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The "Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On..." video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...
20. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...
fuck you kook
and fuck brazilians
we have a surfer like that that in my area and he shouts at anyone who comes near him and the sad thing is he sucks ballz at surfing
30. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...
50. comment for Kiwi Surfer Tackles Brazilian After Being Dropped In On...
I heard all these Brazilian Snake stories and thought that they must be exagerated tales, told by racist haters. Then I started traveling the world and experiencing it myself. I've personally witnessed empty perfect HT's (Lances Right) off Sumatra transformed into a hate filled snake fest by one boatload of Brazilians. Then G Land had two of them create such a problem that the jungle option was almost considered. Fortunately for them, they were merely expelled on the first boat out. Watched it myself; it was ugly.
Sure there are some cool and respectable Brazilian surfers. But as a group, from what I've seen personally all over the world, they have a well deserved reputation as agro loud mouthed snakes. Kudos to this guy for dealing with this one. They won't stop hopping the shoulder untlil they stop getting away with it.
All I'm saying is that the stereotypical Brazilian surfer is impolite, and the same can be said of the stereotypical Israeli surfer.
Stereotypes suck, and unfortunately, they sometimes stand true.
Before you post a video telling a story, first you have to know the story.
There are heaps of waves out there just have a look and don't be fucking dick heads out in the surf!!! It's not a comp , try and find some soul in your surfing instead of trying to be like a wannabe pro surfer with one minute left in your heat .