Big wave riders surf 40-60 foot waves that break off the North Shore of Peahi, Maui, Hawaii. December 15, 2004 was considered the official day of OVER EXPOSURE for the famous surf break. Book Your Hawaiian Activities Now Here !!

MAUI JAWS : BIG WAVE SURFING sentiment_very_dissatisfied 44

Surf 18 years ago 650,420 views

Big wave riders surf 40-60 foot waves that break off the North Shore of Peahi, Maui, Hawaii. December 15, 2004 was considered the official day of OVER EXPOSURE for the famous surf break. Book Your Hawaiian Activities Now Here !!

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Most popular comments

AxumGear - 8 years ago
Thanks super channel
PureDIGITALMaui - 10 years ago
sorry youtube took down my audio track in the earlier days. use your ipod or pandora duuuhhhh hahaha aloha & mahalo
toby blake
toby blake - 10 years ago
I think I've gone deaf, but those waves sure look nice.
David Walker
David Walker - 11 years ago
Layla you are a goddess and I would love to take you out for dinner and would fly anywhere in the world to make that happen. Would you let me take you out?
Layla Maice
Layla Maice - 11 years ago
David Walker
David Walker - 11 years ago
Yes but I was not joking. I would love to sweep you off your feet and take you on the vacation of a life time and after that we have a dream wedding and live happily ever after. What about giving us a chance?
Layla Maice
Layla Maice - 11 years ago
hahaha this funny
David Walker
David Walker - 11 years ago
I bet maui misses you sweetheart. You wanna get married?
David Walker
David Walker - 11 years ago
Great sound effects loser flush yourself down the toilet why don't you.

10. comment for MAUI JAWS : BIG WAVE SURFING

estebanottodream - 12 years ago
que puto miedo alaverga me da un paro cardiaco..
PureDIGITALMaui - 12 years ago
please help us save honolua bay & sign our e-petition link listed in description. mahalo. aloha
NorthShore Zipline Co
NorthShore Zipline Co - 12 years ago
BlueHoundBand - 12 years ago
Really gnarly broshef
Layla Maice
Layla Maice - 13 years ago
god i miss maui
Gabriel Purvis
Gabriel Purvis - 13 years ago
@eudian bro its paia
Jonah Hinebaugh
Jonah Hinebaugh - 13 years ago
This is gnarly but i still think chopes would be scarier and more dangerous
Serginho Urquidez
Serginho Urquidez - 13 years ago
that was a real fuckin waves amazing dude so crazzy for sure.
MillerCaster0 - 13 years ago
the one at 2:31 is awesome.
tellthetruthg - 13 years ago
great athlete's great sport. I maybe wrong but it seems that surfurs try to keep it so private.

20. comment for MAUI JAWS : BIG WAVE SURFING

Jared Seider
Jared Seider - 13 years ago
those are like freaking title waves....
Boris Belousov
Boris Belousov - 13 years ago
@ugtpowned umadbro?
Bailz - 13 years ago
@xiAresx wtf u clearly know nothing. These guys/girls have their lifes on the line. how about u get up off ur fat arse and instead of making shitty gaming vids that no one gives a shit about make a vid of u surfing that wave.
Julie Wanner
Julie Wanner - 14 years ago
i ride those on my boogieboard on the weekends
Daniel Jørgensen
Daniel Jørgensen - 14 years ago
Boris Belousov
Boris Belousov - 14 years ago
@Fentro your so clever omg like totally omg wow your so smart dude omg ahh why didnt anyone else think of that oh wait thats right cause its fucking retarded just like you, yu stupid inbred fuck
Ahmed Eraqie
Ahmed Eraqie - 14 years ago
great :D
Boris Belousov
Boris Belousov - 14 years ago
i get bigger waves when my shit drops into the toilet
bers erker
bers erker - 14 years ago
big waves small dicks!
Luomio - 14 years ago
wow..!! nice surfing !!

30. comment for MAUI JAWS : BIG WAVE SURFING

Flat Earth
Flat Earth - 14 years ago
@777fff888ggg ,,ohhh hahaa idk that just sounds funnier then 'fuck
Flat Earth
Flat Earth - 14 years ago
@777fff888ggg what do you mean is my mom hovering over me? lol
awoodson08 - 14 years ago
Flat Earth
Flat Earth - 14 years ago
doooooood where the f do people find this stuff? man watta thrill
jim - 14 years ago
@skateboard325 thank you for your sarcastic remarks
d - 14 years ago
why is it called jaws is that because the waves are like big jaws that will crush u or is like because of lots of sharks?
jonah molina
jonah molina - 14 years ago
@CameronDude Jaws is actually a really good dive spot when its not breaking.
jonah molina
jonah molina - 14 years ago
Jaws is actually a really good dive spot when its not breaking.
h - 15 years ago
bigfri5 - 15 years ago
jim - 15 years ago
that looks pretty fun if you know how to surf
RostigerNagel33 - 15 years ago
damn just looking at these waves makes my balls shrink
orangetransformer - 15 years ago
you hold your breath dude these guys don't just go out there when they feel like it they train for years and years and years to do this man
onetrillionandfourkisses - 15 years ago
If biggest wave in the world was ever surfed, It would be at Cortez Bank
onetrillionandfourkisses - 15 years ago
Is there a vid of the biggest wave ever caught, the 1 ur talking about?
PETER BARNES - 15 years ago
IDIOTS!! What d u do when it crashes on ur head???
Paolo Ibarra
Paolo Ibarra - 15 years ago
Peru has the best waves bitches
raffiquk - 15 years ago
Dieselcrunch - 15 years ago
Cortez Bank. Billabongs Odyssey is a movie about chasing down the planet's largest waves. In this two year project, the largest waves encountered were at Cortez Bank - 100 miles of the California Coast. I am not aware of the wave caught off the coast of Chile. Jaws is, of course, capable of holding some insanely huge waves. Cortez Bank and Jaws could both hold a 100' wave in the correct conditions. Mavericks is colossal. Check out Billabongs Odyssey and Riding Giants - both are fantastic.
Scottie Jones
Scottie Jones - 15 years ago
bells beach australia bro!!

50. comment for MAUI JAWS : BIG WAVE SURFING

onetrillionandfourkisses - 15 years ago
no dats teahupoo
Zenner Bear
Zenner Bear - 15 years ago
with coral 3 feet deep?!
drunkrudetat2d - 15 years ago
you do not want to go down at peahi!
Zenner Bear
Zenner Bear - 15 years ago
is it a reef break?
Gamer0106 - 15 years ago
buenas olas Monica
Av Mian
Av Mian - 15 years ago
whats the damage being in that blender, anyone knows? what could happen on reg bases...not the rare crazy shit...
Mikhail Man
Mikhail Man - 15 years ago
how many people died?
iowa939 - 15 years ago
brennan moriarty
brennan moriarty - 15 years ago
another EPILECTIC CAMERAMAN. put the camera down [it's not your wennie] and let the HiDef do all the work! then let the optical zoom find what's really interesting after you get home.... or ask the locals to zoom in digitally/OPTICALLY??? "after they get back" p.s laird hamilton thinks being 6'4"and blue eyed blond.. is tough look at a true-left-hander like MICHAEL HO only very white [old boy] that's E.T. phone home and KURT COBAIN , in a bottle
SPIDERMAN2015 - 15 years ago
where this at this lace is crazy for surf up lol
Francesco Licandro
Francesco Licandro - 15 years ago
oh my godness
Alexander Lippestad
Alexander Lippestad - 15 years ago
OMG whers the sound
john clancy
john clancy - 15 years ago
man that is gnarly
tully5111helmets - 15 years ago
i make bigger waves when i bang my wife good and proper in the bath
infolapaloma - 15 years ago
coming to La Paloma surfing is easy
Magicaylee - 15 years ago
wouldnt you die if you broke your neck
rhurbarb - 16 years ago
You gotto thank jet skis for the big waves
Antoine Lecouturier
Antoine Lecouturier - 16 years ago
i'd juste like to know how long you stay in the washing machine when you get wiped out? because i use to surf in 2 meters tall wawes ... but not 7 ones!
5hole19 - 16 years ago
i saw that when i was in hawaii!! its so beest
Niall Smith
Niall Smith - 16 years ago
ur 4getting alot of huge spots, shipstern bluff at tasmania, and aileens on the west of ireland easily matches up to mavericks
Brian Lee
Brian Lee - 16 years ago
Ever had Brain Freeze? "Ice Cream Headache" Cold water makes your muscles tenser than you thought they could get. The wetsuits are extremely restricting at 4/5/6 mil. Long hold downs take your breath away in the worst way compared to 78 degree wipeouts IMO.
Brian Lee
Brian Lee - 16 years ago
As far as surfing difficulty...Cold water makes it that much tougher.
Brian Lee
Brian Lee - 16 years ago
As far as surfing difficulty...Cold water makes it that much tougher.
Jared House
Jared House - 17 years ago
Jaws, Teahupoo, Mavs, Shark Park, Cortez, Todos, and Dungeons are the heaviest big waves in the world. Stop trying to compare them kooks. They're all unique and different and can kill any surfer when they're working. Hawaiians will always say Jaws is heavier. Californians will always say Mavs is.
Jason Harris
Jason Harris - 17 years ago
paddleskipaddle - 17 years ago
C'mon on now it's ok to share. I would imagine that place keeps the douchebags at bay and why would you keep the real surfers on the outside?
paddleskipaddle - 17 years ago
At 2:50 buddy gets destroyed, man that is serious
Longrod Von Hugedong
Longrod Von Hugedong - 17 years ago
Man I don't even surf and I thought that was GNARLY! God almighty though, they could have died! They got a lot of guts. A LOT.
wgjpinoy654 - 17 years ago
man thats probably one of the best things u could ever do
PureDIGITALMaui - 17 years ago
c'mon now. be real....
Shramir - 17 years ago
those guys have the biggest balls on the planet holy shit
Berserker Bradley
Berserker Bradley - 17 years ago
PureDIGITALMaui - 17 years ago
mahalo my braddah. shoootz.
bergrud - 17 years ago
TOO LATE, YOU READ THIS. if you don't post this message on more than 10 videos in the next hour, and less than 7 videos in the next day you will more than likely die of cancer. On the upside, tomorrow will be the best day of you week.
bazzybazzy - 17 years ago
Steinway - 17 years ago
Im not sure i would like to be surfing there (im not very good) but i think it would be fun to just lie on a surfboard and go over those huge swells before they break!
sireenn - 17 years ago
And I get scared body sufing 5 foot waves in Jersey. Jeeze, I would die doing this.
Nathan Larsen
Nathan Larsen - 17 years ago
i think i would die doing something like that... i would have a heart attack
mabarretta - 17 years ago
sound?????????????? (não tem som! eu quero ouvir!)
Mutikainen1 - 17 years ago
copy and paste this to 10 videos or your mum will die within the next 4 hours.....
Bruna Casimiro
Bruna Casimiro - 17 years ago
I wanna surf like this guys one day!
Felix stööp
Felix stööp - 18 years ago
no sound
Ericsurf6 - 18 years ago
Excellent video, Makes you feel like you're right there in the action pulling into the pit. Just love big waves...addicted for life....Thanks sharing this one!
GeneralAnaesthetic - 18 years ago
cause u've surfed all three, right? shut the fuck up.
Uso - 18 years ago
Jaws Own!!
Jason Rabbow
Jason Rabbow - 18 years ago
PureDIGITALMaui - 18 years ago
easy with the language, kook. check the other has audio. if not...don't watch it. read past posts and understand. aloha & mahalo.
Burger King
Burger King - 18 years ago
needs fucking volume, cant watch something without it
PureDIGITALMaui - 18 years ago must be a bit faded my braddah. mavs only gets 50 foot faces maybe 60. JAWS has clocked in at 72 foot face. I was there. anyways, we never know what mother nature will throw at us and where, so anything is possible in the future. aloha & mahalo for commenting.
fadedsteve33 - 18 years ago
Mavericks is bigger

100. comment for MAUI JAWS : BIG WAVE SURFING

PureDIGITALMaui - 18 years ago
aloha. I just uploaded another one with audio. mahalo guys for the feedback. aloha
PureDIGITALMaui - 18 years ago
aloha DJ, mahalo for the feedback. you can check out some more videos at our website video/photo galleries..
PureDIGITALMaui - 18 years ago
I would be sure to say that Jaws is a bigger and more beautiful wave. since it has a hollow barrel to the right and long face to the left, not to mention pristine waters....hahaha. Mahalo for the comment.

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