Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

Watch @kellyslater rippin it! Original clip from our HBO Special. He’s truly gifted & passionate about surfing and he’s addiction to this sport was obvious when i was working with him at his Surf Ranch. We feel lucky to have worked with such a talented & humble individual. It’s inspiring! Skyecam Follow us on Instagram HBO Special Music By Adam Keshen

Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Surf 7 years ago 243,017 views

Watch @kellyslater rippin it! Original clip from our HBO Special. He’s truly gifted & passionate about surfing and he’s addiction to this sport was obvious when i was working with him at his Surf Ranch. We feel lucky to have worked with such a talented & humble individual. It’s inspiring! Skyecam Follow us on Instagram HBO Special Music By Adam Keshen

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Most popular comments
for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
This makes my body tense up and my face smile,I'd love to ride that wave
Post Disclosure World
Post Disclosure World - 7 years ago
This is the cure for all forms of depression. Just have one of these everywhere across the globe. Use zero point energy to power it.
petrus davies
petrus davies - 7 years ago
Jeremy Starliper
Jeremy Starliper - 7 years ago
Can even watch this! So home sick....
I'd do unthinkable things to ride that wave
Jeff Wisener
Jeff Wisener - 7 years ago
How boring is the WSL contest going to be! Hint, this not pipeline.
Jonathan Still
Jonathan Still - 7 years ago
I don't know why this rankles me so to watch this kind of surfing after surfing the California Coast but it really, really does....
rayher idee
rayher idee - 7 years ago
Looks like the incredible amazing  prefect training wave. Would like to see some good longboarding on it.
Cary Christian
Cary Christian - 7 years ago
They need sharks with lazer beams on their heads lol
ObamaBinLaden - 7 years ago
kelly secretly has dicks out for Harambe... it unlocks surfing powers

10. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

milkmandan77 - 7 years ago
Omg there's a shark at 0:47
Nick Barth
Nick Barth - 7 years ago
Watch just the reflection when he is in the barrel... mesmerising! I don’t think I have ever seen a wave barrel over such a glassy section in nature for so long. I’m guessing this was the first wave of the day for the water to sit so still.
Tom Kirchhoff
Tom Kirchhoff - 7 years ago
Its visually stunning, i can only imagine what its like to surf it and not worry about that great white always watching you..../\.......
Frank Waters
Frank Waters - 7 years ago
I have one of those. Little bigger though.
Haptic Clutch
Haptic Clutch - 7 years ago
I bet jakethekent drives a Prius and uses a dental dam for oral
JBOsurf - 7 years ago
20 kooks downvoted this video.
Torontoista - 7 years ago
ericthedread1 - 7 years ago
I don't surf but have to say that could be the coolest thing ever..
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker - 7 years ago
the future is boring and sterile
Mark Russell
Mark Russell - 7 years ago
He who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.... :-)

20. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

Liam Galligan
Liam Galligan - 7 years ago
I get to surf here in the spring! Thank you wsl for letting the UCSC surfteam visit the surf ranch, dream come true!
TEAM6USA - 7 years ago
SORE LOSER LIBERAL - 7 years ago
Making it look to fucking easy.. He surfs with perfection.
brendon leary
brendon leary - 7 years ago
I just cannot understand that people are claiming that this wave is boring and offers no challenge..
Jonny Wishbone
Jonny Wishbone - 7 years ago
Isn't that what all people aspire to do? it's become great at something and then alienate yourself from the world,and build your own wave. Rich people have been doing that for years.
Joey Nice
Joey Nice - 7 years ago
Sick invention. The color of the water has improved too. Here's to innovation!
jem Ogn
jem Ogn - 7 years ago
That is madness!
clarkewi - 7 years ago
That's freakish.
we'll call you k
we'll call you k - 7 years ago
Yes prease
Cryptoraker - 7 years ago
When I'm worth over $20mil like Kelly I'm gonna build me one a 'dem.

30. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

kanijoskrap - 7 years ago
Song name?
EliteClutch - 7 years ago
Absolutely unreal. Truly a dream come true.
JIMJAMSC - 7 years ago
I managed a huge pool and the cost were enormous. Elec, chems,water,labor,taxes and maintaining it. This adds complex moving machinery and lots of water = problems. In a tourist area running 18 hr days, 7 days a week maybe. As a novelty, bucket list check off not sure it can break even but I sure hope so.
joe jackson
joe jackson - 7 years ago
They need sharks in the water
Deadsy Padilla
Deadsy Padilla - 7 years ago
Fuck nature, this is what surfing needs, when a bunch of assholes dress like seals and sharks chew's shit. When a shark hurts a child, know what happens...when Kelly builds a water park to minimize the damage, it's progress.
Shark Tooth
Shark Tooth - 7 years ago
I wanna see and hear him surf this baby, is there clip with no music, just the wave?
Capoeira Angola Canberra
Capoeira Angola Canberra - 7 years ago
Do you guys need a teacher from Australia in the closest town to where this amazing creation is. Off the chart amazing.
Kelly, you are a legend
Jesus Saves Bro
Jesus Saves Bro - 7 years ago
B.M.M - 7 years ago
Surfing by the train, the result is a perfect wave
Billy Revolution
Billy Revolution - 7 years ago
Fuck kelly Slater you sell out pussy w your China made bullshit surfboards
Get fucked queer
Billy Revolution
Billy Revolution - 7 years ago
Fuck kelly Slater you sell out pussy w your China made bullshit surfboards
Get fucked queer
Tony Starks
Tony Starks - 7 years ago
Dr Martin Robson
Dr Martin Robson - 7 years ago
Put a couple of sharks in there to make it interesting
Steven Elliott
Steven Elliott - 7 years ago
Add a few sharks to keep it real.
Michael Richter
Michael Richter - 7 years ago
People saying it's boring. It's never hard to find 1-3ft onshore crap if thats your go. Dream becomes reality.
Robert Thorpe
Robert Thorpe - 7 years ago
Looks so much fun
wowforreeel - 7 years ago
Looks fun but also boring. Too perfect, too predictable
pepto abysmal
pepto abysmal - 7 years ago
Be cool if they could adjust the bottom and create sections that you have to work around.
wowforreeel - 7 years ago
Suck YourMum I definitely wouldn’t turn it down honestly
Suck YourMum
Suck YourMum - 7 years ago
Great for when there's no waves anywhere, I'd love to surf it tbh
Crooked Defense
Crooked Defense - 7 years ago
would be awesome for learning the basics tho
Simon Bitton
Simon Bitton - 7 years ago
It doesnt get boring?
Rick Rudnick
Rick Rudnick - 7 years ago
Have you ever ridden a "perfect" wave Simon? I have, alone. it gets boring
MicBergsma - 7 years ago
so sick :)
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 7 years ago
The GOAT on his mountain
CryptoCurrency Line
CryptoCurrency Line - 7 years ago
Ho Stevie the social media spammer.

50. comment for Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

Samuel Iam
Samuel Iam - 7 years ago
Curious: How long does it take for the pool to calm before another wave can be surfed?
Shannon Sofield
Shannon Sofield - 7 years ago
For sure. This is the thing. Can’t pump out waves without chop.
craig evans
craig evans - 7 years ago
Samuel Iam that’s the elephant in the mass media room
jakethekent - 7 years ago
Anyone else finding it Boring to watch already? 
Nothing can ever replace or come close to surfing in the ocean. It bugs me that this has replaced one of the most beautiful surf spots in the world on the WSL tour. This ugly development in some backwood with no history or connection to surfing is now honoured to be part of the legendary global surfing arena because Kelly is loaded and can do what he wants seemingly. Those solar panels, the construction of the pool and all the machinery come at a huge and unnecessary cost to nature and the environment. Each of Kelly's waves comes at a cost to the planet that our ocean born ones do not. How long before bits of nature and natural habitats are dug up to make way for more of these ugly monstrocies?
Why didn't Kelly invent an artificial reef that would serve both surfer and sea life made from waste from the surf industry he has profited hugely from and helped to spread across the globe?
Why use your influence and wealth to spoil yourself and a select few to profit from a exploitative, crap copy of surfing instead of investing it back into the very environment that nurtured your talent?
I'm dissapointed in Kelly and the WSL and sincerely hope they change there ideas up and this becomes nothing more than a novelty form of surfing in a few select holiday parks.
Between Kelly's pool and Greg Webers hideous drawings the future of surfing looks awful. I'd rather these two worked on clearing plastic up from the ocean instead of inventing more ways to pimp out surfing.
Tommy Petraglia
Tommy Petraglia - 7 years ago
Jake, what you need to put in the minds of these troglodytes is the Future facing not only our children but especially Their children. What will they think and say of us when they're forced to live with our Legacy.

I worked 35 years in construction, residential in my early years and a good part of my later years was in commercial renovations of large Office Buildings. Every time I walked in to the basement of an older house and saw an ancient boiler wrapped in asbestos or opened a ceiling tile in an office where people have been working for 30 years and see asbestos there... I say thanks Grandpa for putting this shit in our environment.

I have co-workers friends who have mesothelioma, cancers from PCB exposure, blood disorders, the list goes on. I am left to ask what have they done to us?

A bucolic little river running through the small town where I live was once the site of a battery plant that was in operation from the late 20s until 1978 and only now after decades of much wrangling and the fact that the toxins in the river have only increased in the uptake by marine life did they complete a 10-year clean up project. The last phase was 2 years where a pile of the bags of dredged sediment were required to drain to be dry enough to truck to a hazardous waste landfill somewhere several States over.

This mountain of sludge was the length of the site nearly 800 ft long 25 feet high and from what I gather about 75 ft wide. I would say to my friends imagine that taken from the bottom of the river and the tidal pool just Downstream.

The town has been around since 1639 and I'm wondering which Town Father or Fathers in the 20s thought this was a proper use for the gift that was given to them by their forefathers and what they were leaving for us today.

When Indigenous people would do something for their people they would provide for seven generations out.

The Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest would harvest planks of redwood from those enormous trees by erecting a scaffold to remove a portion small enough to leave the tree viable to continue growing and heal, harvesting selectively throughout the forest only returning to a tree once every 6 or so years, taking only what they needed at that moment, and as it was the forest was abundant in their bounty to them by their managing of it in this way.

There are trees standing still, though somehow survived our clear-cuts , that show the thoughtful custodial care by these people.

But we don't have this mentality anymore. We take for ourselves regardless of everyone else as our inalienable right, or as in the European expansion mentality in the United States... Manifest Destiny... which destroyed a pristine biosphere all at once in perfect harmony.

More than 1 million Buffalo were slaughtered just because they wanted to drive away the food source of the indigenous people and make a few bucks off the Buffalo hide, is just one example. Absolutely horrendous.

When the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock Miles Standish went ashore on a reconnoiter and when he returned standing on the deck of the Mayflower he pointed to the forested land of what is now the Massachusetts Coast saying he saw trees in an abundance never anyone could imagine for the forests of Europe were felled during the Middle Ages. In hardwoods alone he counted 40 species in his 2-day travel and 400 total species of trees and said this is a gift from God we must be its custodians so that what happened in Europe doesn't happen here. You see how long that lasted.

We're not going to see the best of us if the monied entitled play their games of "I finally got mine" even though they offer platitudes cliches and meaningless half efforts as sort of a way to offset their gross abuse of the lands around them all in the name of... "Hey I can afford it, it's my right".

Here this guy defaces and manipulates the landscape disregarding any detriment to the environment surrounding just so he can have a 90 Second Ride on a perfect wave. I can't even come up with the proper word but disgusting, irresponsible, and completely vacuous in its purpose are just a few that come to mind

Personally I'm 60 I've had my time and the rest is almost run out without much hope left from what I see, though for me rather selfishly I really have no skin in the game so to speak....

" ... as I never had any children for the mere thought of their pain endured as they perished would consume me long before the onrushing Shockwave" ( and you can quote me on that... tp)
jakethekent - 7 years ago
@ Robbie
The usual enlightenment. Thanks for proving my point...again. You need to try a lot harder.
Robbie - 7 years ago
xx ;)
jakethekent - 7 years ago
Robbie I'm still waiting for you to say something intelligent. Come on you've called me a cunt, you've called me a dip shit and told me to fuck off the grid, basically you have behaved like an aggressive childish moron! All to no avail I might add ;) I'm not worried about any of that. The reason I am "laughing my ass off" at you is because you have failed in all of your comments to justify why you think pools are a good idea and how they will benefit surfing, as a whole, in the future. Congratulations Robbie you are a tried and tested internet troll with fuck all to contribute on either side of the arguement.
Robbie - 7 years ago
Still consuming bro ? LMAO
jakethekent - 7 years ago
Go ahead and invent your own story about me and be pretty abusive in the process rather than responding with your view as why pools are good or will help surfing! You are simply acting with aggression and overcharged dose of testosterone. Can't you muster a sensible resonse? If you are an adult why are you acting just like a stroppy teenager? I bet you don't go around talking like that in public as you would have a pretty toothless smile by now boy. May I remind you, in regards to your self defeating drivel, that you are also subject to your own self-invented rules. You are so fucking thick it's a joke! Lets see you write your real name and address so we can all see whose behind the facade of internet gobshite!
Robbie - 7 years ago
if you give a fuck about the environment so much mate and are as smart as you make yourself out to be, why don't you move out of your parents house and go do something about it. Dip shit. FYI your youtube comments aren't going to make the world a better place. so why don't you stop pretending like your paul watston and fuckoff out of here. get of the grid cunt if your so concerned, you huge and unnecessary cost to nature.
jakethekent - 7 years ago
@Robbie Well I'm always being asked to go to them Robbie but the truth is I'm all partied out at 43! Do you have anything relevant to say?
jakethekent - 7 years ago
@Amir Ihsan Rosli
Amir go and get some facts behind you. Talk to me about why the pools are a good idea. Are you not able to respond with any level of intelligence?
jakethekent - 7 years ago
What has being concerned about this shite idea and it's impact on the environment got to with how I am at parties? Glad to see you have come here with a valid defence and well informed opinion on why it's ok to have these pools. Idiot number one responded too.
Amir Ihsan Rosli
Amir Ihsan Rosli - 7 years ago
jakethekent bro ur jaded. Why dont u ditch all your phones and tablets and cars and go live in a cave. Afterall, you would never leave a single carbon trace right?
Robbie - 7 years ago
you would be so fun at parties
jakethekent - 7 years ago
I've been surfing for something like 36 years. I worked alongside Kelly many years ago when he was starting out in professional surfing - he leant his support to a campaign I was part of. I don't support this though. Apparently you are totally wrong.
John M'Boro Dickson
John M'Boro Dickson - 7 years ago
jakethekent Truth.
theshow1234 - 7 years ago
Appearantly, you've never heard of Kelly Slater before?  Dude is a legend.  Has done more for Surfing than you, but your cheap youtube written comments, believe that you are a legend in your own mind.
jakethekent - 7 years ago
And fuck up the planet.
jakethekent - 7 years ago
Why? Because mans developments have killed it all off?
jakethekent - 7 years ago
Only a compltete fucking moron could compare hammering a nail to surfing a wave. Nice try dickhead!
doublestrokeroll - 7 years ago
nothing is stopping you from "maintaining the unique blah blah blah".....again.....existence of a nail gun doesn't stop you from using a hammer you fucking idiot.

You really are a fucking stupid human being if you can't even reach that basic level of thinking. And surfing has been "mainstream" for decades. lol. what a dumb fucking cunt you are.
jakethekent - 7 years ago
It's about keeping it green and protecting nature. It's about maintaining the the unique spirit of our beautiful pastime. Can't wait to see you shouting your mouth off and beating your chest at all the kooks down the wave pool.There's no logic in turning surfing into a mainstream circus Captain fucking Spock!
doublestrokeroll - 7 years ago
no fucking kidding. Fucking whining little fucking snowflake cunts. Nobody is forcing any of you fucking morons to surf there. Don't like it? Don't try it. Simple as that. But fucking whining about it is like whining about someone inventing a nail gun because you like using a fucking hammer. Stupid illogical idiots.
Haptic Clutch
Haptic Clutch - 7 years ago
The jealousy is real
Blues Len
Blues Len - 7 years ago
jakethekent This obviously uses a ton of water . When Kelly built this there was a serious drought in the valley. I live just a few miles away. Having said that there isn't any wildlife of significance left in this area do to farming.
brendon leary
brendon leary - 7 years ago
@ Jaime Freitas it is solar powered dude.
Jack Mehoff
Jack Mehoff - 7 years ago
how many surfers in kettlemen city? i think thats where it is
Jaime Freitas
Jaime Freitas - 7 years ago
I ask my self how much energy is spent powering each wave?
Adam T253
Adam T253 - 7 years ago
Smoke a bowl bra and chillax.
tempuramonster - 7 years ago
Shhh, let people enjoy things...
Rick Rudnick
Rick Rudnick - 7 years ago
After a few waves, would be boring to surf as well
Twed j8
Twed j8 - 7 years ago
Kelly hasnt done much for the enviroment... he promotes and rides for a company who mass produces surfboards in a country with no regulations on how that impacts enviorment.
Tommy Ashworth
Tommy Ashworth - 7 years ago
jakethekent beautifully worded opinion of yours
jakethekent - 7 years ago
Plastic clothes that will shed fibres everytime they are washed which then end up in the sea. Sorry but that ain't great either.
jakethekent - 7 years ago
But this...?
byReZio - 7 years ago
jakethekent Kelly had done and is doing so much for the environment. Heading towards a vegan lifestyle (meat/dairy industry has a huge negative impact on the planet and the ocean), has an ethical clothing brand that recycle fish nets to make clothes.
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Yeah Kelly .way to go buddy
Alberto Villasante Barahona
Alberto Villasante Barahona - 7 years ago
A perfect wave indeed. Beauty and fun lies on imperfection though.
antman3251 - 7 years ago
He needs to add sharks
wyzapple - 7 years ago
Now a thing of beauty.

No matter how you look at it.
capowacko - 7 years ago
Looks fun, I'd like to purchase a ticket or even a season pass. Thank you!
berniedmj m
berniedmj m - 7 years ago
Way too short for a vid because the wave wasn’t over yet
Tolba Szy
Tolba Szy - 7 years ago
That's a tidy bowl!
E vazkee
E vazkee - 7 years ago
Let locals use it jerks
tubethis777 - 7 years ago
Hey Kelly! put a skin on your pool train there to make it look like (you're being chased by) a shark or something like that, it makes it look more ocean like and fun at the same time
Peace Soup
Peace Soup - 7 years ago
Shame it's so close to the train track.
Lurgs - 7 years ago
Wow, he's even got a tube ride out of it. Man if I was rich I'd have one. Can't beat the real ocean but this is pretty awesome
hallcody3 - 7 years ago
The carbon footprint to ride one of these waves must be massive. This is another example of corporate America doing anything to make money. Holy Crap this is shameful Kelly!!
Lounge Lizerd
Lounge Lizerd - 7 years ago
there was no moon landing you conspiracy theoristist
Sean Hindson
Sean Hindson - 7 years ago
Crypto Wise what a cutey
Ruskilaxi - 7 years ago
it's completely run by solar power.
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
Must be a kid and does t know anything about the real world and how shit really works. Lmfao fucking idiots
Julio Medina
Julio Medina - 7 years ago
It's actually 100% solar power and runs surprisingly efficiently. Kelly is a big advocate for environmental sustainability, you judgemental person you
van wray
van wray - 7 years ago
@hallcody3 Shut up. Where do you get your food, your shoes, and many other items? Corporations and businesses. I hope you're growing your own food and making your own clothes, surfboards, skateboards, cars, and other products, otherwise you'd be a big hypocrite.

The worst corporation of all is the US government. It really is very dysfunctional when it provides a service or tries to generate anything. It likes to take from others and waste. Yes now that's a bad corporation.
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Wow .get up and go fight the real fight at the border and stop the invading hoards from south . You want to make a difference? . Start there .
Heavenly Air
Heavenly Air - 7 years ago
Noel Whittle
Noel Whittle - 7 years ago
Not so massive. Do you have air conditioning in your house? Do you drive long distances 'just cos' ? Do you travel by jet plane? Do you understand embodied energy?
John Kavanagh
John Kavanagh - 7 years ago
You guys probably hated the moon landing as well.
Crypto Wise
Crypto Wise - 7 years ago
Go cry in your safe space
tubethis777 - 7 years ago
Replace the water locomotive with one hundred dolphins or horses!
hallcody3 - 7 years ago
Boycott Kelly, his sponsors and his business ventures!!
Andrew St George
Andrew St George - 7 years ago
Dont forget Kelly's $150-200 outerwear long sleeve shirts as well. Put a sustainability label on it and charge 5x what other stores charge.
Andrew St George
Andrew St George - 7 years ago
Dont forget Kelly's $150-200 outerwear long sleeve shirts as well. Put a sustainability label on it and charge 5x what other stores charge.
Nathan Charlesworth
Nathan Charlesworth - 7 years ago
Ben gravy the kinda guy to surf the secondary wave
van wray
van wray - 7 years ago
Very true. He'd be all over it.
gulfsurfco - 7 years ago
Novelty secondary wave for the win!
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Nathan Charlesworth good old ben .
ste bee
ste bee - 7 years ago
Nathan Charlesworth heavy
Mark GOGO Gomez
Mark GOGO Gomez - 7 years ago
BLACK05GO1 - 7 years ago
Just imagine having a perfect wave in your backyard all day, every day to practice surfing. Talk about getting good at surfing.
Alberto Villasante Barahona
Alberto Villasante Barahona - 7 years ago
BLACK05GO1 perfect easy to catch waves are definitely not going to make anyone a good surfer
Mitchell Kirby
Mitchell Kirby - 7 years ago
The barge reminds me of Jabba the Hutt's Cruiser.
Snowy Grainius
Snowy Grainius - 7 years ago
i fucking miss surfing so much... going on a 3 week long flat spell now in NJ its just awful and very depressing
Shaun Laplante
Shaun Laplante - 7 years ago
Patrick Burke
Patrick Burke - 7 years ago
I hear it's pretty sharky?
Samuel Iam
Samuel Iam - 7 years ago
I'm sure the price of admission will take a big enough chunk out of you...BEFORE you hit the water.
jeremy flavin
jeremy flavin - 7 years ago
Nice and offshore!
Walt Bells
Walt Bells - 7 years ago
I’m impressed by this perfection. I love nature and its wonders but I’m also astonished buy what has been accomplished here. I surfed for over 50 years and can only remember when nature gives this kind of perfection only once a year, maybe. Surfs-up everyday!!!
Walt Bells
Walt Bells - 7 years ago
Alejandro P No, I only BS people that I know. Being a Haole and being discriminated against was a small price to pay. I spoke Hawaiian & Tahitian to locals before the Hawaiian pride experience in the mid to late seventies. My philosophy is and will always can’t make me hate you.....I will make you love me. 38 years with my Hawaiian wife. Aloha brother.
Walt Bells
Walt Bells - 7 years ago
Alejandro P Yes indeed. Empty perfection. Giant Pipe with no one out and no leash. Heavy perfect 25 ft outer Hanalei to amping Laniakea. Huge San Francisco outer sandbar in the shipping lanes to puny Waikiki to macking Alamo. (Ala Moana) witnessing the invention of the short board, invention of the modern wetsuit at O’Neill and invention of the leash in Santa Cruz, Alejandro, Surfing is a direct and emotional quest to seek beauty, God and a relationship with nature that others will never experience. A wave pool will never replace this. It still looks like a lot of fun! Cheers, Walt.
Alejandro P
Alejandro P - 7 years ago
Oh so you've seen some killer breaks in your day. The only things I brought back to the main land from Hawaii with me were some fun memories and some reef rash LOL . I'm amazed that you have a Hawaiian wife. When I was out there ( 1990's ) they didnt like Haole's , as a mater of fact you'd get your face broken up for trying to pick up a local. You wouldn't be bullshitting us would you ???? LOL
Walt Bells
Walt Bells - 7 years ago
Alejandro P No thank you, I’ve been to Nags Head back in ‘72. You weren’t there. Then I moved to Kauai for the next eight. After, I ended up on Ke Nui right at Rocky Point/Gas Chambers for the next four before I married my Hawaiian wife. Aloha!
Alejandro P
Alejandro P - 7 years ago
Are you kidding ? That wasn't a wave that was a ripple LOL I've seen bigger waves in a bathtub. Come out here to Nags Head I'll show you a wave or 2
jason - 7 years ago
Walt Bells Chaka bro✌
craig evans
craig evans - 7 years ago
Needs a perfect logo placed on the bottom floor !
Van Litespeed
Van Litespeed - 7 years ago
Ride one magical wave once a year or souless mechanical waves that offer no challenge whatsoever.
Frank Ling
Frank Ling - 7 years ago
Walt Bells - totally agree mother nature very fickle, that's why we love her.

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Shot 100% on the HD HERO3® camera from ‪ During the second stop of the ASP World Tour, 11 time...


Kelly Slater and Joel Parkinson surfing big...

3,163 likes 1,159,875 views 12 years ago

Kelly Slater, Joel Parkinson, Andrew Cotton, Garrett McNamara, Joao De Macedo, Sylvio Mancusi and Eric Rebiere...


Kelly Slater Commentates Massive Cloudbreak...

1,087 likes 587,853 views 12 years ago

The master drops his jedi knowledge on the masses while ignoring Chris Cote's questions.


GoPro Surf: Endless Perfection at Kelly...

5,665 likes 582,890 views 8 years ago

The Kelly Slater Wave Company combines cutting edge science, engineering and design to create the longest, rideable...

About Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch

The "Kelly Slater rips at his Surf Ranch" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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