Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

I got dragged through the streets of Peru behind a funny-looking Peruvian taxi cab. Subscribe to this awesome channel: Watch ALL My Stunts: Come see me LIVE! - Check out my MERCH! - Follow me on Instagram - Follow me on Twitter - Like me on Facebook - #SteveOTravels About Steve-O: Hello! This is Stephen Glover aka Steve-O. You probably know me from my wild stunts, epic pranks, and hilarious skits. Welcome to my YouTube Channel! This is a space where I’ve decided to share what I’m up to! Whether it be continuing to prank my friends, traveling the world, and trying crazy things, I hope you’ll follow me on this journey! If you love skateboarding, comedy, and funny and borderline dangerous stunts, subscribe to my channel and check out all my awesome videos! -Steve-O Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O Steve-O

Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O sentiment_very_dissatisfied 460

Surf 10 years ago 1,833,917 views

I got dragged through the streets of Peru behind a funny-looking Peruvian taxi cab. Subscribe to this awesome channel: Watch ALL My Stunts: Come see me LIVE! - Check out my MERCH! - Follow me on Instagram - Follow me on Twitter - Like me on Facebook - #SteveOTravels About Steve-O: Hello! This is Stephen Glover aka Steve-O. You probably know me from my wild stunts, epic pranks, and hilarious skits. Welcome to my YouTube Channel! This is a space where I’ve decided to share what I’m up to! Whether it be continuing to prank my friends, traveling the world, and trying crazy things, I hope you’ll follow me on this journey! If you love skateboarding, comedy, and funny and borderline dangerous stunts, subscribe to my channel and check out all my awesome videos! -Steve-O Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O Steve-O

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Most popular comments
for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

Jackal - 6 years ago
Steve-O, Bro. I, and many others, I'm sure, would listen to your interesting-ass stories for hours, no need to risk harming yourself physically anymore my Dude! You've proved you're insane and will turn no stunt down! We love you and don't want you to kill yourself. Just sit'chyo ass down, grab a Mic and Web-cam, a few sponsors and talk!
Nicolas Iacovino
Nicolas Iacovino - 6 years ago
You shoul do a live stream
Tarifa to Vladivostok
Tarifa to Vladivostok - 6 years ago
So wise with these glasses
jeff the killer
jeff the killer - 7 years ago
steve o kinda looks like johnny Knoxville but with shorter hair
Martin Luna
Martin Luna - 7 years ago
Hi bro ! ... agradezco que cuides de esa perrita gracias muchas gracias ,solo no la uses en tus cosas locas jajajaja no enserio jajajaja greetings from Lima Peru
cristian palacios
cristian palacios - 7 years ago
mexican music ?
Almac x
Almac x - 7 years ago
You know its really Steve-o because hes wearing 0 protective gear
el guaripolo
el guaripolo - 7 years ago
Why there's music from spain??
Its Cryler
Its Cryler - 7 years ago
you are looking a lot more smarter whit glases

10. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

yemanyaaa - 7 years ago
My Country :D!!!
Jay Flippen
Jay Flippen - 8 years ago
I think you be better off if you wore gloves while doing this... and something more than a wet-suit.
Cyrus fenstermaker
Cyrus fenstermaker - 8 years ago
Dude, do more awesome stunts
Eddie'CanAlva - 8 years ago
¿Y las palomas? no he visto palomas asesinadas en el video. :v
Jordan Diablo
Jordan Diablo - 8 years ago
peru an stevos not shoveling snow wat has this world come to
Johnny NoGooD
Johnny NoGooD - 8 years ago
Everyone looking at him like "Fucking white people!"
Steven Vanheel
Steven Vanheel - 8 years ago
That was exactly what I was going to say but you beat me to it by two days!
Liam Fischer-Soffe
Liam Fischer-Soffe - 8 years ago
You are so funny but dum
Marcus Allan
Marcus Allan - 8 years ago
dumb* XDXDXD
Daniel J
Daniel J - 8 years ago
he looks like squints from sandlot when he has his glasses on.
Satan - 8 years ago
Your profile pic looks so fucking stupid
John Cena
John Cena - 9 years ago
Hay Steveo do some car surfing
plexdo - 9 years ago
Man, you're like a god damn cat. You're so good at falling. Not even joking.

20. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

Joahan A
Joahan A - 9 years ago
You guys forgot to eat Peruvian puff peppers.
gonzalito - 9 years ago
porque ponen música española si en Perú no escuchamos eso?
BFC Fan - 8 years ago
tenemos casi el mismo nombre

el primer nombre
BFC Fan - 8 years ago
tenes razon
Thiago Almeida
Thiago Almeida - 9 years ago
+gonzalito pump hahaha the same happens in brasil
Anthony Rethans
Anthony Rethans - 9 years ago
Anthony Rethans
Anthony Rethans - 9 years ago
Cherryblossom DJ
Cherryblossom DJ - 10 years ago
Yeah Dude!
Nikhil Pramod
Nikhil Pramod - 10 years ago
Me and Steve-O have the same shoe!! ;'O
Robbie Robbins
Robbie Robbins - 10 years ago
Casper Cameron
Casper Cameron - 10 years ago
no comments???
Jakob Skrede Langedal
Jakob Skrede Langedal - 10 years ago
YovenOfficialSite - 10 years ago
u should take something more  jelly

30. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

goon - 10 years ago
Only 6 comments. And over a million views. god damn.
Finley - 10 years ago
press on show more
TheVanillatech - 10 years ago
Steve get me to America and lets have a fucking beer :D

Serious XD
Yoyo Crysy
Yoyo Crysy - 10 years ago
You Are Crazy :)) Come To Romania :)
inyector007 gomel
inyector007 gomel - 10 years ago
la puta mare steve-o en peru... por que no avisaron XD
Cody Merritt
Cody Merritt - 10 years ago
I used to always do this as a kid miss it but with a skatebored with no trucks or wheels and using a fourwheeler
Raihan Gantina Wibawa
Raihan Gantina Wibawa - 10 years ago
you exit from jackass steve-o?
MonsterKat - 10 years ago
Is steveo on drugs again?
carlosbcrr27 - 10 years ago
why are there even dislike buttons on these videos?
Sam Jahromi
Sam Jahromi - 10 years ago
Karlos Carpio
Karlos Carpio - 10 years ago
I'm from Peru
tranquilizer agent
tranquilizer agent - 10 years ago
You crazy gringo!
Zack Thieman
Zack Thieman - 10 years ago
it's spanish music and i've never heard a mototaxi called a tooki tooki in peru.
MastaX - 10 years ago
Steve-O is invincible man i tell ya!
THE KRACKER SHOW - 10 years ago
Peru looks a little like Detroit Michigan,but a little better #KRACKER
Johnny Matos
Johnny Matos - 10 years ago
I wanna make a living from being an idiot.
Verified - 10 years ago
I love how he spelled his name wrong on the guys arm
Chris Bucio
Chris Bucio - 10 years ago
He should seriously make a show about this
Skool kids.
Skool kids. - 10 years ago
Peru has good surfers! thats i know for sure
Zoey Jack
Zoey Jack - 10 years ago
i'm in every where....yeah ^_^
tomas98g - 10 years ago
yo no soy peruano, soy de argentina pero algunos comentarios me dan bronca porque se piensan que peru es mexico, que equivocados estan estos yankees... peru es hermoso

50. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

ImJasonForever - 10 years ago
looks like Lima for sure!
Julien Neirynck
Julien Neirynck - 10 years ago
Its pronounced tuk tuk not tuki tuki
Djjohnston2000 - 10 years ago
Can Someone Please Tell Me Why He Does Very Dangerous Stunts? And He Seems To Enjoy It Too.
kylem1112 - 10 years ago
because he was born that way? he's a professional skateboarder, used to be a clown, like an actual clown in the circus. he's always been a daredevil.
Samuel Jones
Samuel Jones - 10 years ago
For adrenaline maybe? or as a form of Escapism
jpcancela - 10 years ago
Hahahah just imagine suddenly just seeing steve-o (or anyone else), just passing by in a surfboard in a surf suit attached to a car out of nowhere. HAAAH
suomisoturi123 - 10 years ago
''shredding to the max'' XDDDDDDD
Fire Montana
Fire Montana - 10 years ago
im from peru
Kimanh Đinh
Kimanh Đinh - 10 years ago
Why you have Eyeliner Glases
Tyler DeWitt
Tyler DeWitt - 10 years ago
Steve o is amazing!
Jeff21potato Manjarrez
Jeff21potato Manjarrez - 10 years ago
do the the ghost pepper challenge
zGeorge ee
zGeorge ee - 10 years ago
PrankFiles - 10 years ago is the new video I mention ....WORLD WAR 3 PRANK GOING VIRAL NOW!! What would YOU do?? Some went running, others freakout!!! 
David S.
David S. - 10 years ago
the music doesn't match with peru bra but nice try funny vidi
Manuelo Hum
Manuelo Hum - 10 years ago
Areeb SM
Areeb SM - 10 years ago
Those kids on the motorbike at 0:51.
Camilo P
Camilo P - 10 years ago
wow peru doesnt even look fully developed yet ( that city anyway)
ADKE - 10 years ago
Oly sht you are in perú?? where? i want to meet you :D
carlos murillo
carlos murillo - 10 years ago
If anybody play clash of clans join "Steve-O's" clan
Munnyay - 10 years ago
iHandSam - 10 years ago
thanks ^_^
Sieg Heil
Sieg Heil - 10 years ago
I was watching Playboy TV and I saw this guy's penis. 
DerTypDerDieVideoTitelErneutInDieKommentareSchreibt - 10 years ago
Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
RataToxicaLL - 10 years ago
jack ass 4
DrSurprise - 10 years ago
If Laura still had her show in Peru and invited Steve-o, would she still say, "que pase el desgraciado!"
Leonardo Armijo Abuawad
Leonardo Armijo Abuawad - 10 years ago
Please search stupid flame boy in YouTube. You are going to laugh your ass out
Mysteriouno133 - 10 years ago
Holy fuck you're 40 years old I thought you were like 20 or 30 something
Lucy Sun
Lucy Sun - 10 years ago
Are you from the show killer karoike
daniel galvan
daniel galvan - 10 years ago
Make more vidoes
Farouk King
Farouk King - 10 years ago
Yeaaaah Dude u Kiillin Me Bro
Tony Orf
Tony Orf - 10 years ago
Ey steveo go to at.charles mo
iHandSam - 10 years ago
well i think u guys are so mean, but dont even have a decent channel to show
connor-tea - 10 years ago
shredliest session ever
Net Kohen
Net Kohen - 10 years ago
Sam this guy is in the movie jackass 1 2 3 4... thats why he is famous and has a bunch of subs
John Phillips
John Phillips - 10 years ago
So wish you would visit wichita kansas a lot of spots to do stunts and perfect people to prank
Emilio Castro
Emilio Castro - 10 years ago
In guatemala is a tuk-tuk
Luzbel Lezbel
Luzbel Lezbel - 10 years ago
o.O ?? tiene tatuado a mat de carton newor
Brian Blanchard
Brian Blanchard - 10 years ago
Help make it happen for a Self-made, Single father needs a guardian angel. tear jerker on @indiegogo
1d0ntc4r3 - 10 years ago
when he showed the bottom of the board I was like LOL
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
eh peru
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
eh peru
Lee Cope
Lee Cope - 10 years ago
AMchaneel - 10 years ago
Guys were new on YouTube, we have 2 funny videos up on our Chanel! Please go and check it out if you like it dumbs up, share, comment & also Subscribe please!! (: thank you
Dianne Logan
Dianne Logan - 10 years ago
bripinz - 10 years ago
Nice Steve O. Keep it up dude. Been watching since the early Jackass and CKY days.
Un Phoque
Un Phoque - 10 years ago
Why the clown video isnt any more available ?
Can't Think of a name
Can't Think of a name - 10 years ago
What happened to the clown thing?
Xylemblood - 10 years ago
Why did he remove his clown video
NSANEGaming - 10 years ago
yeah dude!
rishabhchawla - 10 years ago
Jackass is over but not steveo
Machinima MHD
Machinima MHD - 10 years ago
What happened to the clown video
nina martinez
nina martinez - 10 years ago
I love you. You are cool

100. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

Regan Ciangura
Regan Ciangura - 10 years ago
I dare you to do Steve O is you have to go naked and u got jump on people card.
Regan Ciangura
Regan Ciangura - 10 years ago
I loved him on jackass
Jerad S.
Jerad S. - 10 years ago
He must have taken off the clown video because of all the hate to just bieber lol
Elowen - 10 years ago
Clown Vid got deleted?
David Dennis
David Dennis - 10 years ago
More vids Steve ! :)
mrmuggmaster - 10 years ago
Why did the clown prank get taken down?
nakkipulla - 10 years ago


Ibrahim.S - 10 years ago
Chris Pontius ... we need to see party boy bro ... where is he !
Simon Gorelik
Simon Gorelik - 10 years ago
Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Esta nitido .
Manuel Gonzalez
Manuel Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Esta nitido .
DepressStarfish - 10 years ago
He should do dune surfing in Peru, it's so fucking fun :D
yu z
yu z - 10 years ago
Paul Barrett
Paul Barrett - 10 years ago
The crazy thing is Stevo will probably out live us all
AmenoFilms - 10 years ago
Great video! Funny , Steve O is rad!
rellik187redrum - 10 years ago
Yes I do believe he's off for good, nobody in their right mind would continue to abuse after the amounts he did.
NoMeDigasNadaPlz - 10 years ago
Creo que eso deberia hacer en Bolivia e.e 
chronic vidz
chronic vidz - 10 years ago
It's funny when he falls off
Pedro Caxito
Pedro Caxito - 10 years ago
+La Fênix  ctrl + c ctrl + v por favor
Ilse Dk
Ilse Dk - 10 years ago
autsj that hurts i think
dnu8 - 10 years ago
Nice ass Justin
alan quintero
alan quintero - 10 years ago
What is the name of this soundtrack ? It sounds cool lol
Fabio Rubbi
Fabio Rubbi - 10 years ago
Fabio Rubbi
Fabio Rubbi - 10 years ago
Fabio Rubbi
Fabio Rubbi - 10 years ago
Javon Neal
Javon Neal - 10 years ago
Plz steve-o can u make a video for your subscribers on how u got in the stunt business
Javon Neal
Javon Neal - 10 years ago
A Steve-o can u make a video how u became a professional stunt devil and when did u start doing this plz
Aleksi Lehti
Aleksi Lehti - 10 years ago
More vids plzz big fan
HarryDom13 - 10 years ago
More videos
Pedro Colendres
Pedro Colendres - 10 years ago
Is this guy dead
Hidayat Haris
Hidayat Haris - 10 years ago
bring wildboyz back...PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Peter Petrov
Peter Petrov - 10 years ago
Hey Steve where new video???
wolfie - 10 years ago
DarkSideGaming - 10 years ago
RIP surfboard:P
mark long
mark long - 10 years ago
make more vids, 3 weeks no vids, you have 7 more days or unsubbing
Simon Ter Horst
Simon Ter Horst - 10 years ago
Please upload more vids bro
merlijn - 10 years ago
alois hermida
alois hermida - 10 years ago
im from peru and that country suck the only beutiful place is machu piichu and other parts
MonoManGaming - 10 years ago
he right nothing sucks on his channel
Kevin Roller
Kevin Roller - 10 years ago
Was that video filmed in Trujillo? It looks like, you reckless son of a bitch, keep uploading new videos DUDE!
lesly s
lesly s - 10 years ago
There is no way in hell steve-o does these stunts sober :P lol jk steve-o . Wuv ya .
SiRsmokezz2much - 10 years ago
Wheres the new vide-O's Steve-o!?
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
For fuck sake dude we need a new video pleeeeease
Captain Shark98
Captain Shark98 - 10 years ago
WTF! When you like a post it makes a weird sound now!
Carlos Reyes
Carlos Reyes - 10 years ago
more more more!!!!!!
Stefan Brand
Stefan Brand - 10 years ago
Subscribed but .. why the second channel??? :D
zloiduh1 - 10 years ago
Chris Van Der Schans
Chris Van Der Schans - 10 years ago
Youre not uploading video's
Lo-Re-Lei - 10 years ago
Incredible! You should do more like these street surfing vids!
Django DC
Django DC - 10 years ago
He reminds me of Trevor from gta :D
matjahrvatska - 10 years ago
"Yeah dude" BEST INTRO EVER ! :D 
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Dude this is gunna piss u off but can we have another video please
Dan Nardozza
Dan Nardozza - 10 years ago
Upload brO
x7 - 10 years ago
خهههههههههههه حرام انه مريض
Tvylor Drills
Tvylor Drills - 10 years ago
felixoman - 10 years ago
Quien lo diría una MOTOTAXI MADE IN PERÚ jalando a Steve en su tabla por las pistas con baches....... alucinante...jajaa
The Wilde Ones
The Wilde Ones - 10 years ago
The ultimate stunt man Steveo!
Getting paid to do stupid sh#t, living the life :P
Maury Moreno
Maury Moreno - 10 years ago
You need to post more video
zombiemakeupman - 10 years ago
Hurry up and make another video
Matthew Allain
Matthew Allain - 10 years ago
You need to start making videos that used to make Make us laugh like the first Jackass
tjtrapstar - 10 years ago
Pay wee man to do more vids u and him are funny maan
Hyperr - 10 years ago
upload moreee
Robin Johansson
Robin Johansson - 10 years ago
tattoosbychrisg - 10 years ago
Cmon steve O MORE VIDS!!
joseph caca
joseph caca - 10 years ago
just cool
THE CLUMSY - 10 years ago
J0RANI - 10 years ago
Steve-o divirtiendose en perv
J0RANI - 10 years ago
Steve-o svbiendo a vn mototaxi jaja
Bogdan Roman
Bogdan Roman - 10 years ago
JeffabelUnleashed!! - 10 years ago
Steveo, you will be performing in Perth, Australia on the 3rd of August this year. This so happens to be my birthday, it also happens that it is my 21st birthday this year!
So be prepared, for I will be loved by you and we shall begin a strong and fruitful friendship to last until the end of days.
I will also most likely have one of my own dvds ready for you by then.
that is all.
mo - 10 years ago
Post more videos
Miko Pocekovic
Miko Pocekovic - 10 years ago
U never upload
Carlos  Silva
Carlos Silva - 10 years ago
steveo upload more videos!!!
TheRainbowEmo Nyc
TheRainbowEmo Nyc - 10 years ago
Your a justin fan wow you are really taking risk
losocio - 10 years ago
Ereh mu tonto tu madre ya lo dijo, ereh mu tonto y en tu casa no hay botijo.
IProDragShotZ - 10 years ago
Nice glasses ✌️
ultimatechaos1103 - 10 years ago
Dude Steve O you are the man huge fan of your stunts
TheGaming FrEEk
TheGaming FrEEk - 10 years ago
Jus woke up and it's time to do a vid in ma pants
Carlee Kwiatkowski
Carlee Kwiatkowski - 10 years ago
Love the video Steve-o ☺
Kaylamoon17 - 10 years ago
Why the hell would he make a second channel? why not just put up more videos on this one?
Deshawn Johnson
Deshawn Johnson - 10 years ago
Surfboard,surfboard grinning on that wood wood!
Leandro Pedro
Leandro Pedro - 10 years ago
Ganhou um inscrito -
Jeff Lugosi
Jeff Lugosi - 10 years ago
Why is he on the rural area? The city is really good, there are residential areas where they have HUGE steep and long streets.
Fran Sánchez
Fran Sánchez - 10 years ago
Subscribe to :BoRaXiN CISCO
He has cod gameplays, very good gameplays
ahmed ali
ahmed ali - 10 years ago
Steveo insta is steveotv
Charlie Hutton
Charlie Hutton - 10 years ago
Roman soldiers
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Have you gone on strike dude need some more steve o action
OuR DArK SidE - 10 years ago
Peru es lo maximo . I love you stev
Shane Mitcham
Shane Mitcham - 10 years ago
I don't know how this guy has not killed himself yet. Mad respect.
Deshawn Johnson
Deshawn Johnson - 10 years ago
Ola Aregbe
Ola Aregbe - 10 years ago
ham zah
ham zah - 10 years ago
more videos mateeeeeeeeee
isrv - 10 years ago
I hear life is swell in peruu
AudiosErgeon POGZ
AudiosErgeon POGZ - 10 years ago
I have 2 poop now!!!
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Tuki Tuki haha
Omenakookos - 10 years ago
Where is Peruvia?
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Hello there how r u today
Ace The Great
Ace The Great - 10 years ago
Who else read to the bottom of the description? I'm a die-hard fan.
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Dude we need a new video please
jasmin espino
jasmin espino - 10 years ago
Omg i live around there
FuranDuron - 10 years ago
Steve-O is notice me senpai!
thingthing1999 - 10 years ago
be careful in puru bro, I've heard of some not so cool ear bugs. 
Matteo Sabba
Matteo Sabba - 10 years ago
e benvenuti a killer karaoke
Kutman Usupov
Kutman Usupov - 10 years ago
RESPECT. Come to us to Kyrgyzstan on you awake in Zhayloo
LuLu Renee
LuLu Renee - 10 years ago
He is Gods gift to humanity
The nuts ProjectGreen
The nuts ProjectGreen - 10 years ago
Make new jackass
Александр Ш
Александр Ш - 10 years ago
нарик спортсмен стал(
Chris Adams
Chris Adams - 10 years ago
Dude we need another video I'm hangin
Ryan801 - 10 years ago
What happened to that surfboard?
Cory Batterson
Cory Batterson - 10 years ago
Lol any chance there will be a Jackass 4?
Summer Heart
Summer Heart - 10 years ago
Steve-o you should go to Arizona and do crazy shit there
BubbelKakan - 10 years ago
Go to Sweden! :D
The Nameless Nomads
The Nameless Nomads - 10 years ago
I feel sorry for the SURFBORT!
Gabriel Castro
Gabriel Castro - 10 years ago
Para los estadounidenses todo lo que hay para abajo de México es simplemente México. Con excepción de Brasil. Es más, para ellos España hace parte de México también, así que imagínate -_- (no hablo de todos, claro está, pero los estadounidenses en general son muy ignorantes en cuestion de geografía y tal)    
ju fer
ju fer - 10 years ago
Stevo hubieras estado en lima,carajoooo estuvistes en trujillo y estaba lejos para mi,pero si que eres un desmadre jajaja
Ricardo Mena Diaz
Ricardo Mena Diaz - 10 years ago
I love you Steve o
Wpgvikings - 10 years ago
You are funny but a dumb ass
Daryl  Tapia
Daryl Tapia - 10 years ago
yeah that's  awesome !!! PERU <3
estofadodepollo - 10 years ago
What are you doing in my country
Braiant pagador
Braiant pagador - 10 years ago
steve-o thank's for visit Perú
jose cordero
jose cordero - 10 years ago
he has a tattoo that says satan
rachet909 - 10 years ago
This is one guy who will enjoy life no matter how old he gets
New channel
New channel - 10 years ago
Steve O please go to Philippines and eat 20 pieces of Balot 
New channel
New channel - 10 years ago
Stevo please go to Philippines and eat 20 balots please =)
Gage Coder
Gage Coder - 10 years ago
Sorry but u finally uploded a video
luisana20 - 10 years ago
Steve-O how come you came to Peru? that's awesome! can I have an autograph?! haaa loved these videos X
JhxKiLlER - 10 years ago
Its a tok tok
SuperSaiyan Max
SuperSaiyan Max - 10 years ago
Sad seeing him do these stunts all by himself
Dany Dani
Dany Dani - 10 years ago
steveo're my idol but I can not believe you have so few subscribers there twice youtuber ams you and their channels are crap and both head hahaha your not break. Do something about it you are the best
SMOKE DOG - 10 years ago
lol the way he says everything in a sarcastic voice is halarious xD
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
... I'm peruvian, that's spanish music and I haven't ever heard IN MY LIFE that those cars were called "tuki tuki"...
Matias Cerruti
Matias Cerruti - 10 years ago
liam mcknight
liam mcknight - 10 years ago
Keep making vids
EyYoMrWhite - 10 years ago
I would love to see a mantis shrimp hit your ass. I bet that hasnt been done yet
Zenic Slayer
Zenic Slayer - 10 years ago
Zenic Slayer
Zenic Slayer - 10 years ago
Aurora Lienczewski
Aurora Lienczewski - 10 years ago

You should start vlogging. It defiantly wouldn't have to be every day (like CTFxC) but it'll give you more things to upload, and I'm certain people would be interested.
Radio Maconheiro2012
Radio Maconheiro2012 - 10 years ago
STEVE O THE BOSS ...saludos de Brazil
DripAli - 10 years ago
I saw jackass 3d i feel bad for you
zawette - 10 years ago
whats the name of this kind of music ?? I love it
Dronez - 10 years ago
+Bárbara Falconí Ramat yeah like people say we are all trash in latinoamerica, because all they know is mexico.
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
+Jesús Witherspoon yes, castuañuelas :) escribí mal
Jesús Witherspoon
Jesús Witherspoon - 10 years ago
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
spanish music..... with castañolas. Not peruvian music
TorchLightGamer64 - 10 years ago
Did he ever think to wear a helmet
herr - 10 years ago
Dem vans doe
angry pepe cancer
angry pepe cancer - 10 years ago
It's tooooo normal. A always surf on roads. Even on fire i surf.
Stefano Espinoza
Stefano Espinoza - 10 years ago
Me Parece Genial que Steve-o se divierta y al mismo tiempo nos divierta en nuestra patria!!!!
Jose Pajares
Jose Pajares - 10 years ago
Yeaaaah dude! You the man Steve-O. I like that you get to chill in Peru.
k3t3s - 10 years ago
blaby4ever - 10 years ago
Elmendiux - 10 years ago
nice Spanish music
Вписка ШОУ
Вписка ШОУ - 10 years ago
Раина Дана жалко
chris sonawane
chris sonawane - 10 years ago
1 question ahem Stev-O you mad bro ? 
Magnus Christensen
Magnus Christensen - 10 years ago
Are jou in jackass?
Jeff Luebke
Jeff Luebke - 10 years ago
Sporting the "Vans"...old school cool.  I like it.
AmigoOfficial - 10 years ago
Dont't forget you still need enough energy for Jackass 4 ;)
CaptainRenn - 10 years ago
I'm moving to peru :D
César Arévalo
César Arévalo - 10 years ago
Tuki tuki also named Mototaxi.
Omaepss - 10 years ago
Peru apesta y es una mierda¡¡
TroubleMaker - 10 years ago
Where are you from ?
isatmartin - 10 years ago
ta paja eso solo que debe doler como mierd si caes mal
chooseaname32 - 10 years ago
You have like 15 videos on this channel, there is no need for another channel
PANDAPVP Faze kaka
PANDAPVP Faze kaka - 10 years ago
Can you load up more videos
proter gyuo
proter gyuo - 10 years ago
16 видео и 2 520 271 подписчиков! Я в ахуе.....
gibran jk
gibran jk - 10 years ago
Por qué ponen esa música de fondo? Parece española
demian smith
demian smith - 10 years ago
Steve do this in bolivia with chilean soccer shirt, I challenge you.
Sergio Jimenez
Sergio Jimenez - 10 years ago
Steve O vs porcupine
Franz Küster
Franz Küster - 10 years ago
Stevo is so crazy
Dani Maura Breick
Dani Maura Breick - 10 years ago
You need tu superglue you finger and stick it into your nose
Davi Ribeiro
Davi Ribeiro - 10 years ago
WildBoyz need to come back ! 
00haul00 - 10 years ago
Peru rules
ScytheMassakur - 10 years ago
Nicely done, Steveo. Scotland thanks you for amusement
bludclot - 10 years ago
The fuck do you need another channel for when there isn't even content on this one?
Theshortguy84 - 10 years ago
AzumaGames - 10 years ago
Say what you will about him being stupid... but he brings a smile to people's faces, and sometimes that makes all the difference. Keep it up, Steve-O.
John Hendo
John Hendo - 10 years ago
Hi, i love your youtube videos! They are so good! Would you please subscribe to my channel cuz i am 12 and trying to help STOP animal cruelty! And it would be great for publicity! Thank you!!!
Dillen Haywood
Dillen Haywood - 10 years ago
I love you Steve-O your my hero
Jason Brooks
Jason Brooks - 10 years ago
At least he wore vans and not dc :P
Brad Lokes
Brad Lokes - 10 years ago
I dont understand the second channel, too. It looks funny, but why you putting the vids not on your first channel. if you will seperate the tattoo stuff, make a own playlist.
tretten1234 - 10 years ago
I think people want you to do more hidden camera stuff.
Yuffiri Carlins
Yuffiri Carlins - 10 years ago
jajja creo haberlo visto a este tipo :) 
Dylan Anderson
Dylan Anderson - 10 years ago
Dylan Anderson
Dylan Anderson - 10 years ago
LUIS MARIN - 10 years ago
Steve-o make a give away !!!
El Tio
El Tio - 10 years ago
Get Cash For Surveys
Get Cash For Surveys - 10 years ago
Such a great idea
David Sama
David Sama - 10 years ago
I can't believe that you went to Peru.. Yeah.. That's my homeland man.. Hope you enjoyed the food.. :)
ToastedThomasboi Xxx
ToastedThomasboi Xxx - 6 years ago
David Sama sameeee
Malo 7X
Malo 7X - 10 years ago
The real Steve-O would have done it topless
Janet J
Janet J - 10 years ago
I never get enough of you Steve-O!!!!!!!
we love longboard
we love longboard - 10 years ago
Neopreno y tabla jodida
Jacob Godin
Jacob Godin - 10 years ago
the only reason we want more videos is cause we want to see you get hurt! Rock on bud!
Aurélie D
Aurélie D - 10 years ago
Sa doit faire mal :S
LostGriefer | Minecraft Griefing
LostGriefer | Minecraft Griefing - 10 years ago
Everytime a New Video Gerd released, I ask myself: When is he going to die?
Anthony Bernardino
Anthony Bernardino - 10 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHAH that's what I was thinking
zSeth - 10 years ago
im sure he made the day of hundrets of people there that day and such great entertainment for us here just by trolling around like a  ̶b̶̶o̶̶s̶̶s̶ ...̶g̶̶o̶̶d̶ .. steve-o !
you really know what life means men xD
Dante DNK
Dante DNK - 10 years ago
Leer los comentarios y enterarte de que lo poco que conocen de cultura latinoamericana la sacan de México...

Si quieren hablar de Perú que es el país donde nací, me crié y actualmente vivo, tómense un tiempo en averiguar como es la vida por aquí.
THRASHER LLAMOSA - 7 years ago
Donald Trump los chilenos están metidos en todos los vídeos de Perú, haters gonna hate, que tiene que ver los cholos con él atraso?
tomas barrios
tomas barrios - 9 years ago
Mas falso que surf boliviano
Paul Lukas Die Veggie-Mann
Paul Lukas Die Veggie-Mann - 9 years ago
Típico, encuentro este vídeo de steve-O y veo los comentarios y la mayoría están hablando de que país se es tal, yo soy de Perú pero veo que quizás algunos no entienda algunas cosas pero ya bajanle tíos solo tomenlo con calma y conversen tranquilos.
Acrebitas - 10 years ago
+benjam- ink
esots comentarios ya se cerraron hace mucho tiempo... lo sient, no voy a responder nada más..... adios.
benjam- ink
benjam- ink - 10 years ago
+elF3R3D2810 acomplejado que hay de malo no ser  blanco,  Peru era/es  la tierra de los Incas un gran cultura,   y muchas otras pre-incas de las cuales debemos sentirnos orgullos, si piensas que ser blanco  es sinonimo de superioridad estas hasta las webas  es cierto que puede haber blancones, pero no alucinen,  como  dicen por arriba peru nunca fue y nunca sera un pais blanco. 
Acrebitas - 10 years ago
lo que tu digas
ART by pinsetter1991
ART by pinsetter1991 - 10 years ago
de verdad? no te creo! no puede ser! que feo de verdad. voy a llorar hasta que me quede dormido.
ART by pinsetter1991
ART by pinsetter1991 - 10 years ago
+maximo rider

"Pobre" jaja. me estas corregiendo? lealo bien, escribí "probé" del verbo "probar." Ya sé que rocoto relleno no es toda la gastronomia Peruana, nunca dije eso. pero tu sabes que de verdad no hay mucha varidad en la comida Peruana. Que comiste hoy? voy a adivinarlo ARROZ con PAPA o POLLO verdad? es cierto. tu sabes.
Baila sin tus huaraches
Baila sin tus huaraches - 10 years ago
tu madre me chupa
Acrebitas - 10 years ago
+pinsetter1991 "pobre"... y rocoto relleno no es toda la gastronomia peruana para que sepas .... prefiero comer eso a saturarme las arterias con la comida basura que comen ustedes.
ART by pinsetter1991
ART by pinsetter1991 - 10 years ago
+fernan rodriguez
soy de los EEUU pero he ido a perú y pude conocer mucha gente y aprender bastante. Probé rocoto relleno, se que lo comen mucho en arequipa.
fernan rodriguez
fernan rodriguez - 10 years ago
+Gabriel Castro
a arequipa se le denomina la ciudad blanaca por la poblacion que antes habia ahi y en parte porque estaba construida con sillar , asi que no digan que en peru no hay gente "blanca"
Guiller MR
Guiller MR - 10 years ago
+elF3R3D2810  ya vez , estos temas son de nunca acabar !! y mas si se trata de defender a nuestra patria !!!
aalv666 - 10 years ago
+Silvana Monzon No hables huevadas, elF3R3D2810 se refiere que en ciertas zonas del Perú sí hay gente blanca, uno de mis mejores amigos es blanco que parece difunto y tú misma te contradices diciendo: "Nuestro país tiene un mestizaje rico" porque hay de Cholo, negro, chino, BLANCO, etc etc, que diga que en el Perú haya blancos no generaliza porque también los hay, recuerda hay de todo. ARRIBA EL PERÚ Y ARRIBA EL LOCO DE STEVE-O xD lml
Luiz López
Luiz López - 10 years ago
+guiller misaray ramirez menos los politicos, que lo cagan...
Guiller MR
Guiller MR - 10 years ago
+Sergio Rodriguez  tu mismo lo haz dicho pensabas , pero ya vez, el Perú es mejor de lo que tantas personas piensan !!! y ademas tenemos tantas cosas de que estar ORGULLOSOS :D
Sergio Rodriguez
Sergio Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Ok, niño rata.
Sergio Rodriguez
Sergio Rodriguez - 10 years ago
Y yo que pensaba que en Perú solo había llamas. 
Miguel Zhito
Miguel Zhito - 10 years ago
Porque no tenemos acento, a diferencia de los vecinos. 
Guiller MR
Guiller MR - 10 years ago
que tanto hablan de negro, blanco , chino , mestizo , etc ...aqui hay de todo y punto  !!  al final todos son peruanos , ademas somos un  pais pluricultural , hay costa, sierra y selva y en esos tres lados hay diferentes tipos de personas siendo al final todos peruanos !! QUE VIVA EL PERU CARAJO !!!  ademas tenemos el mejor habla hispana de latinoamerica  y el mundo !! 
Silvana Monzon
Silvana Monzon - 10 years ago
+elF3R3D2810 "admites" que eres peruano? ... como si fuera algo malo. Niño cuantos años tienes? Eres un acomplejado porque menosprecias e ignoras nuestra realidad nacional. El Perú nunca fue ni sera un país blanco. Nuestro país tiene un mestizaje rico, de lo que ha de sentirnos orgullosos. 
Dante DNK
Dante DNK - 10 years ago
Típico de la humanidad crear enfrentamiento de simples comentarios o acciones...
Calmense, hay razas hay credos y demás, lo mas relevante sería ayudar a solucionar y no apuntando con el dedo y haciéndose a un lado a comentar algo malo.
Gabriel Castro
Gabriel Castro - 10 years ago
+Miguel Zhito Yo creo que ese problema lo tenemos en America Latina entera. Por más que la economía se supone que mejora, la gente y sus costumbres sobreviven. Brasil se supone que es la sexta economia mundial y sigue siendo un sitio super desorganizado y con los mismos defectos que has dicho en tu comentario. Yo creo que todavia nos va llevar decenas de años alcanzar una mente más "civilizada" en America Latina en general.
Miguel Zhito
Miguel Zhito - 10 years ago
+Silvana Monzon y te diré como peruano, solo puedo setirme orgulloso de algunas cosas, de machu picchu, de la gastronomia, de buenas bandas de rock, de nuestro premio nobel, pero la realidad es otra. La gente bota su basura en medio la calle, micciona  en las calles, los borrachos se quedan a dormir en las plazas, y todavia mas. Y asi pues,  la economia crece si eso es cierto, pero la mentalidad es la misma, las malas  custumbres  continuan por babosos como el de arriba.
Miguel Zhito
Miguel Zhito - 10 years ago
+Silvana Monzon Lo que pasa que con este asunto de la mejora en la economía peruana se ha incrementado el ego nacional con respecto a otros paises,(como ecuador y bolivia) e incluso con la misma gente peruana con rasgos indigenas muy marcados.   Sobre todo en lima que se creen amos y señores del Perú. Pero como decia eso esta disminuyendo o almenos se intenta cambiar, todavia son asi la gente adulta que no nunca piso una universidad o peruanos muy babosos como el de arriba que parece que aun sigue en el colegio. 
Silvana Monzon
Silvana Monzon - 10 years ago
+Gabriel Castro Es muy cierto lo que dices, el Perú es un país racista todavía y hay gente muy acomplejada.
Silvana Monzon
Silvana Monzon - 10 years ago
+elF3R3D2810 que acomplejado eres, tipico de peruano ...
Gabriel Castro
Gabriel Castro - 10 years ago
+Miguel Zhito Como tiene que ser! Yo soy brasileño, y hombre y alli en Brasil existe mucha gente racista todavía, pero es un país con muchas diferencias y que mas da que unos sean de una etnia o de otra? Alli hoy en dia ya existe una mayoria de 47% de pardos y 43% blancos y no pasa nada. Me parece triste que en un pais como Perú la gente quiera ser lo que no es, un pais europeo o algo, y no acepten a la gente de su propia tierra
Miguel Zhito
Miguel Zhito - 10 years ago
+Gabriel Castro En nuestro hermoso país hay gente de todas las razas si podría decir, hay gente blanca muy blanca, rubios altos y chatos. También gente mestiza, negra, descendencia de asiáticos (japoneses y chinos sobre todo) y hasta un pueblo de alemanes en pozuzo si no me equivoco. Pero todos se sienten MUY PERUANOS. Y es cierto que hay todavía muchos peruanos acomplejados, pero eso se esta superando poco a poco, no esta empeorando.
Gabriel Castro
Gabriel Castro - 10 years ago
+elF3R3D2810  Hombre, vale, a lo mejor ahi en areas muy aisladas tendreis más blancos, pero es verdad o no que tendreis como mucho 15% de blancos en todo el pais? Xq vaya, eso está clarisimo... Lo siento pero Perú es asi, mestizo-quechua
Gabriel Castro
Gabriel Castro - 10 years ago
White de que? De nieve o coca o algo asi? Porque nunca he visto un peruano blanco.. Ni que eso fuera malo, verguenza os tenia que dar estar acomplejados x ser un pais con diferentes etnias y mayoritariamente quechua o mestizo. Ahi tendreis como mucho 15% blanco.
Victor Barraza
Victor Barraza - 10 years ago
Lighting Soul
Lighting Soul - 10 years ago
Perú is white
fernan rodriguez
fernan rodriguez - 10 years ago
Brian Witt
Brian Witt - 10 years ago
Steve-o goes hard though, he's been to hell and back and is still on top. Plus cant blame a guy for just having fun.
Charmed66Fan - 10 years ago
what's his second channel name?
mason legault
mason legault - 10 years ago
Stevo are you sober
CROWSEPHUS - 10 years ago
You have to admire a guy who has done enough drugs to kill an elephant and still survived!
Parabalani - 10 years ago
What is he doing in Peru?
AmenoFilms - 10 years ago
Read the title...street surfing.
Rafi Cohen
Rafi Cohen - 10 years ago
CROWSEPHUS - 10 years ago
Street the video dude?
Javier Armendariz
Javier Armendariz - 10 years ago
Lazy - 10 years ago
Why second channel?you don't don't post shit on here
Shayne D
Shayne D - 10 years ago
dude why do u have a second channel u only have 16 videos on ur main channel. obvious cash grab not cool dude
YourFriendlyTroll - 10 years ago
They are all probably thinking "What the fuck is that white guy doing?"
Jackmerius Tacktheritrix
Jackmerius Tacktheritrix - 10 years ago
lol the irony of a "Wipe off 5" ad on this video
Raul Cipriano
Raul Cipriano - 10 years ago
peruvian peeps are probably like "ta loco ese wey"
Manuel Rospigliosi
Manuel Rospigliosi - 10 years ago
+Raul Cipriano Hahaha! You are confused. A peruvian would never talk like that.
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
+Raul Cipriano perhaps the ONES you have met are MEXICANS...
Raul Cipriano
Raul Cipriano - 10 years ago
I said probably, how am i supposed to know? Plus the ones I've met talk that way.
Manuel Rospigliosi
Manuel Rospigliosi - 10 years ago
Uhm, we don't use "wey"... Mexicans use "wey".
PhotoAdvanced - 10 years ago
Steve-o feature your second channel on this one, that way people can find it more easily.
zSeth - 10 years ago
check out the description
Liz0225 - 10 years ago
Please! stop playing that spanish music in latin america related videos, we have our own music!
Liz0225 - 10 years ago
me, just me.
Mil0311 - 10 years ago
Who gives a flying fuck!
Jaelgoco12 - 10 years ago
Hey, post some clips from Nicaragua!
Mikey Boy
Mikey Boy - 10 years ago
Not to sound like an ass but why did you make a second channel for the exact same thing. If you need money get a real job like everyone else.
AmenoFilms - 10 years ago
His job is real,and gets him real money, and you have a square mind,you are a follower that does things like everyone else, deal with the fact that he is different and not a sheep like you.
CROWSEPHUS - 10 years ago
Dont be jelly that he found a way to man money, travel, and have fun while "working". Instead think of how you can do the same thing so you dont have to hang out a window giving people bags filled with hamburgers and fries?
Landon2013 - 10 years ago
I'd say, this IS a very "real" job... Certainly "real" money that spends just as real as any grunt job would.... I would never go to YOUR job and say "get a real job. What is "real" to you anyay? Just because people enjoy watching StevO work does not mean it is not a "real" job... Understand I took 2 minutes out of my day to educate you... Not to be an ass or anything.
Jans Urbina R.
Jans Urbina R. - 10 years ago
how long are you going to be in Peru !!!!
Jonathan Sosa
Jonathan Sosa - 10 years ago
Steve-o ure the best
Abby Freeland
Abby Freeland - 10 years ago
Does that sound make any body else cringe
Brandon Salcedo
Brandon Salcedo - 10 years ago
Si esta en Peru porque carajos ponen musica mexicana xD ?
Gabriel Castro
Gabriel Castro - 10 years ago
Para los estadounidenses todo lo que hay para abajo de México es simplemente México. Con excepción de Brasil. Es más, para ellos España hace parte de México también, así que imagínate -_- (no hablo de todos, claro está, pero los estadounidenses en general son muy ignorantes en cuestion de geografía y tal)    
ev stins
ev stins - 10 years ago
Upload more vids
Joe Rix
Joe Rix - 10 years ago
Can you please say my Name in one of you're vids:)
shamut - 10 years ago
why spanish music background?. whe r no more spanish colony. DUDE!!!
Miguel Sanchez
Miguel Sanchez - 10 years ago
it's not a tuky tuky lol... it's a moto-taxi
NoviceGaming - 10 years ago
That poor board :(
Joshua Luis Abanto Dahua
Joshua Luis Abanto Dahua - 10 years ago
eres inmortal 
Gozx lii
Gozx lii - 10 years ago
What to so short?
Joe - 10 years ago
So why do you need a second channel when you're not putting out many videos on your main channel?  It's not going to get you anymore $$, just means managing two channels.
ryanhayn - 10 years ago
Is he ever not drunk?
Juanjo Pary
Juanjo Pary - 10 years ago
Ya no exageren con eso de q la música no corresponde a nuestro país,lo suelen hacer la mayoría de gringos o europeos en los países latinoamericanos. La verdad es q de cierta manera está incentivando el turismo extremo y eso es bueno!! Espero q sigan subiendo más vídeos en mi querido Perú! aché pal mundo!!
PDGR84 - 10 years ago
in peru there are any cars?
мирослав - 10 years ago
another idiot with stupid questions...
Diego La torre
Diego La torre - 10 years ago
yes there are cars, yes, there's kfc, mcdonalds, etc, banks... damn, those questions...
ennrique98 - 10 years ago
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
oh my god...
fernan rodriguez
fernan rodriguez - 10 years ago
Zyukoo - 10 years ago
Yah in the city there are cars, buses, everything, he is just on the more rural places right now. 
Kevin Valderrama
Kevin Valderrama - 10 years ago
steveo en Peru, que mas se puede pedir...
Eliza ryan
Eliza ryan - 10 years ago
steve-O is king
aussiemike88 - 10 years ago
Stevo who's cutting your hair wow its jacked up can I fix it for you? I'm a licensed hairstylist and licensed tattoo artist also put some gloves on please when your tattooing
Practice Repeat
Practice Repeat - 10 years ago
i put vietnamese chili on my balls n it was the hottest sensation ever but u need to try the hottest chili in the world n place it on ur balls
Alvaro Lazo
Alvaro Lazo - 10 years ago
Enrique Rios
Enrique Rios - 10 years ago
jaja es gracioso por que yo soy peruano xDDD
Kevin Stamey
Kevin Stamey - 10 years ago
I miss jackass.
Badulaques - 10 years ago
cosco free
cosco free - 10 years ago
saca videos mas seguidos 
cool9747 - 10 years ago
Steve o is getting kinda old lol we can see wrinkles but we love you no matter what ;)
hu99u - 10 years ago
Peruvian Street Surfing ftw
Modelo Especial
Modelo Especial - 10 years ago
I Thought Ur Were Dead On A Car Crash ??
evenflow919 - 10 years ago
Damn he's just nonstop jackass
SeregaSPb - 10 years ago
Joe Gress
Joe Gress - 10 years ago
Fuck steveos the shit wish i had the balls he does, aint no way id be doin this shit
conor vickers
conor vickers - 10 years ago
Wow, you actually read this comment! You should like it!!
Fun4uitstrue - 10 years ago
I liked it cause of your pic :)
Oscar Jorge Huapaya Li
Oscar Jorge Huapaya Li - 10 years ago
great video steve-O... but that is mexican music..... you need peruvian music.....
Mil0311 - 10 years ago
Peruvian music is shite!
Tito - 10 years ago
esa música no corresponde a ese país
Fajar Noor
Fajar Noor - 10 years ago
Moree xtreme vid steve o
Pedro Gonzalez
Pedro Gonzalez - 10 years ago
Good video.  Peru looks like a chill place and makes me want to visit one day
Tommy Phillips
Tommy Phillips - 10 years ago
Hey steve-o l have a second channel guess what comes out of it... Let's all lift a glass and salute steve-os hemorrhoids... I mean second channel...
biznite2k6 - 10 years ago
Lol he's in the hood
Josh Walton
Josh Walton - 10 years ago
Ay steveo when jackass 4 comin out man ?
nickprezzo - 10 years ago
You don't need to upload more videos, upload videos when you have a good one to show us. Uploading really frequently is what makes good channels eventually turn shit
DIEGO ZEVALLOS - 10 years ago
Buena steve o welcome to peru
Maksim Morgachev
Maksim Morgachev - 10 years ago
Fuck eeeeee!)
Daniel Notaro
Daniel Notaro - 10 years ago
He went to Peru for the coke
RatintGames - 10 years ago
Makes me think of whe pewdiepie played surgeon sim and went "bob what the fuck were you doing skiing on the street?" Lol
Rasmus Høyer
Rasmus Høyer - 10 years ago
PrankFiles - 10 years ago
SteveO's been to many surgeons!
Grant Wallace
Grant Wallace - 10 years ago
Fuckin haters and speculators in these comments. You don't need to be on ANY drugs to want to do an awesome stunt like this one! Even if he WAS, fuck off? It's his life and he's gonna live it! And fucking awesome at that!
Grant Wallace
Grant Wallace - 10 years ago
IF**************** And what happened to ryan is sad and irrelevant to this so don't drag him down with it.... And I wouldn't feel bad, because I know Stevo would have died being a fucking badass and drugs or not I wish my death is doing something crazy like being human sharkbait or something hahha. Im not his mother, so his life doesn't hold THAT kind of weight, but as someone who thinks hes badass, the more power to him?
Zachary - 10 years ago
When he dies doing sth stupid because of the drugs like dunn did unfortunately, fans like u will probably feel bad because they didn't give any shit about his life
Widhi Prasada
Widhi Prasada - 10 years ago
BoBolandia - 10 years ago
I like steve o
Zach Johnson
Zach Johnson - 10 years ago
try to upload more
Belen pompinara
Belen pompinara - 10 years ago
Dr. Naz
Dr. Naz - 10 years ago
Nice clean and even streets, Peru.
Om Mnom
Om Mnom - 10 years ago
за 1 день 242 к пзц
BeoWulf Zerox
BeoWulf Zerox - 10 years ago
Ajjajaajajaajajajja he es crazy XD
Joe Frese
Joe Frese - 10 years ago
glad you've found something productive to do whilst still making people smile steve-o!
love ya dude
PUDL3Y - 10 years ago
The only real jackass left!
PUDL3Y - 10 years ago
Always worth a minute to watch Steve o #pudl3y
cwuzii - 10 years ago
Steve-O looks and sounds more like a druggie every time I see him in a video. Funny though. 
chodelem - 10 years ago
@ashtrayannie wtf are you talking about? You don't know that and don't make those accusations. He's obviously sober as hell and doing great. This channel probably wouldn't even exist if he was back on drugs
Bence P
Bence P - 10 years ago
Cool place. Nice video
Michael Hellbound
Michael Hellbound - 10 years ago
Malik Sayadi
Malik Sayadi - 10 years ago
What a gem
Valo Big
Valo Big - 10 years ago
hahahaha.. tacci tua
straya beatz
straya beatz - 10 years ago
why are u in peru?
Krass Grass
Krass Grass - 7 years ago
Why not?
Evan Pyne
Evan Pyne - 10 years ago
I don't think it's legal to surf in the middle of street in America, and cheap cocaine
Clara Garcia
Clara Garcia - 10 years ago
They are some haters here.. But i just love you and your videos. Please upload more!! Thank you!! Much love from Belize.
Peter Koenig
Peter Koenig - 10 years ago
i wouldnt let you tat my ass even if you paid for it =D
Easystreetkids - 10 years ago
just got 11k #real youtube views this week from the site PIMPMYVIEWS. COM
Kerrie Elizabeth
Kerrie Elizabeth - 10 years ago
Steve-O in glasses :)
Drake Bentley
Drake Bentley - 10 years ago
Your looking healthy Steve-O. Keep up the good work bud. :)
KarltoonTV - 10 years ago
great man.
Julian Luigi Nocamasi
Julian Luigi Nocamasi - 10 years ago
u are in peru DAMN!! MA COUNTRY haha
Arael Tovar
Arael Tovar - 10 years ago
Putos gringos tengo la letra ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ jaja casi todos no la tienen digan me pico la vagina
everDC - 10 years ago
Steve-O , I am from Peru and I would like to take a photo with you man! Where are you bro!!!! Como to Lima and I swear to god I will get there doesnt matter what! :D
The Demon874
The Demon874 - 10 years ago
que parte de Perú será?
jhonatan daniel gonzalez gaytan
jhonatan daniel gonzalez gaytan - 10 years ago
che loco , aver si bienes a Mexico , nuevo leon , monterrey.
purple sassy
purple sassy - 10 years ago
Billy 69
Billy 69 - 10 years ago
Steve do u even lift?
User - 10 years ago
User - 10 years ago
bryant1815 - 10 years ago
Joe CaPe
Joe CaPe - 10 years ago
bienvenido a peru hombre :D
mark sanchez
mark sanchez - 10 years ago
He bangs big stinking butts for cheap with condom its fun lol
PERRO LOCO - 10 years ago
greetings from peru :D
Star Lord
Star Lord - 10 years ago
good job Steve)))
ben rossi
ben rossi - 10 years ago
Steve-o is a madcunt
Practice Repeat
Practice Repeat - 10 years ago
put the hottest chili oil on ur balls 
AB - 10 years ago
Steve-O if you have any desire and hope to be better and more famous than knoxville, think B I G brother!!  If you want to know how to make yourself more famous than Che Guevera, I can tell you how. Message me if you want the help
Schmidt McGready
Schmidt McGready - 10 years ago
Hey Steve-O, do people know you in Peru?
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
Yes que
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
Dronez - 10 years ago
Yeah ofc we do know him, I watched jackass since I was a kid, pretty much everyone from 14 to 30yo know them.
Diego La torre
Diego La torre - 10 years ago
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
sierto , la gente tendria que viajar a peru para conocer
Diego La torre
Diego La torre - 10 years ago
Why wouldn't we know him? We have cable you know...
Why do people think we ride llamas and shit? D:
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
yo soy de peru 
gabo24g - 10 years ago
+Bárbara Falconí Ramat
jajajaj pero, es para hacer reir a la gente, a su manera estupida XD
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
+gabo24g porque pienso que lo que hace no merece ser conocido en todo el mundo, no es relevante, no es importante, me parece tonto.
gabo24g - 10 years ago
+Bárbara Falconí Ramat
why unfortunately

porque desafortunadamente
Bárbara Falconí Ramat
Bárbara Falconí Ramat - 10 years ago
Unfortunately, yes... we know him. From the movies and the mtv show...
gabo24g - 10 years ago
+Schmidt McGready  yo entiendo español XD
Schmidt McGready
Schmidt McGready - 10 years ago
+gabo24g Llo entiendo tu Espanol!
gabo24g - 10 years ago
Claro que lo conocen yo soy de Ecuador y lo conozco. Incluso a todo el Elenco de Jackass, Son lo maximo.

Sure, they know him, i'm from Ecuador and I know him. Even to all the Jackass team, they are the best.
PrankFiles - 10 years ago
He goes every year
Deanna Beckman
Deanna Beckman - 10 years ago
crazy dude.......
Stev John
Stev John - 10 years ago
want more my master
Sean Mitchell
Sean Mitchell - 10 years ago
This is what happens when people have no producers.
Julie Rodriguez
Julie Rodriguez - 10 years ago
You look really cute in glasses!;3
Tommy Phillips
Tommy Phillips - 10 years ago
Steveovian street skills?
alex Andrade
alex Andrade - 10 years ago
in which part of peru are you??
Jack Pass
Jack Pass - 10 years ago
more videos!
prognosi911 - 10 years ago
Extended Stay America Hotel. I probably just renovated that room. Rock on
Geralt Of Rivia
Geralt Of Rivia - 10 years ago
fucking insane xD
Andre Goulet
Andre Goulet - 10 years ago
Aka how to scrap a surf board
DOPE CARTEL - 10 years ago
Oscar Psycho
Oscar Psycho - 10 years ago
Y ponen música española...
chris2074 - 10 years ago
In where part of Peru are you ?? :D sorry i dont speak a lot of english
Biffa Bacon
Biffa Bacon - 10 years ago
Dude, if you waxed your board it would've been much better! sheesh. ;)
Alex Angulo
Alex Angulo - 10 years ago
Yo ur in Peru thats cool thats were im from

Go to Machu Pichu its awsome
Jordan Solesa
Jordan Solesa - 10 years ago
Gnar Gnar
Gnar Gnar - 10 years ago
@ChannelBreakingNews if you are going to call someone an overrated drug addict, make sure you actually get your fact straight before you go off sounding like a dip shit without a brain. It was coke, he never did heroin (that we know of) But if Can manage to be a past drug addict and still be more successful that you, you need to shut the fuck up and worry about your own Damn self instead of putting others down for their past, you are just like an overly attached girlfriend. No one likes you
Cris R
Cris R - 10 years ago
Fuck dude u r fuckn crazy, viva el Perú carajo
Sleekizm - 10 years ago
Kilan Lotran
Kilan Lotran - 10 years ago
Постарел пиздец! Но, продолжает свое дело...
Jake Dieringer
Jake Dieringer - 10 years ago
This made me laugh man. Keep it up!
Asher Duncan
Asher Duncan - 10 years ago
You should sign the surfboard and give it away at one of your shows or sell it on EBay
Asher Duncan
Asher Duncan - 10 years ago
You are a legend!
pompom - 10 years ago
El esta en Perú?    OMG     :D
Loaf - 10 years ago
Two words...Fuck Yes!
Nick Berserk
Nick Berserk - 10 years ago
в перу дороги лучше, чем у нас, блядь
B_U_M - 10 years ago
He looks pretty good in glasses
Hafizul Haq
Hafizul Haq - 10 years ago
Sean Kosari
Sean Kosari - 10 years ago
Jackass 4?
iUploadVideos4Fun - 10 years ago
Yay stevo! Just as I was thinking last night you don't have any more videos you need to upload more, you uploaded one!
Spoif - 10 years ago
What a shit-hole of a place.
The Beefiest
The Beefiest - 10 years ago
Peruvian puff peppers
francob911 - 10 years ago
Yo Steveo go to the Amazon's in Peru !!! You Rock man
Javier Acosta
Javier Acosta - 10 years ago
Perú ** I am Peruvian ;)
Wayne Lu
Wayne Lu - 10 years ago
You need to up load more more videos
mustafa qezil
mustafa qezil - 10 years ago
Lol wat was he on
edayn1281990 - 10 years ago
No more jackass money?
silvad314 - 10 years ago
lol i'm peruvian
Southern Exploits
Southern Exploits - 10 years ago
Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
Jonas Rantakyro
Jonas Rantakyro - 10 years ago
Dude come too chile (right down peru) and make some videos there, would be fun to see you doing dumb shit in here
nassim narjiss
nassim narjiss - 10 years ago
Wtf you do not even upload enough videos here why would you start an other channel?!!!!
ZtrueStile - 10 years ago
hahahaha thats funny :D
sdgundam37 - 10 years ago
this looks fun as fuck
Hank Hill
Hank Hill - 10 years ago
steveo youre a fucking legend
vash47 - 10 years ago
Hey Steve thanks for coming to our country! Hope you come a few days to Arequipa if you're still in Peru. It's a great city.
ranger21 - 10 years ago
so these are the people I play dota 2 with

no fucking wonder
Nonagon - 10 years ago
espero que venga a chile !
sycho wavez
sycho wavez - 10 years ago
you fuckin crack me up maaan haahhhaaahaa
rem2beast - 10 years ago
Stevo you are awesome
Brunno Chalega
Brunno Chalega - 10 years ago
Austyn Froese
Austyn Froese - 10 years ago
I always wanted to do that
Mawane - 10 years ago
Why do you make 2 channels? just upload everything on this one, I don't get it.
Giancarlo Lizarazo
Giancarlo Lizarazo - 10 years ago
Steve-O visit Tacna-Peru please :D
Xixoh - 10 years ago
DJsindulfo - 10 years ago
why do they use that tipe of music ?¡ sounds like mexico, not peru
Jey C
Jey C - 10 years ago
Yo pense que era Mexico y es Perú xD
Carl Stacey
Carl Stacey - 10 years ago
or a form of short documentary or short movie for youtube! 
Carl Stacey
Carl Stacey - 10 years ago
make longer videos steve o?
Lafonzo Ross
Lafonzo Ross - 10 years ago
There just like.... "fuxking Americans"
Andybwc - 10 years ago
Steve-o you're truly awesome.
Gianmarco Bezada
Gianmarco Bezada - 10 years ago
I wish I could move back to peru with my family to see other family members
Roy Powers
Roy Powers - 10 years ago
+Alejandro Amador Que pase el desgraciado!
Bra0316 - 10 years ago
+Alejandro Amador HAHAHHAHAHHAAHHA!!
Marley Estrada
Marley Estrada - 10 years ago
+Alejandro Amador i laughed really hard at this. Fuera Laura.
Alejandro Amador
Alejandro Amador - 10 years ago
I wish Señorita Laura get back to Peru.
Gianmarco Bezada
Gianmarco Bezada - 10 years ago
Yeah :'(
cesar sanchez
cesar sanchez - 10 years ago
You can..
Getting out of Peru is the hard part, not going back lol
thecontentgamer - 10 years ago
too bad
Gianmarco Bezada
Gianmarco Bezada - 10 years ago
I wish I could move back to peru with my family to see other family members
mrgearheadfromhell - 10 years ago
Your my fuckin hero man ! I make a very interesting apple pie drink, you should try some.
Kyle Johnson
Kyle Johnson - 10 years ago
Wow! He looks wayyyy better now!
Koesmic - 10 years ago
Why does Steve-O sound like that did he swallow a cricket ;D
David Johansen
David Johansen - 10 years ago
0:48 What the hell was that!! XD
utensel - 10 years ago
why's he in peru?
Jose Syko
Jose Syko - 10 years ago
Chile sucks, everyone is going to Peru because it is a great country, but it is not Chile
Dany Pell
Dany Pell - 10 years ago
+Otaku Operations ^-^ If THAT'S vacation... LOL! :-)
Mauricio Cardd
Mauricio Cardd - 10 years ago
+28power68 Peru has twice the number of vacationers of Chile. Peru has 2 of the 7 wonders of the world and also it's the 4th best gastronomy in the world, say it by UNESCO.And Steveo knows that, thats why he goes to Peru every year.
Luiz López
Luiz López - 10 years ago
why not go to peru? best food undiscoverd on earth!
Paolo Berrios
Paolo Berrios - 10 years ago
chile sucks i live there and everybody that lives in chile knows it sucks everything that is not from there like mc donalds chuck e cheese is expensive as fuck video games are double priced from other countrys and its all ghetto
Franco Angulo
Franco Angulo - 10 years ago
+28power68 I'd bet my life that you're from Chile... That's why you're saying that. Peru has one of the seven wonders of the world, why go to Chile when you can visit Machu Picchu in Peru?
utensel - 10 years ago
+Otaku Ops i have, but i was just really curios as to why he was there 
I Live in Your Mum's Basement
I Live in Your Mum's Basement - 10 years ago
Perhaps you've never heard of a vacation.
PrankFiles - 10 years ago
to make videos for US!!  YEAH DUDE!!
FireoftheGreeks - 10 years ago
Because he can?
Jessica West-Sanchez
Jessica West-Sanchez - 10 years ago
I hope that was a cheap board! It got destroyed on those streets!
Sean Gallagher
Sean Gallagher - 10 years ago
Good thing you had that wet suit on, saw a few jelly fish.
Martí Caballero
Martí Caballero - 10 years ago
Steve-O is a legend.
Caligolferguys - 10 years ago
Ricky Knuteson
Ricky Knuteson - 10 years ago
2 Mac books?
Jul C
Jul C - 10 years ago
make more videos on Peru please lol 
Cam Jammer
Cam Jammer - 10 years ago
Fuck ya. Like a bad ass
kenny nguyen
kenny nguyen - 10 years ago
In the beginning y do u have 2 Mac books?
Jorge Esquivel
Jorge Esquivel - 10 years ago
This reminds me of wild boys. U should invite Chris Pontius
Proviper666 - 10 years ago
i bet it makes big noise!
mrelfman17 - 10 years ago
Brady Kennedy
Brady Kennedy - 10 years ago
I have those shoes
meeeep420 - 10 years ago
Oh shit Steve's back!
Óskar Ingólfsson
Óskar Ingólfsson - 10 years ago
Wear some protection! At least a helmet
March27th - 10 years ago
I'm wearing the same Vans right now :O
Dovahkiin - 10 years ago
lmao nice
twonner2 - 10 years ago
Love u more Steve O!
13lunt420Media - 10 years ago
Me too.
Tango - 10 years ago
Andr3wco7 - 10 years ago
Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
Nikomak99 - 10 years ago
No shit.
Butt Mclench
Butt Mclench - 10 years ago
+x1XTaylorX1x You correct RuneScape but not lulser? Really?
Huston - 10 years ago
first chris archie videos now in here?!?!?!
Ferrari Maserati Car Dealer
Ferrari Maserati Car Dealer - 10 years ago
+mac fry sorry I accidently reported you! Pressed the wrong button!
MazaaTheGreat - 10 years ago
He is sharing them
Ferrari Maserati Car Dealer
Ferrari Maserati Car Dealer - 10 years ago
It turns out he does not share them but he is annoying as fuck!
Greg - 10 years ago
+This name is fucking stupid
 I clicked on his name, it went to his Google+ account, and then I scrolled down and found this vid on his account. I am still correct.
Greg - 10 years ago
+This name is fucking stupid
 Maybe if you people understood that when you comment on a youtube video the comment shows on their Google+ account. By commenting that he can have other people see the vid and be able to watch it. It is a form of sharing.
suineg1 - 10 years ago
 He's not sharing anything, just commenting the name of the video.
Everyone already knows this fucktard doing it for attention.
You're welcome!
boooot2323 - 10 years ago
+Mazaa805 But he's everywhere dude, you don't even have an idea of how much he has taken over youtube.
MazaaTheGreat - 10 years ago
+suineg1 Yall are fucking stupid hes sharing the video you fucks
suineg1 - 10 years ago
Get a fuck outta youtube !
Mees - 10 years ago
..You again.
Amizie Ali
Amizie Ali - 10 years ago
This guy is everywhere !
boooot2323 - 10 years ago
Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden - 10 years ago
what the fuck? dont bring this shit to steve o its enough its on sparcmaclived chrisarchieprods and 100 other channels..
B_U_M - 10 years ago
+x1XTaylorX1x *runescape auto correct
B_U_M - 10 years ago
Why the fuck are you everywhere. Btw no one plays run escape anymore lulser
TheDevastater1 - 10 years ago
+Mod Mark #cheeseburgerorgtfo
Christian Baseball
Christian Baseball - 10 years ago
Why do you do this to so many videos?!?!
Nahuel Martinez
Nahuel Martinez - 10 years ago
What the fuck are you doing here?
Ricky - 10 years ago
Yes, that is the title.
Eray - 10 years ago
Kylar Stern
Kylar Stern - 10 years ago
Holy shit, the king is back
Nibblet - 10 years ago
+mac fry Peruvian Street Surfing - mac fry
mac fry
mac fry - 10 years ago
no shit 
Mowendy - 10 years ago
Only in wherever you are Not In US
Ethan Marhefky
Ethan Marhefky - 10 years ago
Lookin good Steve-O. Glad to see your well and still having fun
amir sabbagh
amir sabbagh - 10 years ago
Do pranks with vitally and roman
Jonathan Camacho Rojas
Jonathan Camacho Rojas - 10 years ago
Steveo Steveo ^^
Dara McNicholl
Dara McNicholl - 10 years ago
Wene is de next jackass movie steve-o
ttd633 - 10 years ago
Renan Ramos
Renan Ramos - 10 years ago
tony martinez
tony martinez - 10 years ago
Damn Steve-o things you for entertainment :)
Karolis K
Karolis K - 10 years ago
dem kicks tho
Neko Ears
Neko Ears - 10 years ago
Chris Pontius should have his own channel also that would be awesome!
Payam Karimpour
Payam Karimpour - 10 years ago
Name of Music? Anyone?
BB2Gamer - 10 years ago
Im a wild boy
Meso - 10 years ago
i wanted him to do a backflip so bad
Nick Glassburn
Nick Glassburn - 10 years ago
This is why people around the world say americans are crazy
El tio Puchero
El tio Puchero - 10 years ago
coool :3
GrazianoPelle -
GrazianoPelle - - 10 years ago
More vids
stormtroopmonk75 - 10 years ago
Vans shoud sponser Steve-O. Yeah Dude!!!
Daniel Amayo Magallanes
Daniel Amayo Magallanes - 10 years ago
Yeah!!! Perú!!!
Sam Tattrie
Sam Tattrie - 10 years ago
Why the second page?
56131 Live
56131 Live - 10 years ago
Парень без тормозов)
502AzulYBlanco503 - 10 years ago
Do some stuff in central America in El Salvador!!!!!
J C - 10 years ago
RIP surfing board :c
Wilber Mayta Puma
Wilber Mayta Puma - 10 years ago
alinza lima moto taxi Sabe xD.
Cash Money
Cash Money - 10 years ago
I don't know how steveo is still alive after all the stuff he does.
Josue Max Alonso Ramos Muriano
Josue Max Alonso Ramos Muriano - 10 years ago
Where are you man I live in Peru

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About Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O

The "Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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