Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie


Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

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Most popular comments
for Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie

austin thompson
austin thompson - 6 years ago
18 people did not come. from her soft touch.
Aitor Karanka
Aitor Karanka - 7 years ago
TimTheTatMan <3
william ranum
william ranum - 7 years ago
Still one of my albums.
MinusTheValyssa Yall
MinusTheValyssa Yall - 7 years ago
Forever loveee
canes185 - 8 years ago
this song always gives me full body chills
Wendy Holden
Wendy Holden - 8 years ago
favorite band and i can't wait to see them again
Broderick Jones FPV
Broderick Jones FPV - 8 years ago
in love with this song
Tobias Carson
Tobias Carson - 8 years ago
Tobias Carson
Tobias Carson - 8 years ago
I would read that page everyday

10. comment for Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie

wussup98 - 8 years ago
and I came from her soft touch
Via Purifico
Via Purifico - 9 years ago
At that time I couldn't see it...
Echosoblivion - 10 years ago
Fucking best ever
twistes sense
twistes sense - 9 years ago
dude I kno such a great song wait album fuck it greatest chill band ever would say best band ever but I'm a huge zepplin fan
erwin bdizzle
erwin bdizzle - 11 years ago
hahaha 0:47 - 0:55
Mark Angelo Arasga
Mark Angelo Arasga - 7 years ago
ok!!! got the message dude. haha
Grehg - 9 years ago
+erwin bdizzle Just realizing what he ment.. wow.
D. Sloot
D. Sloot - 10 years ago
Really? xD
Tank Engine
Tank Engine - 11 years ago
Oh, but it is
theangryemonerd - 11 years ago
There other 2 albums werent as great. This is what I know about being gigantic EP, Highly refined pirates, They make beer commercials like this EP, and Menos el oso were good. I have mix feelings on Planet of ice
Morgan Isely
Morgan Isely - 11 years ago
yes. yes. yes. so much fucking yes.
Mike Alex
Mike Alex - 11 years ago
this song chokes me up everytime
selinastormr - 11 years ago
minus tho boar
Jordan Greenberg
Jordan Greenberg - 11 years ago
People that spell the title of the song correctly? Lol

20. comment for Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie

MyHood Ent
MyHood Ent - 11 years ago
They are so talented it takes me to a different world when i listen to them. What i love about this band is that you can find joy in either listening to just the lyrics or get hypnotized by the melody, plus i love how they just switch the tempo up on you out of nowhere lol this music is good to listen to any time but amazing while tripping :-).
quotemeonthat - 12 years ago
I love the foreign feel of this album. Not sure if it was intended, though it'd make sense considering they sing about "foreign homes", the title is in Spanish, the artwork looks as though it was taken in another country, "Pachuca Sunrise" could refer to Mexico, & they sing about the San Juan islands. Starting with "Memphis & 53rd", it sort of sounds like him & some girl are traveling across the country, maybe through to Mexico? Great album nonetheless.
Jamie W
Jamie W - 12 years ago
It's like sex on a beach this song is. This song makes me think of a relaxing sunny day on the beach
strat727 - 12 years ago
Nice Incubus song.... oh wait
William Pryor
William Pryor - 12 years ago
Awesome song. Sooo relaxing
quevancastrow - 12 years ago
it's just you and me and a bed and a shoreline....
Allytherevepavillion - 12 years ago
When I was on holiday in the Caribbean I would get a deck chair on the beach and listen to this on my ipod. I can't tell you how fitting this song was. Amazing!
Shenwolf - 12 years ago
Fuck that snapbackz 4 lyfe.
Guilherme de Lima Lopes
Guilherme de Lima Lopes - 12 years ago
Well... That escalated quickly
Echosoblivion - 12 years ago
Heavy motherfooking sigh.

30. comment for Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie

magajelly - 12 years ago
amen to that
calebcarlizzle - 12 years ago
we sat on a shoreline watching wind scalp the white off the waves. i can see it, cant you guys?
Red Tide
Red Tide - 12 years ago
I love this song so much, haha. I think my brother's the only one that hasn't really let the whole "and I came from her soft touch and slept" thing sink in yet.
GodinSDXTguitars - 12 years ago
people in cities do dress weird these days don't they...
AdamJones514 - 12 years ago
It's not absolutely insane, but yeah, the quarter note triplets really throw off the feel of "4".
Pianodog - 12 years ago
It's probably because they're syncopating in a way that no one else does.
scott ringering
scott ringering - 7 years ago
05o r
AdamJones514 - 12 years ago
Rhythms don't define time. It's just a way to organize the rhythm's phrasing. It all fits but it's syncopated.
Pianodog - 12 years ago
I'm confused, if this song has four beats a measure why is the rhythm so strange sounding?
Pianodog - 12 years ago
JRX1337 - 12 years ago
cheefing as we speak
Ryan M
Ryan M - 12 years ago
nobody wants to know that about you dog (i'm totally not down with shortmans alien)
sinosinuj - 13 years ago
i feel like im an awesome peculiar person when listening to minus the bear. but not in a hipster way. i guess we just understand each other's feelings
xWattie831x - 13 years ago
@BariLax Well, it's "*for* her soft touch," but still, good point. XD
xWattie831x - 13 years ago
@gnarlyCereal Then you seriously don't have an ear for music. That's one of the softest chord progressions I've ever heard.
Matthew Del Campo
Matthew Del Campo - 13 years ago
I like the very next line. ..."and slept" lol. busted and hit the zzzzzz's
Matt Huffman
Matt Huffman - 13 years ago
@BariLax she had a nice set of tits... that's the conclusion I draw from that.
BariLax - 13 years ago
"I came from her soft touch"? That's pretty subtle.
Jake M L G
Jake M L G - 13 years ago
The saddest aspect of my existence would be for either myself or one of the amazing members of this band to die before I can see them play live.
TheEpicLakai - 13 years ago
Don't have to be high to enjoy good music.
Peter Wilson
Peter Wilson - 13 years ago
Had such a awesome day and this just adds to it!! Love Minus The Bear!!

50. comment for Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie

CasualFan - 13 years ago
about 2 years ago all i would do is rip a few bowls and ride my fixie around UofA campus best time of my life.
MrRichardHalley - 13 years ago
Matthew Del Campo
Matthew Del Campo - 13 years ago
@wewereinthecorner The last two lines from Double Vision Quest
OhlalaMonAmour - 13 years ago
I want to.grow a beard :) and be awesome like them
Matthew Del Campo
Matthew Del Campo - 13 years ago
Greatest band in my life. Got some MTB lyrics tattooed on my arm
StBernardy - 13 years ago
@alanaraexo agreed bro, this is my getaway from reality
Jason Goldberg
Jason Goldberg - 13 years ago
fucking beauty.
Dex A
Dex A - 13 years ago
Nothing but greatness.
PhillipTodd123 - 13 years ago
This is the most beautiful song I've ever heard. It's simply perfect.
Matt Huffman
Matt Huffman - 13 years ago
@alanaraexo for real bro.
clayboy120 - 13 years ago
1 dislike? Who could honestly dislike this song?
Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright - 13 years ago
@alanaraexo Cuz us Bear fans are just awesome haha like who couldnt be chill and happy after listening to them? (:
Echosoblivion - 13 years ago
"just you and me and a bed and a shore line."
plotagainstjohn - 14 years ago
@Kevinbdrummer i hear you bro, i had to get it signed when i saw them and tell them how close to perfection this album was, i probably looked insane, but menos never gets old for me, even after all this time.
plotagainstjohn - 14 years ago
@halfsaponigirl this is the most perfect line.
Zbomb - 14 years ago
You can listen to this song to whatever you do. You can use it to cruise to, study or work to, or even to help lull you to sleep at night.
RandomGenericComment - 14 years ago
@alanaraexo how can you listen to these guys and be angry? lol :)
Carlos Caballero
Carlos Caballero - 14 years ago
@Kevinbdrummer tought i was the only wimpy kid that get teary ayaed with this tight song!
Carlos Caballero
Carlos Caballero - 14 years ago
this song makes me chicken skin!! very tight song love it!!
Nick Karbowski
Nick Karbowski - 14 years ago
that 1 dislike is 1 dick-wad
gaberey87 - 14 years ago
man i <3 menos el oso!! could yall reccomend any bands that have there kinda sound?? :D thanks
kevindrumz - 14 years ago
I feel like such a wimp but I get teary eyed every time I listen to this song, and yes I'm a guy :-/
reminder: - 14 years ago
too awesome for a witty remark
Rob Swanson
Rob Swanson - 14 years ago
@mensendike i checked both of them out and there both really good :D thanks bro
Rob Swanson
Rob Swanson - 14 years ago
i love how minus the bear video's dont have hella haters commenting on videos... its almost always chill people discussing the topic at hand :]
gumbyonacid - 14 years ago
@ktirawi i agree- but people are strange... ask Jim morrison... i stopped trying to understand.....
Spencer Canham
Spencer Canham - 14 years ago
idk why but when i listen to them it reminds me of different seasons, like hooray is winter and this reminds me of a summer day.
SoDamnGangsta - 14 years ago
@mwn213 yes i know what you mean brother
SoDamnGangsta - 14 years ago
@alanaraexo cause minus the bear is a chill and happy band. plus i think most of us are high
daekrFINGERS - 14 years ago
ever since i first listened to these guys ive been asking myself the same question over and over... where has this band been all my life?
Peter Hartz Vier
Peter Hartz Vier - 14 years ago
@lovelykk yes.
Jade Simpson
Jade Simpson - 14 years ago
hah, 0 dislikes =)
mojavechill - 14 years ago
I hope the weather holds.... but you don't need the sun to make you shine..... love this song
ben hattersley
ben hattersley - 14 years ago
when i saw this song live it was beautiful. it was perfect. in the pause i turned around and all my friends were almost in tears. they are all so appreciative of this band and so am i.
mwn213 - 14 years ago
@lovelykk haha, true. But the very last line of the song is also exceedingly sweet, especially "...it's just you and me and a bed and a shoreline...". It cheers me up aaaaaaaaaall the time =P Makes me smile and believe I have a soul mate out there. Most days, I feel like "Ugh, this girl doesn't exist"; listening to this, I feel like it's only a matter of time C; Beautiful, beautiful song
jpr123 - 14 years ago
I thought I was in love with a girl for the longest time. Turns out it was just this song.
Tiffany - 14 years ago
it's just you and me and a bed and a shoreline
Charlie Lean
Charlie Lean - 14 years ago
well im cool (:
alifewithoutsolace - 14 years ago
@alanaraexo your cool for noticing this
lahguitarist - 14 years ago
i just found this band today and im wayyy stoked! im about to go buy all of their albums. Support the music industry! Buy your music!
Bryan Puffinburger
Bryan Puffinburger - 14 years ago
:) :) :) My girl just sent this to me. happy happy happy :) :) :) Funny how the people that love you know things like this without being told.
Bryan Puffinburger
Bryan Puffinburger - 14 years ago
:) :) :) My girl just sent this to me. happy happy happy :) :) :) Funny how the people that love you know things like this without being told.
Bryan Puffinburger
Bryan Puffinburger - 14 years ago
:) :) :) My girl just sent this to me. happy happy happy :) :) :) Funny how the people that love you know things like this without being told.
Blackstar241 - 14 years ago
esta banda me gusta mucho!!!
skillchez - 14 years ago
best song ever
skylinezpromise - 14 years ago
Their music is so poetic, i smell and taste sweetness in every song i listen to. Love them so much.
Dee Marie
Dee Marie - 14 years ago
I love how their music just makes you feel so calm, like whenever i hear thier songs all my troubles go away
fujimofo - 15 years ago
first bit kind of sounds like The Pig War
Zoren Raidan
Zoren Raidan - 15 years ago
I wish these guys would visit here in the Philippines, but then again these guys are too underrated.
motorhead412 - 15 years ago
i think it's Heather Duby.

100. comment for Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie

johsoxe - 15 years ago
does anybody know who the female vocal is?
GPEGEMGTM3 - 15 years ago
yea gl with that, "best" lol
Trevor Bergeron
Trevor Bergeron - 15 years ago
goddamit im tripping so hard right now
Cat Money
Cat Money - 15 years ago
best song on their best album
Tom - 15 years ago
This may not be a surfing movie, but this song sure makes me want to surf. I love this band.
tarritoCR - 15 years ago
you are shit, mtb = best band ever
Rohtix - 15 years ago
One of my favorites. :D
krs5147 - 15 years ago
yea this is hard to find on here...thanks
Ecnalyr - 15 years ago
Da da da da da da

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The "Minus the Bear - This Ain't a Surfing Movie" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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