Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch
Surf 7 years ago 243,017 views
Watch @kellyslater rippin it! Original clip from our HBO Special. He’s truly gifted & passionate about surfing and he’s addiction to this sport was obvious when i was working with him at his Surf Ranch. We feel lucky to have worked with such a talented & humble individual. It’s inspiring! Skyecam Follow us on Instagram HBO Special Music By Adam Keshen
I'd do unthinkable things to ride that wave
10. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch
20. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch
30. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch
Kelly, you are a legend
Get fucked queer
Get fucked queer
50. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch
Nothing can ever replace or come close to surfing in the ocean. It bugs me that this has replaced one of the most beautiful surf spots in the world on the WSL tour. This ugly development in some backwood with no history or connection to surfing is now honoured to be part of the legendary global surfing arena because Kelly is loaded and can do what he wants seemingly. Those solar panels, the construction of the pool and all the machinery come at a huge and unnecessary cost to nature and the environment. Each of Kelly's waves comes at a cost to the planet that our ocean born ones do not. How long before bits of nature and natural habitats are dug up to make way for more of these ugly monstrocies?
Why didn't Kelly invent an artificial reef that would serve both surfer and sea life made from waste from the surf industry he has profited hugely from and helped to spread across the globe?
Why use your influence and wealth to spoil yourself and a select few to profit from a exploitative, crap copy of surfing instead of investing it back into the very environment that nurtured your talent?
I'm dissapointed in Kelly and the WSL and sincerely hope they change there ideas up and this becomes nothing more than a novelty form of surfing in a few select holiday parks.
Between Kelly's pool and Greg Webers hideous drawings the future of surfing looks awful. I'd rather these two worked on clearing plastic up from the ocean instead of inventing more ways to pimp out surfing.
Jake, what you need to put in the minds of these troglodytes is the Future facing not only our children but especially Their children. What will they think and say of us when they're forced to live with our Legacy.
I worked 35 years in construction, residential in my early years and a good part of my later years was in commercial renovations of large Office Buildings. Every time I walked in to the basement of an older house and saw an ancient boiler wrapped in asbestos or opened a ceiling tile in an office where people have been working for 30 years and see asbestos there... I say thanks Grandpa for putting this shit in our environment.
I have co-workers friends who have mesothelioma, cancers from PCB exposure, blood disorders, the list goes on. I am left to ask what have they done to us?
A bucolic little river running through the small town where I live was once the site of a battery plant that was in operation from the late 20s until 1978 and only now after decades of much wrangling and the fact that the toxins in the river have only increased in the uptake by marine life did they complete a 10-year clean up project. The last phase was 2 years where a pile of the bags of dredged sediment were required to drain to be dry enough to truck to a hazardous waste landfill somewhere several States over.
This mountain of sludge was the length of the site nearly 800 ft long 25 feet high and from what I gather about 75 ft wide. I would say to my friends imagine that taken from the bottom of the river and the tidal pool just Downstream.
The town has been around since 1639 and I'm wondering which Town Father or Fathers in the 20s thought this was a proper use for the gift that was given to them by their forefathers and what they were leaving for us today.
When Indigenous people would do something for their people they would provide for seven generations out.
The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest would harvest planks of redwood from those enormous trees by erecting a scaffold to remove a portion small enough to leave the tree viable to continue growing and heal, harvesting selectively throughout the forest only returning to a tree once every 6 or so years, taking only what they needed at that moment, and as it was the forest was abundant in their bounty to them by their managing of it in this way.
There are trees standing still, though somehow survived our clear-cuts , that show the thoughtful custodial care by these people.
But we don't have this mentality anymore. We take for ourselves regardless of everyone else as our inalienable right, or as in the European expansion mentality in the United States... Manifest Destiny... which destroyed a pristine biosphere all at once in perfect harmony.
More than 1 million Buffalo were slaughtered just because they wanted to drive away the food source of the indigenous people and make a few bucks off the Buffalo hide, is just one example. Absolutely horrendous.
When the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock Miles Standish went ashore on a reconnoiter and when he returned standing on the deck of the Mayflower he pointed to the forested land of what is now the Massachusetts Coast saying he saw trees in an abundance never anyone could imagine for the forests of Europe were felled during the Middle Ages. In hardwoods alone he counted 40 species in his 2-day travel and 400 total species of trees and said this is a gift from God we must be its custodians so that what happened in Europe doesn't happen here. You see how long that lasted.
We're not going to see the best of us if the monied entitled play their games of "I finally got mine" even though they offer platitudes cliches and meaningless half efforts as sort of a way to offset their gross abuse of the lands around them all in the name of... "Hey I can afford it, it's my right".
Here this guy defaces and manipulates the landscape disregarding any detriment to the environment surrounding just so he can have a 90 Second Ride on a perfect wave. I can't even come up with the proper word but disgusting, irresponsible, and completely vacuous in its purpose are just a few that come to mind
Personally I'm 60 I've had my time and the rest is almost run out without much hope left from what I see, though for me rather selfishly I really have no skin in the game so to speak....
" ... as I never had any children for the mere thought of their pain endured as they perished would consume me long before the onrushing Shockwave" ( and you can quote me on that... tp)
The usual enlightenment. Thanks for proving my point...again. You need to try a lot harder.
Robbie I'm still waiting for you to say something intelligent. Come on you've called me a cunt, you've called me a dip shit and told me to fuck off the grid, basically you have behaved like an aggressive childish moron! All to no avail I might add ;) I'm not worried about any of that. The reason I am "laughing my ass off" at you is because you have failed in all of your comments to justify why you think pools are a good idea and how they will benefit surfing, as a whole, in the future. Congratulations Robbie you are a tried and tested internet troll with fuck all to contribute on either side of the arguement.
Go ahead and invent your own story about me and be pretty abusive in the process rather than responding with your view as why pools are good or will help surfing! You are simply acting with aggression and overcharged dose of testosterone. Can't you muster a sensible resonse? If you are an adult why are you acting just like a stroppy teenager? I bet you don't go around talking like that in public as you would have a pretty toothless smile by now boy. May I remind you, in regards to your self defeating drivel, that you are also subject to your own self-invented rules. You are so fucking thick it's a joke! Lets see you write your real name and address so we can all see whose behind the facade of internet gobshite!
Amir go and get some facts behind you. Talk to me about why the pools are a good idea. Are you not able to respond with any level of intelligence?
You really are a fucking stupid human being if you can't even reach that basic level of thinking. And surfing has been "mainstream" for decades. lol. what a dumb fucking cunt you are.
No matter how you look at it.
The worst corporation of all is the US government. It really is very dysfunctional when it provides a service or tries to generate anything. It likes to take from others and waste. Yes now that's a bad corporation.