One of our best surf adventures yet. Our 2 month Surf tour of Oaxaca lands straight on our highlight reel. Come and see how life is at your own pace following your passions in one of Mexico's most remote surf regions. This isn't your typical surf video, this isn't all about waves, its about the search; we hope you enjoy sharing it with us. Peter from Keep Moving Peru (set to come up with a fantastic documentary about his trip in 2016) #surf #mexico #oaxaca #surftrip #vwbus #vanlife #overlanding -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe: Don't miss what happens next - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We don't have a production budget, sponsor or crew. Our videos are made possible only by YOU! ***** ***** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC: Hasta Alaska Theme Music // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Videos, Stories, Pictures and more // Please help us to keep the videos coming // Buy T-shirts and other Kombi Life Goodies @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ C O N N E C T W I T H U S @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // Like for daily pictures and drama // Great pictures and stories from the project // Keep in touch @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alaska the One and Only Traveling Peruvian Street Dog! // Picture stories from you're favorite celebrity dog // Alaska's story also on Facebook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Our Current Main Camera // Our Current Favourite Lens // Our Current Action Cam // Our Current Content Creation Software // Our Current Editing Laptop // Our Current Glider // Our Current Drone // Our Current Audio Recorder // Our Current Main Camera Microphone // Our Current Lav Microphones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Featured music: Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Surf 9 years ago 203,688 views

One of our best surf adventures yet. Our 2 month Surf tour of Oaxaca lands straight on our highlight reel. Come and see how life is at your own pace following your passions in one of Mexico's most remote surf regions. This isn't your typical surf video, this isn't all about waves, its about the search; we hope you enjoy sharing it with us. Peter from Keep Moving Peru (set to come up with a fantastic documentary about his trip in 2016) #surf #mexico #oaxaca #surftrip #vwbus #vanlife #overlanding -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe: Don't miss what happens next - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We don't have a production budget, sponsor or crew. Our videos are made possible only by YOU! ***** ***** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC: Hasta Alaska Theme Music // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Videos, Stories, Pictures and more // Please help us to keep the videos coming // Buy T-shirts and other Kombi Life Goodies @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ C O N N E C T W I T H U S @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // Like for daily pictures and drama // Great pictures and stories from the project // Keep in touch @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alaska the One and Only Traveling Peruvian Street Dog! // Picture stories from you're favorite celebrity dog // Alaska's story also on Facebook -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Our Current Main Camera // Our Current Favourite Lens // Our Current Action Cam // Our Current Content Creation Software // Our Current Editing Laptop // Our Current Glider // Our Current Drone // Our Current Audio Recorder // Our Current Main Camera Microphone // Our Current Lav Microphones -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Featured music: Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

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Most popular comments

Mark Rich
Mark Rich - 7 years ago
I have a 4x4 Diesel doge Ram and a truck camper. . Ive camper by tent , I used to own a 5th wheel. By far I love my truck camper just as much as my diesel truck. I get great fuel mileage and a confy place to sleep with all the amenitys.
tierfuehrer2 - 7 years ago
Im a kitesurfer. With that piece of c shaped dust on your lense, I always think theres a kite in the sky. Also I flly understand your search for new spots.
Elton Joel
Elton Joel - 7 years ago
I clicked for the girl, I stayed for the Kombi.
Michael Shaashoua
Michael Shaashoua - 7 years ago
Great Vid BEN!, love the show big fan <3
Joan Dacut
Joan Dacut - 7 years ago
i want to join. from philippines
Tanner Higa
Tanner Higa - 7 years ago
does anybody know what kind of surfboard ben has cause i want one
chris cochrane
chris cochrane - 7 years ago
oh better surfing here - ok you guys aren't kooks! good job!
Yo Waddup
Yo Waddup - 7 years ago
I'm addicted to this series !

10. comment for MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA

Christo Slowrider
Christo Slowrider - 7 years ago
im glad you don't take hard drugs, otherwise there wouldn't be any videos.
Danilos Zeug
Danilos Zeug - 7 years ago
Wawa Dudemaine Vera
Wawa Dudemaine Vera - 7 years ago
Almost messed up your combi for 8 dollars mate :D !! Good one
Francisco Enrique Hernandez
Francisco Enrique Hernandez - 7 years ago
Wow bro you really inspire me to go out and take the road as I've always dreamed. Thanks for sharing!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
you're welcome, glad to hear you are inspired!
Rodrigo Navarro
Rodrigo Navarro - 7 years ago
Hey! what is the name of the beach your first visited? where is it? it looks great!
Mark Jennings
Mark Jennings - 7 years ago
You put a lot of effort into recording and editing your adventures, thanks.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
+Mark Jennings thanks for watching Mark
*trip ni mot*
*trip ni mot* - 7 years ago
lol to the bike having the same amount of power as the kombi! :)
dogb8t - 7 years ago
A none Surfer would never understand a Surfer desire to surf that unsurfed wave / place !
Campesino Gambino
Campesino Gambino - 7 years ago
Que dice?
J PH - 7 years ago
"just beer & asses!' lol!

20. comment for MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA

nick harris
nick harris - 7 years ago
anyone know how to get that version of the captains of an endless sea
jolan jake adorable
jolan jake adorable - 7 years ago
what song 8:30? thanks
Jeremiah Wilson
Jeremiah Wilson - 7 years ago
If your European...North American...Japanese...or Australian...they assume your loaded with money. And every one is on the take in Mexico.
Alasdair Noir
Alasdair Noir - 7 years ago
What’s the song when they get in to surf
metalguyn - 7 years ago
Freddy Chale
Freddy Chale - 7 years ago
As we say in Mexico: Bienvenido Welcome! to our wonderful messy, surreal country; that strives on bending rules anytime you can.

Saludos Wey!
zipolite beach is my favorite
EkBalam707 - 7 years ago
México, Océano Pacífico.
Jose RLM
Jose RLM - 7 years ago
keep up the good work my friend !!!
Bill S.
Bill S. - 7 years ago
This is such a great episode. I am watching the entire Oaxaca series again. It is the best!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
glad you enjoyed it Bill

30. comment for MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA

Yanelis Llopiz
Yanelis Llopiz - 7 years ago
Amazing!!! I am Cuban and I really enjoy your "Naked Cuba" trip, I swan naked in a beach very close to that one. I love this Trip in Mexico, very clever idea about your wife giving birth in the Hospital. LOL
Axel Perez
Axel Perez - 7 years ago
oaxaca i love you!!! Forever!!!!
Tab Valentino
Tab Valentino - 7 years ago
I love your dog Alaska. You´re show is highly addictive by the way.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 7 years ago
gracias amigo
Felix S.
Felix S. - 8 years ago
beautiful places you can be and love Oaxaca people and not be here in California what they do all the time is like calling you Oaxacaquita not knowing beautiful people that lives there just bugs me
yesfrat b knowin
yesfrat b knowin - 8 years ago
Isuzu Buyer
Isuzu Buyer - 8 years ago
When Latinos run to the U.S. they aren't running away from the land, the trees or the air. They are running away from each other.
Arachnofondler - 7 years ago
Isuzu Buyer Deep
Todd Ewing
Todd Ewing - 8 years ago
Love this
4CE Clan
4CE Clan - 8 years ago
"Topless gringos in a VDub surf bus" ahhahahaha this video is going to be awesome x
The Budgeteers
The Budgeteers - 8 years ago
AMAZING VIDEO GUYS, Mexico is amazing. We filmed our journey while we hitchhiked through it.
But you guys saw so much more of the secluded and beautiful places. Epic adventure, keep it up!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
thanks guys
Mani Man
Mani Man - 8 years ago
Puerto Escondido brings back great memories. I was there in '98 when there were two hurricanes off the coasts of Mexico. One in the Pacific and one in the Caribbean. They gave us huge waves, but very little weather. Best part, it was the perfect excuse to call the States and explain I might have to show up two weeks late for the spring semester classes. You know... for safety. I got a B in Spanish III that semester. My professor didn't see the irony.
Leon Rito
Leon Rito - 8 years ago
Amazing Barra de la Cruz. I recommended "Las cabañas de Pepe"... his my friend.
Peter Vollers
Peter Vollers - 8 years ago
so freaking awesome.
Anna Louise
Anna Louise - 8 years ago
im in looooove with alaska
Anna Louise
Anna Louise - 8 years ago
love your chanel
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
thanks Anna
noe rodriguez
noe rodriguez - 8 years ago
Jose Fco Saldana Garcia
Jose Fco Saldana Garcia - 8 years ago
I live in Oaxaca is very nice and many places if you want to know somewhere for good knowing or you need hosting I can do I am part of my coachsurfign sapp what is +5214191199218
MeJoho - 8 years ago
"No fun without drama" But isn't drama fun though? xD
john hanna
john hanna - 8 years ago
and people get upset that we want to seal out borders
The Video Book
The Video Book - 8 years ago
I love your video recording, keep posting really.
Vanessa Diaz
Vanessa Diaz - 8 years ago
This was great!!! I loved your video, your really portrayed Oaxaca very accurately. My vlog of Mazunte, Oaxaca here:

50. comment for MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA

Ca C
Ca C - 8 years ago
very nice video, but I would be afraid of getting either kidnapped, mugged or getting eaten by a shark in those warm waters.
Ca C
Ca C - 8 years ago
the videos are awesome.
tyler t
tyler t - 8 years ago
Rest of Mexico is as safe as US. It's just the border states that are the worst. Just be street smart and don't trust. Lot's of fake taxis and police.
Jesse Jimenez
Jesse Jimenez - 8 years ago
Sadly, probably another uninformed American :(
Ca C
Ca C - 8 years ago
The videos are awesome though...well made. I salute you on your courage.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
+Carlos Elias fear is your worst enemy.
WestCoastHiker - 8 years ago
possibly hangin with the n*rcos dude! cuidate!
Jesus alejandro
Jesus alejandro - 8 years ago
hay pero que sobroso @9:20
Georgia Hunter
Georgia Hunter - 8 years ago
I can't stop!!! I can't STOP!!!! I CAN'T STOP!!!!!!!!!!! Someone please help.....
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
good luck :)
eupsychon - 8 years ago
They pick on surfers cause they think we are all drug addicts! Add a kombi and it spells constant harassment.
Sergio Herrera
Sergio Herrera - 8 years ago
Wow, most people will never get to see as many amazing places in their lifetime as you've seen in just this one video. Amazing. and thank you for sharing.
Robert Janca
Robert Janca - 8 years ago
I love every single episode here, but the money undercurrent is very real. Saving enough to travel for four years? Parents income supporting? May different avenues. Some stay home because they really do need to save some money. They would like to travel as well... Your genuine approach to the whole affair is disarming and inspiring.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
no worries - It's important t me that people know that I work hard to make this lifestyle for myself. That's all.  THanks for sharing that story about Heidi
Robert Janca
Robert Janca - 8 years ago
+Robert Janca I really didn't mean to imply that you have it easy sorry. Your situation sounds like my own in many aspects. thank you for the effort you put in to this brilliant show. I love every second of it.
Robert Janca
Robert Janca - 8 years ago
Hey, do you know about Heidi Hetzer? She is 78 and she is currently traveling the world in her 1930 Hudson.
Robert Janca
Robert Janca - 8 years ago
That is music to my ears.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 8 years ago
+Robert Janca I saved hard and work even harder on this channel to generate the income. My parents stopped supporting me when I finished school and left home. When I return home now I pay rent to stay with my mother. Not because she wants me to but because I want to.
Christopher Jager
Christopher Jager - 8 years ago
Do you have a road trip playlist? Or just some top music from the road... Also how do you pick the music for the videos?
Jack George
Jack George - 9 years ago
Someone needs to tell that begger 2 minutes that she should sell her pussy. It's more dignified than begging.
Michael Robert
Michael Robert - 9 years ago
I also travelled thru Oaxaca in a Kombi in 1986. This brought back memories.
Michael Robert
Michael Robert - 9 years ago
Some very cool beached down in Oaxaca. Zipolite Beach at Puerto Escodido is one of the best beaches in the world. Nice to see some travellers enjoying their life out of the confines of the rat race.
Lee B. Faro
Lee B. Faro - 9 years ago
So reliving my travel adventures through yours!
gandalf - 9 years ago
Andrew Felcey
Andrew Felcey - 9 years ago
utube just full of people having a better time than me!!!! not Happy!!!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Andrew Felcey Dude, I feel the same way when I open my feed on IG, FB, YT - people mostly upload the time of their lives. That is what we all have to deal with, that previous generations didn't. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. But if you really feel like your life could be better, you are the only one who knows what makes you happy and what changed you need to make to bring more happiness into your lives. If you want to see that life isn't always fun on the road - check out this:
Enjoy! - 9 years ago
really really really dislike RICH PEOPLE!
Arachnofondler - 7 years ago
Enjoy! You're a retard
SmokeyTheBear - 8 years ago
these guys arent rich. just know how to budget.
Deji D
Deji D - 9 years ago
yo Ben, when your hair gets long and curly, you look like benedict Cumberbatch as he is in Sherlock.
Yonas Getu
Yonas Getu - 7 years ago
Deji D I’ve noticed this too
Steamzombie1838 - 9 years ago
Dude I wasn't feeling well today and so I stayed in and was looking for something to watch. I've binged watched all the videos you made up to this one and I'm going to keep going until the end. Bloody epic stuff mate.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Steamzombie1838 glad you are enjoying the series :)
Moya Mathias
Moya Mathias - 9 years ago
bloody brilliant series, just stumbled upon it!
What dates were you there as i'm looking to go here in August but have heard it's the storm season...
Moya Mathias
Moya Mathias - 9 years ago
+Kombi Life thanks for replying and good luck with everything - wherever you are right now. amazing series, going to spread the word about it
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Moya Mathias yeah I think that is the start of storm season. I was there in may / june
Rachael Will
Rachael Will - 9 years ago
love that lil tune during the surfing bit .
shern92 - 9 years ago
what is the surfing song?
cmnweb - 9 years ago
Hey Kombi Life i'm from Guerrero state next to Oaxaca, here in my town (Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo) the people love Surf, hope you have some videos in my land :)
Alex Lencioni
Alex Lencioni - 9 years ago
I hope they caught those bastards that killed those two Aussie guys .
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Alex Lencioni me too!
Sean Jordan
Sean Jordan - 9 years ago
That last wave though
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Sean Jordan right!
tobbzor - 9 years ago
Your episodes should be shown on TV really good :)
Adrian Oceanus
Adrian Oceanus - 7 years ago
Exactly what I was thinking!
Jack George
Jack George - 9 years ago
Tell that "B" begging to just sell herself!
Deeno Magnus
Deeno Magnus - 9 years ago
One day someone on YouTube is going to show place in a less glamorous light, you make Puerto Escondido look so cool and modern, I was just there a few months back it's a shit hole backwater and has very little going for it outside the waves. I watched video before I went and they all make it look so good. The the rose of the lens and show these places for the dusty dirty crap holes they are.
Deeno Magnus
Deeno Magnus - 9 years ago
+Kombi Life
Thanks, some of the shots made it look like the Riviera, modern and "clean" even, which it is not. I just find too many reviews are making places look really nice and when you get there, they are dirty and hot and very few facilities, whereas the misty beach side shots make it look so nice. which I personally think it was not. The one supermarket was crummy, if you go to the beach and take a swim they nick all your stuff, if it has any value. The paths are filthy and the street dogs are both noisy and everywhere. I just want to see reviews that are as they are, someone one day is going to show it as it is and these places wont get a look in, which in my opinion is what should happen, sure the surf is OK but so are some really nice places. Sorry but I just feel it should be said..
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Deeno Magnus interesting. I quite like Puerto for what it is in Oaxaca, there is a lot of nothing around so its a great place to meet people and get things done that can't be done in the surrounding villages. Personally I thought it was a pretty cool place, usually if I am not impressed with a place, I don't mention it
Jono Slade
Jono Slade - 9 years ago
Great video as always Ben! Brought back so many good memories of our trip. I swear we hit up the exact same breaks just in reverse. All the best and keep on trekking.
Brent Barnett
Brent Barnett - 9 years ago
Epic hill climb!!!!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Brent Barnett would have been cool to get an out of the van perspective for that shot, but we were worried that our sketchy maneuver would attract too much attention so we just got up it as quickly as we could.
TheNighthawk30 - 9 years ago
Love your videos, whats the song at 7:43? Hoping to explore the west coast of Costa Rica/Panama this Jan myself. Thank you for sharing.
Roger D. Miller
Roger D. Miller - 9 years ago
Just curious how you power your cameras and laptop in such remote areas. I see no evidence of solar or a generator in the Kombi.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Roger D. Miller That's a good quote. :)  Glad to hear you still have the travel bug
Roger D. Miller
Roger D. Miller - 9 years ago
I admire your adventure, and at your age I had a number of similar ones.  At this point in our lives (68 & 61), our sense of adventure is still alive, but we are past the stage of roughing it.  So we are practicing for preparing for full time life on the road in our 21 foot travel trailer.  It is great for a couple of weeks at a time, but we will upgrade to a larger RV in a couple of years when my wife retires.  Someone recently posted, "I regret all the money I spent on travel!" Said no one ever.  Wishing you better mechanical karma.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Roger D. Miller At this point I didn't have solar. So I just had one deep cell battery, but it was a struggle for sure. It certainly limits the amount of time I can work at these places, which is a good and a bad thing. I also rented a plug socket (literally) which was under a palapa so I strung my hammock up and caught up with work when there were no waves.
Wandering Beast
Wandering Beast - 9 years ago
Looks amazing bud, I cant wait to head south on two wheels
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Wandering Beast yes mate - looking forward to following you
Anthony Beare
Anthony Beare - 9 years ago
hahaha, 2:14. you smooth bastard
The Bus And Us
The Bus And Us - 9 years ago
Ahh Yeah. Our favorite state as well! We didn't get it so good, La Punta was double overhead and Bara was flat :( but that's how surfing goes. Keep making the videos, we wish we had !
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Bus And Us Hey guys, You should make some vids - you certainly have the content on IG! I'd love to see what you guys are up to :)
Kearress - 9 years ago
+Kombi Life I heard you talking in one of your vids about your ex coming back to the kombi... Is Sharne returning???
Anyway, you deserve a lot more subscribers and viewers! Keep up the awesome work and travel safe!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Kearress Thanks buddy we're trying to reach more people, you can help by sharing. I've invited Sharne back a couple of times, all expenses paid - I don't think we will be seeing her any time soon.
Japakawa - 9 years ago
Hey, just discovered your great channel. just wondering why alot of your older videos are unable to be viewed?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Japakawa YouTube started to block my older videos on mobile devices like cell phones and ipads due to the music used. You can still see them on a PC. You can also see those early videos on your phone on vimeo.
ilan magen
ilan magen - 9 years ago
fascinating stuff , can't wait for OAXACA P2
Alessio Mancuso Channel
Alessio Mancuso Channel - 9 years ago
Do you think someday you will go to Brazil?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+alessio mancuso for sure!
DaCatMatt - 9 years ago
Angus Fraser
nick harris
nick harris - 7 years ago
i agree .. have to find this version..
TheNighthawk30 - 8 years ago
The song is summer months by Andrew Britton
Luis Luis
Luis Luis - 8 years ago
+DaCatMatt I think we should ask him this question on a more recent video of his, I dont think he reads the comments on the older stuff
Luis Luis
Luis Luis - 8 years ago
+DaCatMatt we will find it...
here is another cool song he had on the trip through the rockies in alberta and BC
'fill up with sunshine andrew britton'
this is a link to the mp3...couldnt find it on youtube
DaCatMatt - 8 years ago
no sadly
Luis Luis
Luis Luis - 8 years ago
I looked around havent found the version. Did you have any luck?
Sara N
Sara N - 9 years ago
You are having my dream life. Saving up money to do the same. Do you have saved up money or how do finance your trip?
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Sara N Cool! You should. I saved up money my whole life to make this trip, but you can make money on the road too. Australia is a really cool country to roadtrip and you can make excellent money whilst you are there!
hoangkimtran - 9 years ago
All-some video! Thank Kombi!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+hoangkimtran thanks for watching
braposo23 - 9 years ago
U meet some of the coolest, hottest, and non superficial women!!! I envy u! Lol
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+braposo23 I think if you follow you passions you meet people that are into the same things with the same outlook on life!
John Norris
John Norris - 9 years ago
Hey Ben, Is it possible that you are having way too much fun and creating great videos that most people can't figure out how to take it in? Maybe you should make some extended cut versions of when you were breaking down and covered in old engine oil! Good luck with the rest of your journey this year.
John Norris
John Norris - 9 years ago
+Kombi Life LOL, even Saudi Princes have drama sometimes.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+John Norris Part 2 has some trouble and Kombi Drama, we never get too far without some drama.
Aiaiaii z
Aiaiaii z - 9 years ago
M Brouwer
M Brouwer - 9 years ago
hy i like your video greats from nederland europa
Miguel Guzman
Miguel Guzman - 9 years ago
Exelente video y oaxaca es hermoso tiene una riquesa de historia cultura llena de matises fenomenal su comida y sus playas hermosas , mire que tubieron dificultades en trasladarse en algunos lugares pero eso lo hace mucho mejor , por que lo facil no sirbe , un fuerte habrazo y VIVA MEXICO CABRONES ..
Donald Filippelli
Donald Filippelli - 7 years ago
Kombi Life kkm
Beatriz Arguelles
Beatriz Arguelles - 9 years ago
Oh, suelo bendito de Dios! Viva México!!!
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Miguel Guzman VIVA!!!
earthkeyper - 9 years ago
Stupendous and well worth the wait.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+earthkeyper glad you enjoyed it, please share!
stinkender Kantgermane *privat*
stinkender Kantgermane *privat* - 9 years ago
Ein Deutscher. Mal was neues :)
Volando Voy Vlog
Volando Voy Vlog - 9 years ago
So good video as always very very inspire. Oaxaca awesome state. good luck in your trip.
Tiesproductions - 9 years ago
Great video as usual!
Art Silva
Art Silva - 9 years ago
Mushrooms huh?

100. comment for MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA

Dakota Noah
Dakota Noah - 9 years ago
your such an inspiration. The way you treat traveling and surfing has helped me tons. dreaming of my own adventure rig.
FerreneMachine - 9 years ago
I agree with you! I've started my setup by buying my neighbors Plymouth voyager
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Dakota Noah nice, really glad to hear it. Thanks man
hairfarmer07 - 9 years ago
Man. I been watching for a while. That's one of the best. I'm sure I have seen most if not all your vids. Right on man. Winter is comming. You staying on boats til spring. Make some cash and get the motor up. Don't go up to early. Who knows how this winter will be. Good luck bro. ONE LOVE
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+hairfarmer07 yeah I think i am heading back to Europe to work for winter. I have lots of editing to catch up on
bergi85 - 9 years ago
Keep up the great videos! They are so much fun to watch!!!
Eric Polston
Eric Polston - 9 years ago
awesome portion of your trip thanks for sharing it with us enjoyed every second of it
Stuart Reinus
Stuart Reinus - 9 years ago
you guy rule
I_Dont_Eat_My_Friends - 9 years ago
pura vida compadres!
Exploring Alternatives
Exploring Alternatives - 9 years ago
Always enjoy watching your videos and adventures, thanks for sharing with us! :)
William Vasquez
William Vasquez - 8 years ago
Not connection to lost touch to retry
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Exploring Alternatives thanks for watching
The Rocket Radio Show
The Rocket Radio Show - 9 years ago
good times.
Kyle Jeffery
Kyle Jeffery - 9 years ago
Well done.  Quite the adventure.
Elderp - 9 years ago
I tried to click on the special message but I guess I am not part of the cool club because it said private :( Still a cool video thank you for sharing :)
braposo23 - 9 years ago
Elderp - 9 years ago
Works now, but it kind of felt like I just decoded the orphan Annie message and you just told me to "drink my Ovaltine" LOL you might not understand that joke, but I do hope you get lots of shares. Thanks again.
Kombi Life
Kombi Life - 9 years ago
+Elderp try now ;)
robm425 - 9 years ago
Cool new intro Ben hopefully you will be back with Alaska and the Kombi soon!

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1,323 likes 115,188 views 9 years ago

Our Surf trip through Oaxaca Mexico continues in style. See what it's like to wake up with strangers in a VW Bus...

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1,323 likes 115,188 views 9 years ago

Our Surf trip through Oaxaca Mexico continues in style. See what it's like to wake up with strangers in a VW Bus...


The "MEXICO SURF TRIP - OAXACA" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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