Kelly Slater On Being a Role Model, Morality, Drugs and Surfing Stereotypes and More - The Inertia
Surf 10 years ago 167,480 views
Kelly Slater discusses morality, politics, drugs in surf culture, and his approach to the responsibility of representing surfers to the world at large. We can't thank him enough for his candor. Surfing's Definitive Online Community: Subscribe to our channel: Follow us!
10. comment for Kelly Slater On Being a Role Model, Morality, Drugs and Surfing Stereotypes and More - The Inertia
either way, pretty lame to ask the MOST IMPORTANT question and then cut off the answer. thumbs down on the editing.
20. comment for Kelly Slater On Being a Role Model, Morality, Drugs and Surfing Stereotypes and More - The Inertia
30. comment for Kelly Slater On Being a Role Model, Morality, Drugs and Surfing Stereotypes and More - The Inertia
I like this piece.
Being arrogant is not a defence.
"UBT" ?
Kelly may be a superb surfer but an uneducated man with a provincial view.
Have a nice day!
You listened to his views and your response was to make ad hominem attacks. You made a snarky comment referencing his opinion on gun control. Maybe he was talking about “weird kids” (Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc). What did you want to hear? A dissenting opinion on DC vs Heller? Talk about black on black shootings? Was it his view on treating Sciatica. Did he oversimplify? Stretching is one of many ways to relieve pain.
If you are going to make a statement or a case on something and/or someone have your facts and evidence. You tried to marginalize Slater by stating that he is an “uneducated man with a provincial view” You can’t substantiate your claim on his education level. The fact is Mr. Slater completed (2004) a Masters Degree in Criminal Law from Sydney University, Aus. Your claim is completely false.
His provincial view? How did you get there? Mr. Slater along with his formal education has traveled the world extensively for the last 20+ year. I personally find travel to be an invaluable educational experience. Slater also has the Kelly Slater Foundation which promotes charities on a variety of social and environmental issues. Some of the beneficiaries are for charities that need help with education for special needs children. Some are for health issues, Cystic Fibrosis, Skin Cancer. Others for environmental/conservation education. It seems to me that Mr. Slater has given thought to the world around him. He has looked well past his own personal benefit and is trying to make a difference on some issues that concern him and all of us. What are you doing?
If you are going to disparage someone just because they don’t hold the same beliefs and opinions you have then you are a BIGOT.
If you are going to disparage someone and not bother to be factually correct about that person then you are BUFFOON.
You can sort it out for yourself.
See how that works when someone presents the facts. Didn’t they teach you that in college?
No, Two different times; two different comments.
I say Slater has top notch world class credibility over most. Born with the right set of skills at the right time too.
Tree of Liberty.
With attitudes like that it will. What do you have to lose not to try? Go go read about our founder & see just how much they lost. They had bounties on there heads & they lost entire families. There's no such threat yet of that.
Do you see the results of the last election? We only lost the Presidency & a few didn't win, but we did send in more to fight. Whether they actually did or didn't wasn't the point. The point was that we still can remove them.
That needs to be the goal. Remove them all until we replace enough to make a difference. The only thing stopping us from that is our division on petty stuff. Libertarians think conservatives are RINOs & conservatives think libertarians are isolationists. Stuff like that.
If we would just talk to one & other, things would be changing faster. But people aren't comfortable or are to preoccupied with living their life. Well we need to learn to find a way to get together. The Tea Party was a great idea, but it spooked the libertarians. Both need to sort out their differences & get people to the booths.
That's what the 2a is for & that is what makes the US a "Constitutional Republic." Every right in the Bill of Rights is there for a reason. Those are all inalienable, which is to say that they are non-negotiable & were there at birth to every human being. & anyone who doesn't need, want, or to allow others to have those rights, neither deserve any of them or have the protection of them.
An immoral person will seek out positions of leadership & influence in order to persuade & influence people. Centralized government has shown throughout history that is the case. This is why the US was founded in the way that it was. 80% of this planet is capable of taking care of themselves, if given the chance.
The other 20% can be taken care of though charity & family, without getting the government involved. & the 5% among that said 20% who are criminal can be dealt with though the justice system. Only if it was run the way that it's supposed to. You can't dictate law from the Oval Office, the Bench, or even Congress without consult of the populous.
Half of the criminals in this country wouldn't be criminals if they were better educated, could keep more of what they earn, & had access to better job opportunities. Taxes, OVER regulation {NOT SAYING NONE}, & crony capitalistic monopolies are whats causing all the BS.
If "We" would stick to the Constitution & trust our neighbors more {or at least wait till they actually do something}, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. That's live & let live. You're liberty stops at my feet & vise versa. Everybody minds there own affairs & goes on with their life. Nobody {the 80%} would harm anyone or cause harm to this rock we call home.
The job of our government is to be the least invasive as possible. It is impossible for government to control every aspect of a persons life. Our founders understood that & structured our government so that it's up to the People, not government. Hence, "We the People."
"A democracy is two wolves & a lamb deciding what's for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote." Ben Franklin
Feel free to join a commune and ration your goods among like minded individuals. I doubt you have the fortitude to not live at the expense of others based on your comments. Any ideal that promotes theft of another persons livelihood is immoral. I choose to allow others to live their life as they see fit, as long as they cause no harm, or expense to other free individuals. Do you have a problem with that? Or are you incapable of providing for yourself?
Government has its place.... to protect individuals from those that would transgress against them.
"Non-conformist"? You mean like the Founding Fathers? O.K., you got me there. I guess I'd fit into your definition based on that.
Nobody was born to provide a livelihood for others. Or responsibilities are to respect the freedoms of other individuals, and in turn they do the same.
I'd have to ask.... define slavery? Since I don't hold it as a value, and you appear to.
It wasn't my philosophy that created this situation. You can't even make surfboards without the government say-so.
If you take note, myself and others support the idea of freedom..... by which each person is responsible for themselves. If you need a daddy then live that life, but don't expect others to follow your immoral ideology because you don't have the sack to live the life as a responsible human being.
So If I can't have freedom here I have to go to an oppressive third world country to find it? How's that?
I'd like to see where "trickle down"(as you call it) has actually been tried? I prefer Laissez Faire Capitalism. Have you looked at the record number of people on public assistance? Have you looked at the record 92 million who are no longer in the labor market? All of that is a product of governmental controls and regulations. There were at least a dozen government regulatory agencies with oversight into the financial & banking sectors..... yet Fannie and Freddie (government agencies) pushed their BS mortgage scheme on them. Then TARP wasn't a free market ideal.... those politicians (that you probably support) bailed out banks that should have failed, along with Fannie & Freddie (and Sallie)
Go living in a third world country and have the freedom you want and guess what? After a few months the charm of it all will be gone and you'll leave skid marks to come back to the USA for the stability and security of what we have. You are the kind of person that would complain after being given a million dollars about the taxes you would have to pay, what to do with it and how it's not enough.....sad to be you!
By the way, I didn't need a Philosophy 100 course to determine what is and is not immoral..... just read books and you too can figure it out. Then why would I want to adopt the philosophy of another, when I can develop one of my own? Or was that your attempt at being condescending?
The flip side of this is people living off of the gov't. Aid is not a life style it should be for those in need and I get it.
But look at corporate America today, look at any retail fortune 500 company, know what their MO is? Get the gov't to pay as mush as they can for benefits that we should be offering and bitch about corporate taxes too.
Look at the practices of Wal Mart, Lowes and Home Depot for instance. They no longer hire full time employees to get away from offering benefits. Heck Wal Mart even taught their employees how to get federal assistance, that my friend is corporate welfare. Is that OK with you?
While Kelly is a surfing phenomenon, ambassador to the sport and an incredibly nice guy, his view of politics to you is not polished. Well guess what? He is not a politician, he is entitled to his opinion and his delivery. Personally I'm glad he didn't have a "know it all" opinion but a "hey this is what I think" attitude, maybe that is why he is love by millions of fans...oh yeah or is it he surfs pretty good too ; )
Progressivism using state sponsored force to take from one group and give to another..... Theft, simply put.
50. comment for Kelly Slater On Being a Role Model, Morality, Drugs and Surfing Stereotypes and More - The Inertia
but seriously. what a legend.