you want to say something stupid..say "I love Juinor Brown's playing and he's top 10 or top 5 or top whatever in my pantheon of great guitar players"...thats it,done
Dave Hughes Farm
Dave Hughes Farm - 7 years ago
Yes he is along with Mark Knopler and James Hetfield's melodies..
DesertDigger1 - 7 years ago
Sure is.
Anne Rhoads
Anne Rhoads - 7 years ago
I know right
Ken Rozmislowicz
Ken Rozmislowicz - 7 years ago
like to see Junior Brown and Dick Dale playing together those awesome surf rock songs cowabunga
D Mac
D Mac - 7 years ago
I totally agree I mean why is this man not a house hold name?...I just don't get it...
Jason Thomas
Jason Thomas - 7 years ago
Beau Littzen I totally agree
troynov1965 - 7 years ago
You damn right !!
Trgleaves - 7 years ago
That rendition of Walk Don't Run is so on point, sounds just like the ventures.
Lucky Ducky
Lucky Ducky - 7 years ago
at 4:19 dat drum solo. EPIC
Oxnard Montalvo
Oxnard Montalvo - 7 years ago
That's one baaaaaad man. Awesome.
Brian Smythe
Brian Smythe - 7 years ago
Freakin epic, peeps!
Don Kellough
Don Kellough - 7 years ago
All he needs is a little bottom and a bit of rhythm..then turn him loose!!!!
Dr.dabber - 7 years ago
Tom Lewis on drums.
Jon Rothenbusch
Jon Rothenbusch - 7 years ago
That's drum!
CabinFeverReliever - 7 years ago
Thanks! I'll add that.
Jeffrey Pritchard
Jeffrey Pritchard - 7 years ago
This and "Highway Patrol" are my two favorites by Mr. Brown. Damn good guitarist (and vocalist).
Jeff Ebdy
Jeff Ebdy - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Pritchard yes totally agree - Highway Patrol is my favourite of his... I think he designed the guitar he plays
Stef TheRef
Stef TheRef - 7 years ago
Stef TheRef
Stef TheRef - 7 years ago
Stef TheRef
Stef TheRef - 7 years ago
He feels thje fucking waves!
dldbug - 7 years ago
I saw Junior Brown and his band at the Birchmere in Alexandria this year and they played this medley. It was a terrific show, though the band for that concert wasn't dressed as if they had interviews for day jobs at Goldman Sachs.
Lancelotxxx - 7 years ago
Alexandria ? in Egypt ??
Buck Eye
Buck Eye - 8 years ago
Whoever directed this should be shot. You have a genius playing guitar and your cameras never stop panning, zooming and crossing. Cardinal sin when someone as talented as JB is playing.
M T - 7 years ago
Hmmm.  Kinda like you're doing to us.  Pot meet kettle.  Lmao.
Dr Why
Dr Why - 7 years ago
You jackasses have a disease, where no matter how good something is, ya gotta find something you don't like and tell everyone, as though what you think matters to us all.
Well, I'll tell you something, nobody gives a rats asshole what you don't like or what doesn't please you.
So next time, try and keep your negative criticism to yourself.
M T - 7 years ago
Buck Eye I was going to post the exact same comment. What a douchey director.
Alex M.
Alex M. - 8 years ago
Oh baby, Jr. is smooth like Scotch whiskey!
Josh Johnson
Josh Johnson - 8 years ago
I bet ole JB smokes a lot of weed
Future Fungus
Future Fungus - 7 years ago
Josh Johnson But Frank Zappa didn't.
Warren Johnson
Warren Johnson - 8 years ago
Why does he always look like he's chewing something?
RB Brown
RB Brown - 8 years ago
Junior doesn't need a stinkin' whammy bar, he just grabs the bridge and pulls on it. What an awesome talent he is.
chris kolb
chris kolb - 7 years ago
I was hoping someone could tell me what he was doing. I thought for second they were some kind of fine tuning knobs He was getting at.
Scott - 7 years ago
RB Brown I don't think he's against whammy bars, just that on this configuration a whammy would interfere with the lap steel below.
Shagg Nasty
Shagg Nasty - 8 years ago
junior is the baddest mamma jamma ever...
416 rem
416 rem - 8 years ago
Who are the 7 morons that didn't like this LOL!
shugardad - 8 years ago
Damn! Thanks for posting this!
RB Brown
RB Brown - 8 years ago
That fretboard looks like he's played a few million songs on it.
RB Brown
RB Brown - 8 years ago
Steve Wardlow
Steve Wardlow - 8 years ago
It is a summer night, and I am 18 again everytime I hear him play this medley...
nicsandknacksandseans - 8 years ago
You gotta have some pretty big balls on you to de=tune and re-tune like that, because if you miss you either have to awkwardly re-tune or play the rest of the song out of tune!
Fatz Treeboy
Fatz Treeboy - 7 years ago
learn a language...any language, i can not  figure out what u r saying
Fatz Treeboy
Fatz Treeboy - 7 years ago
well, it is not like he can't hear himself..... de-tuning is kinda bally but u can hear the correct tone, even on utube :)
Billy Perry
Billy Perry - 7 years ago
Well, it helps to have decent machine heads and intonation and stuff too.
Anne Rhoads
Anne Rhoads - 7 years ago
Hey we're were from we do it all the time in Cali its just knowing how to play is all we learn befor you had all them pedals to play with lol
Ben Covington
Ben Covington - 7 years ago
You are absolutely correct! He has to have perfect pitch.
Mitchell McCombs
Mitchell McCombs - 7 years ago
one of his signature moves
Daryl J
Daryl J - 7 years ago
What an ear to be able to FINE tune on the run wow!
409442 - 7 years ago
Look at the video again. He WAS re-tuning the pegs.
NoPain NoGain
NoPain NoGain - 7 years ago
nicsandknacksandseans .tuning is done at the head of the guitar by the tuning pegs, not at the bridge.
david - 7 years ago
nicandknacksandseans I know right? What a fucking boss!!
Tremolux Man
Tremolux Man - 8 years ago
Junior plays like he has 10 fingers on each hand. What a genius.
Eric Sutman
Eric Sutman - 7 years ago
Tremolux Man rff
califdad4 - 7 years ago
some music they only need background drum and the guy is playing that one piece pretty good
TLee22954 - 7 years ago
Tremendous guitar player and steel player. Clearly underrated
Mono Ped
Mono Ped - 7 years ago
at least 5 for sure
Jim Fornadel
Jim Fornadel - 7 years ago
Tremolux Man and makes it look easy
TSM - 7 years ago
Does anyone miss the massive drumset? LOL.
Андрей Инкин
Андрей Инкин - 8 years ago
Отличная музыка. Ударная установка просто супер! )))
ULTRACORONEL - 7 years ago
hay no chingues, neta no le entiendes?? psi bien clarito dice...Отличная музыка. Ударная установка просто супер! )))
Андрей Инкин es un lokillo!!
jose humberto arias mendoza
jose humberto arias mendoza - 8 years ago
Thomas Hennigan
Thomas Hennigan - 8 years ago
Technically, Secret Agent isn't surf music but who cares?
TSM - 8 years ago
Ramblin Man
Ramblin Man - 8 years ago
awsome display buy the master!
Ramon Martinez
Ramon Martinez - 8 years ago
Olli Lehtonen
Olli Lehtonen - 8 years ago
I would like to have that kind of guitar! Great player indeed!
Tuesday news
Tuesday news - 8 years ago
When the Tax take The Guitar
Cubit041 - 8 years ago
Damn, that's amazing!
Larry Maher
Larry Maher - 8 years ago
Junior guits it..
42 Belvedere
42 Belvedere - 8 years ago
Wow. Surf-Country music...who'da thunk?
canuckguy worried
canuckguy worried - 7 years ago
Anyone older than 50 has heard this style most likely....there are many different styles of music made gor 1000's of years..
Darth Soros
Darth Soros - 7 years ago
42 Belvedere people in Bakersfield
Dave Hughes Farm
Dave Hughes Farm - 7 years ago
No big deal dude ..I can play ya Metallica, Haggard style or Dwight Youkum , Megadeath style..Its nothing ....
David F.
David F. - 8 years ago
Junior Brown for President. :)
cindy radtke
cindy radtke - 7 years ago
surferlaments - 8 years ago
surf's up junior........
Russ Kinyon
Russ Kinyon - 8 years ago
Incredible guitarist.
Rodolfo Be Rocha
Rodolfo Be Rocha - 8 years ago
Jason Kearny
Jason Kearny - 7 years ago
Rodolfo Be Rocha thats a guitsteel man
Berliner Stadtschloss
Berliner Stadtschloss - 8 years ago
Whole drumset substituted by the snare-drum and that suffices.
Jen Chandler
Jen Chandler - 7 years ago
Berliner Stadtschloss P.
RB Brown
RB Brown - 8 years ago
When Junior is playing you don't need a whole drumset to get in the way.
TSM - 8 years ago
I saw him live a couple of years ago in Pa. Amazing.
Berliner Stadtschloss
Berliner Stadtschloss - 8 years ago
Far more interesting than Dick Dale.
Scott Frasier
Scott Frasier - 7 years ago
have seen Dick Dale in concert about 6 times... they were all very good events and yet the diff is apparent. DD is much more serious dude...
Peter Fletcher
Peter Fletcher - 8 years ago
The Jeff Beck of Country music
Valerie Fouchey
Valerie Fouchey - 6 years ago
Yes, super observation. Junior's extrapolation is so much like Jeff's.
Ryan N
Ryan N - 7 years ago
that would be roy clark or glen campbell
mark baranick
mark baranick - 7 years ago
OLIDIO & ÂNGELA.nosso canal.
OLIDIO & ÂNGELA.nosso canal. - 8 years ago
Mark Sievers
Mark Sievers - 8 years ago
Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JUAN DEGOLLADO - 8 years ago
That is one cool cat.
kalle kula
kalle kula - 8 years ago
Jr Brown is one of the best.
Harold Mackie
Harold Mackie - 7 years ago
that's why he did the HUIGHway patrol song...he's freakin awesome
Phillip Coffman
Phillip Coffman - 8 years ago
the best
Stormy Weather
Stormy Weather - 8 years ago
got this on a cd single.
lone ranger
lone ranger - 9 years ago
Awesome player, he has to come to Holland Sometime to do shows. He would be sold out
Gary Pasko
Gary Pasko - 8 years ago
very nice
redshaftedflicker - 9 years ago
Impeccable playing, one of the very best.
Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp - 9 years ago
Wig out daddio!
Dave Gray
Dave Gray - 9 years ago
Superb, there's certainly a Ventures influence in there.
Anthony P
Anthony P - 9 years ago
One of his best playing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Damn nature, you scary! Especially when we decide to build boards and boats and go crazy you head on. Here are some...

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V V Brown - "Shark in the Water" feat. The Cast...

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Music video for V V Brown's "Shark in the Water" featuring the cast of Teen Nick's "Degrassi" Buy V V's album...


GoPro HD: Kayak Kiss with Ben Brown - TV...

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Shot 100% on the HD HERO® camera from http://GoPro.com. Watch as Kayaker Ben Brown masterfully rules an epic...

Raww fishing


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MERCH LINK https://www.rawwfishing.com/ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/rawwfishing/ PAYED...

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Funniest Epic Wave and Surfing Fails || "Surfs...

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Damn nature, you scary! Especially when we decide to build boards and boats and go crazy you head on. Here are some...


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About Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"

The "Junior Brown - "Surf Medley"" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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