Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch - Public Session
Surf 7 years ago 122,721 views
We were fortunate enough to surf at the Surf Ranch. Just "Regular Joe" surfers, Father and son. Had a most incredible experience not to be forgotten. Hopefully someday the Kelly Slater company and WSL will have these available for many other people to enjoy. The voice in the background telling us what to do is Tahitian big wave legend Raimana Van Bastolaer. He drove the jet ski with my wife on the back. ***** Seriously folks, just turn the sound down or off. The person shouting is Raimana Van Bastolaer (Tahiti's most famous and respected surfer). Likely a better surfer than anyone making any comments and just a great guy. He's trying to help, as "we" only get 1 Left and 1 Right. If we got a couple Lefts and Rights we'd have known how the wave flattens then pitches twice during the ~500 yard ride (700 yard pool). *****
10. comment for Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch - Public Session
20. comment for Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch - Public Session
30. comment for Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch - Public Session
Bottomline: it was still awesome and no one that gets this opportunity will come away complaining.
50. comment for Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch - Public Session
Especially at Golden get my moneys' worth.
I thought they would have at least let you have bucket load. That way you get to feel out the wave and learn it better.. There is no way an amateur is going to find both barrels straight away and learn the wave first go... But given another hour or so, I cannot see why you both would not have been getting shacked every time.
Really wish we got more than two waves as those first two barely let you get a feel for the whole process...
But still: SUPER AWESOME!!!!
What a shame!
When you are surfing this wave, you are looking at that huge ugly machine.
You are riding down a fake wave towards a huge blue Machine.
Aren't you just as cool as Gidget.
It is so huge and ugly they don't want us to see, it is like an 18 wheeler truck.
Add in that it is in a piss pool, No Thanks Kelly Slater.
Every wave is going to be THE SAME .
That would get tired quickly.
No Joy of catching a great real ocean wave.
You are an idiot... good job
That jet-ski guy knows exactly what he’s talking about..we don’t need this to be some blown out place that everyone gets to go to and trash it making long lines and then complaining about the service. That sounds exactly like something you would do.. Do you even know who the JetSki guy is? If only you knew, this guy taught Kelly to surf Tahiti you idiot !
100. comment for Kelly Slater's Surf Ranch - Public Session
He's all " grab her yah grab her... kiss her softer!!! harder!!!! FEEL HER BOOB!!! FEEL HER FUCKING BOOB!!!! YEAH!!!!!!
No jus play in. That dudes a legend.
Stop screaming like you a pro
In the end of the day it’s father son moments
We all just making fun of the screaming part.
So keep your “ dick comment “ to your self