On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1

http://www.epictv.com/ There isn't much that Sylvio Mancusi can't do in the ocean. From surfing to kitesurfing to SUPing to towing in this Brazilian sea gypsy never met a set of wind and swell conditions he didn't like. He travels the world with his young family searching for big waves and favorable filming conditions in which to ply his trades. This week Sylvio and the fam rock up in Nazaré, Portugal for a big swell. Praia do Norte is known for giant waves, but it's not known for perfect waves. Sylvio and Garrett McNamara spend their session trying to find a few peeks without getting cleaned up in the process. It's hair-raising stuff. That would be the end of the video for most people, but Sylvio is not most people. When the wind picks up he takes the kite out in 40-knot offshores and horizontal rain. It aint pretty but it sure looks fun. Maybe not for Sylvio's long-suffering wife, Bia, though. She's stuck in the car complaining about how crazy he is. Behind every great man... Director: Sylvio Mancusi and Daniela Lima Producer: Sylvio Mancusi Athletes: Sylvio Mancusi Sports: Adventure, Kiteboarding, Surfing On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1 ------------------------- EpicTV produces hundreds of EpicTV original extreme sports series, with new video releases every day. Visit www.epictv.com now to be the first to see the latest episodes. Get the latest extreme sports videos on the EpicTV Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WatchEpicTV Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/WatchEpicTV See what we're up to on Instagram @epictvadventure Keep an eye on us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+EpicTV/posts And best of all - check out our website! http://www.epictv.com/

On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 75

Surf 11 years ago 274,817 views

http://www.epictv.com/ There isn't much that Sylvio Mancusi can't do in the ocean. From surfing to kitesurfing to SUPing to towing in this Brazilian sea gypsy never met a set of wind and swell conditions he didn't like. He travels the world with his young family searching for big waves and favorable filming conditions in which to ply his trades. This week Sylvio and the fam rock up in Nazaré, Portugal for a big swell. Praia do Norte is known for giant waves, but it's not known for perfect waves. Sylvio and Garrett McNamara spend their session trying to find a few peeks without getting cleaned up in the process. It's hair-raising stuff. That would be the end of the video for most people, but Sylvio is not most people. When the wind picks up he takes the kite out in 40-knot offshores and horizontal rain. It aint pretty but it sure looks fun. Maybe not for Sylvio's long-suffering wife, Bia, though. She's stuck in the car complaining about how crazy he is. Behind every great man... Director: Sylvio Mancusi and Daniela Lima Producer: Sylvio Mancusi Athletes: Sylvio Mancusi Sports: Adventure, Kiteboarding, Surfing On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1 ------------------------- EpicTV produces hundreds of EpicTV original extreme sports series, with new video releases every day. Visit www.epictv.com now to be the first to see the latest episodes. Get the latest extreme sports videos on the EpicTV Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/WatchEpicTV Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/WatchEpicTV See what we're up to on Instagram @epictvadventure Keep an eye on us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+EpicTV/posts And best of all - check out our website! http://www.epictv.com/

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Most popular comments
for On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1

TheA CAN - 6 years ago
He is crazy.....THATS WHY U LOVE HIM!!!
Poldus Eri
Poldus Eri - 6 years ago
On days like this we must surf!
-Larry Cavero
Victoria Cironecaswell
Victoria Cironecaswell - 6 years ago
I could watch these waves ALL day! I'm kind of in LOVE!!
Luzitanium - 7 years ago
porque é que estao sempre com fadinhos sempre que falam de portugal? ha mto mais variedades tipicamente portuguesas na musica.
atlanticsafaris - 7 years ago
come feel the waves https://youtu.be/46SXUp0jLGg
B.M.M - 7 years ago
These guys must be so bored when they ride regular waves...
Playzada Eman
Playzada Eman - 7 years ago
Temos tudo aqui em Portugal...
Inclusive boas instituições mentais se esses malucos das ondas precisarem descansar.
5winder - 7 years ago
Enjoy that ocean while you have it... no salt water on the new earth.
Sam Wende
Sam Wende - 7 years ago
Weto Low
Weto Low - 7 years ago
Housing costs?!
partista77 - 6 years ago
Weto Low about 500€ per month will get you a few choices. Food about 3€ per brekfast and 7-10€ per meal . Gasoline is more expensive then food 1,6€/l

10. comment for On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1

nunya bidnss
nunya bidnss - 7 years ago
upsidedahead - 7 years ago
Talk it up GMac. I've seen Nazare looking way more sketchy than that. By comparison this day was small and glassy
Maciej Dallemura
Maciej Dallemura - 7 years ago
is it possible to meet there a shark?
Disnox - 7 years ago
Only dolphins.
Moira O'Hara
Moira O'Hara - 7 years ago
Maciej Dallemura no sharks in Portugal
f0t0b0y - 9 years ago
Nazaré, home the the lame shoulder ride.
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
+f0t0b0y Well heres a simple solution, if you don't like it then move on. No need to leave a hater ass comment.
f0t0b0y - 8 years ago
+DarkSagan I am a kook, but at least I know when I see a shit shoulder ride. I don't hate, it's just boring to watch. Pick out one wave in this vid that's interesting.
DarkSagan - 8 years ago
+f0t0b0y Youtube home of the kook haters.
fernando irabi
fernando irabi - 9 years ago
o meu filho aprendeu a surfa com 5 anos
the critico alternative libertarian media
the critico alternative libertarian media - 9 years ago
nazare on a good day will have easily 15 to 25 meter waves, its kind of spot you surf once in your life or else might die there, several surfers almost did
Laura Arendt
Laura Arendt - 10 years ago
At least there are no sharks there. Sharks are not crazy enough to hunt  in those waters!
Laura Arendt
Laura Arendt - 8 years ago
+James Bond The Nazaré city in this video is located in Portugal.
Disnox - 8 years ago
Instead of sharks, Nazaré has dolphins. Yes it's true, and sometimes you can see them just near the beach.
James Bond
James Bond - 8 years ago
+Laura Arendt Recife, Brazil has sharks that attack surfers. Someone killed a shark, and now the sharks are exacting their revenge.
shmoq - 10 years ago
what's that music around 3:50?
Bust THEnuts
Bust THEnuts - 6 years ago
Wow nice, thank's! How did u know this song? Was very hard to find it!
Larry Slemp
Larry Slemp - 7 years ago
shmoq.......Springtide is the band, and the song is 'Passing By The Cliff'!!  Great song, great name for the song!!
Gonçalo Carvalhais
Gonçalo Carvalhais - 9 years ago
interested in that song too ;)
Lourisvaldo wAlves Dos Santos
Lourisvaldo wAlves Dos Santos - 10 years ago
antman3251 - 10 years ago
Awesome video...the rain bath at the very end is the best!!

20. comment for On Days Like This It's Best to Avoid Surfing Nazaré, Unless You're These Guys | Into the Wave, Ep. 1

Ali Wallis
Ali Wallis - 10 years ago
I love the video keep it up you guys
dileo DJD
dileo DJD - 10 years ago
This guy rocks, keep livin bro!
Rico G
Rico G - 10 years ago
Awesome video.....keep on surfing.
DrParanoidAndroid - 10 years ago
If they wanted to surf mountains, why not snowboard? :P
Eddie Gooden
Eddie Gooden - 6 years ago
That's actually a really good point. Totally different, but I thought that was one of the best retorts I've heard
Richard DeCredico
Richard DeCredico - 7 years ago
Conorsz: Because it was completely unfunny and lame, that is how.
jdslfc - 7 years ago
Because avalanches chasing you are not that common
Conorsz - 7 years ago
moron... how did you not get that was a joke rofl
DrParanoidAndroid - 8 years ago
It was a light joke my friend, though there are many evident parallels between the two sports, especially when it comes to deep powder, the motion is very similar. and there are many gnarly obstacles too.. hold downs = avalanches, sharp reef = hidden boulders, sharks = skiers ;)
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 8 years ago
DrParanoidAndroid totally different. Surfing has a way gnarly element to it. As well as sharks, hold downs, sharp reef, so many things
abeirabaixa - 11 years ago
If you surf the portuguese cost you are ready for anything!
People around here used to sail everywhere: South Africa, India, Brazil, China, Japon, Australia!!
You don't need to speek about, you just need to do it!!  
abeirabaixa - 8 years ago
+Miguel Récio Os gajos não são burros... Dá para perceber, ou não?... Queria vê-los a escrever em português!!... pqp os camones e a gramática inglesa...
Miguel Récio
Miguel Récio - 8 years ago
Coast not cost...
David - 11 years ago
Come to portugal grest food great people biggest waves ...
Tiburcius Van der Leeuwen
Tiburcius Van der Leeuwen - 7 years ago
Portugal is a very beautiful country. its culture, its folk, its history. Someday if I can i'll move to Portugal....
James Bond
James Bond - 8 years ago
+David And the cost is low compared to other destinations in Western Europe.

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