Orcas with Surfers

February 23, 2013. Orcas in the lineup near Tofino, BC

Orcas with Surfers sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1029

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February 23, 2013. Orcas in the lineup near Tofino, BC

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Most popular comments
for Orcas with Surfers

Andy Werner
Andy Werner - 7 years ago
If I was in water and saw orcas I'd be freaking out. . good video though . love animals ... but from a safe distance lol .
Gene West
Gene West - 7 years ago
there has never been a documented attack on humans by Orcas in the wild...only SeaWorld can claim that...
,Laura Lopez
,Laura Lopez - 7 years ago
I just see a stupid surfer interfering with the orca meal. Maybe next time stay out of their way they are superior in brains
SWSimpson - 7 years ago
What was that creepy laugh whenever the orcas were becoming more active and when it looked like they were all over a seal? And laughs watching surfers close to the Orcas.... hoping they'd get bit?
ASAcosta1 - 7 years ago
First off: not one documented case of orcas harming humans purposely in the wild, a fact that’s both intriguing and gratifying as an orca enthusiast myself. That being said.... I’d crap my pants if I ever encountered one
Truck Load
Truck Load - 7 years ago
It wasn't because they were surfing.
It was because they were a bunch of unbathed libtards, fouling their water.
glcwhistler - 7 years ago
If they chased off the locals who think they own the waves, then I think this is hilarious. You don't own shit and the Orcas showed who really rules the waves.

I would like to get into surfing, but dealing with the shithead locals who think they own the waves is beyond what i could tolerate. I have heard about the vandalism in Tofino that they do to other peoples vehicles, both surfers and kayakers who venture out into 'their' waves.
Jose Luis
Jose Luis - 7 years ago
They just hunting seals.
BLAIR STONE - 7 years ago
Correction Orcas Hunting seals

10. comment for Orcas with Surfers

wyzapple - 7 years ago
Yeah, because with the full suits and hoodies you guys look like the seals.
Chris Died
Chris Died - 7 years ago
I disliked because of clickbait
ivan boskovic
ivan boskovic - 7 years ago
1930s.. those were days...
Amelia Reagan Wright
Amelia Reagan Wright - 7 years ago
Seals probably saved the surfers's lives.
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 7 years ago
Surfers are rarely not idiots. Swimming with an apex predators prey is just asking for an accident
Dressed in a black suit near a seal, perhaps a near sighted Orca might snavel a surfer.^^ (Heaven forbid)
WOW VIDEO - 7 years ago
They r chaseing seal not surfr
Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller - 7 years ago
Orcas are curious about humans and will play orca games with them.
Amy Hendry
Amy Hendry - 7 years ago
At least they don't have to worry about sharks!
Ecos del pasado
Ecos del pasado - 7 years ago
Las orcas están cazando lobos marinos. Yo no me quedaría ahí en medio molestando. Es actitud imprudente. Ya sé que son pocos los ataques de orcas en libertad, pero aun así.

20. comment for Orcas with Surfers

Juan Castaneda
Juan Castaneda - 7 years ago
Even black sea animals got tired of white people.
Mike Villano
Mike Villano - 7 years ago
If I were a surfer, I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a sea lion.
Tho the orcas are too smart for that.
Joseph Giangrandere
Joseph Giangrandere - 7 years ago
Fucking assholed title it "orcas chase humans out of water" dont try to make them seem bad. Tbey were clearly hunting seals. They didnt chase anyone. Losers
Titan Dragon
Titan Dragon - 7 years ago
I didn't see any Orcas chasing any surfers. The Orcas were hunting Sealions. Seems the surfers just thought it best to get out of the water. Probably not a great idea to be surfing in the middle of that.
John Kraemer
John Kraemer - 7 years ago
The Orcas were after the seals ... They just wanted the Surfers out of the way, so they could catch / kill the seals for lunch!
Aaron Huffman
Aaron Huffman - 7 years ago
That will protect or guide humans sometimes of there's a threat and trust there not not only one down there tryna feed
Miki Vega Tendo
Miki Vega Tendo - 7 years ago
NO, THEY WERE CHASING SEALIONS.......... you p** got scared as you should be.
Khalid Al Shehhi
Khalid Al Shehhi - 7 years ago
They might misstaken them to for seals ...i saw seals there
Damsko Capitol
Damsko Capitol - 7 years ago
They are hunting seals. They have no interest in the surfers. They know exactly if you are a prey.
Billder Inbaja
Billder Inbaja - 7 years ago
As far as I know, there is no known instance of an Orca attacking a purposefully killing a human... let alone eating a human. People have been killed on accident... best to stay out of the way of huge powerful beasts hunting for fast moving prey (that happens to look sort of like a surfer in a wetsuit)

30. comment for Orcas with Surfers

folgar grimm
folgar grimm - 7 years ago
I lived in Victoria back in 2003 and went up to Tofino to try Serf on week off, it was the same back there Fucking Orca's all over the place, scary shit I tell you i went out one time and came back in as faster then i went out, there was an orca about 100-150 feet away from me on my first set and it scared the holy fuck out of me to see that fin sticking what seems like 6 feet out of the water would scare anyone, I never went out again that day and never have went serfin ever again!
Johan sigurdson
Johan sigurdson - 7 years ago
Pretty sure Orcas are just hunting seals and they don't give a fuck about the surfers here like most the planet don't give a fuck about surfers.
Nick K
Nick K - 7 years ago
Really stupid of them to go out into sea where orcas are hunting seals. In some caees an orca can mistake a human in a dark diving suit for a grey seal and its only after biting into the human do they realise their mistake. The surfers here got very lucky
Simon Bitton
Simon Bitton - 7 years ago
Location? I gotta surf this spot
Jody Bruch
Jody Bruch - 7 years ago
I think this was beautiful, just curious where it was? My guess is the Pacific Northwest
Alisa Surname
Alisa Surname - 7 years ago
Everyone enjoyed waves.
Dire Wolf
Dire Wolf - 7 years ago
Killers are warning these surfers its too dangerous for you to be here... get out
x2004rx8 - 7 years ago
pretty sure they're chasing food to the shallows
James P
James P - 7 years ago
Well at least you don't have to worry about a white shark attack with them around, but surfing so close to seals is nuts "white sharks not orca"
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 7 years ago
There should be a title police
Sharon Hill
Sharon Hill - 7 years ago
If anyone here can get a clue the orcas r chasing their prey(seals) not the surfers. And even if they did its because as u also can understand(hopefully) the surfers lying down on surfboards resemble seals. End of story...
Adam Chilton
Adam Chilton - 7 years ago
Yeah the orcas are chasing seals. I think they would be too smart to consider a surfer edible haha.
axe&sword - 7 years ago
I can't stand these caucasians, always going way to far!
CRYSTAL BALL555 - 7 years ago
Randy Douglas
Randy Douglas - 7 years ago
This is what I call taking unnecessary chances!
Leolo Black
Leolo Black - 7 years ago
stupid laughing, typically human haha so funny, it isn't! Stupid go pro human
Daniel Bowles
Daniel Bowles - 7 years ago
orcas arent stupid they wouldn't mistake a person for a seal more than likely there may have been sharks around
Queennie a.k.a. Adelene
Queennie a.k.a. Adelene - 7 years ago
these guys were crazy, they surfed at Transient orcas feeding ground!!
Cheryl Shepard
Cheryl Shepard - 7 years ago
Aleast you know there won't be any sharks in the area.
YoYO Semite
YoYO Semite - 7 years ago
Anonamoose - 7 years ago
You ought to be shot for discrediting Orcas with such a misleading title.

50. comment for Orcas with Surfers

Kimmy Konnor
Kimmy Konnor - 7 years ago
great! people dressed like seals near predators who eat seals! haha
Mondoshawn - 7 years ago
Not at all they are hunting seals. Why the missleading title? This is stupid
alfatah onofre
alfatah onofre - 7 years ago
I unlike this, stupid moron!
Paula Taylor
Paula Taylor - 7 years ago
They were not chasing surfers out of the water, they were herding sea lions to catch them for dinner.
Jay Fulkerson
Jay Fulkerson - 7 years ago
I don't think a killer whale would ever attack a human,  but that is being risky being in a black wetsuit.  hope none of the orcas were nearsighted
SmellsLikeMeltingPlastic - 7 years ago
autism to the extreme. "Duhahaha"
bunstuffer1 - 7 years ago
All I see are a bunch of brainless arseholes who are too stupid to get out of the water until the orcas have fed. These are the type of people that should be killed by animals then pissed on for thinking they are the superior creature. they would be the first to complain should anything happen to one of them to have the entire pod slaughtered and create a panic to have other orcas killed like what happens to great whites. and the idiot filming with his cheap laugh, go buy a new one.
Jake Grammer
Jake Grammer - 7 years ago
Flag this garbage
cory frymire
cory frymire - 7 years ago
Orca/Killer Whale.
The most intelligent and badass animal on planet earth.
If it wanted you dead youd be dead. Just never try and find out. Respect these amazing animals before Japan hunts and kills them all. over 1000 a year. In about 25yrs they will be mostly gone.
Lisa Jack
Lisa Jack - 7 years ago
Orcas are highly intelligent. If they are trying to corral you out of the water, its for one of three reasons: a) you're interfering in their hunt
b) there are young orcas present (protective instinct)
c) there are other predators present, such as sharks

Orcas and sharks are known to show up where seal pups are present to hunt. Many sharks often vacate the area as Orcas are known to hunt them as well.

So, realistically, best to get out of the water to live to surf and swim another day.
Edit add: Orcas have been known to protect humans, either by circling them protectively to ward off other predators, and by bringing drowning victims back up to the surface, and nudging them to encourage breathing.
We should all remember that we are in their home, and be good guests. Orcas are beautiful, amazing creatures and should only be in captivity for rehabilitation on a short term basis.
inyourseat - 7 years ago
yeah I don't think I'm surfing today
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius - 7 years ago
Annoying click bait.
ph0kused - 7 years ago
video aside that wave is sickkkkkkkkkk!
Crystal Marie
Crystal Marie - 7 years ago
it doesn't make it any better they are dressed like seals lol
Troy Brown
Troy Brown - 7 years ago
surfers need to get out of way if seals fleeing the orcas.
Barry Barry
Barry Barry - 7 years ago
Hoh hoh...... hoh hoh............. hoh hoh.... hoh hoh......... hoh hoh!!!
BRYANBOK - 7 years ago
anyone have evidence of wild orcas attacking humans in the water as they would their natural prey?? havnt seen it yet....
Capt'n Sky
Capt'n Sky - 7 years ago
Why is the moron laughing?
Martin Boyer
Martin Boyer - 7 years ago
Why are you laughing? Seals are the whales dinner stupid!
John Tan
John Tan - 7 years ago
They're chasing seals. What's a human look like in a black wetsuit in dirty water?
Enrique Partida
Enrique Partida - 7 years ago
they are there for dinner. not surfers
ZERO TO HERO - 7 years ago
I swear to God white people were born without some sort of attachment to the brain which triggers an awareness to danger
TheRealMeditationGuide - 7 years ago
mmm wat?
Lawrence House
Lawrence House - 7 years ago
are these surfer's really that stupid get out of the water before your mistaken for a seal
Fred Read
Fred Read - 7 years ago
It's a good video but just miss leading.
GSA - 7 years ago
What's so funny you dumb ass
Steven Orourke
Steven Orourke - 7 years ago
Don't watch
Lucy Kelly
Lucy Kelly - 7 years ago
Maybe there was a shark in the water and they wanted to make the surfer safe by making him avoid it.
D'Lo CoCo
D'Lo CoCo - 7 years ago
What are the comments of this video ?
"Oooh...ah ah ah oh oh oh ah ah eh eh eh..."
Shit video.
Maik Lindner
Maik Lindner - 7 years ago
Getting sick of such dump*** headlines
Alfred Angelici
Alfred Angelici - 7 years ago
Orcas feeding on seals
eL CHiNo LoCo 305 Uber
eL CHiNo LoCo 305 Uber - 7 years ago
Wow!!! Dude Amazing footage! thanks for uploading!
csuci119 - 7 years ago
Those Orcas were following the seals if anything... They didn't give a shit about the humans
Simple Life
Simple Life - 7 years ago
If i was a killer whale, i would bite some surfers to show them they are idiots. lol
1terraforce - 7 years ago
What a truly ignorant title
CraZayTube - 7 years ago
those stoners just kept surfin tho lol
Jon Jones
Jon Jones - 7 years ago
GlobalTubeTruth - 7 years ago
Surfers taste better with gravy.
www53 - 7 years ago
Shit video !
Toxic Melody
Toxic Melody - 7 years ago
because they were hunting. people like him deserve to get bite to at least learn not to fuck with something shile it's trying to eat
Nate 07
Nate 07 - 7 years ago
If you see orcas and seals in the area together don't go in the water, especially in a dark wetsuit. All it takes is an orca to think your a seal and your severally hurt or dead.
john Mutton
john Mutton - 7 years ago
Tiger H. Lore
Tiger H. Lore - 7 years ago
Orcas could kill so many humans if they wanted. Humans are the ocean's bumbling idiots, while orcas are the kings of the sea. Yet somehow, orcas repeatedly go out of their way not to harm us.
stoneroses13 - 7 years ago
You know that you're safe from sharks when Orcas are swimming with you.
Haseeb Khan
Haseeb Khan - 8 years ago
uploader is definitely on crack
Jacob Rogers
Jacob Rogers - 8 years ago
It was more like they were trying to get them some seal food
Timothy O'neil
Timothy O'neil - 8 years ago
How stupid do you have to be to surf while killer whale's are in a freaking feeding frenzy ??
Mictlantecuhtli - 8 years ago
Stupida FAKKING Surfers! - Furio.
K it
K it - 8 years ago
Those are seals swimming for their lives from the orcas. How is that funny?
TakaS013 - 8 years ago
change your title cuz your an idiot.

100. comment for Orcas with Surfers

bill bohanan
bill bohanan - 8 years ago
this place is paradise.
Jmichael Isbell
Jmichael Isbell - 8 years ago
Here is what is funny, to me. People INSIST that there is 0.000 chance of an Orca hurting a human, and guess what? They will bet your life on it. But consider that man, in the water next to an Orca is historically speaking pretty new. Could it be that in some circumstances, they could--even if not intentional, hurt or kill someone? After all, their size alone--or so it seems to me, could pose a problem to skinny little man. But what I get, over and over is "no chance" of this happening, but this is based on how many cases of man in water with Orca? Not many because historically speaking, this is a pretty new practice. So, you guys that insist, go out and swim with them; I and most people will let you run the experiment and I sincerely hope, that what you are 100.00 percent sure of--is in fact, true. Run your experiment, you can be the test subjects. As a final note, I DO understand they are smarter than any shark, but could a surfer, say, dressed in a wet suit, especially at first or last light, possibly confuse the Orca into thinking it is a seal or sea lion, it's natural prey? No, no chance you say--ok, as I say, run your experiment, how you can be that sure I can't quite comprehend, but hey, it's our life.
tasteslikeawesome - 8 years ago
Luis Palafox
Luis Palafox - 8 years ago
those humans swim just like seals ! wow ! ( sarcasm ) ;)
Adela Bastista
Adela Bastista - 8 years ago
not funny
MST '-' MAN - 8 years ago
pon33villin - 8 years ago
I see killer whales, seals, and very stupid people all in water together. How about that?
TheDucksworld - 8 years ago
maybe they wanted to play
Cherie C
Cherie C - 8 years ago
I knew they wouldn't be chasing the humans.
Kashkaani Aspen
Kashkaani Aspen - 8 years ago
Wow! What did you use to record? It is perfect
Gerald Swain
Gerald Swain - 8 years ago
There was absolutely no need for that title !!!.good video .Why didn't you say it like it is ,orcas hunting seals amongst the surfer's you would have had just as many hits.??.
Aaron Jones
Aaron Jones - 8 years ago
Danger comes from getting in the way of fleeing sea lions or pursuing orcas. Even if you don't get bit you could get run over. This looks like the ocean version of a stampede. What do I know though I live on the prairies lol.
Roger Sowerbutts
Roger Sowerbutts - 8 years ago
No chasing that I can see........
Anjelo Carey
Anjelo Carey - 8 years ago
amazing footage
Solo Rider
Solo Rider - 8 years ago
Those seals are brave. Zero fucks given. You got oceans apex predators swimming and seals don't even bother getting out of water. Thug life!
Shane Barnet
Shane Barnet - 8 years ago
"surfers get scared and exit the water" Lets be real.. 99% of people would do the exact same thing. The Orcas are simply approaching the surfers to see whats up and check out the ugly apes trying to swim with their seals. There hasnt been an Orca attack in the wild ever, in all of history, not one. They are far too smart to confuse us with their prey and their overwhelming curiosity prevents them from wanting to Attack or harm us. The males look more imposing buy the entire pod is Lead by a female, usually grandmother. She is also the most gentle of the pod.. So without her orders the big scary males are nothing more than body guards and companions. much love everybody we are getting closer to saving these amazing animals and closer to having them free of Captivity
Angel For Animals
Angel For Animals - 7 years ago
tyrael280 ~ I know this video is old but I hope you’re joking about making a report.
Scott Clarke
Scott Clarke - 8 years ago
yeah I don't think I want to be surfing out there when there are a pod of orcas out there feeding on seals.. Title isn't misleading.. I'd be getting out of the water too before I became an accidental meal
maskofsanitycob - 8 years ago
they are hunting. may want to change your title they like humans.
Blummy - 8 years ago
Very smart stay in the middle of the prides, similar to the prides, when they're hunted...
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 8 years ago
no one got chased out the damn water you lieying bastard
ThatGirlFromTheKeys - 8 years ago
click bait
hyperdeath84 - 8 years ago
I saw Orcas hunting seals that happened to be near some surfers. Bullshit misleading title.
Mo Knows
Mo Knows - 8 years ago
I dunno y'all, a human surfer in a black wet suit and hood could easily be mistaken for a seal.... om nom nom
N5692233 - 8 years ago
Good, they don't belong there
Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson - 8 years ago
CLICKBAIT PIECE OF SHIT. You laugh like a little school girl as well
Barry Barry
Barry Barry - 8 years ago
Cock heads!
Steve C
Steve C - 8 years ago
I've seen a lot of sea creatures surfing but never an orca. A sea otter threatened me once. I paddled away from him but I showed him. I kept surfing. I got the last laugh. Stupid sea otter.
Kala Thomas
Kala Thomas - 8 years ago
can some 1 plz tell me were tht part is?
solo moni
solo moni - 8 years ago
jofuck - 8 years ago
really didnt see the surfers
SilverFlame819 - 8 years ago
This video should be called "Orcas in the surf @ Tofino so we got out of the water because we were scared." The orcas weren't chasing people, they were chasing the seals.
Dominik Steck
Dominik Steck - 8 years ago
stupid title, I did not see the whales chasing any people
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 8 years ago
I'm tired of improper video titles to get more views.
Adam Chilton
Adam Chilton - 7 years ago
Agreed. Apologies for being misleading. It was in the moment reactionary titling.
Kresimir Kolumbic
Kresimir Kolumbic - 7 years ago
but it brings us here every time...
Paschoal Defelippo
Paschoal Defelippo - 7 years ago
Christian Repenter i agree
Tom Ato
Tom Ato - 7 years ago
Just the essence of people today: better faking than making
dyscea - 8 years ago
Towards the end, it did seem like the surfers were VERY aware of the pod and swimming toward the shore. The beginning definitely didn't match the title.
Marc F. Nielssen
Marc F. Nielssen - 8 years ago
Youtube should add a "misleading" click, the total of which is shown with all post of any person (misleading clicks as percentage of total views).
shanna caulder
shanna caulder - 8 years ago
Christian Repenter I completely agree the title should of said something like "orca pod trying to eat seals" there wasn't any orca chasing surfers here!
SamFreedom - 8 years ago
Orcas Speak Fluent French to Bigfoot As They Await the Arrival of Their Buddy Loch Ness
dupon davignon
dupon davignon - 8 years ago
+Christian : not me. I instantly tumb down & video blocker them.
lucas t
lucas t - 8 years ago
you are crazy
CamCANTRUN - 8 years ago
CamCANTRUN - 8 years ago
Miracle... :o
iNNoCeNttDReAMs - 8 years ago
thumbs down and report for spam/misleading txt.
Faith & Action
Faith & Action - 8 years ago
+Leif Erikson Yeah, what ever happened to false advertising? It seems like it's no longer a legal issue.
Leif Erikson
Leif Erikson - 8 years ago
should be a law passed like false advertising
Osama Obama
Osama Obama - 8 years ago
the orcas were after the seals, not humans.
Yasmin Impson
Yasmin Impson - 8 years ago
This is a reason why people misunderstand animals! stupid title.
Lisa Pecaskie
Lisa Pecaskie - 8 years ago
So cool!!!!! Great video..But I would be a lil freaked out with the orcas so close,same with the seals.Jaws has made the biggest impact on me,ruined many ocean adventures...lWhat a Shame....If I wasn't so freaked out,I would love to swim in the ocean,kayak and paddle board too
FrozenEternity - 8 years ago
The click bait title was unnecessary. This was cool without it
Chrisy Chris
Chrisy Chris - 7 years ago
I know right WTF
Saint Michael
Saint Michael - 8 years ago
I'd give them as much room as they wanted. No questions asked.
kokemf - 8 years ago
Nice click bait title dude... I've seen the orcas and also the surfers, but the only chase I can see is behind the seals! Orcas are just hunting I'm pretty sure they know humans like to have fun in the water, and they distinguish us from their preys for sure!! If not just forget about surfing on those waters cause orcas are the ultimate predator on the oceans, certain is that if they want surfers for lunch, they'll have them soooo easy. Nice video with the usual click bait title even better. Don't lie with titles
Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor - 7 years ago
kokemf accidents happen
Bluenose352 - 8 years ago
projectstreet There have been incidents in the wild. Most have been nudges or shoving by Orcas. There has been just one case of an Orca biting a surfer. And you're right. It was a case of mistaken identity. Most likely by a juvenile. The Orca immediately let go of the surfers leg. Could there be other incidents in the wild? Yes. But not purposeful attacks. Curious shoving, or nudging would be the case.
projectstreet - 8 years ago
Wrong there has been several instances of orcas attacking humans in the wild however it could have just been a mistaken case of identity, There has been no recorded deaths in the wild only in captivity
chiCo andtheMan
chiCo andtheMan - 8 years ago
Orcas never attacked humans ever, in the wild
Melissa Waldron
Melissa Waldron - 8 years ago
Melissa Waldron
Melissa Waldron - 8 years ago
adam bamf
adam bamf - 8 years ago
lol look how many seals they have in the water those orcas are herding seals i would not surf there lol
Sándor Gombai
Sándor Gombai - 8 years ago
You humans are all retards? Is it so hard to understand that it is not a playground!? It's our DINING TABLE! Now F off!
UnFor GiVEN - 8 years ago
Camera shows clearly the situation and as a surfer,if you are not awere of the situation you failed ther Basic trining lol. It's a dangerous situation,the Orcas are in Hunting/Killing mode....maybe they teach the smaller pups something. accidents can happen if you'r to close, nice footage.
NZ1967 - 8 years ago
I suspect the majority of the surfers looking for a wave, did not even notice the orcas.
Adam Hensel
Adam Hensel - 8 years ago
shit title! that's an active hunt and the killer whales could give a shit about surfers. the wise thing to do was get out of the way.
Viktor Belanić
Viktor Belanić - 8 years ago
That is so awesome last summer I was spear fishing while snorkelling and j ended up swimming with a pod of 6 orcas for about 15-20 mins was fuckin amazing they wouldn't have harmed the surfers
Graham Tucker
Graham Tucker - 8 years ago
Eh am I missing something,filming and not telling the surfers about the Orcas !!!
acewipes - 8 years ago
Click bait title. They could've cared less about the surfers
Lee Winters
Lee Winters - 8 years ago
ever see a surfer tail slapped 50 feet through the air ?
andrew amiet
andrew amiet - 8 years ago
that was funny. thanks mate.
marla west
marla west - 8 years ago
orcas hunt seal for food
why would anyone surf there at that moment
Raymond Phillips
Raymond Phillips - 7 years ago
chiCo andtheMan killer whales only hunt what they have been taught to.
chiCo andtheMan
chiCo andtheMan - 8 years ago
Orcas have never attacked humans in the wild
Likeamoose17 - 8 years ago
Orcas are more dangerous than sharks. but it doesnt mean you should go swimming with sharks or orcas.
JustMe - 8 years ago
+Son Goku
I tell you I'm not reading anything you say yet you still keep talking... lol keep talking to yourself. Or maybe get off the internet and do something productive with your life? It's sad. BYEEE
JustMe - 8 years ago
+Son Goku
K. Honestly don't care enough to read your paragraph trying your hardest to "insult" me lol. Anyway, YouTube back and forth BS is pointless, and you have too much time on your hands. Have a good night!
JustMe - 8 years ago
+Son Goku
you're bringing up other planets? LOL irrelevant. Stop digging for validation. My point still stands
JustMe - 8 years ago
+Likeamoose17 Orcas are not more dangerous than sharks lol not when it comes to humans anyway. There has never been a documented case of a human being killed by an Orca in the wild. But sharks, yes.
trca101 - 9 years ago
orcas and humans have lived in that area for a very long time, with the greatest sonar tech ever known, i'm pretty sure those oras were aware of the humans before the humans were aware of them.
Ivgota Lobbon
Ivgota Lobbon - 7 years ago
trca101 vvvxvvvvxx Bevvxv qvcv
Lena Bena
Lena Bena - 8 years ago
trca101 Good point but when I became aware of them I would not have taken any chances!
Kevin - 8 years ago
+Dangerfinder treasureseeker pussy
Dangerfinder treasureseeker
Dangerfinder treasureseeker - 8 years ago
+trca101 Your pic made me jump. lol!!
camouflage873 - 9 years ago
The Orcas were shepherding the seals and the surfers just happened to be in the way, they're way to intelligent to care about a few stoners on a surfboard
Steve Sanders
Steve Sanders - 7 years ago
Charlie Charles why did you type it twice? You're so offended you felt the need to reiterate your stoner point?
ted s
ted s - 7 years ago
camouflage873 lol!
Julie Keeney
Julie Keeney - 7 years ago
Yeah, just because you cut off your Spicoli hair, don't pretend you don't smoke. The beach just brings that out in people.
bill bohanan
bill bohanan - 8 years ago
Charlie Charles + I live in tofino. I'm pretty sure they are stoners.
Charlie Charles
Charlie Charles - 8 years ago
Why associate marijuana and surfers? Oh because your really old and have no idea i guess
Charlie Charles
Charlie Charles - 8 years ago
Why associate marijuana and surfers? Oh because your really old and have no idea i guess
타니아Tania - 8 years ago
Darth Vitiate
Darth Vitiate - 8 years ago
MrPetr Gabriel
MrPetr Gabriel - 9 years ago
The operator is an idiot. Why is that funny?
satatay23 - 8 years ago
I think the operator is overjoyed. I think I would be as well. You wouldn't want to be there for a surfer or a seal to get killed, but being able to see such grand creatures perform their hunting technique is greater than anything you could buy.
MrPetr Gabriel
MrPetr Gabriel - 8 years ago
+Steve Young
 you're right
Steve Hugel
Steve Hugel - 8 years ago
+MrPetr Gabriel they're stoned I would guess, Tofino is in British Columbia, where you've been able to buy weed in stores for a long, long time
Briana Larkin
Briana Larkin - 9 years ago
That's what I was thinking..Why is she laughing
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson - 9 years ago
Looks so fucking cold.
Weapon Valhalla
Weapon Valhalla - 9 years ago
Ain't it amazing how orcas would hunt seals but they won't hunt humans in the water! Its almost as if GOD made them that way! Psych creationists! Reality is evolution.
Mark Renzone
Mark Renzone - 9 years ago
It will be funny until an orca eat a surfer. Then the laugh stops!
Allanfan20 - 7 years ago
I’m sure it can happen but in the thousands of years we have lived with Orcas on this planet, it has never happened yet.
Mark Borkowski
Mark Borkowski - 7 years ago
OkiPuhno was y
Thomas Rose
Thomas Rose - 7 years ago
Mark Renzone don't worry about the orcas it is the humans that kill humans
ecbenny J
ecbenny J - 9 years ago
+Nicky_Projectz lucky!
OkiPuhno - 9 years ago
+Mark Renzone I've swam with Orcas few years back and I can tell you first hand that the likely hood of a 6,000 pound Orca being intimidated by a 180 pound human is slim to none. In fact Orcas are as interested in us as we are in them. If they wanted to do harm to those surfers they could've with ease,they knew the surfers were there,their echolation travels up to 700 feet out. Because there brain is so freaking huge their intelligence capabilities are as advanced as humans,possibly/likely more advanced. In the wild they don't view humans as threats,it's a mutual interest in one another. If you ever see an Orca in the wild,dive in the water and see what happens.
Mark Renzone
Mark Renzone - 9 years ago
+Nicky_Projectz yes but they can kill one if they feel threaten.
OkiPuhno - 9 years ago
Wild Orcas don't be kill or eat humans
GrounDLifteR - 9 years ago
Hahah dinner time, get out or die :D
THE king
THE king - 9 years ago
I still look for the cause of this man laughing?
emosh73 - 9 years ago
Anyone else wishing the Orcas were attacking the surfers instead of the poor seals?
Tsunamis frozen
Tsunamis frozen - 9 years ago
i think the surfers where to shallow in the water for the orcas to come and get them, but still WHO IN THE WORLD WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT.
SAMSQUATCH Moss - 9 years ago
They beach themselves to get seals!!
HintonburgRep - 9 years ago
man need to see this !!
MRAR50 - 9 years ago
An animal that has adult great white sharks on it's menu is an animal that deserves a tremendous amount of respect, and a wide berth, especially when it's hunting.
Elusive Groove
Elusive Groove - 9 years ago
I imagine this moment was created amidst a cloud of some pretty damn good smoke. "Hey man...there's killer whales like killing seals near the beach." "Really? Sounds cool man." "Yeah, hey ,hey,hey check it out man...we can dress like seals and go surfing near them!" "I'm in man....let's go!"
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 9 years ago
Only the correct thing to do in this situation is to ... not sit and laugh but.... yell for the surfers to get the hell out of the water. It only takes one over-zealous, inexperienced youth to mistake a human for a sea lion in the breaking waves and hurt someone really bad.
chiCo andtheMan
chiCo andtheMan - 8 years ago
Orcas never attack humans, so don't get all smart
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge
Fickdich Blickaufdieberge - 9 years ago
"You're" pretty sure? Yes....by all means assume everything's fine.
awuma - 9 years ago
A note of caution: at least one surfer has been accidentally bitten by an orca, although the orca quickly realised his mistake. Surf isn't the best place for visual and aural recognition. Also, an orca was reported stealing a spear fisherman's catch by grabbing the bag and pulling the person down until he let go of the bag. The point is that no human has ever been intentionally or aggressively harmed by a wild orca, as far as we know, although boats have been sunk by them (e.g. "66 Days Adrift", Butler). And they have at times formed long-lasting cooperative hunting arrangements with humans (see "Killers in Eden" on YT).
HarryBalsak - 9 years ago
+awuma Or it means that anyone who has ever been attacked by an orca didn't live to tell about it.
Super muscle
Super muscle - 9 years ago
Some of those brave lads are still enjoying surf boarding even though the orcas are chasing seal. (The orcas are not chasing the surfers here or they would of been dead already)Orcas in wild don't usually attack humans. But if I was a surfer there I am OUT OF THE DAMN WATER !..I noticed at least one or two surfers keep looking back to see if Orca is behind them. If your that scared. Leave water dude! Plus wearing the black wet suit. Your looking like a meal. Amazing footage. Thanks for upload!
Penguin Hacker
Penguin Hacker - 9 years ago
Video labeled wrong. Good footage though
Kimberly Harrison
Kimberly Harrison - 9 years ago
They are not chasing surfers out of the water lol. They are just there and there are seals also but they do not seem to be after them. Looks like they could be resident orca they only eat fish. There has never been a case of a wild orca ever hurting a human. They are very smart animal. I would have loved to be in the water with them so cool.
Mel M
Mel M - 9 years ago
You kinda have to be a Darwin candidate to continue surfing in waters where you can clearly see sea lions and orca's in the process of hunting them.
Anthony Jaswinski
Anthony Jaswinski - 9 years ago
That chick laughs too much, couldn't finish clip
modern dreams
modern dreams - 9 years ago
yummy seals...
dēaþ - 9 years ago
Orcas were chasing those seals, not the surfers.
Eszra - 9 years ago
Note to the surfers, if you see seals in the water and the area has had sightings of Orca's before, DON"T GET IN THE FREAKING WATER DRESSED LIKE SEALS!
T Brad
T Brad - 7 years ago
got a science degree. im a surfer. your comment is pure ignorance and a gross generalization armando.
Armando Guerra
Armando Guerra - 7 years ago
i am a diver and an spear fisherman, surfers are idiots floating in boards, non educated most of them w/o degrees .... evident these is hunting ground for orcas and the idiots-surfers are disturbing the predators.
they sould be banned from these area to protect the whales .
cpl lenny
cpl lenny - 7 years ago
ted s sharks are attracted to yellow. they call it yum yum yellow
T Brad
T Brad - 7 years ago
spoken like a true non surfer totally ignorant of the passtime
ted s
ted s - 7 years ago
Eszra No shit huh, lol i would wear a yellow or white suit lmao
truthTeller167 - 8 years ago
Wilfredo Baez..... you just got schooled by uscflash
USCFlash - 8 years ago
+Wilfredo Baez

1. There is nothing dubious about the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Scripps Institute, Stanford Unviersity's Hopkins Marine Station, as well as Dr. Paul Spong's OrcaLab research station as well as Dr Ingrid Visser's Orca Research Trust.
Having interned at Woods Hole in the 1980s along with Long Island's Okeanos marine research foundation, I don't need wikipedia when i can go right to the foremost institutes for marine research.
I suggest you look them up, then get back to me about "dubious sources".

2. And no, Orca's in captivity have not attacked people because of "smaller brains". I never said such a thing. You said it.

This was my original quote, which you then snipped and incorrectly tried to twist
here is what i said
"And Orcas do not attack humans in the wild, because of their brain size, intelligence relative to the mass of critical brain parts dealing with intelligence, and their ability to make emotional, or intelligence based decisions."


you then quoted me as saying ""...Orcas do not attack humans in the wild because of their brain size..." This is preposterous. So Orcas in captivity that have attacked humans have or had smaller brains?"


it is cute the way you left out that my reference was to their intelligence, by snipping away the part of merely the brain size. Pretty telling why you did that.

and the FACT is that Orca's in captivity attack humans, PRECISELY because their brains are so large and complex and because of these highly evolved brains, they are so intelligent and emotional, that they go CRAZY spending their life in a bath tub....and it is to the eternal credit of their large brains and ability for complex thought and emotional reasoning, that they have not torn hundreds of human captors to pieces at Sea World or other places far more often over the past 50 years of captive whale programs.
Really quite simple.

Try reading some actual research before you open your mouth next time.
Wilfredo Baez
Wilfredo Baez - 8 years ago
+USCFlash Dude, you really need to get a life. I just noticed your dissertation which on the surface sounds pretty, but lacks substance. I can't respond with jabs of "research" from dubious internet sources as I'd be as guilty as you. However, just using logic should be sufficient in this case. You claim that "...Orcas do not attack humans in the wild because of their brain size..." This is preposterous. So Orcas in captivity that have attacked humans have or had smaller brains? Also, your reference to "...mass of critical brain parts dealing with intelligence..." Wth??? So if we find ANY animal, mammal, species, or even human, that has a "favorable" ratio in terms of operable brain matter, then (based on your maniacal logic) we should expect this "organism" to NOT be hostile. This is so on the fringe from a logical standpoint that I think this conversation will inevitably shift from a concise evaluation of facts to a sanity check. Dude, drop Wikipedia.
Kevin - 8 years ago
+USCFlash will you please stop defending swimming with orcas dip shit. They can kill you.
schlooonginator - 9 years ago
+Eszra I see your point but I think its unlikely an Orca would ever confuse a human surfer for a seal. These aren't stupid sharks but extremely intelligent mammals. It would probably take a split second for an orca to see they weren't seals.
I am willing to bet there is not a single documented case of such an incident occurring.
Besides, not all orcas hunt seals. There are 2 general groups of orca here, resident and migratory with ,I believe, the resident having a strictly salmon diet whereas the migratory eat seals. these could just be resident whales playing. Whales do like to play.
Eszra - 9 years ago
+Andrew Jackson Oh hush. Lets be nice.
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson - 9 years ago
+Eszra This is why blacks are afraid of the water.
USCFlash - 9 years ago
+Willie Wil
1. We can reduce it to the common denomiantor, which is that you simply are incorrect about sharks visual acuity at close range.

There is absolutely no, debate, as you erroneously claim ""Ampullae of Lorenzini" is a subject of much contention among scientists in terms of it's application, utility, and hence its usefulness."

there is ZERO debate about its utility and usefulness. They are special electro receptors which form the basis for the majority of the sharks detection functions.
To say otherwise is preposterous, not to mention, extremely ignorant.
Unless of course you dont think that sensing electrical fields is important to sharks, their navigation, their hunting.
Your assertions are becoming more ignorant with each post, so please just stop.

2. A Shark, if hungry enough, will in fact eat just about any living thing, not to mention things that are not biological, which it may regurgitate later, or not, depending on the effect on the shark.

3. "The second and more important of your responses as to why Orcas don't engage in this behavior might stretch scientific imagination."

No it would not. Orcas have among the largest brain on the planet and are one of the most emotionally and intellectually evolved animals, even to the point of having different dialects among groups, thus different groups of orcas do in fact even have distinct "cultures"

4. "Are you claiming that Orcas don't attack humans because they have bigger brains than sharks do?"

No, I am claiming they do not because their big brains are so complex and developed and they have discerned what they like to eat, and what they will NOT eat, possibly for altruistic reasons.
The size of an Orca's brain and its complexity are a known fact.
Orca's will attack other whales, dolphins, porpoises and marine mammals (along with numerous other prey items)
Yet they have never attacked a human in the wild....and it is a pretty obvious reason why.
Their brains are large enough and compelx enough for them to make complex decisions about their relationship to humans as potential prey, and actively selecting NOT to attack humans as either food, or for malice

5. "Or perhaps the opposite, sharks attack humans because they lack a brain of sufficient size. "

Sharks attacks humans because their brain is so small, that they do not differentiate, except when it comes to tasting if something is what theyd like to eat or not.
Sharks have zero ability to make an "educated" decision, that an Orca.
This is because of the size and ability of their brain.

6. " Either way, this is really off base.  If brain size was the only variable dictating this behavior, then squirrels would be feasting on humans"

Actually, it is not. More squirrels have attacked humans than Orcas. Squirrels bite humans quite regularly.

Obviously brain size and complexity (which corresponds with brain size) are determining factors when an animal of any type, decides what it will and will not attack.

A squirrel is a vegetarian creature,but it will resort to eating meat (eggs and insects) when desperate, as such it would not feast on humans if it did not have to, but a snake with a brain as small as a squirrel, most certainly has fed on humans....unless you dont think anacondas have .

And a squirrel does not have to feast on a human, but it could certainly attack a human, and they have in fact....for a variety of reasons, none of them predatory. The only thing that stops them doing it more aggressively is their small size and lack of need to.

7. "and even if we account for proportion of brain to body size, the logic just doesn't hold up to a reasonable analysis."

Actually, it does. Crocodiles have tiny brains so do alligators and they will attack humans. Numerous animals have tiny brains and will attack humans for eitehr defense, or consumption, and, in fact, if squirrels were the size of sheep, and hungry enough they would attack humans far mroe often.

8. "Brain size doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence,"

Um, yes it does. While the sheer size does of the brain alone does not correlate, the larger the brain, the larger the critical areas of the brain dealing with intelligence and emotion will be.
the fact that Orcas brains are positively massive and contain more frontal lobe volume and grey matter volume, is precisely why they are so much smarter than Sharks.

9. "predatory motives, or any intentions ascribed to either a shark or an orca or ill-intentioned adults for that matter. "

Yes it does. An animal with a larger, more complex brain and emotional system is capable of far greater decision making across all specters than a tiny brained creature.

10. All this can be concluded anyway with the simple fact that your assertions about sharks visual acuity, and the function of the Ampullae of Lorenizini are totally wrong and grossly misunderstood on your part and incorrect and you cannot simply admit that.

The Ampullae of Lorenzini are absolutely critical to shark behavior and survival.

So stop posturing and admit you were wrong and had zero clue about it. Go read up on it.

And Orcas do not attack humans in the wild, because of their brain size, intelligence relative to the mass of critical brain parts dealing with intelligence, and their ability to make emotional, or intelligence based decisions.

Sharks simply do not have that capacity at all. Sharks are driven by a small brained, prehistoric drive focused on three things: feeding, swimming and mating. They do not make intelligence based decisions.
Willie Wil
Willie Wil - 9 years ago
Actually, it's not too offbase as you propose as "Ampullae of Lorenzini" is a subject of much contention among scientists in terms of it's application, utility, and hence its usefulness.  A little logic might help in this circumstance.  The argument isn't really whether or not the shark uses it's vision up close and / or whether or not Ampullae of Lorenzini facilitates its predatory tactics.  The original basis for this discussion was centrally focused on Orcas and their attacks on humans. and sharks were used as an example.  When I have the time, I'll read up on sharks, Ampullae of Lorenzini, and their lateral lines along with even what music they may or may not like on sundays...but for the scope of this conversation, I have to ask that we reduce it to the common denominator aforementioned.  

Regarding the statements concerning your interpretation of logic as in when you responded with, "Of course they do...they enlist anything that's biological as edible..."  Not sure how this helps or hinder the fundamental premise--which is that there was a clear distinction between the behavior of one over the other.  Namely, that sharks eat any living thing, including humans...by your own standard and definition.  

The second and more important of your responses as to why Orcas don't engage in this behavior might stretch scientific imagination. Are you claiming that Orcas don't attack humans because they have bigger brains than sharks do? Or perhaps the opposite, sharks attack humans because they lack a brain of sufficient size.  Either way, this is really off base.  If brain size was the only variable dictating this behavior, then squirrels would be feasting on humans...and even if we account for proportion of brain to body size, the logic just doesn't hold up to a reasonable analysis.  While having more cerebral matter may sound like an answer to such a question, it simply isn't the case.  Brain size doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence, predatory motives, or any intentions ascribed to either a shark or an orca or ill-intentioned adults for that matter.  But let's not go down that rabbit hole because as I mentioned before, we went off on a tangent twice already.  The answer isn't known as to why one does and one doesn't.  But I suspect fancy terms such as "Ampullae of Lorenzini" will pop up to explain this as well.  
USCFlash - 9 years ago
+Willie Wil
That is preposterous...their "nose area" as you so generally put it, is only sensitive because of The Ampullae of Lorenzini, which are most certainly not at their most effective when something is only six inches from their mouth. when something is 6 inches from their mouth, they are visual predators, and use their mouths for attacking or investigating.

The importance of the ampullae of lornzini (in the snout) and the lateral line (along the sides of the body) are most effective when being OUT of visual range, to detect at ranges far out of sight and guide the shark in, where its vision then comes in to account.
What you said is completely wrong:
"but it's most useful application is to allow the shark to sense it's surroundings when something is within six inches from it's mouth as it can't see once something is within this range. "

This is preposterous and incorrect. when something is 6 inches away from the shark, it is using its VISION to continue the attack, since it is now in VISUAL Range.

"Sharks definitely enlist humans as edible. "

Of course they do. They enlist virtually anything that is biological as edible.

" For whatever reason, Orcas have a different assessment as to what we mean to them. "

Pretty obvious what the reason is:
They have a giant brian wheras sharks have a tiny one.

I understand what you are trying to say, but it is completely offbase.
 on the topic of sharks visual acuity, and how it relates to the Ampullae of Lorenzini (those numerous small holes you see in a sharks snout underside) as well as the lateral line, and how they all tie in to close range predation, you are in fact, very misinformed.
Willie Wil
Willie Wil - 9 years ago
+USCFlash Hi.  I appreciate the response.  One thing though that I should mention is that I stated "blood type" and not simply blood.  But in this, I erred.  I meant bioelectrical pulses.  Blood type is usually how mosquitos prey on humans...O type being the highest concentration of victims.  But back to the sharks.  The sensitivity that they have in their nose area is definitely useful for detecting potential targets...but it's most useful application is to allow the shark to sense it's surroundings when something is within six inches from it's mouth as it can't see once something is within this range.  Sharks definitely enlist humans as edible.  For whatever reason, Orcas have a different assessment as to what we mean to them.  I'm not too informed on the remainder of your posting regarding what areas of an animal or human anatomy a shark decides to attack...but I'll take your word for it :)
USCFlash - 9 years ago
+Willie Wil
I'd agree to a certain extent, except for the fact that most sharks who attack humans, do so when there is no presence of human blood in the water.
After a great white shark (for example) has identified potential prey at a distance, with its sensory detection abilities, like electrical impulse/motion sensation, which it does in the majority of cases, when it then closes the distance to investigate the source, does in fact become a visual predator when prey items come in to visual range.
In most of the attacks by great white sharks for example, on humans, there is rarely ever any evidence to suggest that humans were bleeding, to attract the shark...
and  a shark cannot detect a humans "blood type", unless the human is in fact, bleeding.

There is a very good reason why most shark attacks on humans, primarily involve massive debilitating, single or double bites, to the humans legs and lower torso as a primary target area....because as a general hunting strategy, when they attack seals, dolphins, tuna and other marine mammals, a bite to the hindquarters, is a bite that is done to wound severely and that debilitates  and incapacitates the preys ability to move as quickly....and also causes the prey to bleed it, while the Shark loiters at a distance, and waits for the prey to go in to shock, and loss energy due to blood loss, also, to avoid wounded prey with sharp teeth from potentially injuring the shark as the prey fights to survive.

They do not always hit the legs obviously, but as a strategy, neutralizing and immobilizing the prey is their first priority.

There is absolutely conclusive proof, due to great white shark predatory event study, that the majority of attacks by great whites at the surface, involve an extremely fast, strike from below, or below and to the side, with the Shark rising quickly from medium depth, once it has identified its possible prey silhouette at the surface, by "looking up" from its patrolling depth. Once visual identification is made, the shark swims quickly to the surface to attack.

Chris Fallows, and other researches have proven this particular type of visual hunting strategy conclusively in South Africa, through study of both natural predations on cape fur seals, as well as attacks on towed seal shaped decoys, as well as other non-seal shaped decoys, such as surf boards, and fake human silhouettes.

A shark can only smell blood, if blood from the prey, or potential prey, is actually in the water.
Willie Wil
Willie Wil - 9 years ago
+Willie Wil where = wear (typo corrected :)
Willie Wil
Willie Wil - 9 years ago
+Eszra I must respectfully say that I think you're simply echoing what others have assumed. For starters...scuba divers where pretty much the same time of outfit and in fact include flippers to further resemble some form of aquatic life...Zero of these individuals have been attacked and zero felt as if they were in a predicament that would result in that. I understand why you said what you said...but honestly, it's baseless as there's sufficient evidence to suggest that what triggers an attack (primarily by sharks) may have more to do with blood type and other factors that don't fall in the category of "looking like a seal."
zion - 9 years ago
+Eszra XD
zion - 9 years ago
+Eszra XD
USCFlash - 9 years ago
yes she is a brilliant lady...go to her youtube channel and you can see lots more of her. She has also written many extensive research studies, that i highly recommend that can be found on her website :)
Eszra - 9 years ago
Oh I love her! She's so cool! I recently watch a video with her in it!
USCFlash - 9 years ago
Well i dont understand what we are talking about then, since i agree they should not be messing around in the water at the same time....though my point was, that orcas, even when seeing humans dressed like seals, know the difference :)
Incidentally, if you want to see something amazing, search for Dr. Ingrid Visser, of New Zealnd....one of the foremost researchers on Orcas in the world. She swims with a pod of orcas that she has been studying for years, and does so regularly, dressed as a seal ;)
They are very familiar with her, they also know her since she has helped save a member or tow of those particular pods in teh area, from stranding.
She is quite an amazing woman. Has her own channel on YT, with quite a few videos and she has made many amazing documentaries about orcas. 
Eszra - 9 years ago
+USCFlash Yes that is true. I'd still want them to be careful. I don't want them hurt accidentally. Orca's are just giant dolphins.
USCFlash - 9 years ago

true, but there are not any instances of wild orcas actually playing with humans even...they tend to avoid humans, exhibiting only curiosity.
Eszra - 9 years ago
+USCFlash Oh don't worry I know, but if the whales were in a playful mood the surfers could still get hurt. Most likely no deaths but there could be a mild accident.
USCFlash - 9 years ago
Well fortunately, orcas are far smarter than sharks and they can differentiate between seals and humans.
Nightfall She-Wolf
Nightfall She-Wolf - 9 years ago
Where was this taken? I'm interested in whether these are transient Orcas or residents. It would depend on the location since some groups mainly eat fish while others kill penguins, seals, whales, etc. I'd get out the water too if Orcas were on the hunt! :3 Great footage.
Nightfall She-Wolf
Nightfall She-Wolf - 8 years ago
+Lisa Pecaskie thank you so much! It's gorgeous! I'll have to add that to one of my spots!
Lisa Pecaskie
Lisa Pecaskie - 8 years ago
This is at The Pacific Rim Park,Tofino Vancouver Island British Columbia
ImaMonaKnight - 9 years ago
Nice..thanks x
onetime504 - 9 years ago
More like "humans wisely vacate area where apex predators are feeding."
Kristine Andersen
Kristine Andersen - 9 years ago
I once saw a killer whale in a fjord in western Norway while waiting for the ferry. It came right up to us too! Unfortunately it was gone before I managed to grab my camera. I will never forget it though. One of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen!
Nunya Biznis
Nunya Biznis - 9 years ago
seals = dark - wetsuits = dark - Humans = Lunch !
coiso gamer
coiso gamer - 9 years ago
felipe neto :3
VnGamerBrasil - 9 years ago
kkkk tmj
coiso gamer
coiso gamer - 9 years ago
Esther - 9 years ago
É... Kkk
Molly - 9 years ago
Wow! That's so cool! They're riding the waves together! as the girls comment below said if they wanted to hunt those surfers they would be dead! Just shows in their natural environment they're peaceful beings
Robert J. Sebold
Robert J. Sebold - 9 years ago
maybe there was a shark around
Lee-anne Collins
Lee-anne Collins - 9 years ago
Bit of a misleading title, but amazing footage nonetheless!  The transients are clearly looking at the sealions (seals?) but don't look like they are seriously hunting them - water looks rocky so probably too shallow, plus the sealions don't seem to be in much of a rush once they are inbetween the rocks!  Great video :)
777jonah888 - 10 years ago
protecting pod with babies?
yellogalchun - 10 years ago
Are those residents or transients??????
Heather Staples Ⓥ
Heather Staples Ⓥ - 9 years ago
+yellogalchun residents eat fish, transients eat other mammals. i think they were hunting the sea lions? didn't see any caught, but it looked like they were circling and working on it. not sure though, but i would think these are transients. i guess it also depends on where this is!
April Denney
April Denney - 10 years ago
Good video but labeled very poorly.... 
Eric Garvin
Eric Garvin - 10 years ago
What I wouldn't do to live in BC! That place is beautiful; the surfing is hardcore- rocks, cold, white sharks,,, killer whales! I love the mountain biking, but I would hang here. I think it's my favorite place on the planet. Everything was in sync- big animals move in, smaller animals move out. Everybody was on point. Everybody knows shit can happen. Surreal 
Eric Garvin
Eric Garvin - 10 years ago
motoadicto biker zx
motoadicto biker zx - 10 years ago
Bueno el video ...lo único malo es la risa weona del compadre...
SurfAlien2 - 10 years ago
I don't think I would be wearing a black wetsuit that resembles a seal near orcas.
Emperor cesar
Emperor cesar - 10 years ago
If the Orcas wanted those surfers dead, they'd be dead period.
For what ever reason the masters of the oceans have some what respect for humans
BrianBinOR - 7 years ago
Berkaelzar Maybe we smell bad.
Johan sigurdson
Johan sigurdson - 7 years ago
+WhatStef I am not buying it, they recognize us as the Kings of the land and they wish to seek an alliance with us.
BrianBinOR - 7 years ago
WhatStef I chuckle when I hear people claim that spot for sharks. Orcas are clearly Apex.
BrianBinOR - 7 years ago
WhatStef regardless, the point remains that if they had meant to harm the surfers, there was no stopping them. Incredibly intelligent, complex animals.
Simple Life
Simple Life - 7 years ago
They could eat humans but they are smart enough if they do that, they will get hunted back.
Toraguchi Toraguchi
Toraguchi Toraguchi - 7 years ago
Orcas pass their experiences from one generation to the next, so after centuries of observing humans for a long time, they know humans are not food.
Compass UK
Compass UK - 7 years ago
I think on the whole tbey are nice but like us has varied behavioural patterns and need to survive so its not personal when they eat sea life just the food chaon amd they are intrigued by how we live out of water and like u say aware of our intelegance
Compass UK
Compass UK - 7 years ago
Emperor cesar nicely put..i stil cant believe tbey hunt dolphins who are meant to be intelegant
claudio rabsten
claudio rabsten - 7 years ago
pitiful that these retards typically don't study or learn on orcas at all
Simple Life
Simple Life - 7 years ago
Hi chica, you are for funz.
Jess Awake320
Jess Awake320 - 7 years ago
+Simple Life humans will "stikes" back..??... spoken like a true human retard
joe carr
joe carr - 7 years ago
I seen people with Blubber. I don't know if it is tasty dough.
Simple Life
Simple Life - 7 years ago
Orcas are smart enough to know if they kill humans, humans will strike back.
HarryBalsak - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar Humans don't have tasty blubber
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson - 9 years ago
+Weapon Valhalla Dolphins obviously recognize our superior intelligence and cuteness. There is video of killer whale saving seal pups by putting them on it's nose and taking them to shore. They are obviously smarter than we know. Plus we've lived on the oceans for thousands of years which means they know us very well. They have saved drowning sailors while sailors have been saving stranded dolphins for just as long.
Weapon Valhalla
Weapon Valhalla - 9 years ago
+Robert Komarek Yeah but why be playful randomly to us but everything else they see they eat. 
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 9 years ago
+Weapon Valhalla  Being basically large dolphins, I think they are still naturally playful.
Weapon Valhalla
Weapon Valhalla - 9 years ago
+Robert Komarek Yeah I always wonder why the oceans top predators never eat us. But if we smell like garbage to them why do they still play with us and let us touch them?
WhatStef - 9 years ago
+Robert Komarek Fair enough.   I think we're garbage too.
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 9 years ago
Scientists have an explanation actually.  Humans are full of toxins.  The Orcas do not have to take a bite to know this...it oozes from our pores while in the water.  We probably smell like garbage to them.
WhatStef - 9 years ago
+Robert Komarek I heard we taste like veal.
Robert Komarek
Robert Komarek - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar We don't taste like Salmon...thank goodness for that.
Berkaelzar - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar Well, they need a way to break bones and rip off flesh since they can't just bite it all away like sharks do. Although sometimes they do that for either fun, or educational purposes, nature has no mercy :P
Emperor cesar
Emperor cesar - 9 years ago
dude recently i saw a 400 pound seal get punted 80 ft in the air by a orca i know i shouldnt laugh but it was hillarious
Berkaelzar - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar Ive always wondered why the fuck they don't prey on us. They are more than capable to hunt us be either out in coastal areas, or in deeper waters with their cunning intelligence, social complexity, and large size. I'm sure they could easily come out with ways of turning small boats upside down in order to hunt humans on them. I think they are just so picky with their diet, that they know were just not worth the effort.
Emperor cesar
Emperor cesar - 9 years ago
maybe who knows
HintonburgRep - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar Maybe the whales pick up on a higher consciousness or frequency and know who is trying to harm them and who is not.

Like a spidy sense or something
WhatStef - 9 years ago
+TheEthug lol no I get what you're saying.  What I'm saying is that fish aren't exactly "fatty" to begin with, no matter what species they are.  It's the transient orcas that consume the fatty food (blubber from the mammals they eat).  Was just adding to the conversation, not trying to contradict you.

I read the coroner's report on Dawn.  We must have saw two different things because from what I've gathered, her arm was never recovered.  But that's irrelevant since I'm sure Tilikum didn't eat it for nutritional purposes.  
TheEthug - 9 years ago
Even the ones that eat fish like the Southern Resident Killer Whales of Puget Sound dine on only the fattest Chinook salmon, even if it means allowing an entire school of skinnier salmon to swim by. Transient orcas, which have a broader diet, have shown similar selective behavior, in one case killing a gray whale but eating only its tongue."
 Copy pasted :D

Her arm was ripped off in the attack as was her scalp but the Coroner’s Report is clear that Ms. Brancheau’s entire body, including her arm was recovered. 
WhatStef - 9 years ago
+TheEthug Depends on the subspecies.  Some orcas eat mammals.  Others eat fish.  Tilikum actually ate Dawn Brancheau's arm.  
TheEthug - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar Orca's are known to have a picky palate and they only really like fatty foods, for that reason i assume they don't like the taste of human and just let us be. That is until we lock them in tiny fucking pools, then they get pissed and attack out of anger/frustration. They don't eat the humans they have attacked.
epic103 - 9 years ago
+Emperor cesar They were more interested in the seals, that's what they were probably chasing.
Molly - 9 years ago
+wilson blauheuer They rub their belly's in the shallow water on the rocks it's like a massage :)
WhatStef - 10 years ago
+wilson blauheuer Well they seem to be doing something right seeing as they're the ocean's top predator.
wilson blauheuer
wilson blauheuer - 10 years ago
+WhatStef  there were seals or sea lions swimming there also- an they didn't even come out of the water. Maybe they were in shallow water with locks of  rocks close to the surface where orcas cannot hunt them.  I personally think orcas don't catch  smaller sea mammals as easily as people think.
WhatStef - 10 years ago
I wouldn't call it respect.  Just intelligence.  Orcas don't see humans as food and are smart enough to differentiate between a human and a sea lion and just go about their lives.
Nathan Peoples
Nathan Peoples - 10 years ago
What beach is this?
druha10304 - 10 years ago
kill those white people killer whale!
ElodyTamTam - 9 years ago
+Wily Whiskers As a white man, I actually agree with Druha.
Wily Whiskers
Wily Whiskers - 9 years ago
+druha10304 I'd have given you a thumbs up if you hadn't specified 'white'. I don't think any race should be exempt.
Sabrina Abdul
Sabrina Abdul - 10 years ago
How stupid are these surfers omg you can admire the whales from land not in the water where theyll make you their lunch . Lol awesome video!
Hilary C
Hilary C - 9 years ago
Sabrina...read something. Orcas never attack people. They go around (and under) surfers and kayakers all the time; they ignore humans. They have no interest in us; I don't blame them.
TB94 FTG - 10 years ago
Dont comment on things Sabrina, you have no idea what you are talking about. You think they went into the water looking for whales? They were already in the water. 
Michael McKinnon
Michael McKinnon - 10 years ago
The Surfers were already in the water when the orcas came through.  You can see the surfers reacting and trying to swim in. 
J Gabriel
J Gabriel - 10 years ago
The Orcas can distinguish prey well, and have some of the most advanced communications between all mammals. Some would say those surfers are foolish; I'd like to think it was a calculated risk, to be part of an experience where only a select few others would dared to have gone.
drumisland - 10 years ago
Quiksilver made a brown/ tan wetsuit in 4/3mm, but its not warm enough for that break
Andres Mendez
Andres Mendez - 10 years ago
Those surfers were interfering with a pack of orcas trying to feed themselves, not good not respecting nature, being really idiotic and irresponsible pacing yourself in the middle of a top predator (even if intelligent) AND ITS PREY, the seals
Frank Herrmann
Frank Herrmann - 10 years ago
The surfers were already in the water when the Orcas and sea lions passed by in deeper water. While the surfers calmly took their time going to shore, non actually went farther out nor came back out after going in. The Orca were herding the sea lions and the humans were a non-factor. If anything, the surfers were more likely to be injured by a panicked sea lion than by an Orca.
Critically Thought
Critically Thought - 10 years ago
Those surfers are the product of millions of years of evolution. The process of natural selection has been played out millions of times to produce the people you see, not just in that video but everyday. Millions of years of predator vs. prey tactics were in play, the seals used the surfers just as they would've used whales, boats or anything else that would've caused enough of a distraction for them to get away. So no, those surfers didn't do anything wrong and - whether you like it or not - are part of nature as well.
TB94 FTG - 10 years ago
You Sir have no idea what you are talking about.
CupojoePro - 10 years ago
someone will always try to find something wrong with the most innocent sport, surfing
Michael McKinnon
Michael McKinnon - 10 years ago
The Surfers were already in the water when the orcas came through.  You can see the surfers reacting and trying to swim in once the orcas are spotted.
CALICOTV301 - 10 years ago
I'm disappointed by this titles. I was hoping to see the Orcas literally put on shoes and chase them out of the water
st ts
st ts - 10 years ago
stupid people
acidb1 - 10 years ago
surfing where the orcas are eating is SO STUPID.
Johnny Sawyer
Johnny Sawyer - 10 years ago
I would have stayed in the lineup to see if they would check me out. Orca's have never killed a human in the wild.
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Regina Huttunen Attacks on humpbacks are extremely rare. Bull humpbacks are dominate animals and chase orcas away. Calves and old individual's occasionally get killed. Orcas have no way of eating 50 tons of meat. They eat what they can before it sinks.
Shane Bray
Shane Bray - 7 years ago
Darryl Bernard Inuits trying to kill them while on tiny wooden boats might have got fucked up. They deserve it
Darryl Bernard
Darryl Bernard - 7 years ago
Inuits have been killed by orcas,orcas have also hunted arctic and Antarctic explorers by trying to knock them off of ice flows. We would never know if they occasionally go after humans because as pack hunters they wouldn't leave anything left that was recognisable.

My personal feeling is that anything that kills and feeds on the tongues of baby whales,that can catch and eat dolphins,that partially beach themselves to hunt seals and kills sharks just for their livers isn't anything is want to be in the water with.
Johnny Sawyer
Johnny Sawyer - 10 years ago
Orcas sonar will give them an outline of you. You won't meet their criteria of a food source.
Regina Huttunen
Regina Huttunen - 10 years ago
Actually orcas wouldn't probably kill humans to eat them. For example when they kill a humpback whale, they might just eat the tongue and some soft nice parts and leave the rest. There wouldn't be very much to eat in a human being for an orca.
ukjent83 - 10 years ago
never know:p they might have eaten humans, but nobody will know becouse if they take a human it will be nothing left
Osckarre - 10 years ago
These orca are playing with the sea lions, If they catch one they'll kill it tossing it high into the air to each other until its completely torn apart and dead. I'm just thinking these surfers are being really foolish because the orca could mistake them for a sea lion.
Toby Riddle
Toby Riddle - 7 years ago
graceygrumble I've never heard of anyone being killed by a wild Orca, however I have heard of one grabbing a diver by the leg. Apparently it licked him, as if it was tasting him then let him go. Didn't do him any damage what so ever!
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
butter on a seal lion ?
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
+Salomon Crenshaw I never said they were cute. They're just too intelligent to mistake a human for a sea lion or anything else; which was the OP's original premise. 
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
For now, let's not hope they get to clever for our own good. Buy the way, are you aware of ocras have been known to hunt deer, moose, elk, when they are crossing in the water ? Hmmmm, very cute eh ?
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
+Salomon Crenshaw The orcas are keeping it that way.
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
not yet, and let's keep it that way
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
+Salomon Crenshaw Yes, but as I said "...not a single human being has been killed by a 'wild' orca. "
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
they have in Sea World !
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
+Jeff Douglas I'd just like to point out that there was no hint of anthropomorphism in my responses.
Just reasoned responses based on well-documented evidence.
Jeff Douglas
Jeff Douglas - 10 years ago
+Boleyn Ahead Anthropomorphism aside, we're talking about a highly evolved, intelligent and sentient animal that knows the difference between what is and what is not prey.  The theory of the exploratory bite with sharks could translate to Orcas as well, but they're not a pelagic species and therefor don't need to be opportunistic as food is plentiful, relatively speaking.  They can however get aggressive when preserving their territory or protecting young. 
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
+Boleyn Ahead So, is that why not a single human has been killed by a wild orca?
Osckarre - 10 years ago
I've lived my whole life on the west coast and have encountered orca many times while out fishing or commuting. I can tell you that they can become agitated or aggressive. When a large bull turns towards your little 22 ft catalina and does what I think is a charge, you get the message pretty darn quick "don't mess with me".
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
+Keiko8383 No, but sharks have.
Keiko8383 - 10 years ago
Orcas have mistaken surfers for seals/sea lions in the past.
graceygrumble - 10 years ago
They're not stupid fish, like sharks.
They can tell the difference; they have sonar.
You wouldn't mistake a cat for a Scotsman if it was wearing a kilt!
wowgoat - 10 years ago
Looks like these Orcas purposefully did not get these seals because of the surfers to me. I have seen Orcas come right up on the beach to eat seals. These ones kept their distance and the seals actually look like they are using the humans to get away. This pod could have easily gone into way more shallow water to hunt them and did not because of the proximity of the surfers. The guy walking was knee to waist deep and the Orca could easily have swam within a couple of feet of him and did not. The seals stayed close to the people using them as a buffer it looked like to me. Those animals are so smart I think they chose not to push in close to humans. They are not sharks who bite to see what something is. They in fact can and have eaten sharks including the great white without getting even a scratch. What amazing and wonderful creatures they are. Thanks for sharing the video very cool.
Kris Diel
Kris Diel - 7 years ago
wowgoat - If the Orcas are 'residents' they don't eat the seals, just fish. I don't know either way about these but I'd think the seals would still be wary of the Orcas.
Super muscle
Super muscle - 7 years ago
Wowgoat, I totally agree ! Those seals used the humans as a shield to get away from the Orcas.And the Orcas decided not to get to close to the surfers, when chasing them, even though they easily could. Kudos to you for your true and intelligent comment !
Lulu Price
Lulu Price - 7 years ago
wowgoat this comment deserves more likes.
wowgoat - 10 years ago
I have watched all of her youtube stuff I wish there was more. She is a pioneer in her field. I find these creatures facinating. The video of the orca making imitating prop noise and some of there interactions with humans makes me believe they are more intelligent than humans want to believe they are. The family units are amazing as well as their ability to learn. I think they are the smartest animals besides most humans on the planet. Thanks and have a great day.
Maria White
Maria White - 10 years ago
I would say you're right.  Orcas hunt together and food share. They're not sharks, they're cetaceans and even though they're the top predator in the ocean, they're not human killers. They have specific strategies for how they kill and eat different prey. Search Ingrid Visser and watch some wonderful footage of her research.
Captain Quinn
Captain Quinn - 11 years ago
This is INSANE! I would be out of the water so fast-haven't these people seen planet earth?
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
no, for playing catch me if you dare
TheBainzz - 10 years ago
+Salomon Crenshaw what? for surfing??
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
they are bored, ego-centric, narcissistic, and have a poor understanding of nature.
Hilary C
Hilary C - 11 years ago
More like surfers wimp out. I grew up on the island and whales NEVER chase people lol. They hunt seals, but they ignore the boney humans. :)
Karen Gabriel
Karen Gabriel - 11 years ago
Freaky Awesome!
anna kleinschmidt
anna kleinschmidt - 11 years ago
where did the orcas chase the surfers out? The one that did get out decided to do so by himself; I didn´t see a Killer Whale behind him.
Rizwan Hussain
Rizwan Hussain - 11 years ago
Indihoho - 11 years ago
real locals ;)
Jackie Hendrix
Jackie Hendrix - 11 years ago
This is an awesome video - a real gem. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Tracker Productions
Tracker Productions - 11 years ago
Transients chasing sea lions. Cool! 
Salomon Crenshaw
Salomon Crenshaw - 10 years ago
most people can't even tell between Transient Killer whales and Resident killer whales, that mostly hunt fish, and are used in huge aquatic theme parks.
Osckarre - 10 years ago
Most people can't tell the difference between a seal and a sea lion lol
ImaMonaKnight - 11 years ago
we see orcas all august ... its amazing... thanks for sharing xx
James Scott
James Scott - 11 years ago
that is a cool video of the orcas going after the seals...i just went to tofino for the first time and made this video of my trip, please check it out when you have a chance: watch?v=MOtntDW0KnM
flumpjumper - 11 years ago
surfers with whiskers and tails
Luciana Fernandes
Luciana Fernandes - 11 years ago
vishi ,entra lá vai,esses caras e loco
venom400 - 11 years ago
Orcas don't see humans as food or they would be dead before you see them
waqar khan
waqar khan - 11 years ago
so what shell we then
sukisuzuki10 - 11 years ago
What beautiful footage, looks so moody and powerful,
Brett Hunter
Brett Hunter - 11 years ago
BC is British Columbia
FZJ70 - 11 years ago
Orcas chased surfers underwater... that's why you see no $#!T !!!!
FalconsRweak - 11 years ago
you are joking right?
briantobin9 - 11 years ago
I don' think that's entirely true... Yes, Resident orca pods eat almost primarily fish, however transient orcas can also live in pods (usually much smaller in number though...)
briantobin9 - 11 years ago
...captive orcas have attacked and killed trainers after being confined to the equivelant of a jail cell for many years. There are no documented cases of wild orcas showing aggression of any kind to humans.
briantobin9 - 11 years ago
Shamu eats jaws :) there's a video on here showing that...
Mfitz1960 - 11 years ago
The videographer laughing while making this tape is ignorant. Too bad it was not you in the water & the rest of us could laugh at you while you were scared by huge black killer whales.
Rishard Box
Rishard Box - 11 years ago
BC, is Baja California-Mexico????
TheDarkalkymist - 11 years ago
if there is blood in the water, neither would be safe
TheDarkalkymist - 11 years ago
because humans generally aren't stupid enough to piss off a pod of orcas, those that are don't return to tell about it
NozyWriter - 11 years ago
LOL. True. However, you always hear about shark attacks because there is always somebody else with that "lucky" person. Orcas are the most amazing and interesting of the ocean predators to me personally.
oi mum look
oi mum look - 11 years ago
its because you probably wouldnt hear from that lucky person again
oi mum look
oi mum look - 11 years ago
its all fun and games till a orca eats somebody
NozyWriter - 11 years ago
There has never been any record of a killer whale in the wild attacking a human.
deathbyqtip33 - 11 years ago
Fuck that. I'd feel safer in the water with jaws than shamoo
Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne - 11 years ago
I woo
waqar khan
waqar khan - 11 years ago
and also if the surfers are gonna black swimmer ware then they are inviting there Death
waqar khan
waqar khan - 11 years ago
if this was Tilium or Shamu there would have killed humen they already attack there trainers
Adriana Rodrigues
Adriana Rodrigues - 11 years ago
Craig Collet
Craig Collet - 11 years ago
Hmmm, right before this I watched a whole documentary about a pod of Orcas hunting seals in the shallows. Must have been a figment of my imagination.
Mike WELSH DRAGON Bush - 11 years ago
Didn't chase them out of the water at all.
jim sims
jim sims - 11 years ago
NO, Orcas in pods are fish-eaters. The ones that eat mammals are solitary. And no, there was no chasing of humans - obviously you can't out-paddle / out-run an orca.
Elisabeth - 11 years ago
Kellie C.
Kellie C. - 11 years ago
Thanks for info... That was an awesome scene you caught on video either way! =)
bobbyd963 - 11 years ago
Its been researched (not by me) that bright colors irritate some sharks, great whites in particular and the color black actually calms them. By them I mean sharks. Who knows? As far as the killer whales go, I do know that I am smart enough to stay away from something that can end my life inside of 5 seconds even if it is the nicest smartest creature on earth.
Amber Renee Graves
Amber Renee Graves - 11 years ago
Yeah, the whales are paying no attention to the surfers. Plus, what idiots surf right next to a pod of whales hunting seals?
OahuKidd - 11 years ago
Hahaha good theory. That's right!
francesco - 11 years ago
surfers can easily be confused with seals
Frhof Lpfan
Frhof Lpfan - 11 years ago
Wow be proud of your Video
di dutra
di dutra - 11 years ago
OahuKidd - 11 years ago
Seriously, as a surfer, I would be scared to shit because Orcas are too smart and so huge. At the same time, they could seem smart enough not to attack but you never know. I don't blame those guys for heading in. It's a creepy feeling. You never hear about any attacks but hey, theres always a 1st time for everything. Lol!
Raccoonista - 11 years ago
that surfer has some balls.
BellinghamsterTrail - 11 years ago
The Orcas are just having their dinner. The surfers really should have come ashore much sooner though.
Mike D
Mike D - 11 years ago
Killer whales aren't as stupid as great whites though so they wouldn't make that mistake.
Pikeman50 - 11 years ago
Yeah right!!!You really believe that??!!
SurferBE11 - 11 years ago
Mammals! Not fish ;)
goliac492 - 11 years ago
Sharks. Not Whales.
TheLovwomen - 11 years ago
ill stick to swimming pools !!!!!
panzer981 - 11 years ago
except the humans on surfboards look like seals !
goliac492 - 11 years ago
Transient killer whales after Seals. They could care less about Humans.
Robert Farmilo
Robert Farmilo - 11 years ago
Amazin video! Thanks guys. When staying in Tofino, come on by and say hello!
Patty Meotti
Patty Meotti - 11 years ago
ma che ti ridi?
Joe Barone
Joe Barone - 11 years ago
what is so funny? id really like to know. dumbass
Tubedude - 11 years ago
Sorry no Killer Whale has ever made that mistake.
Nick Dosse
Nick Dosse - 11 years ago
where is this??
MsBirdMom - 11 years ago
It amazes me that both the seals and surfers stayed in the water with the pod of whales clearly hunting. The whales would only mistakenly bite surfers because they look like giant seals with their black wetsuits on.
Jason Baffa
Jason Baffa - 12 years ago
seals are surfers too
ihateuutube - 12 years ago
great idea to go surfing with orcas cuz you know there are no sharks around.
Rene Pare
Rene Pare - 12 years ago
I wouldnt wanna surf with them lol they could kill you if they wanted
070ruben - 12 years ago
Pikeman50 - 12 years ago
Those orcas are some scary fish!
Luis Santiago
Luis Santiago - 12 years ago
you know your childhood messed you up when you wonder why these Orcas dont have a curved dorsal fin... Damn you Free Willy!!
Diogo Venturieri
Diogo Venturieri - 12 years ago
UnknownDemoTapes - 12 years ago
I read the title as Orcs chase surfers, lol.
BenjiMaddensWifey - 12 years ago
Actually, Orcas are known to be fierce and very hungry for any prey. They're like a shark. But different. They will attack when felt offended and/or scared. Look them up. This is how I got my knowledge. :)
PowerOf One
PowerOf One - 12 years ago
Talk about playing russian roulette. Why surf with orca?!
Eastern WA Nature
Eastern WA Nature - 12 years ago
Agreed. At 1:42 you can a seal's head near shore as it looks to the whales trying to make an escape.
Agraphia - 12 years ago
actually this video clearly shows orcas chasing seals
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 12 years ago
That's not the point. I consider myself pretty smart but if Im fighting and a buddy gets in the way there is a good chance he'll get hit. Just cause you poke the bear doesn't mean he will maul you, but it's advised you refrain
Jumping Dragoon
Jumping Dragoon - 12 years ago
Oh, they're at the end of the video, but they went in AFTER they knew there were Killer Whales in there. God do I feel smart, having not jumped into my personal DOOM. LOL :P
Jumping Dragoon
Jumping Dragoon - 12 years ago
By Surfers do you mean SEALS ?
a - 12 years ago
The whales are actually hunting. They have intelligent ways of hunting seals. They aren't chasing the surfer.
Jordan Lark
Jordan Lark - 12 years ago
dude, these surfers have balls...
4stinduction - 12 years ago
orcas my ass,these are penguins.
Cathy Owens
Cathy Owens - 12 years ago
that would be a really long title XD
rebellionguard - 12 years ago
I don't see a chase going on. Waste of time. Good title though, I see how you got the 400k + views, you rip off.
motoz30 - 12 years ago
lol...orcas and surfers have been sharing the water for a while. no confirmed attacks. they're a bit more intelligent than sharks...&/or bears.
A Sharp
A Sharp - 12 years ago
...and I don't understand a person watching a whale video w/ surfers and then thinking they can "understand" Americans--a population of over 313 MILLION? It's a video featuring a whale and some surfers in British Columbia (that's in Canada, btw)--why are you using it to try and understand an entire culture? Maybe you & your "land" need a guide: "This is a wildlife video, NOT a cultural video". You should focus more on overcoming your bias toward other cultures. Best of luck w/ that, friend...
Joel Coto
Joel Coto - 12 years ago
thats perfeclty normal in my land! i dont undertand amerricans!
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 12 years ago
The orcas are def not chasing the surfers, but..... It's pretty dumb to be surfing (which resembles a seal) while orcas are trying to eat seals. That's poking the bear my man, you just don't do that
BMcbugger - 12 years ago
Not for amateur surfers.
M C - 12 years ago
"hey look, orcas and seals swimming together. Start video taping and giggle like a retard while I go surf with them"
Quinton Terrell
Quinton Terrell - 12 years ago
some videos are mostly stupid
trojanman5150 - 12 years ago
What is so funny? The guy filming is a "half-wit"?
mazedull - 12 years ago
well, I see seals swimming away...so I bet the orcas are chasing them ;) not the surfers.
austin lasater
austin lasater - 12 years ago
that was the stupidest video ever seen what the fuck are you even taping its like watching a retard trying to hump a door knob its just dumb!!!
Kellie C.
Kellie C. - 12 years ago
Maybe the surfers should change the color of their suits from black to another bright color.
Kellie C.
Kellie C. - 12 years ago
The orcas are hunting sea lions and in the proccess scaring the surfers out of the water.
bruce silverquill
bruce silverquill - 12 years ago
Those guys are crazy , i am ,sure they where safe,but don't push it , you guy got big brass set of nuts!!
babs - 12 years ago
What a beautiful setting.
WESTaucks836 - 12 years ago
man id hate to be those seals
JERSEYDON7132 - 12 years ago
they chasin seals not surfers
Casey Mitchell
Casey Mitchell - 12 years ago
fuck going into that water
William Towle
William Towle - 12 years ago
I was at chestermans two days before this happened
William Towle
William Towle - 12 years ago
Newsflash humans in wetsuits look like seals
gycho8 - 12 years ago
News flash. Orcas eat seals, not surfers.
desiree parrilla
desiree parrilla - 12 years ago
camera mad sounds like a retard...i didnt see no orca chasing nothing but seals...some people are so fukkin dumb it kills me
southernDJ803 - 12 years ago
Thumbs down this vid for wasting your time
FuLLeFFekT1 - 12 years ago
Or Orca's round up a tasty seal lunch while surfers watch.
Joe Smith
Joe Smith - 12 years ago
huntinforit - 12 years ago
The seals were smarter than them surfers!
Burnel Preston
Burnel Preston - 12 years ago
Orcas feeding... right.. surfers are lucky that is all that happened
Aunrael - 12 years ago
Shhh! Reality bends to her very WILL!
bronzesel - 12 years ago
One thing I have learned with dealing with wild/tame animals...never say never. Animals are like people, they all have different personalities and their aggressive nature is different. But, I have never heard of a wild orca attacking a human. Still I would hate to be the ... ONE... human mistaken for a seal.
TommyBoy ScaleModeling
TommyBoy ScaleModeling - 12 years ago
They're hunting seals not chasing surfers. Mis-titled to get people to watch it. Weak.
Ididsubmititalready - 12 years ago
They are not called Cute Killer Whales like some people think.
Donovan R.
Donovan R. - 12 years ago
they aren`t in captivity....
845835ab - 12 years ago
Surfing in black wet suits around seals as Killer Whales hunt...I mean what could possibly go wrong.
Diana Ward
Diana Ward - 12 years ago
In captivity I would be aggressive too!
lane - 12 years ago
yep, don't want to hurt their feelings
alexin051 - 12 years ago
that's right, i am very lucky to get to know about this site. Listen, i've been getting paid about $200 a week just for letting brands know what i prefer to buy. if you wanna try just try now: bit.ly\X72xER
BlueSeaWendy - 12 years ago
I'd paddle in!! SCARY!!!
drepop803 - 12 years ago
whaaat. these ppl were still surfing/swimming in the water with the orcas so close. thats scary but kind of cool at the same time. i would of stayed in the water aswell only if there were other humans around.
Jackie Tabone
Jackie Tabone - 12 years ago
I'm pretty sure this was in Uclulet on Vancouver Island just recently..
Isaac Stevens
Isaac Stevens - 12 years ago
where is this beach?
Sharon Jackson
Sharon Jackson - 12 years ago
Mike Pedde is correct. Nothing is chasing anything here.
kelley davis
kelley davis - 12 years ago
I saw Orca (1977) that thing will bite your leg right off just ask Richard Harris.
Annyong Rings
Annyong Rings - 12 years ago
Not the same without David Attenborough
Brandon Butler
Brandon Butler - 12 years ago
video title should be "orcas and surfers enjoy chilly Tofino waters together while ignoring dorky, giggling idiot whose video titles don't reflect reality"
Jessy Hoffman
Jessy Hoffman - 12 years ago
hunting seals!
chelg - 12 years ago
it looks like there are some very nervous sea lions out there
EpicTV - 12 years ago
If anybody wants to meet the man behind the footage, you should check his interview on our channel!
grahamsound - 12 years ago
Also, some really nice waves coming in there!
grahamsound - 12 years ago
From what I've heard, there are resident pods that only eat salmon, and there are transients that eat mammals like seals. Transients roam in much smaller groups. These look like residents that are just kind of playfully bullying the seals to teach the young ones something. Also, orcas are a matriarchal society, so the females do the teaching, and they have the smaller dorsal fins compared to males. Those looked like almost all females. Fun facts!
Kilo Man
Kilo Man - 12 years ago
Dam looks like a pretty good day minus the wild animal crowd and the freezing water temperature! we kinda have that too where i surf. not to many orcas. but we do get a couple sharks time to time :/ 805
jenny wakiki
jenny wakiki - 12 years ago
i love this video so cool
Linda Theriault
Linda Theriault - 12 years ago
absolutely, the best place to live
Linda Theriault
Linda Theriault - 12 years ago
that's why they wear wet suits... people are so ignorant about Canada... they think we are all about snow and cowboys and Indians and igloos. just so u know, we had no snow in Victoria this year at all. so check it out
Linda Theriault
Linda Theriault - 12 years ago
that's nasty.... do u think he planted theOrcas, idiot... this is a once in a life time opportunity... wish i had been there
1000lifelessons - 12 years ago
God bless the Best Coast!
EASTA KING - 12 years ago
these surfers are fukin crazy to stay in the water. they probably never saw orcas documentary...
Brent Maltais
Brent Maltais - 12 years ago
Check out my channel and subscribe to see more videos. Channel is "Brent maltais"
MrSistermaryelephant - 12 years ago
Pro-Tip----> That's why you wear a wet suit. Water's about 10c, in cali it's not much warmer12c maybe, and they wear wet suits down there as well
KiwiOverlord - 12 years ago
rocks in the break. Fuck that!
YuDanny8 - 12 years ago
I wouldn't surf in BC, the water is freaking cold
b4igetu - 12 years ago
They mean they are being pushed from the water by the pod of hunting whales getting closer. No the Whales aren't checking them out but you still don't want to be close to any animal hunting. Don't get so hysterical about it.
drprogensteinphp - 12 years ago
Looks to me like the killer whales are hunting seals, and couldn't give a rats ass about the surfers. This video should be re-titled "Orcas Hunt Seals".
lostridley - 12 years ago
CTV reports that this video went viral at 80k hits. That's all it takes to go viral in Canada, is 80k, what a lame country. Canada.
lostridley - 12 years ago
Cameraman has the "gayest " laugh ever.
Cindy Wines
Cindy Wines - 12 years ago
I wish all the Orca whales were left to be free rather than slaves at SeaWorld and Marineland. It is so cruel and depressing!
Cheese Wonton
Cheese Wonton - 12 years ago
there is surfers but no one is out there getting chased in like wtf!?!?! idn doesn't make sence b/c there clearly chaseing the seals to hunt and it them the orcas r hunting not chasing surfers u ly....
Char Charlie
Char Charlie - 12 years ago
Transients, residents - who cares, this is a Great Video!!!!! Thanks Adam, I love it.
mark duncan
mark duncan - 12 years ago
What are you waiting for?? Get OUT of the water!!!
lordrampage - 12 years ago
Hooo my God this fatal attack is dramatic for sure God bless the orcas
Samurai Jack
Samurai Jack - 12 years ago
Jetski FishingShow
Jetski FishingShow - 12 years ago
Had a similar experience on my Jetski! A whole pod chased and tried to eat the underwater camera!
Andrew Naysmith
Andrew Naysmith - 12 years ago
sorry to hear it has closed for the winter...people need to respect that land and the people who live on it first and foremost.
Meme Name
Meme Name - 12 years ago
Das right! And stay out
Kyle Armstrong
Kyle Armstrong - 12 years ago
I think its pretty cool how (so far) orcas haven't just gone ahead and dummied some surfers (knock on cedar) and that these guys could experience something so cool. For more footage of canadian surfing and nature check out the short film 'groundswell'. You can order it as well at the surf network's product site. Proceeds go to Raincoast an NGO that helps to protect the coast.
Keagan Graham
Keagan Graham - 12 years ago
Really high quality footage. Really cool.
Mike Nelson Pedde
Mike Nelson Pedde - 12 years ago
Yes, there are orcas, and seals, and surfers. It looks like the orcas are casually hunting the seals, but not making much effort at it. And the surfers are being ignored by the orcas completely. Some of the surfers at least are ignoring the orcas. So far as I know there has only ever been one case of a wild orca biting a human and this pod certainly didn't 'chase the surfers' from the water. Orcas could well do without that kind of unsubstantiated sensationalism.
Tara McKone
Tara McKone - 12 years ago
Sharon Grattan
Sharon Grattan - 12 years ago
Is that Mackenzie Beach?
doug batchelor
doug batchelor - 12 years ago
very very cool!! nice filming o fa rare moment!!!
westcoast37 - 12 years ago
Should have had a spear handy, then you can have food for the next month
DPleskin - 12 years ago
i never said "dfinitely" I said "these are offshores" the same as others have said "these are residents" so I guess we're all equally arrogant in our opinions of what type of orcas these are. Calling someone down for being sure of their opinion while holding yours unwaveringly in the face of equal facts is hypocritical. and i already said I regretted that name calling and recinded it, so you harass someone who's already made an attempt to rectify their wrongdoing. Hold that head high and proud.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
you're not used to having any friends are you? seriously GO HOME. what bs have I said? yo usay I'm misinformed and full of shit, show me ONE WRONG THING I've said. Please.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
dude GO AWAY. you've got a personal vendetta with me you need to give up. I said something rude to marcie which I already said I regret. Aside from that all I've done is present VALID FACTUAL data on why I think these are offshores. If you disagree, either present contrary data or move the fuck on. You keep telling me I'm misinformed, when I've only presented factual data. I'm happy to discuss data, but take your little kid beef and just go away.
powershop1903 - 12 years ago
Looks like all the whale tale nerds are out in full force! Just watch the video and have a nice day !
DPleskin - 12 years ago
lol I don't think they're residents at all. I'd be glad to admit I'm wrong if someone presents such info. read all of my comments and you'll see I already said they COULD be transients, but I find it more likely they're offshores. How is it CLEAR marcie is those things? How is it in anyway clear I'm not? I live in victoria on van island where the things I'm talking about happen. I'm an avid fisher and I spent more time on the ocean than you'd probably believe.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
I live in victoria and I read about orcas sometimes(I really don't know fuck all about whales). It's not hard to pick up a book, magazine or look up articles you're interested in, learn and retain that info. You could ask the same question of anyone posting info on anything.
DiscoverSooke - 12 years ago
I bet there are no more than 5-6 Orca here. And it's apparent that 2 of them are quite young.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
I havent said a single conflicting fact(point one out of I have, my mistake between florida and california notwithstanding as that was self corrected). And exactly how does the form of a response pretain to the information held within? If i say "you're an idiot the earth is round" and you say "well excuse me good sir, but the earth is flat". Does that make you right and me wrong because I was rude and you weren't?
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
What a lonely lonely pathetic world you grammar nazi's live in! This is not a scientific journal, it's the peanut gallery!
DiscoverSooke - 12 years ago
Read my post again. I said "Whale watching boat".. I didn't refer to Orca as whales. We also see Humpback and Grey's out there.
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
All the surfers saved their lives by crapping in their suits!
adrian humphreys
adrian humphreys - 12 years ago
they were lucky they didn't get killed. the seals were fleeing the orcas and they were being herded into shore where the rocks are. those guys just happened to be lucky.
DiscoverSooke - 12 years ago
The amount of times I've operated a whale watching boat around Southern Vancouver Island and have come across T's in multiple's, 2, 3, 4 in numbers are greater than singles. Just some food for thought.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
I just said they weren't transients. I said nothing about them being residents.
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
Oh, what was that bleeding sea lion doing on the beach later that day?
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
Marcie is right, if you've shit your wetsuit they would spit you out.
DiscoverSooke - 12 years ago
The chance that they are offshore, is highly unlikely. Not much is known about Offshore Orca and they typically stay hundreds of miles off the coast, that is why they are called "Offshore". Is it possibly, yes? But highly unlikely. I've witnessed in the numbers you describe and there are not that many Orca here. Just because they aren't killing doesn't mean they aren't playing with the seals. They could be teaching their young to hunt too, which doesn't always involve killing. Odds are T's.
martino daniells
martino daniells - 12 years ago
Who cares about the facts, comments, etc...just enjoy this beautiful video!
DPleskin - 12 years ago
offshores look like transients, but form more sociable pods like residents, but they move shore to shore looking for fish schools and mammal packs are almost exclusively foudn around vancouver island. So I think YOU have your facts mixed up.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
there aren't studies to show individual dialects between transients because there are none. Dialect implies a consistent speech pattern between groups whereas transients are more garbled unintelligble versions of resident dialects. Transients commune more with body language and tail slaps and unless metting up with their own FAMILY members to form pods. Transients are also known to rape other orcaps, dolhpins and porpoises. These are "offshore" orcas". Which resemble transients.
DPleskin - 12 years ago
I'd be impressed with you calling me a third grader and rating my use of conjunctions if you remembered basic grammar.
David Rawlins
David Rawlins - 12 years ago
Thanks for the informed comments Marcie! Muchly appreciated! So you don't think the surfers have anything to be concerned about given the circumstances? I ask because I surf out there occasionally and my natural reaction would be to head to shore until the hunt had passed by. (My concern would be that in a wet suit I'd look somewhat similar to a seal. ;)) - hopefully a little less blubbery though. :D
SUNDOGG97 - 12 years ago
Amazing BC, Looks like the whales come along, OH those are kids playing, I think animals are much more aware then what we give them credit for.
honour123 - 12 years ago
could that dude get more stupid. he looks like lunch!
Christian Tatonetti
Christian Tatonetti - 12 years ago
No To Enbridge and Oil Tankers on the Coast of British Columbia!
Gregory Vorster
Gregory Vorster - 12 years ago
Adam , you have stirred up a comment SHIT storm! HAHA, calm down people. forget the title, sit back and just enjoy what these lucky few experienced.
Kaelyn Phillips
Kaelyn Phillips - 12 years ago
So much love. This video is amazing!
Wendy Ooms
Wendy Ooms - 12 years ago
I loved watching this..
SouthIslandSurf - 12 years ago
It's a faked video for a TV advertisement.
shiboof - 12 years ago
Do you have a link? The Orca snatches man' videos are not true. Simply clever editing.
shiboof - 12 years ago
I believe they were after the seals. I live on Whidbey so see transients around here as well. Always thrilling to see a bunch! I recall being with the whale researchers and also hearing how silent they are...the underwater microphones when beside residents are absolutely alive with sounds of chattering!
QuietAirsoft - 12 years ago
Nate - 12 years ago
dude its free willy and friends!
theyspar - 12 years ago
I don't understand why the seals wouldn't have come ashore.
Zsaire Gable
Zsaire Gable - 12 years ago
I saw the vid. this morning. It was a click through on a site by a well known videographer. Not necessarily the Orca vid. but the click through... There was a graphics warning before you clicked it the orca came right up on the beach and snatched the man who was wading in the surf. It was kind of alarming. Wild animals are not acting like they were before.
DiscoverSooke - 12 years ago
Actually, they are transients. Southern Resident Orca of Vancouver Island do travel to Tofino, but not as often as one might think. They likely wouldn't be this close to shore either, as residents ONLY feed on Salmon and not Mammals such as seals and sea lions. Transients tend to have sharper dorsal fins, which these clearly have. And Marcie Callewaert is quite active in the whale watching community around Southern Vancouver Island. I would tend to believe her too.
Yojimbo413 - 12 years ago
Orcas, assholes of the sea.
C GrayGirl
C GrayGirl - 12 years ago
That's a rarity! Very cool!
Logan Z
Logan Z - 12 years ago
Shut ur butt nobody cares
Nunya Biznus
Nunya Biznus - 12 years ago
Thanks Adam for sharing this amazing video. Just one of many reasons I love our island.
Zsaire Gable
Zsaire Gable - 12 years ago
not a bit totally misleading title. I have seen video of a human being eaten by a Orca. I guess sometimes they mitake a human for a seal. I don't think I would be putting myself at risk if there were Orca's and seal in the same vicinity. Too much at stake!
Rangdip - 12 years ago
Too bad he didn't get eaten damn that Woulda been great.
TheNatKidd - 12 years ago
Why can't they go bother Sonic. :l
str8rippon - 12 years ago
That guy has balls to go surfing in the middle of winter in the Pacific Ocean in BC never mind the orcas
GuildF40 - 12 years ago
These guys have not seen the Orcas chasing and catching seals in the beach. I would sooooooo be out of there.
Doug Duffield
Doug Duffield - 12 years ago
Its actually not in Tofino .It was taken by Ron at Mussel Beach Campground in Ucluelet BC . The Orcas were teaching the young to hunt.This is Rons front yard and this kind of view is common from the camp sites that open on to the beach
Josh Kellett
Josh Kellett - 12 years ago
If he gets the message, and she doesn't care about the message being public why would it matter? And better yet, why do you care?
hedlight11 - 12 years ago
ARE THEY transient Orcas? I thought Transient orcas hunted alone while residents hunt in packs, but those are seals not fish (or surfers).
Zazil Martínez
Zazil Martínez - 12 years ago
CHANGE your title! Orcas are hunting the seals! - don't asperse the tale for the sake of Tofino name....
Ricos Lehm
Ricos Lehm - 12 years ago
The orcas' presence and the fact they were closing in on surfers while pursuing similar looking prey (especially with wetsuits on) "chased" them out of the water. Shut up and enjoy the rare phenomenon
liljay420 - 12 years ago
they didnt even chase them learn the meaning chase you idiot
Davog Rynne
Davog Rynne - 12 years ago
What you on about? Unprofessional? What a stupid thing to say...enquiries is how the word is spelled by the way.....
gumphs - 12 years ago
If a surfer got in the way or if a seal used a human for cover they would let you know. Especially if they were teaching juveniles. Incidents with wild orca are very rare. Once we got in the way of harbor seals in an inflatable kayak and seals scared the shit out of us. They gave fair notice. "We are eating here." The seals growled bearing teeth chasing us away. They followed very aggressively letting us know how vulnerable we were.
SenneffRules - 12 years ago
Very unprofessional. If you have any business inquires a youtube comment is not the way to contact someone.
Frauke Mc
Frauke Mc - 12 years ago
Very cool! So that's what you call chicken?! hehe Thanks for sharing! :)
Serai3 - 12 years ago
"This is OUR BEACH, man! Get the fuck out!!"
Tania - 12 years ago
1944gladys - 12 years ago
The tittle is wrong, the orcas, are no interested in surf. The oceans are not our habitat, the seas belong to the orcas.
Yuliya Talmazan
Yuliya Talmazan - 12 years ago
Hi Adam. I work for Global BC here in Vancouver. Would it be possible to talk to you about this video? Thank you!
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
@Marcie Callewaert Not brave, not safe. Beautiful yes. Stop comparing whales to sharks. What would you do in a stampede? That's right, get out of the way.
soliram beast 001
soliram beast 001 - 12 years ago
what wouldn't I give for being in the place of that guy, I would love to sea wild orcas so near
Michael Ian
Michael Ian - 12 years ago
Man that guys laugh is annoying.
Margaret Nielsen
Margaret Nielsen - 12 years ago
I'd be outta that water in a hurry.....Surfers in wet suits and seals.....look the same to me....
Carl Pellegrino
Carl Pellegrino - 12 years ago
It kinda looked like the sea lions and orcas were going after the fish together...didn't look like the sea lions were very concerned at all. think if the orcas were hunting them the scene woulda looked entirely different. it is totally cool to see the three species hanging out--how awesome is that!!! (heehee, if I were out there I'd be more concerned with the sea lions!!)
John Boyd
John Boyd - 12 years ago
Nice video of some of the Transient Orcas. Yes, they are definitely hunting the seals!
Uu-uu-ta-meek .Remi Tom
Uu-uu-ta-meek .Remi Tom - 12 years ago
surfers are prolly bland and tasteless to them; they were more interested in the seals that were tryna ekscape from 'em c(=
JamieLsd - 12 years ago
They were chasing the seals, you can see the seals popping up out of the water with their heads. Orcas are still 'killer whales'. They are known to even come up to the beginning of the beach to catch a seal who came out of the water, called 'beaching'. Poor seals though :(
Nuno Ramos
Nuno Ramos - 12 years ago
you have the most annoying laughter!
lorijwheeler - 12 years ago
The surfers were in the water before the orcas showed up chasing the seals!
mhonnyks - 12 years ago
awesome and beautiful british columbia!
Kevin Orca
Kevin Orca - 12 years ago
Lesser of two evils: sharks are attracted to bright colors.... Darwin would argue that this is why sea lions have darker fur
limericklad2000 - 12 years ago
What sort of fucking genius goes in the water wearing a full black wetsuit literally yards away from killer whales hunting sea lions? Darwin award to that guy.
radagenais - 12 years ago
Honestly I think that this is naive. Jesse's point wasn't that the orcas were bloodthirsty but that giving them a wide berth is wise. These are huge carnivores. They kill far larger prey than an errant surfer. Anthropomorphizing animals is unnecessary. Many of us can appreciate and respect them from a distance.
jlew23 - 12 years ago
But they're chasing seals? Might have turned into more for the surfers but the whales would have been aiming for the seals.
adam jelinek
adam jelinek - 12 years ago
only ever been chased out of the water from a seal lion, orcas are cool too though
torpidAnalyst - 12 years ago
Bit of a misleading title, very cool video though. I'm sure people can put two and two together but they are hunting the very obvious seals in the area. It's a type of technique they use as they are extremely intelligent, it's a way of trapping the seals in. Dolphins are known to do the same thing with fish.
Mike Garrison
Mike Garrison - 12 years ago
seal buffet
Chet Diplock
Chet Diplock - 12 years ago
would loved to see what was happening UNDER the water!!
surfingheros - 12 years ago
A few of those guys seemed totally oblivious to the GIANT FIN out the back and just kept surfing.
motormouth1970 - 12 years ago
Much smarter than sharks?Man that's funny. You mean intelligence of a mammal vs. pure instinct of a cold blooded fish? Jeez.
j35362 - 12 years ago
They are feeding as evidenced by the sea lions and porpoises also in the area. pretty cool encounter for sure!
mike toole
mike toole - 12 years ago
We are so spoiled on the island :)
Leisa Craddock
Leisa Craddock - 12 years ago
Holy hell that's awesome, Vancouver Island surfers are braver than stink for staying out there in the surf although I'm pretty sure the whales know the difference between surfers and sea lions. Excellent video and a testament to why Tofino is one of my favourite places on the planet - stunningly beautiful, the best place to be to get up close and personal with nature
Jennifer Svendsen
Jennifer Svendsen - 12 years ago
Looks more like they're hunting seals, not worried about surfers. But seriously, even in BC… it's FEBRUARY guys! That water is COLD!
robert earnest
robert earnest - 12 years ago
I survived the locals at Lunada Bay, Malibu, Huntington, and all over Mexico but I'd have to say that I'd leave these bad boys to their own. Tofino Locals rule.
Coralwindsurf Coral
Coralwindsurf Coral - 12 years ago
Perfect session! :) Love it!!
Doug MacCormack
Doug MacCormack - 12 years ago
GREAT MOOOOMENT only in BC . Check out my super pod
ThomasCrown911 - 12 years ago
damn we live in such an amazing place!! LOVE this!
Joshua S. Hansen
Joshua S. Hansen - 12 years ago
glad i wasnt in the water thats so heavy
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
Hey sweeties you don't have to get out of the water.
judyhundredaire - 12 years ago
Pretty amazing! You can send this to WildWhales,org - a site that collects sightings reports for research (connected to Vancouver Aquarium)
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
Canadianrenee1 why don't you film a documentary about it travelling around jumping into orcas for a fun little paddle. I'm sure the aquarium is a neato place for you to examine whales.
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
I will judge who I want thank you. Young orcas cutting there teeth for the first time is no place for a paddle Marcie. Give it some time and some one will get hit playing dumb. Only a matter of time.
Kyle P
Kyle P - 12 years ago
Murky water, wetsuit ... it would be no time to be *mistaken* for a sea lion. I'd get out of the water just to watch the magnificence of orcas in the wild.
Terese Finegan
Terese Finegan - 12 years ago
Love it - thanks for posting.
Brownie4046 - 12 years ago
A surfer in wetsuit looks a hell of a lot like a seal though. I'd get out in a flash xD. Even though the surf looked good.
Canadianrenee1 - 12 years ago
Those surfers are pretty brave, but nothing stops a west coast surf enthusiast!! Jesse Blake don't be so judgmental! Those were most likely transient killer whales foraging for food (the seals being chased). If you would like more more info on pacific orcas check out the Vancouver Aquarium's website: vanaqua.org
Vancouver Island Reviews
Vancouver Island Reviews - 12 years ago
Very cool video! Looks like they are going after some seals
Adam Henderson
Adam Henderson - 12 years ago
It's spelled 'sense', genius.
Jesse Blake
Jesse Blake - 12 years ago
Wow! Amazing Video! How stoned are the surfers? Really you think maybe paddling in a bit sooner would make some since. Just being run over by an orca would suck, let alone thrashing around in the blood bath. Talk about tempting fate. Dumb people.
deakinkatie - 12 years ago
looks like they're chasing the seals!!! good video :)
Guillermo Ferrero
Guillermo Ferrero - 12 years ago
where is this footage taken? which beach in Tofino? I don't recognize the place
Sara Langevin
Sara Langevin - 12 years ago
Only in Tofino :)
Gregory Vorster
Gregory Vorster - 12 years ago
this is gold!
Andrew Naysmith
Andrew Naysmith - 12 years ago
that's awesome Adam! whereabouts?

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