Kassia Meador & Kelia Moniz Freesurf Hainan Island, China

http://www.TheSurfChannel.com Top female longboarders from around the globe have met up on Hainan Island in China for the Swatch Girls Pro 2013. These athletes will be surfing their best in Wanning for a chance to be crowned the 2013 ASP World Longboarding Champion. In anticipation for the event, Kassia Meador, Kelia Moniz, Jen Smith, Darci Liu and Chloe Calmon decided to get in a free surf session at camel rock. In search of good vibes rather than competitive practice, watch these talented athletes hit the lineup with their closest friends from around the world, enjoying the sport they love. ___________________________________ The Surf Channel will be an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, Filmon.com. For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: http://www.TheSurfChannel.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Twitter.com/TheSurfChannel * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

Kassia Meador & Kelia Moniz Freesurf Hainan Island, China sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Surf 11 years ago 293,684 views

http://www.TheSurfChannel.com Top female longboarders from around the globe have met up on Hainan Island in China for the Swatch Girls Pro 2013. These athletes will be surfing their best in Wanning for a chance to be crowned the 2013 ASP World Longboarding Champion. In anticipation for the event, Kassia Meador, Kelia Moniz, Jen Smith, Darci Liu and Chloe Calmon decided to get in a free surf session at camel rock. In search of good vibes rather than competitive practice, watch these talented athletes hit the lineup with their closest friends from around the world, enjoying the sport they love. ___________________________________ The Surf Channel will be an original, free, ad supported television network delivered on cable, satellite and IPTV services, web and wireless. The Video On Demand television network will be found on cable, satellite, telco and digital. Distribution partners include: Comcast, Cox Communications, DirecTV, Dish Network, Filmon.com. For industry news around the clock and to find out about the upcoming television launch, check out: http://www.TheSurfChannel.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheSurfChannel http://www.Twitter.com/TheSurfChannel * Twitter/Instagram your best barrel face to win prizes every month to #TheSurfChannel #BarrelFace, and 'Like' us on Facebook to join history's first network dedicated to the great sport of surfing.

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Most popular comments
for Kassia Meador & Kelia Moniz Freesurf Hainan Island, China

Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 6 years ago
dam im a goofy too, great surfing girls
rhino - 6 years ago
2:05 marry me
Dana Muise
Dana Muise - 7 years ago
Had no idea there were nice beaches in China!
Herb Bradley
Herb Bradley - 8 years ago
Jen Smith was the only one catching waves lol Way to represent San Diego Jen. Looks like a fun wave.
Bin Scribbs
Bin Scribbs - 8 years ago
0:58 "we got girls from every country, almost every continent".......... sure, that makes sense. carry on
Prep Has Fallen
Prep Has Fallen - 7 years ago
She's a surfer chick, leave her alone ;)
Bin Scribbs
Bin Scribbs - 8 years ago
+ChuckTheHammer 7 continents and 196 countries, i'm sure they got a professional female longboarder from every country
ChuckTheHammer - 8 years ago
Antarctica is a continent but not a country
Adam Souass
Adam Souass - 8 years ago
i love you
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 9 years ago
camel rock lol...
magorkel - 10 years ago
i wonder if these girls are lesbians?
KINDOY2 - 6 years ago
STFU Stupid!
adam lorden
adam lorden - 6 years ago
Lol. White Knight time. Seriously though why do they all talk like stoners? Yeee brah so laid back man.... Catch a few get your feet wet brah! So stoked. Just Because you surf doest mean you have to talk in a specific way right? Peace.
Hery - 9 years ago
+Nicole Holderbaum We are THE PEOLE!
magorkel - 9 years ago
+Nicole Holderbaum you act as if it's a bad thing! what's your hang up?
Nicole Holderbaum
Nicole Holderbaum - 9 years ago
+magorkel what an ignorant insignificant thing to wonder. Theyre individuals, theyre women, theyre PEOLE, doesnt matter what their sexual orientation is nor is it any of your business
birdman bl
birdman bl - 10 years ago
very cool

10. comment for Kassia Meador & Kelia Moniz Freesurf Hainan Island, China

Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 10 years ago
1965 Paul rapp my dad from usc put me in the opening scean of thé wild Angela with péter fonda smoking à joint we loved thé bamboo bar at the lluau restrant of beverly Hills my hérojacobson uses me as baitfor thé j f k surfergirls
Jackle61 - 10 years ago
What's your point?
Brian Rapp
Brian Rapp - 10 years ago
1961 jenny maxwell my mom from laurel canyon was ellie the 16 yr old percous blonde in blue hawaïi we drank primo beers and grasshoppers around thé firepit at coco palms beach and i tion my first steps in front of elvis
Alex Knost
Alex Knost - 7 years ago
this dudes all over whats his deal
Jackle61 - 10 years ago
Once again, what's your point? What's that have to do with women surfing in China?
Blair Li
Blair Li - 11 years ago
pretty cool!
Bertrand Rome
Bertrand Rome - 11 years ago
so good, i want to do longboard now ahah
plrbuild - 11 years ago
What an amazing clip title photo!!!yeeow

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