My Surfing Accident
Surf 11 years ago 989,391 views
Rhett had an accident while surfing. Can you guess what he injured? GMM 306 Good Mythical MORE: SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: **** Join us for another episode of Ear Biscuits! iTunes: SoundCloud: PREVIOUS episode: NEXT episode: Get the GMM Signed Poster plus the GMM T-shirt! MAIN YOUTUBE CHANNEL: JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity! LIKE us on FACEBOOK! FOLLOW us on TWITTER! FOLLOW us on TUMBLR: FOLLOW our INSTAGRAM - JOIN our circle on GOOGLE PLUS: Good Mythical Morning is available for download on iTunes! Video Podcast: Audio Podcast: We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show "Good Mythical Morning" at Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box Go to for details. CREDITS: Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine Co-producer, Camera, Editor: Jason Inman Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck Intro Illustration: Kendrick Kidd Intro Motion Graphics: Eden Soto Set dresser: Cassie Cobb Set construction: Jason Inman Wheel music: Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones:
10. comment for My Surfing Accident
20. comment for My Surfing Accident
They didn't do a wheel of mythicality either
Jk I've never surfed
30. comment for My Surfing Accident
50. comment for My Surfing Accident
(>< )
Also, the dad and son seeing them and taking a picture of them on the beach could be the scene where the old ranchers are yelling to one another that Rhett and Link are doing a morning talk show on the internet. I'm sure the other parents in the surf group are going to ask the dad and son who they are and what were they doing.
What's your GMM story ??
100. comment for My Surfing Accident
ik but what episode?
Look up "Pity"
they make them in EVERY colour got it you are so rude
felling if its deep or not
You seemed so excited to be spouting this info to your friend. I can now understand why whenever Link is asked to impersonate Rhett, he does this "I know things" skit each and every time.
At least I comented on this video
My first surfing experience for you.
jostles Link's mythical man breasts
On that bandaid thing,I do agree with linkster that you're not supposed to cover the wound just apply some ointment or something on it.Maybe that's not true but I still believe that.
We were all at the beach for a party, and she was really excited to go swimming. She proceeds to tell everyone that she will be the first one in, and nose dives into....a sandbar.
My second one emerged from the sea with me without any fins. They just disappeared sometime while I was surfing.
AND I found out recently that my first surfboard was accidentally run over by my dad's van.
rip, surfboards ;_:
Link sore loser
((and the SAME thing that happend to Rhett happened to me, but with out the board, and just my body... XD EPIC FAIL MAN))
No offense
What I expected... "It broke the surface of MY FACE!"
Here is a wheel ending: Link thinks Rhett is his long lost uncle.
It hurt.
<--- this is Lucy
SO end of story, I busted my lip, and almost was mauled by a shark.
omg you dont have a prom date lets get you one!
walk home see celebrity
where we going for dinner(breakfast and or lunch)
birthday party present duplicate.
link stop, stop link, darn it link stop!
But it was still fun.
No they are not gay, they have wives and children. They have just been best friends since they were little