Little Barrie - Surf Hell

king of the waves' first single!/littlebarrie

Little Barrie - Surf Hell sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Surf 14 years ago 322,877 views

king of the waves' first single!/littlebarrie

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Most popular comments
for Little Barrie - Surf Hell

Joao de sousa T.
Joao de sousa T. - 7 years ago
Virgil Howe (RIP)
Ibti Ssam
Ibti Ssam - 7 years ago
my crush In work that I stalk likes this band so I'm just here because of him
chaz z
chaz z - 7 years ago
themuppeteer - 8 years ago
thought this was going to be a song about Bantham
Biking Blues
Biking Blues - 8 years ago
Felt the same kind of vibes when I heard "Get Free" by The Vines for the first time.....
Biking Blues
Biking Blues - 8 years ago
After a long long time, m feeling high on such music......
Jon Dhoe
Jon Dhoe - 8 years ago
Good song, but why do musical hipsters feel the need to indulge and support disgusting things like nuclear explosions as if they are COOL? THEY ARE NOT. Stupid hipsters. Learn it: THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE.
Andrew Stuart
Andrew Stuart - 8 years ago
Rocksmith and Better Call Saul
Ryan Rizki
Ryan Rizki - 8 years ago
the first song i mastered in rocksmith :)
Mark FP
Mark FP - 7 years ago
Me too! I was determined not to lower the score required as well

10. comment for Little Barrie - Surf Hell

Eric Swolgaard
Eric Swolgaard - 9 years ago
The lead singer sounds a bit like Sky Saxon of the Seeds! (anyone here my age....?) ha
Jon Dhoe
Jon Dhoe - 8 years ago
There are a lot of two year olds here who think everything is great and don't know shit from shinola.
kidfred_12 - 9 years ago
Raindance - 9 years ago
They are playing Raindance Film Fetival this Wednesday 23 September Leicester Square
Yasser Al-Quasmi
Yasser Al-Quasmi - 10 years ago
this song is perfect for its style 
sirThinkALot - 10 years ago
Urgh. Can't believe Spotify don't have this song in their database... T_T
pedrolek - 9 years ago
They used to have it. Then it disappeared. For some time it's been back (the song not the album - though three other albums of this band's are there).
C. van der Hagen
C. van der Hagen - 10 years ago
Spotify is too f... commercial!
Cam Martin
Cam Martin - 10 years ago
They use this song for the "Explore David Jones" ad, and it played before this video started... came here for the song, and got a little bit more
Mintz Nguyen
Mintz Nguyen - 10 years ago
same here ...lolz 
Marianna theLameGuitarPlayer
Marianna theLameGuitarPlayer - 10 years ago
seen this cool band last night, i'm still in ecstasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Krtviy Tshr
Krtviy Tshr - 10 years ago
Kinks not dead)))
Ilija Marjanovic
Ilija Marjanovic - 9 years ago
+The Ted ur mom's dead u fing twat
Rylo Ken
Rylo Ken - 9 years ago
+The Ted Kinks!?? Please. This Interstellar Overdrive - Pink Floyd
Cris Mac
Cris Mac - 10 years ago
Thank you, Sirens!
Zeppelin ♫
Zeppelin ♫ - 11 years ago
I'm starting to really dig heavy surf rock, it's getting up there with blues/folk rock...

I just wish there were more popular surf bands, this stuff is hard to find with the exception of The Beach Boys / Dick Dale
NovaNixEternalFlame - 7 years ago
The Surf Coasters
Joseph Shape
Joseph Shape - 7 years ago
Check out La Luz.
Zeppelin ♫
Zeppelin ♫ - 8 years ago
Sweet, I will thanks
Gordon Vreim
Gordon Vreim - 8 years ago
Check out a great surf rock album called Modern Surf Classics by Swami John Reis and The Blind Shake. The Blind Shake have elements of surf as it is, but getting together with Swami(he of Rocket From the Crypt fame) really brought it out. Killer stuff.
Zeppelin ♫
Zeppelin ♫ - 9 years ago
Sweet thanks. Even though it's been a year now, I've still continued working on my collection all this time, and would still love some more surf rock.
j1mmyd33 - 9 years ago
+Buddy ♫ Hey! It's a year in and all, but if you read this, check out "The Langhorns". They have exactly the sound you're looking for.
cyberxstrm - 9 years ago
+Buddy ♫ man or astroman

20. comment for Little Barrie - Surf Hell

GerOffYeWeeBastard - 11 years ago
No sir, Rocksmith totally didn't bring me here.
Robbie Jack
Robbie Jack - 8 years ago
@numbnuts much less a video game that actually teaches you how to play the music. My enjoyment I learning the riff was what drew me to this song.
Biking Blues
Biking Blues - 8 years ago
Numb Nuts @That's Ok kid..... I always dug music out of WWF/WWE themes......
Numb Nuts
Numb Nuts - 9 years ago
+GerOffYeWeeBastard There is no shame in finding new music from a video game good Sir.
Eross - 11 years ago
i discovered this band ages ago when i saw them live supporting dinosaur jr get on my level
Andrew Crane
Andrew Crane - 11 years ago
and do notice that no one gave my comment a thumbs up (might be for the same as you see it) but wouldent be cool if people were like yea, i found it just looking at music after music on youtube..found this band..and was like holy crap!! thats all.
Andrew Crane
Andrew Crane - 11 years ago
o yea i got yea lol i think i was kinda being sarcastic any ways. it just sucks for me how cool bands like this are and people dont give two shits till they hear it on rock band..not a bad thing..but i just want people to go out and find there own music, use there own head. I use to tell people about this band and there like yea rocksmith comes out (not a bad thing) and eveyone sucks there dick!? its more on how i feel about the industry and i want people to know good music is there
Andrew Crane
Andrew Crane - 11 years ago
or no you dont think there awesome? or no you dident find them on your own and you need a corporation to tell you whats good? cuz then i agree with you. just no. the new upside down nike.
Andrew Crane
Andrew Crane - 11 years ago
k dog face
nintendokeenan2014 - 11 years ago
just discovered these fuckers via the awards advert WOW!!
Andrew Crane
Andrew Crane - 11 years ago
Like this comment if you found this band on your own because there awsome.
Andrew Crane
Andrew Crane - 11 years ago
this is the song for the youtube music awards now...after years of saying how sweet this band is...going into record stores and havin some lill shit be like "what band" over and over. people see how fucking good this mother fucking band is...fuck yea.
Tim Innes
Tim Innes - 11 years ago
Pipeline is easy, and should be on everyones play list.

30. comment for Little Barrie - Surf Hell

Narada C
Narada C - 11 years ago
Piper at the gates of Dawn & Kinks vibe. NICE
Tim Dawson
Tim Dawson - 11 years ago
Very cool 60's sound love it!!!!!
01001010 01001101
01001010 01001101 - 11 years ago
Richard Cameron
Richard Cameron - 11 years ago
Just discovered this - diggin' it!
fixxxer928 - 11 years ago
Rocksmith! I've made a bunch of custom Rocksmith songs on my channel
Dave-Anand Maraj
Dave-Anand Maraj - 11 years ago
Check Out Jason Lee and the R.I.P. Tides -
C. B. Kinsella
C. B. Kinsella - 11 years ago
Tim Shay, I wondered exactly the samething, oh well it sounds right
Revan CS
Revan CS - 11 years ago
When I saw this comment, only what i did was laugh and clicking thumb up (sry for bad English, I'm Polish)
Tim Shay
Tim Shay - 11 years ago
Yup. Now I'm puzzling over why the fingering I can catch in the video is nothing at all like what RS is telling me to play.
Karbonite Kyla
Karbonite Kyla - 11 years ago
i found this song on rocksmith and its one of my favorites to play.
McKillaboy - 11 years ago
What the hell, he doesn't sound female at all.
6The6Devil6 - 11 years ago
someone552005 - 12 years ago
Like this if you're here bc.....your mom. *cough*like whores*cough*
Jazzpah - 12 years ago
I do
Mike - 12 years ago
i thought the singer was a girl in rocksmith
mistermrmojo - 12 years ago
Never knew Johnny Depp played drums lol
XerosXIII - 12 years ago
rocksmith's bassist reporting in! awesome song to jam with! :D
BEATmyguest31 - 12 years ago
like if you like music
Cody Kuntz
Cody Kuntz - 12 years ago
aw yeah 13 years old
SkateNYC - 12 years ago
haha get the london look

50. comment for Little Barrie - Surf Hell

MrLucaoMendes - 12 years ago
Dan - 12 years ago
Sounds just like Miles Kane
scully - 12 years ago
like this if you're here because of some stupid tv commercial.
Roy Lovvorn
Roy Lovvorn - 12 years ago
Then you can keep your opinions to yourself.who cares what you think
Alvaro toribio
Alvaro toribio - 12 years ago
who cares about why somebody is here?
Brian Keith
Brian Keith - 12 years ago
I am here cos of ROCKSMITH
techmat66 - 12 years ago
I love this in Rocksmith!!
maulalex08 - 12 years ago
does this remind anyone of the beatles?
andrew crane
andrew crane - 12 years ago
lol i love people that say its british blues rock mid 60's trip pycodelic surf blah blah blah its fuckin music good god people!! just shut the fuck up and absorb!! you put names on shit and make it in you lill box of what you have heard in your life and what you think it suonds like lol its funny honestly
andrew crane
andrew crane - 12 years ago
it sounds good!
John Johnson
John Johnson - 12 years ago
You mean the 60's midwest US garage look, surely?
Jeff Good
Jeff Good - 12 years ago
Such a James Bond tune.
Delancy Summers
Delancy Summers - 12 years ago
Great song just why was this song named Surf hell? Unless there was a reason in the lyrics & I just didn't listen
karabella - 12 years ago
Love this!
PeacefulByDesign - 12 years ago
I'm here because they were a related artist to the greenhornes on spotify. Awesome song! Definitely makes you want to go for a riding session.
inspiral roses
inspiral roses - 12 years ago
they played Lucerne when amy winehouse's death was propelled worldwide, and they did a damnn good tribute!!!!
boncukch - 12 years ago
I miss Sirens! :(
Frannie BL
Frannie BL - 12 years ago
Whoooo hooooo!!! Brilliant!!!!
Revilo Mosley Rockwell
Revilo Mosley Rockwell - 13 years ago
Seen this band last night in Chicago at the Metro.. they opened up for Charles Bradley.. I had no idea what to expect.. THEY KICKED ASS!!! This was the first song of their set. I must say it was far greater live. I got pictures with Barrie and a signed copy of their album!
Avery Mallon
Avery Mallon - 13 years ago
@mrshnarfles nah, he has bottom rims on his drums, which would lead me to believe that he has bottoms heads. Just not on his bass drum. I actually have the exact same kit, only in a natural finish.
tsmi37 - 13 years ago
Thanks for posting this!!!! Only source I could find to play along with. Thanks Rocksmith and Thanks funkateer345!
Dante Ravenkin
Dante Ravenkin - 13 years ago
@DougW1975 We need more Surf music in general!
arturo2180 - 13 years ago
Haha ya I heard this so h while playing rock smith and fell in love with song. Haha bad ass!
Juan Rozon
Juan Rozon - 13 years ago
like this if you're here because of Rocksmith
Doug Walsh
Doug Walsh - 13 years ago
Need more surf music in Rocksmith. Totally hooked on playing this song.
topwolf1000 - 13 years ago
i can play this song XD be for rocksmith but i love that game!
George Waninger
George Waninger - 13 years ago
@Idawa61 yeah man, rocksmith is freaking great
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon - 13 years ago
@richard200705 No, unfortunately not :(
George Waninger
George Waninger - 13 years ago
nope, im here because of rocksmith
FlyingFisherman - 13 years ago
just perfect!
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon - 13 years ago
No second series of Sirens! I might kill someone!!!
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon - 13 years ago
@McOdie92 Lol np. Doesn't matter now, since somebody else has disliked it anyway! :S
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon - 13 years ago
@McOdie92 Aww no! I was hoping it would always have 100% likes!!! :(
sydeston - 13 years ago
these guys are a 21st century Redd Kross bless these guys we need more rock and roll like this
andymillsmusic - 13 years ago
Syed Gillani
Syed Gillani - 13 years ago
These are like biritish black keys!!
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon - 13 years ago
I love how this video doesn't have a single dislike - just as it should be! :D
Joseph E.
Joseph E. - 13 years ago
oddships - 13 years ago
Can some one please tab this for me?? I wanna play it live
MaxONEFIVENINETWO - 13 years ago
Sirens is amazing! Way better than Beaver Falls, which really is pretty bad.
G.A. - 13 years ago
Just bought your LP................. It's awesome but my neighbours don't like it... And BTW guys, the riffs a powerful piece of piss in G. i'll spell it out if necessary.
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon
Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon - 13 years ago
Fuck I love Sirens lol. This is just another amazing thing it's made me discover. :D Also, I'm almost positive there WILL be a season 2, because it's based on a book by Tom Reynolds that is full of potential story-lines. The reception and viewing levels have all been very good as well, so there is no reason for there NOT to be at least another season! Fingers crossed!
calloomb - 13 years ago
i wish there was a tab for this somewhere :(
Ray Goodwin
Ray Goodwin - 13 years ago
@geoffmarker Sirens is amazing, cant wait for next weeks
Liam Hebron
Liam Hebron - 13 years ago
like this if you're here because of Sirens.
mickey brown
mickey brown - 13 years ago
SURFAHELLICA.. . . . . .
mickey brown
mickey brown - 13 years ago
SURFADELICA.. . . . . .
Anaglyph Records
Anaglyph Records - 13 years ago
that is one filthy guitar
andylanc05 - 13 years ago
@brassneckman Saw them in Manchester last Tuesday. You're in for a treat!
Elliott Lancaster
Elliott Lancaster - 13 years ago
Little Barrie have been original from the first album, can't want for the new album and see them on tour, great band.

100. comment for Little Barrie - Surf Hell

fitz303 - 13 years ago
Im sick right now but this is cheering me up no end
Brassneck Music Mgmt
Brassneck Music Mgmt - 13 years ago
SEE Tickets, if you live in Brighton- Resident or Rounder
Brassneck Music Mgmt
Brassneck Music Mgmt - 13 years ago
am the promoter
Morag Campbell
Morag Campbell - 13 years ago
I love this track - Little Barrie r the business!!
Brassneck Music Mgmt
Brassneck Music Mgmt - 13 years ago
Playing Brighton, Prince Albert, June 12th. Cant wait
Matt Burr
Matt Burr - 13 years ago
Best single of 2011 so far.
missloopyloo69 - 13 years ago
oooh YEAH!!
Logan Marshall
Logan Marshall - 14 years ago
amazing stuff
Bruno Kusaba
Bruno Kusaba - 14 years ago
legal <3
Guillermo Rodriguez
Guillermo Rodriguez - 14 years ago
I'm in love with this band.

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The "Little Barrie - Surf Hell" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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