Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 160

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Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

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Most popular comments
for Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

Ahmad Shahrom
Ahmad Shahrom - 7 years ago
Maybe a boat should keep this standby in case of engine failure, so this kite can pull the boat. Can save fuel.
GrumpyOldMan - 7 years ago
None of this should come as a surprise.
Ashley Bennett
Ashley Bennett - 7 years ago
what crap. ...
Andreas Scheifele
Andreas Scheifele - 7 years ago
I wish I can fly...
Kevin  Price
Kevin Price - 7 years ago
everything is better with yakkity sax
Neutronium Z
Neutronium Z - 8 years ago
The last one is a good one haha
LAB TV - 8 years ago
Aouch !
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 8 years ago
Rumour has it the last guy is still airborne to this day.
oObenuaqOo - 8 years ago
whats the name of the soundboard?

10. comment for Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

Aline Renée Guedes
Aline Renée Guedes - 8 years ago
é isso aêêêê!!!
Kaloyan Bankov
Kaloyan Bankov - 8 years ago
Rumors are the last guy is still flying...
Kelly oxo
Kelly oxo - 8 years ago
The sharks are like what is this torment?
Red123 - 8 years ago
Kelly oxo d
YesSirPhil - 8 years ago
Sorry, but the last one makes me laugh so hard...
JM Designs
JM Designs - 8 years ago
i took my flexfoil 3.5m out in the park 25mph i thought that was scary
Barbie Hardbottle
Barbie Hardbottle - 8 years ago
he died?
Henne König
Henne König - 8 years ago
as a windsurfer, i gotta admit i dont like kitesurfers for exactly that reason. if they dont have their shit under control they can easily fuck u up by just flying into your sail or hitting you with their cords.
SteveJM - 8 years ago
Windsurfing is the hardest watersport to learn
E.B. - 8 years ago
My stupid kite got torn in pieces in mid air today!! Then my brothers kite flew to the hevans!!
Mads Sonne Godiksen
Mads Sonne Godiksen - 8 years ago
1:10 Thats just insane !!!
life-enjoyer101 - 8 years ago
That music ha ha ha ha ha

20. comment for Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

Harrison Powell
Harrison Powell - 8 years ago
1:11 HOW!???
PaulOrientedotcom - 8 years ago
Painful to watch some of the dry/shallow landings.
paulo silva
paulo silva - 9 years ago
It seems that the guy on 1:86 was dead!!!! serious. Hope not.
Eric Taylor
Eric Taylor - 8 years ago
lot of serious injuries in this clip, if you are talking about the tow up, at 1:11he got a concussion, broken rips, collarbone and survived a drowning. Most of the crashes here weren't ones you walk away from, you are just lucky to be alive.
Ronny C
Ronny C - 9 years ago
Ha Ha !
Wouter De jong
Wouter De jong - 9 years ago
Its funny to see but when it happig you than you watch different
Jakub Libner
Jakub Libner - 9 years ago
01:20 LEEROYYY Jeeeeenkins!
Kristian Moore
Kristian Moore - 9 years ago
Guilherme Schumacher
Guilherme Schumacher - 9 years ago
hey guys, if you drop the bar the kite goes down?
Felix N
Felix N - 9 years ago
+Guilherme Schumacher Most new kites have a so called "safety-leash" you can pull it, then the kite goes down
Agustin C
Agustin C - 9 years ago
+Guilherme Schumacher not necessarily, it could also go back to the 12'oclock position, depends on the conditions when you release the bar, but the important thing is that it pulls less hard if you release the bar because the kite flattens out a bit and lets more air through.
Edmund Snyder
Edmund Snyder - 9 years ago
None of this crap is from 2014
Tae gun
Tae gun - 9 years ago
Looks like the most fun sport but also dangerous one if that wind get crazy you don't know where you will end up :D ....   Ouchhhhh
Mike big man
Mike big man - 9 years ago
+Tae gun
The kites are really safe now, still dangerous if you don't know how to use them.

30. comment for Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014

sebas _cool
sebas _cool - 9 years ago
Dav Eche
Dav Eche - 10 years ago
Buen video , mala música !
The Most Interesting Man in Studio City
The Most Interesting Man in Studio City - 10 years ago
Two categories:  Beginners and Advanced doing kite loops. 
Enrique Serrano
Enrique Serrano - 10 years ago
Lol ouch
BisdremisKostas - 10 years ago
some stupid rookies dont deserve to be in the same video with kickass loopers .
Richard Hurloc
Richard Hurloc - 10 years ago
David Brown
David Brown - 10 years ago
i alway want to fly though space
The Traveler
The Traveler - 10 years ago
I tried a kite loop ONCE. I made sure I had a small enough kite to be fast enough to save me at the landing. 6M. Just didn't make sure to say awake during the high Gs during the kite loop and keep the board. I did land safely.
The Traveler
The Traveler - 10 years ago
+Jean-Michel Hiver sorry I wasn't clear my first mega loop. And that's not why I blacked out on the high Gs. You have two more guesses.
Jean-Michel Hiver
Jean-Michel Hiver - 10 years ago
Doing it with a small kite doesn't necessarily help because it will fully pass in the wind window while larger kites only partially pass in the wind window due to their size. If you're trying this, start in lighter wind, and send the kiteloop late to get a feeling of how it goes before sending them earlier and earlier (the earliest you send it in your jump, the more powerful it becomes).
Icerblitz05 - 10 years ago
this is why I'm to chicken to do kite loops, I might try it but at the low end wind range of my kite
Aaron Walton
Aaron Walton - 10 years ago
Do a kiteloop they said, it would be fun they said.
Cabarete Palm Beach Condos
Cabarete Palm Beach Condos - 10 years ago
This is why I only tried kite loops once....
Nickmen80 - 10 years ago
1:10 АААААААААААААААААААААААААА ТААААКК  жееееееееее хочууу!!!!! бляха кучу денег надо на этот кайт спорт!!!

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The "Kite Surf Crash Fail Compilation 2014" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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