One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

Surf’s up for this floating feline! A cat has been seen out in the surf, riding on the backs of its owners. Nankuli, known as Kuli, the cat, from Honolulu, Hawaii, has been surfing with owners Alexandra Gomez and Krista Littleton for over a year after they rescued the on-eyed moggy. Kuli, whose name means to look blind, was adopted weighing only one pound, but has gone on to become an expert in riding the waves. SUBSCRIBE: This video is available to licence with or without on screen captions. Please contact For more information on our rights to post this video please visit our ‘About’ page. Welcome to Storytrender - the home of extraordinary video. We are dedicated to unearthing amazing UGC video and telling the stories behind them. Our team of journalists scour the web 24/7 to licence the latest trending videos before they go viral. We then package these up into bitesize news clips for the YouTube community. Stay tuned for verified, engaging and extraordinary stories uploaded daily. *To use or license this video please contact* Connect with Storytrender: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website: Company Information: Storytrender is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact

One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf sentiment_very_dissatisfied 179

Surf 9 years ago 666,541 views

Surf’s up for this floating feline! A cat has been seen out in the surf, riding on the backs of its owners. Nankuli, known as Kuli, the cat, from Honolulu, Hawaii, has been surfing with owners Alexandra Gomez and Krista Littleton for over a year after they rescued the on-eyed moggy. Kuli, whose name means to look blind, was adopted weighing only one pound, but has gone on to become an expert in riding the waves. SUBSCRIBE: This video is available to licence with or without on screen captions. Please contact For more information on our rights to post this video please visit our ‘About’ page. Welcome to Storytrender - the home of extraordinary video. We are dedicated to unearthing amazing UGC video and telling the stories behind them. Our team of journalists scour the web 24/7 to licence the latest trending videos before they go viral. We then package these up into bitesize news clips for the YouTube community. Stay tuned for verified, engaging and extraordinary stories uploaded daily. *To use or license this video please contact* Connect with Storytrender: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook: Visit our website: Company Information: Storytrender is owned and operated by Caters News Agency Ltd, an international multimedia content provider. We supply news, picture, video and feature stories to the world’s largest media publishers. All videos aired on this channel have been licensed from their rightful owners. For media / licensing / broadcast usages, please contact

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Most popular comments
for One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

Wade Solomon
Wade Solomon - 7 years ago
one eyed Cat on a surf ok
Bailey Fowler
Bailey Fowler - 7 years ago
Okay now i own 4 cats and know how to take care of them and read them and this cat right here is NOT happy what-so-ever its animal abuse to that cat
Lea Tucker
Lea Tucker - 7 years ago
Why has Kuli only got one eye?
Bonnie Matthews
Bonnie Matthews - 7 years ago
he doesnt even have a vest on. not a responsible owner, in my opinion
Jeannine L
Jeannine L - 7 years ago
This cat is NOT ENJOYING the surfing. He may tolerate water well enough, but it's clear from his body language, and the meowing that he is afraid. Also, where is his life jacket? This is dumb. My cat allows bathing, but I'm sure he wouldn't wanna go surfing
SW Sweetie
SW Sweetie - 7 years ago
That cat looks miserable. If you want a surfing partner, why not get a dog and let that poor cat sit in the window and watch squirrels like God intended?
Vanessa Tepolt
Vanessa Tepolt - 7 years ago
Brightheart, is that you?
NOVIE MAE VALENCIA - 7 years ago
wowww cute cat i love animals...great
Jan Zimmer
Jan Zimmer - 7 years ago
I agree, ive seen the cat trying to get away, and if it's only dry choice is her shoulders, then I'd claw to stay there too

10. comment for One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

horizon buddha
horizon buddha - 7 years ago
Cats do not look like they are having fun.
Spiral of Sound
Spiral of Sound - 7 years ago
breaking point 3
keanu reeves
Octane is OP
Octane is OP - 7 years ago
thank u for making my day
syaz193 - 7 years ago
So many "much animal abuse" comments..

Didn't know that cat's breed could be Turkish Van or Turkish Angora, that loves to swim and the waters
Jen Bauchat
Jen Bauchat - 7 years ago
She is so cute and beautiful
Khiccica - 7 years ago
Seriously people educate yourselves! It's a turkish van which loves water.
Bailey Fowler
Bailey Fowler - 7 years ago
what da fuq is dat
Jason Baum
Jason Baum - 7 years ago
animal abuse
Nick Welland
Nick Welland - 7 years ago
Marry me!
oh boy
oh boy - 7 years ago
Glad I'm not the only one with a one-eyed cat :)
Raven Rain
Raven Rain - 7 years ago
I hope that was the kind of breed that likes water...
Raven Rain
Raven Rain - 7 years ago
Rose Quartz Steven universe!
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz - 7 years ago
RavenDark Gaming it is

20. comment for One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

grodhagen - 7 years ago
I had a cat as a kid who would follow me into the shallows of a river when I was clamming. It was annoying, because the cat was clearly worried that I was in the water and he wanted me out. You cat acts the same way, IMHO.
PedophileThot - 7 years ago
these people think the cats love it but I call it animal abuse
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz - 7 years ago
Andrea Middleton
Andrea Middleton - 8 years ago
Kuli is so cute bless him
Claire Richards
Claire Richards - 8 years ago
Samuelson baker
Samuelson baker - 8 years ago
Stupid fucking cunts. People like this dont deserve animals. How fucking sad. Have some damn respect. Hope you enjoy your 5 mins of fame .
Neon Umbreon
Neon Umbreon - 8 years ago
This cat was given baths when it was a kitten.
Kaiden Artura
Kaiden Artura - 8 years ago
My recommended videos are selected for me by vegetables.
Jesus is King
Jesus is King - 8 years ago
omg so cute <3
klyana130 - 8 years ago
The cat just loves it's momma and will follower her ANYWHERE, not that she WANTS and can even see or perceive well enough to do any of this comfortably on her own. Just because a cat can doesn't mean it WANTS or you SHOULD have it do things for your selfish amusement.
Raymond Terry
Raymond Terry - 8 years ago
Very cool cat!

30. comment for One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

1234Molotov - 8 years ago
These people should be beaten senseless. Let the blood attract sharks to finish them off.
kitty and other lives
kitty and other lives - 8 years ago
Johnny Bam
Johnny Bam - 8 years ago
She has one eye and you even force her into water, she just swim fast at the end to go to the sand.. this is so sad, people can do everything for fame,money... poor kitty
husker hammer
husker hammer - 8 years ago
Actually cats are not afraid of water. They avoid water because the hassle it takes to to fix their fur.
Baran Demiroglu
Baran Demiroglu - 8 years ago
do what u want cuz a piratr is free u are a pirate
Paul McDonald
Paul McDonald - 8 years ago
So cute
amylowson - 8 years ago
not happy about this. The cat doesnt exactly have much choice! awful awful people.
Ian martin
Ian martin - 8 years ago
this cat is cool!
Noni Stewart
Noni Stewart - 8 years ago
CRUEL. You clearly have no idea how to read your cat. If looks thoroughly miserable. Shame on you.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz - 7 years ago
Fi Stewart i have like a lot of cats its clearly having fun!
David Ryder
David Ryder - 7 years ago
Fuck off.
Jacki Thomas
Jacki Thomas - 8 years ago
You guys are blind. do you even own a cat. this cat is enjoying himself! It's a positive touching story stop being so negative!
Khiccica - 7 years ago
Totally agree! I'm a cat owner since 25 years and this cat is not afraid at all.
Noni Stewart
Noni Stewart - 8 years ago
No it's not.
Claudia Yaya
Claudia Yaya - 9 years ago
i wish i had one eye
Ivy Quartz
Ivy Quartz - 9 years ago
I saw this on the Television XD! ^^
esquibelle - 9 years ago
This is utter bullsh&&. This cat is only tolerating this situation because it knows the guardian is its protector. It is cruel to make it do this. Read the other comments below from people that know cat behavior.
svenolley - 9 years ago
love Kuli.
S Cope
S Cope - 9 years ago
I've just seen this cat on TV and it's so upsetting. Please stop taking that cat in the water. Anyone can see he is petrified. He sits on your shoulders to get away from the water. You can see when he's in the water, he's dying to get back to the beach. When he's on the surf board, he's meowing because he doesn't like it and he looks like he's clinging on for dear life. The only reason he clings on to you is because he will drown otherwise! For god's sake leave him at home!
Nina Kiernander
Nina Kiernander - 9 years ago
That cat is terrified are you abit thick or something you being cruel he was meowing crying on the documentary im watching in England god what the fuck is wrong with you he does NOT like the water
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz - 7 years ago
Nina Kiernander the breed is a turkish something i forgot the other but those types of cat like the water
Shy Guy
Shy Guy - 9 years ago
I am not allowed to look and enjoy a animal video without someone saying its bad i enjoy it???
Sinem Caygin
Sinem Caygin - 9 years ago
does someone maybe know the name of the SONG? :)
Calamansi Party
Calamansi Party - 9 years ago Melania 'loves' Trump.
Electro Drives
Electro Drives - 8 years ago
Val-schaeffer - 9 years ago
Brace yourself. "This is abuse" comments are coming !!
Scott Currie
Scott Currie - 7 years ago
Brace yourself. The brace yourself people are already here.
Shy Guy
Shy Guy - 9 years ago
+Val-schaeffer theres to many D:

50. comment for One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

Andromeda Galaxy
Andromeda Galaxy - 9 years ago
my cat love vegetable, and corn
Carlos vera
Carlos vera - 9 years ago
Dani - 9 years ago
Poor creature!
Frito Dalis
Frito Dalis - 9 years ago
This is animal abuse. You people are assholes. I don't see any water loving cat here. Poor kitten is terrifying.
Reena Seng
Reena Seng - 9 years ago
Pooor kitty
Victoria Springer
Victoria Springer - 9 years ago
You people are assholes using the cat for your own fame.
Shy Guy
Shy Guy - 9 years ago
+Victoria Springer says the person that acts like a lil miss know it all just to get attention ouo
dodo s2 maxdog
dodo s2 maxdog - 9 years ago
esse gato.e pika
Dr.Aibolit - 9 years ago
Thanks kind people which have rescueed Kuli.
Something Productions
Something Productions - 9 years ago
looks like TORTURE , they threw him in the water...any cat would react the EXACT SAME you RETARDS
Himemiya Aiko
Himemiya Aiko - 9 years ago
lies... poor cat.
Skeem - 9 years ago
que bonito n..n
Halee Wolford
Halee Wolford - 9 years ago
I think it was scared not happy!
njaneardude - 9 years ago
Elaine Evans
Elaine Evans - 9 years ago
what happened to one of his eyes?
Elaine Evans
Elaine Evans - 9 years ago
+Something Productions you still haven't answered my question : why does the cat have 1 eyes? What really happened to him?
Something Productions
Something Productions - 9 years ago
+Elaine Evans you can find it on my channel
Andie Chu
Andie Chu - 9 years ago
I would like to see a video of the cat actually jumping into the water. All the videos I have seen so far are of him already in the water or getting on the board out of the water.
Debby Wakeham
Debby Wakeham - 8 years ago
+Andrea Chu Yes I agree; I was going to make exactly the same point.  I am open-minded about what the cat thinks of being in the water as I haven't seen it get in, so am suspicious.  On the other hand, I can't imagine that rescuers would be deliberately cruel.
Kyasarin Gaming
Kyasarin Gaming - 9 years ago
He's so cute !
Iris, the one-eyed cat
Iris, the one-eyed cat - 9 years ago
Ohh is like me!
mh niroomand
mh niroomand - 9 years ago
this pussy is so wet !
Myo - 9 years ago
This cat is so cute !!

Ps ; I am a French girl, I don't speack English verry well : SORRY !!
Myo - 9 years ago
You say I am " nulle" in French ?!
Myo - 9 years ago
+Something Productions
 I don't understand... It is good for me or no ??
Something Productions
Something Productions - 9 years ago
+coeur de myosotis yeah your english sucks
Pablo Cristo
Pablo Cristo - 9 years ago
cat abusers
zemaj0 - 9 years ago
does cat only have one eye
Rado - 9 years ago
unatics - 9 years ago
I wish all the best for that cat, he has suffered a lot and deserves a happy life. I truly , truly mean that.
Something Productions
Something Productions - 9 years ago
+unatics from the bottom of your heart tho?
uno ten
uno ten - 9 years ago
Gavin Twiss
Gavin Twiss - 9 years ago
I'm a dog lover, but this cat is cool!
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz - 7 years ago
Something Productions no its not its a cat that likes water the breed is a type of cat that loves water
Something Productions
Something Productions - 9 years ago
+Gavin Twiss you know that's illegal right?
Oniiku - 9 years ago
just more evidence that cats > dogs
ssk - 9 years ago
The cat did not seem very stoked, and where was the surfing part?
Etistai - 9 years ago
where is the actual surf though..
m0r1 - 9 years ago
He is a pirat! :')
but poor kitten :c
Vigilant Citizen
Vigilant Citizen - 9 years ago
I'm just here to comment Fetty Cat. That is all.
addullah mall
addullah mall - 9 years ago
TheHajinator - 9 years ago
Misleading title
Masa Dimond
Masa Dimond - 9 years ago
the Boss's Cat
experiment54 - 9 years ago
Wait till it sees a shark!
_Ritz _
_Ritz _ - 9 years ago
how did the eye go away?
Draco262 - 9 years ago
+Rita Maria Zouein Serious eye infection, so it had to undergo surgery to be removed
Julia R
Julia R - 9 years ago
Cute cat!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Gzmn - 9 years ago
I didn't know Meowth could learn surf
Leo Cat
Leo Cat - 9 years ago
Jf-Toshi Sakamoto
Jf-Toshi Sakamoto - 9 years ago
imreallydead. - 9 years ago
Keep an eye out for sharks little kitty
Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee - 9 years ago
Making money out of pets videos in unusual situation = Thumbs down

Seriously, a whole army of people see this and ask themselves:
"What can I do with my pet that earns me money?"
"What unusual pet do I need to be super famous?"
"Why is my pet so boring? I want a cool one!"
= Recipe for animal abuse
FutureScots - 9 years ago
Fetty Cat
Hans Hubner
Hans Hubner - 9 years ago
This is what we, western people do. We live active healthy lives, women included and we love our pets. All you muslims can do, is just rape someone like you did in Cologne, Germany over the New Year or blow yourselves up - like you do almost every week.
Snow X
Snow X - 9 years ago
Well that was disappointing.
Nebula Media Enterprises Inc.
Nebula Media Enterprises Inc. - 9 years ago
And 38 people actually disliked this? Can't even begin to imagine why
The Professor
The Professor - 9 years ago
someone needs to show this video to matt santoro. it might help him stop crying
emily ford
emily ford - 9 years ago
The reason he climbed onto the surf board was to get out of the water... Not to surf
rosie t
rosie t - 8 years ago
Agreed! These people may have rescued this cat but what they are doing is tantamount to animal cruelty. They are sick people.
Noni Stewart
Noni Stewart - 8 years ago
Exactly. I'm just watching these two and had the same reaction.
Ximena Aldana
Ximena Aldana - 9 years ago
+emily ford yessss!!!!
Joey The Llama
Joey The Llama - 9 years ago
my cat has one eye!
Stylishh RBLX
Stylishh RBLX - 9 years ago
That cat is Livin Like Larry
! Funny Cute Animal Videos
! Funny Cute Animal Videos - 9 years ago

100. comment for One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf

season davis
season davis - 9 years ago
Does the cat willingly go in the water? Or do they carry him out?
ARTUR VLOGS - 9 years ago
so adorable
TubeHDR - 9 years ago
Super! ;D
Plushie Martin
Plushie Martin - 9 years ago
that's one cool cat :3
Cassandra bum bum
Cassandra bum bum - 9 years ago
what about the salt
Cassandra bum bum
Cassandra bum bum - 9 years ago
poor kitty
Рулон Обоев
Рулон Обоев - 9 years ago
Cuteness overload!
Ismael baez emiliano
Ismael baez emiliano - 9 years ago
reminds me fetty wap
Giovanni Edwards
Giovanni Edwards - 9 years ago
My fishes love the sand, they can't walk and they eventually die, but they love the sand. :/
Now being serious that cat look very scared this is animal abuse.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz - 7 years ago
Omear - 9 years ago
Most beautiful cat
Dan N
Dan N - 9 years ago
Omg just stop! This is too much for me :)
Noor Haider
Noor Haider - 9 years ago
fetty cat
Jae Pyke
Jae Pyke - 9 years ago
+selizzle - ohh, thanks ; )
Selma Schaller
Selma Schaller - 9 years ago
+Jae Pyke because of fetty wap. fetty wap does also have only one eye
Jae Pyke
Jae Pyke - 9 years ago
+Noor Haider Didn´t get it ; (
Xynthiia Zanxes
Xynthiia Zanxes - 9 years ago
omg, you made me laugh hysterically!!!
Dennis Scheucher
Dennis Scheucher - 9 years ago
MrGenedancingmachine - 9 years ago
Loves to surf? Doesn't look like it has choice in the matter...
siggi mikki
siggi mikki - 9 years ago
da fuk
Mr Big Guy the third
Mr Big Guy the third - 9 years ago
Cat's name is Kakashi.
Clorox Bleach
Clorox Bleach - 9 years ago
Great White Shark approaches...
Peti Keresztesi
Peti Keresztesi - 9 years ago
With this girl i would also like surfing.
Anthony Warren
Anthony Warren - 9 years ago
What a beautiful thing
aznpanda510x - 9 years ago
That surfing???? Guess i know how to surf too and i never even try it. But it look simple
xxBEASTITxx - 9 years ago
No where she went no one surfs.. I live hawaii go to sandys beach or north shore if you like surf da boi
Ximena Aldana
Ximena Aldana - 9 years ago
The cat doesn´tt seem happy at all.
SW Sweetie
SW Sweetie - 7 years ago
That cat looks terrified.
resti pangestu
resti pangestu - 7 years ago
Ximena Aldana you're the one that's not happy
Jen Bauchat
Jen Bauchat - 7 years ago
You are rude
Greasy Granpapy
Greasy Granpapy - 8 years ago
Yeah... I think this cat is just trying to not drown. It doesn't seem to "love" it at all.
Ximena Aldana
Ximena Aldana - 8 years ago
+flywiththecondor tell that to the onwers, they assume stupind things. A cat is a cat. Let it be a cat
flywiththecondor - 8 years ago
please shut up. you don't know jack shit about the cat beyond this 1 minute video, and you're assuming things.
Ximena Aldana
Ximena Aldana - 8 years ago
Poor cat being humanized by his onwers. Stupid people.
bard icus
bard icus - 9 years ago
+Richard Schrader
Fuck off and die you boring, mentally ill cunt.
Rodrigo Smith
Rodrigo Smith - 9 years ago
+Richard Schrader thx, fuck you too.
Rodrigo Smith
Rodrigo Smith - 9 years ago
+Richard Schrader I find some reason in what you're talking, but, as you said, it's difficult to know who is telling the truth, or who is being honest
Rodrigo Smith
Rodrigo Smith - 9 years ago
+Richard Schrader you're better talking on conspiracy videos
Rodrigo Smith
Rodrigo Smith - 9 years ago
The cat is forced to surf, look at this video from the owner
Wee Peng
Wee Peng - 9 years ago
+Richard Schrader hahaha, sounds like someone who don't possessed much real knowledge of the world.
Wee Peng
Wee Peng - 9 years ago
Totally agree. The title of this video would only make sense if this cat willingly jumps into the water by itself or having its tail up while surfing. The part it sat at the edge of surf board calling out nonstop showing the cat is under a lot of stress. Not cool at all
BuenoDon - 9 years ago
aaaaaaaand favorite
Femke Klijnstra
Femke Klijnstra - 9 years ago
wat cute
Mariska de G
Mariska de G - 9 years ago
triki ilyes
triki ilyes - 9 years ago
if u ask the cat : Am here 4 fish
SuperXrunner - 9 years ago
awe, he is sooo of cute!!
Alexander Koumbis
Alexander Koumbis - 9 years ago
could i refer to him as scar on my tumblr hes so. cute and fluffy just like id picture the fallen one
Alexander Koumbis
Alexander Koumbis - 9 years ago
I see. nvm. thanks 
otakureiss - 9 years ago
But the cat is named Kuli...
nearbytou - 9 years ago
sorry to bother you
I'm EBC web news editor in taiwan
I find you have some vedio One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf
that's very beautiful
so if you can give the permission
let us to use this pictures on our facebook
and we will tag your fanpage
thank you very much
XoSageXo - 9 years ago
OMG I'm from Honolulu I want to meet that cat
Yalo Chudo
Yalo Chudo - 9 years ago
Cat was always looking towards seshore and couldn't wait to step the sand.Poor kitty just doesn't have choice when he's in the water. He doesn't like it!
Samuelson baker
Samuelson baker - 7 years ago
CRUX its called common sense .
Iveta Bancheva
Iveta Bancheva - 9 years ago
+CruxG.O.D You understood me wrong - I don't know if the cat was pushed to do that, all I'm saying is that if that's the case, it's messed up. And the reason why I doubt the cat "loves" water is because I did not see it entering the water, I saw it on the beach and then in the water, but I did not see how it got there. And I don't think that if I care for the cat's safety and comfort this means "something's wrong with me" :) Peace :)
CRUX - 9 years ago
+Iveta Bancheva how do you know that the cat was pushed? what's wrong with you people?
Iveta Bancheva
Iveta Bancheva - 9 years ago
+Yalo Chudo I totally agree. I do not understand why we want cats and animals as a whole to act like humans and enjoy things that we, humans, enjoy. If the cat willingly jumps and swims into the ocean - that's fine with me, but to push for this to happen is just messed up. At least in my opinion...
Evan Esparza
Evan Esparza - 9 years ago
I really don't like watching cat video,but this one was okay!
attack helicopter
attack helicopter - 9 years ago
Kewl that's dank
Hüseyin Avni Şahin
Hüseyin Avni Şahin - 9 years ago
The Verbally Abusive Clown
The Verbally Abusive Clown - 9 years ago
"Loves" may be too strong a word here. I see tolerates on his or her face. I'm also pretty sure that they've had their cat declawed which is equal to animal abuse in my humble opinion.
David Ryder
David Ryder - 7 years ago
Fail ... WRONG ... go fuck off for not being able to see the goddamn claws. He's got fucking claws you piece of shit. They're right the fuck there plain as day you piece of shit.
egypt bug
egypt bug - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown I have to agree with the clown. I have a cat, and she will do anything I want her to do, because she trusts me 100%. She is a rescue like the cat in the video. I have given her bathes her whole life and I even took her into our pool once. She didn't fight me, hiss, or scratch me, and just sat with me in the water. But, did she like it? NO, she did not. She will not go into the pool of her own, and I won't ever take her in again because I respect that she doesn't like it. She tolerated me taking her into the pool, because she trusts me. This cat is behaving because it trusts it's owners, but that is not a sign of this cat liking the water. If there is a video of the cat walking out into the water on it's own accord and jumping on the surf board I will revoke my statement, but from what is in this video I don't see the cat liking water.
Rodrigo Smith
Rodrigo Smith - 9 years ago
Ok, I found of evidence of cat abuse
Bannor Haruchai
Bannor Haruchai - 9 years ago
+Rodrigo Smith It's clear you don't know much about cats. When they don't want to do something, aren't interested , don't like something or are fed up with something, it's really, really, really obvious.
Rodrigo Smith
Rodrigo Smith - 9 years ago
+Bannor Haruchai the pictures on your link show nothing more than what's already in the video. Until someone find evidence that the cat really enjoy surfing, there's no way to know by just watching a stupid short video with no speaking on it at all.
Bannor Haruchai
Bannor Haruchai - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown Have a look at the photos on Kuli&#39;s expressions look quite tranquil. A distressed cat surrounded by water far from shore would be hissing, howling or whining incessantly.
Also, he wouldn't never be at the front of the board unless he could jump to safety.
The Verbally Abusive Clown
The Verbally Abusive Clown - 9 years ago
 Vegetarian in training here.
Sam Lister
Sam Lister - 9 years ago
Pretty sure the cat has claws. Pause it at 0:31 when the camera gets close and I think I can see the cats claws.
As for the cat "tolerating" it, the way it swims suggests its had plenty of time in the water. And if you're thinking about animal abuse then read the description of this video. They've saved this cat and given it a home.
j b
j b - 9 years ago
mm, I paused the video at certain parts and looked closely, could be wrong but it looked like it had claws
Dan - 9 years ago
+Davidio2341 love the subtlety
The Verbally Abusive Clown
The Verbally Abusive Clown - 9 years ago
+LuminaryPrism75 It's only convenient for the owner. If you are afraid of damage to your furniture, you shouldn't have a cat to begin with. I have 5 right now, and yes, they have put some scratches in my nice furniture, but it can be sanded out or filled in and painted over. No biggie. There's more important things in life. Once they are declawed, you can't let them out without constant supervision. Not to mentioned that it is incredibly painful for the cat during the healing process.
LuminaryPrism75 - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown I wouldn't consider it animal abuse, its more of a convenience factor so that the cats don't rip up furniture, they only have trouble the first few days then they act like nothing ever happened
t00nZiLLa - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown I imagine you are a tad more successful in detecting sarcasm than your other purported capabilities. I can't even count the number of pets I've been fortunate enough to have throughout my life, much less imagine to know what feelings they were expressing through their face.
Swedish Otaku
Swedish Otaku - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown No they couldn't do such a thing, are u fucking crazy?
The Verbally Abusive Clown
The Verbally Abusive Clown - 9 years ago
 Comes from the experience of having animals all of my life.  I can also detect sarcasm in Internet A-holes.
C - 9 years ago
+t00nZiLLa Im Dead xD i was thinkin the same thing like niggas analyzing a cats face how dumb
t00nZiLLa - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown I'm glad we apparently have someone to go to for professional animal facial gesture interpretation.
Gloomy Noodle
Gloomy Noodle - 9 years ago
Do you guys eat meat?
Ceziᴴᴰ - 9 years ago
so this cat has been cutted his claws almost paws off, loose one eye and now got put into a fucking ocean? I have never felt so bad for a cat since I saw the video where the kids throwing it in water and burning the kitty.
goldenlungsmane - 9 years ago
+The Verbally Abusive Clown at first I saw your comment and thought cat declaw meant just cutting the nails but then I searched up cat declawed and I totally agree, that's f cked up

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The "One-Eyed Cat Loves To Surf" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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