Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018

Kelly shows why he is the GOAT. Here he is at 46 still ripping in his first run in the Founders Cup at Surf Ranch. Kelly scored 8.80 on his left and 8.47 on his right, to lead Team USA into the top spot after the first run. #wsl #founderscup #kellyslater #surfranch #lemoore #wavepool Video created in Windows Movie Maker. Custom save at 1080p x 60fps x 40Mbit.

Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Surf 6 years ago 82,265 views

Kelly shows why he is the GOAT. Here he is at 46 still ripping in his first run in the Founders Cup at Surf Ranch. Kelly scored 8.80 on his left and 8.47 on his right, to lead Team USA into the top spot after the first run. #wsl #founderscup #kellyslater #surfranch #lemoore #wavepool Video created in Windows Movie Maker. Custom save at 1080p x 60fps x 40Mbit.

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Most popular comments
for Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018

MrClassicVibe - 6 years ago
That ass
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 6 years ago
Dude is 46 and looks 30
paco alazor
paco alazor - 6 years ago
Surf has nothing to do with this uggly spectacle. I am still in shock. Poor Kelly.
duanmcinnes - 6 years ago
Can't help feeling it is the end of surfing soul
Ed Jones
Ed Jones - 6 years ago
Why shouldn't he be ripping at 46? Are we meant to give up doing anything after 30?
gredwa - 6 years ago
ed, not sure why you took the title as a negative when it was supposed to be a positive to showcase what the 'goat' can do.
鈴木 suzukl潤 jun
鈴木 suzukl潤 jun - 6 years ago
Travs Guide
Travs Guide - 6 years ago
Best of all times is Rob Machado
duck my sick
duck my sick - 6 years ago
errr waves come in sets ...
Scott Allen
Scott Allen - 6 years ago
This wave makes me think of how I feel about breast implants, gorgeous from a distance, but up close and personal, not so much.

10. comment for Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018

audible matter
audible matter - 6 years ago
Looks fun but It’s too predictable. At least chuck a few sharks in there to make it interesting
gredwa - 6 years ago
audible, if it was 'too predictable' then why did so many of the pro's have trouble completing waves? it's easy to say from watching this vid, but i am confident you would be buzzing after making one of these waves and if given the chance, you would want to do it all over again. i would ;-)
Bronze Whaler
Bronze Whaler - 6 years ago
After the novelty wears off it will essentially be the same as watching a contest at a skate park
NorthOCkook - 6 years ago
They got rid of Lowers for this?!?!?! How the hell do you have a dream tour without a single (natural) California wave? Nonsense
Alessandro Machado
Alessandro Machado - 6 years ago
The Best of all times
g s
g s - 6 years ago
Fan control football league can surfers do that FCFL token
Benjamin Driessen
Benjamin Driessen - 6 years ago
you guys are stupid your all have enough money to go to any waves in the world and you choose to surf the same wave over and over again doesn't it get boring obviously it does!! go back to the Fucking Ocean You Nipple Toads
Nico Misuraca
Nico Misuraca - 6 years ago
Kelly is legit, but damn if this doesn't remind me of golfing. Boring.
Alex Reid
Alex Reid - 6 years ago
He definitely scored more than a 9.20 on that last wave even despite not getting the completion at the end. IMHO anyway :-)
Alex Reid
Alex Reid - 6 years ago
And I'm talking about the last wave of the event not of this clip.
805edog - 6 years ago
It would be more realistic if they threw a couple bull sharks in there
805edog - 6 years ago
Girl’s ass at 30 seconds though

20. comment for Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018

Carl Spackler
Carl Spackler - 6 years ago
"On one of the best lefts we've seen all day"'s a friggin wave pool. EVERY LEFT IS THE SAME.
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
Carl Spackler lol exactly this format can actually be rigged as they can control the wave but its so annoying with the gay interviews and salutes to crowd very cringe
gredwa - 6 years ago
carl, he was meaning how it was surfed, not the wave itself ;-)
Emilio Preis
Emilio Preis - 6 years ago
its boring doesnt look like surfing
Wendell Fugate
Wendell Fugate - 6 years ago
Killer! Am planning to try to surf it as well. Do yaro?
Surfmus - 6 years ago
When this water converts into salt water, "pro buoyancy" and marine life is brought in. Then call me.
Bobby Babson jr
Bobby Babson jr - 6 years ago
Also throw in some exposed rocks,
zaccyo - 6 years ago
Yeah, when they start releasing a great white every 1 in 1000 waves, then I'm in!
scottyflintstone - 6 years ago
So this is the future?
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
So cool watching the exact same wave surf the exact same way every time. Commentators screaming and over hyping every move.Brazilians annoying as usual. Watch some of the first day then walked away. Predictable politically correct winners.
zaccyo - 6 years ago
You make many fair criticisms, but what does it matter? Let them dwell in their little PC wave pool world. Then watch it for free somewhere else later on..
Jacques HADY
Jacques HADY - 6 years ago
Oprah30 - 6 years ago
Too predictable... lol every wave id the same. Wheres the challenge?
Oprah30 - 6 years ago
All i am saying is wheres the challenge if every wave is predictable and the same, height, depth, open face to hollow... senile
Bronze Whaler
Bronze Whaler - 6 years ago
So, more or less like watching gymnastics?
zaccyo - 6 years ago
Did you watch the event? The challenge is to get a perfect ride under immense pressure on a difficult wave.. Only 1 top surfer was able to do this, so it's obviously not easy..
Fernando Moreno
Fernando Moreno - 6 years ago
Mr Kelly Slater is the Michael Jordan of the Waves!!!
sentbackfrom2084 - 6 years ago
Wilbur Kookmeyer predicted this.. Only an end times apocalypse will give surfing its soul back.

30. comment for Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018

Didymostruespeak - 6 years ago
46so what? I'm better at 56 than I was at 26.I got new and better maneuvers .like front side air and tail slides... Don't count Slatter out until he's dead!!! Go O.Gs
original groms!
Shaglus Ziegler
Shaglus Ziegler - 6 years ago
shoulda called it the chemtrail cup.
Alex Z. kollar
Alex Z. kollar - 6 years ago
Everyone commenting shit clearly didn’t see the comp in person. The arena vibe talking with fellow surfers about our sport we love & watching world class ripping on the most coveted wave in the world. You can’t lie to yourselves, you can talk all the shit you want, all y’all want that tube time
MrDeadsurfer - 6 years ago
That last section is too small to tube ride and caught a few people. The alley would have made it a ten if he landed it.
Will Surf
Will Surf - 6 years ago
"The W sell founders cup" lmao. I strongly dislike the way he says wsl haha
ben jarmin
ben jarmin - 6 years ago
I'd give my left nut to surf that joint , just cause it is perfect and predictable.
gredwa - 6 years ago
ben it would cost some $$$$ just to run this for an hour, or half day/day for example. the wsl were selling 1 hour slots for 10k weren't they? how many waves do you get in 1 hour?
Stanislav Khaylov
Stanislav Khaylov - 6 years ago
Ill take your right one
Keef Whiteman
Keef Whiteman - 6 years ago
ben jarmin 9500 dollars an hour.
ben jarmin
ben jarmin - 6 years ago
gredwa , who knows bro . Kelly is a pretty down to earth guy . I think he would try to make it affordable if it were up to him.
gredwa - 6 years ago
ben, i wonder how much they will charge per wave, or wave package, once they open it to the public? i bet it will be booked out quickly.
Rat Furnis
Rat Furnis - 6 years ago
What's with the hate?
zaccyo - 6 years ago
People need something to complain about. Even if they love surfing, some people can't help but be negative. Weird that so many are resistant to change, and can't enjoy it for what it is.
gredwa - 6 years ago
rat - who knows? personally i loved this event. a real challenge to both ability and fitness, where the public can be right there to enjoy it also.
Igor Vargas
Igor Vargas - 6 years ago
Kelly is the man !!!! He made it happen
gredwa - 6 years ago
igor, 10 years in the making is a big commitment for anything, let alone a wave pool, like this one. if they do make these things all around the world, the investors won't wait that long to start to get a ROI. maybe china can clone this concept and built one in 6 months?
Y Pure
Y Pure - 6 years ago
Would love to surf it. BUT as a comp...VERY DULL as i suspected. Not a challange for pro comp. Event flop. Too plastic. NO SOUL. And no wsl or pros will admit it!! But sure they thinking it
brendon leary
brendon leary - 6 years ago
The Goa o fthe Goats
werxin - 6 years ago
So skating vert ramp on a skateboard must seem boring to all the naysayers also LOL
EuroAmerikaner - 6 years ago
All these women out of the household is sickening.
vatearii DEBEUF
vatearii DEBEUF - 6 years ago
what about the wsl chanel youtube?
Such AnSuch
Such AnSuch - 6 years ago
Compared to the ocean-dull.dead.boring.
brendon leary
brendon leary - 6 years ago
Take some footage of your local and compare the two...
Unless your local is similar to Kirra or superbank, which this wave is somewhat modeled on, I will wager that your local waves, are no where near as long, or fast, or with multiple tube sections, or with multiple bowls and high performance walls...
Seriously, take that footage.
You may have to wait for the banks to line up, and the swells and tides to be right, and the wind to be right, and the crowd to be right, and then you will have to wait for a set, and get the right wave....
I love surfing in the ocean, and i will never lose that love, but I have enough space in my heart and stoke in my soul, to recognize that this is a wicked wave with plenty of positives for the development of the sport, not just competitively.
captmack007 - 6 years ago
So lame fake wave
zaccyo - 6 years ago
Only lame if you're not a surfer.. The thing is, you can just not watch if you think it's shit. Instead, you decided to search the event out on youtube and write comments..
Jon June
Jon June - 6 years ago
Nice looks like fun go USA
ric234100 - 6 years ago
Any decent surfer can rip this wave. No sections, no variation. Pathetically boring to watch. Need a whitey in there to spice it up a bit. Oh yeah..I almost forgot Margaret river. The soul in surfing will soon be gone. And the sheeple applaud this debocle???
zaccyo - 6 years ago
Oh, is that why the wave is making lots of surfers look average??
gredwa - 6 years ago
brendon, obviously, i saw something amazing in this event, as you did. a wave that is safe, has multiple sections in both directions, is a real challenge to both surfing ability and fitness, where the public can get up close and personal. i would have loved to be there. the surf ranch ct round in sept will be something to look forward to, for me anyway ;-)
gredwa - 6 years ago
ted, i woulda loved to be there. looked and sounded like so much fun.
ric234100 - 6 years ago
Used to surf Scorpion Bay a lot before it became known and a zoo. I would spend 6 months a year in Baja. There are still a couple spots down there that are fickle and  difficult to get to that reel off in perfection. Two minute long rides, every wave. Just like Sandspit, my home break.  Must have the time to wait for them to happen. I would go solo because my friends were all on schedules.  Believe me...surfing empty perfect waves gets old. I have a lot of photos of empty lineups that would make surfer mag drool.
brendon leary
brendon leary - 6 years ago
If any decent surfer can rip this wave with no sections, how come some of these professionals were sometimes having trouble making the sections and how come there was different tube sections, of different shape tube and different face sections of different size and shape?
Seriously, the wave going one direction has a number of sections, all of them high performance, and then add the wave going back the other way and there all new sections just as varied and challenging...
I also noticed that these ultra fit professionals who have surfed high quality waves the world over, were all incredibly stoked to be surfing it. And all of them at times looked out of breath by the end of the wave because it was challenging to keep up with and had meany sections for high performance...
Maybe I need my eyes checked because I saw something very different to you..
I would wager, that if you went on a surfari, down Baja or anywhere, and come across a point or headland hold a bank this long, with these super fast varied sectioned wave rolling on it, you would be jumping out of your skin and would never want to leave.
pjfan173 - 6 years ago
ric234100 so I take it that's a big old no at telling Kelly he is destroying surfing.
I'm older than Kelly and lived my whole life in the middle of the country, but have always loved the ocean and the beauty of surfing.
ric234100 - 6 years ago
I'm sure you are to young to understand what surfing really is. It is a connection with nature. Not a machine. Not about having a video of yourself. I pity you. Have you ever surfed a perfect wave alone? I have many times and still do, but not in a pool. I was travelling Baja before surfing became mainstream a time when you had to work, have weather and ocean knowledge and sacrifice to score epic waves. There where times I wouldn't see another human for weeks. Believe me perfection gets old.
pjfan173 - 6 years ago
ric234100 I'm sure the next time you're ripping it up with Kelly, you'll let him know that the Surf Ranch is a joke.
Ted Judah
Ted Judah - 6 years ago
If you had been there you'd be cheering with us. It far exceeded my expectations.
ric234100 - 6 years ago
pjfan173 Just FYI... I grew up in Santa Barbara, surfing some of the best waves on the planet with Curren and Slater. Respect them both.  Where are you from douche? L.A? Now go back to your internet surf reports and your crappy little waves
pjfan173 - 6 years ago
ric234100 and if you didn't live in Nebraska for the first 42 years of your life you would been better than Kelly
pjfan173 - 6 years ago
ric234100 as soon as you have your ride on video please post it for us, but until them we'll keep watching on of the greatest ever
CARLOS KILLER 17 - 6 years ago
I Love
SDBARTENDER1 - 6 years ago
The board looks to work great except for at first on his backside, looks like he is fighting the board a little.
hamishpatterson family
hamishpatterson family - 6 years ago
Very boring
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 6 years ago
Not as boring as a flat spell in a natural wave contest lol
John Jacob
John Jacob - 6 years ago
Hahaha loved the live stream yesterday
Calvin Dixon
Calvin Dixon - 6 years ago
hamishpatterson family yeah man same thing every time

50. comment for Kelly Slater- still ripping at 46 - Surf Ranch Founders Cup 2018

Max Rosenberg
Max Rosenberg - 6 years ago
Why wear a leash?
gredwa - 6 years ago
ted, yeh it was kanoa's board that was clean snapped. and kolohe left some leg hair in his damaged rail and a few fins were popped by others.
Ted Judah
Ted Judah - 6 years ago
Because if you wipeout theres a good chance your board will get swept over the concrete berm and probably get a ding. I saw a board get broken there today.
dropoutjohn - 6 years ago
Daniel Morgensen
Daniel Morgensen - 6 years ago
What a fag not like homosexual more like Kobi
Daniel Morgensen
Daniel Morgensen - 6 years ago
if any one of thease fuckers gets near me in the water i will take there non existing soul
way to go boys you fagz made it to hell
Daniel Morgensen
Daniel Morgensen - 6 years ago
going to hell
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 6 years ago
my fave surfers are Kelly Slater and Ben gravy for the dream
michael cramer
michael cramer - 6 years ago
Is this even real surfing at this point?
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown - 6 years ago
Where is this shithole located?
gredwa - 6 years ago
about 100 miles from the ocean in lemoore cali
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
this whole thing is so fcking fake almost embarrassing
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
Gibbet Hoskins did he invite bobby martinez i doubt it as his not into all the fake bullshit
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
Gibbet Hoskins good business for him as he is well connected for the world surf industry but the wave pool comp gets so boring very predictable but i suppose its goid for a boring corrupt comp good for something like olympics looks good to train in but watching it becomes very boring robotic no one says how kelly slater is trying to destroy the spirit of surfing oh maybe he is just a fake human money hungry baywatch type of man
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 6 years ago
Yeah dude created and designed his own wave left and right that you can carve and get barreled in embarrassing
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
zaccyo its fake just like the world tour thats why bobby martinez got kicked out
zaccyo - 6 years ago
If you're embarrassed, that's on you... Maybe ask yourself why you're embarrassed...
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
brendon leary wow what a huge barrel i might get drilled into the shallow reef
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
brendon leary its mechanical predictable and boring but good for training surfing in the ocean a comp u need to read the ocean it looks fun to surf but that whole kelly slater waving at the crowd what a wank
ant Man
ant Man - 6 years ago
TroyFPV the surf will still pump even if the water is polluted and to run this wave park takes alot of energy the wave is boring and mechanical very predictable
brendon leary
brendon leary - 6 years ago
We must have been watching a different clip.
I saw a long, super fast, high performance wave that was better than most people will find at their own local break.
Considering how long you can wait for a decent wave in a decent set on a decent swell at the local, this wave was quite consistent too.
I saw professional surfers who are ultra fit, need to catch their breath at the end of a wave because it was so demanding. I also saw professional surfers get left behind or not make sections because this is a challenging wave to surf at such high intensity.
This is not some bath tub ripple...
But you know, if it is not up to your standards go watch the locals surf at your beach.
But you know, if it is not
Juan BF
Juan BF - 6 years ago
Ant man got black mirrored
TroyFPV - 6 years ago
At the rate we're polluting the ocean, this may the closest we have to surfing in the future. Unless the virtual reality tech allows you to feel like surfing while sitting on your couch which is more likely.
Jai Dem'mon
Jai Dem'mon - 6 years ago
flag is backwards on Kelly's jersey. SB stars forward.
TheGorn - 6 years ago
Pretty awesome wave!! The repetition and consistency (exact same wave) make it a lot less appealing when watching. I know each pro is going to hack the lip 5 times, 5 second barrel ride, jack the lip 3 more times then try some sort of slow speed aerial at the end. Yes, entertaining, but I’ll tune out quickly and probably won’t stick around to see who wins by .0001%. I don’t think you’ll ever see a true deep bottom turn on waves like these unless the scale is doubled in size. Not saying it’s not cool or amazing, it is. Just not as exciting as the unpredictability of the ocean which is what makes surfing so great.

Do I want one of these in my backyard? Yes Yes Yes... just need 20 million to make it happen.
Ted Judah
Ted Judah - 6 years ago
While the consistent wave does require a similar menu of maneuvers, I found that each competitor put them together differently and with different aggressiveness to get wildly different scores. For example, I was surprised, when you see it in person, just how much power the wave has. - It is not an easy wave to surf and many of the competitors don't even make the entire 45 second wave unless they surf it conservatively. It's different for sure - but no less exciting. I, and everyone there, were glued to the action each time a wave rolled through.
gangsterboogie - 6 years ago
Sand vari
guitarsurfer2010 - 6 years ago
No Beer Sponsors for Surfing.
Beer contains the drug Alcohol.
Kids look up to the ASP surfers.
Don't throw the kids under the buss so you can make money and live like rich people .
Stanislav Khaylov
Stanislav Khaylov - 6 years ago
zaccyo - 6 years ago
Bullshit. Parents do their job properly, and there is no issue. That's like telling athletes to be role models. It's delusional and wrong.
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
"ASP" hahahaha.
C Dunk
C Dunk - 6 years ago
Poor baby.
EuroAmerikaner - 6 years ago
and no women surfing. Women should stay in the kitchen.
michael D
michael D - 6 years ago
Whys everyone gotta find something bad about this? Its a giant wave pool that creates a perfect barreling wave (that lets you do airs too) and we get to watch the best surfers in the world use it. In a few years these will be open to the public and everyone will get to use it. A beer sponsorship is helping them get off the ground, so be it. Beer sponors every other sport in the US, why not surfing. This is the future.
guitarsurfer2010 - 6 years ago
I bet you drink beer,
Clayton Brown
Clayton Brown - 6 years ago
This whole thing is gross
michael D
michael D - 6 years ago
@guitarsurfer2010 Shut up loser
grakkerful - 6 years ago
If you're going to make it a stadium sport, might as well sell alcohol. That and Budweiser was a huge sponsor for years.
Anthony Burns
Anthony Burns - 6 years ago
grakkerful - 6 years ago
Maybe, just maybe...a bunch of these will pop up and the real lineups will become mercifully empty!
OG K - 6 years ago
True, like someone else said, don't ever try it, it'll bore you to death. Run, run far away!
eastcoastkreationz - 6 years ago
Yes it is. Dont ever try it, there are already enough people like you doing it
Henry Walton
Henry Walton - 6 years ago
This isn't an activity it is art.
Email Author Unknown
Email Author Unknown - 6 years ago

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