PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

The day after the Stab High surf contest had ended at BSR wave pool in Waco Texas, Kalani Robb woke up super early to score the first couple waves when they first start the machine up. The first few waves are always super glassy and with no one else awake yet Kalani was able to score a couple gems. I kept the opening footage fully raw so you could hear the noises and get a feel of what it is like right when they fire that thing up. Soon after the noise of waves, Kalani was joined by Johnny Redmond, Jett Schilling , Shea Lopez and Jackson Dorian for a 45 minute shred session. Song: Boogie Bounce by Drew Banga #surfing #wavepool #beefstv

PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool sentiment_very_dissatisfied 130

Surf 6 years ago 254,408 views

The day after the Stab High surf contest had ended at BSR wave pool in Waco Texas, Kalani Robb woke up super early to score the first couple waves when they first start the machine up. The first few waves are always super glassy and with no one else awake yet Kalani was able to score a couple gems. I kept the opening footage fully raw so you could hear the noises and get a feel of what it is like right when they fire that thing up. Soon after the noise of waves, Kalani was joined by Johnny Redmond, Jett Schilling , Shea Lopez and Jackson Dorian for a 45 minute shred session. Song: Boogie Bounce by Drew Banga #surfing #wavepool #beefstv

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Most popular comments
for PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

David Kavalcenti
David Kavalcenti - 6 years ago
That coffin barrel was wave of the day... Whaaaaat
Johnny Redmond
Johnny Redmond - 6 years ago
You know it! I was stoked to come out of it!!!
phapnui - 6 years ago
It literally was for Fabrezio Stabie. He died from a brain eating amoeba there. Park now closed.
P&Wengineering - 6 years ago
David Orchard
David Orchard - 6 years ago
Gunna get sick of surfing that dribble day after day.
Stud Bar
Stud Bar - 6 years ago
Explain the industrial fans please
No Censorship
No Censorship - 6 years ago
Please don't pee in the pool.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
No Censorship haha
ComboverSoul tig
ComboverSoul tig - 6 years ago
Looks like wet cement ugh
Romulo Schwanzz
Romulo Schwanzz - 6 years ago
Brazil :)
Ken Brown
Ken Brown - 6 years ago
That wayer looks the colour of untreated sewage
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Ken Brown haha
Revival of the fittest Only the strong survive
Revival of the fittest Only the strong survive - 6 years ago

10. comment for PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

The Chronicles of SSS
The Chronicles of SSS - 6 years ago
is that water toxic?
dylan merten
dylan merten - 6 years ago
that water looks disgusting
Vanilla gorilla
Vanilla gorilla - 6 years ago
Kinda like humping a sex doll...
gregory hoover
gregory hoover - 6 years ago
Sorry, but this park is a far cry short of what Kelly Slater put together:
Chris Bridges
Chris Bridges - 6 years ago
What is with the water? Kinda creepy.
Hydro Filmworks
Hydro Filmworks - 6 years ago
If you like these vids make sure to watch your ads all the way so the page creator can get paid ;)
Hydro Filmworks
Hydro Filmworks - 6 years ago
Can’t wait to kook out on that wave
qonitebonti Rikihana
qonitebonti Rikihana - 6 years ago
yngia nk
qonitebonti Rikihana
qonitebonti Rikihana - 6 years ago
my west a moringi noon Lisa jacinta
jeff bauer
jeff bauer - 6 years ago
What's with the water color?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
jeff bauer it’s coloring so the water isn’t mud brown since it’s from a natural spring. Rumor is it will be crystal clear water in spring 19!

20. comment for PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

Hilly Willcoat
Hilly Willcoat - 6 years ago
One of the best vids I’ve ever seen of surfing keep up the good work guys
Woody Pettigrew
Woody Pettigrew - 6 years ago
Wish I could go there
Woody Pettigrew
Woody Pettigrew - 6 years ago
The waves r so clean
Damien Speers
Damien Speers - 6 years ago
looks like it could use a bit of chlorine
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Damien Speers indeed! Supposedly it will be filtered chlorinated clear water in March !
Brovan The chinchilla
Brovan The chinchilla - 6 years ago
Intro sucks
Neil Ovenden
Neil Ovenden - 6 years ago
Surf vids are so boring!
Adrián cardeña torres
Adrián cardeña torres - 6 years ago
Oooo? Oooooo! Fuck o o o
Bodhi Conners
Bodhi Conners - 6 years ago
The kid with the green short board is my buddy Cruz difona
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Bodhi Conners he was ripping !!!
0LD T0MB NERD R41DER - 6 years ago
Is this the same water they put on chipotle food.
0LD T0MB NERD R41DER - 6 years ago
What is going on with the fake color in the water.

30. comment for PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

X Roth
X Roth - 6 years ago
Bad dirty water
True West
True West - 6 years ago
No rights? Also, I don’t care what’s in the water. If it’s good, I’m out there. Fuck it.
Bruno Santos
Bruno Santos - 6 years ago
que lazer perfeito ,Brasil precisamos disso urgente
why is the water like that?
Mitchell Wotherspoon
Mitchell Wotherspoon - 6 years ago
What's up with that water?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Mitchell Wotherspoon it’s a coloring they put in it since it’s natural well water and normally a muddy color
MarcelloSartori - 6 years ago
Que franja fofa...
Bart Tare
Bart Tare - 6 years ago
Golly that water is a strange color.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Bart Tare indeed it was
Daniel Bartel
Daniel Bartel - 6 years ago
I've surfed pismo and dog beach. That water looks nasty as hell...
Josephine Bennington
Josephine Bennington - 6 years ago
Sewage surfing. No thanks.
cozIsezSo - 6 years ago
What’s up with that water? Looks like something you’d put in your washing machine
Jim Jones
Jim Jones - 6 years ago
Change the name of the place to Delta Blues. Or even more hokey TheBlueLagoon. and the worst being "Little Figi"
Jim Jones
Jim Jones - 6 years ago
if they pump that bitch up to about 10ft. i would drive my fat ass down toTexas and tell em the wars over!Illinois greg. little more miracle grow and 1great white ya reckon?
Jason Rahui
Jason Rahui - 6 years ago
cool wave...but glassy perfection is a stretch! looks like a lime shake the water.....
Boomer Mcgee
Boomer Mcgee - 6 years ago
Lots of money spent on a wave pool that is obsolete already
justin willis
justin willis - 6 years ago
Death, by brain parasite
Nathan Stain
Nathan Stain - 6 years ago
Make the wave 3 times bigger and I’ll fly to Texas.
mark gardner
mark gardner - 6 years ago
what is with this water
Mark Rathmell
Mark Rathmell - 6 years ago
pros? perfection?
Tuberworks Jones
Tuberworks Jones - 6 years ago
Sounds like a factory
Mike - 6 years ago
Does any one know why the water is so stanky?
Mike - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. I reckon that the muddy water look is better than artificial blue muddy look.

50. comment for PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

Craig McHatton
Craig McHatton - 6 years ago
Looks awesome, except for the filthy green water! Yuck bro
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Craig McHatton the water is definitely a little trippy
Seamus Collins
Seamus Collins - 6 years ago
Does anyone know the ID of the really chill song at the start of the video?
Marcus Teblano
Marcus Teblano - 6 years ago
This water looks like blue pea soup
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
Pussy pussy
How’s my hair look
How’s my hair look
What a pussy
Richard Goldman
Richard Goldman - 6 years ago
Water is disgusting!!!
joshualucas - 6 years ago
why does the water look like my water cup after i've washed my green paint brush off in it?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
The water does have an interesting color...
M@ - 6 years ago
And that's how we got the race of green humans...
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Craig Kaschan
Craig Kaschan - 6 years ago
Looks like a sewerage treatment works the water looks too milky
Deep State Globalist Games
Deep State Globalist Games - 6 years ago
If there was session passes I'd move to Texas and save %50 my money in taxes from my retarded state.
AJ - 6 years ago
no way I would ever get in that nasty water. didn't someone get a brain amoeba there this past summer? What's wrong with using clean water in a wave pool.
dblock - 6 years ago
For a minute there I thought they were surfing at Chernobyl power plant
Al HassanT
Al HassanT - 6 years ago
This looks... wrong
Al HassanT
Al HassanT - 6 years ago
Yeah, that'd be good. The wave looks fun but taking out the great unknown of surfing waves makes it all seem kind o f dull. I could be wrong though. Great channel by the way. Loving the Wedge vids also, when you do add music it's not annoying (unlike most channels). Yeewww
riceX - 6 years ago
i wouldn't surf the porta-potty water if you paid me
Dylan Perri
Dylan Perri - 6 years ago
riceX lmao, same
Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean - 6 years ago
Think about what water looks like. What had to happen to it to get that color. Damn. And the dude behind the camera needs to shut up. Sounds like he is rubbing one out to his buddies surfing mint brain water
Lewis Beckman
Lewis Beckman - 6 years ago
I don’t know man. You guys ripped it, but it is...
Zachary Spar
Zachary Spar - 6 years ago
Not pros
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Zachary Spar ams
Daniel Miranda
Daniel Miranda - 6 years ago
Where is this place they said tx but where?
Daniel Miranda
Daniel Miranda - 6 years ago
Thanks buddy im from costa rica living in houston no waves what so ever here
SyntheticTV - 6 years ago
What's wrong with the water
John - 6 years ago
Water quality brought to you by Monster.
John - 6 years ago
Houston....... we have a problem with the water........
Jimmy Dean
Jimmy Dean - 6 years ago
Shit water and an end to wavepools
marcelguarachi - 6 years ago
Vomit water
Paranormal Blanket
Paranormal Blanket - 6 years ago
Hey it looks like fun, I'd prob give it a go.
Paranormal Blanket
Paranormal Blanket - 6 years ago
Did that water come from flint Michigan
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Paranormal Blanket it’s definitely unique
Prop Wash
Prop Wash - 6 years ago
Russian roulette tube riding with amoebas.
Shred Daze
Shred Daze - 6 years ago
Only a retard would get in that water after what happened.
Amani Denholm
Amani Denholm - 6 years ago
Perfection Texas style. GROSS!
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Amani Denholm haha
Dino flintstone
Dino flintstone - 6 years ago
Wtsup w dat water??
Ben Miz
Ben Miz - 6 years ago
Looks like the green titty milk Luke skywalker drank in that god shitfull movie TLJ
mistral - 6 years ago
A predictable but limp wave of industrial wastewater to the whine of hydraulic motors. Yep, way better than dodging dolphins at my unpredictable reef break here in an Indian Ocean paradise.
wokbok43 - 6 years ago
looks like your surfing in a shit farm ! Shit Farm !
Sprint 92122
Sprint 92122 - 6 years ago
Just like a SoCal wave, 3 turns and done
Mike Fas
Mike Fas - 6 years ago
That's why I wakesurf. I'm riding for 5 minutes. No more waiting for a 5 second ride...
xwhite2020 - 6 years ago
Too bad they are riding those stupid little boogie boards.
P&Wengineering - 6 years ago
You could use a RC little surfer on those little shore breakers.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
That's an amazing idea!! Im bringing one next time!!!
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 6 years ago
that wall of concrete with energy drinks adds on it is so much more beautiful than a creek with a natural reef...
Michael Harris
Michael Harris - 6 years ago
Looks better than fucking Monavale !
kevinbeatzeus - 6 years ago
Slaters pool kind of shits on this place
beezer bobum
beezer bobum - 6 years ago
kind of is an understatement
Chad Jeffrey
Chad Jeffrey - 6 years ago
Looks like CB water today...
Marcus Palau
Marcus Palau - 6 years ago
Prayers to the surfer who died after that virus.. hope you guys don't catch it either
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Marcus Palau the story about the NJ surfer was very sad and my thoughts go out to his family. This footage was shot a week before that and everyone seems to be okay
patrick jaroch
patrick jaroch - 6 years ago
i wopuld rather see sandy brown natural water than this milkshake. this says " yes were hiding something"
stefano ath
stefano ath - 6 years ago
Can you open your eyes under that water, or that’s going to burn
Iosua Iosua
Iosua Iosua - 6 years ago
Interesting... Bring one to Papakolea, Hawaii let i & i sample ladat
bsmb091011 B
bsmb091011 B - 6 years ago
Idk I'd rather swim in the alawai then this pool I think
adventuresinbelieving - 6 years ago
It's a kind of hell really.
adventuresinbelieving - 6 years ago
how this is perfection? well, some call McDonalds cuisine I guess..
RB - 6 years ago
Gross water color! Is that toxic or what?!
SUP richie
SUP richie - 6 years ago
love it when they enter the water, they do the, father son and holy ghost at least they not pulling out there
Pierre Endter
Pierre Endter - 6 years ago
Nice color this water.Criptonite and milk.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Pierre Braga haha
Chris Brunskill
Chris Brunskill - 6 years ago
KR is a F&%ken Rocker! YEW!
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 6 years ago
Kinda weak
Victor Starr
Victor Starr - 6 years ago
Brain rot

100. comment for PROS Surfing Glassy PERFECTION at TEXAS Wavepool

Bruce516 - 6 years ago
Love me some RAWBEEFS! Hoping all is well with you fella’s!
hankgs - 6 years ago
No thanks... Amoebas prevail and will kill you and your brain.
dizzychizzy - 6 years ago
What's with that sickening water?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
dizzychizzy it’s supposedly put in because the original color looks kind of like clay and supposedly it also has chlorine in it
DF WORKS - 6 years ago
shit is opaque.
Eric Outram
Eric Outram - 6 years ago
Could not watch it all the way thru,kooks on long boards short boards ,kook video
Brian Park
Brian Park - 6 years ago
how warm is the water at the crack of dawn? and i heard they found a brain eating amoeba there? brave souls
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Brian Park water is like 80 degrees in the pool. This was shot a week before the amoeba incident
Hunter Smith
Hunter Smith - 6 years ago
Brain eating barrels
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 6 years ago
how many waves come in every like 10 minutes or so?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
James Maxwell it’s pretty quick
James Maxwell
James Maxwell - 6 years ago
WOW thats so much
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Its pretty much 1-3 waves every minute or so. Kinda pretty consistent!
Marc Giancola
Marc Giancola - 6 years ago
Ou Oo I just came in my coffee!
GETCHA'PULL 777 - 6 years ago
How much would it cost one to make a setup like this?
GETCHA'PULL 777 - 6 years ago
Wht about the ones they have on cruise ships?
GETCHA'PULL 777 - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
GETCHA'PULL 777 you mean to build a wave pool?
surfing blackies
surfing blackies - 6 years ago
Isn't this the one shut down cuz of bacteria?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Yes sir shut down until March 2019
Ibai Grande Perez
Ibai Grande Perez - 6 years ago
Some wedge videos pls
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
New ones coming soon!
Rey DeGuerra
Rey DeGuerra - 6 years ago
Don't surf there. Contaminated with brain eating, zombie bacteria.
tonepoet - 6 years ago
Read about this. Was it here that it happened? Sad, man.
beanburnham01 - 6 years ago
Such a bummer
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Rey DeGuerra they shut the pool down until March 2019 due to the NJ surfer who got the bacteria. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Ian Ritchie Stewart
Ian Ritchie Stewart - 6 years ago
Texas Guacamole! Brain food?
Ian Ritchie Stewart
Ian Ritchie Stewart - 6 years ago
Kinda looks like water!
Ricky Miller
Ricky Miller - 6 years ago
you boys better check your butt holes....
guyfromBR - 6 years ago
That's RAWesome! "The first beefcut is the sweetest", as they say... ;)

I was enjoying it immensely, both the display of talent & your own true & exact observations (as in that 'that's a double-overhead for this young guy', which cracked me up a bit, because it was true - and that kid was ripping), and all was really good... up until that cheesy, needless muzak disco-theme got in the way... THAT didn't fit at all!

Please, make it ALL raw, as your comments were the best 'narration' it might have and, when it's the case, the natural sound of the Ocean environment (Wind, Gulls, wavebreaking, etc..) is the most emotionally soothing & soul-healing element we all need & most appreciate to hear, when watching our beloved Artists doing their best to enjoy Mother Ocean's gifts.

And back on topic: please, release any other "raw" footage you might have, as this one was x-cellent!

Cheers and keep it up!
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 6 years ago
It’s a spectacular wave to be sure, small but perfect. It looks as though there’s some kind of algae reproducing in the pool? I’m guessing that’s why the odd color? One day, a dozen major universities will have wave pools to help train their student athletes...hopefully. It’s time surfing became an Olympic sport, in my opinion.
Dave Walls
Dave Walls - 6 years ago
You are dumb it is a Olympic sport in 2020
Mike Fas
Mike Fas - 6 years ago
Surfing will make its debut as an Olympic sport in 2020 in Japan. :)
phapnui - 6 years ago
Brain eating amoeba in the pool and mad cow disease in the steak. How do you want your brain?
phapnui - 6 years ago
Read this article from CDC about brain eating amoebas before you swim in any warm waters. This place is closed after a guy died from it.
phapnui - 6 years ago
This place has been closed by the CDC. Surfer Fabrezio Stabie died after surfing there from Naegleria fowleri, or brain eating amoeba. This microbe swims up your nose into your brain where it literally eats it. 97% death rate and only 4 people are known who survived and who knows what kind of zombified state it left them in.

Seriously, this sounds like something out of science fiction but it is real. I urge you to research it to protect yourself and your family. This amoeba thrives in warm water rivers, lakes, ponds, swimming pools and even home water heaters. This happened shortly before this video was posted.
Joe Porcello
Joe Porcello - 6 years ago
Git it gurl
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Joe Porcello haha
Alf Bittner
Alf Bittner - 6 years ago
Goofy paradise
Rodney Smart
Rodney Smart - 6 years ago
Is this the place with the deadly amoebas that ate that poor guys brain?
Handsome B. Wonderful
Handsome B. Wonderful - 6 years ago
Fuck.. putrid looking swamp water. Throw some damn chlorine in that.
John Dunbar
John Dunbar - 6 years ago
Honestly we can all agree it looks like sludge
Hydro Filmworks
Hydro Filmworks - 6 years ago
The amoeba thrive in stagnant water, AKA the cable pool, not the surfbort wave riding pool. Just to clarify
Dan - 6 years ago
+Zachary Buerkle Global temperatures are increasing what are you on about??
Goober tuber
Goober tuber - 6 years ago
I see wave pools as the future but this is one of the potential issues, I dont see why it would be any different to a public pool though, if you can keep them safe to be in then surely you can do the same for a wave pool as well.
Rich Guest
Rich Guest - 6 years ago
After I spent a couple of days there I ended up with verrucas all over my face, not nice.....
Marcelo Camelo
Marcelo Camelo - 6 years ago
+sh09un1 that article says the water is being tested, not that it tested positive. If that's your standard of proof, you are going to have a bad time.
Robert Sanchez
Robert Sanchez - 6 years ago
CDC proved the water at BSR was clean and free of the brain eating amoeba +sh09un1
sh09un1 - 6 years ago
nice deflection
Zachary Buerkle
Zachary Buerkle - 6 years ago
+David Fugere global temperatures aren't increasing. So its a non-issue
Dylan Perri
Dylan Perri - 6 years ago
Rodney Smart the water does look nasty. I would trust it more if it wasn’t as opaque. I wonder if they colored it? Lmao can you even do that?
sh09un1 - 6 years ago
@Zachary Buerkle

a google search can do you good before you make a claim like "literally no proof"
Benoit Avril
Benoit Avril - 6 years ago
The amoebas is present almost everywhere, so it might be positive to it. It usually causes no harm, even if you drink it, but sometimes, it penetrates the nose and reach a nerve, finding a way to the brain.
David Fugere
David Fugere - 6 years ago
According to researchers, this thing is everywhere : "Researchers at the CDC have gone so far as to call it ubiquitous. Those same researchers predict its range will only expand, as global temperatures increase.

Yet drinking from these sources presents no risk of infection. In fact, even swimming is relatively safe. To pose a threat, Naegleria fowleri must first ride a gush of water up a person's nose. There, on exceedingly rare occasion, it finds a foothold on the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity, migrates along the olfactory nerves, and invades the victim's brain. " see:
Zachary Buerkle
Zachary Buerkle - 6 years ago
there's literally no proof that this happened here. It could have been in any fresh water that he was in. Sick of people assuming shit before the facts are laid out. y'll would make great politicians.
David Velazquez
David Velazquez - 6 years ago
Cuts aren't necessary. They travel through your mucous membrane. Scary stuff.
BLACK05GO1 - 6 years ago
Wear nose and ear plugs? Water/air moves back through mouth, nose, and ears. He probably had a cut or sore inside his nose. Scary.
Rodney Smart
Rodney Smart - 6 years ago
+phapnui very sad.
The water looks gross.
This happened at Malibu once.
phapnui - 6 years ago
You are correct. One day after surfing here, he was taken to a hospital, unable to move or talk. The brain eating amoebas swim up your nose and literally eats your brain. This is serious shit and everyone should research it to protect themselves and their family.
larry geordan
larry geordan - 6 years ago
Cant beat the real salt water waves. That water looks nasty.
Dylan Perri
Dylan Perri - 6 years ago
larry geordan exactly.
phapnui - 6 years ago
David Forbes You got it. Good pick.
David Forbes
David Forbes - 6 years ago
+phapnui flesh please
phapnui - 6 years ago
There in pools you get brain eating amoebas. In the ocean you gots yer flesh eating bacteria. Take yer pick.
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 6 years ago
Can't believe they didn't fire the other wave. Most everyone was backside. That water is straight-up nasty though! Probably why we didn't see you on a wave
Not Sure
Not Sure - 6 years ago
More evidence of how retarded modern surfing has become.
phapnui - 6 years ago
You don't know how accurate you are about that. Fabrezio Stabie surfed there a few days before this vid was posted and went from retard to zombie to dead within a few days. Brain eating amoeba in the pool got him. Symptoms appeared 1 day after surfing there.
needtashow - 6 years ago
Prefer guava nectar or mint milk ?
RJ - 6 years ago
when you can build the perfect wave...why on earth would you want it to be longer than 4 seconds! wtf... waste
Tristan Francis
Tristan Francis - 6 years ago
You sir found a Ben gravy novelty. 2:37
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 6 years ago
The very end of the main wave looks like a little novelty I'd like to get on. He did find the gravy novelty for sure! For the win!
Tristan Francis
Tristan Francis - 6 years ago
I read in some stab article that someone died from some water born disease after surfing the pool.
bsmb091011 B
bsmb091011 B - 6 years ago
If we was from New Jersey those waters are probably the place of origin
Frankie Rodriguez
Frankie Rodriguez - 6 years ago
+phapnui it is confirmed that the surfer died from the bacteria not where he contacted it from. they voluntarily closed it's doors down to investigate if it indeed happen in the ranch's waters
phapnui - 6 years ago
It is confirmed and out in the media. Brain eating amoeba in pool killed surfer Fabrezio Stabie a few days before this was posted. The pool is now closed while the CDC investigates. Look up Naegleria fowleri.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Tristan Francis yes a surfer from New Jersey contracted some type of amoeba but still waiting to hear full story. Thoughts go out to his family
Mark Kendrick
Mark Kendrick - 6 years ago
Porta Potty toilet water......Nice......
Luke Van Wagner
Luke Van Wagner - 6 years ago
phapnui - 6 years ago
Brain eating amoebas is what you have to look out for.
Johnny oneye
Johnny oneye - 6 years ago
They need to add some wind to open tube up
Surf this place during a hurricane! YEEW
Aidan Smith
Aidan Smith - 6 years ago
Johnny oneye i think the questionable “brain eating amoeba” that the CDC is testing for is just a tiiiiiiny little bit more important.
L - 6 years ago
Hopefully none of you get sick. Praying for ya.
Hydro Filmworks
Hydro Filmworks - 6 years ago
That happened in the cable park. Stagnant hot Texas water..... reopened with state of the art reverse osmosis filtration
Frankie Rodriguez
Frankie Rodriguez - 6 years ago
+phapnui damn you weren't kidding. that's crazy, hopefully all the boyz are safe and healthy.
phapnui - 6 years ago
One guy died from brain eating ameoba. Park now closed.
James Ferrell
James Ferrell - 6 years ago
Get on this with your boog beefs!
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 6 years ago
That's what I'm saying! I'm a sponge and there's no way in hell I couldn't get on that. Looks pretty fast though.
Kevin M
Kevin M - 6 years ago
Ive asked this on several other videos amd never got an answer: why does the water look like that?? Is it dyed? Silty? Or what
larry geordan
larry geordan - 6 years ago
That's the color of bacteria. Same color the Wailua river dumps east side Kauai after a big rain. We call it Stink water
phapnui - 6 years ago
Filled with brain eating amoebas, apparently. Killed one guy a few days ago.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Kevin M I actually don’t know why either but I think it is some kind of agent to kill bacteria in the water. It is a very peculiar color that’s for sure..
berniedmj1 - 6 years ago
Was waiting for Kalani to pull an air reverse 360 (front or backside). Tell him to send it & “Get it Gurrlll!”
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 6 years ago
Was a little surprised at the lack of air from him. He's always ripping airs. I don't get it
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
berniedmj1 haha
jack Medford
jack Medford - 6 years ago
I want to surf this thing so bad
phapnui - 6 years ago
A surfer just died from a brain eating amoeba there. Want to reconsider?
Not a hair out of does he do it...of course you don't have a hair out of place either
L Dupree
L Dupree - 6 years ago
Why is the water that color?
L Dupree
L Dupree - 6 years ago
Bro, you CIA or what? Also, does this mean I need to dye myself for looks? Don't answer that. I already know the answer is yes.
Luca Sumberac
Luca Sumberac - 6 years ago
I asked on the FB page. They said that it’s cosmetic. Basically the water comes from some local waterways that have a lot of clay. So the natural color is a clay color, they dye for looks.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
L Dupree the 24 million dollar question haha. Nobody knows
Noah Rogers
Noah Rogers - 6 years ago
Anyone know the song?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
the song is Boogie Bounce by Drew Banga
jin isida
jin isida - 6 years ago
who decides the right or left? Majority vote? coin toss?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
jin isida I’m hoping to get back to Japan soon, love it there!!!
jin isida
jin isida - 6 years ago
Tnx I hope you guys coming to japan again in typhoon season
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
jin isida yup usually coin toss or if you’re lucky like Kalani no one wake up haha
J.M. Hanover
J.M. Hanover - 6 years ago
I love my BEEF very RAW! So RAW that there's still a little blood coming out of the juices and it's all pink inside. As pink as Kalani's shirt he's wearing....
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Daniel Grozier haha
Diego SubinÔ ÔnibuS
Diego SubinÔ ÔnibuS - 6 years ago
Amazing wavepool!
Very good!
Seide - 6 years ago
Crazy how now kids want to go to Texas for waves. Who would’ve though some of the best waves are in the middle of Texas?
Seide - 6 years ago
That brain eating amoeba thing there sounds scary tho!
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Seide so crazy but the wave is so good and fun!
Jackson L
Jackson L - 6 years ago
The amoeba!
C E - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. Same here,and hopefully all of the rippers from Texas and beyond are ok!!!! I CANT WAIT TO ACTUALLY MEET EVERYONE NEXT YEAR!!!!!!! I did talk to Austyn, he is in my list of top 3 skateboarders so i jumped out of my seat when they announced him!!!! Im still laughing about the way he ran/fell while attempting the acid drop!!
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
C E I heard they are closing the pool for a little bit to investigate and test the pool. Very sad to hear about the kid from NJ and my thoughts go out to his family. Hopefully wasn’t something from the pool..
C E - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. I think it was the all white hahahahahahahahahah
C E - 6 years ago
BEEFS T.V. On a lighter note Ive been skateboarding my whole life and ive just started surfing at BSR.Before now i used to watch alot of surf videos just wishing i could try it, then the bsr pool came around and i was and still am STOKED!went to stab high and I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. seeing the pros ive been watching for so long shredding in real life!!!! Came face to face with kalani but i bitched up and didn't talk or take a pic i regret that hahahahah
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Yeah kinda scary but not sure the full story yet
C E - 6 years ago
Jackson L brain eating amoeba!!! Hopefully not because i planned on going back soon!!!
William Hanley
William Hanley - 6 years ago
Yo bro, is it a package deal and a waiting list. Have t done any research yet... At least u don't have to worry about timing the swell. How good can you get in just a couple weeks surfing that wave ... Get that shit wired brah! Siick
LOHI COFFINOT - 6 years ago
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald - 6 years ago
does cheyenne own this place?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Patrick Fitzgerald yeah that’s the noise
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald - 6 years ago
Is that what the whirring noise is?
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Patrick Fitzgerald BSR does bursts of air to make the waves
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick Fitzgerald - 6 years ago
That's awesome. Thanks for explaining. How does that one work, roughly? Is there a plunger of some kind, since there seems to not be a train or whatever the slater wave pool has?
Marti Sutton
Marti Sutton - 6 years ago
Love the fresh cut!
Keoni Van Der Bij
Keoni Van Der Bij - 6 years ago
Loving raw beefs ❤
TRICHOMETRIST - 6 years ago
Dry hair paddle?
Aka the long walk
Al Ken
Al Ken - 6 years ago
So jelly,
Oh well, swell coming tomorrow.
Hopefully it’s not a surflie.
BEEFS T.V. - 6 years ago
Al Ken haha. It will definitely be packed tomorrow!
Al Ken
Al Ken - 6 years ago
Bra, you’re right. Trestles already a zoo lol.
James Fahy
James Fahy - 6 years ago
Yewww big doggggg
phapnui - 6 years ago
Ewww, small amoeba. Ate guys brain.

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