Just add surf: Easkey Britton at TEDxDublin

While finishing her PhD in Marine Science Easkey began to explore the transformative power of surfing and how it can create positive social in places-- like the province of Baluchistan, Iran, where in 2010 Easkey became the first woman to surf there. Her surfing career has been one of many firsts: aged just 16, Easkey Britton became the first Irish person to surf the 'hell-wave' Teahupoo in Tahiti, and has since become a Billabong XXL Global big-wave finalist and Ireland's 5-time surfing National Champion. Now she is sharing her passion for surfing and the ocean by bringing her pioneering approach to the more isolated regions of the world exploring how the creative expression of surfing can empower women everywhere. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Just add surf: Easkey Britton at TEDxDublin sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Surf 11 years ago 38,977 views

While finishing her PhD in Marine Science Easkey began to explore the transformative power of surfing and how it can create positive social in places-- like the province of Baluchistan, Iran, where in 2010 Easkey became the first woman to surf there. Her surfing career has been one of many firsts: aged just 16, Easkey Britton became the first Irish person to surf the 'hell-wave' Teahupoo in Tahiti, and has since become a Billabong XXL Global big-wave finalist and Ireland's 5-time surfing National Champion. Now she is sharing her passion for surfing and the ocean by bringing her pioneering approach to the more isolated regions of the world exploring how the creative expression of surfing can empower women everywhere. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

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Most popular comments
for Just add surf: Easkey Britton at TEDxDublin

Margaret Schaffner
Margaret Schaffner - 7 years ago
She's talking to the wrong crowd! Pura Vida!
Art Pintauro
Art Pintauro - 7 years ago
Beautiful spirit
Ahmad Te
Ahmad Te - 10 years ago
Nice fictional story, I hope one day #Iran become like that, but unfortunately far from reality on the ground, it is very nice photoshoot for Iranian Regime lobby to cool down the human right outrage over gross violations in Iran. it is very strange they didn't arrest Ms. Easkey Britton, she must have been very lucky or found very strong friends in Iran. 
if one look at the treatment of others like Ghoncheh Ghavami or Washington time report in Tehran which is still in Prison, or just google about suppression of Baluch people by religious fascist misogynist regime ruling in Iran, you will understand this was a photoshoot for Iranian regime lobby to brag about in Iran.

I love to serf with her in Iran too but unfortunately I am living in Exile.

Iran: Four Iranian Arab activists receive heavy sentences for "waging war against God"
"“Human rights in Iran during first year of Hassan Rouhani’s 'moderate' presidency“ reported, “of the 38 political prisoners hanged in the first year of Rouhani’s Presidency, twenty-four were Baluchi activists, eight were Ahvazi Arabs, and five were Kurds."

DripDropSlop - 10 years ago
Wow, excellent talk, eloquently spoken!
Amy Mau5
Amy Mau5 - 10 years ago
when I started surfing years ago, whoa. It honestly got me hooked from the first wave and I STILL can't go half an hour without thinking about waves
YogaforSurfers - 11 years ago
You would love yoga for surfers dot com!
Lisamaree Dom
Lisamaree Dom - 11 years ago
A panacea to the everyday. Makes me want to move back to the Northern Beaches (too wimpy for Donegal) xx
Luís Dias
Luís Dias - 11 years ago
WOW! keep surfing, keep smiling! ;)
Ev Alland
Ev Alland - 11 years ago
I bet GRACE O'MALLEY is looking down and smiling on you Easkey - you are the PyrateQueen of Surf!!

10. comment for Just add surf: Easkey Britton at TEDxDublin

Ev Alland
Ev Alland - 11 years ago
Tears filled my eyes reading your beautiful words for such an Incredible & beautiful woman... ahhh how sweet you witnessed Easkey's first wave !!!! and you saw that "light" ..... She is a gift to our world and Easkey continues to shine Bright <3
Ev Alland
Ev Alland - 11 years ago
She so eloquently expresses why I love to SURF -- she is wonderful - totally !!!! there's sooooo much wonderful,valuable words, thoughts, here -- wow -- she so expresses everything I have discovered and experienced......Easkey is an Inspiration of the GOOD WORKS HUMANS CAN PROVIDE
Fintan Gillespie
Fintan Gillespie - 11 years ago
"Surfing is my driving force, it's my lens to focus with".

Well said Easkey, we should all have a passion in life!
Helena O'Connor
Helena O'Connor - 11 years ago
Easkey well done, you communicated so well, conquering any fears you may have had of standing up in front if so many people the same way you conquer the fear of the ocean.
NC Britton
NC Britton - 11 years ago
Easkey I witnessed your first wave and your little face alight with pure stoke and then as first woman in Ireland to ride Giants.At 9 years old you wrote 'non-dual choiceless awareness' on your board as you knew even at that early age what it means to be One with the Ocean.You have brought your Anam Cara (Soul Friend) Surf Aloha across the World breaking down boundaries and frontiers.. You are such an inspiration and I am so proud of you beloved daughter, Rell's Great Spirit lives in you..ma x
venusrollergirl - 11 years ago
Inspiring!! Thank you Easkey :)
Anita Guidera
Anita Guidera - 11 years ago
Stunning! You took us on a journey and you brought us home! Bravo, Easkey!
Pierce McGonigle
Pierce McGonigle - 11 years ago
amazing easkey. well done
Matt Britton
Matt Britton - 11 years ago
Easkey, you have been absolutely superb - up with the Bill Gates and the Bono's of this world - really sincere congratulations, !! You have done Donegal proud !! Marr

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