Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia

Welcome to the New World Order. That's Dingo Morrison (almost) getting tubed.

Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Surf 6 years ago 221,666 views

Welcome to the New World Order. That's Dingo Morrison (almost) getting tubed.

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Most popular comments
for Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia

povang - 6 years ago
Someones got too much damn time and money on their hands. Looks like some rich kids pet project. Its built out in the boonies and 90% of the Australian population lives near the coast where the ocean is, which surfing is free, and the waves are huge. Good luck getting enough customers to fund the cost to run that machine and maintain the pool unless you charge them 10k a day to use it.
Dale Jackson
Dale Jackson - 6 years ago
Sounds like an Imperial Walker - an AT-AT! Ha! Kind of scary looking though!
MEH man
MEH man - 6 years ago
small ass waves
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 6 years ago
Make 15 foot waves, and maybe it’s worth it
Smile SurferStyle
Smile SurferStyle - 6 years ago
Only if you have stand up in the tube skills.
NorthOCkook - 6 years ago
Burning man looks dope this year
Didymostruespeak - 6 years ago
Buy fuel from carbon extractors in Canada. Otherwise it looks like more smoke and soot in a puddle!. PS1 photographer one Surfer and he still gets in the way LOL
Ben Davis
Ben Davis - 6 years ago
How many kWh to make a wave like that? 10,000?
Simon Bitton
Simon Bitton - 6 years ago
How many wierdos will scream pollution? This is amazing!!get outta ur labs and go shred

10. comment for Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia

Vorschlaghammer - 6 years ago
Just to surf? right? to surf?
tom7865 - 6 years ago
Surfing only works in the ocean. Everything else is a simulation.

There's so much more to surfing when the ocean is involved
tom7865 - 6 years ago
+a.m. remorse they can both come exist I just think that regarding people who are learning to surf - I think it's important to "cut your teeth" in an ocean not a pool. Not sure why these pools bother me but they do
a.m. remorse
a.m. remorse - 6 years ago
Why can't both coexist? They both have their weaknesses. You sound like a religious nut job.
James Lowe
James Lowe - 6 years ago
This looks a million times better than the plough type wave pools. C'mon let's have them built in every town and city across the world!
Kniightisa - 6 years ago
that sound gives me such star wars vibes
marty Slay
marty Slay - 6 years ago
cool. Bodyboard heaven.. How long to reset the plunger?
thefuckinBoi - 6 years ago
The only place in Austrália that you can surf without the risk of being kill by an dangerous animal
Thor Wessex
Thor Wessex - 6 years ago
Except by man, the most dangerous animal of all.
C B - 6 years ago
That left spits when you get so pitted!
FM - 6 years ago
Looks like it is not completely filled yet?
Jiu Jitsu Master Caique
Jiu Jitsu Master Caique - 6 years ago
Wow that's really cool
MrVerscharren - 6 years ago
Oscillation ftw!

20. comment for Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia

Adam Tschupp
Adam Tschupp - 6 years ago
now i want to see it go on for more than 2 waves
Rod - 6 years ago
This is a good one I was invited to do tests
Rod - 6 years ago
Well, the concept did not work for surf. Too small, too short, about 20 minutes to the water stabilize. What is the purpose of this? Kids have fun under $80/20 Minutes? ok so it work!
Pawel Szewczuk
Pawel Szewczuk - 6 years ago
Love IT!
1982mako224 - 6 years ago
The problem I see is the reset time for the pool to calm back down. The waves in this video are probably the first of the day or the first after a 5 to 10 minute calm down period for the water to glass off.
John Rokam
John Rokam - 6 years ago
nice but instead australia should stop oppressing Aborigines, pay them compensations and give them back their land!
Chris Rupp
Chris Rupp - 6 years ago
Bercik87 - 6 years ago
Guess what else lasts 0:19s and it's worth redoing every time.
Sheresky Speonk
Sheresky Speonk - 6 years ago
Sex and pooping, in my case.
Ryder sc Chevins
Ryder sc Chevins - 6 years ago
i am surfing that to weeks
Jettydog 1502
Jettydog 1502 - 6 years ago
I don't know if I could serve that place the noise would scare the s*** out of me forget about trying to drop in it's like a giant monster coming after you. Like War of the Worlds
hipsonsogbo - 6 years ago
So noisy , should give left

30. comment for Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia

C B - 6 years ago
That left spits!

Some observations as a long time observer of artificial waves with experience in prototyping new inventions:

- Until human civilization can casually use orders of magnitude more power than what we're using now, this is likely to be the pinnacle in wave generating technology. A balance of "low" operating costs, quantity and quality of waves, and endless potential for customer customization, this appears to be the ultimate in artificial wave generation. Pipeline replica, anyone? To this new prototype and the perseverance to see it through, I say: Well done lads!
- As a prototype, I'm seeing only half of the reef setup in action, 3 surfers in action. Which begs the question: could one conceivably build half a lake with half a plunger, to sacrifice half a lake and get less waves overall to create bigger waves using the same amount of power?
-Oh and for those complaining about that failed drop-in by Parko, well that's what happens when you surf either Occy's Peak or the slab that looks to be the reef designed for spongers. :)
Adlin Ling
Adlin Ling - 6 years ago
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
michael hake
michael hake - 6 years ago
Must suck being half blind
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
Adlin Ling what’s not broke?
Dontblink29 - 6 years ago
Looks like a really short wave. Cool but not much of a ride for all that equipment.
Edison - 6 years ago
Brain eating amoeba
Kevin OBrien
Kevin OBrien - 6 years ago
Edison the water is chlorinated here.
What Memories
What Memories - 6 years ago
Ben V
Ben V - 6 years ago
We have a water crises here and they build this piece of shit !?!?!
Asith - 6 years ago
Ben V
Ben V - 6 years ago
dunruden I don’t care
dunruden - 6 years ago
Ben V
One crisis. Two or more crises. Goddit? Good!
Hi ilovechairs
Hi ilovechairs - 6 years ago
what the fuck
endwido - 6 years ago
Fuck yeah
Akeeyuki - 6 years ago
that's some steampunk shit right there
David Swaney
David Swaney - 6 years ago
Ok, that was sick, conceptually and actually.
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
There’s enough solar energy out there to power it too.
Alex "i have done the research" Jones - 6 years ago
+Lewis Beckman my point was solar isnt as efficient as people say it is regardless location, and if I have to explain what comparing your intellect to a houseplant means then the statement is more true than I realized.
Alex "i have done the research" Jones - 6 years ago
+dipza3 gboogiet *how
dipza3 gboogiet
dipza3 gboogiet - 6 years ago
+Alex "i have done the research" Jones the dude just made a general statement and you got all brainzo on him.. research ho not to be a knob!
dipza3 gboogiet
dipza3 gboogiet - 6 years ago
+Alex "i have done the research" Jones you knob
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
If I’m digging myself a deep hole here I’ll be very curious to discover how.
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
Should I have not commented that because of its location, solar powering of the machine may be a potential option?
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
I don’t understand what I did here. What does “the IQ as a houseplant” mean?
Alex "i have done the research" Jones - 6 years ago
+Lewis Beckman yeah your sheer stupidity got to me that much... Get over yourself, you don't have that much sway over others.

The first one was sarcasm seeing as you have the IQ as a houseplant.
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
Alex "i have done the research" Jones I don’t know what power they’re using, but it could be solar if they wanted it to be. Calm down.
Alex "i have done the research" Jones - 6 years ago
Oh yeah? Then why the fuck do we use nuclear and and coal plants if it's so easy to pull power from the fucking sun?
Bronze Whaler
Bronze Whaler - 6 years ago
I could absolutely see one of these in Vegas, surrounded by Polynesian landscape. Pumping out sets of waves all day. The place would make a killing.
MrVerscharren - 6 years ago
+Bronze Whaler epic!
Bronze Whaler
Bronze Whaler - 6 years ago
Did I mention, as soon as you ride your last wave in there's someone waiting to hand you a Mai Tai?
MrVerscharren - 6 years ago
If you proceed with an idea like this...dont forget me
joshin - 6 years ago
This is awesome, I feel like Preston Garvey is about to come into frame and talk some shit about a settlement needing help
CheeseBon - 6 years ago
now make one x500 times bigger. dont argue just do it!
Ben Armstrong
Ben Armstrong - 6 years ago
I got a turbo on my 87 civic they can use.
Wayne Neylan
Wayne Neylan - 6 years ago
Now that looks interesting, l'm thinking that it could only make 2-3 ' swell so thats were it gets boring right, l truly hope its 15' deep were the doughnut drops so at least the swell has some solid power, great concept though, would it work better if the doughnut spun around with a blade that pushed the line of swell out from the centre, maybe not hmmmm...... Giddyup
endwido - 6 years ago
It’s 30metres deep hey
Daniel Baird
Daniel Baird - 6 years ago
Wayne Neylan there's an article on Surfline about it and they are targeting 8 ft waves for the "pro" section. It has 5 distinct breaks around the device.
Constantine Colotiline
Constantine Colotiline - 6 years ago
Why do you need a wave generator in Australia??? Doesn’t every Australian have a surf spot like in one hour around?
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
Short answer, no. Long answer, yes, but it’s virtually never any good and north of the Tropic of Capricorn is doesn’t break at all. You also need a culture to support/drive the building of such infrastructure.
xwhite2020 - 6 years ago
Its all about real estate and holiday resorts. Look up '' the white shoe brigade". This is simply a piece of a large land and hotel sale. The geographical area has no outstanding features so they build this to create some sort of appeal.
Scott McHattan
Scott McHattan - 6 years ago
+Constantine Colotiline Plus sharks and jellyfish to contend with...but not in a lake...
Constantine Colotiline
Constantine Colotiline - 6 years ago
Puss N' Boots practice. Now I get it, thanks.
Puss N' Boots
Puss N' Boots - 6 years ago
Well there's lots of surfers and waves are inconsistent. These set ups are great for practice. Makes total sense from a sporting point of view.
dogzballz - 6 years ago
Fucking gimmick
florid valeev
florid valeev - 6 years ago
Half-Life 3 )))
tonchido - 6 years ago
this some mad max sh.t
any name
any name - 6 years ago
thats it?..

50. comment for Mad Max Meets Surf: A First Look At Surf Lakes Wave Pool Australia

Kathryn Widdoss
Kathryn Widdoss - 6 years ago
So you guys got past the combat defense drones huh? Nicely done!
surfbouy - 6 years ago
Nice! Lots of potential here.
D F - 6 years ago
WTF?? Where is this?
Rhidian D
Rhidian D - 6 years ago
I love the variety of artificial waves there are already. Kelly's long, sled driven set-up, texas' system (no idea how that one works), and now this madness!
Deep State Globalist Games
Deep State Globalist Games - 6 years ago
Texas uses chambers half filled with water and pressurized. They get set off in any combination making for a variety of waves. You can see it clearly if you look up a video by American wave systems that's a 1/10 scale model. I prefer Texas over the sled driven
rocritz - 6 years ago
long story short they just pull a huge plow along a train track.
federico aka voxa on the road
federico aka voxa on the road - 6 years ago
Woke Dude Els
Woke Dude Els - 6 years ago
Bermcannon Media
Bermcannon Media - 6 years ago
what world is this ?
Nico Dica
Nico Dica - 6 years ago
Mad Max"s
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
Abhishek Patnaik XD
Trey420 - 6 years ago
Abhishek Patnaik fuck off indian cunt
Abhishek Patnaik
Abhishek Patnaik - 6 years ago
Teri maa ki choot
Trey420 - 6 years ago
uranus hehe
Libberd The Normie
Libberd The Normie - 6 years ago
B M - 6 years ago
Straya mate
MakswelL777 - 6 years ago
Jack Buckingham
Jack Buckingham - 6 years ago
Florian Beaulieu
Florian Beaulieu - 6 years ago
What happened????
Tristan Francis
Tristan Francis - 6 years ago
Jack Buckingham what happened to you. Your surf pov's were the best on YouTube. Why did you delete all your videos.

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