Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

Kai The Homefree Hitchhiker goes surfing in San Francisco courtesy of eBaum's World!

Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco sentiment_very_dissatisfied 276

Surf 11 years ago 330,480 views

Kai The Homefree Hitchhiker goes surfing in San Francisco courtesy of eBaum's World!

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Most popular comments
for Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

Jennifer Catalano
Jennifer Catalano - 6 years ago
KAI ! <3
yomega brain
yomega brain - 6 years ago
this guy kind of reminds me of Jeff Buckley mixed with Keeanu reeves from Point Break/ Bill and Ted.
Louie Sutherland
Louie Sutherland - 6 years ago
An actor. He is an actor.
Zach Galifanakis
Zach Galifanakis - 6 years ago
I thought Jimmy Kimmel gave him a surf board?
Daniel Andrew Vegan Aesthetics
Daniel Andrew Vegan Aesthetics - 6 years ago
He's like Shaggy's brave twin or something...
nomad dangerously
nomad dangerously - 6 years ago
All you dudes are a bunch of trolls...leave the guy alone you fucks.
C O D Y - 6 years ago
Kai looks like zach de la rocha
Zack West
Zack West - 6 years ago
Lmao why did you guys even make this video this is sad
Zack West
Zack West - 6 years ago
Damn that dudes brain is fried

10. comment for Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

Surfer Franco
Surfer Franco - 7 years ago
Gabriel Ayon
Gabriel Ayon - 7 years ago
Kai was that kid at school who came back over the weekend with some crazy ass story and all you could do is nod your head even tho you knew he was lying out his ass
here2watch08 - 7 years ago
This is the guy who murdered the old man that he claims raped him when he was high on meth. He admitted it. He's in jail now. Sad.
Krampus Klaus
Krampus Klaus - 7 years ago
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson - 7 years ago
He's in jail awaiting trail for murder.
Love Life
Love Life - 7 years ago
This bro shoulda been in Point Break movie
nomad dangerously
nomad dangerously - 7 years ago
Awf Avila
Awf Avila - 7 years ago
sma sma smuuush
Russel Rabusa
Russel Rabusa - 7 years ago
Looks fun!
chickenboat - 7 years ago
that's not even ocean beach, lol

20. comment for Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

SirCharles246 - 7 years ago
This guy clearly has some mental disorders or did too msny drugs or a combination of both because he's definitely not all there
sa'3aa'Tut'R3aa - 7 years ago
you guys forgot the fact that he was high when he was serving..
Crack Dealer420
Crack Dealer420 - 7 years ago
sa'3aa'Tut'R3aa even if your high your skill wouldn’t get taken away just like when I skate when I’m high I can still skate Kai just likes to be a stoner surfer type dude and he thinks it’s dope but can’t actually surf but I don’t judge so it’s whatever
sa'3aa'Tut'R3aa - 7 years ago
you bitches dont judge quickly
etemy tradel
etemy tradel - 7 years ago
When you are a poser people can call you on it even on youtube, a 20 ft swell lets say at 19s would make around a 90 ft plus wave depending where it broke . Judging by this video there is no way Kai could handle a wave bigger than 50 ft. Now we just have to find out about his ghetto roots on the mean streets of B.C. .
etemy tradel
etemy tradel - 7 years ago
When he was all hyped on hatched smashing he said he was going to rip mavs.......... They should have a hatchet at mavs just incase kai shows up so they can put him out of his misery . Kai is from the ghetto of bc where he hits the 20 foot swell
Michael Thaxton
Michael Thaxton - 7 years ago
I like this guy he just wants to live and enjoy life the reason god put our souls here if only more were like him
GV Games
GV Games - 7 years ago
Too many drugs.
MEATnLOTS - 7 years ago
Fucken annoying kook
Anocks - 7 years ago
Did he say he was 5'3
BecKY G - 7 years ago
his character reminds me of  the movie taking lives ... he steals identities.... creeper
Fact Rage
Fact Rage - 7 years ago
Hard to believe he's ended two people's lives
Melissa Y
Melissa Y - 7 years ago
Fact Rage no he didn’t

30. comment for Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

J - 7 years ago
when you're a kid, you can enjoy something without being 'good' at it. Shakespeare was wrong, the world is not a stage, it's a playground.
Aaron Applegate
Aaron Applegate - 7 years ago
Lesson 1. Duck dive bro.
Mahir Mustari
Mahir Mustari - 7 years ago
I don't think he ever said he was a great a surfer lol; I was under the impression he just wanted to surf, and there you go he finally got to try it out
Jayne Karinova
Jayne Karinova - 7 years ago
Shop owner was totally over the whole thing from the start lol.
Sean Cameron
Sean Cameron - 7 years ago
take your time, paddle out around the shoulder, find the right take off spot.
Dude was getting impatient.
That will keep ya caught inside all fuckin day.
El gordo bolo
El gordo bolo - 7 years ago
ive been there :)\
Alz Dee
Alz Dee - 7 years ago
Why the fuck they giving him a dirty ass board.
Johnny Rad
Johnny Rad - 7 years ago
Because he is a kook.
Chuck D
Chuck D - 7 years ago
What is it about people that they feel the need to be so full of shit when its obvious what they're saying is completely false? This kind of thing would be beyond embarrassing for a normal person and throw away all credibility.
Darling Phenylethylamine
Darling Phenylethylamine - 7 years ago
Yeah. HAHA. 'Why put yourself through it?'
Ferg Ferguson
Ferg Ferguson - 7 years ago
Morons nothing but buttshit cum stains...
Jamalee Witty
Jamalee Witty - 7 years ago
Darling Phenylethylamine
Darling Phenylethylamine - 7 years ago
That'll be what hindered him probably.
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 7 years ago
sooo  is the the same dude who killed a older guy from time square for date raping him ??
TJ Tesdahl
TJ Tesdahl - 7 years ago
*allegedly *
DeadPistolsBrainGerms - 7 years ago
I don't remember him ever calling himself a surfer. It's just that he sounds like a surfer.
Michael Mercer
Michael Mercer - 7 years ago
DeadPistolsBrainGerms I guess you didn't see his original video with the news reporter? Look up the "hatchet hitchhiker"
mxgl - 7 years ago
Free Kai
Don Imon
Don Imon - 7 years ago
he is the real life sideshow Bob
Christian Gonzalez
Christian Gonzalez - 7 years ago
He should get a YouTube channel
Darling Phenylethylamine
Darling Phenylethylamine - 7 years ago
He has a YouTube channel -- now run by someone else. KaitheHitchhiker Official.
Tlocke Surf Edits
Tlocke Surf Edits - 7 years ago
6:21 in the pit
Angel Baggett
Angel Baggett - 7 years ago
Did he surf after this video?
GreatFratsby - 7 years ago
It's not the fact the he sucks and lied that bugs me. It's the fact that he's trying to drop in on people and is ditching his board into other people's way at a somewhat gnarly break. Honestly kinda surprised he didnt get taken to the beach and get stomped.
Obviously everyone's gotta start somewhere but you go to a shitty beachbreak to learn.
Omar Son
Omar Son - 7 years ago
gta san andreas where jizzys club is at in san fiero thats exatly where they filmed this no joke
End of the Earth Vans
End of the Earth Vans - 7 years ago
Idiot. Not a surfer at all. But it is fucked up he has been held for 3 years without a trial. New Jersey needs to try him for murder or let him go. He's being fucked with because the guy he "murdered" was a lawyer that was connected to all the Judges.

50. comment for Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

End of the Earth Vans
End of the Earth Vans - 7 years ago
"surfing san Francisco" -- video starts out with him trying to drop in on 2 people. He's a fucking canadian.
Ezra Cohen
Ezra Cohen - 7 years ago
guy with snapback "ya, ya" knows hes full of shi hahah
Prepared Survivalist
Prepared Survivalist - 8 years ago
Killer waves. What, too soon?
James Minard
James Minard - 8 years ago
This fool was gonna hit Mavericks?
Dante Henry
Dante Henry - 8 years ago
It was probably super long sense he surfed
TM Feldman
TM Feldman - 8 years ago
Okay eBaum, you made him look goofy, good for you. Didn't Kai say he wanted to surf Mavericks? Maybe you guys should have sponsored a big wave trip instead. I'll tell you one thing for sure and for certain, if I was a homeless surfer, I'd be living in Oahu.
Alexander Milentis
Alexander Milentis - 8 years ago
The dudes in the shop are clowning him the whole time. "Can you surf?"
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
snow flake.
Finn - 8 years ago
dude was offered a free ride out.. free board.. course he's gonna have a go . he thought it would be fun.. but when it came to the crunch the sea won - you got a laugh for free why complain..
Finn Kelcher
Finn Kelcher - 8 years ago
haha kai time newzealand beats this any day
Matt Halbmaier
Matt Halbmaier - 8 years ago
what a goober.
Adamov Bagdanov
Adamov Bagdanov - 8 years ago
its very intersting he got his 5 min of fame from hobo to hero in usa they must love stories like this, then got some money got tatto on his face and murder some old guy, now in prison waiting for trail 3 years now sad story ---- dont be mean to him, life is mean
Dylan Steinberg
Dylan Steinberg - 8 years ago
What a Kook hahah
ThyChrysanthemum - 8 years ago
He doesn't seem clueless on the board, like he kinda gets how to handle himself on a board by the way he sits and can stably turn around (That's more than someone who just started and is harder than it sounds).

But he doesn't know when to really paddle into the wave properly and he almost snaked 2 people already on a wave. He really doesn't know how to surf.

He barely knew what a "rogue wave" was. And he talked with the shopkeeper about 20 foot swells. He can't even handle 1-3 foot surf here.

If this was something he really loved to do, it wouldn't look like he's only 2 months into surfing in this video. He's is truly being just a poser here because it sounds cool to surf.
Daniel Lopez
Daniel Lopez - 7 years ago
ThyChrysanthemum it seems like he wants to get into it and enjoy it but from most of the comments here not a very welcoming world to step into. Granted he did front on his experience of surfing..that just tells you he wants to be as good at something he likes
Brooke - 8 years ago
It's Kai's world. We're all just living in it.
Cloud tEn
Cloud tEn - 8 years ago
i wanna chill with kai o-o
Brandon keene
Brandon keene - 8 years ago
Nossy Noss ok
Nosferatu Rasta
Nosferatu Rasta - 8 years ago
king mufasa yea cuz your an ugly bitch inside and out
Brandon keene
Brandon keene - 8 years ago
Nossy Noss what fun is that
Nosferatu Rasta
Nosferatu Rasta - 8 years ago
king mufasa then don't date rape him dumb fuck
Brandon keene
Brandon keene - 8 years ago
Cloud tEn until he fucking kills u like like he did that 1 dude he's in jail for now
Random Everything
Random Everything - 8 years ago
he is a good surfer
steve b
steve b - 8 years ago
cook....go back to surfing your toilet....get your ass beat next time
steve b
steve b - 8 years ago
Kook....lol spell check lolololololol
TM Feldman
TM Feldman - 8 years ago
steve b cook?
JosephRC - 8 years ago
as a surfer myself watching this was the cringiest thing
Victoria Mickens
Victoria Mickens - 8 years ago
Shark bait hoo ha ha

dude's just getting womped
Cody Gregory
Cody Gregory - 8 years ago
what a kook lmao
eomolkujin marjol lojosh
eomolkujin marjol lojosh - 8 years ago
kai such a dumbass glad hes locked hes a muderer when he can be
TheReal RobbDee
TheReal RobbDee - 8 years ago
rippule rimajol Kai is cool af shut the fuck up
Sebastian Vo
Sebastian Vo - 8 years ago
"20 foot swell" lmao. The shopkeeper obviously knew this dude was lying out of his ass
Jeremy Shutrump
Jeremy Shutrump - 8 years ago
fucking idiot can't surf
Darth Night
Darth Night - 8 years ago
aaaand now he's in jail for life lol
never knows Best
Si Y
Si Y - 7 years ago
Jaime A. he has a yt channel where it's him speaking from prison. I don't know if he got life or is being remanded or what but the channels called Kai Songbird
Jaime A.
Jaime A. - 8 years ago
Dark Knight18 and links to that info?
Wax - 8 years ago
yes he is for murder
Random Everything
Random Everything - 8 years ago
lol is he really?!?!?!?!
Michael's Corner
Michael's Corner - 8 years ago
please let him be a religion already
Reason4Termination - 8 years ago
lol.. yeah. that was a "stretch". Just like how what a certain orifice of his will be after years in jail.

Although that lawyer he killed sure did kind of look a bit queer..
Joe Jitsu
Joe Jitsu - 8 years ago
Might wanna worry about your own jokes there before critiquing others.I actually don't hate anyone,I jsut think this guy is a phsyco and a complete phoney that fooled alot of week minded people.The dude clearly has a pension for violence and I don't beleive for a second he was raped or an attempt was made.He sure seems ot love that hatchet of his.
Jesse - 8 years ago
that was a stretch. jokes are hard huh? anyway sounds like you really hate kai. was the rapist he killed related to you?
Joe Jitsu
Joe Jitsu - 8 years ago
The only following of this dude people should be doing is to the shower for the rest of his life.(No need for him to bring soap,bubba will bring it)
Michael's Corner
Michael's Corner - 8 years ago
+Joe Jitsu Nah lol it's kaism :)
Joe Jitsu
Joe Jitsu - 8 years ago
uuuuuum,he is already part of a religion,its called schizophrenia.
Mathew Dos Santos
Mathew Dos Santos - 8 years ago
BearFlagRebel - 8 years ago
Stick to being some hipster trick if you get out of the can.
John Boyle
John Boyle - 8 years ago
Dave Grohl Bro
jack mayhoff
jack mayhoff - 8 years ago
fuck it, who cares ..
Shane Baird
Shane Baird - 8 years ago
he is lucky, that is no place for a kook to surf. I have seen good surfers get in troublebout there. i have seen guys get sucked out to sea when the tide shifts.
ChrisDavenport Shoots
ChrisDavenport Shoots - 8 years ago
Sebastian Vo it's called fort point
Sebastian Vo
Sebastian Vo - 8 years ago
I'm asking for the actual spot name you fucking dumbass. No shit it's SF
Max Aylward
Max Aylward - 8 years ago
do you not see the golden gate bridge in the background?
Sebastian Vo
Sebastian Vo - 8 years ago
What spot is this?
Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter - 8 years ago
"If I die, I die." Dies months later
Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter - 8 years ago
? I didn't know the video I saw wasn't true, no need to be a cunt.
Jason X
Jason X - 8 years ago
What joy do you get out of posting lies? He's still very much alive.
Helter Skelter
Helter Skelter - 8 years ago
It had something to do with personal health problems, shortly after going to prison he went into cardiac arrest or something. Some people say because of drugs others say different I'm not sure exactly. But I saw it on a video called famous people you had no idea were dead.
300tank - 8 years ago
He does not have a clue on surfing he is all talk and never surfed before as you can see
Konrad Krieger
Konrad Krieger - 7 years ago
300tank so true what a kook
Billy Renza
Billy Renza - 7 years ago
fuck off
Mariska K
Mariska K - 8 years ago
Everyone starts at the beginning why all the hate
Ganjulationess3DS - 8 years ago
Dylan Steinberg He reminds me of rambling transients that I meet fishing around there. Especially how unsure he is weather to admit he is experienced or not when the surf shop owner asked if he surfs, then goes into some be story about huge waves Haha. Not sure how he popular either but I came across this and have to say it's a whole other level of poser

Edit: I just realized this is the homeless axe guy that was also featured on Tosh.o and he ended up murdering someone who drugged and raped him(supposedly).
Dylan Steinberg
Dylan Steinberg - 8 years ago
CieloaltoA340 this guy can't rip for shit I have no fucking idea why he is famous other then for being a retard
CieloaltoA340 - 8 years ago
ok junkies lets see,send me your videos surfing better than Kai ! specially you 300tank.
Taquito - 8 years ago
+braapbanana Lmao is that really how you see this situation?
braapbanana - 8 years ago
Hahaha and finding some stranger acting like a prat on youtube and commenting on it is alot better than some wet wipe rushing to his aid to defend.
Taquito - 8 years ago
+braapbanana Tbh i feel that surfing like a rookie and a dumbass is alot better than making fun of strangers over the internet, wouldn't you agree?
braapbanana - 8 years ago
Not sure what I cringed more at. Him dropping in on people, the fact he didn't get a single wave or when he kept bailing his board in whitewater. What a bellend.
CieloaltoA340 - 8 years ago
Maybe better than you junkie !
Taquito - 8 years ago
i respect him for at least going out
Salmon - 8 years ago
hes cooked...
300tank - 8 years ago
I like making fun of him because he conned so many people they just let him in there homes around there kids and knew nothing about him or past I know guys like him they have nothing to loose but to be a great actor to get what they need thats the way cons are and Americans fell for it
Max Aylward
Max Aylward - 8 years ago
5:58 He tried to cut off that guy but couldn't even catch a wave
Max Aylward
Max Aylward - 8 years ago
fibreoptik - 8 years ago
I wonder how many other lies this guy has told.
Alice Doors
Alice Doors - 7 years ago
+Hektk Chong wrong assumption! Wake up!....ask yourself if "people don't stay in jail that long", then WHY THE FUCK HAS THIS GUY BEEN IN JAIL THAT LONG???....he's still waiting to see a judge
Hektk Chong
Hektk Chong - 7 years ago
No, its simply because I don't know anything about the case against him. In terms of what iv'e heard he 'murdered' someone, even though that murder has been claimed to be self defense, and tell me if im wrong this was a couple years ago, so its pretty easy to assume hes in prison since people don't stay in jail that long.
Jno - 7 years ago
Hektk Chong that's because you don't understand the justice system. Jail until found guilty or innocent. Then freedom or prison.
Hektk Chong
Hektk Chong - 7 years ago
Im pretty sure hes in prison not Jail. Don't see why he would only be in Jail still.
Jno - 7 years ago
roywhiteo5 jail. He's in jail. Not prison. Yes, there is a difference.
roywhiteo5 - 8 years ago
he killed an old man who date raped him and is in prison now
Pablo Plavan
Pablo Plavan - 8 years ago
like the one you are worth something that was a lie too cos.... you are a pice of shit & a pice of shit is worth more than you or the same.
Callum beefboy
Callum beefboy - 8 years ago
TheCelticTiger32 - 8 years ago
Kai Time: Falling off his board a couple of times San Francisco
Darling Phenylethylamine
Darling Phenylethylamine - 7 years ago
A couple times? It's like he's never on it.
King Vortex
King Vortex - 8 years ago
well atleast he got out there and didnt die lol
xisotopex - 8 years ago
fucking kook douchebag trust fund idiot
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 8 years ago
What a treat!
Alex Edwards
Alex Edwards - 8 years ago
he does not surf, hes on a board with a shit tonne of volume and hes not out the back catching them early, no he didint go out in 20 ft good joke guys
Joe Jitsu
Joe Jitsu - 8 years ago
he actually rpobably did,the place he mentioned on Vancouver island is called Tofino,now,the part of him rippin it up is absolute shit,along with everythin gelse that comes out of this cunts mouth.The world is safer with him behind bars
philipbrankat - 8 years ago
What's Kai's Twitter
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 8 years ago
Poser motherfucker ..
bassface - 8 years ago
Jeremy B He's a hell of a lot more positive than you are lol. I don't care if he lied. He seems to be super chill.

Other than that whole murder business of course
Eric Emerson
Eric Emerson - 8 years ago
Chasing Waves... nice try, we all know what you meant.
Cherry Bomb
Cherry Bomb - 8 years ago
J-Fly11 Because surfing is only for men, right?
Cooper Winslow
Cooper Winslow - 8 years ago
Taylor riggle
Taylor riggle - 8 years ago
he sucks
13 steps 2the gallows
13 steps 2the gallows - 8 years ago
just shows what kinda person he is, compulsive liar, cant surf
Ryan Mattock
Ryan Mattock - 8 years ago
total classic style!
must be a rad view looking at the bridge while surfing..
Sophia’s And SnowBall’s World
Sophia’s And SnowBall’s World - 8 years ago
it's terrible for a guy who is so young and free spirited to be trapped in jail.
Ben D-K
Ben D-K - 8 years ago
lol this guy at mavericks
jdz101 - 8 years ago
That was a waste of my 7 minutes
JMPeRager - 8 years ago
+jdz101 Nothing with Kai is a waste. He's so cool dude.
Jon Jon Giang
Jon Jon Giang - 8 years ago
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 8 years ago
These are called beginner waves in hawaii. mahalo faggot
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 8 years ago
he has no idea how to surf

100. comment for Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco

S. Zúñiga
S. Zúñiga - 8 years ago
ForGiggles - 8 years ago
Anyone has an update on Kai`s trial that is going on these days??
Zowee Miyoko Brown
Zowee Miyoko Brown - 8 years ago
they won't set a date till September.. doesn't mean the trial is in September so really no answer.
Ted dibiasi
Ted dibiasi - 8 years ago
he could be the next Cosmo Kramer........when he comes out of jail.
Ted dibiasi
Ted dibiasi - 8 years ago
and oregano and parmesan cheese!!
JMPeRager - 8 years ago
+Ted dibiasi And fry himself with butter on the roof?
Ben Begood
Ben Begood - 8 years ago
What a kook!
Tyler McCloud
Tyler McCloud - 8 years ago
Was he released?
Rob Bc
Rob Bc - 8 years ago
Jesus I hope he gets sorted he's fucked in the head this kid.
Alex Arocho
Alex Arocho - 8 years ago
+Rob Bc Yeah :/
Rob Bc
Rob Bc - 8 years ago
+killall217 sad really he could be a TV personailty
Alex Arocho
Alex Arocho - 8 years ago
+Rob Bc Yeh, what a fucking moron
Rob Bc
Rob Bc - 8 years ago
+killall217 yeah saw it yesterday kids fucked.
Alex Arocho
Alex Arocho - 8 years ago
+Rob Bc He's in jail for murder
bmstr - 8 years ago
Is this dude in prison now?
M R - 8 years ago
He was arrested for the murder of an elderly man here in Jersey. He claims that he was sexually assaulted by the dude. That's pretty much all I know.
M R - 8 years ago
+JMPERager Yes but it can take a very long time for trial to begin.
JMPeRager - 8 years ago
+Michael Rooney But wasn't that stuff like two years ago?
M R - 8 years ago
+sceniK He is in jail now.....when they find him guilty he'll be in prison.
Cornvelious Daniel
Cornvelious Daniel - 8 years ago
Yeah it's sad
ForGiggles - 8 years ago
+devin pena Anyone has an update on Kai`s trial that is going on these days??
devin pena
devin pena - 8 years ago
He actually plead not guilty I believe but idk
Tomas Pap
Tomas Pap - 8 years ago
+sceniK yup
Luqman Darries
Luqman Darries - 8 years ago
Me:"Hey Kai do you think Trump wil win?" Kai:"I can't call it"... hahaha classic Kai
Pubg Xbox Clips
Pubg Xbox Clips - 8 years ago
The sad truth is that many people are homeless due to mental illnesses. There seems to be something off about Kai and despite seeming nice he is a loose cannon and shows signs of a psychopath.
Pinnapplekush2 - 8 years ago
is dudes cheek tatted or am I trippin? lol
Alexander Moffitt
Alexander Moffitt - 8 years ago
It is
jesse salazar
jesse salazar - 8 years ago
Sucks he's wanted for murder now. Life's changing for him as we speak.
Mac - 8 years ago
+JMPERager No such thing, unless you're Dexter.
JMPeRager - 8 years ago
+Mac The good kind fo psychopath.
Mac - 8 years ago
Look at interviews with people he knew, the guy is a total psychopath.
thischannel - 8 years ago
bro were gonna catch some serious waves today!!! cant even swim
End of the Earth Vans
End of the Earth Vans - 7 years ago
picture shows him dropping in on 2 surfers
CanadianBacon - 8 years ago
butthole surfing in jail now
Seccess - 8 years ago
Does anyone know how he's doing after the murder of that lawyer? Is he in jail or ?
Shane S
Shane S - 8 years ago
This allegedly murdered someone in NJ
Tybee - 8 years ago
Im actually crying with laughter at him getting abused by those waves, holy shit XD
Bruce W
Bruce W - 8 years ago
tyso71 - 8 years ago
the problem i have is that he lied and said he could surf and that he was surfing 20 ft waves.
BBB Oiii
BBB Oiii - 8 years ago
ahuh suh dude
Andrew Saludez
Andrew Saludez - 8 years ago
mychannel - 8 years ago
Who paid for this?
Quickscript - 9 years ago
and now he's in jail...
Istvan Homoki
Istvan Homoki - 9 years ago
stickyfingaz - 9 years ago
Oh shit! Aqua rules, my local shop only 2 blocks away!
Dominic - 9 years ago
Suh dude
TjReviewz - 8 years ago
Ska dud
Anonymous - 8 years ago
+Boran Ucdere Lmaoooo
Boran Ucdere
Boran Ucdere - 8 years ago
Suh Mash
Anonymous - 8 years ago
Suh dude.
thetoxicwallaby - 9 years ago
+Dominic Montya asuuh
Jackie Robinson
Jackie Robinson - 9 years ago
trey surf
trey surf - 9 years ago
He just needs to practice all day.. he will get it
startervisions - 9 years ago
song? 0:10
Felipe Alves
Felipe Alves - 9 years ago
Dude, miss him
Mr Krabs
Mr Krabs - 9 years ago
THis guy is a murderer
hangsambo12 - 9 years ago
Litters firework in the street.
pattersonthomasj - 9 years ago
Take that fool to Mavs and put him in the bowl,make sure you film it! lol
Murf - 9 years ago
Ryan W
Ryan W - 9 years ago
I'm from Minnesota and I've never been in the ocean so I have absolutely no judgements on this one.
Ryan W
Ryan W - 8 years ago
True but the waves are shit until the winter when the temperatures are freezing and there is no point to surf when it's that cold. Also, the great lakes are about a 6 hour drive from where I live.
jordan lukach
jordan lukach - 8 years ago
+Ryan W Wow. I'm from Minnesota too. You can literally surf at some of the great lakes mate
Kyle  Crepnjak
Kyle Crepnjak - 9 years ago
"Have you surfed b4 " judgemental retail dood....your there to sell duhh, take a hike bud , give him the board he wants, hes just going out for a rip eh
charles brace
charles brace - 7 years ago
I thought the same...
John Tyler
John Tyler - 9 years ago
Kai, ur the shit bro!
Mr. Fishy Pants
Mr. Fishy Pants - 9 years ago
Dylan Hammer
Dylan Hammer - 9 years ago
Did he say he's 5 foot 3? He's shorter than I thought.
jojo methuselah
jojo methuselah - 8 years ago
I think he said 5/4, 3 , the kind of wetsuit he wanted.
LouisC1408 - 9 years ago
that was probably the last time he measured himself.
Danny Mt
Danny Mt - 9 years ago
Don't pretend you can surf. Pathetic
Danny Mt
Danny Mt - 9 years ago
+Accidental Peroxide good one cock smoker
Brandon Donald
Brandon Donald - 9 years ago
+Danny Mt then you don't pretend you have a life and go back to 4chan
Danny Mt
Danny Mt - 9 years ago
+Plup Flo quit sucking his dick. he's a fake and he sucks, and your a fag. he's in jail for murder now so he will be surfing his asshole to black cock. somethin you would also be interested in. cheers
Plup Flo
Plup Flo - 9 years ago
+Danny Mt shut the fuck up let him do his own thing. if its his passion let him do it. I mean for fuck sakes hes a fucking hitch hiker you think he just has his oqn board... douchbag
Finger Gun Studios
Finger Gun Studios - 9 years ago
what a kook
Black Bird
Black Bird - 9 years ago
Kai is locked up I made a video about it
pazvato - 9 years ago
Kook! A BIC Malibu at Fort Point is a dead giveaway as well as the paddling through the line up, taking off on a wave that already has two (!) guys coming down the line...YEESH! I grew up surfing Kelly's and VFW's and we rarely saw this sort of Kookism "back-in-the-day." Unfortunately, this is becoming the new norm. Ugh.
Dylan Thompson
Dylan Thompson - 9 years ago
Should have went to Pacifica its a lot easier then fort point,.
Ricardo - 9 years ago
This guy would've died trying to surf mavericks
Joe surfer
Joe surfer - 9 years ago
Yea, he could not surf. He seems like an intelligent guy who could go somewhere if he got his shit together. It's funny how many kooks from the city are out there who show up at the beach only On an overhead hurricane wave day carrying a gun surfboard from the 80's that looks like it came from a pawn shop with one layer of new wax on it. They walk down the beach with underwear sticking out of the top of their board shorts while smoking cigarettes. Kook city. (I experienced this the other day and the guys were telling me they could not make it past the impact zone), it was pitiful. Barneys.
SK Ayrez
SK Ayrez - 9 years ago
go back to the valley you kook
trey surf
trey surf - 9 years ago
+Steve Samonian only surfing in Cali sucks. bunch of faggots
Christopher Hill
Christopher Hill - 9 years ago
+Steve Samsonian it's from LODT
Steve Samonian
Steve Samonian - 9 years ago
+MVP GODMODE you're why surfing sucks.
Albert Wickman
Albert Wickman - 9 years ago
Hahaha i love how he took that second wave
Belarion A.D.
Belarion A.D. - 9 years ago
this must've been what Manson was like as a kid
alyxskyler - 9 years ago
Does he have a tattoo on his lower cheek? What is it of?
etemy tradel
etemy tradel - 7 years ago
its a penis pointed at his mouth
Johanna Lundqvist
Johanna Lundqvist - 9 years ago
+alyxskyler i think its water, wind, earth and fire symbals. Also starsign
xx_pCCR_xx - 9 years ago
love how the eBaum gives him a BIC Malibu! honestly, best shit for beginners!!! cheap and unbreakable!!!!!
Lil Sokz
Lil Sokz - 9 years ago
let the man have fun. it doesn't matter if he cant surf or not. its his passion. just let him be and stop being so judgmental.
Dodged a Bullet
Dodged a Bullet - 6 years ago
LOL...He's so full of shit! Lies and all bullshit...he deserves to have people come down on him for it!
SlyestTrash - 7 years ago
He obviously lied, the guy seemed mentally unstable from the first video. The old man showed signs of an extensive beating and Kai said he struck him once when the old man was on top of him then ran away. What he's said doesn't match up with the evidence, in fact it contradicts it.
Melanie C.
Melanie C. - 7 years ago
Murder should be legal when you are drugged and repeatedly raped.
SlyestTrash - 7 years ago
He murdered a 70 something year old man and has been in prison for it for about 4 years.
Eric Cartman
Eric Cartman - 7 years ago
Lil Sokz seriously to say "id love to try out mavericks". please let him out of jail, get him a tow in and let mother nature try him out at mav. why would he even suggest that
these waves are a joke compared to mav. you have to be towed miles out usually
M R - 7 years ago
Sorry Jazmin, you're hot. I mean you're right.
Jazmin Zenteno
Jazmin Zenteno - 7 years ago
he clearly has a mental disorder so stop talking down on him
Nikhil Taparia
Nikhil Taparia - 7 years ago
he's in prison
M R - 8 years ago
You're not the only one. Dude behind the counter was not trying to put up with his bullshit and smelled it the second he walked through the door.
Reason4Termination - 8 years ago
This was like his first time in the area, and clearly do not have any respect to other people (and probably the locals at that). Was not aware (and probably did not care) for other surfer's right of way.
Max Aylward
Max Aylward - 8 years ago
This is definitely not his passion, and as soon as I saw that he had no idea what he was doing and tried to cut a guy off (5:58) I knew he was a poser.
Max Aylward
Max Aylward - 8 years ago
This guy has clearly never surfed before, he's all talk
Kamrul 82
Kamrul 82 - 8 years ago
The other Surfers clearly know what their doing compared to the hitchhiker...
jcrohm88 - 8 years ago
+Aaron Desuacido he can't even surf, he's a poser
Kamrul 82
Kamrul 82 - 8 years ago
+Aaron Desuacido what I was thinking could've smashed into someone he should've learnt smoking and surfing are a bad combination..
jcrohm88 - 8 years ago
he's either a straight up poser or its been a longggggg time
Aaron Desuacido
Aaron Desuacido - 9 years ago
+Lil Sokz Honestly you don't understand surf culture. It's about earning respect in the water and people like him are a danger to everyone around him.
Johanna Lundqvist
Johanna Lundqvist - 9 years ago
+Lil Sokz Agreed!! He´s just living life and having fun
Will Moody
Will Moody - 9 years ago
+Lil Sokz It being his passion is fine, but when he&#39;s out at a coveted spot dropping in on people and ditching the board every time a wave comes through, he&#39;s putting the other more experienced surfers in danger of getting hit by his board. Protect others by not making your lack of experience their problem. He claims he's paddled out in 20ft conditions but can't handle clean shoulder high surf, i'm gonna call bullshit.
Eric Pomainville
Eric Pomainville - 9 years ago
+Lil Sokz Maybe he just hasnt been on the board in awhile
Bossman Gaming
Bossman Gaming - 9 years ago
some nice shots of the bridge
max heusser
max heusser - 9 years ago
Why did he post this...
Wyatt Jeffers
Wyatt Jeffers - 9 years ago
Victor Melloni
Victor Melloni - 9 years ago
this guy is so up his own ass
Im Hassan
Im Hassan - 9 years ago
who else thinks that sounds of water is a bit ughhhh
xisotopex - 9 years ago
trust fund idiot
Jackie Mello
Jackie Mello - 9 years ago
Nice kid!
Kastan Gamblack
Kastan Gamblack - 9 years ago
He's in incredible shape.  This is what happens when you don't get a meal 5 times a day and you constantly move around.
☠WIZ☠ - 6 years ago
Who is having five meals a day?
ladydmethify - 7 years ago
Kastan Gamblack you have 5 meals a day?
Tyler Hussin
Tyler Hussin - 9 years ago
I like dirt I like dirt... Red Hot Chili Peppers reference, anyone else catch that?
Si Y
Si Y - 7 years ago
Tyler Hussin well yea lol
Dick Wallace
Dick Wallace - 9 years ago
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 9 years ago
you fucking barney
nododon - 9 years ago
If he knew anything about surfing he would know not to try and catch a wave that someone else has already caught. He probably tried surfing a few times but never got the hang of it. He is an interesting character that's for sure.
Craig Christ
Craig Christ - 9 years ago
guy cant surf for shit
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 8 years ago
+Matt Orfalea you can see it in his eyes, he's never caught a wave a day in his life. he was terrified, he talked a big game and now there was no backing out.
thischannel - 8 years ago
+Leanne Freebody but he said he surfed 20 foot waves before...he fucking lies...fuck off
Craig Christ
Craig Christ - 9 years ago
+Orf plus the herion was strong that day
Matt Orfalea
Matt Orfalea - 9 years ago
+Craig Christ Cut him some slack, he's been hitchhiking for a few years
jake edwards
jake edwards - 9 years ago
+Craig Christ #1 murder. #2 Poser surfer.
FACT- If you know how to surf you can at least prep a wave instead of being incredibly late on every wave. I might believe being rusty if he was able to stand and fall immediately.
This was like claiming viagra works without actually getting up
Craig Christ
Craig Christ - 9 years ago
We talk a little different here in Australia brotha but i wont hold it against ya. just dont let it happen again right?
shiftingpeaks - 9 years ago
+Craig Christ good stuff bro
Craig Christ
Craig Christ - 9 years ago
ok shitingpeaks ok
shiftingpeaks - 9 years ago
+Craig Christ as you don't have a clue about surfing ( and I'm sure wldnt claim to - you don't "catch a swell" etc etc ) , probably not worth trying to judge his surfing ability - he was out of his depth there on what is a v tricky point break, got washed in, it's what happens - doubt very much he gets the chance to surf much with the challenges he faces day to day.
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 9 years ago
+Craig Christ "straight out of dogtown"
Craig Christ
Craig Christ - 9 years ago
+Leanne Freebody The dude got arrested for ANOTHER murder of an old man. Plus hes a poser he talked all this noise about being a narly surfer and cant catch a swell wtf?jus sayin the dude cant surf everyone behind him caught a wave why not him?
Leanne Freebody
Leanne Freebody - 9 years ago
+Craig Christ You know you were shit once too. The guy was/is (idk if he is anymore) homeless and got drugged and raped and a bunch of other horrible shit, He could never afford a surf board and a wet suit. Nice to see even when you save lives and go through so much shit people still hate on you :)
c'est moi
c'est moi - 9 years ago
he is very hot
Slappy Fistwad
Slappy Fistwad - 9 years ago
Seriously, I think the murder charge is just made up (news reports things incorrectly ALL the time).  Two years later and not a single update?  LOL, even the dumbest public defender would have put in a motion for speedy trial, which means get the show on the road in 90 days or you walk free.  LOL, people are so fucken STEW-PUD
gotacallforvishal - 7 years ago
he's delaying the trial with motions. but clearly you're smarter than everyone else and believe in this fraud so why bother explaining anything else to you.
Dick Wallace
Dick Wallace - 9 years ago
+Slappy Fistwad Just go to his legal support Facebook page. https://m.facebook.com/Kai-the-Hitchhiker-Legal-Support-Page-131972146999628/
Slappy Fistwad
Slappy Fistwad - 9 years ago
Leisa - 9 years ago
He's done interviews from jail, his lawyers are dragging it out so he's not on death row or in max security until conviction.
Kathryn Austin
Kathryn Austin - 9 years ago
Call me Kai!!
fadedexile - 9 years ago
+Kathryn Austin collect calls only... you really can't do better?
just me
just me - 9 years ago
Bill ? Strange things are afoot at the circle K.
jjs4you21 - 9 years ago
This guy's a hazard out in the water. He needs to learn the ways of the watermen, no snaking, take the brunt of the wave without interfering with the guy on it.
MJ Galasso
MJ Galasso - 9 years ago
He's obviously never surfed before in his life. When he thanks them at the end, he's a completely different person!! lol... whatta douche.
brrnay - 10 years ago
he's obviously got mental problems.. what i've seen he can't surf or skate but he can play the guitar at an intermediate level.. his singing was impressive.
saeshd - 10 years ago
he droped on two guys, damn
Slappy Fistwad
Slappy Fistwad - 9 years ago
+saeshd where?
Mark Traganza
Mark Traganza - 10 years ago
This guy is a total kook
End of the Earth Vans
End of the Earth Vans - 7 years ago
He's from canada
poleag - 9 years ago
+joey wilson Sophia, West Virginia.
jake edwards
jake edwards - 9 years ago
+joey wilson Dogtown...LOL
Stitched up
Stitched up - 9 years ago
Where are you from?
imakevidsdotcom - 10 years ago
better quit claiming DogTown and 20 foot Vancouver Island Breh!
Isabella Reyes
Isabella Reyes - 10 years ago
Rollin'J' Orlando
Rollin'J' Orlando - 10 years ago
00:52 .. "pretty good, this aint jail"

oh, if you could only see your future
Cincinnatus of the Republic
Cincinnatus of the Republic - 10 years ago
Kai the cold blood killer. 
cody thomas
cody thomas - 10 years ago
Did a good job getting in people's way
Roxann Daisy
Roxann Daisy - 10 years ago
Everyone who keeps talking shit about Kia, stop. That's a good friend of mine. HE KNOWS HOW TO SURF. I've seen him before.
EC Fishing
EC Fishing - 6 years ago
What is he a Kia Soul?
Zach Galifanakis
Zach Galifanakis - 6 years ago
Roxann Daisy is he still in jail?
FolkLaurr - 6 years ago
I think he's still in
Edwin Murcia
Edwin Murcia - 7 years ago
Roxann Daisy is he out? Or still fighting a case?
RealKirbysDreamland - 9 years ago
whats goin on here what did i miss
Ethan Daniel
Ethan Daniel - 9 years ago
No answer?
Andrew Jorgensen
Andrew Jorgensen - 9 years ago
How'd his murder trial go?
Intruder - 10 years ago
Trolls be trollin
yayoROASTBEEF - 10 years ago
S. Keenan
S. Keenan - 10 years ago
Like the guy said Caleb Kai Lawrence is in jail awaiting trial for murder of a homosexual lawyer from NJ. The two met previously in NY and Kai had stayed with the man a few nights before posting on his Facebook page he woke up feeling drugged and had dried semen on his face. The 72 year old man he was with was found beat to death in his underwear. This seems like a horrible attempt at humor but I assure you it is true.
TheRyadrian - 10 years ago
20 foot swell! hahaha
Howling Wolf
Howling Wolf - 10 years ago
Kai Time: Wiping Out San Francisco
KidsCanHost - 10 years ago
So is this guy in jail?
BenoBen Dee
BenoBen Dee - 9 years ago
Not so sure. He went in for murder though so I presume it ain't gonna be anytime soon unfortunately.
KidsCanHost - 9 years ago
+BenoBen Dee How long intill he gets out?
BenoBen Dee
BenoBen Dee - 9 years ago
Yeah, he is.
Donna Miller
Donna Miller - 10 years ago
If you are looking for the support group for Kai join us:: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=131972146999628
TigerMonthlyHits - 10 years ago
I died with the constant wipe outs at the end.
gabsonking - 10 years ago
im in tears 
oscar27ization - 10 years ago
Using Kai as advertisement for his surfshop
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin - 9 years ago
+WolfWreathFilms yeah, not a smart move. he could've been murdered over a wetsuit
WolfWreathFilms - 9 years ago
Yea as soon as I heard him say where his shop and shit was I was just like, oh that's why your doing this, douche. XD
schazahir - 10 years ago
go take a dump, but please stop entering the water
yayoROASTBEEF - 10 years ago
Haha u see the way he almost cut those 2 dudes off that actually caught the wave?? Lol
DeepCrater - 10 years ago
The dude was never meant for fame. He got in the wrong car at the wrong time. Dude ran his mouth about surfing and felt he had to live up to it. He got himself involved with a perverted sugar daddy and thought he was invincible a second time. Two smashes down, one to go.
MEATnLOTS - 7 years ago
This prick is a shit talker looking for attention
Daniel Hathway
Daniel Hathway - 7 years ago
DeepCrater - 10 years ago
+MachoDragon69Studios Your right he has and he's still young. Kai lives in the jungle and has to survive in it. Many people including myself at one point found themselves in it and how chaotic it can become at times. Being the ignorant one does not excuse ones behavior. Kai was not meant for fame, he can not handle it, he is not that smart. He needs to crawl up under a bush somewhere and disappear for his own good, before his third smash as he has so eloquently prophesied his future...comes true
MachoDragon69Studios - 10 years ago
your dumb dude, this guy has gone through a lot of shit!
DeepCrater - 10 years ago
+yayoROASTBEEF Yea! He's the kind of guy that would appear on the scene with a bottle of scotch and pass the bottle around and appear to be a great guy. After the bottle is gone, he reveals to you that he stole the bottle and talks you into stealing the next one. Next thing you know, your busted and as you look out the window of the police cruiser, you see good ol' Kai flashing you a hang ten sign as he walks away with your stuff. That's when you realize that you've just been smash, smash smashed!
yayoROASTBEEF - 10 years ago
Amen, you got it right. My only problem with your comment as well as many others is the part about the old man being a pervert. See Kai is street smart, and street smart people know the only way to sometimes beat a murder charge is to say u were the victim of sexual abuse by the person you killed, it's a trend much more common today than one might think. The facts do not add up. No semen was ever found anywhere to back up Kai's story. Kai fled after the murder never alerting authorities to his allegedly being drugged and raped. The elderly man also used to keep large amounts of cash in home according to acquaintances, none of which were found by police. AND now we find out Kai has attacked more people in the past and is possibly linked to more murders?? Idc he sucks at surfing, I assure you this is not someone you want entering your life.
Ed - 10 years ago
For the record, everyone who thinks that Kai killed the man with a hatchet is wrong. 
brixton sw
brixton sw - 10 years ago
Norton - 10 years ago
Chris Vann
Chris Vann - 10 years ago
He's the coolest homefree guy out there. He enjoy his life. Have fun even ever he can. Not like all the other bum.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 9 years ago
I'm sure being young and in shape helps him
jared - 10 years ago
Aside from the murder thing, This niggas a super talented musician .....
Jungle - 9 years ago
Why NOT 'rob' a dead dude who raped you is the logical question. The only plausible answer would be, to avoid making it look like you killed the person to rob them, but it seems relatively clear that this dude's 'thought process' or lackthereof doesn't quite function like that.
David O
David O - 9 years ago
I'm sorry someone drugged and raped you tomas, that sucks for you. It'll never happen to me because I don't accept rides or drinks or meals or drugs from strangers. The only person claiming it was self defense is the hitchhiker, which is a pretty convenient way for murderers to lessen the charges against them. If he was really drugged and raped and had to kill the guy in self defense, why did he choose to rob the guys house afterwards? All you have to do is Google the case to educate yourself. And yes my mommy kisses all my boo boos, even the one between my legs FAG.
lone ranger
lone ranger - 9 years ago
+yayoROASTBEEF oh look someone who thinks they've read the whole story haha buddy if you all the facts you would know it is being treated as a self defense case he has been in hiding from the public to avoid giving info to people who know jack shit...bro i hope you wake up in a house after being drugged. learn empathy and self defense rather than all killings are unjustified and i should run always.....you're probably one of those kids who always used asked mommy to bandage your scratches from a blade of grass
yayoROASTBEEF - 10 years ago
Or you can read about ALL the facts and choose to not support a murderer. Don't worry tho I'm sure most peoples intelligence levels are right around dede kings
John Doesitintheair
John Doesitintheair - 10 years ago
+dede king There's a seperate case in which Kai kills a lawyer who Kai claims raped him.
asil - 10 years ago
he murdered his rapist, and he's now in jail. kai deserves justice and freedom. you can find out more about his case and choose to support him at his facebook legal support page. (facebook dot com) /pages/Kai-the-Hitchhiker-Legal-Support-Page/131972146999628
dede king
dede king - 10 years ago
he actually did not kill hiim you can just look up the videos on youttube and the guy is alive at court
southchum101 - 10 years ago
Some old man jizzed into his mouth.
dago4skin - 10 years ago
R Andre
R Andre - 10 years ago
It was only a little TOO obvious this was his first time on a board...god what a poser. Kai PLEASE go try and surf mavericks 
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago
That shop is chill and so is that guy Ahhaha he wasn't having it
imakevidsdotcom - 10 years ago
He was like, "I'll take your money." Don't blame him
Dead poolmonkey
Dead poolmonkey - 10 years ago
A white guy named kai
Nig Nog Jenkins
Nig Nog Jenkins - 10 years ago
I like the chili peppers reference 
Grimpus1 - 10 years ago

He should probably just stick with his hatchet
Goomer - 10 years ago
He was ready for Mavericks...
real1 jimbone
real1 jimbone - 10 years ago
cool video I missed this the first time watching kai videos
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 11 years ago
nikolas reeder
nikolas reeder - 11 years ago
2:06 "i like dirt, i like dirt." that is the red hot chili peppers. FUCK YA
Charlie Shakur
Charlie Shakur - 11 years ago
More great people luv it :-)
ToolsnFire - 11 years ago
Nice tube ride
Constantine Pinchuk
Constantine Pinchuk - 11 years ago
Yay Kai lol
Mauricio Vásquez
Mauricio Vásquez - 11 years ago
Jack Williamson
Jack Williamson - 11 years ago
"id love to test out mavericks" -no you dont
Mason Rogers
Mason Rogers - 11 years ago
SF Bay is so fucking cold. You seriously have to be acclimated to even be able to swim let alone surf comfortably.
ApEx1HP - 10 years ago
+Garrett Davis Except that the best swells in Florida are either during Hurricanes or the winter when it's colder than balls.
Garrett Davis
Garrett Davis - 10 years ago
Yeah Cali's beaches aren't like Florida's that's for sure.
4678mero - 11 years ago
kai is a kook
Melanie Kittrell
Melanie Kittrell - 11 years ago
Philonetic pulls this same act all over the internet. Frequently accused of misflagging posts, using sock puppets, lying & spamming, he's been banned from channels & forums(including Nexus for promoting piracy). His sock puppets are painfully obvious (philocentric123 for example) & appear in his threads on widely different topics to agree w/ him."Jack Nimble" & "Colin M" are 2 of his puppets that have backed his opinion on other videos involving 9/11 conspiracy & videos games & then came here to agree with him about Kai. But he likes to accuse anyone who argues with him of using multiple accounts! LOL. Security guard turned blue collar laborer, he desperately wants to be seen as an educated authority. Don't feed this troll.  (**Forum Post by Kaitlin)
Kilo Man
Kilo Man - 11 years ago
sad to say kai can't surf brah lol
philonetic - 11 years ago
y u wanna like crazy?
Good idea - follow people that deserve it  watch?v=aE2GCa_nyU
philonetic - 11 years ago
"Lost in all the cult-hero worship, it seems, were pretty obvious signs of violent tendencies."
"as stated by his own parents, "he's had issues for years"
Not to mention he spent most of his life in a mental ward.

So get mad at me for trying to avert people away from this stupidity.  I couldn't care less about you and your multiple accounts, and all your comments with the same number of votes, quite curious.

He's going to be convicted, deal with it.
Luke Trout
Luke Trout - 6 years ago
philonetic the guys pretty smart he speaks 3 languages, stop the hate
Melanie Kittrell
Melanie Kittrell - 11 years ago
Philonetic pulls this same act all over the internet. Frequently accused of misflagging posts, using sock puppets, lying & spamming, he's been banned from channels & forums(including Nexus for promoting piracy). His sock puppets are painfully obvious (philocentric123 for example) & appear in his threads on widely different topics to agree w/ his opinion."Jack Nimble" & "Colin M" are 2 of his puppets that have backed his opinion on other videos involving 9/11 conspiracy & videos games & then came here to agree with him about Kai. But he likes to accuse anyone who argues with him of using multiple accounts! LOL. Security guard turned blue collar laborer, he desperately wants to be seen as an educated authority. Don't feed this troll.   
John Snow
John Snow - 11 years ago
 YOU: "I'm pretty sure the "director" of the "Kai support group" was ignorant to his past when starting the charade." Pretty funny considering Kai's father is one of the admin of the only support group. And then there's Kai's essay about his childhood posted on FB months prior to arrest. And the interview he gave to Jessob detailing it further. So yeah we're laughing as you scurry around  repeating your "big discovery" of a 4 month old interview. 
B Butler
B Butler - 11 years ago
Are you too lazy to read the thread? YOUR quote was posted. To deflect, you repeated yourself about Kai. Try to keep up. The rest of us are laughing you for getting caught in another lie.  
philonetic - 11 years ago
+Jordan Ruiz It was a lie really?
That's a direct quote from his own mother you blind cult-minded loon.
Are you too lazy to google it, or just in denial?
Again, talking about me, insulting me for the number of videos (10) I've posted on is fucking pathetic, your rhetoric is that of a grade school student.
He's a mental patient, I'll say it as many times as it takes for you people to concede that he shouldn't be advocated or even publicized.  I couldn't care less what you morons think about me as long as I'm making my point and averting others from idolizing someone without knowing a single damn thing about their background.
Let me spell it out for you...  you're defending a
M U R D U R I N G   M E N T A L   P A T I E N T.
Sssssssstop it.
philonetic - 11 years ago
+Melanie Kittrell 11 upvotes in that little time, riiiight, sure you're not using multiple accounts.  All the comments in reply to mine have mostly the exact same number of votes, they increase the same number each day.  There aren't that many people that watch this video and read the comments.  I just want you to know that you're transparent.
So you're saying he's not innocent?  Then why does he have support groups.  I'm pretty sure the "director" of the "Kai support group" was ignorant to his past when starting the charade.
B Butler
B Butler - 11 years ago
It was your own quote and it was a lie. Just like the last time you used the "mature" line...when Daniel mentioned your obsessive posting on so many Kai videos and you said "Sorry but I've only commented on a couple, you're embellishing for arguments sake, very mature."
Melanie Kittrell
Melanie Kittrell - 11 years ago
Is English your first language?  No one here said Kai was innocent. They said you were annoying. And you are. You've repeated yourself to the point that everyone, even Kai haters, are sick of you.     
philonetic - 11 years ago
+Jordan Ruiz
All they're doing is shying away from the fact that he has a history of mental illness.  Too touchy of a subject for you guys?
He spent his childhood in a mental ward, a completely valid fact, revelational even, yet all I see in his defense is deflection of the facts in favor of attacking me.  Yeah, rrrrrreally mature conversation we're having here.
B Butler
B Butler - 11 years ago
Er...weren't those your own words she posted?  Ya might wanna get some ketchup, they'll taste better. 
philonetic - 11 years ago
No surprise that's the only rhetoric you have to fall back on =)
good talk
Jill Parker
Jill Parker - 11 years ago
Famous Last Words:
 "I'll drop the subject, but I will laugh a bit when he's convicted."
-Philonetic, 7 Days Ago
philonetic - 11 years ago
+Serena Romeo
Sorry but I'm not wrong, the kid has a history of mental problems but people are backing him like he's the 2nd coming.  I wonder how well that cult mentality will serve you in life.
philonetic - 11 years ago
Are you on drugs like Kai?
You just replied didn't you?  I haven't marked anything as spam buddy, try a different method of discrediting someone yeah?  Why do you youtube lifers always use the same rhetoric?  104 comments in 5 months replying to an onslaught of bullshit just like yours, and you're surprised?
How about this..  If you disagree with me, don't feel obligated to reply when no comment was directed at you to begin with, k?
Good job buddy.
Vance Phillips
Vance Phillips - 11 years ago
Same old Phil-you get caught lying or with the wrong facts so you flag those comments as spam. But now they're all back up again so you've come running frantically throwing up smoke screens "Kai's guilty!!" and "Multiple accounts!!" to cover up that you've been busted as an idiot. Now add whining to the mix-aww you were bullied into making 104 comments--LOL!!
MissLalove123 - 11 years ago
Makes me wish I were at the beach right now.
philonetic - 11 years ago
You guys have commented more times on more "kai" videos, where do you think I was linking to them through? Might want to hide you activity. I'll drop the subject, but I will laugh a bit when he's convicted.
Vance Phillips
Vance Phillips - 11 years ago
See Philonetic, that's why people aren't responding to you anymore....when you get proven wrong, you flag the post as spam. No one else would be motivated to do so, the post was to and about YOU. You aren't fooling anyone. As Instant Karma said (and you flagged to hide) you've made 104 comments on 10 Kai videos. You were caught in a lie on this page claiming you'd only commented on "a couple" of videos. And hiding the comment isn't going to change the fact that you're obsessed and need help.
Vance Phillips
Vance Phillips - 11 years ago
BOOYAH!!! I just laughed so hard that Diet Coke sprayed out of my nose. I don't know if Kai is guilty or not-like most rational people, I'm waiting for the trial to evaluate the evidence. But what I do know is that philonetic is in need of an intervention. He's not happy simply concluding Kai is guilty,-he's desperate to convince everyone to agree with him. Mental health issues indeed.
Instant Karma
Instant Karma - 11 years ago
The First Step is Admitting You Need Help- The "couple" of videos you've commented on: Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco Kai the Hitchhiker arrested for NJ Murder Kai the Hobo Saves Hostage Kai the Hitchhiker Murder Investigation Details Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker Kai the Hitchhiker's Original Song Kai the Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker's Amazing Interview KMPH Exclusive: Meet the Real Kai Kai the Hitchhiker & Jessob Reisbeck on Jimmy Kimmel Media Throng Meets Kai the Hitchhiker at NJ..
Instant Karma
Instant Karma - 11 years ago
A couple??? LOL, now who's the liar? A quick check at YTReports shows you've made 104 comments on 10 Kai videos since June 15th. That's alot more than "a couple." That's excessive & obsessive by anybody's standards. Daniel Finch didn't say anything about supporting Kai, he was talking about YOU and I agree..you definitely need a new hobby.
philonetic - 11 years ago
No, but he did kill a man. Sorry but I've only commented on a couple, you're embellishing for arguments sake, very mature. Caleb has already been hospitalized for self inflicted wounds while in jail. His parents admit his mental health issues. He spent the majority of his life in a mental ward. You're defending him I get it, but I don't know why and I doubt you do either. Know that WHEN it comes out that he's guilty, I'll take solace in knowing I tried to warn you people. Charming =/= sane
philonetic - 11 years ago
Sorry that you're blind enough to support him. But keep up the immature rhetoric, it suits you.
Vance Phillips
Vance Phillips - 11 years ago
Uh..did Kai kill your hamster or something? I've seen you on every Kai video raging with spittle coming out of your mouth for months....don't you have any other interests? You're starting to scare me dude, you may need to seek some help.
philonetic - 11 years ago
Hahaha what a fucking LIAR. "I'm from WV bruh" No, you're Canadian. "I can surf bruh" No, you can't xD
sarah maraih
sarah maraih - 11 years ago
JohnnyK - Lyricist/Producer
JohnnyK - Lyricist/Producer - 11 years ago
The HD quality is crazy crisp. What did you use to film this? Thanks.
Todd Mckinney
Todd Mckinney - 11 years ago
Wow you have 2 mexicans in our country calling people names you should be ashamed no one likes a mexican in any neighborhood so knock it off dummies
YesJimZ - 11 years ago
hey woody your FAT look at your picture HAHAHAHAAHAHAHHA YOUR FAT
YaBoiGrimace - 11 years ago
Shut the fuck up you are fat as shit and cant surf.
YaBoiGrimace - 11 years ago
Hey Woody Oakley shut the fuck up
NIc Noa
NIc Noa - 11 years ago
6:21 bro ouch...
John Snow
John Snow - 11 years ago
Um..did Kai have an affair with your mom or what? You sure do post about him alot..you seem slightly obsessed. Oh and why is the grand jury deliberating on whether or not the prosecutor has enough evidence against Kai to hold a trial? I mean why would they waste time-don't they know you've already found him guilty?
kkh369 - 11 years ago
Kai can't surf :(
sam Mc
sam Mc - 11 years ago
Yea more surf and skim vids like this!
bonktripletoss - 11 years ago
chris decker
chris decker - 11 years ago
he on trail for murder
urbman29 - 11 years ago
You know what he reminds me of? a modern day celebrity/ what they would act like with people they like. The only difference is that he doesn't have wealth in material, but in mind.
koribryant - 11 years ago
least he got a barrel..
300tank - 11 years ago
Good points but how do they know it was him out of all other people and he cut his hair which is his trademark
Jonny Martinez
Jonny Martinez - 11 years ago
1st off u really need to think b4 u write. Hitch hiking from Fresno to Jersey do you know how long that actually takes to walk and then thumbs to get a ride there. 2nd they're allegations. He allegedly did it. The Cops used profiling from the video and then said yea thats the description people said.1ST the news gave him love and then calls him a criminal thats how good the media is. I always wait for the full facts before voicing my hypothesis of guilty or not.
300tank - 11 years ago
I have had a hard life as well and do ok but Kai killed a man and probably not his first how do you know who killed if they were never a part of your community and then can vanish to next city and do it again with an axe. He would probably lure his victims in and probably all gay then take the valuables and kill them and move on to next city hell he was in Fresno one month and next month in New Jersey so u have to be careful with anyone and be smart not a victim
BestVideoResponse - 11 years ago
Er, the guy you love is going to trial for murder. Investigators are also looking at his drifting history for other possible murders. I'm not lying. Look it up.
Roxie S
Roxie S - 11 years ago
bob kan
bob kan - 11 years ago
Kai is awesome!
bob kan
bob kan - 11 years ago
kai is awsome!
300tank - 11 years ago
Mini mal is always in his vocabulary and says it all the time to people because most do not know what it is so he says it in all of his surf bullshit stories.i think he wanted to be a surfer but drugs did him in and of coarse he does sex for cash so he never surfed as you can tell as he is watching other surfers out there and will try to duplicate them but he is so scared and panics every time a wave would come hold his breath and go under instead of floating on top what an idiot
Khary Slate
Khary Slate - 11 years ago
Is he stoned or is that just how he talks
FriedPoptart - 11 years ago
I like dirt I like dirt lets go catch some waves
No Breaks TV
No Breaks TV - 11 years ago
is the face tatoo real?? :S
Pennywise - 11 years ago
How do you know the man was trying to help him? Were you there? No. Don't assume shit like all the other small minded cunts. Also it's pretty obvious Kai is just fucking around with these camera dicks, trying to score some fame from him, He isn't stupid. Probably got them to buy him dinner and some smokes too. Haha.
Raptor Jesus
Raptor Jesus - 11 years ago
brittany reed
brittany reed - 11 years ago
not that im taking up for him, since he is now facing murder charges on someone who was just trying to help him BUT I do think it is wrong for people to make fun of him I mean when surfing or any other sport u have to start somewhere. Yes it was stupid of him to say hes surfed 20 foot swells & cant even stand up on a 3 foot wave but at least he tried, a lot more than some people would attempt to do he should of told the truth & they could of told him the right beaches to go to etc.
surf usa
surf usa - 11 years ago
Edward Mckinney
Edward Mckinney - 11 years ago
4 attempts and could not do it and got worked but he will be telling his friend he surfed Ocean beach with 20 foot swells and did it all afternoon without falling off. He saw a small wave come and everytime held his breath and went under without even trying to get up, but held his breath pushed board forward and went under this guy is a fraud on everything hope he stays in jail where he belongs
Edward Mckinney
Edward Mckinney - 11 years ago
Hes a joke and surfing he has not done or why would the store owner asked have u surfed before? You would not ask a surfer this question but the words Kai used like 20' swell are u shittin me he is full of shit he can not even do a 3' wave for kids, watch out for people like him they are slick and blend in well to get there next victim and when u let people like him in ur house your in trouble
808BAMFasian - 11 years ago
I like how he said mavericks but he can't even surf this haha
pcolly2509 - 11 years ago
hes wanted for murder
300tank - 11 years ago
I am always wondering why a younger person is homeless and almost always throws red flags and hiding from something or someone,younger people always have a home because parents may still be alive or family or even friends but when you have a guy who a acts like he can do anything and blends in well and can do almost anything you have to ask yourself why r u homeless and r the most dangerous people but u get blinded when they blend in well and is there trick as they watch the next victim or u
TUBESTEAKNIG - 11 years ago
lmao dont get me wrong this guy is cool as fuk (aside from killing that 2nd guy) but hes mad bullshitting I almost feel embarrassed for him.
Fishing Network West
Fishing Network West - 11 years ago
team wombat
Jeff Barnes
Jeff Barnes - 11 years ago
What a flailing fuc*in' kook!
George Longley
George Longley - 11 years ago
And then he kills someone
My husband is a chaebol heir.
My husband is a chaebol heir. - 11 years ago
Joshua LaPlant
Joshua LaPlant - 11 years ago
i mean he's wanted for murder lol
300tank - 11 years ago
Yes he got worked and every time a small wave would come he would hold his breath and throw board and go under like he has never surfed before and 5 attempts pooped him out holy crap that guy is a drug addict for sure who just took his first bath in months in a rented suit that someone else will wear
thebackrubber - 11 years ago
Lol, he looks like he's surfed once or twice at most. Maybe not even at all. Didn't even come close to getting up on the board. Those were beginner waves too.
Rousenheimer - 11 years ago
TheRevProdigy777 - 11 years ago
He was asking to donate money in order for Kai to be able to afford a decent attorney, not because he was certain he was innocent, but because he believes that Kai deserves a fair trial with fair representation.
fattyz1 - 11 years ago
All I had to see was him dropping in on that first one, kook.
300tank - 11 years ago
Not heated at all he has more in his past he is hiding and can be a dangerous person when you get comfortable with a guy like him he may take you out which is why I warned people here in town I said he is talented at things or fakes real well so why is a young guy homeless and I know he is dangerous and he gets you to like him and then he bites you and moves on that's what silent killers do they blend in everywhere and gets his prey and moves on
Al Sharptones
Al Sharptones - 11 years ago
What a bull shitter he is just a con man hiding his past but look how scared his face is swimming out it is a classic
Al Sharptones
Al Sharptones - 11 years ago
Have to agree the shop owner was looking at him thinking what the fuck are you talking about dude I asked if you can surf and you rambled on about 20'? turtle? upside down? like why is your accent changing after I asked if you surf all of a sudden he goes into surf mode when he knows nothing about it.
Madison Renee
Madison Renee - 11 years ago
Why is everyone getting so heated over some drifter kid that is just enjoying life (at least in this video)?
Michael Mercer
Michael Mercer - 7 years ago
Madison Renee because thoes of us who actually surf see assholes like this all the time.
300tank - 11 years ago
We watched a lot of videos of him and everywhere he went he thought he could sing play instruments bullshit is what this guy does and when store owner asked him do you surf you can tell he already knew Kai has never surfed or sure Kai used big words or surf language that no one knows because he knows he will not be tested until that day but he picked up those surf lingos on his own and made shit up to make you believe he surfs when we know he never has look at him paddling out he is scared
Nellie Karr
Nellie Karr - 11 years ago
maybe if u got your hair out of your face u could CATCH A WAVE ASS HOLE!!!
300tank - 11 years ago
He was living in our city homeless and everyone thought he was the best I said he is a liar and phonetic why would a young person be homeless? People said all kinds of things I said he is too young and something is not right which now proves he is a fake and lies about everything
AugustusLarch - 11 years ago
He just didn't know how athletic it was going to be. You need to be aggressive to do nature sports like skiing and surfing. Newbies think it's going to be so easy and get a rude awakening. You have to 'attack' those waves.
300tank - 11 years ago
A surfer I don't think so he is way off on balance and timing too many drugs and wishfull thinking but he has never surfed a day in his life
TheElfkicker - 11 years ago
I admire Kai for paddling out in that rocky environment! Takes balls to do it so just shut up you little pricks.
Connor Yelverton
Connor Yelverton - 11 years ago
Fuckin kook
fatslug - 11 years ago
so what?
fatslug - 11 years ago
No, you give surfers a bad name. Surfing is the only sport where most of its players actively belittle beginners. You don't own the beach, you are just acting like a jackass in public.
fatslug - 11 years ago
HAHA! ya! i love when the surfer fags get all mad when somebody else tries to catch a wave. they thing they own the water... they aren't even that good. Somtimes you will meet a friendly surfer that will give tips and pointers, maybe encourage you to catch waves, You know help the sport grow.
John D
John D - 11 years ago
huh? Why? He reps nothing in regards to your rap, he told the guy in the shop he doesn't surf. Doesn't mean he can't appreciate it and try. It might be dicks like you that give surfing the bad name thinking you own the ocean and the sport.
Doctor Professor 3000
Doctor Professor 3000 - 11 years ago
Cry me a river...
Jeff White
Jeff White - 11 years ago
Fuck off Barney...go back to kentucky...go ride a goat...
Jeff White
Jeff White - 11 years ago
You are a kook!! The sharks shall have your stupid faggot ass!!! Its guys like you that give real surfers a bad rap....
kllyjrd - 11 years ago
How does he expect to ride Mavericks if can't catch these?
REDEYEDFEELiN - 11 years ago
Faka cant surf for shit
Brendan Slattery
Brendan Slattery - 11 years ago
nice picture fag
Gwen Lanter
Gwen Lanter - 11 years ago
There's no cure for dumb!
Alex Faber
Alex Faber - 11 years ago
not the best surfer
Sh1zn3t - 11 years ago
And what is this based off of? Your own head? You could'nt be more wrong. Get your facts straight before you judge people you dont even know.
freshdecay - 11 years ago
If a celebrity said it. It must be true.
Mo Samuels
Mo Samuels - 11 years ago
He can't surf for shit...
Mel Gagnon
Mel Gagnon - 11 years ago
ManTheBush - 11 years ago
The guy lived you Idiot lmfao Kai testified at his trial. Lmfao your confidence in your ignorance made my day.
Matt Harris
Matt Harris - 11 years ago
Ha this guys a phony. You're going to jail Kai.
Snowbunny Everest
Snowbunny Everest - 11 years ago
Kai in a washing machine! Straight outta Dogtown :P
killedbythedocter - 11 years ago
killedbythedocter - 11 years ago
20ft swells? yeah bullshit he can even catch a 3ft set
Carl Hendershot
Carl Hendershot - 11 years ago
Smoking and drinking is catching up to him at a very young age...
rafael costa
rafael costa - 11 years ago
InternetBlowing - 11 years ago
do you surf? its pretty hard
Studio13Hollywood - 11 years ago
Thanks for asking. Actually, all of that info has already been covered in detail, several times on my podcast. Try episodes #25 and #21 at metalslut [dot] com. Stop thinking with your emotions and use your brain, my friend...
Pennywise - 11 years ago
Never said he was my hero, he's definitely a lot more real and interesting then the average tawt, aka you. And I don't believe he got violent with a woman. If he did tell me the reason why, the womans name, and explain in detail how he got physically violent with her. Something tells me I won't be getting a reply fromt his comment
ResetTime Pkz
ResetTime Pkz - 11 years ago
Someone get this guy a floating.......Dog town my ass.
Trey Earnhardt
Trey Earnhardt - 11 years ago
I love how at 2:09 he sings rhcp
thersten - 11 years ago
too bad you're ancestors gave them rights. now you're fucked!
Bzdi138 - 11 years ago
sounds like a murderer actually.
Harry Gascoigne
Harry Gascoigne - 11 years ago
Princess_Elle91 - 11 years ago
lol Go jump off a cliff you piece of shit. Do us all a favor and dont call yourself a human being. You are an animal. A brainless animal. Who thinks his lack of color makes him a better person. Your'e a fucking joke. When you die you will rot in hell next to Hitler and the other half brained animals that I call racists. Go and kill yourself now and speed up the process. You dont deserve to live.
GlassTastesGood - 11 years ago
You're a little slow.
Beedbit - 11 years ago
What do you define as murder? By one of your definitions then you can also say U.S soldiers murder people every day. The other definition you can resort to will mean that he is not in fact a murderer. Go for it.
THSurvivalGear - 11 years ago
7:29 AM I THE ONLY ONE that thinks he looks like Keanu Reeves in Point Break?
Hostile - 11 years ago
Mrgrevy would take it up the butt like a man and not do shit about it.. leave him alone!
Rhi Kirkwood
Rhi Kirkwood - 11 years ago
what is his tattoo of????
Joey Cort
Joey Cort - 11 years ago
wow he sucks so bad
red pollard
red pollard - 11 years ago
whats crazy, is this guy have been charged with murder.. search kai-hitchhiker-pleads-not-guilty-to-murder
Princess_Elle91 - 11 years ago
wow negress? u stupid fuckin redneck. with ur nasty looking body. go wear a shirt. i aint no fuckin negress, im a beautiful black woman. and ur president is fucking black. u better show some respect boy. and zimmerman will be rotting in jail for murdering that innocent kid. with gods grace ur ass will join him
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
“You know nothing, Jon Snow.” Seriously though, you know nothing.
Oscar Leal
Oscar Leal - 11 years ago
doesnt means anything, politically incorrect doesnt exist, you got a point of view, i got a point of view, everybody's point of view is diferente, incorrect is what the liders want to makes us believe is incorrect according to them, indoctrinate, that's how that's called.
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
ok, then tell me what it means to you then.
Oscar Leal
Oscar Leal - 11 years ago
The politically incorrect part is just nonsense, what's incorrect for you? I live in a country where politically incorrect doesnt mean the same shit you're refering to.
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
You are right, but in this case, he is a murderer. He killed a man, cut his hair, and ran from the cops. What would you call someone who did that? Oh, and thats not just me calling him a murder, thats CNN, FOX, and the huffpo too. Granted you may not like any of those sources but you'll have a hard time finding any news organization that isnt calling him a murderer at this point. btw you sound so very delightfully gangsta saying you'll "murder a vagina" and all.... ignorant fuck.
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
Yes that is all very well true. What you dont know is that weeks later, now, in the present, Kai is an apprehended criminal. He murdered a lawyer named Joseph Galfy. Kai "smash smash smashed" his head in. Kai then cut his hair and went on the run. You could have googled any part of my response to get that story. ..but eh what do i know, im a retard right..... politically incorrect fuck you make me sick.
thersten - 11 years ago
people kill people in war & in self defense & or by accident, we don't generally call them murderers. you make me sick! if i see you i will murder your vagina!
elementneon - 11 years ago
This is the right way to advertise
matt vanbeekveld
matt vanbeekveld - 11 years ago
he goes to hit a wave then falls off lol
adamo36532 - 11 years ago
adamo36532 - 11 years ago
Ok retard look watch this video of Kai in court explaining what happened with the victim the perpetrator and kai all present meaning no one died and the perpetrator is facing up to 13 years in jail and said sorry to the black dude in the wheelchair that he hit and tried to kill but was stopped by kai. Like are u mentally retarded? The only thing thats dead indeed is ur brain.
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
yes, people named "thersten" do. Others, not so much.
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
The assaulter you speak of would be Kai, the victim would be Joseph Galfy who is indeed dead. On another note, did my comment seriously get voted down for saying he was a murderer?! Kudos to humanity! People make me sick.
lopezb - 11 years ago
Very funny. The surfing shots are a great antidote to all the super-heroics posted. "It was AWESOME!"
Blaster Master
Blaster Master - 11 years ago
He's a murderer
Bo Biden
Bo Biden - 11 years ago
michael buble in the background
Alex Drew
Alex Drew - 11 years ago
actually he was acquitted
mrmrfb101 - 11 years ago
he's under arrest for murder..
adamo36532 - 11 years ago
... + the assaulter didnt even die
Blone Cone
Blone Cone - 11 years ago
this guy's got life down!
thersten - 11 years ago
they don't like when someone are different than them. that's why there's racism & that's why they picked on you when you were in elementary school.
thersten - 11 years ago
some people like murderers.
thersten - 11 years ago
jimmy kimmel said he gave kai some money & that kai gave it away right in front of him. that doesn't sound like a beggar or a free loader to me.
thersten - 11 years ago
sounds like you have experience, you should give him advice on how to ride that motherfucker successfully.
TheBeofox - 11 years ago
He said in his other video he wanted to surf Mavericks, it sounded like, I want to bury myself in the sea.
Ray Gee
Ray Gee - 11 years ago
Ayyee eBaumsOrigional u got me in the video hahaha when we were all chillen at the beach
Richard Anning
Richard Anning - 11 years ago
thumbs up for Kai being a kick ass surfer.........NOT!
CK10101 - 11 years ago
Tosh Hosk
Tosh Hosk - 11 years ago
with the f'ing BIC
ChingChao - 11 years ago
Read the newest; some old guy kidnapped and raped him, so Kai killed him.
Jessie Vato
Jessie Vato - 11 years ago
yes ur right, i hope it turns out that he really is a good kid
Animalive - 11 years ago
I dont get it why so many people hate on him he looks cool and he saved people...unless im wrong and someone can tell me what wrong with him.
tonytones420 - 11 years ago
This guy got free shit an doesn't know how to surf .. He'll sell it for drugs in a week
Maxxten - 11 years ago
He's drunk and high though, lol.
Jessie Vato
Jessie Vato - 11 years ago
it looks like he doesnt know how to surf
PJ Reeves
PJ Reeves - 11 years ago
yeah.. for a murderer.
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 11 years ago
What a terrible place to learn!
Joey Brooks
Joey Brooks - 11 years ago
gta area lol
Joey Brooks
Joey Brooks - 11 years ago
the dudes looks cool to hangout
sfmarko333 - 11 years ago
AndrewLongcock - 11 years ago
I'd love to see him in a 20 foot swell with a 6'
VicInNocal - 11 years ago
Kai? More like Charlie, cuz he don't surf.
HenryWalsh - 11 years ago
hahaha i was surfing 20ft waves and shit i was fine hahah
Studio13Hollywood - 11 years ago
Here's the truth in a nutshell- I recorded his album, then he got booted from my studio after he got physically violent with a woman. That's what happened BUD. Not my fault your "hero" is a creep.
Studio13Hollywood - 11 years ago
Here's the truth in a nutshell- I recorded his album, then he got booted from my studio after he got physically violent with a woman. That's what happened BUD. Not my fault your "hero" is a creep.
Pennywise - 11 years ago
I saw you on another video commenting support for kai? what the fuck is your problem BUD
Studio13Hollywood - 11 years ago
Actually, I do know "Kai", and trust me... I'd be very wary of the dude :/
Hunter Mann
Hunter Mann - 11 years ago
watch at 2:49 , he is no homie from Dogtown either. How come no comments for the skaters watching this?
Hunter Mann
Hunter Mann - 11 years ago
Hey Billy, In the 70's,80's there were lots of people doing what Kai is doing. It is not being a free-spirit, it is being a free-loader, opportinist. He's a beggar: food, rides, lodging, cash, etc. He's just a gimmie consumer. In the 70's & 80's there were hundreds of people like him hitching rides around the US to Grateful Dead shows. They had no money, food, or concert tickets, their whole deal was "I need a miracle, bro". LOL Kai is a liar. He'd have to be 50 to have been part of Dogtown!
Jesse Ray Diamond
Jesse Ray Diamond - 11 years ago
i did that when i was 12 twice...
Kenny Powers
Kenny Powers - 11 years ago
The only surfing Kai will be doing is on Bubbas dick in prison
jamesi34 - 11 years ago
this guy blows at surfing
AnthraX - 11 years ago
why you trying to start shit fucking fag
lilbeats51390 - 11 years ago
Vance Stockwell
Vance Stockwell - 11 years ago
Better then you
Alan Newman
Alan Newman - 11 years ago
Ameri lite very true.
Bzdi138 - 11 years ago
well said
AnonSoldierBG776 - 11 years ago
Oh shit Kenny i love you bro you were my childhood hero!
ameri lite
ameri lite - 11 years ago
this man is a murderer with a psychotic disorder. you can tell just by watching him. i am surprised at the Courts in Fresno. no one even knows really where this guy is from, or what his real name is. no one really knows anything about him at all. several things are clear, though. he has no remorse for his actions. he is not a surfer. people have fallen for his act. i wonder how many other crimes and murders that have gone unsolved are his responsibility.
shmaveyea - 11 years ago
kennygwalker - 11 years ago
What a kook
HyperBlueGaming - 11 years ago
He can't be 5"3...
FriendsOfNone - 11 years ago
lol this guy would fucking drown in 20 foot surf.
CrownOfTheTown - 11 years ago
Uuuh, you know theres no proof of that, and thats just what he claims right?
mrkosmic66 - 11 years ago
You know he was drugged and raped right?
CrownOfTheTown - 11 years ago
You know he's being investigated for murder right?
6laderunner - 11 years ago
I don't doubt that he may have been through a lot in his life, starting as a kid (according to his lyrics). But countless people have been through crazy stuff... that obviously doesn't excuse terrible actions, not that I think you're saying that.
Lesnar Pwns
Lesnar Pwns - 11 years ago
5'3", Medium tall, lol
Joe Momma
Joe Momma - 11 years ago
he can't surf fer shizzle
Candy Kane
Candy Kane - 11 years ago
Sounds like typical psychotic behavior. BUT, who knows what the guy has been through. Geez. Depending on people along his aimless road, he meets up with. This is probably Craiglist everyday for him. Just a bunch of bs people to deal with, being on the road. That was his choice. Personally, I do not think I could live that kind of life. Sad, so sad.
Candy Kane
Candy Kane - 11 years ago
Did he actually surf?
Jin Ion
Jin Ion - 11 years ago
Um probly because I have fucking Eyes, I saw the news where he fucking SAID He just got in the guys car then he freaks,, what a few months later hes facing murder because he got all drugged up and smoked some dudes pole? OBVIOUS!! Now if You think the OBVIOUS is "He knows EVERYTHING" That you must be pretty fucking Ignorant if the "OBVIOUS" Seems like "Everything" to you..
weetzybat - 11 years ago
kimmel shud have given him a job methinks
weetzybat - 11 years ago
haha kai is funny bsing that guy about the 20ft swells :p
NudistInTheRye - 11 years ago
Kai is a fucking great human being. Seriously, let this guy walk the earth freely, so more people can soak up his crazy benevolent aura.
wizloon - 11 years ago
Male prositute kills his customer. How is that self-defense?
6laderunner - 11 years ago
How in the hell are you so sure of all of this? You must know EVERYTHING
6laderunner - 11 years ago
This dude is such a huckster bullshit artist that it's not even funny. In fact, it's disturbing and annoying. He's the kind of person who would suck the energy (and whatever else he could get) out of anyone who spent much time with him.
Princess_Elle91 - 11 years ago
self defense aint murder idiot. the dude raped him so he fuckin smashed him. id have done the same
6laderunner - 11 years ago
Yeah, dude, Kai is most likely you're standard street con artist. That's how a lot of these people survive on the streets, and he's got an act down cold. Anyone who can be as slick and charming as he was right after chopping an axe into someone's head definitely has some sociopathic tendencies.
Princess_Elle91 - 11 years ago
you dont know shit!
Princess_Elle91 - 11 years ago
shut up loser you dont know kai
6laderunner - 11 years ago
He can't play music either, but it doesn't stop him haha
Jin Ion
Jin Ion - 11 years ago
I love how scared dude looks in 1.5 foot surf ; ) LMAO..
Jin Ion
Jin Ion - 11 years ago
Fucking Pole Smoking Perve got what he deserved but I hope the other pole smoker learns that you cant Thumb the country meeting every walk of life and not run into predators and get targeted. So while he did paint the target on his SELF.. Molesting fucks get what they find, they find, drugg and fuck someone CAPABLE of killing them,, well pack a gun or a knife.. perhaps cuff them next time ; ) To bad for that sick fuck there wont be a next time.. Kid might have become a HERO After all,
Jin Ion
Jin Ion - 11 years ago
Though I am no "Murder" yet if I wake up with a sore ahole and having been drugged Im killing the fucker in an extremely violent and morbid way. Iv never killed, I dont even use a hatchet if a guy was trying to hurt someone.. But given being drugged and molested, Yeah Id of killed the fucker too and WATCH this kid get off with Temporarily Insane.. Itl happen because it is LEGIT.. Dude drugged and fucked him, Otherwise hed of never killed the guy.. It was NOT Pre Meditated,. Spur of moment,
Jin Ion
Jin Ion - 11 years ago
I would not exactly call him a Murder,, Product of his environment perhaps? I mean dude thunks a guy in the BACK of his head with a weapon and then people glorify his as a HERO,, So he thinks its cool,, Never having learned that he put his self in danger to begin with by sticking his thumb out to every freak, gets in the wrong freaks car and that freak smashes a dude, Hitch hiking pole smoker put him self in that car, THEN he gets picked up by some Perv, gets drugged and Ass F^&Ked..
doublestrokeroll - 11 years ago
well....there ain't no 20 foot surf off vancouver island in the first place...
doublestrokeroll - 11 years ago
we'll see.
steven joel
steven joel - 11 years ago
Dude this is youtube don't promote your shitty ass shop
ManTheBush - 11 years ago
He didn't murder anyone you idiot. Ignorance is a self inflicted wound.
Candace Winfrey
Candace Winfrey - 11 years ago
Fuckin hilarious. I love Kai! My favorite hitch-hiking hero!
doctordrizzay - 11 years ago
Did you see him murder?
David Benedict
David Benedict - 11 years ago
Apparently He Can Only Couch Surf.
Ryan Heece
Ryan Heece - 11 years ago
I thought he said in his first video he could surf?
AnonSoldierBG776 - 11 years ago
well it's not very easy you know
Hunter Mann
Hunter Mann - 11 years ago
You asking us to donate money because you are certain he is innocent? He's a typical bullsht artist who finally screwed up big time. How many men & women has he gone home with and slept with? This time maybe he was just pimping himself out, just happened to be a with a man. Kai would probably bed a 75 year old woman if she had some cash. He is a lame surfer as well... You have to listen beyond his well-rehearsed surfer-speak, he's just a kooky con man, and he'll be hella popular in prison...
Theresa F
Theresa F - 11 years ago
I hope that everything turns out okay for Kai.....
Timothy Orr
Timothy Orr - 11 years ago
6:21, so pitted!!!
Ian Simpson
Ian Simpson - 11 years ago
Jin Ion
Jin Ion - 11 years ago
Yeah but he clearly heard surfers talking before. hes using terms pretty much onnly surfers really know "turtle" so the guys figured he had surfed before. which he clearly had NOT "Paddled into 20 foot surf". LOL
wesley0889 - 11 years ago
You can donate money to go towards Kai's legal fees at gofundme dot com/2y7vvs It'd be nice to raise enough money to get him a decent attorney so he doesn't have to go with a public defender.
ihatecrackhead - 11 years ago
3:32 you found his weed too
AnonSoldierBG776 - 11 years ago
Didn't he get a surf and suit when he was on Jimmy Kimmel?
jon mccormick
jon mccormick - 11 years ago
didn't know how to duck under the waves coming at him. -A good try for a beginner and he did not get hurt.
jon mccormick
jon mccormick - 11 years ago
That surf is kind of one-line. You either time it perfect or you miss it. And then you have the rocks to worry about. ==> not the best place to take a learning surfer into.
likeomgutube - 11 years ago
"yo dude I used to ride 20 foot swells dude." and than he cant even get on the board in a 2 foot wave LMFAO what a poser.
gotohellaaron - 11 years ago
How come he thinks he's only 5foot3?
MrInternetDude - 11 years ago
Hes got a nice body!
MrInternetDude - 11 years ago
Man it sucks that hes in jail right now!
tulllguy - 11 years ago
reports are the fag lawyer may've raped him.
Kevin Browne
Kevin Browne - 11 years ago
I'd love to see the footage of his "day in 20ft swells in BC." Something tells me that was a load of crap.
OR0R0 - 11 years ago
he must be an aquarius - open minded, free spirit, and just plain strange lolol. LOVE this guy! and where does he keep getting his tats? i wish someone gave me free raw professional tats.
OR0R0 - 11 years ago
he has no money, he has not many worldly possessions, but he knows how to connect with ppl and make them feel good.so good, they want to give him a chance. ppl dont mind funding him. and now he's surfing in san fran. you dont see other homeless folks partaking in fun activities all over the united states. he knows how to treat people. folks with goo gobs of dollars dont even know how to do that. i'd kick it with Kai ANY day. PUT THIS MAN ON TV OR IN A RECORD STUDIO! put him on!!
VidRanni - 11 years ago
Obviously, you have good instincts
mattytd85 - 11 years ago
Way to exploit somebdy
maurice fazekas
maurice fazekas - 11 years ago
unfortunately..he is now Kai the Killer..
S Chretien
S Chretien - 11 years ago
he is quite buff for being homeless lol
jbMiami - 11 years ago
dude just got charged with murder....
lola lane
lola lane - 11 years ago
dont he look like tommy from the power rangers
lola lane
lola lane - 11 years ago
dont he look like tommy from the power rangers.....
Thomas h
Thomas h - 11 years ago
lol he's now wanted for murder hahahahaha
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ - 11 years ago
god is evil, he kills people too, and sends them to die in hell.
TheBilliejones - 11 years ago
Dude, he knows nothing about surfing....total poser. Nobody in their right mind would ride 6' thruster in 20' swell........you ride a gun.
Karen - 11 years ago
A shame that he killed someone.
Erica Martinen
Erica Martinen - 11 years ago
he is arrested for murdering a man in new jersey.. do u think the 19 yr boston bomber is cute and deserving of a show too?
daniel freeley
daniel freeley - 11 years ago
fuck seeing this guy inspires me to be even more of a free spirit and genuinely nice guy, and yeh I know he murdered someone but fuck it he'd been raped
Shiloh Gaska
Shiloh Gaska - 11 years ago
the intro to this video is amazing
thatstheguy07 - 11 years ago
4:33 four chemtrails
xdonnix - 11 years ago
hes a kook haha
qgustavo18 - 11 years ago
Marci Kunze
Marci Kunze - 11 years ago
lol he cant surf
DasVERMiT - 11 years ago
Insinuates he was raped... this story just gets more and more crazy.
Nameanelement - 11 years ago
Kai "the hatchet wielding hitchhiker" wanted for MURDER out of Union County NJ lmfao
jose sanchez
jose sanchez - 11 years ago
Filmed inside New Jersey State Prison.
critic2380 - 11 years ago
if u have a tattoo on ur face u cannot murder people .
samiam372 - 11 years ago
Kia's wanted for murder
iskate953 - 11 years ago
is that tat real??
David Korst
David Korst - 11 years ago
What a KOOK!
shaiharyaar asif
shaiharyaar asif - 11 years ago
What's up with those 5 comments?
Mark Rockledge
Mark Rockledge - 11 years ago
Where's the Baywatch bitches when you need them! It sounded like he swallowed a gallon of water.
Mark Rockledge
Mark Rockledge - 11 years ago
Now that he knows how to drown he might learn how to surf! Stick to the skateboard Kai instead of the surfboard! Dammmmm
Mark Rockledge
Mark Rockledge - 11 years ago
That shallow end looked like he was swimming in Clydesdale piss dammmmm!
Mark Rockledge
Mark Rockledge - 11 years ago
Mike Tyson would be proud of your tattoo.
Mark Rockledge
Mark Rockledge - 11 years ago
They need to name a medicinal bud after him, and call it Kai Smash! Dammmmm
Ken Ketchfiche
Ken Ketchfiche - 11 years ago
Each to their own. He comes across as quite genuine, and you're right he talks with candor, like he's coming from the heart. I just cringe at the thought of describing him as honest when you hear the things he's actually saying and then compare that to reality.
Alex B
Alex B - 11 years ago
the purpose of a good story is to never tell the truth, oops, it slipped!
Alex B
Alex B - 11 years ago
great story teller
Pancho Shoffeitt
Pancho Shoffeitt - 11 years ago
Actually bro he did a REALLY good job- he didnt drop in on anyone even though he could have there weere already 2 guys on that wave- he paddled out good and he hit the lineup with respect- plus he took 3 on the head lol I give him a SUrfer status -Da Stick Hononlulu
Al Bahkka
Al Bahkka - 11 years ago
hes bad at surfing
r0adraycer - 11 years ago
I hear ya, and while a gun may be recommended in 20+, a performance longboard should still suffice (ducks from replies). BTW, my comments on honesty were more focused on his candor, not his stories of wave conquest. Thanks for the reply tho.
Ken Ketchfiche
Ken Ketchfiche - 11 years ago
haha that honest individual says he went out in 20 footers on a long-board, says he wants to take on mavericks on a minimal, maybe if he was like Laird Hamilton, but not some guy who can't handle that swell under Golden Gate. Get out brother.
nicholascortese - 11 years ago
I'm from NorCal and that pretentious SF shit for brains in the surf shop around 1:40 is why so many people talk shit about people from NorCal. This guy (Kai) saved peoples lives, and came to your shop to help you promote it you twat. What have you done besides have a lame SF elitist hipster attitude and sell surfboards?
aerodicus - 11 years ago
I'd like to hear more of his tunes along with a good band and sound system.
itaintmebabe714 - 11 years ago
He probably hasn't surfed in a long time. He also admitted it himself that he got worked. This comment was for all the haters.
r0adraycer - 11 years ago
btw, that is a tricky surf spot...
r0adraycer - 11 years ago
arturosepulvedajr, you right! Kai is awesome! Talk about an honest individual that speaks his mind, no matter how crazy he might sound.
Andy Asnicar
Andy Asnicar - 11 years ago
He just loves life... He said the best way to devalue currency is to stop believing in it... He's gold
hardpack187 - 11 years ago
Is that a tattoo on his face? Right jaw/neck
Delyth Griffiths
Delyth Griffiths - 11 years ago
The shopkeeper had some mad attitude going on there...
Rob Proctor
Rob Proctor - 11 years ago
you know, it's sad to see all these people try and leach fame off this guy. Just shows how all these media outlets take people and leach off them. This guy truly is amazing, and infinite respect for him for what he's done, and for the way he lives his life. Him and I have a lot in common, but that's besides my point. my point is, people will do anything for views, even if it means exploiting good people for your own benefit.
Lance Sadia
Lance Sadia - 11 years ago
he did not SMASH on those waves. hahaha
forsety2 - 11 years ago
4:35. Holy shit, what a view
Daniella Marie
Daniella Marie - 11 years ago
smash smash SMASH
fatpiggie9 - 11 years ago
Kai wouldn't want a reality show.. he'd just want to be free to roam, man. Do his own thing. If it became a tv show, producers would start telling him what to do. Let Kai be Kai. <3
BigSirZebras - 11 years ago
why did he trying to do el rolos?
gomashedpotatoes - 11 years ago
MisterZoe - 11 years ago
Please give Kai his own reality show! LMAO!
cultleader420 - 11 years ago
He should stick to music
williamgatesenson - 11 years ago
because fuck ebaumsworld, even if they made this possible. scum of the internets
NameInVainProduction - 11 years ago
Surfing at Jizzy-B's Pleasure Domes!
mrYsignal - 11 years ago
I don't understand the dislikes.
DrinkWine - 11 years ago
dude fuck off you know why your here
Richard Elizée
Richard Elizée - 11 years ago
why did i watch this..
stonerminmcjoe - 11 years ago
He may have visited the US but he lived in Canada for the majority of his life.. His accent and mannerisms are so Canadian!
LockMymind - 11 years ago
no, you're wrong im sorry
DrinkWine - 11 years ago
he's just having fun and i think he came to the us at a early age
stonerminmcjoe - 11 years ago
I know but people are still like "He cant actually surf!?!" lol of course he cant! Hes Canadian!, we only have like 1-2 months per year that we can surf up here so most of us learn to skateboard instead.
Maria Esperanza
Maria Esperanza - 11 years ago
The fag below my previous comment.
DrinkWine - 11 years ago
dude he said he was cannadian after he said he lied, he made a funny ass face
DrinkWine - 11 years ago
wait who r u talking to?

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The "Kai Time: Surfing San Francisco" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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