What's up NUB NATION!! Today I am back at home in New Jersey & the work on my new house is getting so gnarly that I only had time to go night surfing today! The waves are going to be really good tomorrow & the surf sesh is on! It feels good to be back on the East Coast, lets do this!!! Thank you! - Love Ben STORE! BG Wetsuit! DONATE! My music! Music - Bouncy Castle Dylan Sitts Rills Cobby Costa Surf Monster Håkan Eriksson The Proving Grounds Dragon Tamer The Summer Sebastian Winskog

NIGHT SURFING in NEW JERSEY sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Surf 6 years ago 3,046 views

What's up NUB NATION!! Today I am back at home in New Jersey & the work on my new house is getting so gnarly that I only had time to go night surfing today! The waves are going to be really good tomorrow & the surf sesh is on! It feels good to be back on the East Coast, lets do this!!! Thank you! - Love Ben STORE! BG Wetsuit! DONATE! My music! Music - Bouncy Castle Dylan Sitts Rills Cobby Costa Surf Monster Håkan Eriksson The Proving Grounds Dragon Tamer The Summer Sebastian Winskog

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Most popular comments

Harold Cambert
Harold Cambert - 6 years ago
Finally Gravy back to source ! was tired of clear water, sun, warm ... God bless dump site, rain, cold, skeleton bay. Stay stocked mate !! Just a note for the future : you'll never change this floor and you know that be true to yourself man !
Ashley Minugh
Ashley Minugh - 6 years ago
Thanks Ben your Insight really helped me today
Joe Gibbs
Joe Gibbs - 6 years ago
I haven't seen all your vlogs by any means but this is my favorite so far! Perfect balance, work hard play hard. Things happen in life, let the negatives go and keep the positives. Seize the moment. AWESOME!
it's about time we visited big dog….love your elders..even if its hard to. everyone has a reason to be an a hole..its up to us to break free from it….
Eastern Long Island surf/body board Surfing
Eastern Long Island surf/body board Surfing - 6 years ago
Sick vid your positive words mean a lot yeeeeeew and also the pain of not surfing all day happens a lot to me
Bruce516 - 6 years ago
Yeah Big Cat!
raindogred - 6 years ago
currently renovating my place. Full paint, flooring, new door frames trim, bathroom, and deck. For flooring I used 12mm plywood, which I ripped down to planks on a table saw , stained, then varnish 3 coats. A fraction of the cost of the store bought options, but 5 times the work. coming up great.
mpix00 - 6 years ago
Great message Ben! It takes hard work to make dreams a reality. Though with some imagination and creativity mixed in, there's nothing that can stop us from Living the Dream!!!
Theodore Breton
Theodore Breton - 6 years ago
Where did you stay in Puerto Rico? And is it worth it to bring a bored?

10. comment for NIGHT SURFING in NEW JERSEY

HardFlip Mike
HardFlip Mike - 6 years ago
What if youre a Brewer ?
Mornie Utulie
Mornie Utulie - 6 years ago
How the hell did "concealed carry" propaganda get attached to living the dream? FTS!!
ocripcurrent - 6 years ago
Big Dog Dad cut all his hair off WTF!
Jack Stater
Jack Stater - 6 years ago
Can't believe its been 3 yrs already
Diogo Pereira
Diogo Pereira - 6 years ago
BIG BEN!!! Best youtube channel!!!
Kevin Davis
Kevin Davis - 6 years ago
Great inspirational video Ben. You have such a great outlook on life. Keep it up bro.
Evan Dautzenberg
Evan Dautzenberg - 6 years ago
For the dream!!!!!!
Lee Mcelmeel
Lee Mcelmeel - 6 years ago
Ben Gravy worldwide!! Make sure you leave at least a 1/8" gap between the flooring and the wall. The laminate can shift and if it doesn't have space it will buckle
Eddie Dunne
Eddie Dunne - 6 years ago
This is why I watch. Positive message and a heavy dose of stoke!!
Donald Adams
Donald Adams - 6 years ago
Much love!

20. comment for NIGHT SURFING in NEW JERSEY

Steve Fisher
Steve Fisher - 6 years ago
Good message today Ben. We all need to hear this kind of thing. Woo!!
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
What! Wait a minute, you didn't even mention that Sasquatch (your dad) got a haircut and looks like a G.Q. smooth model off the cover of the magazine.
House is definitely coming together nicely, floors look sweat and walls look... well... white. And after working on the house you got to surf like most of us working folk, after work when it's getting dark. Good surf or bad surf, you still suiting up and getting wet and looking for that one runner, looking for the Dream!
How did Rob Kelly do in his contest?

For the Dream!
Steve Wendes
Steve Wendes - 6 years ago
Good work benny boy!
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 6 years ago
Best advice you’ve ever given yourself. Keep it light. Seize the day. Everything comes back around. I wouldn’t be in any hurry to get married. Neither one of you needs to be. You’re a handsome couple and you seem really good together, just take your time, please. If marriage is in the cards, it’ll happen soon enough. Stay busy, love and cherish each other. Travel. Have lots of fun. Marriage is really just a legal contract. Contracts can easily lead to complications. Legal complications tend to be very destructive if you’re not very careful. Just take your time, both of you, please. If you’re planning babies, get married first.
Ben Dillon
Ben Dillon - 6 years ago
Anguilla, PR, Hawaii.... Nothing tops the Local NJ footage..... Bay wave, Nightime, dock ducking, pipe jumping.... It's all EPIC!
Ben Dillon
Ben Dillon - 6 years ago
He was rough on Sasquatch?
Tommy Gunz
Tommy Gunz - 6 years ago
House is looking fresh...You got a nice house there...You don’t have to explain what your gonna do later to your house.....Ur doing an awesome job....For The Dream Yyyyyyeeeeewwwww.......T.Gunz......
Dan O'Malls
Dan O'Malls - 6 years ago
Making some serious progress on the house! Yew! Stoked to see that and the the surfing!
Congasjones - 6 years ago
Where can you get them in the uk please? Thanks
Troy Bavelaar
Troy Bavelaar - 6 years ago

30. comment for NIGHT SURFING in NEW JERSEY

Andrew Krakowka
Andrew Krakowka - 6 years ago
Just showed that rant to my students, well said! Squatch ponytailess?
Troy Taylor
Troy Taylor - 6 years ago
Another awesome vlog, love the house, glad your both back, safe and sound. Yewww!!!
Rusty Shakleford
Rusty Shakleford - 6 years ago
You truly are an inspiration Sir,
For the dream.
Mark Czarnecki
Mark Czarnecki - 6 years ago
Nice vid today. Super positive.
Caden Shelton
Caden Shelton - 6 years ago
#dreamlife everyday even if theres nothing to do
ben yessin
ben yessin - 6 years ago
Try being a Bro to someone you don't know. BTW, Skeleton Bay is the SICKEST Novelty Wave ever!
Barry Cox
Barry Cox - 6 years ago
We all get a turn at aging and forgiving one another is a part of it....
Chad Nordling
Chad Nordling - 6 years ago
I just wanna say thanks for the motivation and for helping me look at life in a more positive way!!!! Relapsed a few weeks ago and was beating myself up over it, But your vlogs inspire me to keep pushing and not to let that one setback stop me for striving for the life I wanna live. Thanks Ben, I really do mean it.
MeKe Mapletree
MeKe Mapletree - 6 years ago
...on IG. sorry about that.
MeKe Mapletree
MeKe Mapletree - 6 years ago
oh. and...YEEEWWW!
MeKe Mapletree
MeKe Mapletree - 6 years ago
I have always worked hard for that which I wanted and have raised my children to do the same. The reward of pride of hardwork is much sweeter than that which has been handed to one. I have always had much respect for you but that has increased even more today as I watched your vid. Well said! BRAVO! Your house is coming along beautifully! I've hung drywall and put in various flooring, etc, over the years as have my 2 oldest children, so we know what you've been going through.
Diesel Dick
Diesel Dick - 6 years ago
DREAMERS : Philly Son !
Roger Moore
Roger Moore - 6 years ago
Yew! Epic Evening solo sesh !
Brandon Moore
Brandon Moore - 6 years ago
Thank you for the honest, genuine especially great vlog today. You continue to inspire everyone to pursue happiness and positivity. Thanks for the stoke Ben!
SheeLa LindZee
SheeLa LindZee - 6 years ago
Yeeeew!! House is looking good Ben. Love the floor color and the fresh paint job make it look like a totally different house already. For the dream!!
Goomer - 6 years ago
14:08 Should have mounted the toilet to your board for ultimate novelty wave. Night shots were fun.
Bono Pop
Bono Pop - 6 years ago
Dude you’re the man. Thanks for the real talk about your gramps. You’re a good man for being in his life. The family that sticks together is a very fine thing.
Jason Busch
Jason Busch - 6 years ago
My fave is watching NJ novelties.
Bowlshaole And frenz
Bowlshaole And frenz - 6 years ago
Ya Ben you never fail me, always get me frothed for my morning sesh and charged to go out and be the best version of myself... congrats on the house.... and please, Marry That Woman!!!
Jordan Delgado
Jordan Delgado - 6 years ago
You have spoken really good advice to the younger generation Ben.I try to teach my kids to be on the hard work,and study program as they have their whole lives ahead of them,plenty of time to surf later.Too many young people grow up with a entitled attitude and don't get very far in life.Thanks for keeping your vlog alcohol,and drug free.

50. comment for NIGHT SURFING in NEW JERSEY

Awesome Baseball Highlights
Awesome Baseball Highlights - 6 years ago
Nick Croce
Nick Croce - 6 years ago
2:00 real talk my man
matthew murphy
matthew murphy - 6 years ago
Great statement BG.
Nick Croce
Nick Croce - 6 years ago
Oh baby. Back home. Back to reality brother haha.
Mason Miller
Mason Miller - 6 years ago
TyMiller. - 6 years ago
Lou Delano
Lou Delano - 6 years ago
Got the first like...

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