Junior Brown - Surf Medley

Junior Brown - Surf Medley

Junior Brown - Surf Medley sentiment_very_dissatisfied 190

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Junior Brown - Surf Medley

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Most popular comments
for Junior Brown - Surf Medley

Xx_progam3r_xX ,
Xx_progam3r_xX , - 7 years ago
Tommy Vercetti
Tommy Vercetti - 7 years ago
5:25 muy favorite part
V. Precurseur Photographer
V. Precurseur Photographer - 7 years ago
rif de secret agent.
Angel Flores
Angel Flores - 7 years ago
This song like makes me think about California lifestyle here in West Coast and west side everyday
satyrosjay - 7 years ago
Yeah!  This is it!
Jeffrey Lear
Jeffrey Lear - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Lear, Bass The Centurions 1959-1967 (the band kept going, I bailed out in Hollyweird, went into the micro electronics field.. left Laurel Canyon behind...
Eric Freeze
Eric Freeze - 7 years ago
Does anyone know where to find bass tabs for this?
Richard Hanouka
Richard Hanouka - 7 years ago
Pure undisputed talent
ronzoni10001 - 7 years ago
What I love is how Jr. plays the heck out of these tunes while staying true to the original bands who played them. Somehow he inserts his own style but never veers away from the sacred texts. Unbelievable.

10. comment for Junior Brown - Surf Medley

Ronnie Boucher
Ronnie Boucher - 7 years ago
thank god for southern style music ! - where would we be without that twang - country meets the coast and surf the hay bail`s out of it !
Mr Lee Echi Kirikie
Mr Lee Echi Kirikie - 7 years ago
Owen Chase science channel
Owen Chase science channel - 7 years ago
GuitarSource Where did you get that tabs for eddie and the cruisers jam session?
Chas No
Chas No - 7 years ago
Junior rules!!!
Pam Byrne
Pam Byrne - 7 years ago
"Junior"? ...he's old enough to collect the age pension............ good guitarist.
Robert Manke
Robert Manke - 7 years ago
electronic surfer dude can get intense... stereo Altec Lansing 802-8G rocks my home made beam forming power pentodes 6550s still rule the planet lol
Jorge Spahn
Jorge Spahn - 7 years ago
Well, one surf song out of three ain't bad
Chas No
Chas No - 7 years ago
There is someone who can play better than Junior Brown, but we just haven't figured out who he is yet.
Richard Head
Richard Head - 7 years ago
fun fact- blacks commit a lot of crimes
Marshall Read
Marshall Read - 7 years ago
This and Hong Kong Blues are my jam.

20. comment for Junior Brown - Surf Medley

gary anderson
gary anderson - 7 years ago
I hear this on Pandora under surf rock radio quite often. Great instrumental
Jesse Edwards
Jesse Edwards - 7 years ago
anyone who could give this a thumbs down has a thumb up their ass
Shannon Meyer
Shannon Meyer - 7 years ago
I am privileged to be going to his show tonight! He plays in Kansas City every year.
2k17 Moneylover
2k17 Moneylover - 7 years ago
sounds like Pipeline+Walk don't run+Secret Agent man of The Ventures who agrees with me?
2k17 Moneylover
2k17 Moneylover - 7 years ago
Spades-of-Dreams - 7 years ago
2k17 Moneylover because it is
Josh Thurston
Josh Thurston - 7 years ago
If New Vegas had taken us to a coastal city = this song
Ethan Renteria
Ethan Renteria - 7 years ago
What is the last song played
LPC service
LPC service - 7 years ago
Great surf medley segway into Secret Agent Man! Yeah Baby!!! It doesn't get much better than this.
Sean Whaley
Sean Whaley - 7 years ago
I have seen him a few times and he always puts on a great show. Funny too.
Angus Jones
Angus Jones - 7 years ago
This was so sick
Scott Costanzo
Scott Costanzo - 7 years ago
groovy-a real gas!

30. comment for Junior Brown - Surf Medley

Ms d0s
Ms d0s - 7 years ago
One of the few songs that gave me goosebumps, so fun to listen to.
Carlos Car
Carlos Car - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the tittles of the songs within this mix he plays? I know the first couple, I'm interested on the one that starts by 5:00 . thanks in advanced.
Karl Matthews
Karl Matthews - 7 years ago
Carlos Car, it's "Secret Agent Man" by Johnny Rivers !!!
Carlos Car
Carlos Car - 7 years ago
maha haha nice, thank you.
Sc120o - 7 years ago
Wow!! Nice!
Dejael Long
Dejael Long - 7 years ago
Wow, this is awesome! Junior Brown is the man. He be bad. I love Surf Rock!
SKATE FOREVER - 7 years ago
This song was originally done by pipeline
Daisan no Bakudan
Daisan no Bakudan - 7 years ago
I didn't even realize it was 7 minutes long, it's too good.
Miguel Martínez
Miguel Martínez - 7 years ago
Scott Costanzo
Scott Costanzo - 7 years ago
groovy marsha!
Roadmaster '93
Roadmaster '93 - 7 years ago
He is so damn awesome
Nicholas Wade
Nicholas Wade - 7 years ago
Sylvia Lane
Sylvia Lane - 7 years ago
Where was this music all my life? I can't get enough of this!
Dinh Dover
Dinh Dover - 7 years ago
i'd probably drown, but this tune makes me want to hit the surf!
salamattamalas - 7 years ago
DrBongos - 7 years ago
Damn, I never heard of this guy. His covers sound almost identical to the originals with most of the energy. I'm going to check out his originals.
bwanna23 - 7 years ago
Well, pluck my magic twanger!
mcgilluk - 7 years ago
how cool is that yeah defo fiction music :)
DnvrSysEngr - 7 years ago
Why cant a lot of guitarists these days play as good as this guy?
sirmontyrock - 7 years ago
Jon May
Jon May - 7 years ago
Liza B
Liza B - 7 years ago
is that a double neck?

50. comment for Junior Brown - Surf Medley

Bruce Mashburn
Bruce Mashburn - 7 years ago
Junior Brown played at SpringFest in Asheville, NC, which also included 20 other contemporary acts and as those who know Junior he blew them all away with his string pyrotechnics. I've seen most of the greats; Carlos Santana, James Burton, Jerry Garcia, Alvin Lee, Steve Miller, Kieth Richards, and Junior can keep up with any of them without a sweat.
Ralph Johnston
Ralph Johnston - 7 years ago
Wow!!! Junior Brown on Spongebob!!! Cool!!! And Lux Interior too!!! My band the Surfdusters sure kept some cool company, since we were on there too!!! Cheers!!! RC Johnston of the Surfdusters
Scott Costanzo
Scott Costanzo - 7 years ago
what a gas..
Scott Costanzo
Scott Costanzo - 7 years ago
what a gas
TKGoat - 7 years ago
Yes! I like this one
Ian Friedman
Ian Friedman - 7 years ago
the man could do any style and could sing too.
colkid Glen
colkid Glen - 7 years ago
One of the greatest guitarists Ever!
Rob Piorkowski
Rob Piorkowski - 8 years ago
awesome surf medley.  cowboy hat fits perfect with the swing, some of it sounds like steel pedal guitar.
GSD fan
GSD fan - 8 years ago
nothing quite as cool as surf rock, thanks for this and keep rocking
Joe Cholik
Joe Cholik - 8 years ago
I'M BACK At the wedge, Newport Beach 1963...ya!
Shagg Nasty
Shagg Nasty - 8 years ago
how do i get Jr. in shreveport?
Cubit041 - 8 years ago
This guy makes me want to surf! Or play guitar.
wagsouza - 8 years ago
Z Z Z Z Z Z Z MEDLEY..............
johno doh
johno doh - 8 years ago
Name of that song 3:40?
Michael Gonzales
Michael Gonzales - 8 years ago
Had the priv to see him again in San Pedro, Calf at The Hortons Hayride what a great show he is the master
JJ Hurtado
JJ Hurtado - 8 years ago
That is wonderfull remember does 70's when I learn play guitar !!!!
stecklein7 - 8 years ago
Love Junior.  Stylish and timeless.  Class act.
abby normal
abby normal - 8 years ago
and i thought i was the only one who loved!!!!!! this kinda music/gidget goes punk
CL melbourne
CL melbourne - 8 years ago
this is basically, the Atlantics - reef break
maicodoug - 8 years ago
Dick Dale would approve I'm sure.
Al Just Al
Al Just Al - 8 years ago
In case you wondered, the songs covered in this medley are: Pipeline (originally by the Chantays), Walk Don't Run (originally by the Ventures) and Secret Agent Man (originally by Johnny Rivers).
Claudioroy Roy
Claudioroy Roy - 8 years ago
Big Guitar man.
Brian Bingham
Brian Bingham - 8 years ago
Released 1996
pink toast
pink toast - 8 years ago
Surf music without lyrics>>>>
AeroDynamic - 8 years ago
imagine how much satisfaction and fun it would be to actually have this talent!
Joe Cholik
Joe Cholik - 8 years ago
I saw johnny rivers do secret agent man  at the whisky in 1966...this is better!
Bo Duke
Bo Duke - 8 years ago
I like this . again.
Dick Ortloff
Dick Ortloff - 8 years ago
mayinita Melo
mayinita Melo - 8 years ago
who's here because of spongebob?
The Zanah
The Zanah - 8 years ago
like si vienes por dalas review
Ramblin Man
Ramblin Man - 8 years ago
awsome display buy the master!
Ethel Lucas
Ethel Lucas - 8 years ago
This is Tarantino stuff
eric heine
eric heine - 8 years ago
Thank you Junior, I wish I could play like you. Check out Iron American Dream on YouTube. Share it. Take a ride across the promised land. Would you do it once for me, I'd like to hear it from a true craftsmen. The lyrics are good. Polish it for me.
Daniel Perez De Vargas Egea
Daniel Perez De Vargas Egea - 8 years ago
Wow how I like that kind of music Junior brown is awesome gretting all of you from Madrid Spain
A.J. Dubbis
A.J. Dubbis - 8 years ago
Junior Brown would look good in the Ventures right up his alley
Steve Labuski
Steve Labuski - 8 years ago
Saw him at Foxwoods in Ct., back in 1990 something. Opened for the Mavericks. Blew the place away !! HENDRIX IN A COWBOY HAT !!!
Seven Ten
Seven Ten - 8 years ago
they should put this song in the next borderlands intro
Alex Jones sent me here...
Temper Hollow
Temper Hollow - 8 years ago
Still sounds great today! Listen to it when cycling.
Renee kim
Renee kim - 8 years ago
Eccentric Detectorist's
Eccentric Detectorist's - 8 years ago
If this was all I could hear for life I'd be fine!!!! Hammer Down
mgyer - 8 years ago
won't be appreciated till he's dead I've loved him for years
YManCyberDude - 8 years ago
I got to see him in Little Rock on November 17, 1999 at Juanita's. Unforgettable . . . Still have my ticket . . .
OxiClean - 8 years ago
Better Call Saul!
Davey Summers
Davey Summers - 8 years ago
his wife was taking guitar lessons from him that's how they met
Forbidden MCT CHANNEL - 8 years ago
Robert Haggerty
Robert Haggerty - 8 years ago
Just...............Right on man.................keep it up with the voodoo that youdo
John Barnhart
John Barnhart - 8 years ago
I saw him at Willie's place fo h the
John Johnson
John Johnson - 8 years ago
72 thumbs down from Squaresville
John Johnson
John Johnson - 8 years ago
72 thumbs down from Squaresville

100. comment for Junior Brown - Surf Medley

David White
David White - 8 years ago
Junior Brown....Under rated and Under appreciated
molly maul
molly maul - 7 years ago
David White 1.6M views, this upload.
AgentJayZ - 8 years ago
I saw him live a year ago, and he is incredible!
Shawn Reed
Shawn Reed - 8 years ago
it took me for ever to find this
raymyhill2 - 8 years ago
Junior one of my guitar heroes Wow!!!!!!!!Wow!!!!!!!
Harold Burton
Harold Burton - 8 years ago
I have seen Junior Brown in Concert and he tears it up, his Wife is also in the band.
Frederick Bird
Frederick Bird - 8 years ago
sounds like "penguin cafe orchestra - walk dont run" stole from this 2:57
Blah D. Blah
Blah D. Blah - 8 years ago
Penguin Cafe Orchestra did a cover version of The Ventures' Walk Don't Run. PCO's version was on the album titled "Penguin Cafe Orchestra" released in 1981. The version Junior Brown does here as part of this medley was released in 1996, on the album "Semi Crazy".
hiaseldri - 8 years ago
ventures.. surf ??
justin wilson
justin wilson - 8 years ago
he copied pipe line by the chantays
kian bro pedersen
kian bro pedersen - 8 years ago
I think The Chantays sound is better than the Ventures
Ortaiηe Ðeviaη
Ortaiηe Ðeviaη - 8 years ago
"Pipeline" by the Ventures/Chantays, "Walk, Don't Run" by the Ventures/Johnny Smith, "Secret Agent Man" by the Ventures/Johnny Rivers

Basically a medley of Ventures' tunes.
NELSON X - 8 years ago
He covered it.
zeus1815 - 8 years ago
it's a medley. today they might call them mashups.
TheFunkyKingston - 8 years ago
This riff kicks ass...!! Superb!!!
John Wilson
John Wilson - 8 years ago
Sure made my day..nice and clean and my fave songs...HE IS GREAT !!!!
alberto alamo
alberto alamo - 8 years ago
se escucha bien todo pero la bateria se escucha muy bajito y los bajos se escuchan como medios el sonido es escaso no se escucha bien yo tengo esta cancion y se escucha todo perfecto baterias y bajos vuelve a editarla si es posible sabes que tenemos que perfeccionarnos en cuestion de musica,,y eso que tengo un super equipo de sonido que tiene 4 canales de 350 wats
stuckinnebraska - 8 years ago
from the man who brought us Highway Patrol?? LOL  this is great!
Ghyselen Serge
Ghyselen Serge - 8 years ago
Power Wagon
Power Wagon - 8 years ago
So much great surf music so little time. Just found Junior today. Now one of my favs. Who needs lyrics when you can play like this! Also check out Ray Link! Clean and superb!
tahutoa - 8 years ago
Fun fact: Junior Brown did a guest appearance on Spongebob, which, at the time, used a lot of surf music.
Drs Tech
Drs Tech - 7 years ago
tahutoa Pantera was also on Spongebob lol
Nike goddess
Nike goddess - 7 years ago
Omg! Me to I listen to Dick Dale as I'm skateboarding
therockkkkher - 7 years ago
Nashville better get its act together, we love god hearted people only.
JRC99 - 8 years ago
He was also the narrator for the 2005 movie version of the Dukes of Hazzard (which, I should mention, was not nearly as good as the TV show)
ATCkeepsUsafe - 8 years ago
I live in the state of Nevada. This is fantastic driving music in the desert~
Ryan Murphy
Ryan Murphy - 8 years ago
I remember that episode!
imthedorf1964 - 8 years ago
If I remember correctly, it was "I wanna go home."
tahutoa - 8 years ago
+Atomic Amphibian
The episode 'Texas' has him say a line at the end of a song.
Atomic Amphibian
Atomic Amphibian - 8 years ago
I missed that one! I know the Mel-Tones contributed to some of the SpongeBob soundtracks, but I totally missed Junior Brown! Thanks for the trivia - I'm going to look it up!
Paulette Dilks
Paulette Dilks - 8 years ago
Road trip!!!
kloanguy1 - 8 years ago
I've seen Jr. Brown twice. If he rolls into your town, see him!! He cooks!!
Peter Wulf
Peter Wulf - 8 years ago
I don't usually like when guitarists play a surf rock sing differently than the original, but he does a great job of making the songs his own.
Laura Peace Stafford
Laura Peace Stafford - 8 years ago
AgentJaZ, I agree with you on that..he is fantastic
BritishRG - 8 years ago
RIP Patrick Mcgoohan (Secret Agent Man)
Dennis Vails
Dennis Vails - 8 years ago
this is my landing and take off tune
Bruce Gordon
Bruce Gordon - 8 years ago
Sounds like the song "Pipeline" to me.
zac chase
zac chase - 8 years ago
+RockinRedRover well it sounds like he was saying that it sounded like the song pipeline to him......but I guess that's a crime
RockinRedRover - 8 years ago
+Bruce Gordon Apologies for my blunt stupidity, but your point is what, exactly ?. Please excuse me for not being over-impressed, but seeing as Pipeline is indeed a famous surf tune (not a song), and this video is not just one tune but a medley, as others have already pointed-out just a couple of posts down this page, then surely it fits the title perfectly.
I often wonder why so many people take time posting rather than just reading the existing posts.... ?.
Bluddy good playing by Jr Brown tho, is that what you are trying to say ?
DayCraftMC - 8 years ago
Duuuuuuude this is good stuff. I love the it
Irlan Santos
Irlan Santos - 8 years ago
viajo nesses sons !
Christian  Silva
Christian Silva - 9 years ago
cadê os BR ouvindo song surf?
Tony Guest
Tony Guest - 9 years ago
Nate 1992
Nate 1992 - 9 years ago
Awesome surf medley. He really knows how to play his instrument. I really like surf music & have a almost complete collection of albums of The Shadows, Ventures, etc. Those 54 who dislike this just jealous or doesn't play any musical instrument at all.
Nate 1992
Nate 1992 - 9 years ago
+user . . I agree with you 'coz I was amazed when I accidentally found this Junior Brown playing this medley...great !
_user_ . .
_user_ . . - 9 years ago
+Ynot Fender Spot on. They could learn from this guy, maybe... if we could open their head and pour in some talent and common sense! ggg. If you want to say something, play music. IF you want a copy of the original, buy the durn tape (or cd, or mp3, or record, or whatever ggg).

I used to use my Ventures album to learn to play. And a lilttle Manheim Steamroller classical gas... I got pretty good but yep Junior kicks my butt ggg. That's ok... he Junior Brown. he can do that. heheh
teris danas
teris danas - 9 years ago
xelen ωραια τραγουδια ακους:)
teris danas
teris danas - 9 years ago
+Char Toul :) ολεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεε
Nena Nenoukw
Nena Nenoukw - 9 years ago
+teris danas σ' ευχαριστώ Τέρη μ! χαίρομαι που σ' αρέσει!
goat 68
goat 68 - 9 years ago
JR. brown is a musical genius
Laura Peace Stafford
Laura Peace Stafford - 9 years ago
Dick Dale would be proud..
Laura Peace Stafford
Laura Peace Stafford - 9 years ago
Junior Brown can play the heck out of a guitar..Go Junior
Laura Peace Stafford
Laura Peace Stafford - 8 years ago
I would love to see him..
Laura Peace Stafford
Laura Peace Stafford - 8 years ago
I agree
AgentJayZ - 8 years ago
+Laura Stafford He plays the Guit-steel... better than anyone I have ever seen. I think he invented it.
Saw him live in Austin 2015.
He's really good, and I can't figure out why he ain't more famous.
Mildred Fippen
Mildred Fippen - 9 years ago
Junior Brown is the greatest guitarist ever!
Art Anson
Art Anson - 9 years ago
Excellent player of the electric guitar !!!  The Chantays  ( Pipeline )  , The Ventures , and Dick Dale and the Deltones were / are very , very good --- but so is this guy "Junior Brown".  Thanks for posting this. It is Friday night and TV is rotten on Fridays. Thankfully there is You Tube and some good posts / entries like this.
Warrogue1 - 8 years ago
Thanks! I will! I just checked and found that Junior Brown is also on tour and is coming through the DC area soon.
Stokjockey - 8 years ago
I Hope you have a Blast Warrogue1
Warrogue1 - 8 years ago
I love surf guitar in general, but there is only one Dick Dale! (I am seeing him live for the fourth time on Labor Day weekend!) I especially love Dale's Pipeline duet with Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Stokjockey - 8 years ago
I lived right across the street from Dick Dale when I was a kid in the 60's, Costa Mesa, California
John Luce
John Luce - 9 years ago
that dude is awsome
David Spegel
David Spegel - 9 years ago
this guy is good...........!!
Sandy White
Sandy White - 9 years ago
Super Cool !!
Ricky Lee
Ricky Lee - 9 years ago
I think jr. brown is awesome.
Bob Burnitt
Bob Burnitt - 9 years ago
Damn, this is good, he sounds like the Ventures. BB
Thunder Cloud Jern
Thunder Cloud Jern - 7 years ago
Bob Burnitt yes he is.
The Ventures did a version. You would never believe the originator.
PazzaTV - 8 years ago
For me, this is better guitar playing.
Bob Burnitt
Bob Burnitt - 8 years ago
+tahutoa He makes me wish I could do something well!! BB
tahutoa - 8 years ago
He does, you're totally right.
Misfit Zander
Misfit Zander - 9 years ago
gotta love this
Branko Margeta
Branko Margeta - 9 years ago
Dobra stvar...ide u moju datoteku...
Maureen DeVoe
Maureen DeVoe - 9 years ago
I never get tired of this. Wow!
Robert Bronstring
Robert Bronstring - 9 years ago
I love it.............Cool
Chet - 9 years ago
there is a big difference between surfmusic and guitar instrumentals like the Ventures did. This guy exactly plays one classical surf standard...........so why surf medley?
cub19 - 9 years ago
+andreas straub if you listen closely,and know your surf instrumentals,you will here more than one song in it...he melded 10 different surf classics into one.
Alchemist - 9 years ago
his "input" in this song makes this song seem to have more powerful vibe....he has very good arrangement skills.....something allot of musicians don't get credit for when they do covers for songs. Those slightly altered notes and better flares give this version a unique sound....wish i could meet this guy.
Christopher Young
Christopher Young - 9 years ago
this guy kicks ass
Valantis Fikioris
Valantis Fikioris - 9 years ago
matthew mcmurry
matthew mcmurry - 9 years ago
2)walk dont run
3)secret agent man
Raymond Shaw
Raymond Shaw - 7 years ago
matthew mcmurry

Barbara H.
Barbara H. - 7 years ago
I grew up with that song (61 y.o.) - at the live show I went to in Aug, he called it "Secret AGING Man" - hard to believe is 65.
Nahuel Gutiérrez
Nahuel Gutiérrez - 9 years ago
+baconkilla806 _ thanx man
matthew mcmurry
matthew mcmurry - 9 years ago
+Nahuel Gutiérrez secret agent man took me a while to find it
Nahuel Gutiérrez
Nahuel Gutiérrez - 9 years ago
+baconkilla806 _ what is the third song?
Sandy Cannon
Sandy Cannon - 9 years ago
Wow. Just wow.
Bill Butler
Bill Butler - 9 years ago
This should have been in Pulp Fiction!
facundo riesco
facundo riesco - 7 years ago
it would fit perfectly
Tappa Tappa
Tappa Tappa - 8 years ago
+bill chew That was amazing
Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford - 8 years ago
bill chew
bill chew - 8 years ago
I wonder if you would say that now after Dallas.
Tappa Tappa
Tappa Tappa - 8 years ago
+Vgm Vfm all cops are scum
Vgm Vfm
Vgm Vfm - 8 years ago
+Troll Face That's a pretty big generalization. I know a lot of cops that are pretty cool. You only hear about the ones who fuck up.
Troll Face
Troll Face - 8 years ago
+Maglioso Jones cops are dirty stinkin pigs. fuck em.
Tappa Tappa
Tappa Tappa - 9 years ago
LOL The cops know they cant fuck with Tarantino
Vgm Vfm
Vgm Vfm - 9 years ago
+Tappa Tappa lol it was so unsuccessful that they bailed on the boycott. At least when those faggots at blm boycott something they stick with it until they get a result
Tappa Tappa
Tappa Tappa - 9 years ago
The police tried to rally the boys , to stop people from watching the hateful 8 ... Didn't work
Tappa Tappa
Tappa Tappa - 9 years ago
Lol it was
Vgm Vfm
Vgm Vfm - 9 years ago
+Tappa Tappa I hadn't even heard of it until I read his comment. It sounds like the least successful boycott ever.
Tappa Tappa
Tappa Tappa - 9 years ago
+Maglioso Jones Fuck you mindless idiot .... looks like the boycott didn't workout so well ....
Fuck the Police
Aardvark Central
Aardvark Central - 9 years ago
Vgm Vfm
Vgm Vfm - 9 years ago
+Maglioso Jones so are all actors
Vgm Vfm
Vgm Vfm - 9 years ago
+Maglioso Jones why the fuck would you boycott quentin tarantino
Jam - 9 years ago
+MagliosoJones smooth
Payson Grimsley
Payson Grimsley - 9 years ago
kill yourself cop loving faggot
Payson Grimsley
Payson Grimsley - 9 years ago
+Maglioso Jones fuck you
Robert Sisson
Robert Sisson - 9 years ago
Junior Brown one off the greatest.I saw him at. crows nest.
Wayne Radke
Wayne Radke - 9 years ago
Ahhhh...such nice touches! This is really good
Charlie Esor
Charlie Esor - 9 years ago
Saw him at The Beachcomber on Cape Cod a few years back and at McCoy Stadium with The Bob Dylan Show
Tawni St. Croix
Tawni St. Croix - 9 years ago
Junior Brown is the Jimi Hendrix of Country
Lee Williams
Lee Williams - 7 years ago
listen to Tesco Del Rey the real country surf music Jimi Hendrix
Lee Williams
Lee Williams - 7 years ago
the Dick Dale of country music maybe? Jimi Hendrix no you need to listen to more real surf music
Glenn Dobbs
Glenn Dobbs - 7 years ago
You said it brother!!
Glenn Dobbs
Glenn Dobbs - 7 years ago
Tawni St. Croix You said it brother !!!
The Eastern front
The Eastern front - 9 years ago
I love this statement.
resqryan86 - 9 years ago
This really gets me in the mood, for what I don't know but wow, what a song!
Zac Bell
Zac Bell - 9 years ago
Saw him last Sat nite in Grand Rapids. An amazing live performer. Love it.
christopher stirewal
christopher stirewal - 9 years ago
Secret asian man!
CheapMexicanHillbilly - 9 years ago
Rolling South in the hammer lane
With Rooster Boots trucking tunes
Teresa Scurlock
Teresa Scurlock - 9 years ago
Thomas Hodges
Thomas Hodges - 9 years ago
Yes that's so true, girl.
k4r1m1977 - 9 years ago
sounds like Tarantino
Karl Matthews
Karl Matthews - 9 years ago
+k4r1m1977, Surf music, guitar instrumentals, Rock-a-billy style of music has been around since long before Tarentino, but you're right. He does have a knack for putting twangy guitar music in his films.
trixie vetere
trixie vetere - 9 years ago
Paco de Lucia...Allen Collins...Jeff Healey...and Junior Brown. All 4 guitar gods!!
col1rbtx - 9 years ago
Jr. Brown plays exciting guitar! If he'd been around during the Surf guitar craze, his songs would be Surf Classic. I played some surf guitar during that era, myself.
Foster Glantz
Foster Glantz - 9 years ago
soldsuf gold
s Luce
s Luce - 9 years ago
Secret agent man
Caltor - 9 years ago
Now THIS guy can play the guitar!
tiffsaver - 9 years ago
Surf music with a cowboy hat!!  Cool...
27ChickenHeads - 9 years ago
Dan S.
Dan S. - 9 years ago
What is he doing lately?  Doesn't seem to have recorded anything new since 2005.
Drew Easton
Drew Easton - 9 years ago
+DcsOrCity He is the performer of the theme song to Better Call Saul on AMC
Dan S.
Dan S. - 9 years ago
+AgentJayZ Love to see him next time he visits Portland.
AgentJayZ - 9 years ago
+DcsOrCity I saw him in April at Stubbs BBQ in Austin... he played the Surf Medley last, and it was incredible. He's a very modest guy, and easy to talk to. Also a real guitar master!
Steve Fritts
Steve Fritts - 10 years ago
BjavaBbotBme - 10 years ago
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 10 years ago
Rautalanka pelastaa maailman:)
Nugget Prich
Nugget Prich - 10 years ago
Choppy. But it is just surf music...;)
Paul August
Paul August - 9 years ago
+Nugget Prich Explain?
Lori Wise
Lori Wise - 9 years ago
+Nugget Prich JUST LOL
OxiClean - 10 years ago
choppy? by what are you comparing this to? yngwie malmsteen?
Richard Woods
Richard Woods - 10 years ago
junior brown is great, but your video is shit
John Poe
John Poe - 10 years ago
Love the way he "palms"
wayne mckinney
wayne mckinney - 10 years ago
I don't know about you but I think this is fucking awesome!!!!!
gohawkeyes529 - 10 years ago
Anyone know what year he released this?
Dan S.
Dan S. - 9 years ago
+chris newman Semi Crazy.
chris newman
chris newman - 9 years ago
+bill smith "Semi Crazily" correctamundo Bill. And what a fine surf-style rendition/tribute here by a great musician i.e. Junior Brown - splendidly treating us to 3 of The Ventures great numbers. J.B. sticks to the formula yet brings part of his own style & imagination to it. I enjoy guitarists that bring something innovative & original to the rock n' roll/country or blues spectrum. Therefore - Junior on his "Guit-Steel"is not only fascinating to listen to but has one of those musically magical sounds. I also dig Bo Diddley (another well know innovator) with his famous oblong Red-Gretsch (The Big B) or the Rocket Tail guitar (as seen on British sixties TV). Later "The Diddler" wielded an - effects built in, axe - he called the Turbo 5 Speed. Link Wray was another with individual ideas in guitar sound - very gutsy. Long Live Rock & Roll and best wishes - Chris.
bill smith
bill smith - 10 years ago
I think if came out in 1996 on the album Semi Crazy.....
Alexandar Wright
Alexandar Wright - 10 years ago
Junior Brown is one very Un Appreciated Guitarist.  His talent has been hidden because Nashville can't see talent when it hits them in the head. 
James Cowan
James Cowan - 7 years ago
There is no country music coming out of Nashville anymore.  Oh, you might see some at the Grand Ole Opry, but nothing coming off the record production companies.  They're all run by shirts and ties that want a guaranteed return on their investments...which is why we have an endless procession of Garth Brooks types.  I won't even listen to this crap labeled country today.
MKS Land
MKS Land - 7 years ago
Country music has been bastardized by popular music!
James Goff
James Goff - 7 years ago
That is the truth Alexander Wright.Just listen to "Country" that is coming out of Nashville these days.BAD!
Roger Cox
Roger Cox - 9 years ago
+Alexandar Wright Nashville hasn't turned out any decent music in years. Come to Texas and listen to the music, While Junior isn't from Texas he certainly fits in. I've seen him several time at Gruene Hall and in Corpus Christi at Concrete Street.
TN Linton
TN Linton - 9 years ago
it's a shame the masses seem to enjoy kibble... both of them are amazing, but sadly their respective styles are not as accessible as the canned product the nashville hit machine keeps pumping out.. =\
TheKaffeeKlatsch - 10 years ago
Albert Lee is another that doesn't get enough play.
spikealee Baker
spikealee Baker - 10 years ago
this is AWESOME   ignore the haters. 
Danny Martin
Danny Martin - 10 years ago
Ace Ventura When Nature Calls 5:43
Stefan Randall
Stefan Randall - 10 years ago
this is original fuckin music i love this stuff!
James Puntney
James Puntney - 10 years ago
Bill Datz
Bill Datz - 10 years ago
Who is is usual "stand up Bassist"?
Bill Datz
Bill Datz - 10 years ago
What a talent! and on a wood-shop special, too
Ken Brown
Ken Brown - 10 years ago
JR taught Guitar at a small college in OKLA and his wife was a student Tanya
Catholicus - 10 years ago
His wife is his rhythm guitarist and she is perfect for his style.
Sam Barden
Sam Barden - 10 years ago
28 people fell off their surf boards and bumped their heads :(
Gerald Dixon Cummings
Gerald Dixon Cummings - 9 years ago
+Burger Sauce …it's 44 now Mr. Sauce.
RichardCorral - 10 years ago
Dayumn hes good
vinny bonge
vinny bonge - 10 years ago
this is eargasmic :)
Travis Diller
Travis Diller - 10 years ago
make that 28...
billville111 - 10 years ago
Has anybody been able to not get their guitar out after listening to Junior Brown?
guloguloguy - 10 years ago
Jr. Brown Plays these tunes  SO WELL!!!!  = ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jarmo Kauppinen
Jarmo Kauppinen - 10 years ago
So Great Awesome!!
Edwin North
Edwin North - 10 years ago
27 people are really fucking stupid
J9 - 10 years ago
34 people you do not want to hang with
chevy raji
chevy raji - 10 years ago
Youtube should disable the dislike button on this video !
Edwin North
Edwin North - 10 years ago
what the hell is there not to like? If you know you don't like surf music why even come here? 
Dale Mc
Dale Mc - 10 years ago
Andrea D'Agostino
Andrea D'Agostino - 10 years ago
J9 - 10 years ago
Jorge Antonio Mota Mota
Jorge Antonio Mota Mota - 10 years ago
Pasquale Marongiu
Pasquale Marongiu - 10 years ago
Micidiale Surf!
Mic - 10 years ago
Seems silly to me to try and compare Junior to other musicians or to say which is better than whom.. He's unique, technically near perfect with excellent timing and a beautiful voice. So are others, but he is unique all right.
David Jones
David Jones - 10 years ago
Is anybody able to make a guide of sorts as to what each song is and where in the video it starts? I know some of them, but would like to know the rest. Thanks.
WastrelWay - 10 years ago
Pipeline --> Walk Don't Run --> Secret Agent Man
Bob Schlitz
Bob Schlitz - 10 years ago
Pipeline for you dumb hicks
Al Orsini
Al Orsini - 10 years ago
thank ya...he he he
Bob Schlitz
Bob Schlitz - 10 years ago
+Bob Schlitz It's a hell of a lot better than country isn't it.
Bob Schlitz
Bob Schlitz - 10 years ago
secret agent man
Bob Schlitz
Bob Schlitz - 10 years ago
walk don't run
David Murphy
David Murphy - 10 years ago
This is the melody that got me into surf music about 3 years ago...really opened a door :)
Mark Nucker
Mark Nucker - 9 years ago
+Fr. Duffy Fighting 69th Interestingly Dick Dale was influenced by his parents listening to Indian music is what I've read. Great stuff.
Mark Nucker
Mark Nucker - 9 years ago
+David Murphy I agree on it was way back in the early '60's for me.
AgentJayZ - 10 years ago
33 !!!
Catholicus - 10 years ago
Surf guitar music was a HUGE influence in the development of of Rock guitar, and the role of lead guitar playing.
Rock-n-Roller - 10 years ago
I found my dad's record stash when I was a preteen back in the early '70s.
elvis presley
elvis presley - 10 years ago
The man is a national treasure
centralscrutinizer66 - 10 years ago
Junior Brown does not follow the rules.
Jeffrey Budinich
Jeffrey Budinich - 10 years ago
simply amazing ,and I never surfed,kow a bunga,hang ten
Clara BARROS - 10 years ago
Lvd your play list!
Lee CambsUK
Lee CambsUK - 10 years ago
my love of surfing brought me here!
Kqtze - 10 years ago
best song ever
Lisa-Marie Gray
Lisa-Marie Gray - 10 years ago
Very similar sound to The Shadows! Awesome!
Carlos Lopez
Carlos Lopez - 10 years ago
This kicks a$$
rick cee
rick cee - 10 years ago
a cowboy on a surf board, how cool.
Ammper - 10 years ago
Wayne Fountaine
Wayne Fountaine - 10 years ago
This guy can jam on guitar
David F.
David F. - 10 years ago
Surfs up!
james helm
james helm - 10 years ago
The best surf music was actually played by a cowboy.
Jeffrey Lear
Jeffrey Lear - 7 years ago
Tarantino somhow yanked out songs out of obscurity and used Bullwinkle II in Pulp Fiction... we recorded that in 1962... jackets say 1963... that's wrong b/c I'm the bass player The Centurions! aka Kyd
Hard Boiled Entertainment
Hard Boiled Entertainment - 7 years ago
It's as Quentin Tarantino said: Surf rock is rock n roll Spaghetti Western music!
This Guy!
This Guy! - 10 years ago
I'm a die hard metal fan, and this kicks ass.. if it weren't for the pioneers of music and ingenious guys who practiced the guitar, metal wouldn't exist.
David Mullinax
David Mullinax - 7 years ago
I'm from the same genre. I like this stuff and blue grass, too. Anything with hard core pickin'.
Dave Watson
Dave Watson - 7 years ago
This Guy! Me too
jean moreno
jean moreno - 7 years ago
Are you here because of Ghoul?
James Webster
James Webster - 10 years ago
truly amazing
Oliver Buo
Oliver Buo - 10 years ago
very cool sound  great!!
surfbum3000 - 10 years ago
Hang Ten!
surfbum3000 - 10 years ago
surf music yes!
KennyandtheSkull - 10 years ago
old school done right
Daniel Pv
Daniel Pv - 10 years ago
This temme is owesome,and him as well
Bennie Knape
Bennie Knape - 10 years ago
Junior Brown is badass as good as eddy. Vanhallen or Hendrix
John Kitovich
John Kitovich - 7 years ago
Bennie Knape ABSOLOUTELY!!!
Bennie Knape
Bennie Knape - 10 years ago
One of my faverates is my wife thinks your dead!
Ronna Jane Bullard
Ronna Jane Bullard - 10 years ago
Totally Awesome!!!!
Bennie Knape
Bennie Knape - 10 years ago
The most under rated
bigthrifty - 10 years ago
Just pure!  Steel..
stan proctor
stan proctor - 10 years ago
I never pictured Junior playing Surf Music but decided to listen as I know what a great guitarist he is. I was not disappointed...
stan proctor
stan proctor - 10 years ago
Sorry Jimi. Even though we dig your music, Surf Music lives! Thanks, Junior...
Alberto Ivan Martínez Castrillón
Alberto Ivan Martínez Castrillón - 11 years ago
Muy bueno!!!! Dale caña!!!!
SledgeHammer - 11 years ago
YES! I love it!!!
Rob Jay
Rob Jay - 11 years ago
What a country!
Al Orsini
Al Orsini - 11 years ago
Raymond Lau
Raymond Lau - 11 years ago
  and beautiful licks.
R. Daw
R. Daw - 11 years ago
There are not enough stars to give this guy.  A true genius, and a national treasure
Ponthip Khonroo
Ponthip Khonroo - 11 years ago
what a great musician!
Ponthip Khonroo
Ponthip Khonroo - 11 years ago
love you always!
Marc Franzolino
Marc Franzolino - 11 years ago
MR. JB is THE MAN ! have watched/listned to him for 20 years ; the man is amazing !
oNegLeEk - 11 years ago
I Love JB , been a fan for years he's got to be one of the greatest EVER ! What the hell is wrong with 20 people ! This guy can play anything you want  !
claudia cambigue
claudia cambigue - 7 years ago
Sandy White
Sandy White - 11 years ago
Sandy White
Sandy White - 11 years ago
wow I loved it so muchhhhhhhhhhhh
Jonathan Beck
Jonathan Beck - 11 years ago
I was at the Blues Festival in Doheny, mid 90s, with a load of friends and we went and got front row seats to see some guy named Jr. Brown.  I figured it was some bad ass black guy who would belt out some real blues.  None of us had a clue

A lady in a long starched dress comes out with a stand-up bass, couple of smartly dressed guys with bow ties come out, we are mystified.  Jr. Brown comes out with a double-necked geetar and proceeds to belt out some amazing music.  My friends walked during the first song, they called it country.  I have been a fan ever since.
Edwin North
Edwin North - 10 years ago
I love it when a performer sets a prejudicial image and let's people expect the worst then blows them away. I am so glad you were open enough to get it!!
Ruben Oost
Ruben Oost - 11 years ago
Ruben Oost
Ruben Oost - 11 years ago
i love the surf music
albequerquey - 11 years ago
lmao reupload this but with a tonnes more reverb an echo - kinda like ghostly music from the great barrier - live fast die free forever young
albequerquey - 11 years ago
lol - secret agent man
Zugbarrh - 11 years ago
3 more have tried but failed
Zugbarrh - 11 years ago
at 5:05 sounds similar to the james bond theme.
Matthijs Visser
Matthijs Visser - 11 years ago
i've grown to love this JB guy
Mrggggg58 - 11 years ago
Well, that's a shame, but I know Aribitron rules so ad buyers want to see those ratings up, and anything that programmers are nervous about have to go.
James Hyerczyk
James Hyerczyk - 11 years ago
I talked to someone in radio about this. They say his songs are too long for radio so they use sound bites for bumper or background music only.
robcas1954 - 11 years ago
love this stuff just found the cd and deciced to look up on you tube, fantastic he really knows how to play that guitar!!
R Stragand
R Stragand - 11 years ago
Best living....He is on everyones records
jesse james
jesse james - 11 years ago
Love Jr. I guess its just an allergic reaction, but seriously, most people don't know this man has more credits in the studio than GOD! He's enjoying the Junior Brown act now, but I assure you heres one fine talent!
Al Orsini
Al Orsini - 11 years ago
malangr - 11 years ago
djoro1000 - 11 years ago
Mrggggg58 - 11 years ago
The only sad thing is Junior never got much play on the radio. Can't understand since he's the same caliber as Jerry Reed, does comedy, plays a mean guitar, so why?
Ponthip Khonroo
Ponthip Khonroo - 11 years ago
I like so much, this kind of sound, that guy is awesome!!!
JoJo EarthGirl
JoJo EarthGirl - 11 years ago
Dynamite...love it..!!
Steve Kosvic
Steve Kosvic - 11 years ago
San Clemente - 1967
terry. - 11 years ago
Darrell Musick
Darrell Musick - 11 years ago
That's right! An extra bar of "glissando." :)
Nancy Frederich
Nancy Frederich - 11 years ago
I remember this one. Didn't know who did it. My dad and son are guitarists. They never mentioned him, sadly .
Nancy Frederich
Nancy Frederich - 11 years ago
Terry. - 11 years ago
Wango Tango
Terry. - 11 years ago
Moltake CCXXVI
Moltake CCXXVI - 11 years ago
this should be played at a real beach
pilot39938 - 11 years ago
robert j valdez
robert j valdez - 11 years ago
right on the money JR!!!!
paul levine
paul levine - 11 years ago
Jr Just bleeds guitar notes, iv'e seen him do instrumentals like this and in the middle launch into Purple Haze and then back itno the song medley, The guy is a super player..Clean as can be !!!
mrwibbles1 - 11 years ago
Ridiculously great.
wvgitpicker - 11 years ago
Junior is the man!
John Krag
John Krag - 11 years ago
What' wrong with Texas? He's got talent running out both ears.
Daniel Pv
Daniel Pv - 11 years ago
he is brilliant,the best, i love this kind of music,from where is him?which state?
Duke Feist
Duke Feist - 11 years ago
Pipeline...Walk Don't Run...SECRET AGENT MAN...
folkpunk66 - 11 years ago
This dude is awesome! I'm glad I saw this suggested while watching Dick Dale. I'd like to see the two of them perform together.
VIVADUDE07 - 11 years ago
15 trolls.......................
Esteban el Loco
Esteban el Loco - 11 years ago
Oh yeah! Them's the tones, what a touch, brilliant!
SimpsonMusic Productions
SimpsonMusic Productions - 11 years ago
Fields of Drought
Fields of Drought - 11 years ago
this song is amazing...whoever this guy is good fucking job
Victor Borisov
Victor Borisov - 11 years ago
This is amazing discovered surf few weeks ago and now i can`t stop btw check Martin Cilia out he is amazing :)
rjo8500 - 11 years ago
Very nice!
Daniel Pv
Daniel Pv - 11 years ago
i like so much, this kind of sound,that guy is awesome
Gerard Megawatti
Gerard Megawatti - 11 years ago
this sounds oh so good - thanks for posting
Dinzo Elves
Dinzo Elves - 11 years ago
Listen to 2:08 watch?v=S33tWZqXhnk
AntonyBacon Games
AntonyBacon Games - 12 years ago
I am an up and coming gaming channel. Check out my videos and thumbs up if you like! Also don't forget to sub to stay in the loop. Thank you =)
bozo47p - 12 years ago
lets gets some beers and cruise the strip for chics man....
Dustin R.S.S
Dustin R.S.S - 12 years ago
oh yeaaaa baby lol
Tremolux Man
Tremolux Man - 12 years ago
Junior plays like he has ten fingers on each hand. A pleasure to listen to him.
VIVADUDE07 - 12 years ago
15 "people" wish they could rip a medley like Jr. B but never will.........
Circumpunk - 12 years ago
Oh, F-yeah! Love the posterization effect!
stratoreverb - 12 years ago
great version of the surf classics. but whats mystifying is the fact that many surf bands have been playing these tunes far longer and every bit as good but with very little recognition. just saying you know. along comes a country music performer and he plays a few surf tunes and every body gets all frantic. just saying ok. its a bit curious.
jityr2 - 12 years ago
Are you sure this is Junior Brown and not the Ventures?
Fendernirvana - 12 years ago
Yea, not to mention that awesome Fender Twin Reverb tube amp.
recomputed - 12 years ago
Throw away your iphones ............surfs up
Lord Iblord
Lord Iblord - 12 years ago
yeah. for surf music is better than others :)
C. mao
C. mao - 12 years ago
♫ (:
ndogg20 - 12 years ago
Jiminy freakin cricket! I heard all the original tunes to death,but this version pumps new blood into em.Like hearing them new again! Had me bangin my head like mad .
thefabulousbugman - 12 years ago
WE saw Junior in Athens Georgia a couple months ago what a show a good time was had by all
Dan Eastgate
Dan Eastgate - 12 years ago
A true genius! Jr. Brown is truly amazing! I'd like to see him again soon.
GigiAO28 - 12 years ago
I love Fender sound!!
kyle amaral
kyle amaral - 12 years ago
Mr Petals
Mr Petals - 12 years ago
Sad world really lol
MrAnymeansnecessary - 12 years ago
Junior Brown is the only good thing to happen to country since the 80's.
twashballur - 12 years ago
Joseph Sanchez
Joseph Sanchez - 12 years ago
All rock & roll have Jr Brown Rocks Country/Surf style.
FUKE YUKE - 12 years ago
no joke one bad ass almost as bad as me
TheGunslinger454 - 12 years ago
Trace Adkins and Toby aren't too bad. And don't forget that god damn Taylor Swift....
BreitbachTheGerman - 12 years ago
love it!!! wants me to ride in my 65 tbird and running with my uncle in his 442
Brenda043 - 12 years ago
Love this too! Awesome.
cifrank - 12 years ago
If you ever get the chance watch him live.
adtjr61 - 12 years ago
Surf n Twang at its finest!!!! If my thumb was up was any higher it'd poke a hole in the doggone sky!!!........oo wee!!!!
MrVapourtrail71 - 12 years ago
Surfin' Gorillas - Drums a GO GO or Surfin Gorilla...Check That Shit out.
TONY JEPPESEN - 12 years ago
omg awesome
VIVADUDE07 - 12 years ago
no1reallycaresabout2 - 12 years ago
For those who are curious, the songs in this video (in order) are "Pipeline" (composed by Brian Carman and Bob Spickard and originally played by The Chantays), "Walk Dont Run" (composed & originally played by Johnny Smith, a jazz guitarist, the song later was arranged into instrumental rock style by The Ventures,) and Secret Agent Man (composed by Steve Barri and P. F. Sloan) If anyone spots any errors in my listing please correct me
rory gallagher
rory gallagher - 12 years ago
hell yeah, old school country, keith gattis, buck owens, faron young, hank thompson, old country rules !!!!!!
1943mailman - 12 years ago
rayk216 - 12 years ago
02:54 NIGHT BEATS - The Other Side uses the same riff haha cool!
xcalaman - 12 years ago
Hey Junior, Dusty called and he wants his hat back.
flyingmerkel6 - 12 years ago
what country music could be........
Xialong1963 - 12 years ago
Awesomeness! I'm normally a metal / punk kind of guy but this is sweet! I have a weak spot for good surf music...
kingbushwickthe33rd - 12 years ago
Well,Jr.Brown's Country Music doesn't really fit in with the'Pretty Boy Hat Acts'out of NashVegas!! He's not the'Sensitive New Age Guy'like Tim McGraw nor is he a'Fake Bad Ass'like Toby Keith and Trace Adkins either!!
edge9090 - 12 years ago
Funny how the four guys you referred to..Toby, Tim, Keith and Trace....have all performed at the Cavendish Beach Music Festival in PEI, Canada. I didn't go to any of them but if Junior Brown came I'd be first in line
kingbushwickthe33rd - 12 years ago
Secret Asian Man.
sqweezel - 12 years ago
Cool stuff. Also dig Junior on the Beach Boys 409.
VIVADUDE07 - 12 years ago
14 Darwin award winning trolls dislike this...........
INOK - 12 years ago
I just lost some brain cells trying to read that, but I think I agree, if you're talking about what I think as well.
musicality372 - 12 years ago
Simply love this!!!
scatcom6 - 12 years ago
Only Junior Brown would do this. He rocks!
MnzGmz - 12 years ago
Junior is One Bad Mutha!!!! Fo sho....
stan proctor
stan proctor - 12 years ago
This would make Dick Dale smile!
Allen Waller
Allen Waller - 12 years ago
play that shit no no you youn mf dont understand he forgot his pick
palpatine55 - 12 years ago
There are other great country guitarists, like Merle Haggard and the late great Chet Atkins, but not a huge number. But Junior should get a hell of a lot more recognition than what he gets.
Atlrich - 12 years ago
Vault Lady
Vault Lady - 12 years ago
Secret agent man! lol
Weissmenchland - 12 years ago
Junior Brown if absolutely fantastic and he is a fixture at the Continental Club in Austin. Junior can play any style, but it's rare for a country artist to be such a virtuoso on the guitar.
kingbushwickthe33rd - 12 years ago
Right Back Atcha!!
robert barnes
robert barnes - 12 years ago
Markoftheblues - 12 years ago
Yes We will call it Surf Up, Junior Brown has Talent to Go Beyond Country Western, Wait and see He will be doing some Amazing Blues, and Here as you listen Surf Up Tex! California Barking at you. MOB
rawseas - 12 years ago
Pipeline, Walk Don't Run, Secret Agent Man...easy for an old guy! Rock on!
horarwgt - 12 years ago
"Walk Don't Run," originally recorded by Chet Atkins but not a hit until The Ventures made it their million-selling debut hit single in 1960. In 1964, The Ventures took the tune into the Top 10 for a second time via a completely different recording ("Walk Don't Run '64") which featured a "water guitar" effect.
SystemRichie - 12 years ago
surfs uuuppppp ddduuuuude!!!!!
Liam Marien-Jenkins
Liam Marien-Jenkins - 12 years ago
niceboyz77 - 12 years ago
10 points....name all three song?
Invincible Osprey
Invincible Osprey - 12 years ago
Don't forget Bi Herndon...
Matthew Robinson
Matthew Robinson - 12 years ago
Updates: 12
not2fast4u2c - 12 years ago
This is good stuff !!!
dbeecooks - 12 years ago
This too cool, love it.
arnettrichard - 12 years ago
Preach on brother!!!!
mogges - 12 years ago
Junior brown has got to be the greatest guitarist ever.I really like his other song, I'm just a high way patrol,just a do'en my job
canuckistani81 - 12 years ago
I love the way this one finishes. And the beginning! OMG! And all of the amazing riffs in the middle! What a picker!
John E Brown
John E Brown - 12 years ago
jimi was wrong about one or two things, He said "You'll Never hear Surf music again!" quote, "third stone from the sun" Possibly wrong on many other plane~s
morgankitty1 - 12 years ago
i am wore out just listening ! how can one guy play that many difficult notes, rifts etc and still be standing ?....oh yeah.....because junior simply KICKS ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
bill smith
bill smith - 12 years ago
12 people now........LOL
pg1171 - 12 years ago
Wonderful! Only Jr. Brown!
kingbushwickthe33rd - 12 years ago
Yep!!My Sentiments Exactly!! We Need More Jr.Brown;Allison Kraus;Willie;Waylon and Merle On Country Radio and Less Trace Adkins;Toby Keith;Tim McGraw and Keith Urban!!
mamathrasher1 - 12 years ago
He is always fun in concert saw him at the Rhythm Room in Phoenix and a couple of outdoor concerts
Carrie Lynn
Carrie Lynn - 12 years ago
make it 12
Optimalillusion - 12 years ago
Good stuff right there.
elektraserafina - 12 years ago
Lance Krouse
Lance Krouse - 12 years ago
MrSleepyjeans - 12 years ago
The best guitarist I have ever seen live, hands down.
Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy Johnson - 12 years ago
PtolemyJones - 12 years ago
I couldn't even play this standing still, stone sober. You can play this while you're driving? Impressive. hehehe....
Erick Apolinar
Erick Apolinar - 12 years ago
Wooooooooooooah!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!! This is a damn good song!
Carla Rajca
Carla Rajca - 12 years ago
Surfin' perfection.
Tam Brickwall
Tam Brickwall - 12 years ago
it ends as secret agent man
NorionGames - 12 years ago
Reminds me a videogame, but i can't remember what...
MudFlapper359 - 12 years ago
Thumbs up if you love the part from 5:34 to 5:55
Tzahal Tavor
Tzahal Tavor - 12 years ago
this cats the real deal !!
MudFlapper359 - 12 years ago
This is my idea of surfing, Junior Brown rockin' on the guitar.
BuzCzar - 12 years ago
It's just Junior being Junior, and that's better than most. Keep playing man, keep playing.
chuck ware
chuck ware - 13 years ago
one bad mutha....shut yo mouth. junior brown is an amazing artist. his name should be ? instead of prince. LOL . junior is and always will be AWESOME, in my book
Bryan Ogborn
Bryan Ogborn - 13 years ago
@VIVADUDE07 is absolutely impossible. I've tried. This song gets turned up so I can share it with all the kids playing their thumpity thump garbage.
Bryan Ogborn
Bryan Ogborn - 13 years ago
Just goes to show Junior's versatility. The mark of a truly talented musical artist. Not to mention that this is one killer medley.
flyingmerkel6 - 13 years ago
Excellent post! I fully agree with the half time show comments. This video not only shows what a great musician Junior Brown is but how good song writing is eternal. Glad JB resisted the temptation to show off how many notes he could play in a short time- just good surf guitar.
David Poirier
David Poirier - 13 years ago
Damn, I'd love to hear Junior team up with Bugs Henderson on a medley like this!
Hunter Mann
Hunter Mann - 13 years ago
@Satchmoeddie Good comments and very accurate impression of what the halftime shows are... complete crap these days... and always re-planned scandals(wardrobe malfunctions and middle finger waving... yeah, right... BS). Junior is actually ttoo good for that super bowl crowd. They only understand music like the BudLite song... LOL
McNabbulous - 13 years ago
@retillus Impossible. No venue could hold that level of awesomeness!
elvis presley
elvis presley - 13 years ago
you know listening to this stuff is great because there are no words no misconceptions just junior
deathblw1wheel - 13 years ago
If you were pissed off about the last superbowl half time show dont even watch this years. Madonna are you kidding me ? Shit i didnt know she was still even alive. I can think of a tons of acts i would much rather watch. Junior brown for Super bowl halftime show. Ps... if you dont dance around or your toes dont tap while you are listening to this you need to go to the doc you might be dead !@!
killsalive1 - 13 years ago
OMG memories traveling down I-90 in Montana at warp 7 in my 64' SS Impala. Obviously different artist but awesome sound and talent. ty for the DL.
kewlnorcaldude - 13 years ago
This guy is the real deal Gents! Heard em' in small venue concert in the Bay Area out here in No. Calif guy is incredible! Always my goto rockabilly guy!
disjoinedchip2 - 13 years ago
until i heard this guy i thought surf should only be played with a strat or a jaguar. this guitar has a nice sound.
Forbrtishesyesonlyy - 13 years ago
Dick Dale > Junior Brown
mlkemper - 13 years ago
@VIVADUDE07 ive always wondered who is getting ''kickbacks ''for signing these groups who no one listens to ...and then they have a group like BOSTON and have them off camera in the stands performing while some sports pronogsticator tells you the wrong team to take on your bet the second half ;;;and won't even show them performing ..losers
mogges - 13 years ago
mike hanold
mike hanold - 13 years ago
you know that when they did the hendrix movie,it was between stevie ray vaughn and junoir brown,jimies family picked junior,he's the original peter gunn
mike hanold
mike hanold - 13 years ago
you know that when they did the hendrix movie,it was between stevie ray vaughn and junoir brown,jimies family picked junior,he's the original peter gunn
MacHamish - 13 years ago
newerakr3w0311 - 13 years ago
TABS!!!! MUST HAZ TABZ PLZ!!!!! somebody anybody!
henry alva
henry alva - 13 years ago
Surf´s up
Richard Parks
Richard Parks - 13 years ago
I saw Junior in a little honky tonk on the northside of Fort Worth, back in 1994 maybe '93. He played this song and just blew everyone away. It does not get any better than this. Went to Austin in 1995 to see him play at the Continental Club, but the show was cancelled because Junior had his gall bladder removed the night before in I think it was Memphis. I could be wrong about the city, but I later saw him in the early 2000's here in Fort Worth at Billy Bob's Great Shows
jonstah NH
jonstah NH - 13 years ago
The best in all genre's!
MikeYehoodi - 13 years ago
@LisaMarli Because he didnt fit what was "in" in country music at the time. Junior is awesome. LIsten to his version of lovely hula hands if you can find it
zekester1981 - 13 years ago
nice, very nice
Andrew Osbon
Andrew Osbon - 13 years ago
He's a Secret Agent, man!
Ecosse57 - 13 years ago
Richard Stout
Richard Stout - 13 years ago
I'm loadin' up my woodie with my boards inside. I'm STOKED.
mike hanold
mike hanold - 13 years ago
I'll tell you this guy is one of the best guitar players on the earth,no shit!!
mralmeister1 - 13 years ago
@LisaMarli cause theyre too busy playing the corporate country crapola on the radio these days that all sounds the same...
Salt and lime life Pcbflausa
Salt and lime life Pcbflausa - 13 years ago
FIRE' EATIN' !!!!!!!!
Phil Giesbrecht
Phil Giesbrecht - 13 years ago
This guy is really fantastic! !
spazhat - 13 years ago
I can't believe how versatile this guy is. I was originally drawn to him because he sounded like Ernest Tubb.
Weissmenchland - 13 years ago
This dude can burn the strings. I like his style a lot!!
Michael Minor
Michael Minor - 13 years ago
Heard this on XM Magaritaville yesterday. Wow!
MrFreebirdIII - 13 years ago
jprophet420 - 13 years ago
wow. Totally blown away by this one.
VIVADUDE07 - 13 years ago
Try to play this while you are driving and not break the speed limit..............
Scott Bain
Scott Bain - 13 years ago
those 4 should be shot be the sheriff
jpringle1979 - 14 years ago
I have but one regret and that is that I cant hit like multiple times...
Nate Knudtson
Nate Knudtson - 14 years ago
@Satchmoeddie I agree I to am not racist..........but I am tired of all the "rights/benefits" other nationality's get over, the people who worked hard to make this country as Fair as it IS/WAS.....I have many Black friends, that are legal, and work hard.....So I have nothing against people making an HONEST living. good Post I like it!
JCMegabyte - 14 years ago
Excellent tunes - I enjoyed :-) Thanks for the great post!
Marcos Dominguez
Marcos Dominguez - 14 years ago
@Xcorgi hell yeah
Seth B
Seth B - 14 years ago
@Xcorgi I hate to agree with this. I am not racist, but you are right. The media acts like they have to brain wash us so we are not bigots, or its a guilt trip. My God an asshole is an asshole, and they come in all races. Sometimes we get stuck amidst a population of trashy "pick a race" and we get disgusted with them, and yeah a one or group of sleazy Mexicans, blacks, whites should be called what it is, but since I'm white its wrong to say the N word. See John Valby on YT ya CRACKER! JKLOL
Xcorgi - 14 years ago
@Satchmoeddie I could not agree with you more!!! The media forces multi-cultural mediocre acts (yes blacks,mexicans and half breeds) (Slash is half black) because they have unwritten rules that says NOT to play up or show anything whites do as good and EVERYTHING minorities do as great or culturally "enriching". How much air time do any WHITE musicians with any TALENT get these days? They only show the lame whiney dumbasses but they will stuff every nigger down our throats they can find!
Seth B
Seth B - 14 years ago
@Xcorgi This guy and Horton Heat would have made a 1,000,000,000 x better half time show for the Superbowel than that Black Eyed Peas garbage medley with Slash and Usher. WTF was that anyway? Canned BS crossed with a sound man that should be fired and maybe even sever a finger or two to deter him from touching any mixer again. Yeah I called the Super Bowel instead of Superbowl, sorry sports fans. I do like Green Bay a lot though, but am not much into the NFL. Community owned team idea ROCKS.
napalm voodoodaddy
napalm voodoodaddy - 14 years ago
what a fricken cool guitar !! awesome playing !!
Rusty Frank
Rusty Frank - 14 years ago
I like this guy doing one of my many guitar songs. I'm a guitar picker myself. I learned to play a lot of songs from the ventures.
Xcorgi - 14 years ago
Junior and The Reverend Horton Heat kind of share the same unique genere. Country, surf, blues,rock, rockabilly and psychobilly. It would be great if they hooked up sometime. It would be one HELL of a show!.
Greasy Greaser
Greasy Greaser - 14 years ago
F' me running, this is awesome - go you hillbilly!
verbena12 - 14 years ago
Maybe He doesnt give a sh** about mainstream!!
Duke Feist
Duke Feist - 14 years ago
@ratblisspiss OUT OF LIMITS (originally called Outer Limits...I have both 45s) was by the MARKETTS google MICHAEL Z. GORDON
Gerald Shelnutt
Gerald Shelnutt - 14 years ago
I never heard of this guy, damn he is GOOD!
Himmel Nuss 831
Himmel Nuss 831 - 14 years ago
@paniciao! Lady CACA!!! LMAO !!hahahahahahaahh !!!!!!! TRUTH !!
Diogenes1360 - 14 years ago
Q Buena ! Estoy feliz para escuchar La musica de mi "CULTURA"
Ripplin - 14 years ago
@lmranch08 This could apply to SO many guitarists, but they know this going in. I have a lot of respect for them in this regard.
Jnth007 - 14 years ago
@skynut831 true that!
Himmel Nuss 831
Himmel Nuss 831 - 14 years ago
Thanks to Junior for keeping this music alive ! He does this era of music pure justice !! This is when music was music! Not hip hop bullspit or screaming un -intelligabley into the mic and calling it music ! Or better yet NO LADY GAGYou- I mean Gaga! NO talent type music!
Alex - 14 years ago
im 19. i was born on his work. i saw him live when i was around 10 years old. and this brings back so many memories because this was my favorite song as a child. no doubt i will be showing his stuff to my children
Stephen McElroy
Stephen McElroy - 14 years ago
@lmranch08 NO Shit!!! This guy is a kick in the ass to see live. He has one of the best shows ever and this one he and the drummer are the only two on the stage.
okman45 - 14 years ago
first time I ever heard this .wow me like
Arsonist75205 - 14 years ago
2 'people' are deaf.
mbgenetics - 14 years ago
Listening this mix, volume up high, while driving a big ass Cadillac Eldorado convertible in a New Mexico highway. Great music.
Dan Knaup
Dan Knaup - 14 years ago
Agree that he's in a class all by himself!
AkashaOConnell - 14 years ago
Two people have no appreciation for the guitar.... Guitar-gasm!
tdej80 - 14 years ago
JB one of the best guitar players ever. The man is a genious. The way he gets sound out of that guitsteel. What a combo of complimintary sounds he makes to be able to make one intsrument bring more lifeTo a song than most 3 man bands. JB must sleep with his guitsteel under his pillow. thanks forputting this song up. You know real music when you hear it.
bill chew
bill chew - 14 years ago
@Bluesman9830 Is that really true? What an underrated talent. The only place you hear him is on Outlaw Country on Sirius.
christlxxx - 14 years ago
this is really amazing, i listend to it 3 times now and i have to say, i am speachless
lughcious - 14 years ago
The other instruments aren't really necessary.
remo1366 - 14 years ago
The best picker walking the planet today.
HITHEREFOLKS - 14 years ago
@LisaMarli RIGHT ! HE SHOULD BE FOR SURE ! it's like he's a secret for connoisseurs only........
LisaMarli - 14 years ago
This guy is fantastic! And I remember the original guitar work on these songs. He really understands the underlying music and makes it his own. Why isn't he Everywhere?!?
Hardcorediver44 - 14 years ago
Jr. Brown kicks major ass. Seen him play once,he is amazing!
1958wvpicker - 14 years ago
JB you friiggin Rock keep on pickin
glaxona - 14 years ago
@hadiordanyalanci Third song is "Secret Agent Man" made famous by Johnny Rivers
Brent Torgrimson
Brent Torgrimson - 14 years ago
Sounds like only reverb effect. Probably a Fender amp since that's what he uses. I hear whammy bar but he doesn't have that on his guit-steel, so musta used a different guitar?
Godot - 14 years ago
I wonder what kind of amp and pickups he uses (+ pedals?). The 6-string neck looks like a tele.
Rene Gagne
Rene Gagne - 14 years ago
Très, très, bon....Génial....
TheNatureboy64 - 14 years ago
@Bluesman9830 can you please verify that??? Interesting! Thanks
Luis Garzon
Luis Garzon - 14 years ago
I have seen him live with just a bass player and the drummer with a snare and Hi-Hat. He is simply Amazing!
Billy Bluesman Floyd
Billy Bluesman Floyd - 14 years ago
Jr actually gave guitar lessons to Stevie Ray & Jimmy Vaughn.
Beetzendorfer - 14 years ago
Scott Facer
Scott Facer - 14 years ago
No one can ever top Jr Brown!!!
Pseudo Entertainment
Pseudo Entertainment - 14 years ago
etemon777 - 14 years ago
JB is Incredible. He was acually featured on an episode of Spongebob Squaqrepants once. The episode where Sandy misses Texas.
arlis roberts
arlis roberts - 14 years ago
Junior Brown rocks.
roadstarman58 - 14 years ago
@hadiordanyalanci Pipeline is originally by the Chantays. Teenagers still in high school. Theirs is the version you hear on the radio to this day.
jack connell
jack connell - 14 years ago
Just thought I would share one more video today, if you like great guitar check out Jr Brown, this medley is one of my favorites but check out his " My Baby Don't Dance To Nothing But Ernest Tubb " .
dacrowster - 14 years ago
does anyone knows the titles of the songs he plays? I only know the first song by name ie. pipeline
BRIAN SHELTON - 14 years ago
hey look for vids by charlie epperson. he can play too
BRIAN SHELTON - 14 years ago
i agree with all of you. hey lets get together and tip one. love the secret agent man twist
Larry Crawford
Larry Crawford - 15 years ago
best guitarist i've ever seen! you can't beat the guit-steel!!!!
zbsr - 15 years ago
caught the Junior Brown show in Ferndale MI last Friday.......an absolute terrific experience.....
OeditpusRex - 15 years ago
The beauty of this is that it isn't merely a cover. Brown absolutely captures the feel of the Chantays' original, and of the times and the genre, and in fact enhances it. The dude's a virtuoso.
abbaby555 - 15 years ago
sitting here in socal and loving this music!!!!
doubleagent14 - 15 years ago
I.m speachless ! ! ! There are NO words to scribe such talent
bowfrog - 15 years ago
Wharty and ristin59, you are both right. What a talent he is. Great post, Guitar Source!!!!!!
Bruce Wharton
Bruce Wharton - 15 years ago
You can here the influences he has had in his playing - Blues, Rock, Soul, Country/Western, Tex Mex... - it is all in this song surfed up. He is a living legend. I dig Junior Brown!!! He deserves a lot more recognition for what he does and has done for every kind of music out there except maybe opera. Despite his taco style cowboy hat this guy is a lot more than country - a trainload more. Thanks for posting this!
beckfan95 - 15 years ago
Music this cool even warms up Minnesota in January
Weissmenchland - 15 years ago
Simply brilliant.
James Webster
James Webster - 15 years ago
totally awesome dude.. wow this is great
theonlytruepunk - 15 years ago
My late dad was born in New York...coincidence?
toterola451 - 15 years ago
Junior is the king of his own country. Believe me, he is right where he wants to be. Not everyone is cut out to be Garth Brooks or Tim McGraw.
TheNatureboy64 - 15 years ago
Junior Brown is something else thats 4 sure!
Johi2410 - 15 years ago
Fantastic! That guitsteel sure is a fine invention!!
richintalent - 15 years ago
Pipeline was by the Chantays originally
richintalent - 15 years ago
My late dad was born in Honesdale
darrell klein
darrell klein - 15 years ago
definitley one of the top 5 guitarist walking the planet today......name better.....
Dan Knaup
Dan Knaup - 15 years ago
I'm thinking he needs to dump his management and/or record company. He needs to be promoted better including on college campuses, and should record more of rock/pop, surf music, Stevie Ray, Ventures, etc., not just a medley here and there. He's unbelievably good!
Tremolux Man
Tremolux Man - 15 years ago
Plays so fine, you'd think he's got 10 fingers on each hand.
CaseyNow UnusedAccount
CaseyNow UnusedAccount - 15 years ago
i'm a guy who listens to punky stuff.. loud rock, hip hop, nasty rap, indie, etc... i saw this guy live and couldn't &@%$ing believe it! the greatest guitarist i've ever seen live. Genuinely interesting to listen to. this song is good but you gotta see him live. mind blowing. and yet you don't hear much about him generally.
montrevant - 15 years ago
Too right that!
RickRudesMustache - 15 years ago
i'm just glad theirs still musicians like him left today in the age of corporate sludge.
flavor72 - 15 years ago
...dick dale
DeliciousBob - 15 years ago
saw him open for bob dylan near buffalo a couple years ago was soo dope
mpsouders patriot
mpsouders patriot - 15 years ago
Saw him in Honesdale PA also...Greatest live performance i ever saw, hands down......Junior even replaced his on HighE string when it broke...AWESOME! He brought the place to life, young and old alike!
Marele Blond
Marele Blond - 15 years ago
Fantastic! just somehow it reminds me of pulp fiction and tarantino..
synoptic33 - 15 years ago
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
quovadis1952 - 15 years ago
The BEST guitar player alive, hands down. No one else comes close.
Michael Garofalo
Michael Garofalo - 15 years ago
i am hooked, first heard him on WUSR college radio, saw him at honesdale Pa.
excidedous - 15 years ago
I'd pay to see anyone get on stage and rip your head off.
PikPobedy - 15 years ago
3 Johnny Rivers - Secret Agent Man
bowfrog - 15 years ago
Guitar Source, Great Post. Way to gooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
THB79 - 15 years ago
I'd pay a lot of money to see him and Brian Setzer get on stage and rip my head off.
Nitrohol - 15 years ago
Who do you know that can play two guitars at once? Let alone the way he does!!! If you get the chance see him live.He loves the small venues!
hadiordanyalanci - 15 years ago
Cool, thanks!
GuitarSource - 15 years ago
Secret Agent Man
hadiordanyalanci - 15 years ago
The first two songs in this medley are: 1. The Ventures - Pipeline (0:00 - 2:50 2. The Ventures - Walk Don't Run (2:52 - 5:05) So, what about the other one? Is it Goldfinger?
internationalicon - 15 years ago
killer! I hope regular surf bands are hearing this!
luutersfriend - 15 years ago
I just saw Junior Brown for the first but definitely not the last time. This guy is unreal.
ahz123 - 15 years ago
JB is a guitar monster.
Spartaeus Cassinera
Spartaeus Cassinera - 15 years ago
This guy is far out!
neurofire - 16 years ago
What intrigues me is how true he is to the original tunes and yet how he remains so original. I love this guy - I hope he visits the antipodes sometime soon.
glyph68 - 16 years ago
Nay... TWO thumbs up.
justpassnthru - 16 years ago
If you've never seen this guy live, you have really missed out! He's a magician musician! The way he plays the "guit-steel" is nothing short of magic!!!
Gareth Williams
Gareth Williams - 16 years ago
Just Too Awesome For Words.

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