Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

Moments is the 2011 Quiksilver Surf Team Movie starring Dane Reynolds, Craig Anderson, Jeremy Flores, Clay Marzo and Kelly Slater and featuring Mark Healey, Mikey Wright, Reef McIntosh, Ry Craike, Fred Patacchia, Dede Suryana, Leonardo Fioravanti, Jack Robinson, Kanoa Igarashi, Miky Picon, Aritz Aranburu, Matt Banting, Alain Riou. More at

Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 156

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Moments is the 2011 Quiksilver Surf Team Movie starring Dane Reynolds, Craig Anderson, Jeremy Flores, Clay Marzo and Kelly Slater and featuring Mark Healey, Mikey Wright, Reef McIntosh, Ry Craike, Fred Patacchia, Dede Suryana, Leonardo Fioravanti, Jack Robinson, Kanoa Igarashi, Miky Picon, Aritz Aranburu, Matt Banting, Alain Riou. More at

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Most popular comments
for Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

David Pharo
David Pharo - 7 years ago
2:29? has he landed yet
Brendan Mansfield
Brendan Mansfield - 7 years ago
2017. this film still kicks ass
Angel Inca Otero
Angel Inca Otero - 7 years ago
wauooo q chevere mis Broers
#IloveWaves !!!
Alex Yamashita
Alex Yamashita - 7 years ago
fuck niggers
SNAPY Surfboards
SNAPY Surfboards - 8 years ago
Classic movie
Peter Schmidt
Peter Schmidt - 8 years ago
this is the reason they been trying to knok me out. all the talents in pockets around the world see me as competition. im not competition see coz i cant do half the tricks you do you cant possibly know more and have done than myself. you are not competition. get over it you murderous pieces of shit.
Jared Magaro
Jared Magaro - 8 years ago
What is the song playing at minute 7:00??
jjs4you21 - 8 years ago
Marzo pulls off the insane moves because of his tree trunk legs. He has the strongest legs in surfing.
Rastafish Swimbait666
Rastafish Swimbait666 - 8 years ago
What happens at 2:29? what flies through the air sir?

10. comment for Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

Reza Pangestu
Reza Pangestu - 8 years ago
Whts song at 3:57 ?
Grzegorz Masłowski
Grzegorz Masłowski - 8 years ago
Panda Bear - Comfy in Nautica
Nathaly Cruz
Nathaly Cruz - 8 years ago
Grupo santa Esmeralda
feelsoezy - 9 years ago
3:17 so bloody true mate
Le Chat
Le Chat - 9 years ago
king Kelly
michi19935 - 9 years ago
michi19935 - 9 years ago
+michi19935 13.59
Traffic Lights Are Racist And Mysogynistic
Traffic Lights Are Racist And Mysogynistic - 9 years ago
this reminds me of 156 tricks.. oska wright.
Raphael Zaché
Raphael Zaché - 9 years ago
Surfing muito bem ok
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 9 years ago
buenna la del monito
;-:) ;-)
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 7 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
omar saavedra
omar saavedra - 8 years ago
Bastian Calderon
Bastian Calderon - 9 years ago
Yuri Gomez
Yuri Gomez - 9 years ago
Iuri Gomes Billabong 1983

20. comment for Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

GREENYAH SERVICE - 9 years ago
Boa. Show
Daniele Trombin
Daniele Trombin - 9 years ago
Go Leonardo.. Italian Pride! :)
TR - 10 years ago
Best clothes ever!! My Shirts etc. from 1990 like new.
fuknsk8 now
fuknsk8 now - 10 years ago
Love the opening, but the video is sick!
Scott Glisson
Scott Glisson - 10 years ago
Whats the first song at 1:12?
Greg Fisher
Greg Fisher - 9 years ago
+Scott Glisson Space by some HS band or something....
Daniel Vinicius
Daniel Vinicius - 10 years ago
3.00 - Comfy in Nautica (Panda Bear) 5.15 - Take Your Picture (Gypsyblood) 9.00 - Fot I Hose (CasioKids) 11.30 - Flight of the Demoiselles (Blacklist) 16.30 - Cold Dust Girl (Hey Champ) 19.20 - Good Feelings (Light Pullution) 21.00 - Crushes (Charlemagne) 
Mw2megapro - 10 years ago
9:54 this is just incredible
devin ainslie
devin ainslie - 10 years ago
alex smith
alex smith - 10 years ago
8:44 WHATT
The Lobster
The Lobster - 10 years ago
How the fk does he land on his back and randomly stands on the board after? xD Awsome

30. comment for Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

Logan Levenson
Logan Levenson - 10 years ago
Melissa ShenFei
Melissa ShenFei - 10 years ago
Let ocean set you free~ wow~
PakalTV Rap King
PakalTV Rap King - 10 years ago
lo unico que le falta a Cancun, buenas olas, unas Mavericks
matheus coutinho
matheus coutinho - 11 years ago
kelly lenda 
JODY CRAWFORD - 11 years ago
Pablo sanchez gonzalez
Pablo sanchez gonzalez - 11 years ago
jakob shaw-owens
jakob shaw-owens - 11 years ago
This is fucking blocked for viewing in nz? I hate copy right
Independenza Records
Independenza Records - 11 years ago
Quicksiver Team listen this mix for a good moment !
marina mable
marina mable - 11 years ago
Clay rips hes soo good!
T D - 11 years ago
I am Glad Quiksilver Sponsors Clay...Quik is lucky to have his talent...he's a Madman!
The Rest of the Movie Rawks too! ;) Quik did good by the Young Gun's Crew, and KEXIIY...
Well... Kelly Is Kelly, And Does What Kelly does best...Rip Tha Shit Outta Waves Big Or Small
Kelly Your LOVE For SURFING Shines
Thank You for all the years
alexis lacoste
alexis lacoste - 11 years ago
Cool :)
Gustavo Marcozzi
Gustavo Marcozzi - 11 years ago
3:44 LOL :D
Emilio Badilla
Emilio Badilla - 11 years ago
i´ll let you know brah.! in matter fact even tho being Dane Board sponsor Channel Island, he decided to try the New Technology that Hayden Cox (the Shaper & owner of Hayden Shapes) developed, so Dane in this video he is using a Model called; Psychedelic germ! that board is sweet.! and the one that Ando uses on the video is also a Hayden Shape board (his #1 roster Board) Called the Hypto Krypto! and yeah it is also a Sick board! :D
aye bro
aye bro - 11 years ago
quicksilver you never fail to amaze me:D and does anyone know what kind of board dane and craig were riding, the black one that they were riding smaller waves with?
Shmuel Atias
Shmuel Atias - 10 years ago
its the Hypto Crypto 
Matthew Morgan
Matthew Morgan - 10 years ago
Trần Lệ Thủy Hoang
Trần Lệ Thủy Hoang - 11 years ago
My brother is sure he’s a big shot because the guy generates millions in gold coins on FIFA. He wouldn’t inform me the manner in which he achieved it, however, I finally learned the web page which instructed him when I checked his internet history. He became efficient at buying and selling making use of the Zappo Fifa Gold System (Google it!)
Glaucon Vinicios
Glaucon Vinicios - 11 years ago
canal off e picos do Brasil...doido de mais.
Adriel Adolfo Calero Uvidia
Adriel Adolfo Calero Uvidia - 11 years ago
Dear: You
Dear: You - 11 years ago
this music is so fukin queer.. What happened to surf videos
Munguia - 11 years ago
Check out this facebook page. Surf/Skate/Snow Community. facebook/surfskatesnowfans
Flo Schweighofer
Flo Schweighofer - 11 years ago
it's not just you. I'm trying to find out since forever now! :D

50. comment for Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

Brian Zenteno
Brian Zenteno - 11 years ago
Does anyone know the name of the song that sounds when Dane Reynolds is surfing? I don't know if it's just me, but I think it's fucking awesome :D
Nate Selken
Nate Selken - 11 years ago
yes you are
viktor dias
viktor dias - 11 years ago
amp3cx10000a7jp - 11 years ago
I think that the work in such the air is out of the question. The air flies up. Is it meaningful? This only shows off work to score earnings and others of a contest after all. ! which should return to original surfing
dedewan1 - 11 years ago
I think its called the Hypto Krypto by Hayden shapes. /watch?v=q28snWexOWU
FakeAndGayVideo - 11 years ago
Fake and gay.
NITCHMUSICGROUP DonP - 11 years ago
have u checked this one.its cool.
Cameron Gunn
Cameron Gunn - 11 years ago
what board is craig riding, the one with the black rails
max neny
max neny - 11 years ago
what's the name of the board of Craig Anderson ? thanks
oscar Panaretto
oscar Panaretto - 11 years ago
3:43 hahahaha
spacedigger - 11 years ago
Somehow this feels like the definition of summer.
Edward J. Steel
Edward J. Steel - 11 years ago
9.49 So cool, rides it like a boss.
FridgeWalaby - 11 years ago
19:43 majestic moment!! :D
Henrique Mancussi
Henrique Mancussi - 11 years ago
FNFALcharlie - 11 years ago
i wish there were thousands of these videos on youtube
Pete M
Pete M - 11 years ago
rip twsurf mag
Molina - 11 years ago
3:42 Nice wave...... TO MY FACE
Kevin Yozviak
Kevin Yozviak - 11 years ago
Anyone know the song right in the begining? At dane's part?
Michael Young
Michael Young - 11 years ago
@14:22... He got "sooo pitttted maannn"
jack noonan
jack noonan - 11 years ago
What is the song when Craig Anderson is surfing
Charles Dhainaut
Charles Dhainaut - 11 years ago
what's the ukulele song at the beginning pleasee ?
DumbelmoreAction A
DumbelmoreAction A - 11 years ago
i relly want to surf but i live in norway and here is the water friking gold and i don't like to get water in my eyes...
jake cartwright
jake cartwright - 11 years ago
hayden shapes hypto kryto
Magninho USA
Magninho USA - 11 years ago
Austin Longwell
Austin Longwell - 11 years ago
Whats the first song when Dane Reynolds is surfing called?
AlvaroFalussi - 11 years ago
yeah. good demostration. perfect waves, fantastic. Spain waves have to be better haha
pacific irumva
pacific irumva - 11 years ago
this movie is rad
Donats25 - 11 years ago
What is the board of Craig Anderson at 5:12 ?
Jorge Moura
Jorge Moura - 11 years ago
Amazing surfers
matthewmp111 - 11 years ago
This was somehow....dissapointing.
Lori Armstrong
Lori Armstrong - 11 years ago
Being happy is the most important thing to me in life ~
waxcomb - 11 years ago
Surf movie? I think its called an advertisement
Bernhard Gattermann
Bernhard Gattermann - 11 years ago
E cool
tim purcell
tim purcell - 11 years ago
what is the first song called?
FFS - 12 years ago
hi.... this is awkward.
Dylan5211 - 12 years ago
8:18, gold haha
PlanetJetProductions - 12 years ago
Is that carbon fiber all around the edge of the board that Craig Anderson was riding? Sick!
XxPacey - 12 years ago
06.24 spot the speedos
daniel vairo
daniel vairo - 12 years ago
is dane riding a hypto krypto at the start?
serjan sekul
serjan sekul - 12 years ago
at minitue 11:30 you show an amazing wave , where it is ?
João Queirós
João Queirós - 12 years ago
Juan Lawson
Juan Lawson - 12 years ago
CRACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cillavis - 12 years ago
awesome pictures beach and surf movie !
Adriaan van Bonzel
Adriaan van Bonzel - 12 years ago
3.00 - Comfy in Nautica (Panda Bear) 5.15 - Take Your Picture (Gypsyblood) 9.00 - Fot I Hose (CasioKids) 11.30 - Flight of the Demoiselles (Blacklist) 16.30 - Cold Dust Girl (Hey Champ) 19.20 - Good Feelings (Light Pullution) 21.00 - Crushes (Charlemagne) There u go dude! <3
snowmaster01 - 12 years ago
who knows the songs? who can you tell me their names? thanks
Lori Armstrong
Lori Armstrong - 12 years ago
~~~><)))^< ~ thanks ~
frankietron lopez
frankietron lopez - 12 years ago
This song is dope. Video too ha
jason lynch
jason lynch - 12 years ago
Ben Dover have you ever surfed pipeline, if its so easy why arnt you winner the pipe pro and pipe masters hahahaha internet bitches
jason lynch
jason lynch - 12 years ago
However said theres surfing styles are out dated are fucking kooks hahaa Dane Reynolds was on modern collective, kelly is 10 times world champ and the richest surfer ever, clay marzo has made up his own tricks and has pushed surfing so far and flores is voted as the next kelly slater............other than that there shit hha
Robert Presley
Robert Presley - 12 years ago
I like how people commenting on this are saying these guys styles are outdated or not good when their professional surfers and your a keyboard warrior. Surfing isn't about winning it's about having fun.

100. comment for Moments - Free Quiksilver Surf Movie!

angel melodyer
angel melodyer - 12 years ago
I Heart this video soo much xoxox
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 12 years ago
Pipeline, stand up get barrelled. Not much of a test - anyone can win Pipeline. ASP rookie of the year ? what does that even mean? I'm going off visually what I see and his style is too funky.Just like De Souza, he claims everything including floaters. It's disgusting. Professional surfing is also disgusting, haven't you noticed the competitiveness out when you're just having a soul session?
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 12 years ago
Actually, re-watched the vid, it's not bad. That's all though. Jeremy still sucks ass.
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 12 years ago
Jeremy surfs like a frog and clays style is already outdated. One word - Medina. or Reynolds, Slater. Asking me if I even surf? haha. Tell me why this is relevant. I'm not going to argue on who surfs more or less. I'm talking about this video, and it's the worst i've seen. Go get first chapter by Dane R, then get back to me.
Georgie Hobbs
Georgie Hobbs - 12 years ago
kelly is a legend!!!
Pedro Pedroso
Pedro Pedroso - 12 years ago
Songlist please? thanks
steelkurtw - 12 years ago
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 12 years ago
The best part was Kelly's.. The rest are boring.. cept kind of Craig ando
Julen Remesar
Julen Remesar - 12 years ago
I would like to know the name of the songs
Sean - 12 years ago
Sean - 12 years ago
3:40 hahah, nice style bra
Zxez - 12 years ago
Duuudes chill out eh, all this fighting isn't going to get you anywhere..... Surf rage is bullshit same with fighting, so stop it...
Max Reid
Max Reid - 12 years ago
Excelente video!
Matthew Warfield
Matthew Warfield - 12 years ago
Anybody know what board Dane is riding in the first couple minutes?
Vilma Correa
Vilma Correa - 12 years ago
Por Favor! Por el amor de Cristo! No me hagan esto! Amen a todos.- Cerrame todo! Cortame la boleteria YA!
Vann Hurst
Vann Hurst - 12 years ago
song 11:28?
Jonatas Martins
Jonatas Martins - 12 years ago
Muito foda!!
Lux mind
Lux mind - 12 years ago
Rowan Fitch
Rowan Fitch - 12 years ago
how do all the pros do that thing were like theyre lying basically on der back like about 2 fall off der board n then they get back up?
Baden Bathony
Baden Bathony - 12 years ago
jasony is a great bike rider
Pete M
Pete M - 12 years ago
i love surfing and snowboarding so much!
oniraglika - 12 years ago
poli orea
5150Trust - 12 years ago
I wanna learn to surf soo fucking bad !! ... but i live in Michigan :( FML lol.
Osamu Usami
Osamu Usami - 12 years ago
Fu*k the CCCCcccccCMMMMMM
sturla hovding
sturla hovding - 12 years ago
ddeandrespage - 12 years ago
omg, thanks
Greg c
Greg c - 12 years ago
he hates interviews, he has aspergers syndrome
lacey - 12 years ago
luv this, luv the music too, surfin is life..
James Surfer
James Surfer - 12 years ago
suck my kook mother fuckers
Dave Shreve
Dave Shreve - 12 years ago
how did clay marzo describe his surfing? did he say scraybit?
bassndrum1 - 12 years ago
that clay guy must have the best balance ever.
Pat Kend
Pat Kend - 12 years ago
Where's the motherfuckin power surfing at fuck these pump down the line WASTE the line and do a fucking 360 sometimes a 270 come the fuck on ..nice barrels though..
Christian R
Christian R - 12 years ago
Ando can surf well, I just don't think he's worth all the hype. He often looks really sloppy where everyone else looks tight.
Sea Side Locals
Sea Side Locals - 12 years ago
This is crying good! So amazing!
ywsf303 - 12 years ago
Casiokids – Fot I Hose
Joe Jefferis
Joe Jefferis - 12 years ago
clay marzo is bullshit good ay
Will Avis
Will Avis - 12 years ago
Hachlem - 12 years ago
Jerremy Flores l'espoir Francais
Nikos pavlineris
Nikos pavlineris - 12 years ago
bad sound
tractopaul - 12 years ago
sooo AMAZING barrels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
glenn b
glenn b - 12 years ago
always love surfing. i tried it a couple of years back when my work i was closer to the ocean. this movie takes me back in time when i always pray for weekends to come and i can grab my board and hit the waves. when you see waves you always feel the connection you have with the water... just nostalgic. great movie.
Surf Channel Television Network
Surf Channel Television Network - 12 years ago
very cool!!! love it!
Fabio Billa
Fabio Billa - 12 years ago
Cold dust girl - Hey Champ
Rose Lopez
Rose Lopez - 12 years ago
Reminds me of home :)
Sportventure - 12 years ago
Guys, can i visit you after school and learn how to surf?
Cheerio9 - 12 years ago
Nvm that wasn't it!
Cheerio9 - 12 years ago
thank you!
TheXD3D - 12 years ago
Slow motion song pleas ?
Brendan Dooley
Brendan Dooley - 12 years ago
Jeremy Flores part- "Comfy in Nautica" by Panda Bear
sebastian linera
sebastian linera - 12 years ago
how is the song called the one that they play in the part of clay marzo 10:18
morri jake
morri jake - 12 years ago
i love JOKE the best t-shirt brand in the UNIVERSE. i love the videos joke riding on madrid, joke universe and his facebook page. JOKE the best t-shirt brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lacey - 12 years ago
Kelly Slater is awesome,this whole video is awesome.
Pau Antoni Cots
Pau Antoni Cots - 12 years ago
Gypsyblood - Take Your Picture
muzak001 - 12 years ago
more chill on youtube: "raytom / we o we a"
SandyDisk - 12 years ago
whats the song when jeremy flores comes on??
ddeandrespage - 12 years ago
What happens at 11:00 with clay????
CTL ongboarding
CTL ongboarding - 12 years ago
miehe rashad
miehe rashad - 12 years ago
well put!
parraphrase - 12 years ago
of course... don't be ashamed of north carolina
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Yeah yeah it's true. I have to take this one. I misread your statement.
parraphrase - 12 years ago
no info on your ripping home town I see... So I suppose you're bluffing. It's exactly what I thought.
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Please come to east oz. When you do shoot me a message and we can get together for a visit. Surf together have a little chat about who's a kook...
parraphrase - 12 years ago
If we were in the water together you wouldn't be speaking one word to me. Your day is coming. Keep running your mouth in the water and you'll get away with it for a while and then you will be corrected. The more you boast the more embarrassed you are going to be. When it comes remember this convo and that I tried to warn you.
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Interesting you don't mention your town. What a dorky liar you are. Post your town. I'll visit you. You can show me how you rip.
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Now by what definition do you suppose that I'm a kook? WHere do you live? Where do you surf? Who do you surf with? How old are you? What have you done in your life? Who pays your bills?
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Hey everybody look it's the little idiot who surfs crap waves in some meaningless shit hole town and likes to think his surfing means something bumming on the fact that there are actually people who live in places with waves and empty coastlines...
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Sorry boyo. An accusation doesn't mean much without meaningful evidence. Look above you intellectually lazy dolt. I said that I was a kook. You said it wasn't true thinking you were insulting me and I pointed out that you were in fact an idiot. Confession will be good for your young yet stupid soul.
SkateSpeculation - 12 years ago
Rabit Bartholamuel Mark Richards Shawn Thompsons and Ian cairns would slap you if they heard you say that... just joking i know surfings the best!
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Why; when it's so very simple to demonstrate your utter stupidity?
parraphrase - 12 years ago
idiot.. I was only pointing out your stupidity for contradicting yourself. You say, "true story except for the first 6 sentences" in regards to my statement that I was a kook which in turn means that you were saying that I wasn't a kook. But of course an idiot like yourself wouldn't be able to realize what he was actually saying.
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Not sure what all of Australia's like but I've spent some time traveling between Sydney and Brisbane and there's countless empty waves. Consistent, warm, beaches, points. It's epic. imo 600 miles of coast and not many people. Crowds I've surfed in have been mellow but I give lots of respect to locals.
parraphrase - 12 years ago
You are right I'm not a kook compared to you but compared to a person who has some sense I am...
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Joao Pedro
Joao Pedro - 12 years ago
whats the name of 11:29 song ??
DennisK - 12 years ago
Did you guys record a 4th grade orchestra for your intro song?? Haha!
Evan Hauth
Evan Hauth - 12 years ago
Great surfing, bad music
crsbt - 12 years ago
very true,, just read best surf report ive seen in a long time,,next weekend,south england,,already phoned buddy who lives down there with camper,,my board is already down there,,,cant wait now :-)
ProjectKona - 12 years ago
this would be top comment if your a key was working
Ignacio Bergallo
Ignacio Bergallo - 12 years ago
great fucking music
parraphrase - 12 years ago
Yeah I agree. I surfed from the time I was 12 - 18 while living in FL. Moved to San Diego and surfed there for 4 years. I moved to the mountains for the next 10 years so didn't surf except for when I found myself near the ocean. Now I live in Newcastle Australia and am surfing regularly again. It's tough doing a meaningful turn. After all these years I'm still a kook.
SandyDisk - 12 years ago
"Life is a big barrel."
נועם יחיא
נועם יחיא - 12 years ago
hhhhhh lol 3:43
Manu Martin
Manu Martin - 12 years ago
yo ha estos los gano!!!ja ajajjaj
moss thomas
moss thomas - 12 years ago
whats the name of the song at 16:29 ???
William Hennessey
William Hennessey - 12 years ago
MArzo is soo ripping. I aam no expert, but he may be the best of all time, already. You heard it here first, marzo will be g.o.a.t.
Quetzal Estrada
Quetzal Estrada - 12 years ago
what filters or what do they use for :15 - :30 ?
Rafaael Garcees
Rafaael Garcees - 12 years ago
whats the name of the song of dane reynolds part ?
dreamweaver964 - 12 years ago
haha alright thanks man
mason white
mason white - 12 years ago
the first dane part is awesome and the board he is riding looks fuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn same for ando
Marcus Macfuse
Marcus Macfuse - 12 years ago
i thought the same damn thing before i found out he had it haha
dreamweaver964 - 12 years ago
damn it i feel like the biggest douche now
Marcus Macfuse
Marcus Macfuse - 12 years ago
he has aspergers bud.
dreamweaver964 - 12 years ago
clay is fuckin baakedd
Daniel Lluncor
Daniel Lluncor - 12 years ago
21:03 Slateraptor
Daniel Lluncor
Daniel Lluncor - 12 years ago
Supercutback style 14:58
SkateSpeculation - 12 years ago
2:28 - 2:48 is a place called cerritos i surf there almost everyday in the winter!! It closes out most of the time though haha
Bryce Mongillo
Bryce Mongillo - 12 years ago
Craig anderson is the shit
crsbt - 12 years ago
surfing is great,,iv'e been trying to do it for 18 years ;-) ,,,anyone who tells you its easy enough is a pathological liar. surfing isn't a sport,...........its a way of life !!.
Gian Claudio Rosati
Gian Claudio Rosati - 12 years ago
What's the song title of the run of Dane Reynolds?
Scott C
Scott C - 12 years ago
kelly slater is great. hes so real hes happy cuase hes doing what he loves and he chases his dreams. like if you have a dream
Rodrigo Herrera
Rodrigo Herrera - 12 years ago
19:41 - Enjoying what only a few have seen -inside the barrel-
ian - 12 years ago
song at beginning
Milagros Brascó
Milagros Brascó - 12 years ago
Jose Orellana
Jose Orellana - 12 years ago
Jose Orellana
Jose Orellana - 12 years ago
could someone tell me all the songs used in this vid? greatlyyyy appreciated!
Brandon Boyyz
Brandon Boyyz - 12 years ago
I can feel the breeze, I can touch the waves, the ocean is my journey... Surf reminds me how beautiful life is.
denis negrini
denis negrini - 12 years ago
very good !!!!!!!
Jake Killeen
Jake Killeen - 12 years ago
if only clay marzo did comps
James Sharman
James Sharman - 12 years ago
Anna González
Anna González - 12 years ago
I'm really in need to know what is Reynold's song!!!!! 1:21 great one. RIDING A WAVE IS ONE OF THE BEST INDESCRIPTIBLE SENSATIONS IN THE WORLD!!!!!
Cody Johnson
Cody Johnson - 12 years ago
Shoot we surf like that in gales in Texas haha ...... Not but IDE love to see slate come shred our waist higher sets ad shred like that
Jack O'Loughlin
Jack O'Loughlin - 12 years ago
what song is used in Craig Andersons part
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
great move of dayne reynolds in 02:01
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
que groso que es Dane reynolds!!!!!!
Agustin pochh
Agustin pochh - 12 years ago
Great video. But where was surfing craig anderson that place was awesome!!!!
wade nicholson
wade nicholson - 12 years ago
where is the second wave with Craig Anderson??????
Victor Dam Freitas
Victor Dam Freitas - 12 years ago
whats up with the weird ass songs in the beginning?
stuy sea lords
stuy sea lords - 12 years ago
killer, now watch the surfin sea lords music vid, real surfers real girls real nite life in Biarritz with the ocean perfect surf song that pros cant undwerstand, slaater knows how it was
Patrick Leonard
Patrick Leonard - 12 years ago
Loved the voice-over on the birds...too cool..
Patrick Leonard
Patrick Leonard - 12 years ago
Wow...Clay Marzo...the velcro toe....
Peter Cronin
Peter Cronin - 12 years ago
Casiokids: Fot i Hose
Greg Sowa
Greg Sowa - 12 years ago
i swear the only reason people dislike this video is to annoy us :P
Vincent Pfarr
Vincent Pfarr - 12 years ago
Nice ;)
caerulea0 - 12 years ago
sick footage
caerulea0 - 12 years ago
mm craig anderson yes please
FilmsArcade - 12 years ago
Love the way Craig just chilled get hit in the head with the tube :)
Marcus Macfuse
Marcus Macfuse - 12 years ago
hahah travis rice
Jose Orellana
Jose Orellana - 12 years ago
what's the song that starts at 9:00?
4423tetsu - 12 years ago
How stylish ! Craig.
Gabriel Melo
Gabriel Melo - 12 years ago
Dooooooooooooog Craazy ... ! Brrazil !
Soiz - 12 years ago
Kelly you're my inspiration!!!
Wes Ballantine
Wes Ballantine - 12 years ago
the start <3
Nirvezz - 12 years ago
Pedro Pablo Tapia
Pedro Pablo Tapia - 12 years ago
EL chorito a tu vieja :B ♥
masakrowiec c
masakrowiec c - 12 years ago
Ryan Bair
Ryan Bair - 12 years ago
That is so cool
KCKclub97 - 12 years ago
Best intro music :)
raylbrown - 12 years ago
Look at all the fucks Clay Marzo gives
raytommusic - 12 years ago
check youtube: "RAYTOM / 86 Degrees"
beachtravellers - 12 years ago
FasterFlyer23 - 12 years ago
clay marzo surfs lying down...
raphwlpa - 12 years ago
Craig Anderson! Always!!!!
Surfand Guitar
Surfand Guitar - 12 years ago
Song by Dane Reynolds please its master!!!!
Becca Scoville
Becca Scoville - 12 years ago
he has aspergers
ingstsault - 12 years ago
Song of 9:00 pretty sure ive heard it in a fifa game before anyone knows the name?
padshance - 12 years ago
Drew Smith
Drew Smith - 12 years ago
He cant help it , he has Asperger syndrome , Know somebody before you judge them..
SkateSpeculation - 12 years ago
comfy in nautica
Vic Ventura
Vic Ventura - 12 years ago
Craig Andersons Song? at 2:58
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago
calm down a lot of people don't know what aspergers syndrome is and don't know that he has it.
pacoloco0086 - 12 years ago
the name song of the minute 10:00 please!!!
renato vidal
renato vidal - 12 years ago
it's me or i just saw a bunch of aliens!!!!!!!
boylogbet - 12 years ago
i swear i'll never understand how clay recovers from such akward positions :)
wattagecheese - 12 years ago
What does having aspergers and looking stoned have anything to do with each other? You obviously don't know anyone who has AS because they don't look stoned....are you saying that people with AS can't get high because they look high naturally? Who is a dick now?
António Coiso
António Coiso - 12 years ago
If I had the money, I'd also " wild surf " meaning, getting a trip to indonesia and roam...Which means spending loads of money, mainly on the trip!
Vicious CSGO
Vicious CSGO - 12 years ago
Clay Marzo's song is Casiokids: Fot i Hose...just so people stop asking
ian - 12 years ago
again, because he has aspergers.
thegeraldsd - 12 years ago
starting at 11:28 is just too epic..i need to feed my salt water addiction now!
HGerg - 12 years ago
what camera was used filming these?
Rafael Díaz Navalón
Rafael Díaz Navalón - 12 years ago
The names of the all songs, please.. wait a answer soon, Thanks!
MisterChunkies - 12 years ago
best slow motion at 9:53 dude
leandro - 12 years ago
song 11:35´ ??
Tiana tomoda-bannert
Tiana tomoda-bannert - 13 years ago
i love to surf! Surfing is my life!
Mark Delfigalo
Mark Delfigalo - 13 years ago
whats the third song?
berrecloth666 - 13 years ago
whats the song on 11:31 ? nice vid
mateobrewer - 13 years ago
whats clay marzo's song
ashlinsea - 13 years ago
Doesn't mean he's not stoned...
matti1804 - 13 years ago
some waves are so clear! you can almost look trough it :)
daniel pachamé
daniel pachamé - 13 years ago
el gran kelly :D
wishfulfillment - 13 years ago
@JoaoPsoeiro cold dust girl
Joao Pedro
Joao Pedro - 13 years ago
whats the name of kelly S , music theme ???
Kaoli Alvarez Rodriguez
Kaoli Alvarez Rodriguez - 13 years ago
i´m loovin it !!!!!!!
Raphael Sunny
Raphael Sunny - 13 years ago
09:59- Fuck yea
Agus Blanco
Agus Blanco - 13 years ago
@theJMlove casiokids fot i hose
Alex Frost
Alex Frost - 13 years ago
@elBartholomew He is so rude
Howard Beale
Howard Beale - 13 years ago
08:34 mountaingoat
Pedro F
Pedro F - 13 years ago
6:24 old man trolling video
Irene Mas Fàbrega
Irene Mas Fàbrega - 13 years ago
Jeremy Floreeeeees!!!! <3
raunywiks - 13 years ago
11:35 markey apavora
acid rock
acid rock - 13 years ago
acid rock
acid rock - 13 years ago
Michael Liu
Michael Liu - 13 years ago
elvis gutierrez
elvis gutierrez - 13 years ago
jeremy flores ke pais es
Florin Dumitru
Florin Dumitru - 13 years ago
Does anyone know the soundtrack ?
ro44vf - 13 years ago
can anyone tell me the name of this song? 05:38
Tit Petric
Tit Petric - 13 years ago
7 people didn't want to surf after watching this
juan antonio carrio calderon
juan antonio carrio calderon - 13 years ago
the sond of jeremy flores ?
Stephen Klezaras
Stephen Klezaras - 13 years ago
Clay Marzo's balance is insane!
Leonardo Fabricio
Leonardo Fabricio - 13 years ago
hermoso el surf ,,, no hay duda practicarlo tiene que ser de otro mundooo
Renata Meitis
Renata Meitis - 13 years ago
Clay's a cool dude :P
TheTrootoo - 13 years ago
tracklist possible ?
seanjoyce17 - 13 years ago
marzo ftw
Elielson Fonseca
Elielson Fonseca - 13 years ago
Sensacional !!!!
billabongmuffins - 13 years ago
dane=surfing genius
Talon Wilson
Talon Wilson - 13 years ago
@fischer620 its called a surfboard genius
DefSweater - 13 years ago
clay marzo and craig anderson jesus christ next level stuff
Shoxjie - 13 years ago
@jaco896 the fucking songs are at the back of the video.
Thomas Aaron
Thomas Aaron - 13 years ago
what is the board called that Dane Reynolds is riding?
Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson - 13 years ago
eLCLORONE - 13 years ago
ernstism - 13 years ago
8:44 O.O
Natho Clarke
Natho Clarke - 13 years ago
@yunsmoka im gonna say the surfing style :)
yunsmoka - 13 years ago
@marzomagg depends....did you get that boner cause of clay marzo's surfing style or because of his hair style?
Brock Newman
Brock Newman - 13 years ago
I want to know that feeling.. I want that 19:40
Natho Clarke
Natho Clarke - 13 years ago
is it wierd that i had a bonner while watching this ??
LWRx1 - 13 years ago
i dont evan see how it's possible that there's some dislikes for this video....... @(-_-)@
Axel Puyo
Axel Puyo - 13 years ago
I really enjoyed @03:43
Rocky Manzano
Rocky Manzano - 13 years ago!
Liam Aharoni
Liam Aharoni - 13 years ago
that song is so fucking shit sounds like a fat kid having a bat!
aaeae - 13 years ago
tomorrow, i'm going to wake up 5 in the morning and go surfing!!
seth godfrey
seth godfrey - 13 years ago
@jesussaves7777: nobody cares we are watching surfing. Thats about all the religion i need. thanks. goodbye. =]
Paulina Hubbner
Paulina Hubbner - 13 years ago
bigeggmayo123 - 13 years ago
increible el video
Info Hub
Info Hub - 13 years ago
Please read the following questions carefully, be honest and listen to your conscience. Would you consider yourself to be a good person? The Bible says in Proverbs 20:6. Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness. Let’s see if you qualify as being a good person. Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything, irrespective of its value? Jesus said, ?I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart? (Matthew 5:28).
Info Hub
Info Hub - 13 years ago
Have you ever looked at someone with lust? The Bible says that if someone hates another person they are a murderer (I John 3:15). Have you ever hated anyone? If you have answered ?Yes? to the previous questions, then you have admitted that you are a liar, a thief, an adulterer and a murderer and we’ve only looked at 4 of the 10 Commandments.
Info Hub
Info Hub - 13 years ago
If God were to judge you by this standard would you be innocent or guilty? You know you are guilty and deserving of an eternity in Hell. Jesus Christ came to earth and died a criminal’s death not because He had broken the Law, but because we had. God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. What should you do? Repent, turn from your sins and put your complete faith in Jesus Christ as your Savoir and Lord. more info at livingwaters
José Nina
José Nina - 13 years ago
really cool
roysudaki - 13 years ago
Download Please!!!
dirtydecade - 13 years ago
Flash burn effect overkill
Calum McKenzie
Calum McKenzie - 13 years ago
how can i download this movie to disc??
Josué Vargas
Josué Vargas - 13 years ago
WTF!!!! 3:43
Anubis Plays
Anubis Plays - 13 years ago
what board is craig anderson using???
tom carpenter
tom carpenter - 13 years ago
has somebody a list of the ost's of this movie? pls?:p
tom carpenter
tom carpenter - 13 years ago
after watching this movie everybody is interested in starting surf;D awesome movie:) thumbs up!
Yosh - 13 years ago
Awesome, I am interested in starting to surf. Any suggestions for a short board (preferably not very expensive) for beginners.
Sávio Grizza
Sávio Grizza - 13 years ago
dane reynolds moment?? what's te song?? so freeaaak
Anna Rafalowski
Anna Rafalowski - 13 years ago
wjat is the song in dane reynolds part?
Tyler Overholt
Tyler Overholt - 13 years ago
9:09 WHAT!! clay is sooo narly
skateismy - 13 years ago
Dane Reynold: Creative Craig Anderson: Soul Rider Jeremy Flores: Is regular and loves lefts Clay Marzo: Radical Kelly Slater: 1o times world champion All together: Epic surffilm!
humberto arce
humberto arce - 13 years ago
Craig Anderson ! thank you ..
joe west
joe west - 13 years ago
@FlytrapDee fort i hose by casiokids (i think)
anderson roberto
anderson roberto - 13 years ago
Muito bom este filme gostei e boas ondas pra nos surfistas.
Oskar Judt
Oskar Judt - 13 years ago
5:00 is such a beautiful wave!
surfer78715 - 13 years ago
@FLmarlins103 thanks so much!
FLmarlins103 - 13 years ago
@surfer78715 its Panda bear- Comfy in Nautica
Timo Poth
Timo Poth - 13 years ago
I'm gonna stop calling myself a BAMF and start calling myself a CLAY MARZO!!! :D
ollie2ko - 13 years ago
Clay Marzo = Wave rapist
surfer78715 - 13 years ago
whats the song at craig anderson???????????? help please:)
MadSound321 - 13 years ago
aha clay ur siick
Thomas Figueiredo
Thomas Figueiredo - 13 years ago
3:42 kkkkkkkkkk
pacsatellite - 13 years ago
Jonathan WONG Wai tak +852 9040 6849 --- HONG KONG QuikSilver HEADQUARTER topless manager Give me a call, I will give you 40% off any quiksilver clothing accessories
FLmarlins103 - 13 years ago
song at 2:59? love it!
Hunter Bretz
Hunter Bretz - 13 years ago
now be nice that man is just praying to his swimsuit
Sufi Hakim
Sufi Hakim - 13 years ago
i cant see the dislike bar
David Dasilva
David Dasilva - 13 years ago
Epic intro
new balance dad
new balance dad - 13 years ago
15:57 is that a shark!
Tizian Jr
Tizian Jr - 13 years ago
one of the best surf movies ever!!!
maximbeauchamp - 13 years ago
what the first song ?
Denis Couto
Denis Couto - 13 years ago
clay marzo have autism!
Alan Salcedo
Alan Salcedo - 13 years ago
badass films they got in thiz movie , just so sick!
Nuno Heli Beires
Nuno Heli Beires - 13 years ago
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith - 13 years ago
Clay Marzo cracks my shit up!!!!!!!!!
AkinasII - 13 years ago
great video!! al minuto 14:23 que fuerza la del tubo!!
pcanna23 - 13 years ago
pcanna23 - 13 years ago
RamireZTKD - 13 years ago
@pcanna23 Casiokids - fot i hose , or something like that.
pcanna23 - 13 years ago
9:00 song?...And great video dude. i subscribed. :D
Jason van de groenekan
Jason van de groenekan - 13 years ago
the best water shot ever from kelly slater
ELGEZABAL - 13 years ago
@MrSurfMurph thats panda bear, comfy in nautica the song
James Surfer
James Surfer - 13 years ago
clay marzo is very good matherfucker,he destroys the waves
Christian Martin
Christian Martin - 13 years ago
jeremy's backdoor barrel at 07:20 is absolutely mental
Santi Diaz
Santi Diaz - 13 years ago
during Dane Reynolds part wat song is that ?
juxier - 14 years ago
@cocoro221 inspirational
cocoro221 - 14 years ago
Marzo's Cutback is just.....eeerrr no words for that

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