Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!
Surf 6 years ago 67,571 views
The Japanese variety show, Pokénchi, featured Pokémon's Junichi Masuda to introduce new content from Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee! And we finally got our first look at the HM replacement! Not only that but Surfing Pikachu is returning along with brand new moves for both Pikachu and Eevee. Get the details here! SOURCE: https://www.serebii.net/news/2018/08-September-2018.shtml --------------------------------- Follow GameXplain! --------------------------------- ➤ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/GameXplain ➤ FACEBOOK:: http://www.facebook.com/gamexplain ➤ TWITTER: http://twitter.com/GameXplain ➤ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/gamexplain_official ➤ GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/108004348435696627453 ⮞ Clothe yourself with our 2018 limited edition GX Flames shirt @ https://www.redbubble.com/people/gamexplain/ ⮞ Support us by shopping @ Play-Asia- http://www.play-asia.com/?tagid=1351441 & @ AMAZON- http://geni.us/GXAmz ⮞ Get our Real Talk Podcast early for $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GameXplain
inb4 Pikachu gets ice beam10. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!
I'm liking these new moves for Pika and Eevee too. Kind of curious about how they will work overall.
And New mega
But mostly six vs six battle spot
Such a hassle to get full on 6 vs 6 battles wifi on sun and moon ultra >< Made it not fun What u thoughts on six vs six battle spot GameXplain?
20. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!
30. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!
Stats were probably messed with so that Eevee's fire attack did not KO the Magnemite like it should have been able to, because they wanted to show off how it inflicts burn status.
Honestly the HM replacement wasn't a surprise, the progression to this is really obvious and acceptable (though I must say, RIP the Bidoof line).
On the topic of "Splash Surf"... it's already looking like a "why was this needed?" type of move. I suppose it can give the Pikachu line a more easily accessible Water type attack. However at which case, I must ask, why not just give them a normal method of obtaining Surf?
Now to end off on "Flare Burn". Based on the image, it appears to be a physical Fire type attack. Furthermore it is a physical Fire type attack that Eevee is using. Here's to hoping that it's something useful to Flareon, as I'd love an excuse to use it (that is, if Flareon is accessible in the game after Let's Go P/E).
Though overall, this doesn't even remotely change my opinion of these games.
50. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!
NANI?! Eevee Going To Have a OP Move I See
Just me being curious lol
So that I won't need to watch these let's go garbage and let's go trash videos
wow, thats even worse than hms themself! the game has absolutely no freedom!
a Surfing Pikachu benefits it perfectly because it helps cover the only Electric weakness, Ground-type.
For Eevee, it would've been a better idea to give it maybe a Fighting type move or a Ghost type move to cover its weakness.
well, better than nothing. i guess it can help out burn out trees lol.
SURFSRISES AGAIN!!!(Pikachu used Splash Surf) Its super effective!
Brock: O_O
100. comment for Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Surfing Pikachu & HM Replacement Revealed + New Moves!
That sounds like alot of button presses...
Nah man im sorry, that is just way too difficult for my fragile mind to comprehend, what is this the DARK SOULS OF POKEMON GAMES!?
I think im gonna have to cancel my preorder and get a more casual game for my switch, like Diablo 3.
Pikachu: hold my beer
no cloud saves.
You deserve it gamexplain!
And yes pikachu libre is the only reason I bought pokken tournament and oras as well as why i am hyped for smash ultimate
Edit: Get it?
Seems like Game Freak is being lazy with animation here, there's no personality in this game.
The era of HM Slavery is over.
A trainer teaches a Pokemon the move Cut
Me: What a waste.
(Throws HM disks on the ground and shoots them with a gun)
Train them to become Curse sweepers.
Maybe next game
It does not even ruin the experience of playing through a pokemon game, because you get to build your team just the way you want it.
The only good news is that they are permanently replacing hms. Game looks rubbish imo
ugh heck u earthquak i want my dircte now ug at of least anounse location in time of it please ninteond
but if i dont want to use them im fu****, because im forced to do: hm slave confirmed.
Leafeon has an answer to Bug, Ice, and Grass types :o
Umbreon may can burn fighting types :o
Espeon/Umbreon has a counter to Bugs :0
Vaporeon has a counter to Grass :0
I mean... what if it's a priority move with decent power? Help that mediocre speed stat Flareon has.
Why ya'll acting like their the only Pikachu and Eevee in the game, we even had a screenshot of a Vapireon following tge player a while back.
What is to say that will be repeated in this game given that there are screenshots of the trainer riding on Certain Pokemon in the game ?
No and no you're still wrong
So yeah, you belong to the minority who will buy it just because it says "Pokemon" on it.
But STILL not worth $60.
So I guess just because I dislike ONE game in a series of games that means I'm not a true fan?
Yeah, OK, Then I guess that Metroid fans who don't like federation force aren't true Metroid fans, And Sonic fans who don't like Sonic 06 aren't true Sonic fans.
The argument is stupid, Just cuz' you don't like a game in a series doesn't mean that you aren't a "True Fan."
Also, misspelled? And you are trying to convince as that you are over twenty... Obviously it's not in English.
Salty little kid.
Better save my money for something that is worth it.
the better resolution is nothing special, its normal when stepping up in hardware. if we go by your logic we have to buy every new game ever because the graphics are better.
there are many more things that make a game either worth the g
money or not.
and lets go has much less content then any recent pokemon game so for me its not worth it.
Just warning you guys
You must play really horrible games to think that this is worth 60€ with paywalls and all the other shit, I actually feel bad for you.
Does any of those core mechanics that developers spent years on adding to make the gameplay deeper and complex ring any bell to you?
WHY?!? ;-;
Anyway Let’s go’s main purpose is to bring in casual GO players to main series so it’s highly likely to just be a one time thing.
Also buying this game is money towards helping the development of the 2019 game.
I really don’t think that’ll ever happen but whatever, damn me to hell for loving LGPE.
Sorry if my previous comment came off wrong.
good anime
good characters (who cares if they're friendly?)
Amazing competitive seen.
trust me. it isn't bad like let's go pikachu
~No story
~Shit Designs
(All starters except Froakie line)
~Worst team
~Shit rivals
~Shit post game
~Kanto pandering
~Shit features that made Pokémon into digimon..yeah fuck Megas
~Shit music
~To easy
~Shit graphics
Bobble heads is hideous in 3D
Your a Dumbass gen 6 is by far the worst imo it lacked in almost every aspect in basically everything.
These People who complain about gen 5s designs are the ones that praise Grimer, Magnimite, Bidoof and fucking Skuntank.
In your logic Gardivor is uninspired since it's just a Women with a dress...how about Machoke? Jynx? Sliritomb just being sludge from a rock? Grimer line that are actual sludges?
Your a Dumbass if you didn't know every gen has this so stfu.
Gen 5 has literally like 80 "ugly" "Uninspired" Pokémon out of it's 156. 100 SOLID DESIGNS which is more than gens 2-4 & 6-7.
btw Count all the other gens Ugly and Uninspired Pokémon and compare them to gen 5... yeah lmao its more than gen 5s imo.
As far as I can tell, people have mixed feelings about this game BECAUSE it's unique to the others.
And if it is HD then why doesn't it use Sun and Moon dimensions for the characters and instead uses X and Y models?
and also its the first main game on a home console
HM’s were torture, and in Gen 1, there wasn’t a move deleter, so Pokémon taught hm moves in gen 1 could not be deleted !
It's gonna be awkward once it airs
Just a criticism because I love the GX crew and enjoy their original videos. Just wish they'd put in more effort for original ideas.
Either way, you guys are cool :) <3
It'll be cool no worries
Or, if it's just price that bothers you, wait for it to go on clearance.
I am hoping that they added some new stuff to make the games a bit more in depth. If I am wrong then I am wrong, but I think there will be a little more to the games than what we have seen.
It’s been 19 years since Pokemon Yellow came to a non-Japanese country.
It’s time for a new fresh coat of paint !
I do think the game should offer the ability to switch between a hard mode and an easy mode. Let easy mode have all of the gym requirements and let hard mode just let you play.
Also, Gen 1 is being pushed because its what most of the old school fans want. Most people never made it past the original 151. A lot of people playing Pokemon Go don't even recognize anything past gen 1. It's what happens when a major brand reached an anniversary mile stone.
I agree that making it so that you have to buy Mew is a terrible slap in the face for fans of Pokemon. At the very least make it so you can transfer Mew from Pokemon Go. Better yet, actually use the damn thing in the game. All fans ever wanted to do was find a Mew in Pokemon Red and Blue. This was their chance to give us that and they opted to blatantly take advantage of the fan base.
I currently have no likes and no views on the video.
Edit: Man, Game Freak is really trying to make Let’s Go Pikachu better than let’s go eevee! I also think this would have been in the direct.
I greatly doubt that.
A few minor leaks won't make a direct pointless. Nintendo still has announcements and reveals to do. canceling a direct simply because some minor things leaked out, stuff that not much of the fanbase even knows about, is preposterous.
and it's only been 2 days... not even a week. they will reveal the new date when they are ready to. Remember... the original date was announced a day before it was supposed to be.
Nintendo doesn’t seem like they want to announce the new date anytime soon
(that was a joke cause i and allot of others dont have any interest. But if ya hype for the game tho i do hope you enjoy it and have a good time =3 )
Edit: By what seems "off" I mean the whole gym requirements thing. It's really the only issue I have with the game, and even that could be handled in a way that makes the game harder, like "you can't enter Misty's gym without a Fire type." As I said I'll wait for release.
And playing with my boyfriend could be nice too!
And following Pokémon is always a plus
I love the way they look too I guess I like cute art styles
I know there are a lot of negative things people could see in the games but I don’t mind because the games look super cute! But everyone is certainly entitled to have negative opinions and that’s okay!