Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Enjoy. Download: http://pokeremixstudio.floatzel.net/Pokemon%20Remixes/Pokemon%20GSC%20Surfing%20Remix.mp3

Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme sentiment_very_dissatisfied 58

Surf 14 years ago 434,142 views

Enjoy. Download: http://pokeremixstudio.floatzel.net/Pokemon%20Remixes/Pokemon%20GSC%20Surfing%20Remix.mp3

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Most popular comments
for Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Trevor Phillips Industries
Trevor Phillips Industries - 6 years ago
Articuno - 7 years ago
Playing this song staring at the clouds while drifting in the sea with water types beside me Is i imagined <3
Piloufis - 7 years ago
Now I remember, why RemixStudio is / was better than Glitch City
Mustafa Ahmed
Mustafa Ahmed - 7 years ago
I hear Persona 2 Seven Sister Theme!
Linktroll - 7 years ago
This is probably the best remix i ever heard.
Thank you very much. I felt so happy and nostalgic listening to this tune.
Miluxx420 - 7 years ago
I really don't see how and why people would dislike this beautiful music.
Thiago Farias
Thiago Farias - 7 years ago
Muito bom
Gab C
Gab C - 7 years ago
This brings back so many memories, it actually made me cry. This remix is wonderful and brought an old favorite to life again for me in all of the right ways. Thank you.
alt Evolve
alt Evolve - 7 years ago
over 7 years...

10. comment for Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Falcondorf - 7 years ago
Why is this so beautiful
Obodobear - 7 years ago
Rest in peace Bobby Hill's Nintendo fun server...
Victinion - 7 years ago
Music in 2010: Absolutely amazing, and heartbreaking.
Music in 2017: WOAH WOAH WOAH
Corrupt ‘
Corrupt ‘ - 7 years ago
This gives me heavy Pokemon colosseum vibes
Morse Code
Morse Code - 7 years ago
This would fit so well in a PMD game.

You know I'm right
Davi Santiago
Davi Santiago - 7 years ago
Best remix of a Pokémon music
Clowny Moose Bean
Clowny Moose Bean - 7 years ago
This is a ballroom song.
I want to someday dance to this.
tdark987 - 7 years ago
I actually far prefer this to the official remix. The notes at 0:42-0:44 sound rather off in the HG/SS remix, but are correct in this version.
Marcos Iglesias Villafáñez
Marcos Iglesias Villafáñez - 7 years ago
keep this shit up man, it reaches my heart
Victinion - 7 years ago
Pokemon GodGold and SatanSilver

lol i was bored

20. comment for Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Obed MTZ
Obed MTZ - 7 years ago
This song makes me cry,,, chills...
Michael Klump
Michael Klump - 7 years ago
Cronosx2008 - 7 years ago
After listening to all versions of surfing,
From the original red and green, to ultra-sun and ultra-moon,
The silver pokemon version is the best.
Makes me have hope in humanity on the brink of nuclear war.
Sean I Boy
Sean I Boy - 7 years ago
to think in five years I'll look back on the remakes with childhood nostalgia
Drazerg1 - 7 years ago
Have came back multiple times to listen to this charming ballod...
I truly have fallen in love with this song, it sounds so beautiful and weight lifting, a melody that peacfully resonates with the soul~
Chartreuse Verte
Chartreuse Verte - 7 years ago
Somberphoenix - 7 years ago
Love for Pokémon Silver! My first Pokémon game on GBC
Benjamin Walton
Benjamin Walton - 7 years ago
xXShinyEeveevolutionsXx there is
jimmy fubu
jimmy fubu - 7 years ago
Adam Carrillo
Adam Carrillo - 7 years ago
7 years old and still hot on my heart, that's what's called good music. It will never get old.

30. comment for Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Duck - 7 years ago
I remember when this first came out
Falcondorf - 8 years ago
When a song is really good but it reminds you of a bad time
StudioInspiration - 8 years ago
Venetian snares used surf!
spartan6790 - 8 years ago
Din Daud
Din Daud - 8 years ago
this should be the perfect music for johto remake no. 3
daмeleon - 8 years ago
So gooooood. Subbed.
TarriPup - 8 years ago
Okay, I have to just say this.
Not only is this ripping my heart wide open on the nostalgia level, but it makes me want to love it, adore it, dream to it, and cry for it.
This is just so beautifully done, and I don't even know what to really say...
Vishal S.
Vishal S. - 8 years ago
TarriPup cringe
TheNoobStar2000 - 8 years ago
reminds me of slime rancher
SterlingStaraptor - 8 years ago
Sometimes I would use surf and sit there just to listen to this beautiful theme............
Logan Chiang
Logan Chiang - 8 years ago
Me too. I would say "Shit." when I finally get to land.
sysnFEI - 8 years ago
SterlingStaraptor holy shit bro. I though I am the only person.
Leska Ylegna
Leska Ylegna - 8 years ago
same here
Shrek for the XBOX
Shrek for the XBOX - 8 years ago
Shrek for the XBOX
Shrek for the XBOX - 8 years ago
Exodus - 8 years ago
thoonderbloonder666 ?
GhOsT_ChL3 - 8 years ago
The best remix ever
げっこう - 8 years ago
I love this song , she relax my.
Jack Lara
Jack Lara - 8 years ago
What a delightful remix, sent me back to good and old times when I had no other concerns than just to capture Pokemon and my biggest rush in life was running after the three legendary, Entei, Suicune and Raikou, oh yes.
우울한 영이
우울한 영이 - 8 years ago
here comes the pokemon go. and we have to meet tentacool. lets go guys. my id is uptownboy7
Iniour - 8 years ago
I would love a version of this without the beat I think ist prabably a bit better
Ninjax - 8 years ago
Makes me tear up each time. Ahh, memories of surfing to Cianwood to save Amphy, going to whirl islands, going to Cinnabar Island...
Ihsahn Åkerfeldt
Ihsahn Åkerfeldt - 8 years ago
absolutely beautiful
TyBeast - 8 years ago
this sounds like it should be like a end credits song reliving memories
SterlingStaraptor - 8 years ago
This is one of my fave remixes to listen to. There is only one problem tho, wingull is from gen 3 but it's in the picture with the gen 2 Pokémon. This deeply confuses me.
Julio Aviles
Julio Aviles - 8 years ago
beautiful remix! Oh the nostalgia, had great memories playing these pokemon games. :)

50. comment for Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Mallaceus ‌
Mallaceus ‌ - 8 years ago
You sure like 4/3 ;}
SD Origami
SD Origami - 8 years ago
Listening to this after the original is like nostalgia to the face as hard as geodude using selfdestruct.
Gouine BLADE
Gouine BLADE - 8 years ago
g s c was the best
Vini PRAION - 7 years ago
Drazerg1 too much water. 8/10
HyenaWhiskers - 7 years ago
Drazerg1 ikr
Drazerg1 - 7 years ago
more water in hoenn...
Too bad this wasn't RSE's surf theme
Flodis_ - 7 years ago
hoenn dude
《 Espada24 》
《 Espada24 》 - 8 years ago
I agree 100%
marty13612 - 8 years ago
Is this the greatest Pokemon Remix of all time?
Nick O
Nick O - 8 years ago
+marty13612 Yes. PRS is one of the guys who got me into remixing Pok&#233;mon tracks, so I have sentimentality over his stuff, especially his 2008-2010 stuff. This track in particular is great.
Tenpers - 8 years ago
+marty13612 y
Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms - 8 years ago
Hello! I just found this, and must say that it's really beautiful. Well done. :)
Also, may I use this as background music to a video that I'm making? I would credit you of course.
SNOW - 8 years ago
Shortfatty - 8 years ago
PokeRemixStudio should be hired by Gamefreak to do music in remakes.
BlueManny - 9 years ago
Brian Alleyne
Brian Alleyne - 9 years ago
this remix is the best u should do a Diamond Pearl and Platinum surf remix ;)
Junsu Kim
Junsu Kim - 9 years ago
ᴰᴶSn@@ke - 9 years ago
This song, is the song I'd like to hear at the middle of my life while I sip fine wine on my boat and stare deeply into the horizon to look over all of the goals I've accomplished and the bad things I've been through and gotten past. I know this is five years old, but out of eighteen years of my life, this is one of the most touching, most nostalgic and one of the best remixes I've ever heard. Thank you Junichi Masuda for the original and thank you PokeRemixStudio for this masterpiece of a remix.
Obodobear - 8 years ago
is that u from Bobby hills tf2 server?
Jayden S.
Jayden S. - 9 years ago
+Maj. Sn@@ke I couldn't have said it any better than you
quill ablaze
quill ablaze - 9 years ago
so beautiful, i realize this is majorly old, but it's still great, and i thought you should know
justin declair
justin declair - 9 years ago
songs have made me cry in the past. but it's wierd. this sing makes me relive old memories. it takes me on a trip back to the better days and makes realize life is beautiful.
I am actually concerned.
I am actually concerned. - 7 years ago
Read this comment out loud, word for word. I dare you.
calogant - 7 years ago
Brian Alleyne
Brian Alleyne - 8 years ago
+John Brown i know
John Brown
John Brown - 8 years ago
+justin declair that was deep
Crunkbucha - 9 years ago
Eol S.B.
Eol S.B. - 9 years ago
Wooow, lovely remix!! You're so good :D
Mistercrifty - 9 years ago
this song reminds me of so many things !! ^^

Daft Decker
Daft Decker - 9 years ago
wow that piano at the end was an avalanche of feelings I wasn't expecting.
Smugleaf - 9 years ago
I think this is better than Heartgold and Soulsilver Surf Theme in my opinion!
Genaro S. Jaramillo-Guitton
Genaro S. Jaramillo-Guitton - 8 years ago
It's what it should've been
Posby95 - 8 years ago
+Matthew71488 It is a million times better. Certainly.
Peter Fragatzis
Peter Fragatzis - 9 years ago
Man! This brings back memories from my pokemon adventures in johto!
theoriginaljean - 9 years ago
Rare candy, different pokeballs, TM's, HM's, potions, HP up, Cherries, fishing nods, running shoes... What a warm feeling... What delight! Pokemon was once my life :-)
TnTbros333 - 8 years ago
MasterofPokemonGing couldn't say the same. But if they add gen 2 pokemon, they should just keep there!
MasterofPokemonGing - 8 years ago
With PKMN GO launching its my life once again!
Nick O
Nick O - 8 years ago
+AGuyWithNoSkills Amen, brother~
AGuyWithNoSkills - 8 years ago
Pokemon is still my life.
Ness MK
Ness MK - 8 years ago
+theoriginaljean Been 20 years and it's still a huge part of my life. Never grow too old!
theoriginaljean - 9 years ago
+BCking Mah nigga! I mean, brethren of mine.
White Clam
White Clam - 9 years ago
Sounds like the opening to Clocks by Coldplay.
Martin Griffiths
Martin Griffiths - 9 years ago
It makes me just want to grab a Lapras and find the nearest body of open water
Dae Young Lee
Dae Young Lee - 9 years ago
38 people defeated by WILD TENTACOOL
Zachary Damascus
Zachary Damascus - 9 years ago
Best remix of best surfing theme. Good stuff!
josspider100 - 9 years ago
10/10 Too much water takes the cake! 

Obetition - 9 years ago
1. Hoenn
2. Sinnoh
3. Unova
4. Kanto
5. Kalos
6. Johto
Nreckage - 9 years ago
Always love putting this tune on right before i cross the bridge into league city, the sea expanding out onto the horizon before me is such a great scene when accompanied by this.
IkesForce - 10 years ago
I remember hours of staying at the sea and listen to this wonderful music as a child.
myouykai - 10 years ago
I want to cross the sea with my Lapras, and this BGM
Brian Alleyne
Brian Alleyne - 9 years ago
More like milotic and freezing parts of water into ice
yvanspijk - 10 years ago
This is magnificent. The rhythm, the instruments, the atmosphere. This is just how I imagined it should be when I used to play Pokémon GSC. The version of HeartGold and Soulsilver pales before yours.
Vivekananda Pingali
Vivekananda Pingali - 8 years ago
yvanspijk Truly magnificent
Ben Berman
Ben Berman - 10 years ago
7.8/10. Too much water.
Flrs91 - 10 years ago
GSC's surf theme just cannot be beat. Well, RSE's comes close, but still.
Sam S
Sam S - 10 years ago
Oh man, I remember listening to this all the time back when I was younger. It's always been one of my favorites, it's very relaxing. Kinda hard to believe its four years old, it feels like this was uploaded only yesterday. @__@
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 10 years ago
I'm not a A Pokemon Veteran like half of you but my first game of Pokemon was X. At first I was a Pokemon hater. I used to think Pokemon was for people that had no life and that all the Pokemon had terrible designs. I'd see Pokemon and think, "It's probably terrible"  But whenever I bought Pokemon for my 3ds My perspective of the game changed. I fell in love with the game and realized that I should have played it before judging it. My 1st and favorite Pokemon was Chespin .
  P.S. +1 like for the video
Victinion - 7 years ago
Same. Prior to getting Sun and Moon, I despised Pokemon and hated anyone who liked it. That changed after beating Sun and Moon.
Sapphire B
Sapphire B - 7 years ago
Yellow Diamond I'm glad I'm not alone :)
Solo_ Ignoranza
Solo_ Ignoranza - 7 years ago
Yellow Diamond My first pokemon game was pokemon white, but that was a gift of a friend and he dont remember to cancel his files. So i restart the game and my first pokemon was tepig. But my real first pokemons game were heart gold and soul silver. I play soul silver for only 1 day because then my sister destroyed it. So i play heart gold with my first pokemon Cyndaquil. My Starter was my favorite pokemon ever because i use only that in my adventure and i believe me and cyndaquil have a rapport over the game and the travel, like ash with pikachu, and i train it at level 56 at jotho. Then i play pokemon platinum and other game that i cant play on console but i play with the pc(red, green blue, yellow and gold(yeah the 2 gen is my favourite gen) and sapphire)
ddable - 7 years ago
@Yellow Diamond Mine was Pearl when i was 8-9-10 my big brother had Diamond. (lol ik thats soooooooooo late but yeah... lol) .
Lemmykoopa16 - 7 years ago
Sean I Boy that sounds like me and my brother with pearl, and my first game was Soul Silver
Sean I Boy
Sean I Boy - 7 years ago
Yellow Diamond my first memory with pokemon was seeing a far relative play diamond and pearl,he finished the game and had a ton of legendarys people would be annoyed by someone going on and on about how they caugh a legendary but I was captivated by their tales,I first played platinum for a few minutes but my first game would come months after,were I got the game previous to it,heart gold!
Nintendan - 7 years ago
Hope you're still playing and got Sun or Moon!
TOM - 7 years ago
Yellow Diamond nice story. Also, you followed the quote "Never judge a book by its cover."
yolotad - 8 years ago
+Jdjdj Vxhd
nice story ;) +1
Jdjd Vxhv
Jdjd Vxhv - 8 years ago
Me When i was a kid i always see my cousin playing pokemon Sapphire so i said to him:Ill try it so i bought a Gameboy while he plays on an emulator called GBA So i played it and i finished it after like 3 Weeks while my cousin finished it after 4 weeks so he beat me cause he was in the 4th gym when i bought the game and So:Pokemon Emerald was released AND IT WAS AWSOME Except that its like almost the same as Pokemon Ruby Sapphire BUT IT WAS STILL AWSOME ...and so SWAGPERT was born

P.S sorry for bad grammar cause im from philipphines
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 8 years ago
+buddymax15  Thanks :D
buddymax15 - 8 years ago
+Yellow Diamond Sounds like you have an awesome journey ahead of you if you ever get around to playing the older ones too, if you haven't already!
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 9 years ago
I edited the comment because I wrote it while I was 11. I'm now 12 and thought it needed a touch-up.
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 9 years ago
I honestly am glad I made this one comment. It's been almost a year and I love hearing all the stories about people and their first Pokemon. To top it off, we didn't get any haters of pokemon. I hope to see more stories and I can't wait for more games of pokemon. :D
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 9 years ago
+Floopy Porygon
Floopy Porygon
Floopy Porygon - 9 years ago
+Yellow Diamond Welcome to the family
yolotad - 9 years ago
+Naetoru I also chose turtwig :)
dawk7 - 9 years ago
(No but really, it's technically possible to get all three- you just need to be creative with the cloning glitch and the rollback it produces. It's just, uh, kind of a long process, since you can't put Pokemon on the PC until you can catch another Pokemon, and you can't save during all of it, so... it's a bit tedious.)
Big daddy Screech
Big daddy Screech - 9 years ago
+Jalen Washington torchic!!!!!
dawk7 - 9 years ago
Oh yeah, never quite posted mine. Well, it was just a good ol' Squirtle. But honestly, I was too small back then- My real, beloved starter was Totodile. To the point I've nuzlocke-Solo'd Gold about three times now.
Kayleigh Norman
Kayleigh Norman - 9 years ago
+Chell Johnson Welcome to the dark side! :D My first Pokemon was a Fennekin, though I had always wished for it to be a Charmander, but I was too young to start my Pokemon adventure back in 1996. Also, growing up with lots of siblings meant hand-me-downs and "go play outside". At the age of 22, I said, "Screw it! I've always wanted to play Pokemon; here's my money!" Yup, Pokemon is still cool! Actually, even more awesome! Thank you, Nintendo! :3
Christian Ketchum
Christian Ketchum - 9 years ago
My first pokemon was squirtle and I started with Pokémon Blue... and yes my last name is actually Ketchum... yes I get made fun of alot
Conner Blase
Conner Blase - 9 years ago
+Chell Johnson Totodile!!!
Wish888 - 9 years ago
+dawk7 So u used JUDGMENT? :P 
dawk7 - 9 years ago
CardfightGamer - 9 years ago
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 9 years ago
We've all got a story to tell about all of our first pokemon experience :)
Marco R
Marco R - 9 years ago
Mine was Squirtle, I'm a pokémon veteran...
Strange Dangerr
Strange Dangerr - 9 years ago
mine was totodile
stephen odjegba
stephen odjegba - 9 years ago
+Chell Johnson amen brother
CardfightGamer - 9 years ago
FearsomeWar - 9 years ago
Team Oshawott for the win!!!!!!
Heyuan Su
Heyuan Su - 9 years ago
+TheThebltrn Bulbasaur ftw :3
Wish888 - 9 years ago
Mine was Chikorita......

Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 9 years ago
Mharks Baeson
Mharks Baeson - 9 years ago
i cant help it but when you said
"I used to think pokemon was for freaks"
it is made by game freak so duh
CardfightGamer - 10 years ago
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 10 years ago
someone should make a 1hr version of this
CardfightGamer - 10 years ago
The first Pokemon game I had was Pokemon Black and you are going to have a amazing start! Like even better than me right now I am on Pokemon ORAS! Good luck P.S. I love this song Is there ab1 hour version?
Akyurashi - 10 years ago
My first Pokemon was a Charmander. I still have my Pokemon red for the original Gameboy, but sadly the save data got corrupted somehow. 
legend of u
legend of u - 10 years ago
My first was chimpchar and I still have him til this day, when I battle with him we are unbeatable.
Yassine Reteb
Yassine Reteb - 10 years ago
My 1st pokemon was Cyndaquil and I played all sort of pokemon games, from Blue/Red/Yellow till Black and white(1), played also all sort of hacked roms from Sapphir/Ruby to FireRed/LeafGreen. Now I'm 25 and still on it :D
DiBonner - 10 years ago
Im 16, and Ditto my friend
TutorialZone.nl - 10 years ago
My first pokemon was I think was a Totodile, on Silver. I played the games for days long and I liked it really much. That was the time I got into Pokémon. It was so much years ago. Now I'm 17, I'm still into Pokémon and I think it'll not change for at least a very long time.
Steven Stone
Steven Stone - 10 years ago
My first pokemon were Umbreon and Espeon. I loved the show, had all the merch but I was the only nintendo Fanboy in a house of Sony and Sega Fanboys, and being the youngest I always got out voted for the systems, until GC that my cousins gave me along with thier entire collection(approx 150) and they had colloseum and gale of darkness. and with that started my Nintendo fanboyish charge to sell all the games I hated and buy the ones I liked, like a GBA SP off of my best friend, a DS off of my ex's brother etc. Still loving the Celebi and Jirachi. Can't wait to get a 2DS!!!!
DiBonner - 10 years ago
Hi!... im bored
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 10 years ago
+truepixartronphan  :) i love when I can relate to others like you
truepixartronphan - 10 years ago
First pokemon: Fennekin. Like you, i did not get into the franchise until X because i just never got into it. I was a gamer for less years than fingers in a hand (I'm 18), I've only seen LPs of Pokemon games, and i was like "ah.. okay, now i want to play." The rest is history, #ILoveUnova
DiBonner - 10 years ago
TheThebltrn - 10 years ago
Mine was Bulbasaur!
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 10 years ago
 happy new year :D
Livin9st0n - 10 years ago
Welcome to the world of pokemon man :D And happy new year btw !
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 10 years ago
Grass Bros!
DiBonner - 10 years ago
First pokemon, on emulator: Treecko. My first pokemon on an actual console: Snivy yeah im a grass freak
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Anderson - 10 years ago
Mine was Pikachu :D
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 10 years ago
Naetoru - 10 years ago
Mine was Turtwig :)
SyaoranKugi - 10 years ago
34 people thought the game had too much water.
Miguel Alfonso Velásquez Portugal
Miguel Alfonso Velásquez Portugal - 10 years ago
34 people did not get the HM03
Jdjd Vxhv
Jdjd Vxhv - 8 years ago
they dont know how
ivilybanks - 10 years ago
Soulsilver was the first pokemon game i ever played, and i loved it, the style, the pokemon, the art, the story and the music, it was the best thing kid me had ever seen, i still have the game today, with the same ol' team,... johto really is one of the best regions in pokemon...

To me atleast :3
jiganashi - 10 years ago
Make a goldenrod remix if you haven't already
Lucariodude2190 - 10 years ago
For some reason, I think this would be a lot better if Billy Joe Armstrong sang along to this. Green Day ftw.
philip cho
philip cho - 10 years ago
Needs. Lyrics
TeddyWest Geass
TeddyWest Geass - 10 years ago
Thank you so much for this remake. Absolutely gorgeous. <3
Soren - 10 years ago
Every time I'm on that goldenrod map in a random trade server I always choose this song
Obodobear - 7 years ago
ᴰᴶSn@@ke I thought of Bobby hills again while listening to this song. I miss the server so much and all the great people I met
Obodobear - 8 years ago
+ᴰᴶSn@@ke HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!! it me obodobear the sniper shark I play Bobby hills all the time!!!
Obodobear - 8 years ago
+ᴰᴶSn@@ke HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!! it me obodobear the sniper shark I play Bobby hills all the time!!!
HoovyFix - 9 years ago
I already found a server using the map and I still know where that secret underwater room is :D
ᴰᴶSn@@ke - 9 years ago
+HoovyFix it's on a ton, it's bobby hill's trade server's "home" basically though :p
HoovyFix - 9 years ago
+Karakourt Can you tell me the ip of a server where this map can be found?
Karakourt - 9 years ago
+Soren Same ere' !
andreas99100 - 10 years ago
Me too! Go DFS!
FriFriFurretbell - 10 years ago
This is so beautiful...
dilydaly123 - 10 years ago
I found this in my computers class about 4 years ago. I literally cried. And tuned out the world for about 4 mins.  God, them feels, them memories, that Pidgeot, that Heracross. Oh how the world turns at varying speeds.
7DeadLeeSins - 10 years ago
So nice to listen to whilst doing homework.
MistSomething - 10 years ago
PokeFear - 10 years ago
I remember when this was uploaded. I cant believe 4 years went by so quick
Benjamin Walton
Benjamin Walton - 7 years ago
and another 3 years since this comment
legend of u
legend of u - 9 years ago
I don't wanna cry...I'm a man!
Marcus Neate
Marcus Neate - 10 years ago
I see me killing tentacool with this song
SoulReflexions - 10 years ago
this just makes you wanna chill on your water pokemon while surfing on a sunny day through the hoenn region and enjoying the beautiful scenery - soon this will be my reality ;-)
Scroptels Gluzar
Scroptels Gluzar - 10 years ago
Surprisingly, the comment section is more nostalgic to me than the game right now.

100. comment for Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

Bryn Thomas
Bryn Thomas - 10 years ago
This is awesome!
Norm N
Norm N - 10 years ago
This is more bad-ass than every Pokemon metal cover combined
Aeruthael - 10 years ago
32 people drowned.
polaski421 - 10 years ago
I see what you did here.
Rizalin / Kamex
Rizalin / Kamex - 10 years ago
34 now...
Damn, the Tentacruel keep killin'!!
legend of u
legend of u - 10 years ago
You know........for kids!
Droidi06 - 10 years ago
lol what a joke
Wolflord1995 - 10 years ago
Aeruthael - 10 years ago
+KupferudelWolf Flying battles were pretty dumb. GO GYARDOS!
Avoyt - 10 years ago
No...in fact, you can surf with a KO'd Pokemon if it knows Surf. The only time something like that happened was in Pokemon X and Y during those weird flying battles.
polaski421 - 10 years ago
Well according to pokemon game logic, you can't swim. and if your pokemon which knows surf dies, you'll also die unless you have a different pokemon with surf.
WishfulDento+ChoosenSilver - 10 years ago
+polaski421 how would he swim isn't ben a statue? or am I thinking of something else
polaski421 - 10 years ago
He disliked this video because a tentacool killed his lapras and he couldn't swim.
Droidi06 - 10 years ago
o em gee
polaski421 - 10 years ago
Or possibly BEN DROWNED
Avoyt - 10 years ago
Maybe 32 people's Repel wore off, and a wild encounter interrupted their song.
Droidi06 - 10 years ago
'cuz they didn't have the badge to appreciate the music
Ducknn - 10 years ago
32 people doesn't appreciate the song because of the "Tentacool".
Aeruthael - 10 years ago
Aeruthael - 10 years ago
lol, yeah. or eaten by Kyogre or a sharpedo.
KSet - 10 years ago
hm....maybe XD
or attack by red gyaradosXD
omar kohgadai
omar kohgadai - 10 years ago
good times playing g/s i would love to surf around just for the music and ride my bike. GOD what good times
Nicholas Begotka
Nicholas Begotka - 10 years ago
You should make a R/S/E surfing remix, too.
swiftgallade46 - 10 years ago
this song just awakens a strong sense of nostalgia within me. idek why it's just beautiful.
Nicholas Begotka
Nicholas Begotka - 10 years ago
How could someone dislike this song?
Ducknn - 10 years ago
I assume that the Tentacools disliked this.
WhiteLightning - 10 years ago
andyroo24601 - 10 years ago
Yes, yes, you can stay in my head as long as you like.
Erinyes - 10 years ago
This reminds me of Suikoden for some reason.
NaClO - 10 years ago
holy shit this is sooo fucking beautiful
Danielle Nugroho
Danielle Nugroho - 11 years ago
Brings back the memories of my soul silver card that my dad broke ;-;
Zeta Dynavolt
Zeta Dynavolt - 11 years ago
My feels
Prince Goat Cheese
Prince Goat Cheese - 11 years ago
I would pay for a future Pokemon game if this song was in there!
Minccinolover - 10 years ago
I would pay for a future Pokemon game!
BurningLanguages - 11 years ago
Stunningly beautiful. This kind of music can make it into the games now, thanks to the 3DS. Great job!
Supdude - 11 years ago
So damn lovely
Arconi - 11 years ago
what picture is that your using for the video? I'd like to put that as my laptop wallpaper :D
Yuvalis - 11 years ago
i feel so happy right now, this music is so happy :,)
iamthepkmmaster - 11 years ago
Paused every 5 seconds for 5 seconds to make it work better, freaking tentacool
Theinsanegamer10 - 11 years ago
+iamthepkmmaster No, super repels are better in total.
iamthepkmmaster - 11 years ago
Do you even save money?
Mad4Life - 11 years ago
max repel
diego zubiri
diego zubiri - 11 years ago
I forgot how the surfing theme in Johto sounded like.
John Brown
John Brown - 11 years ago
Very great dude i hope this gets added to a new Pokemon game or a Pokemon hack.
Renekin - 11 years ago
Why do I have a slight feeling of Mario Party 1-3 :D?
legend of u
legend of u - 10 years ago
Javier Montaldi
Javier Montaldi - 11 years ago
This is like, the best pokemon remix ever made!
zachary wilson
zachary wilson - 11 years ago
someone literally fucking included this in a goldenrod city tf2 map there is a room in the radio tower with multiple songs including this one and another one of your remixs with I can't remember atm and i'm too lazy to go to that map to find out
Jonathan Pinera
Jonathan Pinera - 10 years ago
Lol I'm friends with the guy who made the map XP
Cool Guy
Cool Guy - 10 years ago
LuigiFan00001 - 11 years ago
This music.... It's.... Simply Beautiful. It's like Ear-Candy.
May I use this in a series I'm making, for the credits? Of course I will give credit.
Yellow Diamond
Yellow Diamond - 9 years ago
+LuigiFan00001  others have, you should 2
JustCallum - 11 years ago
Is this okay to use in my video please? I really like it and it's to speed up a surfing segment
Falcondorf - 11 years ago
lol that smeargle in the pic
Goldfencer - 11 years ago
Skittles! Paint the Rainbow! Taste the Rainbow!
Falcondorf - 11 years ago
Imma Dolphin!
Eduardo Olazaba
Eduardo Olazaba - 11 years ago
Is it me or is the picture moving extra slow?
legend of u
legend of u - 10 years ago
Falcondorf - 11 years ago
Freaking beautiful
Abril El Rosa
Abril El Rosa - 11 years ago
I didn't expect this mix to be so awesome... I'm having a terribl day, and this song wants to make me cry... awesome job...
EnergyBurst2 - 11 years ago
but i more of meant what is it?
MasterX117 - 11 years ago
*In from another context/perspective
MasterX117 - 11 years ago
"Not bad at all" then you turn around and say "now i regret it..." wtf makes no sense sorry but my opinion here but i might be taking this in another context, lol.
Goretantath - 11 years ago
that or something along those lines in the future. heck break all my atoms down and actually upload me into the game for all i care.
Sakubo92 - 11 years ago
Love this. Thanks !
EnergyBurst2 - 11 years ago
occulus... rift?
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox - 11 years ago
Goretantath - 11 years ago
not as messed up as the "real" world...
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox - 11 years ago
I do wish the Pokemon and the technologies for them existed... but not the world itself, because it's a really messed up place when you think about it. :V
SnooDoodle - 11 years ago
It's only as real as you make it out to be.
Goretantath - 11 years ago
hopefully they make a pokemon game with the occulus rift so i can die happily immersed in a great world for the rest of my life... otherwise this world truly does suck not to be able to make that...
kiracookie - 11 years ago
Because then we would be too happy. We can't have happiness in the real world.
Joaquin Hernandez Vera
Joaquin Hernandez Vera - 11 years ago
This song is the best
moungahok - 11 years ago
this gives me a legend of zelda feel somewhat as well
Merchiodos - 11 years ago
can you please do r/s/e surf theme
Craynak Zero
Craynak Zero - 11 years ago
Wow, I skipped over this song a couple of times, not realizing how intriguing it is. How naive I was just five minutes ago. XD
BeastyBoy - 11 years ago
yeah, as I grew up, I dont feel the same as when i was younger playing pokemon, you have to move on, you should love being a kid because it only lasts a couple years, not saying to hate growing up, but just have fun.
demonor1994 - 11 years ago
i know how you feel. tho the kid in us shall always live on through our memories of what times we did have. my favorite memory, sitting it the middle of the ocean on my silver version and watching the water wave with my headphones in. best feeling ever.
demonor1994 - 11 years ago
i found a problem with your song. its too short. ^^ to be honest, surfing is my favorite part of the games for the music and calmness it brings me. and silver was the first pokemon game i actually played as a child! your remix makes my childhood memories come back to life! im an adult now, and yet, this song still relaxes me. you brought a shining remix into a place where one didnt exist. i thank you personally.
KitsumiRawr - 11 years ago
Miwako Tachibana
Miwako Tachibana - 11 years ago
best remix ever :)
henrik. - 11 years ago
most of the time you couldnt hear this wonderfull track cause of ldldldldldldldlldldldl
danny muccio
danny muccio - 11 years ago
I had a Mantine ;) Ah the nostalgia
TheGreatValkyrie - 11 years ago
Aaaaahhh, nostalgia.....
gabril97 - 11 years ago
Best. Pokémon. Remix. Ever.
bogeboy10 - 11 years ago
BeastyBoy - 11 years ago
Wow, makes you realize being a child aint bad all.I always wished to grow mature, now i regret it ..
Bab Activated
Bab Activated - 11 years ago
10 hours pls
TheGreatValkyrie - 11 years ago
Well, when I was younger, I borrowed Crystal from a friend. I never really got anywhere(I wasn't very serious about doing anything), but I think it implanted a fondness for the Johto region in my heart.
xXvirusXx1999 - 11 years ago
I had the same experience on that server, ray quaza by far that is the best team fortress 2 server all because of the music by PRS
bogeboy10 - 11 years ago
video game music or remixes
bogeboy10 - 11 years ago
trust me you NEED to play regular gold silver then get crystal they are amazing XD
Kivo765 - 11 years ago
This is Amazing! Question...what genre would you call this?
Fluffy The Yveltal
Fluffy The Yveltal - 11 years ago
The good old times as a Child ^-^
TheGreatValkyrie - 11 years ago
This makes me nostalgic, even though Inever had the Gameboy Color games. I do have HeartGold, but it came out only a few years back.
TheGreatValkyrie - 11 years ago
I'm sure the music will be good. Gen 5 had a really neat and cool soundtrack.
bogeboy10 - 11 years ago
omg this song makes me want to cry... i miss gold.....
Marinerocks777 - 11 years ago
First impression of the cover video cover : So cute! After listening to the music : OMG GOTTA LISTEN THIS TO THE REST OF MY LIFE!
Tyquon W
Tyquon W - 11 years ago
I hope 6 gen has half this quality music
rannierunsfast - 11 years ago
the artwork complements the music so much!
444darrian - 11 years ago
watashiwakumodesu - 11 years ago
This song is my number one pokemon song to have ever been made I would just sit there in the water and fall asleep to this song all the time. You sir have made me one happy man to have the chance to hear such a great song made into something even better than it was please tell menu can buy this
RaiRai214 - 11 years ago
Without a doubt in my mind,Gen 2 was my favorite one.This is amazing
GOSCIZOR - 11 years ago
nice song and cool pic too :D
TheRox0923 - 11 years ago
those feels.....
josspider100 - 11 years ago
Hey everyone makes mistakes, so don't worry.
CKB STRATOS - 11 years ago
Yeah , it was a dumb miss lol!
josspider100 - 11 years ago
Ha, of course Riolu does not exist in the 2 gen!
josspider100 - 11 years ago
I agree...*sniff*....
Raiden X
Raiden X - 11 years ago
its like every time i hear this song it make think about how much Pokemon change my life it like my heart goes in tune with every single beat.It also reminds me of how far my journey has token me in Pokemon from the Perilous journey to the epic bond i formed with my pokemon. Cant wait to continue that bond in Pokemon X&Y
Diabolical - 11 years ago
PRS, you are the greatest when it comes to remixes. I heard about your remixes from a custom Team Fortress 2 map called pkmn_goldenrodcity, you can play them in the radio tower for the whole server to hear. I especially like the sootopolis city one.
TheMeritableGamer - 11 years ago
IKR! I wish it weren't a fantasy.
Milky Joe
Milky Joe - 11 years ago
Why can't I go back in time and relive the first time I surfed on these waters :(
Raven Lionheart
Raven Lionheart - 11 years ago
*sniff* that was Beautiful T^T
Chompala - 11 years ago
Loving these pics too.
Rebecca Pucci
Rebecca Pucci - 11 years ago
I never owned the system this game was on, but this music makes running into 400 tentacool a lot more tollerable. It sounds so nice. :D I'm glad I'm listening to this playlist of Pokémon music.
TheUnifyd1 - 11 years ago
Best remix I've ever heard, this is going on my ipod immediately. Thank you for the beautiful nostalgia.
Korsall - 11 years ago
That was actually me that said that... >_> Brother logged in on the computer with a different account and I didn't realize..
laurene jenness
laurene jenness - 11 years ago
Mmm... So relaxing... -w-
TheShinyAlligator - 11 years ago
Why would they wanna surf if they hate the music? It's supposed to be the 2,922 people who surfed.
DemolisherBPB - 11 years ago
Agh Mantine and it's face... How I love it
CKB STRATOS - 11 years ago
Almost mistaked Smeargle for Riolu, the world almost ended.
Neo - 11 years ago
Woah, this is fantastic!
\/ - 11 years ago
Well, maybe not pollution *points at Grimer, Koffing and Trubbish*
civlover97 - 11 years ago
Smeargle used Sketch! Smeargle learned Surf!
UltraSilver2 - 11 years ago
I saw that Smeargle ( HM Slave)... on a boat for some reason.
TheJoltySpark - 11 years ago
This remix looks like a MMoRpg theme ! Lovely !
F00LPR00FER - 11 years ago
my smeargle can fly XD
Céline Dardenne
Céline Dardenne - 11 years ago
sooooooo good!! it gives me shivers!
Kadir Aktürk
Kadir Aktürk - 11 years ago
ah this brings back my childhood i still remember this music when i use surf with my water pokémon i was 11 back then.
Octolingkid - 11 years ago
Thumbs up if u saw smeargle too!!!! LOL
Jonathan - 11 years ago
ColoraturaSoprano - 11 years ago
hello new driving music!
Backwardshrew - 11 years ago
remember those things called repels?
FeFishChannel - 11 years ago
it gets interrupted by the wild pokemon battle theme
Knivex TM
Knivex TM - 11 years ago
That may be true but you will have to do battle with the wild....again.
Mel - 11 years ago
This could be a mystery dungeon theme
Backwardshrew - 11 years ago
But why is that bad, you get to hear the surfing theme again!
zenku41 - 11 years ago
Flying is for wussies
Argentarus - 11 years ago
You are making me think Pokemon is all just a dream now. you are always in your room after the Elite 4. So, a never ending dream.
Argentarus - 11 years ago
27 people did an entire walkthrough, and had to go back to Olivine for Fly and get surf to get to Tojoh Falls.
7theluigimaster7 - 11 years ago
smergle copies surf,fly,metronome and aeroblast ..... GO SMERGLE TAKE ME TO HOENN! :D
chaofreak18 - 11 years ago
This remix reminds me of Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker? Seems to work well too sense I played this along when Sailing throughout the game.
Mitchell Whitehouse
Mitchell Whitehouse - 11 years ago
RaikenZauraus - 12 years ago
this remix is just too good
krock0713 - 12 years ago
I didn't grow up with Red/Blue or Gold/Silver, but I have always loved the music from every pokemon game. This piece invokes the right amount of adventure that makes you want to go outside and go do something, but it also has that calm demeanor that makes you want to fall asleep and dream about a majestic adventure. This is truly a masterpiece, even though I can't say that this makes me feel nostalgia, an instant classic.
JackBond1234 - 12 years ago
Careful when listening to this in public. You might shed a tear and nobody will know why.
nitasu987 - 12 years ago
I must have that background
Newbius93 - 12 years ago
For the GameBoy Color versions, Crystal is the definitive version. For the DS remakes, get HeartGold
Huwal Fadillah
Huwal Fadillah - 12 years ago
dude is awesome
roxanneair - 12 years ago
Could be, could be...
FirstName LastName
FirstName LastName - 12 years ago
Im always going to be 2 gen kid i guess. The one region i fell in love with. Besides the ranger regions this is the only main game region that I love like that. I may have missed sinnoh so badly when my parents made us get rid of all our pokemon games but soon after i found a pokemon gold at a yardsale for 1 dollar. That was my memories. 5 years since that day.... How does time fly?.... But this song... It brings it all back... This Nostalgia.... Thank you.....
Nguz95 - 12 years ago
I used to hate surfing because of the lame music. Guess I was wrong.
Manuel Melchor Miranda
Manuel Melchor Miranda - 12 years ago
where'd you get the pic :D
Camtachi - 12 years ago
Dark cloud 2?
Daft Decker
Daft Decker - 12 years ago
Dat piano at the end
dilydaly123 - 12 years ago
I hear this then:
Caesar on Toast
Caesar on Toast - 12 years ago
Es macht meine Ohren sehr sehr glücklich! Danke
That Won Dude
That Won Dude - 12 years ago
omg. im glad i gave this song a try bc i almost missed an eargasm bc i didnt like some of his other remixes
Kaxia - 12 years ago
CrystalSin90k - 12 years ago
HPI School of Allied Health
HPI School of Allied Health - 12 years ago
HPI School of Allied Health
HPI School of Allied Health - 12 years ago
Brings back Johto memories
ABD - 12 years ago
These musics are the type you listen to on the last week of your summer of holidays. As you are work free and feel like you are a child again
Daft Decker
Daft Decker - 12 years ago
:'( them feels man....
Daft Decker
Daft Decker - 12 years ago
So beautiful.
SkyAeria - 12 years ago
Right in the childhood
jobo - 12 years ago
My heart is filling to the brim with nostalgia.
Cold Sugar
Cold Sugar - 12 years ago
Still the most beautiful surfing theme ever.
6ColourMeRainbow9 - 12 years ago
sometimes i wish that i'd just wake up in the world of pokemon. where music fills the air everywhere you go, you can get along with just about anyone, nobody's worrying about war, economy or pollution and you always have some pals with you wherever you go. shitty luck we ended up here, eh? (forgive me. dip-shit youtube deleted my account and wouldn't give it back... :'( ...)
Wolflord1995 - 12 years ago
umm... i mean the video... lol
WhoamIbutwhoareyou - 12 years ago
exdragon47 - 12 years ago
Monger7 - 12 years ago
Right click the link and choose the save as option.
exdragon47 - 12 years ago
How do u download this epicosity? The link gives me a mp3 clip, no dwnld option.
Sergeant Stalfos -moved-
Sergeant Stalfos -moved- - 12 years ago
this... this song... it's- it's BEEEUUUTIIIFUUUUUULL :'D the nostalgia is overwhelming. now if you'll excuse me, i gotta go get my old gameboy outa storage. HASHTAG_POKEMON_FUR_LIFE
mythical creature: girlfriend
mythical creature: girlfriend - 12 years ago
Aspies? Yes, alas, it is true. We do not get jokes, we think you be serious. And maybe he does have it! You do know, the imagination. Katy Perry has aspergers, and she created some amazing songs, and God designed all the animals, creatively. There's some similarity!
mythical creature: girlfriend
mythical creature: girlfriend - 12 years ago
*Sniff* I remember hearing this first, oh the pleasure of playing Pokemon and not expecting what would happen next. Now, it's the same for all the new games. Oh memories, you make me cry.
Matthew Is Cool
Matthew Is Cool - 12 years ago
Its weird, I just cant decide if nostalgia is a good feeling or a terrible one
Super Sage
Super Sage - 12 years ago
This brings back memories. Pokemon Gold was the first video game I ever played. ;)
jaggycarthe6 - 12 years ago
Omg one of my favourite sounds in gsc and this person makes it even better!
InazumaLegends - 12 years ago
My fucking god, awesome.
Droitzel Glaedr
Droitzel Glaedr - 12 years ago
Now THIS is what I'm talking about. Stunning, something that pokemon should totally aspire to. I mean, it's modern, but it is also really nostalgic too... I am seriously loving this song. Thank you, and please keep them coming!
MajinMike - 12 years ago
Just fucking beautiful
marktechnotrance - 12 years ago
You're the best!!! I feel like a child again ! :))
Anna de Guzman
Anna de Guzman - 12 years ago
Wow! Beautiful...Soothing...Elegant~
Nicholas Boyce
Nicholas Boyce - 12 years ago
Pokemon! ^_^
Zevox144 - 12 years ago
I know right. I hate growing up.
rannierunsfast - 12 years ago
my team. absol, manectric, claydol, skarmory, walrein, and ludicolo.
Calvin Bui
Calvin Bui - 12 years ago
This music is so relaxing
Codename Vieh
Codename Vieh - 12 years ago
honestly... where did you find those great pictures?
Wolflord1995 - 12 years ago
2 years already since this came out... NOSTALGIA!
John - 12 years ago
how do u download from him
Felix Buechner
Felix Buechner - 12 years ago
makes me wanna run outside my real world house and throw a pokèball at the ground, and go running around the neighborhood with my quilava.
The Rapptor
The Rapptor - 12 years ago
So pretty! Makes me wanna go play my Pokemon game, but turn down the music on there and listen to this!
Zachary Boytos
Zachary Boytos - 12 years ago
Im like that with my favorite game, call of duty world at war, my family was still together:/ and id stay up all night and my family would always tease me about it and my little brother would fall asleep watching me play:/ i miss those times. Now my family has split up and iv been through a lot. and i havent seen my brother in months, he used to be like my own kid. sad times, but live moves on you know. And i miss laying on my bed playing saphirre and training my kyogre to 100 legit.. good times
LPDomination - 12 years ago
The sad part is tentacruel is a pretty good pokemon, in terms of Sp.Att and Sp.Def.
Pabel Arizaga
Pabel Arizaga - 12 years ago
that was beautiful man and that kinda bring me a tear in my eye, but a lot of "if i could...." will give you doubts. So yeah man i feel you and thanks to these games it will bring us closer than we all could have imagine. We are all gamers aren't we? :D
bob jones
bob jones - 12 years ago
the old days... thats why pokemon was so real to us back then.
Beatrice Lind
Beatrice Lind - 12 years ago
HotFudge110 - 12 years ago
Wow what a comment. Shows that we have to appreciate what we have. There's something so pure about childhood that we're overcome with when we reflect back on it. It's beautiful.
Marc - 12 years ago
Because, the adventure NEVER stops ! ;)
calion60 - 12 years ago
Beautifull song <3
Nobody - 12 years ago
omg - fuck xDD hahaha :DD
aluckymutt - 12 years ago
hey dude-look at your last line in the ( )-i think you misspelled something xD
Nobody - 12 years ago
well, at 1st i thought black and white sucked too, i sold it to gamestop or i don't know where, but after re-playing it i think it has lots of potential to be a very good game, i think there is just too much of dialogue, and it's just a little bit too much "americanised" (don't know hoe you say it ^^)
AirsoftxAkulA - 12 years ago
Reminds me of super mario sunshine!
Lil Birdie
Lil Birdie - 12 years ago
I'm sorry, I just don't see the appeal in Living piles of Pyschic trash.
ShadowSoldior - 12 years ago
I'm not sure that unoriginal means what you think it means. The more generations there are literally the MORE original the designs become. Game Freak has to come up with new designs that do not resemble others seen before. They literally cannot become less original with time unless they begin to copy/paste parts of Pokemon onto other Pokemon. Have a problem with Trubbish? Guess what, he's original as hell. Did you ever expect to fight a walking garbage bag? No, which is why it's original.
ShadowSoldior - 12 years ago
That's how I felt. It's weird, I was utterly disappointed in GenIV, I didn't get that feeling at all and honestly at one point was hoping the story was over soon. But then when GenV rolled around a few years later I borrowed it from a friend of mine for a few hours and just started up a new game with no save file and played for three hours straight. Beginning my adventure with my Snivy and the excellent tutorial with your "friends" made me feel like I did when I was young.
ShadowSoldior - 12 years ago
Unoriginal? HAHAHA-Are you kidding me? Let us review exactly how "original," say, Generation One is. Tauros is a bull with two extra tails and a few studs in its face, Meowth is a walking cat with a coin glued to its face, Voltorb and Electrode are Pokeballs with angry faces, Muk and Grimer are just blobs, Pidgey line is just birds...hell, if you want originality, the most unoriginal designs are from the first generation. Most of them are literally just animals with extra stuff glued on.
Litestorm17 - 12 years ago
This was my thought on it as well. I, unfortunately, had to sell my DS (poor college kid) so I never finished the game. But this is how I felt, like I was 8 years old again, playing Red version. I recently got a new job, so maybe I'll buy another DS and give the game another shot.
Litestorm17 - 12 years ago
To me, this has almost a Mario Party 1 feel to it...just the way the music is styled. I haven't played it in years, though, so I could be crazy and not remembering it right.
Nick O
Nick O - 12 years ago
ikr Makes me want the remix to go on longer!
ChaosMew161 - 12 years ago
*thinks about punching you in the face and crotch*
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
You have a point. The first time I played D/P, I had fun, but after that I started to notice it's flaws. But I did really enjoy all the hidden secrets in it, like Heatran, Darkrai, and Shaymin. I'd play it right now but unfortunately I lost it some time ago... Also I just can't get in to Black and White at all.
Xeogran - 12 years ago
D/P/P Brought the best designed Pokemon ever, atleast in my opinion. Also, was the most fun generation for me. Giratina, Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, Shaymin, Lucario, Spiritomb, Darkrai, Gliscor, Rotom. It also included HG/SS Remakes. They count as Gen IV. And Pokemon Following you aspect was the awesomest thing ever.
Josep Lladó Alcázar
Josep Lladó Alcázar - 12 years ago
If you add Castañuelas (castanets) to this video, it would sound like a Spanish song.
Pedrobants - 12 years ago
Game freak hire this guy NAO!
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
Well, I didn't really care too much for Diamond and Pearl. It didn't suck like I said in my first comment, but the music I just didn't really like, and when I played it it didn't give me that classic Pokemon feel that I was so used to. I also thought the pokemon themselves weren't as good, and it was clear that they had started running out of ideas. In my opinion, not necessarily the opinion of others, D/P deserved a 6 or 7 out of ten.
Special Agent Washing Tub
Special Agent Washing Tub - 12 years ago
dude you rule without fail
areyou kiddingme
areyou kiddingme - 12 years ago
google search youtube to mp3
hal - 12 years ago
Why, thank yew!
Erik Emerölduson
Erik Emerölduson - 12 years ago
I'll send you a link where you can onvert this ino an mp3
Erik Emerölduson
Erik Emerölduson - 12 years ago
Amuro Ray
Amuro Ray - 12 years ago
I like Pokemon.
hal - 12 years ago
How do I download?
hal - 12 years ago
To be a kid again... This theme brings back so many memories. I got teary! :3
Jeff1N - 12 years ago
honestly, if i could just be a child once more, if i could just spend my afternoons playing good games or watching some cartoons, if i could just lay my head on my pillow without worrying if i will be able to finish all my work in time, if i could just see my parents every day instead of every 2 weeks, i think i wouldn't ask for nothing else surely most pokémon songs are pretty and really memorable, but i think what i like most is the fact that when i first heard them, my life was so prettier
Tempo - 12 years ago
I love this remix! At each I listen ... I feel "Euphoric"!
bob jones
bob jones - 12 years ago
as seen on: ggFTW...WUT?!
DuskChimera - 12 years ago
Aaaah, loved this! I remember I'd purposely go out and surf then simply sit there, just to hear this gem of a track! Beautiful!
KaijuCakes - 12 years ago
I'm feeling the same way, bro.
Hobbes2 - 12 years ago
*holds back tears* this is beautiful c:
1flamealchemist - 12 years ago
Love the violin bit.
Chibispore - 12 years ago
I get it, don't worry!
Colin Chandelier/oopdoop44
Colin Chandelier/oopdoop44 - 12 years ago
when i wanted to die cos I kept hitting wild pokemon at sea...
Colin Chandelier/oopdoop44
Colin Chandelier/oopdoop44 - 12 years ago
we aspies tend to not get jokes, but come one chibispore, that was funny. I think sometimes god DOES have asperger's, it makes sense in the long run :P :D :::::
Meh - 12 years ago
so.. many... TENETACOOLS!!!!! >:(
Chibispore - 12 years ago
I do know what it is. I have it, after all.
Pyroblock (SPG)
Pyroblock (SPG) - 12 years ago
you dont know what aspergers are do you
Chibispore - 12 years ago
I don't get it.
Grant Schulte
Grant Schulte - 12 years ago
@PokeRemixStudio You really outdid yourself on this song! I'm finding myself listening to this song every day for hours while I do my homework! I don't know if its just the nostalgia or what, but I can tell you that you have done really well on this song. In fact, it is my favorite out of all of your songs! You should try to sell this on iTunes or something!
MaximoMachismo - 12 years ago
Too bad God dosen't have Aspergers.
Ivanna Olivas
Ivanna Olivas - 12 years ago
i would evolve myself if i was a magikarp.
Silver blue
Silver blue - 12 years ago
what if you were born as a magikarp?
Polymus - 12 years ago
Came here because I had the original version of this song in my head randomly and then I found this. So glad I did. <3
Sevarate - 12 years ago
Ever since I saw the episode when Dawn starts her journey I wish I could too. :(
Mikhail Effendi
Mikhail Effendi - 12 years ago
I have a nostalgic boner XD
ShadowSoldior - 12 years ago
*Goes to dig up Crystal version*
ShadowSoldior - 12 years ago
Unharmed by pollution? Dude, a large group of Muk and Grimer literally turn the area they move on into ground zero and make it inhospitable to all life for years. Not to mention, Trubbish and Garbodor.
Evan Winter
Evan Winter - 12 years ago
*surfs on Snorlax* WAIT! dont use dive...wait you dont know dive....where drowning DX
Cobalt Kirikizan
Cobalt Kirikizan - 12 years ago
I was joking about how you asked if it's a crime. Whatever, bad joke.
Kappmiesta - 12 years ago
...wait how do we download these mp3s? i must have these wherever i go O.o
Cobalt Kirikizan
Cobalt Kirikizan - 12 years ago
...Kinda? It's like a littering sign in a local park, it's enforced but no one really gives a damn.
Adem - 12 years ago
:o omg someone else loves smeargle ^w^
KymariPT - 12 years ago
Maybe i will start now lokking for my chainsaw to kill those 20 dislikee people wtf they have in their mind this is simply perfect --" Great job thx to let us listen this song of the gods
KillerTurnip - 12 years ago
So nostalgic.... This is an awesome remix, thanks so much for uploading it!!!!! :D
gothboy2991 - 12 years ago
If you look on amazon or maybe ebay you could probably get a GBA and a couple of pokemon game cartiridges pretty cheap. That's what I did, only cost me about the same as two PS3 or 360 games.
Cobalt Kirikizan
Cobalt Kirikizan - 12 years ago
Well, think about Bisharp and Garbodor in comparison for a moment; You have a red and steel gray knight with swords for hands and a crescent moon on his forehead versus... a trash bag.
Cobalt Kirikizan
Cobalt Kirikizan - 12 years ago
But it also gave us Bisharp, the best Pokemon ever, so it kinda balances out the fact that it also came with Garbodor.
Hunter_Green - 12 years ago
I don't really like those times when a song makes me want to be out in a forest or camping, or traveling around the world... Going through the green woods... ... ... I LOVE THIS SONG
Konoa - 12 years ago
this brings meh back and its wonderfuls
ActionStar00 - 12 years ago
This brings me way back. It makes me miss the good ol' days of playing with friends. Whining over not getting a pokemon you want in trade, playing jokes saying you got Arceus without AR, using overpowered pokemon, yelling when you were one shot away from winning and lost, and the good ol' rage I had when I had to go through large areas of tall grass.
Cassiel Williams
Cassiel Williams - 12 years ago
And there is an eternal peace which the people help to maintain. Where a fight is something to laugh about. Where losing just helps you make new friends. Humans and animals coexist peacefully and they aid one another no matter what. There is no crime save for a single group that is despised by all. Every person follows "love thy neighbour" and sticks to it eternally. Where every one and everything is/are equal. Yeah, I think I would love to live there.
Veg - 12 years ago
My favorite remix!
leethepotato - 12 years ago
Yes,but there's a lot more wrong with the real world.
aluckymutt - 12 years ago
there were also grimer in grim city in an episode of pokemon.
FanofFairyTail - 12 years ago
This mix is the song i think if want to relax and sleep!
Tim T
Tim T - 12 years ago
Harleymuun - 12 years ago
Im not exactly sure why, but this made me smile :)
Yolko - 12 years ago
I know, but it's not really the same
Yolko - 12 years ago
I dont have crystal any more it was my first pokemon game and my mum put it in the wash when i was 7, i cried all night :'(
leafydragon - 12 years ago
When I mentioned to a more rabid pokemon player that I was playing emerald to get a milotic, they were baffled. But I couldn't really care less. I don't play it fanatically but I believe the pokemon world is timeless, always frozen until the next time you pick it up and immerse yourself in it. It's something that will always hold very sentimental memories for me, and lots of other people.
BelieveInPlay - 12 years ago
This made the already amazing music...so much more amazing. I've never felt more relaxed in my life. <3
Dana McCabe
Dana McCabe - 12 years ago
/watch?v=50_p7H-OYlk Play it with beach sounds~
Felise Jones
Felise Jones - 12 years ago
Platinum: The Battle Frontier sidequests made made this game waaay better than D/P. B/W: Ended on a cliffhanger, has more version exclusive mons on one game... Hopefully B2/W2 are better. D/P: Extremely slow, failed to include mons from its own region (which Platinum remedied) Yellow: So you're essentially stuck with a mon with stats equal to those of a 1st stage starter? No thanks. R/B: Really glitchy, really slow and horribly unbalanced.
Felise Jones
Felise Jones - 12 years ago
Ehh, For me it's: R/S/E: Why does everyone hate on this gen? It was absolutely amazing! Crystal (not G/S): Extremely fun and extremely challenging. When I was young and I bought the game for the 1st time, I didn't like it because it was different and had animated sprites, but now, it's one of my faves. FR/LG (not R/B): Fixed all the things that I didn't like about R/B/Y. G/S: Basically Crystal w/o the added Suicune plot, which made it kinda take a backseat to Crystal.
KANYEda WESTaro - 12 years ago
gold silver and crystal has the best surf music
Annie Poulsen
Annie Poulsen - 12 years ago
I'm a 16 year old girl and I still love pokemon! I think I might go and play crystal now. This song brings back memories of trying to avoid tentacool :D
FaZeiNsANiTY - 12 years ago
ive played every single game out there, yes the "mods" too. i like them all. and no, i am not 8 years old. =D
Mercenary - 12 years ago
It is on a boat. -.-
Chimcharstar - 12 years ago
im pretty sure wingull wasnt in johto and WTF is with that smeargle?
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
Jesus Christ, I am so tired of getting constant replies on this. I've been with the series ever since Pokemon Yellow was released, and have noticed a significant drop in quality since Diamond and Pearl came out. Most people I know agree that Black and White kind of sucked, and the Pokemon Company is obviously running out of ideas. You probably just started playing at R/S. I was also kind of exaggerating when I posted that comment anyway, it's not THAT bad. So live and let live, will you?
FaZeiNsANiTY - 12 years ago
a TRUE pokemon fan thinks as all of the games as amazing, be it new and most people think bad, or the opposite. me being one of the true fans and you obviously are not
inukai132 - 12 years ago
Welcome to the internet, please refrain from feeding trolls.
Dashiz Nitz
Dashiz Nitz - 12 years ago
*sob sob*
Peter - 12 years ago
Do you mind if I use this for a video i'm making? I will give full credit to you. Thank you!
Valosken - 12 years ago
@maiord18 Just wanna bring your attention to this. You seem to perceive insult as an absolute truth, when it is in fact opinion.
maiord18 - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 comment war? not only you're suicidal but you also overreact. you poor soul. maybe the internet isn't a good place for you after all, dear. just a little lesson for you: next time, when you want to express your so called opinions, don't make it insulting for the people that enjoyed the things you hated, and don't act as if that's the absolute truth, either, because it isn't. it's called respect. before you preach it, apply it. otherwise, you're not going to get it.
Erin Nicole
Erin Nicole - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 How about Red? :D
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
@maiord18 But I DON'T feel I should kill myself. It was a JOKE you moron. I don't want this to get into a huge stupid comment war, so I'm not replying again. I have better things to do.
maiord18 - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 and, in my opinion, if you feel that you have to, then you should kill yourself. freedom of speech as you say.
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
@maiord18 Hey man, I was just expressing my opinion. Ever heard of freedom of speech? The 1st ammendment? Yeah. In my opinion, Black and White sucked ass. And when I said I wanted to kill myself? That's a joke dumbass. Nobody's serious when they say something like that. Like I said, being a complete and total dickhead to someone you don't know for no reason doesn't get you far, my friend.
maiord18 - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 bitch, you're the one that stated that you wanted to kill yourself over playing a game. I was just encouraging you to do it. if it really didn't affect you, then you wouldn't have bothered with a whiny reply like that.
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
@maiord18 Really? And what'd I ever do to you? Ya' know, being to total jerk to everyone for no reason doesn't get you far in life. And you really think something someone I don't know on the internet said is REALLY gonna affect me? I don't think you'd say that to my face. So just shut the hell up and let me go on with my own life because I don't give two shits about you.
maiord18 - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 really? then why don't you do it. I'm sure the world won't miss you that much.
Joe Osorio
Joe Osorio - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 please do.
Jeff O
Jeff O - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 Do like me and start playing all of them!! I started at LeafGreen and am now working my way up to White
Divine Kazoo
Divine Kazoo - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 bitch please. nostalgiafag as they say
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
@SirBlacknoiseIII Cool story bro. Tell it again, please
Divine Kazoo
Divine Kazoo - 12 years ago
@mcluigi117 bitch please. nostalgiafag as they say
Seagles97 - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 What about Firered/Leafgreen? And I would reccomend personally G/S/C, specifically Gold. Just me though.
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
R/B/Y: fucking awesome! G/S/C: AMAZING! So much nostalgia! R/S/E: Kind of good, but also kind of gay. D/P/P: Sucked. B/W: Dear god, this is so horrible I want to KILL MYSELF!!!
mcluigi117 - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 Gold silver crystal
HellfireComms - 12 years ago
Fantastic mix. Love it!
nabeel vengeance
nabeel vengeance - 12 years ago
easy on the drums
acfan123 - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 i suggest you to play platinum
Nick Baelemans
Nick Baelemans - 12 years ago
@Demonheadge i dont see what people hate about Black and White sure the starter look...special... but didnt all of them seemed weird, besides you can always transfer your old ones from leafgreen or firered or from Ruby and Saphire to Black or White
Divine Kazoo
Divine Kazoo - 12 years ago
@SmogoTheDuck what hate? It was a pretty good game with outstanding narrative (N especially)
SmogoTheDuck - 12 years ago
@SirBlacknoiseIII oh boy, here comes the hate.
TenshiSilver7 - 12 years ago
This is the best surfing theme !
Divine Kazoo
Divine Kazoo - 12 years ago
@Demonheadge black and white's good though
Demonheadge - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 anything but black and white and your good :P
poskepias - 12 years ago
I gave the 3000th thumb up ^.^ excellent remix.. :)
popgoesthepenguin - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 play ALL of them
Sebastian Inostroza
Sebastian Inostroza - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 Crystal is the best choice at least for me :p
KARASUadw - 12 years ago
This is my favorite PRS mix ever. I've listened to it like 250+ times.
Delfino224 - 12 years ago
@IoIIypop12 Silver! The original version is so much more nostalgic! :D
Pedrobants - 13 years ago
@IoIIypop12 RSE or HG/SS i have just shortened your decision
bowserboy3 - 13 years ago
@IoIIypop12 heart gold or soul silver, being as this song may have triggered that memory:)
lee !!
lee !! - 13 years ago
I got an advertisment. DA HECK?!
Alex Gheorghiu
Alex Gheorghiu - 13 years ago
that's it. crystal is going in the gba.
Auruz Aguilar
Auruz Aguilar - 13 years ago
@emperormai it says ''the save data could not be accessed please turn off and reinsert the ds card'' and is an original game T_T
Rinamaster - 13 years ago
@emperormai WAIT, YOU CAN DO THAT?! ...If you could, I just sold my fixable SoulSilver with Pokedex completed and all Legendary pokemon to GameStop...FML FML FFFFMMMMLLLLLL.
Auruz Aguilar
Auruz Aguilar - 13 years ago
damn my stupid soulsilver does not work because of a savedata problem
Aerann - 13 years ago
@echolatch Lol, some people ;P
BringMeFrost - 13 years ago
@shiracool10 Sure I did, but one does not simply ask for thumbs up.
Don Herc
Don Herc - 13 years ago
...I want that as my desktop background...
elormsrigboh - 13 years ago
@echolatch *facepalm* didn't know you were joking
Orion 91
Orion 91 - 13 years ago
Happy memories are happy...
Alexander Jones
Alexander Jones - 13 years ago
Alexander Jones
Alexander Jones - 13 years ago
@echolatch I hate you :D
Gaige the Mechromancer
Gaige the Mechromancer - 13 years ago
@echolatch Honestly, I couldn't tell whether you were joking or not, either...
elormsrigboh - 13 years ago
@echolatch Why would you watch this then?! The game was absolutely great why don't you like it?!
the xavier waiver
the xavier waiver - 13 years ago
The remix is my favorite song in the world atm :)
Alex Adams
Alex Adams - 13 years ago
Pokemon > Cloud Gaming
Cj Dill
Cj Dill - 13 years ago
@sasuke123862 this theme has stuck with me since I was two.....I'm 18.
Alexander Jones
Alexander Jones - 13 years ago
This theme has stuck with me since I was 2 and I'm 12
Tyler Williams
Tyler Williams - 13 years ago
@IoIIypop12 play them all dang play them till your fingers come off.
Niko Jokinen
Niko Jokinen - 13 years ago
i remember when i tried to evolve my haunter to gengar by battling with tentacools...later i realized that you need to trade it to evolve....i remember this music well from those times...
bindrp2 - 13 years ago
ZamorakianQueen - 13 years ago
@TJPProductions WE GONNA BE WALTZING TO POKEMON, so excited. X3
dim - 13 years ago
@IoIIypop12 heartgold was my favourite~
zolorolo - 13 years ago
This has always been my favorite Pokemon song and I have been waiting for this to be remixed by you for literally years. This has been absolutely been worth it. Thank you.
Marc - 13 years ago
Heard this... Subscribed!
Marc - 13 years ago
I'm Going to play Pokémon now, after this song, that's the only game i want to play right now. But i can't choose, Gold/Silver/Crystal, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Heartgold/Soulsilver or Black/White? I don't know which one i wanna play :(
Rinamaster - 13 years ago
This made tears well up in my eyes...;A;
PokePersonPower - 13 years ago
@blaffendevis8 Flying Tentacools!
Angus Ostler
Angus Ostler - 13 years ago
@CannonCrasher Nope... There is an abundance of Hoppips, a Wingull, a Mantine and Mantyke, and a Smeargle painting a rainbow.
CannonCrasher - 13 years ago
@blaffendevis8 i think he is on the top left maybe not sure
VGMusicMaker - 13 years ago
@MrGiratinaORIGINAL have the pokemon with the move you want in your party and delete all other moves temporarily and find a ditto to battle, when it transforms into the pokemon with the move you wanted switch out for smeargle then sketch it since it will only use the one move. If its Dark void you want, make sure your holding a lum berry.
Julian Pattynama
Julian Pattynama - 13 years ago
Now whi is tentacool not in the picture? this one of the most common pokemon that appear when you surf.. unfortunately.. But, great remix! :D
CannonCrasher - 13 years ago
I download this on my laptop and play it so I can go 2 sleep and when i do i have sweet dreams I love this song its a great song that will always be with me...
CannonCrasher - 13 years ago
@Throdane u can always grab the game once again and think about great memories :)
Pedrobants - 13 years ago
one word : nostalgia
apoctriforce - 13 years ago
Kinda sounds like a Pirate's theme =) Or something from Legend of Zelda; WindWaker
Haseyo90 - 13 years ago
This would be a really good ending theme to an anime.
Bean City
Bean City - 13 years ago
@AggroAmpharos Oh man I know, the things we used to do when we were young.
Krishnan Meep
Krishnan Meep - 13 years ago
I wanna live in a pokemon world, it'd be awesome if music played everywhere I went without having to use an mp3 player, and that too having awesome music like this
wizardnoodles054 - 13 years ago
@Blahhikablah Invalid. Dragonbreath, nor Flamethrower would do anything. Gyarados has shit for Special Attack. ^-^
Zachary Boytos
Zachary Boytos - 13 years ago
my fav by far. great job PRS, i love it!! im gunna put it on my zune. cant stop listening to it
Percussive Chippy
Percussive Chippy - 13 years ago
@TheHikaruKage well it could use sketch and obtain the move surf. that would be so awesome!
Spencer Lunt
Spencer Lunt - 13 years ago
Where'd the Smeargle come from? I didn't know Smeargles could surf. If they could, I'd totally use him for surf in all my Pokemon games!
Minako Arisato
Minako Arisato - 13 years ago
Tentacool trolled too hard here. Repels. Thank you!
grenncandy123 - 13 years ago
Nadodan .Nadodan
Nadodan .Nadodan - 13 years ago
My heart feels good listening to this
w0w so doge
w0w so doge - 13 years ago
Kanto and Johto had the best pokemon ♥♥♥
F00LPR00FER - 13 years ago
ooooooooooooooooo.... that sounds sooo nice best remix i have heard for pokemon!
* peach-n-key *
* peach-n-key * - 13 years ago
@Blahhikablah but most of em arnt violent plus if you got out of ya home town you would NEED a pokemon to get outtaw dat grass. so yud have a pokemon team to help DUH and day only get mads when dare team rockets DUH!
The Piano Man
The Piano Man - 13 years ago
*You are already subscribed to PokeRemixStudio* You bet your laprASS I am :P
ABD - 13 years ago
very good remix :) . check out my surfing remix and tell me how good it is
AllAboutTheInternet - 13 years ago
damn very nice remix, im speechless....
Throdane - 13 years ago
This was always one of my favorite songs. I can remember going into surf mode and just sitting there listening to this theme for a while. Goodbye childhood. I miss you.
Sir Bearington
Sir Bearington - 13 years ago
i feel happy now. :3
TheObnoxiousMan - 13 years ago
@TheFireWyrm How dare you insult such an amazing puffball!
the omega male42
the omega male42 - 13 years ago
Who disliked this? This is the best song I've have ever heard in my life.
TFresh - 13 years ago
I saw the title and was like LOL gimme a break the *surfing* theme? Come on now.. and then..
ActionStar00 - 13 years ago
@TheFireWyrm i truly regret that. i share a love for both of them. Even though I left my pokemon times, i promised myself i would always get the latest pokemon game. outside of PokeRemixStudio's mixes I am Kirby, within, I forget about that super tuff pink puff.
TheFireWyrm - 13 years ago
@ActionStar00 How dare you leave pokemon for that stupid puffball!
ActionStar00 - 13 years ago
pokemon was the best years of my life. once i found Kirby, pokemon left me. I love kirby, yet I will never forget pokemon. Pokemon is what made me. I come here to this video of my favorite song on youtube to relive those days. i miss you, pokemon.
GrovyleXShinyCelebi - 13 years ago
OMG Double Rainbow!
Avvura - 13 years ago
@Blahhikablah Ehhhh :( I loved my Feraligatr lol. Typhlosion awesome too :) .but Meganium...meh i wanted badass looking ones xD
daniäl - 13 years ago
a wonderful remix and the picture really shows an impression to it.. in my mind i'm right now surfing, too :D
Avvura - 13 years ago
@Blahhikablah On your way home from School. *Hears Buzzing* ..ohh noo.... Wild Beedrill appeared! alrighty then..if thats the way you want it! GO FERALIGATR! Just hope your pokemon isnt like James' xD
Angus Ostler
Angus Ostler - 13 years ago
@Pedro2112tm Me and my brother would pack up juice boxes and cookies, and walk around the block for hours looking for Pidgey's and Machop's! Then when we had trained for hours, we had a quick battle in the backyard. Now I'm in my final year of high school.. 10 years goes by in a flash!
Bean City
Bean City - 13 years ago
Me and my friends used to act out pokemon battles when we were young. I moved far away when I was 7, and now im 16. God, I really want to see what they look like now, and if we can have just one more pokemon battle, I can die happy :)
Gaijin Brian
Gaijin Brian - 13 years ago
@TomoexNanami our generation will always have a soft spot for pokemon :D
The Dark Beast From Hell
The Dark Beast From Hell - 13 years ago
When i was little i used to sing a pokemon theme when i came back from school :)
SpaceClinicProverbs - 13 years ago
@TomoexNanami me too!! I always had an Abra and a Sandshrew. Abra would help me get out of fights and Sandshrew would make caves for me to play in! Which pokemon did you have?
yosh617 - 13 years ago
@TomoexNanami i did that when i was 6. Growing up with pokemon brings happy times...
BoBoPatJiggler - 13 years ago
Well, we know who makes rainbows now. SCREW SCIENCE, SMEARGLE MAKES RAINBOWS
tdark987 - 13 years ago
Nice to see you got the right chords, unlike Nintendo when they did the HG/SS version.
Nici - 13 years ago
EPIC i love it ♥
Gaijin Brian
Gaijin Brian - 13 years ago
@TomoexNanami I think we all did :)
ThePlatypusAgent - 13 years ago
There have been a lot of good pokemon games out there, but the original gold/silver/crystal will always be my favorite(s).
Joe Osorio
Joe Osorio - 13 years ago
@wildabeeeest just like in caves with zubats :)
ganondorf66 - 13 years ago
why did i get soulsilver... >:( i want a mantine!!
Em Gee
Em Gee - 13 years ago
I can't find the other version of this, there was another one that started off slow then it picked up in the middle. It had drums and an electric guitar, gah I can't find it on YouTube anymore... it had like 2,000 views or something like that.
BADGRAPHIX - 13 years ago
Probably one of your best remixes. :)
DrTrunk - 13 years ago
Oh Lordy. The Smeargle
Marioshrooms - 13 years ago
@ShinyHoundoom229 Couldn't agree with you more man. Am I the only one who would love to have a pikachu just chilling on their shoulder? :D
Valosken - 13 years ago
This is the most beautiful of them all. <3
BensGamingNetwork - 13 years ago
Feraligatr use surf. ?????? WTF?????? Why are you a damn red Lapras?
Juni B.junes
Juni B.junes - 13 years ago
@wildabeeeest omfg dont remind us its happend to all of us but hell it was the game
That One Lil' Villager
That One Lil' Villager - 13 years ago
@AggroAmpharos .......
Jolly gag
Jolly gag - 13 years ago
The song and the picture... So relaxing! I start school tomorrow, but this made all my cares go away.
ISerenossI - 13 years ago
Tay Massey
Tay Massey - 13 years ago
Mantines are so cute
VenicStorm - 13 years ago
where can i download these images, there beautiful :o
empoleon9711 - 13 years ago
@AggroAmpharos LOL!!!
Angus Ostler
Angus Ostler - 13 years ago
@xam9856 Fuck the world we would have Pokemon. Chaos would quickly be solved by looking at Mudkips.
kunckles213 - 13 years ago
Hey PokeRemixStudio I'm surprise you haven't done the remixs to the S.S. Anne for R/B/Y & G/S/C yet
Raising25 - 13 years ago
@ShinyHoundoom229 sounds nice, but they would definitely be used for war :(
linklikepie - 13 years ago
@wildabeeeest FUUUUUU-
gaysanatomy - 13 years ago
Huh.. looks like smeargle's drawing a rainbow in the sky.
linklikepie - 13 years ago
If we can clone sleep... then why not make pokemon????
Angus Ostler
Angus Ostler - 13 years ago
@moldingthegalaxy EARS CAN'T TALK. :D
Angus Ostler
Angus Ostler - 13 years ago
I think I just found my new favourite PRS remix. This is absolutely beautiful, and the picture just adds to that. Goddamn, if only I could cuddle up with my Togetic tonight...
Angus Ostler
Angus Ostler - 13 years ago
@ShinyHoundoom229 But then I would be the ruler of the world :/
YotaXP - 13 years ago
Why did this song have to end? QQ
TheElectricArcanine - 13 years ago
@ShinyHoundoom229-I wish that pokemon was real everyday and will never stop loving it, wishing for it to be real and playing the games. People can say what they like, they're opinion doesn't matter. I always imagine myself flying on my Dragonite, riding on my Arcanine, surfing on my Lapras, going underground with my Sandslash, Teleporting places with my Gardevior and battling with my Raichu. This remix is so awesome, calm and peaceful. I also love the picture and cried when I hear this. =)
Meddin - 13 years ago
Yeah...! Good memories of older Pokemon, with the calm of the sea. And it's a nice coincidence that in the picture appears various of my favorite ones: the gentle Mantine, a funny Smeargle, floating Hoppips and a relaxed Wingull. ^_^ Thanks for upload it! It's good to see ppl that like old times yet.
Shadowsfromwithin13 - 13 years ago
@AmirTunes Music kinda sounds like something from Delfino Plaza too. :)
That One Lil' Villager
That One Lil' Villager - 13 years ago
nintendo should make something like knectimals with pokemon instead of one stupid tiger
That One Lil' Villager
That One Lil' Villager - 13 years ago
my ears have an opinion. and they say this is amazing
Oliver Yossif
Oliver Yossif - 13 years ago
@Sty2k5 Yeah, just imagine your neighbors all owning massive bears… that can fly and teleport and control objects with their minds… and shoot fire, water, thunder… and f*cking blizzards. That's just Dragonite. Let's not even think about what would happen if everyday folks got a hold of Tyranitar… or the legendaries. "Hey, I just caught a Dialga. By the way, your daughter no longer exists; I went back in time, Dialga roared at her, and now she's gone. Oh, cheer up… want a Soothe Bell?"
¿Dixan? Dixan.
¿Dixan? Dixan. - 13 years ago
@ShinyHoundoom229 I agree with you in all that you say. I would like to surf in the back of my Blastoise or Swampert, and walk along my Lucario. It would be extremely fantastic.
¿Dixan? Dixan.
¿Dixan? Dixan. - 13 years ago
This music is just amazing. All Pokémon music is amazing. I just wish it would be real...I love Pokémon since I was six, and at my seventeen to eighteen, I still love all this. It's fantastic. Favourite and like :)
LightningTV - 13 years ago
When I decide to go on a cruise I would make a special request to whoever is handling the music to play this song, while I'm on it. I'm determined to make that happened.
Cyrilcynder1 - 13 years ago
@RaznixMMV just look at his/her username, obviously a beiber fan >.>
Binary Citizen
Binary Citizen - 13 years ago
every time i click the download a media tab opens and plays the song after i finish listening to it i click 'X' in the top right corner then when i want to listen to it again i look in the side bar and music its gone

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About Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme

The "Pokemon GSC Remix: Surfing Theme" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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