Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...

Kiwi surfer, Tim Thompson rugby tackles a Brazilian surfer after he was dropped in on in Sumatra!

Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On... sentiment_very_dissatisfied 167

Surf 10 years ago 379,945 views

Kiwi surfer, Tim Thompson rugby tackles a Brazilian surfer after he was dropped in on in Sumatra!

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Most popular comments
for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...

D33P S3A
D33P S3A - 6 years ago
fuck brazilians ...respect
O G - 6 years ago
Blanka is from Brazil....just so everybody knows. M. Bison fucked him up though. That kiwi might be M. Bison.
Scott Dawson
Scott Dawson - 6 years ago
Brassos are the same wherever I've been. Drop in, rude and rarely surf when its double overhead or bigger. Not welcome anywhere
Giorgeo Serpa
Giorgeo Serpa - 6 years ago
Aaaa para de choradeira gringalhada, até parece que quem inventou a rabiada foi o brasileiro...
Daryl Wilson
Daryl Wilson - 6 years ago
Dumb Brazil nut
lawnshark19 - 6 years ago
Locals have the priority and that brazilin obvious dropped in on him. Hawaiian surfing has not been pussyfied by haoles …. you want to surf our waves know there may be consequences and you PC shit doesn't hold here
Jason Smock
Jason Smock - 6 years ago
The kiwi is a legend over there who put in his time. If you watch the whole clip the pack of Brazilian s paddle out and snake the guy twice. The third time was his last time snaking him. Whos got repect now
Tom R
Tom R - 6 years ago
kooks everywhere
Grady Henshaw
Grady Henshaw - 6 years ago
Fucking hell have a go at the claw marks on that cunt!! Iv been and seen some heavy fights but honestly never seen a guy clawed up like that...

10. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...

5winder - 6 years ago
Surf rugby looks like fun. Or surf MMA... those Brazilians might choke you out.
tmmyjay - 6 years ago
Surfers are great athletes...
Kylie Healey
Kylie Healey - 6 years ago
Moneys on the Kiwi!
Ralf Roovers
Ralf Roovers - 7 years ago
Fuck those Brazilian rats man- everyone HATES them in Aus
j d
j d - 7 years ago
Surfers are idiots. Too much water in the ears lol
clarkewi - 7 years ago
Brazilians are notorious for their greedy and disrespectful conduct towards locals in the water. But they need to be aware that Ozzy's, Kiwi's, Yanks and Hawaiians will make them pay.
riparato - 7 years ago
Like the scooters of the skatepark
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Brazilians always like that . few that arent .
hahagotcha!!!! - 7 years ago
Why are Brazilians consistently the biggest douchebags in the water?
Gary Vanreek
Gary Vanreek - 7 years ago
I would've busted that dudes shit too if he did sum dumb shit like that too

20. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...

Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 7 years ago
Brazilians. Always fucking Brazilians.
Richmond Tigers Edits
Richmond Tigers Edits - 7 years ago
i know droppin in is a dick move, but nobody has thr right to own a wave
Paul Oesterle Oesterle
Paul Oesterle Oesterle - 7 years ago
that's been the number one rule since the dawn of time you drop in on me you get dropped
Clara S
Clara S - 7 years ago
I am carioca and I agree with you.....but you sound like a asswipe.... I want to apply some Jiu Jitsu in your neck my self
robert simpson
robert simpson - 7 years ago
Went to Brazil once, great food, great people. Shit government.
LoukodaSul - 7 years ago
Surfing isnt like worlds politics that you americans can interfer whenever u feel like. Most spots of East Asia Brazilians have settled in and now they impose their rules just like you do in Hawaii/Gold Coast/California. So if u ever wanna get some variety and some pits for you and your pals in Indo call us LEGENDS when u get in the water, paddle with your head down otherwise g ready to go back to your boat and gtfo before getting ass kicked
D33P S3A
D33P S3A - 6 years ago
fuck you kook
and fuck brazilians
LoukodaSul - 7 years ago
hahah Brazilians OWN Indonesia, mentawai, Bali, wherever you think in Indo there is a massive Brazilian domination. Thats y u mad bru? Your commentary and your hate only adds to our aversion to American/Australian surfers. That leads to u guys getting beat up at the beach and not being able to surf the best waves in the planet. U ever dream of going to Indo trip of your life? Better change that mindset and begin to respect brazilian surfers wherever u go.
fudgepacker Tom Cruz
fudgepacker Tom Cruz - 7 years ago
LoukodaSul yeah brazzo faggots travel im groups of like 15 and steal all the waves! they literally cut anyone with priority off so there crew can get the wave. everyone talks about what fags they are. its so satisfying seeing brazzos cry when jose aldo the national treasure got disrespected for months then knocked the fuck out in 13 seconds.
Chaplain - 7 years ago
absolutely hate cocky surfers that think they own every single wave
we have a surfer like that that in my area and he shouts at anyone who comes near him and the sad thing is he sucks ballz at surfing
Shadow Posture
Shadow Posture - 7 years ago
how the fuck only 200 subs i dont even surf and i found this video really well, made good one mate!
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
Brazilian surfers have no class we hate them in Hawaii, they stink up the break, dropping in on everybody no respect at all!!! Fuck them!!! Stay in Brazil, dont come and leach off Hawaii!!!

30. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...

phily jr
phily jr - 7 years ago
Brazil sucks did you see the Olympics. it's all that zika shrinking the brains.
KropsMan - 7 years ago
dude i know you my man.. i DJ'd at your aunt maries that easter. send the family my love
Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson - 7 years ago
I'm a kiwi. We had some pretty sick waves over Easter period and a break that isn't usually good was cranking. Everyone was mellow taking turns and not hassling. Then this Brazilian crew stumbled on it. There were six surfers, a couple with gopro cameras and two lids. They could all surf ok so they started hassling for inside position using their numbers and taking every fkn wave that came through. Kiwis are too mellow to bother getting in an argument but the good vibe was spoiled. These guys of various ages clearly had no idea. Man, if we went to a secret spot in Brazil and started behaving like that imagine the outcome. And I've seen plenty of that in Indo and other countries too. You know you're guilty brazos so stop pretending like you don't do this. And if you show up at a quiet spot, don't bring more than one friend. That's called surf etiquette.
Sam Foster
Sam Foster - 7 years ago
grilindi Rivera
grilindi Rivera - 7 years ago
Not gonna lie but they creat that fame one guy dropped on my and I fucking hit the water hard I didn't say anything but the others locals so the action and man they fuck him up bad. So just do not dropped in nobody mtf
Chris M.R. Santos
Chris M.R. Santos - 7 years ago
Watter boxing.....thats cool
john Barry
john Barry - 7 years ago
00:47......laughable coming from that guy.
Matheus Santos
Matheus Santos - 8 years ago
Video drone
Video drone - 8 years ago
all surfers suck. People quit surfing or dont start!
Redkelly Re
Redkelly Re - 8 years ago
i always carry a pistol
BM - 8 years ago
Im a kiwi haha that tackle was deserved
Jade and Pearl - Norwegian Forest Cat's
Jade and Pearl - Norwegian Forest Cat's - 8 years ago
You pick on one, you pick on two. The Kiwi and the Emu....
george fleming
george fleming - 7 years ago
Jade and Pearl - Norwegian Forest Cat's fucken oath Anzac spirit bro
rahkin rah
rahkin rah - 8 years ago
Ah yes, ethics.. were have they gone?
Not that stoopid Maine
Not that stoopid Maine - 8 years ago
It's all good when you got a sandy bottom but on a spot like this one you always got the reef in the back of your mind.
Not that stoopid Maine
Not that stoopid Maine - 8 years ago
It's all good when you got a sandy bottom but on a spot like this one you always got the reef in the back of your mind.
B Right
B Right - 8 years ago
some of these wankers think they own the water, i tell him them to mind their own business while i enjoy the free waves. i got crossed by some wannabe tough guy once that shaped up to me on the sand after i apparently 'stole' his wave. Fool didnt know i box semi professionallly. He threw a windmill that missed, I countered with a driving left to his rib cage - game over. I continued my fun day of surfing and he finished up struggling to breath with cracked ribs cowering on the sand.
t mac
t mac - 7 years ago
B Right #iamverybadass
Abdul Muhammad Jafar Smith
Abdul Muhammad Jafar Smith - 7 years ago
B Right Dont lie
Boris Chang
Boris Chang - 8 years ago
Sonny Garcia is a thug.
brinburg - 8 years ago
Brazilian surfers are the worst, by far, but at least they can surf. Israeli surfers come in at a close 2nd for the kook crown...always dropping in, getting pissed at others for getting good waves....but when they're in the spot, they usually can't even make the takeoff.
surfinmuso - 6 years ago
no surpises with the fucking israeli's. Pure cunts with no redeeming features.
philip lavelle
philip lavelle - 7 years ago
tOn the North Shore in the early 80's the jet=setting, disrespectful, and downright stupid Brazilians were quite pestilential...we always referred to them as "Brazil nuts" because you never knew what kind of rude and/or stupid s__t they would do...any chance they've improved since then?
Hugo Submerso
Hugo Submerso - 8 years ago
Ooo Oooo the wave is mine the wave is mine fucking idiots, it´s like this everywhere....... jerks
Whemma Kat Att
Whemma Kat Att - 8 years ago
oh steve should be here at any moment now....

50. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...

kimo okamoto
kimo okamoto - 8 years ago
We have a saying in Hawaii " bra da ocean stay dea tommorow" guys need to relax lol
jiblet 65
jiblet 65 - 8 years ago
more Brazzo kooks, nothing to see here. move along.
Walesem Haupt
Walesem Haupt - 8 years ago
... not only on the line up. with the girls too. watch over yours, otherwise... boom, when u notice she is flying to Rio.
jiblet 65
jiblet 65 - 8 years ago
I don't care where anybody is from, just don't drop in on me. it's really not too much to ask for. anyway, Brazzos are well known for being loud, obnoxious cloggers of the lineup.
Walesem Haupt
Walesem Haupt - 8 years ago
jiblet 65 well the last world surf champions in alk categories are brazzos. so aussies and kiwis are the kooks now. bench of racist drunk idiots eith no education whatsoever. that is what aussies muricans snd kiwis are.
Perpetual Student
Perpetual Student - 8 years ago
Every country has their fair share but man are brazilians the worse.
Stewart Howe
Stewart Howe - 8 years ago
Brazilians. There are more than a few buried in the jungle for, well, repeated behavior as is shown in this video. Central America/Mainland Mexico to Indonesia. This shoulder hopper got off easy if that's all that happened to him. A machete and a shovel tend to solve the problem for many repeatedly disrespected local surfers. And these local guys were guys I never had a problem with. Stay off the shoulder. Period. Don't start no shite; won't be no shite. Why is that so hard for this particular band of barneys to understand?

I heard all these Brazilian Snake stories and thought that they must be exagerated tales, told by racist haters. Then I started traveling the world and experiencing it myself. I've personally witnessed empty perfect HT's (Lances Right) off Sumatra transformed into a hate filled snake fest by one boatload of Brazilians. Then G Land had two of them create such a problem that the jungle option was almost considered. Fortunately for them, they were merely expelled on the first boat out. Watched it myself; it was ugly.

Sure there are some cool and respectable Brazilian surfers. But as a group, from what I've seen personally all over the world, they have a well deserved reputation as agro loud mouthed snakes. Kudos to this guy for dealing with this one. They won't stop hopping the shoulder untlil they stop getting away with it.
D33P S3A
D33P S3A - 6 years ago
Thomas Norman
Stewart Howe
Stewart Howe - 8 years ago
Agreed. Not everyone out there appreciates "give respect to get respect" however. And some unfortunately over-react to precieved disrespect. They are wrong in doing so. Absolutely.
Thomas Norman
Thomas Norman - 8 years ago
Those locals are crazy thugs, then, to supposedly murder over 'disrespect', closer to pathetic street gangs who murder over colours. I could understand a beating when someone's being dangerous or destructive, but homicide is completely disproportionate.
Stewart Howe
Stewart Howe - 8 years ago
+Thomas Norman No. Not suggesting violence. Only passing along what can occur when people disrespect locals in remote lands. I suggest respect and peace.
Thomas Norman
Thomas Norman - 8 years ago
You're suggesting murder. Over a sport, a hobby. Dude, for realz?
adventuresinbelieving - 8 years ago
was surfing at Pipe yesterday, blatantly dropped in on by.....another Kiwi. Kooks.
george fleming
george fleming - 7 years ago
adventuresinbelieving who's we, liar? Your brazzo boyfriend on a bogey board. Fucken homo
adventuresinbelieving - 8 years ago
I love you too Aaron.
Aaron Keogh
Aaron Keogh - 8 years ago
bitch y u lying
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 8 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Ashton Gardner
Ashton Gardner - 8 years ago
Ricky M.V
Ricky M.V - 8 years ago
I have a friend who was there when that happened and the kiwi guy was dropping in everyone...and after that the kiwi guy swam away cause things were about to get ugly to his side...
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 8 years ago
fuck the kiwi fighters!! if this is true kkk lol
matrix49A - 8 years ago
Tat covered 50 IQ animals using words like respect make me laugh.
brinburg - 8 years ago
Yea, dude is like 50 and still lives with his mom...haunting sunset, harassing chicks that all think he's a retard with no real prospects for the future.
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 8 years ago
hahaha so tru dude
illusion887 - 8 years ago
nobody likes Brazilian surfers.. they're snakes in the water and bark at anything. bunch of kooks if you ask me.
Bernard Medeiros
Bernard Medeiros - 6 years ago
Funny YOU people trying to ground the racist offences that were said in this thread right here. They're simply racist, that's it, and it has nothing to do with surfing. Even if the brazilian is actually disrespectful or whatever, this is product of years of exploitation from 'the first world nations' on marginal or insignificant countries. The chaos boiling in these place was your piece of work. Instead of registering so, you prefer to do what you've always done: to praise your birthplace's superiority over the minor or 'nigers'. Same logic applies to the relation between white and black people in USA. This gets even more notorious when these third world countries actually make an impact on a determined area that you value. In our case, surfing. Evidence is when Gabe won the title, I was startled with the racist comments(pure rage) on his page or the WSL. If you do 'hate' brazilians or whatever you think this feeling is, maybe start asking yourself why, is this your idea or someone else's(a racist structure) has been imposing that to you. If you actually come to understand this, maybe you will become a less ignorant surfer and person,
Bernard Medeiros
Bernard Medeiros - 6 years ago
Of course the minor group or the weaker one is gonna whine. Bali, Mentawai, grower in desert point is all taken. Even the indonesian locals know now that they shouldn't mess with brazilians. Last month they just took a beating from couple jiu jitsu guys in Bali. You lot act racist for one good reason: you've always been educated to be polite but your background is racist and filthy and these comments are pretty much the evidence. Then, on international line ups you meet with people that are also 'racist' and 'filthy', but are not afraid of violence nor fake a disgusting background like you lot. Im yet to see an aussie stand up to me in any line up. Really, the difference between you and the girls is none. Man up pals
Swamp Yankee
Swamp Yankee - 7 years ago
Aurélio C what in the world are you trying to say? Anyway, gotta be some truth to the claim. Surfers who couldn't agree on anything, from every country, skill level, etc. seem to agree about this. Only a love of surfing is as universal among the world's surfers. Not hating on Brazilians, my Grandfather was born and raised on a farm outside of Rio. I also understand that there's probably tons of great surfers who are nothing but kind, respectful, great people who would be a joy to be in the lineup with. Still, the amount of incidents involving Brazilian surfers can't be discounted. Feel for the previously mentioned "respectful surfers". Just keep being that way and you will change opinions and perceptions and hopefully help even one person to ignore the stereotype and look at you as a person & surfer first, and not judge you based on where you're from. I can't help but wonder if issues of behavior and lack of respect at remote and or expensive surf locals has something(a lot?) to do with the fact that other than those who save and budget for months or often years to go on a serious surf trip, so many others are rich(parents are rich), entitled punks. I know there are plenty of "poor" surfers who could use some manners but they're not getting the exposure that someone snaking well known surfers at spots that almost always have a camera rolling. Who knows. Probably a combination of many things. It's a shame though. Gotta stop commenting after an espresso:-)
Mariana - 7 years ago
Well, unfortunately you only had contact with badly educated Brazilians. I assure you that they are not all like this
Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 7 years ago
Mariana I'm afraid they behave the same wherever I see them and surf with them and the response internationally is the same. There's simple etiquette, don't paddle out at a 3 or 4 peak wave with masses of blokes that hassle all the time. Chill out and go in smaller groups and don't snake or castle just like everybody does. Simple.
Mariana - 7 years ago
illusion887 Actually, this kiwi dude was riding all the waves without respecting the others, he was making a mess at the surf spot, so the brazilians surfers (and others surfers of different nationality) started to boycott him. People didnt let him ride any more
Mariana - 7 years ago
Chris Harding The problem is that thanks to all this generalization, everyone thinks that all Brazilians are assholes. People have to understand that this changes from person to person
Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 7 years ago
I'm afraid there is an internationally recognised issue with Brazilians as is demonstrated by multiple negative reports from almost every surf destination in the world.
Mariana - 7 years ago
I apologize for the Brazilians who were rude, but it all depends on the person and not the nationality. For example on the beach I surf, one of the essential things here is mutual respect what often happens(sorry for the bad english)
Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 7 years ago
Brazilians are great surfers mostly, that isn't in dispute. It's the poor attitude and etiquette. They seem to want to rewrite the rules to a sport to make it ok to behave like a spoiled brat in the line up. As for fighting their way out of trouble, despite their alleged prowess with their own Jiu Jitsu, when it come to going toe to toe on the beach without their girlfriends to back them up, they're laughably pathetic and cowardly.
Chris Harding
Chris Harding - 7 years ago
illusion887 yep I was at Uluwatu last year and I ended up with a gang of Aussies and local Indo surfers blocking all the Brazilians waves because they're so fucking rude and arrogant. They all left eventually. Shame though no other countries surfers are that bad except maybe Iraeli surfers. Pretty rude too paddling around with a profound sense of misplaced entitlement.
Mariana - 7 years ago
All generalization is stupid
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
Brazilians own shit!! You better change you attitude because most average guys now days kick the shit out of Brazillans!! Brazillian surfers better clean up their act before everybody else jump on the Brazillians!!!! Brazillian`s are the nigers of surfing, no body scared Brazillans!!!!I surf those places every summer no Brazillans own shit out their!!In fact everybody should start ganging up on Brazillians and kicking the shit out of them where ever they go surfing!!!!!Im sure all the other surfers would love to do that!! What do you think!!!! Jujitsu dont work!!! Its a cheap way to win a fight but for most people it doesent work!!
LoukodaSul - 7 years ago
Surfing isnt like worlds politics that you americans can interfer whenever u feel like. Most spots of East Asia Brazilians have settled in and now they impose their rules just like you do in Hawaii/Gold Coast/California. So if u ever wanna get some variety and some pits for you and your pals in Indo call us LEGENDS when u get in the water, paddle with your head down otherwise g ready to go back to your boat and gtfo before getting ass kicked
LoukodaSul - 7 years ago
hahah Brazilians OWN Indonesia, mentawai, Bali, wherever you think in Indo there is a massive Brazilian domination. Thats y u mad bru? Your commentary and your hate only adds to our aversion to American/Australian surfers. That leads to u guys getting beat up at the beach and not being able to surf the best waves in the planet. U ever dream of going to Indo trip of your life? Better change that mindset and begin to respect brazilian surfers wherever u go.
Aurélio C
Aurélio C - 7 years ago
+John Surf Hahahah ok.. Brasil have 8 surfers on world tour and 2 recently titles and we are kooks? Now i see how you understand about surf... numbers don't lie, stop with that hate, so agressive, don't have education in USA? You talk like a kid, show some respect with us, envy boy, two envy kids
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
They think like human pigs!!!!They come from slopp ,thats why they think they in a slopp troff every where they go thats their mind set!!!!! Fuck them stay in Brazil, stay home nobody needs Brazilians in their community!!!!!
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
I cant stand Brazilians they have no class!!!!
illusion887 - 7 years ago
I concur, Brazilian surfers are the biggest kooks, they need to stay in Brazil and stop crowding our waves.
Aurélio C
Aurélio C - 7 years ago
Makaha beach? Ok, I will go to Hawaii and search for you
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
And dick for you!!!
Aurélio C
Aurélio C - 7 years ago
Why so hate in you? You talk like Trump bro, so rage... you're not happy? Just because brazilian surfers are better surfers in the world actually (and JJ). We are happy here, not like you, and sorry but in every surf spot in the world you gonna see us!!! Kisses for you
illusion887 - 7 years ago
So are you a kook or what?
Aurélio C
Aurélio C - 7 years ago
Poor envy guy... I'm Brazilian and I have respect. Sorry for you hater, grow!!!
athus gomes
athus gomes - 7 years ago
squarecracker 5 copas do mundo vlw
squarecracker - 8 years ago
Matheus Santos
Matheus Santos - 8 years ago
Lucas Victor
Lucas Victor - 8 years ago
illusion887 - 8 years ago
that's something a kook would say
brinburg - 8 years ago
Brazil's surfers ARE awesome!

All I'm saying is that the stereotypical Brazilian surfer is impolite, and the same can be said of the stereotypical Israeli surfer.

Stereotypes suck, and unfortunately, they sometimes stand true.
Paulo de Tarso
Paulo de Tarso - 8 years ago
Who were the champions in 2014 and 2015? You do not know how to surf .... Brazil has the best !!!!!!!!
brinburg - 8 years ago
Israeli surfers, as well...and Israelis can't surf.
Jabroney - 8 years ago
We hate em here in the states too!
Ron Tamarack
Ron Tamarack - 8 years ago
The locals are asses.
Pedro Midosi
Pedro Midosi - 8 years ago
Actually, this kiwi dude was riding all the waves without respecting the others, he was making a mess at the surf spot, so the brazilians surfers (and others surfers of different nationality) started to boycott him. People didnt let him ride any waves more..
Before you post a video telling a story, first you have to know the story.
Dion Walsh
Dion Walsh - 8 years ago
How many times do you need to repost the same comment? Don't drop in on people and you won't get tackled. Now repeat those words out loud
Invisble Ninja5000
Invisble Ninja5000 - 9 years ago
surfers are dickheads
cwegers2 - 7 years ago
I surf , and 80 % agree .
Lucca Oklopcic
Lucca Oklopcic - 7 years ago
I think he didn't see that the wave was already taken. Tim dropped like 10 meters off of him. Not sure if it was deserved
Martin M
Martin M - 7 years ago
no, this shit only happens in retarded america or hawaii, they are in the same ignorante level
Invisble Ninja5000
Invisble Ninja5000 - 8 years ago
sick burn bro
amiasakawa - 9 years ago
+Invisble Ninja5000 Some of them. But the tackle was deserved
DarkSagan - 9 years ago
I got 5 dollars on the brazilian.
snowdog001 - 9 years ago
+marcuelcajon he just got his arse kicked Mate, ha ha
Leonardo N.albino
Leonardo N.albino - 9 years ago
in brazil we made u change a girl
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 9 years ago
+Leonardo N.albino no mako senso in englisho
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
oi? que quer isso dizer? esse inglês ta péssimo lol
B C - 9 years ago
Fucking stooge's getting out in the surf with no respect for any other surfer , Fucking Gumbys traveling in packs with all the latest surf gear but have no fucking idea .
There are heaps of waves out there just have a look and don't be fucking dick heads out in the surf!!! It's not a comp , try and find some soul in your surfing instead of trying to be like a wannabe pro surfer with one minute left in your heat .
Pedro Midosi
Pedro Midosi - 8 years ago
+BEAU CARRALL Actually, this kiwi dude was riding all the waves without respecting the others, he was making a mess at the surf spot, so the brazilians surfers (and others surfers of different nationality) started to boycott him. People didnt let him ride any waves more..
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
if there's no past history behind this , the brazilian deserved it... spoiled his wave. BUT , we dont know if the brazilian had PRIORITY...
Pedro Midosi
Pedro Midosi - 8 years ago
Oh god... Sure, we dont have a video, but there were people there, including australians, and everybody were complaining about that kiwi surfer that day. Lots of websites came up with this story. I will not look for it for you...
fishmemmo - 8 years ago
Pedro Midosi do you have a video of it? no one recorded that during the whole day... sorry but at least here we see a fact. That guy deserved to be punished.
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 8 years ago
the sea puts up a good fight I don't see the need to get physical with eachother this ain't tae kwon do
RPG 808
RPG 808 - 8 years ago
+Pedro Midosi This seems to be the case bro. Brazilian is locked in and Kiwi has one eye on who might be on "his ride."
Pedro Midosi
Pedro Midosi - 8 years ago
+Bones of Gold Actually, this kiwi dude was riding all the waves without respecting the others, he was making a mess at the surf spot, so the brazilians surfers (and others surfers of different nationality) started to boycott him. People didnt let him ride any waves more..
snowdog001 - 9 years ago
+RPG 808 review the vid, the Brasil Nut wasn't behind - he was dropping in!
RPG 808
RPG 808 - 9 years ago
+Bones of Gold Just looking at the positioning it is hard to tell just who took off first. Brazilian was behind, so he may have priority. Kiwi looked like he had the drop and may have taken position with speed. I know Brazilians are very aggressive surfers here in Hawaii. Not much experience with Kiwis though. Fights happen. Its part of surfing.
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
+sunova surfboards dean thanks for sharing your opinion ! Stay safe and enjoy the waves!
sunova surfboards dean
sunova surfboards dean - 9 years ago
+Bones of Gold yeah actually i was unclear in my reply but the guy who got tackled had been dropping in..and i agree TAKING TURNS is rule no 1
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
+sunova surfboards dean in that case it was an epic throw ! #instant karma
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 9 years ago
+pweter351 priority aka if it was his turn or not. doesn't matter if it's not a competition priority is a great rule imo , at least when it s just two strangers who are sharing a wave
pweter351 - 9 years ago
priority in the surf its not a comp
sunova surfboards dean
sunova surfboards dean - 9 years ago
+Bones of Gold he did not,he allready dropped in on that guy 4 times..i know for sure
pweter351 - 9 years ago
Brazilian, Israeli and Yanks worst cunts in the surf dint bring that shit to oz
Theodore E.
Theodore E. - 7 years ago
Pedro Midosi interesting, you just copy and pasted that other girl’s comment? Were you there?
Aurélio C
Aurélio C - 7 years ago
Bro... Sorry if we (brazilians) surf better than you, kisses in your kook ass from Brasil!
Sam Foster
Sam Foster - 7 years ago
Ill make love to you puta on your bord beeeeach XXXX
Gui V
Gui V - 8 years ago
Go say that shit in our beaches. It will be fun.
Pedro Midosi
Pedro Midosi - 8 years ago
+pweter351 Actually, this kiwi dude was riding all the waves without respecting the others, he was making a mess at the surf spot, so the brazilians surfers (and others surfers of different nationality) started to boycott him. People didnt let him ride any waves more..
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 9 years ago
+pweter351 very corrupt , beautiful place though
pweter351 - 9 years ago
+Matthew MacKenzie why I have never bothered going to Bali plus Indonesia is corrupt shit hole.
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+pweter351 But I dint.
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 9 years ago
+pweter351 bali is nothing but austrailian surfers, in fact local surfers are forced to surf more hidden spots cuz of the tourists ( ozzies )
pweter351 - 9 years ago
+jahkgdm never surfed os so dont care what people are like in Bali im talking about in Australia. i wouldnt pay to surf os because all the fuckheads in the surfid rather snowboard japan
Jahkgdm - 9 years ago
Yeah right mate, in Bali the ozzholes are just as bad as the seppos & the brazilianairs
Mathew Dos Santos
Mathew Dos Santos - 9 years ago
+pweter351 what the fuck are you kook? fuck you know about anything?
Melpheos1er - 9 years ago
That tackle was well deserved
Xtra.Film - 9 years ago
Joseph Hartman
Joseph Hartman - 9 years ago
He's like: This is my wave bitch!!!
Joseph Hartman
Joseph Hartman - 9 years ago
smallfaucet - 9 years ago
+Joseph Hartman yeah.......he was 'like' that LOL
Filipe Cardoso
Filipe Cardoso - 10 years ago
vejo um bando de imbecis... e só!
Ryan Deane
Ryan Deane - 10 years ago
#crypto WSFIO nuieryo c what did he say|?
Roberto - 10 years ago
The uniform is the smallest cage that exists, it can only fit an animal inside her.
adventuresinbelieving - 9 years ago
faz in Turkish if you want!  Do you have a point?
Roberto - 9 years ago
O titulo do video é em inglês , e porque vc faz tanta questão se nem a porra do seu nome é em português ? não quer que eu coloque tambem em mandarim ?
adventuresinbelieving - 9 years ago
+Roberto diga em Portugese!
Roberto - 9 years ago
I imagine ..., the translator does not work as I wanted ....
RPG 808
RPG 808 - 9 years ago
+Roberto You make no sense bro.
Roberto - 10 years ago
The google translator was not faithful to what I said, that would be right; Uniformed soldiers.
Surf Realm
Surf Realm - 10 years ago
haha thanks for the comment! 
Jonathan Halloran
Jonathan Halloran - 10 years ago
Some animals love what they do in uniforms. Rugby. Security. Refereeing. Selling shares. Refuelling F-15's, Guide Dogs. Does't sound like a cage to me mate.
adam bamf
adam bamf - 10 years ago

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