Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

The Japanese variety show, Pokénchi, featured Pokémon's Junichi Masuda to introduce new content from Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee! And we finally got our first look at the HM replacement! Not only that but Surfing Pikachu is returning along with brand new moves for both Pikachu and Eevee. Get the details here! SOURCE: https://www.serebii.net/news/2018/08-September-2018.shtml --------------------------------- Follow GameXplain! --------------------------------- ➤ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/GameXplain ➤ FACEBOOK:: http://www.facebook.com/gamexplain ➤ TWITTER: http://twitter.com/GameXplain ➤ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gamexplain_official ➤ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/108004348435696627453 ⮞ Clothe yourself with our 2018 limited edition GX Flames shirt @ https://www.redbubble.com/people/gamexplain/ ⮞ Support us by shopping @ Play-Asia- http://www.play-asia.com/?tagid=1351441 & @ AMAZON- http://geni.us/GXAmz ⮞ Get our Real Talk Podcast early for $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GameXplain

Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Surf 6 years ago 67,571 views

The Japanese variety show, Pokénchi, featured Pokémon's Junichi Masuda to introduce new content from Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee! And we finally got our first look at the HM replacement! Not only that but Surfing Pikachu is returning along with brand new moves for both Pikachu and Eevee. Get the details here! SOURCE: https://www.serebii.net/news/2018/08-September-2018.shtml --------------------------------- Follow GameXplain! --------------------------------- ➤ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/GameXplain ➤ FACEBOOK:: http://www.facebook.com/gamexplain ➤ TWITTER: http://twitter.com/GameXplain ➤ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gamexplain_official ➤ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/108004348435696627453 ⮞ Clothe yourself with our 2018 limited edition GX Flames shirt @ https://www.redbubble.com/people/gamexplain/ ⮞ Support us by shopping @ Play-Asia- http://www.play-asia.com/?tagid=1351441 & @ AMAZON- http://geni.us/GXAmz ⮞ Get our Real Talk Podcast early for $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GameXplain

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Most popular comments
for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

GenOner - 6 years ago
Pikachu has water moves , Evee fire moves... now imagine if they come up with a 3rd version with meowth !? to balance things out ? i feel like a 3rd version might fit in maybe with a diferent pokemon ...
1scarfe - 6 years ago
That Pikachu is surfing the web
Alex Liu
Alex Liu - 6 years ago
>Pikachu has a water type move
inb4 Pikachu gets ice beam
TheLMBLucas - 6 years ago
With every video, this is more and more for little kids
Last Son of Tennessee
Last Son of Tennessee - 6 years ago
So are you going to be able to switch out your starter in this game? Since they replace HMs and the Item Finder, I'm assuming you can't, which makes sense but also seems kind of wierd.
Natural Harmonia Gropius
Natural Harmonia Gropius - 6 years ago
Whatever it is, its still in the form of HM which we shouldn't need. I'm fine with PokeRide in Alola
T Zero
T Zero - 6 years ago
lol are we really stil talking about HM's in 2018? Sun/Moon/UltraSun/UltraMoon didn't have HM's either. doubt they would bring them back.
Nobody Important
Nobody Important - 6 years ago
So we get a surfing Eevee? F*** YEAH!
Epic Ninfia
Epic Ninfia - 6 years ago

10. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

Celtic Magician
Celtic Magician - 6 years ago
Personally glad that HMs are gone for good. That was a change for the better in Sun and Moon. Gives the player more of a chance to play around with their team (be it theming or just various strategies without having the constraints of losing valuable moves to HMs, or even relying on HM slaves).

I'm liking these new moves for Pika and Eevee too. Kind of curious about how they will work overall.
Elvis Doan
Elvis Doan - 6 years ago
Is no one gonna talk about whether surfing Pikachu will be in let's go Eevee?
TurnDown4Hwut - 6 years ago
Admittedly, this is probably one of the few good things LGPE is doing.
YuseiYgopro - 6 years ago
I just want six Vs six battle spot
And New mega
But mostly six vs six battle spot
Such a hassle to get full on 6 vs 6 battles wifi on sun and moon ultra >< Made it not fun What u thoughts on six vs six battle spot GameXplain?
Thy 72eaper
Thy 72eaper - 6 years ago
Is this all the news we got? This was lame and dum.
Richard Welch
Richard Welch - 6 years ago
Probably still not going to get this. I hope gen VIII is better.
Captain1455 - 6 years ago
Eevee can legally burn things
iBenjamin1000 - 6 years ago
Pokemon is streamlining hms and I love it. Fewer hms in xy, to special ride pokemon in sumo, to now even more accessible by your starter, and it won’t even take up a move slot. This will also force/incentivize players to keep the unevolved starter in their party. I’m glad to see eevee (and presumably pikachu) get something special so it doesn’t feel as bad not being able to evolve them.
Joshua Wood
Joshua Wood - 6 years ago
Please let Flareon have some physical fire moves at it's disposal, PLEASE.
Theitsybitsyspider - 6 years ago
Not so bad as long as Surf is a TM

20. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

Matt - 6 years ago
There was that screenshot of the trainer riding a lapras too. So it might not be limited to the starters.
iownu92 - 6 years ago
Remember how much trouble you originally had to go through to get pikachu to learn surf?
HeelNattans - 6 years ago
So we still have to keep the Eevee and Pikachu.... great
Yee McGee
Yee McGee - 6 years ago
Now give us balloon boi
Lisa Barnes
Lisa Barnes - 6 years ago
I mean the least he could do is let us return to Unova or Kalos post game. A full after story at least. And add the Pokeathon back in Kanto instead of Johto. Add new mini games and new rewards to the Pokeathon. Now that would be worth $60.
Professor Frankly Gaming
Professor Frankly Gaming - 6 years ago
By now I'm in team eevee
Zeroix Ghoul
Zeroix Ghoul - 6 years ago
Eh, likely still ditching them.
Moshe - 6 years ago
Pikachu and eever the ultimate HM slaves
Russ Whitsitt
Russ Whitsitt - 6 years ago
Cool, so game freak did the work for us by adding a non-optional hm slave to our party. Thanks!
Crono Sapien
Crono Sapien - 6 years ago

30. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

RGkong - 6 years ago
I’m not trying to see the same stuff in this Nintendo Direct man :(
Samet Hayranoglu
Samet Hayranoglu - 6 years ago
Nothing will save this garbage
The GloryXros
The GloryXros - 6 years ago
Cool....but still not enough to get me to buy it.
MG - 6 years ago
If pikachu takes out a random sword and slices trees downs this might actually be worth the buy
Bill Fusion
Bill Fusion - 6 years ago
Good, no HMs!
Kevin - 6 years ago
I want hms back
Sebastian goymour
Sebastian goymour - 6 years ago
HMs were such a pain back in the day..especially cut and flash
nemengeholz - 6 years ago
completely unexciting. The games still look really bad.
Metroid4ever - 6 years ago
And before anybody says anything about abilities, they do NOT exist in LGPE, the footage with Eevee using that fire attack on Magnemite is MANIPULATED FOOTAGE to make it seem like abilities are still there. Any core player will know that the Sturdy message always appears before status infliction messages. No Sturdy message, no Sturdy. They would not change that after all these years.

Stats were probably messed with so that Eevee's fire attack did not KO the Magnemite like it should have been able to, because they wanted to show off how it inflicts burn status.
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
Magnemite could have magnet pull. But still it seems that abilities aren't in the game because in the trailers for mega Kangaskhan we didn't see Parental Bond and Mega Charizard Y didn't activate Drought
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
But we wouldn't understand it because it's in japanese
Wiktor Zywicki
Wiktor Zywicki - 6 years ago
I liked hms they gave pokemon deeper meaning than just battling... i guess gen 6 was last and the best gen for me.
ツPit - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who's not interested in this game? I just don't find it interesting enough to waste money on it.
Torokami 110
Torokami 110 - 6 years ago
Honestly the surfboard is dumb, how does it move without waves? It's not like Pokémon is the most logical game in existence, but this is stupid...
Favna - 6 years ago
Despite the new move Flareon will still suck. In fact, 10 bets it is going to be a special fire type move LOL
That Guy Bryan
That Guy Bryan - 6 years ago
Didn’t the original Red/Blue/Yellow have a surfboard item that was cut? Maybe this is a way of bringing it back.
nilkonom - 6 years ago
thats actually cool. i hope they are going to include flying pikachu/eevee too
Sonic171000 - 6 years ago
Still trash.
Mark Cook
Mark Cook - 6 years ago
Flare burn the replacement for flash perhaps?
PikaSparkle485 - 6 years ago
Cool! I may saw Surf Pikachu in the Anime, but not in the game! I hope that they will add him with Balloons too! :D
FRAX IBERO - 6 years ago
Trainer Shade
Trainer Shade - 6 years ago
Oh hey, something Let's Go P/E related that I can say something new about!

Honestly the HM replacement wasn't a surprise, the progression to this is really obvious and acceptable (though I must say, RIP the Bidoof line).

On the topic of "Splash Surf"... it's already looking like a "why was this needed?" type of move. I suppose it can give the Pikachu line a more easily accessible Water type attack. However at which case, I must ask, why not just give them a normal method of obtaining Surf?

Now to end off on "Flare Burn". Based on the image, it appears to be a physical Fire type attack. Furthermore it is a physical Fire type attack that Eevee is using. Here's to hoping that it's something useful to Flareon, as I'd love an excuse to use it (that is, if Flareon is accessible in the game after Let's Go P/E).

Though overall, this doesn't even remotely change my opinion of these games.

50. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

Xander J17
Xander J17 - 6 years ago
The difference is that Pikachu used Splash Surf, but nothing happened.
You[']r[e] wrong
You[']r[e] wrong - 6 years ago
Eevee just became more dangoutus in LC.
You[']r[e] wrong
You[']r[e] wrong - 6 years ago
Hopefully Splash Surf doesn't have 30% burn chance anymore. Scald flashbacks.
Guardian Of Anime
Guardian Of Anime - 6 years ago
Flare blitz + blast burn = flare burn
NANI?! Eevee Going To Have a OP Move I See
conoce las letras Best dvd ever Luxo jr lover
conoce las letras Best dvd ever Luxo jr lover - 6 years ago
A new update for wii u for now
Kingdom Of Sweden
Kingdom Of Sweden - 6 years ago
You are forced to have pikachu or Eevee in your party. RIP nuzlocke playthroughs...
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
+Kingdom Of Sweden I know I'm talking about nuzlockes in general
Kingdom Of Sweden
Kingdom Of Sweden - 6 years ago
EthanWantsToBattle there are no HMs there are ride pokemon again
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
in nuzlocke you can still use a dead mon for HM purposes but not for battle. you can also just catch something just to teach it HMs if this is the only way to progress
theteamrpmgfs - 6 years ago
Yeah but those "true fans" would probably say nuzlocks aren't apart of game or something
VonFirflirch - 6 years ago
I'm hoping fan artists draw Pikachu and Eevee-styled iron balls attached to the player characters ;)
SHNorria - 6 years ago
Sooo...the pika/eev do something/ or summon something yada yada for the hm's as replacements....now im curious about how fly will work. Will pika and the trainer fly away on a bunch of balloons like the flying pika...? XD or maybe they will cry out for a flying type to come pick ya up? Idk

Just me being curious lol
reginlief1 - 6 years ago
These moves are so weird...
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
When are they gonna reveal the new pokemon???

So that I won't need to watch these let's go garbage and let's go trash videos
Red - 6 years ago
Still not the core RPG People want.
Ucha Nekome
Ucha Nekome - 6 years ago
I hope they give Eevee boosted stats. Cause with a light ball Pikachu out powers Eevee.
DDub 64
DDub 64 - 6 years ago
This game has lost hype with me over past few months. I think I'm good. Or will play it if I could get it for like 30 buxxx
Yuri Ridley
Yuri Ridley - 6 years ago
New Funky Mode?
Rowan Copeland
Rowan Copeland - 6 years ago
It's a paddle board!!
kaialone - 6 years ago
I want HMs back :^/
Nero Biblios
Nero Biblios - 6 years ago
Hang 20 Pokemon Masters!
Copyrightbreaker22 - 6 years ago
That’s actually super cute.
TravelocityKirby - 6 years ago
Just waiting on Erika’s design before I can fully ignore this game. :P
TravelocityKirby - 6 years ago
Damn right. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
VonFirflirch - 6 years ago
You too, eh? ;)
Sasuke Hiro
Sasuke Hiro - 6 years ago
Oh nice. Still not buying and hope it underperforms sales wise so we don’t get anymore hand holding games or Kanto related stuff like this from Gamefreak.
John Doherty
John Doherty - 6 years ago
This is probably only for the special Pikachu/Eevee you get at the start, right?
Grün - 6 years ago
so you are not allowed to take you starter out of the party because they are required for hms?
wow, thats even worse than hms themself! the game has absolutely no freedom!
Teh Derpy Afro
Teh Derpy Afro - 6 years ago
Kieran O`Donnell
Kieran O`Donnell - 6 years ago
yall are asking if this is a direct leak and im sitting here wondering why they havent posted a blog last friday on the smash site
Christian Boustani
Christian Boustani - 6 years ago
Now all we need is a balloon flying move and the pokemon yellow opening will have finally come true after all these years.
Ryan - 6 years ago
I forgot that this game was coming out...
Dust - 6 years ago
so you're forced to carry Eevee and Pikachu on your team to proceed? It's even worse than before
Dillon Stolz
Dillon Stolz - 6 years ago
“It’s nothing too big or earthshattering” ...unfortunate choice of words there bud. :/
Angel Williams
Angel Williams - 6 years ago
Guys I stopped playing Pokemon go to play Aircoins new VR game. Aircoins Will Replace Pokemon Go With its Crypto Earning Game! On Apple and android app stores. I earned over $200 US worth of crypto in one month! An update later will allow players to cash out or even trade with other players.
MrFanboy24 - 6 years ago
Just to clarify because I don't think he explained it very well: these new "moves" do NOT take up a move slot. They're basically the same as Pokerides or a key item, just through your partner Pokemon instead.
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
the techniques for cut and surf don't take a slot. the two new water and fire moves can be used in battle
Samuel Welsch
Samuel Welsch - 6 years ago
I want HM's again.
Insert clever name here
Insert clever name here - 6 years ago
This game would of been cool, if it was on the 3ds and had normal battles
EpicPwu™ - 6 years ago
The graphics are so good.
Kostner Guyton
Kostner Guyton - 6 years ago
Nintendo isn’t going to have anything to reveal . Morally they made the right choice to delay, but business wise I think this will prove to be a mistake especially to investors who have been underwhelmed with Nintendo this year and their line up. I hope I’m wrong and Nintendo blows us away.
nerd of now
nerd of now - 6 years ago
I'd still rather have HMs
TheGrandRevo - 6 years ago
So far not interested and let’s go already failed my interest there’s is nothing it can offer that’ll be worth a purchase due to removing far too much
Dj bolanis
Dj bolanis - 6 years ago
Thank God, I hate HMs
Terry Mercury
Terry Mercury - 6 years ago
Not sure if I'll buy yet, but the fact there's no HM is definitely good. And it's also nice to have new moves for those Pokemon.
Luis - 6 years ago
0:42 R I S E
Jon Kotowich
Jon Kotowich - 6 years ago
I'm still hella hyped for this game!
Storm Legend
Storm Legend - 6 years ago
Traded in my switch for a 3DS XL and I’m loving this system. Picked up some Pokémon games and Zelda Ocarina of time. The switch was disappointing
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
Jowe - 6 years ago
Ok.... Sure....
AcemanXD - 6 years ago
Gen 1 without HMs? Okay I'll get the game.
HackerHaunter - 6 years ago
but... why a fire move for Eevee? what benefits Eevee as a Normal type pokemon?

a Surfing Pikachu benefits it perfectly because it helps cover the only Electric weakness, Ground-type.

For Eevee, it would've been a better idea to give it maybe a Fighting type move or a Ghost type move to cover its weakness.

well, better than nothing. i guess it can help out burn out trees lol.
VonFirflirch - 6 years ago
It could be useful getting a burn on Fighting types I guess, to keep them crippled even after they kill you. Because they probably will ;)
Joseph18481 - 6 years ago
They gave eevee a fucking knife
fight_and_die 157
fight_and_die 157 - 6 years ago
100,000 Subscribers W/ No Videos?
100,000 Subscribers W/ No Videos? - 6 years ago
This game is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen
BlackRaveBow - 6 years ago
I’ll watch a play through when the game drops.
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
This game is a Cash grab, and It's XY but in Kanto.
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
well I can't bash XY too hard since they at least introduced Mega evolutions and made my charizard a beast. But I think that it's a downgrade compare to previous games and even bigger downgrade is gen 7 and then we get to pokémon let's go...
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
Rated R That's my opinion :) So how about you fuck off shithead.
AbdallahSmash026#1Fan - 6 years ago
Wiktor Zywicki No way. They’re some of the worst. In fact, if you count FRLG as part of Gen 1 and HGSS as part of Gen 2, I’d argue that Gen 6 is indeed the worst.
Lisa Barnes
Lisa Barnes - 6 years ago
Rated R Bad opinion, but still an opinion....
Rated R
Rated R - 6 years ago
Ducktetive Duck JR it his opinion you fuck off
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
Wiktor Zywicki The best? fuck outta here.
Wiktor Zywicki
Wiktor Zywicki - 6 years ago
X and y were awesome and still are the best pokemon games
CHRISTIAN R. - 6 years ago
Mathew Ricafrente x and y is no where near as bad as 06. And this is no where near as bad as Boom.
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
It's like XY, the Sonic'06 of Pokémon, except somehow worse in nearly every area. Let's Go is now the Sonic Boom of Pokémon.
Blazing Lion
Blazing Lion - 6 years ago
still does not justify a purchase.
Brandon00151 - 6 years ago
Brock: Ha! Using a Pikachu against my rock type Pokemon! A huge mistake!

(Pikachu used Splash Surf) Its super effective!

Brock: O_O
artistafrustrado - 6 years ago
glad we finally got the return of Surf Pikachu, also heck yeah thanks for keeping the Party HMs in the trash where they belong, they weren't even good for strategy moveset building

100. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!

Morton's Castle
Morton's Castle - 6 years ago
Just gonna wait for gen 8 or gen 4 remakes
Michael Strong
Michael Strong - 6 years ago
...well then I think that's a great decision.
TheBusinessSquid - 6 years ago
The bibarrels can finally be set free
Jack The Lightning Ripper
Jack The Lightning Ripper - 6 years ago
If the partner Pikachu and partner Eevee will be able to do that, I hope it doesn't screw with their movesets and just remain side skills they can do in the field only, similar to how the Ride Pokemon were handled. Just anything that doesn't at least emulate the HM feeling is good with me.
Weirdizo - 6 years ago
Lets e honest here, the only use HM's had inside the games were Fly & Surf the rest always went on a HM slave's.
Gideon Johnson
Gideon Johnson - 6 years ago
If Flare Burn is a physical move, then that means Flareon will get a new stab fire move.
Gunner Bills
Gunner Bills - 6 years ago
Wonder how Fly will work in these games then.
Robert Verdugo
Robert Verdugo - 6 years ago
Wait I have use pikachu/eevee to call upon another pokemon to cut trees down?

That sounds like alot of button presses...

Nah man im sorry, that is just way too difficult for my fragile mind to comprehend, what is this the DARK SOULS OF POKEMON GAMES!?

I think im gonna have to cancel my preorder and get a more casual game for my switch, like Diablo 3.
Doom Mood15
Doom Mood15 - 6 years ago
DarkshadowXD63 - 6 years ago
I still need a Switch lol
El Yoshi Huaso del Bio bio
El Yoshi Huaso del Bio bio - 6 years ago
I was very excited for the game... But now Don't wanna pay 44.990 $CLP for this. I feel with one new notice from this game, give me more reasons for don't buy it.
hanyolo - 6 years ago
Its just... not a working game right now
francisco guerra
francisco guerra - 6 years ago
im loving it
Dikai the warrior
Dikai the warrior - 6 years ago
Forget every complaint I gave! This is the best Pokémon game!
mbgov1133 - 6 years ago
I hope that Eevee Fire move means we can burn down trees instead of cut now
Classy Marowak
Classy Marowak - 6 years ago
This reminds me of the unused item in Pokemon Red labeled ???? that worked like a surfboard when used. Seems like they reused this concept for this game.
Azur3Phoenix - 6 years ago
Wait...is it Splash Surf of Flash Surf? you said 2 different things there, Derrick. :/
Azur3Phoenix - 6 years ago
Yeah, NOW it is since we got the official name and all. But in THIS video, Derrick does say 2 different things. :/
Marrow Marrow no Mi
Marrow Marrow no Mi - 6 years ago
Azur3Phoenix it's splishy splash actually
BillyKoopaKid - 6 years ago
"The sonic series always copies others moves"
Pikachu: hold my beer
NintenDweeb - 6 years ago
If bow tie pikachu makes this game a 10/10, surfing pikachu makes it a 11/10
Dad_Shoes - 6 years ago
This is exactly what I've wanted; field move slots that don't take up regular move slots. PokeRide felt kind of out of place, so I'm glad that this is how they're replacing it.
MrGamernova - 6 years ago
It'd be awesome to have a surfing Pikachu Amiibo that not only gives you a Pikachu with surf in pokemon games, but even gives you a Pikachu Amiibo fighter with Surf as it's up B.
Dave J
Dave J - 6 years ago

no cloud saves.
Lshards 1991
Lshards 1991 - 6 years ago
Who else hated that you need an HM slave just to get up to Red in Heartgold, SoulSilver etc.
Isaac Nevarez
Isaac Nevarez - 6 years ago
Oh my Arceus! I think we’re gonna get Pikachu’s Beach back!
CSolarstorm - 6 years ago
I was assuming the Pokemon that you can ride/Pokemon that followed you would automatically be able to do HM moves like the PokeRide pager Pokemon in Sun and Moon. That would be more believable than Pikachu and Eevee doing every single move -- how is Pikachu going to fly, for instance? Is Eevee really going to push huge boulders? I thought we were literally going to be able to fly with Charizard or Pigeot in the first slot of our party. It's actually one of the reasons I was excited for the game...
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
I don't think the starters will replace all HMs. besides we saw that you surf with Lapras like in X/Y
Honchbr0 - 6 years ago
Congrats on 1 MIL :D
You deserve it gamexplain!
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
I wasnt sure that I was going to get pokemon let's go but the return of surfing pikachu makes me want to throw money at my nearest gamestop

And yes pikachu libre is the only reason I bought pokken tournament and oras as well as why i am hyped for smash ultimate
Lshards 1991
Lshards 1991 - 6 years ago
Broken Pikachu again
Derek Washburn
Derek Washburn - 6 years ago
So what you're saying is, your starter Pokemon is now your designated HM slave? ;)
The Commentor
The Commentor - 6 years ago
Now who will cut a Surge Tree Now?
Mikey Hendersonn
Mikey Hendersonn - 6 years ago
Thank god.. a good channel that doesn't "rush" to upload news. You uploaded fast, but had accurate information and translations. Keep it up! :)
Iron Pyrous
Iron Pyrous - 6 years ago
1:40 that’s a male eevee !
Mulch Mantillo
Mulch Mantillo - 6 years ago
Yeah, but what is there that's NEW new? Besides those few new moves.
Arcanekid92 - 6 years ago
I wish i cared about this
sazhuy - 6 years ago
I hope the fire move is a viable physical move that can make Flareon good.
JamporkFilms - 6 years ago
Holy molly Pikachu and eevee gonna become OU Metta real quick with there stat changes and move pull overhaul combined with light ball and evoboost. its gonna get messy.
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
komasan 2001
komasan 2001 - 6 years ago
when are you going to review yo-kai watch blasters?
Andy Benji
Andy Benji - 6 years ago
Still haven't seen enough to convince me to buy this, but one of the things I did like about Sun and Moon was you weren't required to have a HM slave in your party allowing you a bit more freedom with your team, so it's nice to see they've kept that at least.
Arc Ray
Arc Ray - 6 years ago
the more we hear about small Nintendo stuff the more i feel like some of it was going to be in that direct that was delayed.
Dylan Shadowstar
Dylan Shadowstar - 6 years ago
Anyone have a feeling with all these trailers dropping they just decided to forget the direct?
Alan Wilkinson
Alan Wilkinson - 6 years ago
"Splash Surf" I kinda get, but what's Flare Burn's job?
Evan Banks
Evan Banks - 6 years ago
Derrick!? You're back from your vacation!?
Mudkip971 - 6 years ago
I just hope this game don't mess up people collecting ribbons for Ribbon Masters
Odyssey - 6 years ago
Who else actually wants the direct too leak this time?
Danimations - 6 years ago
No one better dislike on my Pikaboi.
MOtherMetroid - 6 years ago
Don't trust edited comments!

Edit: Get it?
DaFro3713 - 6 years ago
Still going to get annihilated by Smash Bros Ultimate
therobotchickenMLP - 6 years ago
Finally! Something interesting and not eye-roll-inducing!
Squid Kid
Squid Kid - 6 years ago
is it just me or does the trainer on the surfboard look different from the trailers, so maybe hair customization might come back
tyler chou
tyler chou - 6 years ago
Since I am getting Let's Go Pikachu, how do i get the exclusive fire move for eevee in order to burn through the tree obstacles? Do i have to catch a regular eevee?
Paul Scott
Paul Scott - 6 years ago
Ooof, is that a static Eevee model using the fire attack?
Seems like Game Freak is being lazy with animation here, there's no personality in this game.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Paul Scott I know but Pokenchi proves not a single model is static
Paul Scott
Paul Scott - 6 years ago
Judging by other videos there seems to be an animation downgrade from the core 3DS Pokemon games.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
Dude that's a screenshot not the actual gameplay footage i saw the pokenchi trailer trust me
Centbair Furiues
Centbair Furiues - 6 years ago
Isn't it a call back of Blue and Red?
Firecraft 703
Firecraft 703 - 6 years ago
Yeah... Team Eevee for me
Goodroid - 6 years ago
Still not impressed and I don't think I ever will be. Waves are what let you surf in the first place, waves pushing the board. are there going to be waves in these tiny ponds or are you actually going to row. If it shows you rowing then its okay but if you stand there the whole time not doing anything it won't make sense and it will look weird. And splash surf? certain Pikachu could already learn surf why not just let him learn surf again? Plus its a terrible name that's just a combination of two other existing moves. Literally the worst game ever made. Trying to bring together casuals and hard core fans? This has done the exact opposite and I hope they learn their lesson and don't plan on this game (if you want to call it that) to sell very well. Idk who thought that this garbage would be a good idea but I hope that they recognized their mistake.
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
it's just a video game. you are mad for a surf board not following physics when we have a bag that can fit infinite items and a bike? also he clarified that this is not the final names for the moves
JT LDrago94
JT LDrago94 - 6 years ago
Gen 8 move someday?
roy king
roy king - 6 years ago
Well shit Now I have to buy it , that's "Totally worth $60".....( - _-)
Jazzy Jefferson
Jazzy Jefferson - 6 years ago
This is good news. Since Sun and Moon finally got rid of them.
The era of HM Slavery is over.
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
DarkAura95 - 6 years ago
What is this... HM Slavery...?
EM11212 - 6 years ago
+Grün Actually, they'd be said the Pikachu/Eevee will stay on your shoulder even when in the PC, that means you'll probably be able to use their Hms too.
TheSuperEan300 - 6 years ago
Mathew Ricafrente But aren’t all of the main Pokémon games were for handheld consoles?
Lisa Barnes
Lisa Barnes - 6 years ago
In that case, they should make cut more powerful (60-70 based power) and make it a grass type move.
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+The PK Boys It's slow and handholdy
The PK Boys
The PK Boys - 6 years ago
+Mathew Ricafrente Oh. I know you don't like gen 6. I don't really like gen 6 either, but why don't you like gen 7? I loved Sun and Moon.
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+The PK Boys I do like Pokémon, from Gens 1-5.
The PK Boys
The PK Boys - 6 years ago
+Mathew Ricafrente I thought you didn't like Pokemon anymore...
Wiktor Zywicki
Wiktor Zywicki - 6 years ago
+MarioPlays ROBLOX and more cut has more value than freaking stealth rock as all hm moves even flash.
MarioPlays ROBLOX and more
MarioPlays ROBLOX and more - 6 years ago
Jazzy Jefferson
A trainer teaches a Pokemon the move Cut
Me: What a waste.
Karina Peters
Karina Peters - 6 years ago
Bidoof and zigzagoon can rest in peace
Wiktor Zywicki
Wiktor Zywicki - 6 years ago
For me it never startered. Actually i like hms and no im not a genoner
Cobalt - 6 years ago
brings in a massive death laser to dispose of the remains of the HMs
Alejandro López
Alejandro López - 6 years ago
when you tell me hm slavery lasted for 7 generations that sounds like a choice to me
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+Grün Let's Go is a step backwards from everything, probably to the point where it's in hell, where it should stay!
Grün - 6 years ago
nope, now you are forced to have pikachu/eevee in your party. its a huge step backwards compared to sun/moon
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+Robman14 You could've broken them like actual discs! Or do what I did to Pokémon Y and melt the shit out of it with a flamethrower!
syxodude91 - 6 years ago
Should have flung those HMs like Clay Discs before shooting them.
Doom Mood15
Doom Mood15 - 6 years ago
+Robman14 missed a spot brings in a sledge hammer to finish the job
Robman14 - 6 years ago
Well won't need these anymore!

(Throws HM disks on the ground and shoots them with a gun)
Super Top Secret Area
Super Top Secret Area - 6 years ago
+Mathew Ricafrente
Train them to become Curse sweepers.
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
But what am I supposed to do with all of these Bibarel?!
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
+UBF [Unbiased Bucs Fan] yeah. I've seen alot of people still give flareon shit even though it has flare blitz so idk why people are trying to defend that
UBF [Unbiased Bucs Fan]
UBF [Unbiased Bucs Fan] - 6 years ago
It depends on the situation. Flare Blitz prioritizes on damage output, able to KO Confirm many opponents. A 60 Base Damage attack, while it is good that it has no disadvantages, lacks any sort of KO power that Flare Blitz has. While some Pokémon like Entei & Arcanine can utilize Flare Blitz well (due to their potent defenses), Flareon lacks that above-average defense stats. Thus, I don't think Flareon is a good user of Flare Blitz.
You[']r[e] wrong
You[']r[e] wrong - 6 years ago
Leonardo Farias 120 with recoil >>>>> 60 without disadvantages.
AbdallahSmash026#1Fan - 6 years ago
UBF [Unbiased Bucs Fan] Flareon got Flare Blitz in Gen 6. Too bad it’s slow and has bad defenses, so it doesn’t matter anyway.
Triforce Jman
Triforce Jman - 6 years ago
UBF [Unbiased Bucs Fan] the starter eevee can’t be evolved, and it’s believed that you can’t remove your starter from the party, making breeding to pass the move on not an option
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+You[']r[e] wrong that doesn't involve recoil right?
You[']r[e] wrong
You[']r[e] wrong - 6 years ago
Flare Blitz.
Kingdom Of Sweden
Kingdom Of Sweden - 6 years ago
UBF [Unbiased Bucs Fan] what about flare blitz?
ProjectXANA - 6 years ago
does it take up a move slot, i heard it doesnt but since its considered a new move im confused now
S B - 6 years ago
Let's Go Ryhdon! Use Surf!
Trainer Sean
Trainer Sean - 6 years ago
This and the new sprites are the only things about the game that I like so far lol
Ryan Garza
Ryan Garza - 6 years ago
Still waiting for new mega evolutions
duba bud
duba bud - 6 years ago
Waiting for 2019...
salmonelas123 - 6 years ago
Did you just said that 1:28
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
Pokémon let it go...
Maybe next game
TheNCSmaster - 6 years ago
And not a single fuck was given that day
André Corazza Miguens
André Corazza Miguens - 6 years ago
I wonder how they will replace fly
Meneer Guus
Meneer Guus - 6 years ago
I wonder whats for dinner...
Calibur - 6 years ago
So since there are new moves could that mean a few new pokemon to or kantonian forms of one's for later generations. I don't really remember if any other previous remakes had new moves added.
Torrential Breeze98
Torrential Breeze98 - 6 years ago
And how does this convince me to buy this game?
Vinnisl a
Vinnisl a - 6 years ago
It removes everything tedious about the first gen. No more Zubat grinding, no more HM slavery and as a bonus you can play it co-op. Sounds perfect
Elvis Doan
Elvis Doan - 6 years ago
Alpha - 6 years ago
Will we get the Pokémon stadium mini game?
David Chidester
David Chidester - 6 years ago
I want to be excited for this game. I just can't justify the huge price tag.
thebostonbandit66 - 6 years ago
Balloon pikachu?
Lunar Sprite
Lunar Sprite - 6 years ago
Despite what people say about this game I’m gonna get it and enjoy going thur kanto, this game looks enjoyable and relaxing
Grün - 6 years ago
as long as youre. not looking for a challange im sure you will enjoy the game :D
Demon The Kitsune
Demon The Kitsune - 6 years ago
But I want to RIDE THE LAPRAS!!
Vester&Friends - 6 years ago
Common, first Sun and Moon, now this? I miss HMs! :(
ethan stein
ethan stein - 6 years ago
ChesuMori - 6 years ago
That... is not how surfboards work.
King Ping Bell
King Ping Bell - 6 years ago
Ugh why do they have to keep removing HMs, they are a core part of the game...
Luke Wisniewski
Luke Wisniewski - 6 years ago
That means I can’t box my starter and catch a Pikachu/Eevee that can actually evolve without using HMs?

Fernando's Randimations
Fernando's Randimations - 6 years ago
Finally when I use a surf board in game I am just gonna sound like a surfer just saying radical
DryBones271 - 6 years ago
So... how will fly work then?
Surubuu - 6 years ago
As much as I don't care for Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee, happy to see how they're handling the HMs
Militant Pacifist
Militant Pacifist - 6 years ago
So Pikachu and Eevee get a unique move but not Waluigi?
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee - 6 years ago
Just what are you exactly talking about anyway?
Fenne Dan
Fenne Dan - 6 years ago
+ThiroSmash you hnow the meme too ? XD
ThiroSmash - 6 years ago
It's time to stop
Fenne Dan
Fenne Dan - 6 years ago
+Chill but Waluigi is not a pokemon. XD
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
Pikachu libre deserves better treatment #thewaluigib4waluigi
Chill - 6 years ago
Because Waluigi is the best pokemon.
Fenne Dan
Fenne Dan - 6 years ago
Why you talk about Waluigi ?
Epholos - 6 years ago
Surfing is fine as long as we don´t get the horrendously done hm replacements that soon and moon did
Josh Creel
Josh Creel - 6 years ago
I totally thought of this idea ahead of time, to make eevee appealing for people to buy that version it has moves that type to each evolution as I remember hearing somewhere you can't evolve pikachu or eevee
OrganicStuff1 - 6 years ago
I got the legit Pikachu surf from the Pokémon stadium n64 fuck all these cheating niggas
Rock - 6 years ago
Potatochief - 6 years ago
VonFirflirch that’s fair
VonFirflirch - 6 years ago
Gamefreak doesn't do "logic". Remember, they're the same people who took four generations to make Punch attacks physical x)
Edu D
Edu D - 6 years ago
Ahh that's so cool
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
Surfing Pikachu is cool but HMs not returning is awesome
King Ping Bell
King Ping Bell - 6 years ago
That's why I like the older games, more difficulty is fun for me in almost any way, which is why I'm not a normie who uses Legendary Pokemon on my team, I find them boring as shit and they don't provide any challenge, I like HMs because yes they provide difficulty and they are a lot more fun to use than Ride Pokemon if you aren't giving up a slot just for an HM Slave, Only cases where this is a bad thing are with stuff like Fly because a lot Pokemon that should learn it can't. The only bad HM I can even recall is Whirpool, because of how little it is used and how weak it is but every other normal HM is fine honestly.
AbdallahSmash026#1Fan - 6 years ago
King Ping Bell I realize hope this was sarcasm. HMs are just plain annoying to deal with it and artificially create difficulty because you have to either sacrifice moveslots on your Pokémon or have a dedicated HM slave.
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
King Ping Bell, no. HM slaves are rubbish nonsense and I am glad they got rid of that stupid sh!t.

It does not even ruin the experience of playing through a pokemon game, because you get to build your team just the way you want it.
King Ping Bell
King Ping Bell - 6 years ago
HMs are amazing though, Ride Pokemon ruined a lot of the Sun and Moon experience for me.
Richard Ford
Richard Ford - 6 years ago
Aren't you supposed to be on break Derrick? C'mon lad, give yourself some time off!
Whovian2018 - 6 years ago
So... they are going to do HMs but not call them HMs? Also, it's weird that new moves are being introduced in what was said to not be a main series game. Will these moves be exclusive to these games? Plus, we see a Lapras being used to surf in the trailers so will some pokemon be able to use HMs, are will they just replace HMs with these new moves?
keybladesrus - 6 years ago
And I continue to be utterly unimpressed.
theteamrpmgfs - 6 years ago
+TheDawsonfan7this owned got so hard that monaka could feel it
TheDawsonfan7 - 6 years ago
Its pokemon for babies pretty much since theres no hard thinking or any basic strategy at all.
keybladesrus - 6 years ago
I keep looking out for news on this game for something, ANYTHING, to make me want it, but it's looking like a hard pass for me. First Game Freak developed Pokemon game that I'm skipping, and that hurts. Some Switch debut...
Chaos89P - 6 years ago
You too? There's still nothing, aside from being able to have a Venusaur galumphing behind you, that is making me think "I must get this game!"
Juan44444 Gomez4444
Juan44444 Gomez4444 - 6 years ago
Can we get amiibo functionality
Bob - 6 years ago
"It's nothing big or earthshattering"

Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
But that rubbish isn't worth $60. I hope these games fail so we don't get any let's go nonsense ever again
PrayashLand - 6 years ago
I mean so does Beyoncé
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Bunny McRaddish inside of the battles in original Yellow Pikachu didn't have a surfboard neither a offensive move
Zeroix Ghoul
Zeroix Ghoul - 6 years ago
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
And how is that a big deal? It isn't really anything new or interesting.

The only good news is that they are permanently replacing hms. Game looks rubbish imo
Xhere是亜論月 Rongestzu
Xhere是亜論月 Rongestzu - 6 years ago
Dust - 6 years ago
Yeah... Since Pokémon Yellow... Released nearly 20 years ago...
Kenneth Kay
Kenneth Kay - 6 years ago
New moves! water move using pikachu! You did it gamefreak, you added something new, now i'm happy. Can I switch my lets go eevee pre orer to pikachu? I really want to use a water attacking pikachu. Or will regular pikachu get the move too?
Kenneth Kay
Kenneth Kay - 6 years ago
+Niamh I know but I like the idea of having multiple water move options for a pikachu. I hope it does not replace surf altogether.
Niamh - 6 years ago
You can get a Pikachu that knows Surf in UltraSun/Moon, so it's nothing new.
HeavyDonkeyKong - 6 years ago
But can you surf on a mantine?
SnivyLink - 6 years ago
So it’s come to this....I actually have no interest in this game at all wow. That’s sad huh
Don't steal my diamonds :V
Don't steal my diamonds :V - 6 years ago
I don't know how things are going in Hokkaido right now, but since Nintendo to my knowledge hasn't said anything since the delay, I assume there's still a lot of recovering to do. I respect Nintendo for delaying the direct, but at the same time I can't help but be impatient for some kind of statement on it, so I at least know around how long I'll have to wait. Until then I guess I'll just continue to refresh my sub feed and the direct page on the official site every two or three hours...

ugh heck u earthquak i want my dircte now ug at of least anounse location in time of it please ninteond
wernt0 - 6 years ago
+Chaos89P There was a direct September 13th last year so they might be basing it off that since there hasn't been any official date yet
Chaos89P - 6 years ago
Nathan Burnett I literally just heard the 13th. This was from a reply from a couple comments up. Either way, we don't have to wait too long. I'm just bummed that the earthquake happened at all, not that it delayed the Direct. 40 people missing, last I heard...
Nathan Burnett
Nathan Burnett - 6 years ago
Sept. 12th I heard
Seth Anderson
Seth Anderson - 6 years ago
Patience is a virtue, my friend.
Avalon304 - 6 years ago
I miss HMs.
Sebi The Hunter
Sebi The Hunter - 6 years ago
What HM’s are? (What does that mean)
ZNemerald - 6 years ago
Moves that you can teach your pokemon but are hard to get rid of unlike normal moves and are mandatory to progress the game.
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
Hidden moves
BlaxxShadow - 6 years ago
I just wanna thank you guys for managing to keep this under 2 minutes. Most of the pokemon fan channels videos on this are over 10 minutes, which I assume to be a coincidence....<_<
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
All of those fanboys are money begging human garbage scumbags. Irritates me when I see a single point being stretched out forever
A Person With a Name
A Person With a Name - 6 years ago
How tf do you spend over 10 minutes talking about a surfboard....
Phoebe LaRose
Phoebe LaRose - 6 years ago
But where's our Surfing Eevee?
mechashadow - 6 years ago
Right in time for your surfing retreat huh, Derrick?
No Hat Toad
No Hat Toad - 6 years ago
LOL pictures imig
TrickyLover - 6 years ago
I actually liked HMs
King Ping Bell
King Ping Bell - 6 years ago
Exactly, like I hated all but 2 of the Ride Pokemon available in Sun and Moon which were Mudsdale and Stoutland and of course they were the 2 that had basically no use over Tauros.
TrickyLover - 6 years ago
Star Of The Show If it we’re Pokemon I like or that were actually mine I would enjoy it, but they’re rented Pokémon that aren’t even yours. That’s why I hate the removal of HMs
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
I'd much rather ride pokemon than be stuck with a move I have to use
King Ping Bell
King Ping Bell - 6 years ago
Me too, Ride Pokemon and that shit is just boring.
Justin Spiegler
Justin Spiegler - 6 years ago
So, I probably can’t trade Eevee over to another game and evolve it? Crud...
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
+King Ping Bell why? ORAS had berries and secret bases. and if you don't like fairy types you can always not use them
King Ping Bell
King Ping Bell - 6 years ago
I do not want that, they will ruin it with stuff like Ride Pokemon and Z moves and then not to mention Fairy types which will make things a lot easier. As well as the fact hey will probably get rid of honey trees sadly.
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
yotubesocialhd2 - 6 years ago
But how will Pikachu handle flying in Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu & Eevee?
KenMantheUltimate - 6 years ago
Balloons strapped to its back. Or it calls the Pokemon Jet.
Jenffry Colón
Jenffry Colón - 6 years ago
Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington - 6 years ago
heck this game
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta - 6 years ago
Buying game because of surfing pikachu!
Andres E. Gomez M.
Andres E. Gomez M. - 6 years ago
At least they still keep HMs away from here, so that's a good thing
coolworld123456 - 6 years ago
So your starter is a HM slave
Grün - 6 years ago
+Cj Moncrief
but if i dont want to use them im fu****, because im forced to do: hm slave confirmed.
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
But without the tacked on moves that hinders its potential (if a pikachu and eevee had battling potential since they can't evolv.....I'm gonna shut up now)
Vu Pham
Vu Pham - 6 years ago
That is kinda Interesting! Pikachu can use Splash Surf and Eevee can use Flare Burn. That will be the Pokemon's Idea.
Kid That knows nothing About Music and Draws
Kid That knows nothing About Music and Draws - 6 years ago
Now give him a bunch of balloons
NatsuGaming 74
NatsuGaming 74 - 6 years ago
Luigi won that battles some months ago
Number 5 - Colostomy Bag
Number 5 - Colostomy Bag - 6 years ago
that when u fly to another city boi
wernt0 - 6 years ago
There's an official image showing Pikachu surfing on some lightning bolts with balloons in the background so it's likely that Pikachu will have some balloons to fly
Higgle D. Piggle
Higgle D. Piggle - 6 years ago
Well, this eevee doesn't evolve, but... potentially good fire move for flareon? Somehow??
Finally Free
Finally Free - 6 years ago
El cactus de la muerte they will be more powerful lol
VictoryIsMudkipz - 6 years ago
if you can trade between let's go and the 2019 Pokemon game like Surfing/Flying Pikachu in earlier games, then you'll be able to breed it down or evolve it. Im looking ahead
Albond - 6 years ago
+VictoryIsMudkipz I doubt they'll be able to learn it
WhiteInk47 - 6 years ago
Why can’t we evolve it? Ug lol
Dominic - 6 years ago
DMD00  Unless its been stated somewhere clearly, Im pretty sure that only the starter Eevee and Pikachu will be getting these special moves.
VictoryIsMudkipz - 6 years ago
Sylveon/Glaceon with a move to combat Steel types :o
Leafeon has an answer to Bug, Ice, and Grass types :o
Umbreon may can burn fighting types :o
Espeon/Umbreon has a counter to Bugs :0
Vaporeon has a counter to Grass :0
Albond - 6 years ago
I think that these moves will be exclusive to your starter, so if you find another Pikachu/Eevee they won't learn it (and won't have buffed stats). Also, I doubt that they will be able to learn these moves in future games (the moves might still exist but won't be learnable by Pikavee). I also highly doubt that you'll be able to transfer your starter to other games; in fact it probably can't leave your party at all.
Albond - 6 years ago
+El cactus de la muerte *Eevee
Albond - 6 years ago
+You[']r[e] wrong We don't know if held items are gonna be a thing in these games, and based on the choice of mega Charizard X/Y, I wouldn't count on it...
Albond - 6 years ago
+DMD00 *they're, *Vaporeon
El cactus de la muerte
El cactus de la muerte - 6 years ago
+Arga Wala Thing It's set to get a massive stat boost, it's going to get numerous new moves including this fire move and double kick which it will get before brock's gym (the recent game play also shows it gets move at different times with it knowing swift at an earlier level). The stats of pikachu have been found and place it between a second and third evolution pokemon, so evee will be getting the same. The starters will tank the early game especially with the type variation moves before starting to struggle later on (and by struggle I mean the game will still be easy but the pokemon won't be as powerful as a charizard).
You[']r[e] wrong
You[']r[e] wrong - 6 years ago
Trainer Shade That would help. Would run that on banded / toxic orb.
Trainer Shade
Trainer Shade - 6 years ago
You[']r[e] wrong
I mean... what if it's a priority move with decent power? Help that mediocre speed stat Flareon has.
You[']r[e] wrong
You[']r[e] wrong - 6 years ago
He has got Flare Blitz already.
DMD00 - 6 years ago
Just go capture another Pikachu and Eevee.

Why ya'll acting like their the only Pikachu and Eevee in the game, we even had a screenshot of a Vapireon following tge player a while back.
Dominic - 6 years ago
I suspect nothing from this game except for the unannounced "brand new Pokemon" is going to carry over into the core series.
Arga Wala Thing
Arga Wala Thing - 6 years ago
+Kenneth Kay Eevee still looks severely underpowered even with Eeveelution inspired moves.
I Lost the cat
I Lost the cat - 6 years ago
+Kenneth Kay that would be the most broken thing ever
MLL2002 - 6 years ago
Higgle D. Piggle Maybe we can evolve them in the post game?
Kenneth Kay
Kenneth Kay - 6 years ago
can we start mixing eeveelution attacks? Imagine next gen, we get vaporeons and glaceons using this fire move, that is why I think it is exclusive to this eevee.
ExtremelyTired Gaming
ExtremelyTired Gaming - 6 years ago
Does anyone have footage of Pokenchi?
Manuel Thompson
Manuel Thompson - 6 years ago
Masuda came on and that's all he had to announce, oof.
Aarhead - 6 years ago
Please let Flare Burn be a reliable and spammable physical Fire move.
M567dk - 6 years ago
WAIT A MINUTE...Is the Pokemon Rides from Sun and Moon are suppose to return for Pokemon Lets Go and did that not replace the needs for HMS in that game ?

What is to say that will be repeated in this game given that there are screenshots of the trainer riding on Certain Pokemon in the game ?
NateDoes Gaming
NateDoes Gaming - 6 years ago
...well what about Fly?
Chill Ball
Chill Ball - 6 years ago
I forgot this game existed
Ljink - 6 years ago
Wow, that's neat as surfboards were supposed to be a mode of transportation in Gen 1 if I'm correct.
Waheed Abdullah
Waheed Abdullah - 6 years ago
RETURN OF OUR PI-KAHUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lil Sliko
Lil Sliko - 6 years ago
+TeamDogeLaDoge ne. He was a shiny Pikachu but not alolan.
Terriq Jones
Terriq Jones - 6 years ago
Waheed Abdullah Comment of the year
TeamDogeLaDoge - 6 years ago
Puka is an alolan pikachu?! Ye or ne
patrick watkins
patrick watkins - 6 years ago
after they got rid of hms in sun/moon i would hope they would never bring them back so this is good news.
Gaming Warlord
Gaming Warlord - 6 years ago
HalfGone - 6 years ago
I feel like i'm one of the only people excited for this game
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
Doodle Bob, go ahead, tell me how I am not a "true fan" just because I don't like these games, and you love riding verlis d!ck. Come on, I am waiting.....
Doodle Bob
Doodle Bob - 6 years ago
+Bunny McRaddish
No and no you're still wrong
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
+Mathew Ricafrente "I feel bad for you for buying a game that I dislike"
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
theteamrpmgfs - 6 years ago
You probably are I'm not because they will never going to name rival evilscum
Firecraft 703
Firecraft 703 - 6 years ago
I feel like I’m one of the people who thinks people who shit on others buying a game are stupid. And since someone is probably gonna start typing a comment arguing that it’s a cash grab or whatever, it ain’t your money that’s being used to buy the game.
Torokami 110
Torokami 110 - 6 years ago
Well I buy every new Pokémon game that comes out just because I love the franchise. I'm less excited for this game than any other before, but I'll still give it a chance to entertain me.
CHRISTIAN R. - 6 years ago
Doodle Bob guess we’ll see when it launches
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
Majority of the pokemon community thinks these games are rubbish.

So yeah, you belong to the minority who will buy it just because it says "Pokemon" on it.
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+HalfGone More like a potentially disastrous game
HalfGone - 6 years ago
+Mathew Ricafrente Lol i feel bad for yall. Missing out on a potentially good game
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
You probably are and I feel bad for you
Doodle Bob
Doodle Bob - 6 years ago
You're not, the majority of the community is. there's just a vocal minority of haters.
Gecs54 - 6 years ago
Dude you are not alone. I already pre-ordered lets go eevee.
BarackOBrock - 6 years ago
yes you are XD. And for good reasons
1mortalkombatlover - 6 years ago
it helicopters you through the air, tails-style
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
how about a hot air balloon like team rocket but with Pikachu/Eevee instead of Meowth
Base Revolt
Base Revolt - 6 years ago
Pikachu will temporarily evolve into alolan raichu and surf his way up in the sky
Titanium Salmon
Titanium Salmon - 6 years ago
A winged Magikarp
MrSir2U The Person
MrSir2U The Person - 6 years ago
Pikachu and Eevee are gonna call upon a Cypher, which the trainer grabs onto
Lshards 1991
Lshards 1991 - 6 years ago
Nah a pidgey
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
It's probably gonna be charizard again
Ultra Derp
Ultra Derp - 6 years ago
I'm surprised that they stopped removing stuff and are actually adding stuff.
But STILL not worth $60.
-Lord - 6 years ago
Star Of The Show When you are arguing about pokemon youre basically a whole different person. Except for saying star allies is worth 60 bucks lol
AbdallahSmash026#1Fan - 6 years ago
Thwazhere1 There’s legit only 6 steel types in the game, and the trainers won’t even have Alolan Pokémon, so really just Magnemite and Magenton, lmao.
Ultra Derp
Ultra Derp - 6 years ago
Gabriel Prado
So I guess just because I dislike ONE game in a series of games that means I'm not a true fan?
Yeah, OK, Then I guess that Metroid fans who don't like federation force aren't true Metroid fans, And Sonic fans who don't like Sonic 06 aren't true Sonic fans.
The argument is stupid, Just cuz' you don't like a game in a series doesn't mean that you aren't a "True Fan."
WhiteInk47 - 6 years ago
I’d agree it doesn’t quite seem worth the price tag, hopefully the content beyond the main story will make up for it.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Bunny McRaddish They made new areas man it's on the map
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Doodle Bob didn't you said you won't talk to me any more? Keep damage controlling, I don't care, most people know that this is a cash grab and they won't buy it anyway, so have fun trying to make them like this rip off.
Also, misspelled? And you are trying to convince as that you are over twenty... Obviously it's not in English.
Salty little kid.
Bunny McRaddish
Bunny McRaddish - 6 years ago
Yeah. Not going to purchase this cashgrab just for ONE new pokemon, exploring kanto ONCE AGAIN, and a few new moves.

Better save my money for something that is worth it.
Benjamin - 6 years ago
+Vanafsos Sfigokolarios Horde
Grün - 6 years ago
+Hasan Tariq
the better resolution is nothing special, its normal when stepping up in hardware. if we go by your logic we have to buy every new game ever because the graphics are better.

there are many more things that make a game either worth the g
money or not.

and lets go has much less content then any recent pokemon game so for me its not worth it.
TheGrandRevo - 6 years ago
Absolutely not worth $60 since Pokemon Fire red exist which is fucking sad that a game that came out more than 10 years ago has more content than a $60 modern console Pokemon game
Doodle Bob
Doodle Bob - 6 years ago
Just a reminder guys the dude with the misspelled and unable to pronounce username aka the guy with the deadpool profile picture is a confirmed troll who will attack anyone with a good opinion about pokemon lets go and he lost his credibility when I destroyed him.

Just warning you guys
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
Kirby star allies........super Mario 3d world/land (the 3ds one I just mix up their names) gen 4 pokemon games are still near full retail price at your local gamestop
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
Dude this is Nintendo they are the same people who still try to make games not worth full retail price into full retail price games
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Cahan McLaughlin the co-op and overworld encounters count they weren't a thing before
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Gabriel Prado let me guess, you are probably a verlisify subscriber
Gabriel Prado
Gabriel Prado - 6 years ago
Ultra Derp your no true fan
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Star Of The Show well, in my eyes, splatoon 2 is not worth 60€, but that's not the point here.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Mario odyssey isn't worth 60 either. higher than this game, but imo games worth 60$ are splatoon 2 or Kirby star allies
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Hasan Tariq actually, the quality of this game is more comparable to 1,2 switch rather than Mario odyssey or Zelda, games that are actually worth 60€.
You must play really horrible games to think that this is worth 60€ with paywalls and all the other shit, I actually feel bad for you.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
here's the thing though, we've been to kanto 4 times already. the other games you metioned aren't remakes
Hasan Tariq
Hasan Tariq - 6 years ago
How is it not worth 60 dollars ur just saying that by comparing it to other Pokemon games U don’t get it this game is on a console not a handheld with bad resolution compare this to games like mario party and 1-2 switch and even bomberman how are they worth 60 dollars This game is worth the price ur just salty gamefreak care about the casual fans and not twenty year olds who don’t have a job and play this competitively this is a kids game remebr that
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
it's not worth the money. a watered down remake of a game the can be played on the gba for much less is not good
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Cahan McLaughlin abilities, hold items, natures, wild battles and hord battles, iv's and ev's, breeding
Does any of those core mechanics that developers spent years on adding to make the gameplay deeper and complex ring any bell to you?
Thwazhere1 - 6 years ago
Cahan McLaughlin Abilities, held items, and I think some stats.
Cahan McLaughlin
Cahan McLaughlin - 6 years ago
What have they taken out? They changed the catching mechanic which is the only flaw these new games seem to have, the game looks gorgeous, you can customise your character and your pikachu/eevee, we have pokemon following our character again they have added way more than they have taken away
HeavyDonkeyKong - 6 years ago
If they put in a battle frontier it will almost immediately appear on my personal wishlist.
Thwazhere1 - 6 years ago
some pizza guy It is more of a reimagined of Yellow than a remake
some pizza guy
some pizza guy - 6 years ago
+Thwazhere1 It's supposed to be a remake.
Thwazhere1 - 6 years ago
For what I have seen, I disagree because I feel like they are taking out a lot of things that make Pokémon Pokémon
Feral King
Feral King - 6 years ago
Thwazhere1 Welllll, It IS a remake of Pokemon yellow lol
Thwazhere1 - 6 years ago
Feral King is it only gen 1 Pokémon? I haven’t been following these games too closely
Cahan McLaughlin
Cahan McLaughlin - 6 years ago
The game is basically a remake of Pokemon Yellow with extra features added, definitely worth the money in my opinion.
Feral King
Feral King - 6 years ago
Thwazhere1 there’s only like 2 steel types in gen 1, at most there will be 6.
Thwazhere1 - 6 years ago
But they add things to make the game easier. Pikachu gets a water move to deal with ground types and Eevee gets a fire move to deal with steel types
Paper Luigi
Paper Luigi - 6 years ago
So HM’s are dead?
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
Yep. It's been that way since Sun and Moon.
Agent Veemo
Agent Veemo - 6 years ago
Honestly it was pretty good news for a 5 minute segment on a tv show hopefully that world exclusive trailer shows more on the games
Playero 3
Playero 3 - 6 years ago
Nintendo 64+Pokémon Stadium+Transfer Pack+Finish Pokémon Stadium 100% 2 times on master ball difficulty = Only to play a Surf minigame

WHY?!? ;-;
Bigmama Jr.
Bigmama Jr. - 6 years ago
This is definitely the definitive pokemon game. The keep adding things we love and taking out things we hate! GOAT! (Most of the fan base agrees. even the trolls. its just fun to hate on things and try to get attention and likes because it is popular.)
therobotchickenMLP - 6 years ago
Definitive? Not when it's missing about 81% of the Pokemon.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Guys, he's a troll. he's saying it's a good thing games don't feture cloud saves
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
This is 100% pure sarcasm if I've ever read it.
Lunar Sprite
Lunar Sprite - 6 years ago
Erick Cardona how do you know if it has less content?
Erick Cardona
Erick Cardona - 6 years ago
He's not wrong though. But go ahead and have fun with your $60 Switch Title that has even less content than a $40 3DS Game.
Jesus lassast
Jesus lassast - 6 years ago
only got thru the first line before i had to stop reading and laugh
Kirby Kraver
Kirby Kraver - 6 years ago
Bigmama Jr. I’m 99% sure nobody asked for Held Items and Abilities to be removed. I’m 95% sure nobody wanted the difficulty to become lowered. The hate you see for this game isn’t for attention, people actually think that this game looks like trash.
FlaminAshes - 6 years ago
It works. It just works.
You made me click.
You made me click. - 6 years ago
Looks like we're finally getting that scrapped Surfboard key item at long last.
Fletcher Reed
Fletcher Reed - 6 years ago
Pikachu looks fabulous on a surfboard.
KojiTheKitsuneNeko 1011
KojiTheKitsuneNeko 1011 - 6 years ago
I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking that a way the music is played in the world of Pokémon could be explained. I honestly think people tune into a radio on like a speaker or something they carry around and the music automatically changes when they get into a new area. Maybe you could even have the option to buy different model speakers just for aesthetic purposes. Maybe one with a lot of lights or something, like the JBL Pulse 3 irl. This thought randomly popped into my head but i thought I should share it
Chaos89P - 6 years ago
+Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] I don't remember everything, but what I do remember is that you have to get all the Kanto Gym Badges. I think websites like Serebii can explain the rest.
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
+Chaos89Pwhen were you able to get That item because I never managed to find that
reginlief1 - 6 years ago
KojiTheKitsuneNeko 1011 I mean, it’s a video game... I don’t think we need an explanation for why there’s an ost.
Chaos89P - 6 years ago
Ash Force Gold and Silver, nothing! There's an item in their Gen. 4 remakes that changes the music to an 8-bit or the original rendition of the area's song. It even looked like a Game Boy with headphones plugged in! Needless to say, I usually had that item on quite frequently.
Azran127 - 6 years ago
Black and White had the in-town musicians who could dynamically change the tracks as well. Also, fun fact: the "explanation" you are referring to known as the "diagesis." When a game/film has music that comes from a source within the world, such as a radio or a musician, it is called diagetic music. Whereas random unexplained background tracks like a traditional game/film score would be nondiagetic.
Ash Force
Ash Force - 6 years ago
That's how the radio works in Gold and Silver at least.
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
Please don’t buy this game if you love Pokemon
-Lord - 6 years ago
Night Knight Bitty Yea because if the desperate appeal. By tbe wii u era they moved on. Casuals are never a viable demographic for games
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
-Lord however for the wii and wii u gens tons of Nintendo fans left
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
-Lord i think it failed because no one knew what it was
-Lord - 6 years ago
TheLuckySerperior Isnt the desperate appeal to the casual crowd the reason the wii u failed? Lol
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
TheLuckySerperior as if the Pokemon company needs money
TheLuckySerperior - 6 years ago
Night Knight Bitty but that was fine. And so is this.
Anyway Let’s go’s main purpose is to bring in casual GO players to main series so it’s highly likely to just be a one time thing.
Also buying this game is money towards helping the development of the 2019 game.
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
TheLuckySerperior it sold really well and that was all 2d mario was for a decade
TheLuckySerperior - 6 years ago
Night Knight Bitty not really because I’m not too big a Mario fan. It looked cool though. Why?
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
Do you remeber New Super Mario Bros?
TheLuckySerperior - 6 years ago
Night Knight Bitty if me buying and having fun playing the newest Pokémon game is gonna ruin all the ones that come after then so be it I guess.
I really don’t think that’ll ever happen but whatever, damn me to hell for loving LGPE.
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
I hope you'll enjoy never getting a mainline game again lol.
Night Knight Bitty
Night Knight Bitty - 6 years ago
I mean if you truly love the games before this dont buy this one because it seems like it is an easier way for pokemon to go and eventually it will be all there is of the series.
TheLuckySerperior - 6 years ago
Aaron Luedemann I understand that. I just got a little upset there because I felt that commenter implied LGPE was a terrible game but they’re right. I just have terrible taste in games lol.
Sorry if my previous comment came off wrong.
Peder Otterson
Peder Otterson - 6 years ago
You aren’t my parent. I’ll get what I want.
Aaron Luedemann
Aaron Luedemann - 6 years ago
+TheLuckySerperior No, most fans don't buy things just because it has the logo. Fans of a series typically buy parts that they like, while avoiding parts they don't like. This allows them to guide the series forward by rewarding good games with good sales numbers.
TheLuckySerperior - 6 years ago
Night Knight Bitty I’m sorry but I really don’t understand how that makes sense. If I love Pokémon I should want to expand my collection of the games by buying this, Isn’t that what fans are supposed to do?
ZNemerald - 6 years ago
*still buys 20
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
Nah I am getting it anyways
Torbjörn Lindholm
Torbjörn Lindholm - 6 years ago
Alex Tran
Alex Tran - 6 years ago
I is ready
GrandMelon - 6 years ago
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
This is the only good thing Let's Go has over Yellow, being able to surf with an actual surfboard! Let's Go is still a mistake however, just like Pokémon after Gen 5.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Matthw Ricafrente it was easy on the difficutly, and it had kanto pandering, but it had good music
good anime
good characters (who cares if they're friendly?)
Amazing competitive seen.
trust me. it isn't bad like let's go pikachu
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Hold up. did you insult gen 6's pokemon designs? gen5, 6, and 7 are my favorite due to the new pokemon introduced
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+Ducktective Duck JR Gen 6 did everything wrong, nothing good came from it.
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
Wiktor Zywicki Gen 6 is fucking shit.
~No story
~Shit Designs
(All starters except Froakie line)
~Worst team
~Shit rivals
~Shit post game
~Kanto pandering
~Shit features that made Pokémon into digimon..yeah fuck Megas
~Shit music
~To easy
~Shit graphics
Bobble heads is hideous in 3D

Your a Dumbass gen 6 is by far the worst imo it lacked in almost every aspect in basically everything.
Wiktor Zywicki
Wiktor Zywicki - 6 years ago
Lol gen 5is actually the worst. The plot is too long it is slow pased game. There are few good pokemon like haxorus but graphic somehow feels a lot worse than gen 4. Gen 5 is really bad while gen 6 and only x and y is so much better starting with graphics and design. Training is easy and thats a GOOD thing as a game should relax you. Grinding pokemon is so easy it is soo good. Hordes and battle chateau which is actually difficult try take the elite 4 with their levels around 70lv. On top of that oras added soaring which is like the sickest feature ever and the dex nav which allows you to catch hidden abilities and pokemon with rare egg moves.. on top of that you get not one but Two starters in x and y. Gen 6 is just the best
Skyline _YT
Skyline _YT - 6 years ago
+EthanWantsToBattle Ik thats why I said that clearly but for some reason someone took it a little to personal....
EthanWantsToBattle - 6 years ago
just remember that in gen 5 it was a different guy in charge of the designs but it still has some great Pokémon
Skyline _YT
Skyline _YT - 6 years ago
+Ducktective Duck JR Also its you're* not your
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
@Mathew Ricafrente Exactly I love gen 5 the best and I started with Hoenn.

These People who complain about gen 5s designs are the ones that praise Grimer, Magnimite, Bidoof and fucking Skuntank.
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+Ducktective Duck JR Gen 5 > Literally every other generation that has existed or ever will exist
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
Skyline _YT LMFAO what do you expect the designs to be?

In your logic Gardivor is uninspired since it's just a Women with a dress...how about Machoke? Jynx? Sliritomb just being sludge from a rock? Grimer line that are actual sludges?

Your a Dumbass if you didn't know every gen has this so stfu.
Ducktective Duck JR
Ducktective Duck JR - 6 years ago
Skyline _YT Your a fucking Punk ass bitch.
Gen 5 has literally like 80 "ugly" "Uninspired" Pokémon out of it's 156. 100 SOLID DESIGNS which is more than gens 2-4 & 6-7.

btw Count all the other gens Ugly and Uninspired Pokémon and compare them to gen 5... yeah lmao its more than gen 5s imo.
Skyline _YT
Skyline _YT - 6 years ago
+Star Of The Show Also Gen 6 was my fav and I started with Diamond but went back and played red, fire red, and sapphire
Skyline _YT
Skyline _YT - 6 years ago
+Star Of The Show My guy Durant it's literally an ant with an armor skin, nothing is unique about it. Also I'm not saying the Pokemon are bad, infact a lot of the Pokemon from those games are really good competitive wise, but designs are just meh overall
David Riley
David Riley - 6 years ago
+Star Of The Show I know this is not directed toward me but Garbador. I find it extremely aesthetically unpleasing. This is someone who likes Vanillux completely unironically. Also many of gen 5s pokemon evolve at ridiculous levels. Ironically I think hydreigon's evolution is a neat refrence to king Ghidorah whose introduction was 1964. I think gen 5 had a lot of problems, but there's nothing wrong with picking it as your favorite.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Skyline, also name one bad design from gen 5 and please don't just use the "it's an inanimate object" excuse
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Gen 6 & 7 were my favorite with gen 5 being the best
David Riley
David Riley - 6 years ago
Eh... I like how easy gen 6 made it to catch em all. I rotated between 18ish Mons through my main adventure, so being overleveled was not an issue. It was fun having a giant party. It was the first pokedex I have completed, and I started with leafgreen. That said, I enjoy the grinding in pokemon, so I will agree let's go is not a game with me in mind.
Feral King
Feral King - 6 years ago
Skyline _YT Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. There’s more to a GOOD Pokemon than just it’s design
Skyline _YT
Skyline _YT - 6 years ago
Man Gen 5 had the worse designed mons tho....sure it was an amazing Pokemon game but those designs....YIKES!
Demi-Fiend of Time
Demi-Fiend of Time - 6 years ago
Mathew Ricafrente hey the gen 6 & 7 designs are good its just the difficulty that is crap
Xler - 6 years ago
diomar veras
diomar veras - 6 years ago
Congratulation with 1millions of suscribers
Sam Shields
Sam Shields - 6 years ago
This game really does have nothing new to the franchise.
Jowe - 6 years ago
Graphomite I wouldn't mind if a Pokemon game plays differently at all. But I would like one that plays better. Let's Go is just a worse version than the traditional Pokemon game.
Graphomite - 6 years ago
Can't the same be said for most Pokemon games?

As far as I can tell, people have mixed feelings about this game BECAUSE it's unique to the others.
Jowe - 6 years ago
+Schitzl what a start...
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Teal Appeal it has been done, kinda, in diamond and pearl with the underground tunnels.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Vanafsos Sfigokolarios that it has something new aside from one new pokemon
Teal Appeal
Teal Appeal - 6 years ago
An aspect that comes to mind is the friend 'couch co-op'; play with a pal in the overworld. Its never been done in Pokemon before.
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Leonardo Farias "leaks" is not a reliable source, also I didn't get your point.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Vanafsos Sfigokolarios the leak says red and blue are champions depending on the version gym leaders have rematches and everyone else in the region shiny charm
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Benjamin I'm curious to see how will he cry again on how rude we are.
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Cj Moncrief I was being sarcastic
Benjamin - 6 years ago
+Doodle Bob Salty child
Anthony Cabrera
Anthony Cabrera - 6 years ago
Sam Shields I like to think this is like 2015 where pokemon releases nothing major and waits for next year to bring out the big guns.
Doodle Bob
Doodle Bob - 6 years ago
Deadpool spreads more toxicity
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
+Vanafsos Sfigokolarios which zelda game (is it twilight princess your referring to, or is it zelda 2?)
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios
Vanafsos Sfigokolarios - 6 years ago
+Hyrowy yeah, you are right, I remember the same thing happened with zelda too, they released a half-assed game first, that's how zelda sold so well.
Hyrowy - 6 years ago
+derek lanoue The reason is to get new fans to get a switch for Pokemon and then make them buy the next years Pokemon game
derek lanoue
derek lanoue - 6 years ago
+Whirlwhind1 I could not agree with you more
Whirlwhind1 - 6 years ago
It's a cash grab. Gotta get that Gen 1 nostalgia, amirite?
derek lanoue
derek lanoue - 6 years ago
It makes you wonder why are they even bothering to make this game
Sajan Patel
Sajan Patel - 6 years ago
Sam Shields he said main game. XD and colleseum aren’t main games. Just because it’s in HD doesn’t mean it has retain sun and moon’s art style too.
Sam Shields
Sam Shields - 6 years ago
+Schitzl colluseum and XD were on a home console and were compatible.

And if it is HD then why doesn't it use Sun and Moon dimensions for the characters and instead uses X and Y models?
Schitzl - 6 years ago
well its the first hd pokemon game so it kind of does
and also its the first main game on a home console
JCGamerCrack 2305
JCGamerCrack 2305 - 6 years ago
Sam Shields nice grammar
Tyrese Young
Tyrese Young - 6 years ago
Thank God there are no HMs. Still not sure if I’m gonna get this game. If it had Sample S: Hole, Sample M: Bath, Sample L: Maze I’d preorder it.
King K Rool Fan
King K Rool Fan - 6 years ago
This reminds me of a comment you’d see on a simpleflips video lol
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk]
Nine Tails Kurama [Frisk] - 6 years ago
+Austin Jones facepalm
Austin Jones
Austin Jones - 6 years ago
No HMs? Well, even more of a reason for me to not buy these games.
Alejandro López
Alejandro López - 6 years ago
what you mean with sample????
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
Not to mention that most hm's sucked with strength surf and waterfall being the only good ones while other hm's are obsolete competitive wise since most hm's have pitiful base power and there are better moves that should have replaced certain HMS (slash>cut) being only good in the early areas then as years went by some hm's (cut) became more situational since one of its uses were later removed other hm's (dive waterfall defog and flash) are extremely situational (compared to the other hm's) being used in a few set areas and most hm's are mandatory to progress in most games (the less I have to say about defog the better seriously I hate defog and the thick fog) I am not apart of the party that says replace them with tools but I think having them permanent was a little too far move deleter fixed the permanent problem but just like his counterpart the move reminder you won't find the move deleter that easily
Iron Pyrous
Iron Pyrous - 6 years ago
Sebi The Hunter
HM’s were torture, and in Gen 1, there wasn’t a move deleter, so Pokémon taught hm moves in gen 1 could not be deleted !
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
The first real new feature in a while after co-op and overworld encounters
Seth Anderson
Seth Anderson - 6 years ago
+Sebi The Hunter In the old games (Gen 1 and I think 2) they were permanent moves that once you taught them to a pokemon, they would be stuck with those moves for the entirety of the game. Even after the inclusion of a move deleter, you needed an "HM slave" to get you around the game and it would take up a slot in your party. Gen 7 (sun and moon) finally addressed the problem by introducing the ride pokemon concept.
ZNemerald - 6 years ago
Hm are moves that you can teach to a pokemon and can only be deleted in a very specific spot that you might not see until late in the game. They are mandatory to advance the game so they are force moves.
Hugo Hikari
Hugo Hikari - 6 years ago
Sebi The Hunter Hidden Machine, as a counterpart to Technical Machines (TMs)
Sebi The Hunter
Sebi The Hunter - 6 years ago
What does HM means?
Jesus lassast
Jesus lassast - 6 years ago
S&M had no hms and i donr wxpwct them in future gens. Its a given. Lets go is not innovative enough just "cute"
Hugo Hikari
Hugo Hikari - 6 years ago
Tyrese Young Stage Builder in Pokemon? Unthinkable
Christian Perez
Christian Perez - 6 years ago
Blue Scale
Blue Scale - 6 years ago
+Albond thanks teach
Albond - 6 years ago
+Blue Scale *should HAVE GIVEN
TigerWolf - 6 years ago
Christian Perez Probably thinking of Pokepark Wii
Blue Scale
Blue Scale - 6 years ago
Should of gave him a gun and a 40 oz. Then we're talking.
Tom Noko
Tom Noko - 6 years ago
Aiden Quinn
Aiden Quinn - 6 years ago
Defintely was part of the Direct.
It's gonna be awkward once it airs
IceSwagBiscuits - 6 years ago
Michael Strong - I love GameXplain when they actually provide unique and original content. They actually have some decent original stuff! But sadly alot of their videos are just re-uploaded nintendo videos, or two minute update videos on a game with little to no noteworthy news.
Just a criticism because I love the GX crew and enjoy their original videos. Just wish they'd put in more effort for original ideas.
Either way, you guys are cool :) <3
Max Krampe
Max Krampe - 6 years ago
I wonder how many surprises it actually has
Aiden Quinn
Aiden Quinn - 6 years ago
+MrSir2U The Person people are guessing that it would be around the 13th since the Splatoon 2 event was delayed to that date
Aiden Quinn
Aiden Quinn - 6 years ago
+Michael Strong what?
Michael Strong
Michael Strong - 6 years ago
Ya gonna post the same thing every video?

It'll be cool no worries
MrSir2U The Person
MrSir2U The Person - 6 years ago
When do you think the direct will actually be?
Aiden Quinn
Aiden Quinn - 6 years ago
+Seth Anderson not even rumors, Masuda announcing something was part of Pokenchi's next episode schedule. Stuff there are always a repeat of Nintendo direct announcements which us why we're left disappointed by them in the past
Seth Anderson
Seth Anderson - 6 years ago
+Aiden Quinn There were rumors that Pokémon was going to show something on Sunday. This very well could be what was scheduled to be shown.
Aiden Quinn
Aiden Quinn - 6 years ago
+Rusty they have a history of having trailers showing the same stuff at a direct beforehand
Rusty - 6 years ago
Aiden Quinn Pokemon was going to show new trailers and gameplay tomorrow anyways. I think this is what will be talked about. Not from the direct
HeavyDonkeyKong - 6 years ago
Everything is effed up now.
King K Rool Fan
King K Rool Fan - 6 years ago
I’ve gotten used to the HM replacements in the recent titles. I personally like it. While I’m not planning on buying this, I’m happy that there are people who are looking forward to the game!
The Unfunny YouTube Commenter
The Unfunny YouTube Commenter - 6 years ago
King K Rool Fan same.
King K Rool Fan
King K Rool Fan - 6 years ago
antrite08 hey don’t sweat it man, not everyone’s gonna agree with your opinions on the internet (or life in general). Believe me, I feel the same way about liking ARMS. In fact I don’t even hate this game, it just doesn’t appeal to me. But seriously, don’t be afraid to be excited about Let’s Go Pikachu & Eevee.
antrite08 - 6 years ago
Thank you for saying that King K Rool Fan! Honestly it's been hard openly looking forward to this game and being hated on by the ''hardcore'' crowd after a while i've just come to not say nothing online anymore and just quietly wait for the game to come out
Albond - 6 years ago
+Leonardo Farias *you're
Albond - 6 years ago
King K Rool Fan *useD to, *there ARE
Lshards 1991
Lshards 1991 - 6 years ago
I see everywhere i go
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Fusion people use points of view as a jail free card out of situations they're wrong
Fusion - 6 years ago
+Leonardo Farias Um, sorry, I am going to require further clarification of what you said. Not your fault, mine. Sometimes I don't get what people mean when they say something.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Fusion they're convinced your completely right when points of view come up
King K Rool Fan
King K Rool Fan - 6 years ago
BlaxxShadow Oh believe me, I was beyond stoked!
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
Agree without HMs I can have whatever team I want
The Unfunny YouTube Commenter
The Unfunny YouTube Commenter - 6 years ago
I like the replacement for hms, since I don’t have to waste a move slot to be able to cross the water.
Fusion - 6 years ago
+SuperChrissyBros. Not really. I think the internet is just a place where those that would normally be nice, reasonable and polite irl just act crappy to relieve tension or stress without consequences, which makes the world seem like a crappy place. The media doesn't help either, filtering out most of the good stuff that happens in our world just because "drama gets better ratings"
EeveeGamer YT
EeveeGamer YT - 6 years ago
Loads of respect to you. Being honest about your opinion while respecting the opinion of others. You don't see those types of people every day, so thank you for respecting the people who are excited for this game.
BlaxxShadow - 6 years ago
I hope you were happy along side many others that were hoping for King K Rool to make it in Smash!
David Pérez
David Pérez - 6 years ago
Spoken like a true gamer
SuperChrissyBros. - 6 years ago
+Fusion basically a dying breed anywhere in this crappy world
Jesus lassast
Jesus lassast - 6 years ago
Me too. All 2 of them
Fusion - 6 years ago
Oh look, somebody who's respectable on the internet. You, my friend, are a dying breed on here, to all of our misfortune.
Josh May
Josh May - 6 years ago
SuperChrissyBros. - 6 years ago
Thank God someone who says they wont buy this game without trying to be special and making other people feel as if they are losers. Much respect, my friend
Jrox Speedster Platinum
Jrox Speedster Platinum - 6 years ago
Reasonable fellow here!
NixUniverse - 6 years ago
Does this game have version exclusive Pokémon &/or events ? Meaning like are there Pokémon you can only get in Pikachu Version & Vice versa ? I know it’s been around since like Day 1 but I never was fond of that.
I drew this pixel Squirtle
I drew this pixel Squirtle - 6 years ago
+NixUniverse lol
NixUniverse - 6 years ago
I drew this pixel Squirtle LMFAO
I drew this pixel Squirtle
I drew this pixel Squirtle - 6 years ago
+NixUniverse Fight, Fight, Fight!
NixUniverse - 6 years ago
Albond It’s not incorrect to use a space before a question mark. You can do it if you want to & I want to. Okay ?
Albond - 6 years ago
NixUniverse Yes, that was already shown a while back. Also, you shouldn't use a space before a question mark.
SHNorria - 6 years ago
Mathew Ricafrente at least ya can sent pkmn over from pkmn go to lets go if trading is an issus at least.
I drew this pixel Squirtle
I drew this pixel Squirtle - 6 years ago
+Mathew Ricafrente not really, I have full dexes ever since gen 6. Then again, that was on 3ds and we have no idea about how exactly it will be in switch
Mathew Ricafrente
Mathew Ricafrente - 6 years ago
+I drew this pixel Squirtle But Nintendo Online makes it a hassle
Alberto Garza
Alberto Garza - 6 years ago
Yeah i think sandshrew vulpix Meowth oddish were a few of the exclusive.
I drew this pixel Squirtle
I drew this pixel Squirtle - 6 years ago
Online trading makes it not a problem
Phillip James Clearman
Phillip James Clearman - 6 years ago
NixUniverse Yes. Some version exclusives are already been revealed on the website I think
Lily Mega Eevee
Lily Mega Eevee - 6 years ago
Wait they are actually adding things? Mmmmm
therobotchickenMLP - 6 years ago
What are you talking about? They added in the lack of wild battles!
-Lord - 6 years ago
Albond The fact that this isnt formal and the point gets across regardless is perfect justification for not using proper grammar. This isnt a formal debate. People have lives
Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee - 6 years ago
Red/Blue/Yellow, Gold/Silver, FireRed/Leafgreen, Heartgold/Soulsilver, Gen6 viridian forest, Gen6 snorlax pokeflute dilemma, Gen7 Alolan pokemon (they’re all kanto pokemon), and for the last time another oak?!)
Azer Poiu
Azer Poiu - 6 years ago
Nikolai Klinger It's a gift you have to pay $50 for
CEDL0W - 6 years ago
Albond Hey as long as the point gets across it’s not a big deal that’s the way I see it at least. I’ll respect your response though I do tend too forget tiny grammar details like that but I’ll probably never proofread a YouTube comment.
Albond - 6 years ago
+CEDL0W Just because it's a YouTube comment doesn't mean that it is suddenly okay to use terrible grammar...
CEDL0W - 6 years ago
Albond Don’t be that guy please it’s just a YouTube comment.
Albond - 6 years ago
+Nikolai Klinger *a gift
Albond - 6 years ago
+CEDL0W *were, *TOO complex, *they're
Albond - 6 years ago
+Star Of The Show *region
Nikolai Klinger
Nikolai Klinger - 6 years ago
Mew is not a DLC, it is an Gift and you buy the Pokeball for new Gameplay and mew is just additional. Get that
CEDL0W - 6 years ago
Star Of The Show The weakness requirement was only for Brock the other requirements aren’t going to be like that apparently. 50$ mew wasn’t a big deal either and visiting Kanto again was actually a good idea The game was ruined for me when they decided that abilities and held items where to complex for whatever audience there trying to target like seriously who are these games being made for? Didksokfjidndkwkd
Azer Poiu
Azer Poiu - 6 years ago
Lily Mega Eevee Not really, surfing Pikachu was already in Yellow and in SM
Awesometaco - 6 years ago
+Star Of The Show you sound dumb tbg
Cj Moncrief
Cj Moncrief - 6 years ago
Pikachu surfed in the overworld in pokemon yellow as well as the sequels pokemon gold silver and crystal but you needed a pikachu with the move surf there are a few videos showing you that pikachu has a separate overworld surfing sprite
Whovian2018 - 6 years ago
We don't know everything in the games yet. There may be a rich post game. Also, if you don't want another game set in Kanto, simply don't buy it. Obviously the next pokemon game doesn't hinge on the success of this one since it's already in the making. There is no reason you need to buy this game if you think it will be the same old game.

Or, if it's just price that bothers you, wait for it to go on clearance.

I am hoping that they added some new stuff to make the games a bit more in depth. If I am wrong then I am wrong, but I think there will be a little more to the games than what we have seen.
Leonardo Farias
Leonardo Farias - 6 years ago
+Whovian2018 might as well simplify as put just 2 options instead of three veteran gives leader skills and the team and levels raise
Iron Pyrous
Iron Pyrous - 6 years ago
Star Of The Show
It’s been 19 years since Pokemon Yellow came to a non-Japanese country.
It’s time for a new fresh coat of paint !
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
also. there's a difference between "introducing" and "shoving it down out throats"
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
And I understand pokemon 2019. the problem is, this is a full price (100$ of you get the bundle) remake of gen 1 which is shallow compared to other regions now. this game needs a lot more content to be full priced, if it were 30$ or even pay to win, I would mind it. but not 60$ (100$)
Whovian2018 - 6 years ago
We are getting a new region next year. This is the anniversary year, of course we are getting Kanto again. It's been 14 years since the GBA remakes. There is literally an entirely new generation of pokemon fans that have never played a game set in Kanto. Sun and moon just reintroduced Kanto to new fans. I get why you would want to pass on the game, and I totally agree that selling Mew for $50 is a slap in the face, but these games make perfect sense as a 20 year anniversary spin off game. We get to be excited all over again for a new region next year.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Do you want to know what would have pleased old AND new fans? a new reigeon but with 60 pokemon from each gen. also, most "old school fans" are sick of kanto because it's the green hill zone of pokemon
Whovian2018 - 6 years ago
I don't think the two are quite the same. Megaman is designed to let you fight in any order you want. Pokemon has always been about a rock paper scissors style of game play where you build a diverse team, taking into consideration weakness and type advantage. I just don't really see a problem with making it so I have to bring a grass or water type to fight Brock when I would have anyway.

I do think the game should offer the ability to switch between a hard mode and an easy mode. Let easy mode have all of the gym requirements and let hard mode just let you play.

Also, Gen 1 is being pushed because its what most of the old school fans want. Most people never made it past the original 151. A lot of people playing Pokemon Go don't even recognize anything past gen 1. It's what happens when a major brand reached an anniversary mile stone.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
also, imagine mega man if the game wouldn't allow you to fight the robot master UNTIL you got the mode that they were weak to
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
Yeah, but they've been forcing gen 1 as a whole down our throats. which isn't good. a single pokemon shouldn't cost 50$ on day one.
Whovian2018 - 6 years ago
I mean... Do you ever not bring a pokemon that is strong against a gym leader when fighting a gym? I'm not talking about a nuzelock, I'm talking about the way the game is regularly played.

I agree that making it so that you have to buy Mew is a terrible slap in the face for fans of Pokemon. At the very least make it so you can transfer Mew from Pokemon Go. Better yet, actually use the damn thing in the game. All fans ever wanted to do was find a Mew in Pokemon Red and Blue. This was their chance to give us that and they opted to blatantly take advantage of the fan base.
Cahan McLaughlin
Cahan McLaughlin - 6 years ago
Star Of The Show The mew dlc is like you said yourself dlc it’s not part of the base game so that’s irrelevant and I don’t see the problem with going back to kanto it’s iconic and we haven’t had a Pokemon game set in kanto in what 7 years? Also it’s a remake it’s visually very different to the last time we were in kanto I don’t get the big deal, however I do agree with you that they shouldn’t dumb down the gyms
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
no. the game is ruined because of 50$ mew DLC, Forcing you to bring pokemon that are strong against the gym leaders, and being set in kanto again
Cahan McLaughlin
Cahan McLaughlin - 6 years ago
Why? If you think the entire game is ruined just because they changed the catching mechanic then you were probs never gonna be satisfied
Niamh - 6 years ago
Lily Mega Eevee No they don't, because you can get a surfing Pikachu in USun/Moon.
Star Of The Show
Star Of The Show - 6 years ago
I still don't think the game will be any good though
SuperMarioT - 6 years ago
Not for attacking and surfing in the overworld he didn't.
NE0MEW - 6 years ago
pikachu had a surfboard in pokemon yellow in a minigame
Jay 3747
Jay 3747 - 6 years ago
MAN! I’m early.

I currently have no likes and no views on the video.

Edit: Man, Game Freak is really trying to make Let’s Go Pikachu better than let’s go eevee! I also think this would have been in the direct.
Jay 3747
Jay 3747 - 6 years ago
The Kranando Opps my bad. I Just changed it, sorry for confusion. I actually knew that, I just wasn’t thinking.
The Kranando
The Kranando - 6 years ago
Jay 3747 Way to completely miss the point I was making. You said Nintendo was making these games, when they don’t. They never did.
Jay 3747
Jay 3747 - 6 years ago
The Kranando Still getting eevee though.
Jay 3747
Jay 3747 - 6 years ago
The Kranando Umm... I can’t remember a Pokémon game where if you buy one game, you’re gonna have a Starter Pokémon that’s better than the other game’s Starter Pokémon.
The Kranando
The Kranando - 6 years ago
Jay 3747 You say this like Nintendo actually makes Pokémon lmao
Goldblume - 6 years ago
We need the new Direct now.
Aurastorm - 6 years ago
This is the direct kappa
pedro avila
pedro avila - 6 years ago
Patience is ___ my friend
Seth Anderson
Seth Anderson - 6 years ago
Patience is a virtue, my friend.
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
Patience is key my friend besides it most likely gonna come thursday
SuperChrissyBros. - 6 years ago
Be patient.
Darkri Master
Darkri Master - 6 years ago
xeno 12
xeno 12 - 6 years ago
Awsome video! Good job!
cadyen - 6 years ago
No views, for comments..
Andrew Lopez
Andrew Lopez - 6 years ago
SupahStah Warror
SupahStah Warror - 6 years ago
Andrew Lopez yeeteth
Professor Pro
Professor Pro - 6 years ago
Why does Pikachu get an extended summer and I don’t.
Xeno - 6 years ago
At least it wasn't a direct leak
Trevor Meikle
Trevor Meikle - 6 years ago
This announcement was actually teased last week. They would announced this today regardless of whether the direct happened or not
Mathias Wolfbrok
Mathias Wolfbrok - 6 years ago
It probably was, TBH
Da Nintendude
Da Nintendude - 6 years ago
+user name
I greatly doubt that.
A few minor leaks won't make a direct pointless. Nintendo still has announcements and reveals to do. canceling a direct simply because some minor things leaked out, stuff that not much of the fanbase even knows about, is preposterous.

and it's only been 2 days... not even a week. they will reveal the new date when they are ready to. Remember... the original date was announced a day before it was supposed to be.
MrFanboy24 - 6 years ago
Thank god this was revealed officially by a billion-dollar company during a variety show and not randomly by some basement-dwelling nerds because that fucking matters for some reason.
Casey Duong
Casey Duong - 6 years ago
I'm scared that this was supposed to be revealed in the Direct and then elaborated on during Pokenchi, but it was too late to change the Pokenchi plans.
user name
user name - 6 years ago
I mean after all the third party stuff revealed, and the Yoshi leaks, I kinda expect the direct to just get cancelled
Nintendo doesn’t seem like they want to announce the new date anytime soon
Eddy Land
Eddy Land - 6 years ago
+stwbmc98 So at the time the direct was originally going to be aired, this information wouldn't have been covered.
Eddy Land
Eddy Land - 6 years ago
+stwbmc98 The direct was supposed to air before this though, remember?
stwbmc98 - 6 years ago
Eddy Land Nintendo Directs usually don’t cover something that’s already been covered elsewhere, though.
Eddy Land
Eddy Land - 6 years ago
Well techinically this is, because I think it's highly likely we will see this in the direct.
Cosmo - 6 years ago
I like direct leaks for some reason
patrick watkins
patrick watkins - 6 years ago
it could've been.
GrandMelon - 6 years ago
*1 hour later*: direct leak
Cosmo - 6 years ago
Am I the only one excited for this? It looks fun!
Clark Williams
Clark Williams - 6 years ago
Cosmo I’m not even a huge Pokémon fan, but I’m really excited for this!
SHNorria - 6 years ago
Cosmo yes, yes you are... XD
(that was a joke cause i and allot of others dont have any interest. But if ya hype for the game tho i do hope you enjoy it and have a good time =3 )
Squiddy_101 - 6 years ago
Well the fanbase is very split on these games so I’m sure some people agree with you (same if you hate it)
PikaPlayzHD - 6 years ago
not at all, I think it looks great!
Cosmo - 6 years ago
Joey R \_(“J)_/
Joey R
Joey R - 6 years ago
Cosmo ok but that doesn't detract from or invalidate your opinion on the game. Hell he even slightly invalidated his own in his original comment, and to be honest I really only feel an attraction to this game in because it's yellow but in 3D. needing to pass a requirement to go into gyms, not being able to battle wild Pokemon and getting massive exp boosts for every Pokemon you get are all major turn offs for a lot of people who won't pick this game up and those are all valid complaints. We know this game isn't for us so we're avoiding it and the sane majority won't attack people who get it or like it.
Fusion - 6 years ago
+HeavyDonkeyKong Same. Mostly because of money for me, but some things do seem a bit...off, know what I mean? I'll wait for release.
Edit: By what seems "off" I mean the whole gym requirements thing. It's really the only issue I have with the game, and even that could be handled in a way that makes the game harder, like "you can't enter Misty's gym without a Fire type." As I said I'll wait for release.
Cosmo - 6 years ago
Joey R still, he hasn’t even tried the game, and he’s judging it pretty hardly
Joey R
Joey R - 6 years ago
Cosmo he never said that though and I actually agree with him yet I live ranger and mystery dungeon two game series that aren't mainline Pokemon games
Cosmo - 6 years ago
OJorgeO so anything that’s not a mainstream Pokémon game you hate immediately without even trying it and without knowing that many details? That’s sad.
OJorgeO - 6 years ago
As a Pokémon fan I feel nothing for this game although that shouldn’t stop you or others from enjoying the game!
mega awesome rainbow explosion
mega awesome rainbow explosion - 6 years ago
Cosmo I’m actually very excited to be honest, eevee has always been my favorite Pokémon and now I have a reason to use one! (Without evolving it)

And playing with my boyfriend could be nice too!
And following Pokémon is always a plus
I love the way they look too I guess I like cute art styles

I know there are a lot of negative things people could see in the games but I don’t mind because the games look super cute! But everyone is certainly entitled to have negative opinions and that’s okay!
SteamyLinguini - 6 years ago
Bigmama Jr. Just remember that there’s a difference between hate and genuine criticism, and there’s a lot to criticize about this game.
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
I'm excited
HeavyDonkeyKong - 6 years ago
I'm still debating. It's on my maybe list.
Joey R
Joey R - 6 years ago
Fusion I feel you on that wallet part
Fusion - 6 years ago
It does look fun. The only turn offs for me personally are A: the whole thing with baracading gyms behind certain requirements that might make the game too easy (just going to have to wait) and B: my wallet is kinda going through a drought right now.
Tyler 123
Tyler 123 - 6 years ago
NixUniverse yeah the graphics look straight out of a my sims game.
Joey R
Joey R - 6 years ago
Bigmama Jr. Nah there actually a decent price just unenthusiastic about it but don't let or pessimism detract from your excitement for the game
Azurai - 6 years ago
I have my Poke Ball edition pre-ordered already. I can't wait.
Bigmama Jr.
Bigmama Jr. - 6 years ago
99 % of the fan based is. even the trolls. its just fun to hate on things and try to get attention and likes.
NixUniverse - 6 years ago
It does look fun. I’m pretty much liking everything except the kinda dry graphics. Aside from that everything is looking fine to me.
dnmstarsi - 6 years ago
I'm kinda interested in it.
Ultra Instinct Alex
Ultra Instinct Alex - 6 years ago
ladynikkie - 6 years ago
Abel Medina,
Abel Medina, - 6 years ago
James Bourke
James Bourke - 6 years ago
anhydrousahem - 6 years ago
Bookid 15
Bookid 15 - 6 years ago
Hot Dawg
Hot Dawg - 6 years ago
Shrek is life
Meneer Guus
Meneer Guus - 6 years ago
Somebody once told me...
RCarnival - 6 years ago
Did you get dirty digging that meme out of its grave?

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