Laird Hamilton SUP surfing epic waves in Malibu!! Shoots the pier twice!!

Hurricane Marrie's first signs of life came Wednesday August 26th to the Malibu pier near Los Angeles, California. Laird Hamilton was ripping it all up all afternoon and evening, shooting the pier at least two times including once with another surfer. Some of the most epic SUP surfing seen in Malibu ever. Song: Mos Def - Mathematics

Laird Hamilton SUP surfing epic waves in Malibu!! Shoots the pier twice!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Surf 10 years ago 182,483 views

Hurricane Marrie's first signs of life came Wednesday August 26th to the Malibu pier near Los Angeles, California. Laird Hamilton was ripping it all up all afternoon and evening, shooting the pier at least two times including once with another surfer. Some of the most epic SUP surfing seen in Malibu ever. Song: Mos Def - Mathematics

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Most popular comments
for Laird Hamilton SUP surfing epic waves in Malibu!! Shoots the pier twice!!

chongolongos - 8 years ago
Song is Jason Asher aka Prophet "The Evidence" Instrumental
AirVūz - 9 years ago
Great surfing indeed!
Black - 9 years ago
Great dance that Laird has with the shortboard rider on that wave, it's almost like ballet. Beautiful.
Black - 9 years ago
+xwhite2020 thanks :)
xwhite2020 - 9 years ago
+Black Appears to be Joel Tudor. Great surfer.
John Carter
John Carter - 10 years ago
Drones are the shit! period! for such clean footage!
bparno - 10 years ago
He needs to wear a superman outfit, but hey correct me if I am wrong but I thing Mickey Dora also shot the pier on a long board back in the sixties.
xpez - 10 years ago
I see how you shoot the pier... I got it. When you actually see what they are doing. No problem. a cinch. 

You just gotta shoot out far enough of the wave so you have enough space to navigate the pier without a giant wave pushing you through forcing you to take a line into a pole.

SO SIMPLE anyone could do it. In fact I may just go down there and do it to show everyone how easy it is...

I am going to take a nap. And when I wake up if I feel like it I will do it. If you dont see a video its just because I got busy or didnt feel like it.
RandolphRambo - 10 years ago
Dude, Madness!!!
wolf galaxy
wolf galaxy - 10 years ago
who filmed it from up??? must have  known 
Donna Ferguson
Donna Ferguson - 10 years ago
Hey! Went to High School with Allen Sarlo! Great footage!

10. comment for Laird Hamilton SUP surfing epic waves in Malibu!! Shoots the pier twice!!

TeenBritishBullion - 10 years ago
Why is he paddle boarding?
daan hendriks
daan hendriks - 10 years ago
+AceReVentura Stoked ? ;-) 
AceReVentura - 10 years ago
Yeah, with out Supping this would be so genuine!!
daan hendriks
daan hendriks - 10 years ago

Try it and you realize it isn't that easy. Easier than surfing when you are experienced in flat water and take small waves, but when you take higher waves it is just as difficult as surfing
muggaful - 10 years ago
My husband thinks the same way, but he concedes that he may eventually end up joining them, especially when we are in Hanalei.
TeenBritishBullion - 10 years ago
To me it just seems less difficult than surfing.
As a surfer most paddle boarders irritate me as they have these huge boards and hog the waves because they can catch them earlier.
muggaful - 10 years ago
SUP is really popular in Hawaii now where Laird spends most of his time. He surfs with and without a paddle and frequently does tow-in surfing with jet skis. If you go to Hanalei Bay where Laird and his family live several months of the year, you will see lots of SUPs in the water, but that is becoming very popular in California too now.
philos1 - 10 years ago
Alan Sarlo does it with more style, and he doesn't need a paddle either.
JustJP100 - 10 years ago
Laird Hamilton is the baddest athlete on the planet.
D. Scram
D. Scram - 10 years ago
Haha! And on the big paddle board. Mr. Casual!
cmlrio - 10 years ago
That was pure awesome.
arnoldinshorts - 10 years ago
who was the first guy that shot the pier? 
clarkewi - 10 years ago
The black guy who died in the 1940's.
seekaywhi - 10 years ago
If you're talking about the wave where 2 of them shot it, the first surfer was Allen Sarlo.
JustJP100 - 10 years ago
in my dreams.
JustJP100 - 10 years ago
HDLowrider03 - 10 years ago
Spartan-Surfer - 10 years ago
What a waste of a wave!
KennyandtheSkull - 10 years ago
Laird is everywhere
Suzie Cooney
Suzie Cooney - 10 years ago
I've seen Laird do crazy things here on Maui at JAWS.. but really that does take some big Kahunas to thread the needle like that..  Music was fine by the way..  thanks for sharing..

20. comment for Laird Hamilton SUP surfing epic waves in Malibu!! Shoots the pier twice!!

PHILIP HAYES - 10 years ago
Laird Hamilton, you are Da' balls! A PCH traffic mishap and I missed this day. 
marceck1 - 10 years ago
too bad you ruined it with shit music instead of nature's sound. 
Kevin MNulvey
Kevin MNulvey - 10 years ago
Beautifully awesome out there, California at it's best. Cheers!
dudepetri - 10 years ago
Yeah, you should be spying on Americans with that drone, then it would be okay.....wait?  What?
SunFlower - 10 years ago
drone footage plus monetization....according to the FAA you are using it for "commercial purposes".    that's illegal.  America sucks.
birdman bl
birdman bl - 10 years ago
huge bro nice work I live on PCH and have wanted the phantom for years now. Lifelong surfer and photographer and Im lagging on the aerial footage . Great work on catching Laird. Just amazing great work!
birdman bl
birdman bl - 10 years ago
like that wow not sure if that's in the wheel house

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