Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
Surf 10 years ago 1,833,917 views
I got dragged through the streets of Peru behind a funny-looking Peruvian taxi cab. Subscribe to this awesome channel: Watch ALL My Stunts: Come see me LIVE! - Check out my MERCH! - Follow me on Instagram - Follow me on Twitter - Like me on Facebook - #SteveOTravels About Steve-O: Hello! This is Stephen Glover aka Steve-O. You probably know me from my wild stunts, epic pranks, and hilarious skits. Welcome to my YouTube Channel! This is a space where I’ve decided to share what I’m up to! Whether it be continuing to prank my friends, traveling the world, and trying crazy things, I hope you’ll follow me on this journey! If you love skateboarding, comedy, and funny and borderline dangerous stunts, subscribe to my channel and check out all my awesome videos! -Steve-O Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O Steve-O
10. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
20. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
el primer nombre
30. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
Serious XD
50. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
100. comment for Peruvian Street Surfing - Steve-O
Getting paid to do stupid sh#t, living the life :P
So be prepared, for I will be loved by you and we shall begin a strong and fruitful friendship to last until the end of days.
I will also most likely have one of my own dvds ready for you by then.
that is all.
He has cod gameplays, very good gameplays
You should start vlogging. It defiantly wouldn't have to be every day (like CTFxC) but it'll give you more things to upload, and I'm certain people would be interested.
Раина Дана жалко
you really know what life means men xD
Si quieren hablar de Perú que es el país donde nací, me crié y actualmente vivo, tómense un tiempo en averiguar como es la vida por aquí.
esots comentarios ya se cerraron hace mucho tiempo... lo sient, no voy a responder nada más..... adios.
lo que tu digas
de verdad? no te creo! no puede ser! que feo de verdad. voy a llorar hasta que me quede dormido.
"Pobre" jaja. me estas corregiendo? lealo bien, escribí "probé" del verbo "probar." Ya sé que rocoto relleno no es toda la gastronomia Peruana, nunca dije eso. pero tu sabes que de verdad no hay mucha varidad en la comida Peruana. Que comiste hoy? voy a adivinarlo ARROZ con PAPA o POLLO verdad? es cierto. tu sabes.
soy de los EEUU pero he ido a perú y pude conocer mucha gente y aprender bastante. Probé rocoto relleno, se que lo comen mucho en arequipa.
a arequipa se le denomina la ciudad blanaca por la poblacion que antes habia ahi y en parte porque estaba construida con sillar , asi que no digan que en peru no hay gente "blanca"
Calmense, hay razas hay credos y demás, lo mas relevante sería ayudar a solucionar y no apuntando con el dedo y haciéndose a un lado a comentar algo malo.
Peruvian Street Surfing ftw
IF**************** And what happened to ryan is sad and irrelevant to this so don't drag him down with it.... And I wouldn't feel bad, because I know Stevo would have died being a fucking badass and drugs or not I wish my death is doing something crazy like being human sharkbait or something hahha. Im not his mother, so his life doesn't hold THAT kind of weight, but as someone who thinks hes badass, the more power to him?
love ya dude
Why do people think we ride llamas and shit? D:
jajajaj pero, es para hacer reir a la gente, a su manera estupida XD
why unfortunately
porque desafortunadamente
Sure, they know him, i'm from Ecuador and I know him. Even to all the Jackass team, they are the best.
Go to Machu Pichu its awsome
no fucking wonder
Getting out of Peru is the hard part, not going back lol
I clicked on his name, it went to his Google+ account, and then I scrolled down and found this vid on his account. I am still correct.
Maybe if you people understood that when you comment on a youtube video the comment shows on their Google+ account. By commenting that he can have other people see the vid and be able to watch it. It is a form of sharing.
He's not sharing anything, just commenting the name of the video.
Everyone already knows this fucktard doing it for attention.
You're welcome!