Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

» More Surfing? No problem: At north Wales's Surf Snowdonia, the world's first Wavegarden, Red Bull delivered a whole new format for competitive surfing: 30 minute heats, best of 5 waves, and one of the most consistent breaks on a planet (well, duh, it's a wave pool). After four rounds of knockout, Hawaii's Albee Layer defeated New Zealand's Billy Stairmand 3–1, and was crowned the kind of the lagoon. Click play and check out some of the best action from the wave pool! » Subscribe to Red Bull: _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed sentiment_very_dissatisfied 175

Surf 9 years ago 1,157,579 views

» More Surfing? No problem: At north Wales's Surf Snowdonia, the world's first Wavegarden, Red Bull delivered a whole new format for competitive surfing: 30 minute heats, best of 5 waves, and one of the most consistent breaks on a planet (well, duh, it's a wave pool). After four rounds of knockout, Hawaii's Albee Layer defeated New Zealand's Billy Stairmand 3–1, and was crowned the kind of the lagoon. Click play and check out some of the best action from the wave pool! » Subscribe to Red Bull: _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:

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Most popular comments
for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

Lewis Bros
Lewis Bros - 7 years ago
They should have a kids comp there
Lewis Bros
Lewis Bros - 7 years ago
Board riders
Lewis Bros
Lewis Bros - 7 years ago
I wanna do that
icecrem44 - 7 years ago
Kinda a lame and boring idea for a surf contest. Its nothing like reading a wave or putting yourself in the right spot/section for sets. It looks way to easy/repetative and I can't be impressed with such an easy set up. Though I would still love to try it!! But of course you need a lot of $$$ to surf it lol... So thats why we will only see pros and rich kooks on them...
Wonderful video!
have a great day :)
BLACK05GO1 - 7 years ago
Surfers looked limited by the size and shape of the peak. It takes away the surfers ability to anticipate the wave's characteristics down the line and know where to smash the lip or launch and air, etc. It's better than nothing but not a very good wave.
sicDaVid - 7 years ago
Slater's surf ranch has a perfect wave. He perfected the tech and cleaned up his pool. This was first but they jumped too soon.
SMaze17 - 7 years ago
Is this place open to the public? There's absolutely zero info about this on the website.
ste bee
ste bee - 7 years ago
SMaze17 yes it is opened to public but costs a small fortune but at least your guaranteed waves. It’s in snowdonia ,Wales , United Kingdom
Bernardo Torres
Bernardo Torres - 7 years ago
i have an i ideia not expensive. Do you belive if it works? the ideia is this: in a lagoon. You cut a big rock in the format of triangle. Then you hoist (move to up) the rock with a car... 10 meters + or -... then cut the steel cable. The triangle rock will hatch in the water and a big wave will forming. But we will have a good wave if the format is a tringle
Scott - 7 years ago
Rick Kane G.O.A.T.!!
Scott - 7 years ago
Tidybowl Man's favorite break
Scott - 7 years ago
Alright funny guys--who keeps pooping in the pool????

10. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
great white
rotsen995 - 7 years ago
the butt wiggle masters.
Donovan Crader
Donovan Crader - 7 years ago
Hardly showed any surfing at all
Jesus is King
Jesus is King - 7 years ago
never surfed a wavepool cause i dont have a million dollars that would be a sick day
Frank Barone
Frank Barone - 7 years ago
Its like a wave with no spirit.
Water is alive with differnt types of energy, Guya or Mother earth spirit.
When you surf this wave and you feel like somthing is missing, its the spirit of the wave. Its dead.
QUANTUMquest The billionaire salesman cowboy
QUANTUMquest The billionaire salesman cowboy - 7 years ago
dude it's H2O no more no less save that hippie crap for goa,and maybe stick too commercial not skunk iiieeeeght???????????
HDaviator - 7 years ago
Is this the kelly slater wave? Doesn't look as good.
bloodblade rapnacional
bloodblade rapnacional - 7 years ago
eu entraria nesse lago artificial pela manhã e só sairia por volta das meia noite, i need of wavers crazy artficials very good...!!!!!
i love redbull.
bloodblade rapnacional
bloodblade rapnacional - 7 years ago
adoraria surfar uma vez essas ondas
KGOdrift - 8 years ago
Hey guys!
Hope every one of you is having a fantastic day and enjoyed the video!
- From a GoPro youtuber thats just starting out
patrik.jirkov patrik.jirkov
patrik.jirkov patrik.jirkov - 8 years ago
jste kokoti

20. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

philip lavelle
philip lavelle - 8 years ago
to prov ide some historical perspective, I had the opportunity to surf in what I believe was the first wave pool (in Tempe, Arizona around 1969 or '70)...a large hydraulic "plunger" at the base of a large fake lava rock wall produced a large surge of closed-out whitewash that re-formed to become  a small lined-up wall that was ridden "straight off" by about a dozen land-locked longboarders....very gratified to see we've come such a long way toward such a desireable alternative (tho Mother Ocean will always hold the fondest spot in our collective heart...)
RichardAllen - 8 years ago
Have a location on long Island like to propose to Inc Village. if interested twitter @RickTrump2016
George Costanza
George Costanza - 8 years ago
Red Bull has done NOTHING for sport only steal true athletes identities and personal equipment then using blackmail to "sponsor" the athlete. this is SICK and has been personally reported to James Comey himself, by me.
And, I am NOT a Russian Hacker!
lee coates
lee coates - 8 years ago
where are the sharks jelly fish and exposed coral reefs , guess we in a cushion world now days ,all good if a sport is no longer dangerous to do then athletes should not be paid the same money :)
Bradybow - 8 years ago
such a dope video. I heard they're making a public one in texas
Sailor Barsoom
Sailor Barsoom - 8 years ago
I live in Texas! Tell me more. Please?
Marcelo Santos
Marcelo Santos - 8 years ago
Asad Doeasdw
Asad Doeasdw - 8 years ago
way to over hype some lame shit again Red Bull...this wave and wave pool both suck ass. so weak and slow. way to go tool bags as Red Bull.
Dre Anza
Dre Anza - 8 years ago
Kelly's wave pool is way better than this.
Gibbet Hoskins
Gibbet Hoskins - 8 years ago
looks shite compared to slaters wave pool
Cozzy Internet
Cozzy Internet - 8 years ago
it looks like 2 surfers can surf on either side at the simulataneously, except makes it out clear and the other gets to headbutt a couple of rods.....or even better; use them as hurdles

30. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

guy graham
guy graham - 8 years ago
No full shots of wave, looks shit.
e.i mccool
e.i mccool - 8 years ago
please don't hit me in the balls.
paramedic79ca - 8 years ago
Kinda takes away from the talent of being able to read the waves. But it's still sick
b - 8 years ago
I think its awsome that they can make something to replicate a wave but nothing will be like being in the ocean with white water breaking and the friends in the water and everyone having fun and just great times all together in the water. I do think its awesome becasue the wave is so perfect like the one in france its amazing how clean that wave is but the ocean is just so awesome nothing can be like the real thing. It may be better but you might get bored in just plain old lake water its not like the ocean the ocean is alive.
Divinecomics - 8 years ago
I read his pool is somewhere in San Joaquin valley. Couldn't they just have bigger pumps or turbines to increase the size? Who knows they didn't release the plans or the design or blueprints.
normellow - 8 years ago
I had a dream , that one day Kelly will have a 10+ foot wave pool.... I had a dream...
Slapturkey - 8 years ago
he means the general vibe and atmosphere of the ocean, no wave pool can capture that
Dre Anza
Dre Anza - 8 years ago
Check out Kelly Slaters wave pool.
ZenBoiGames - 8 years ago
what is the song at 2 minutes?
Laura Rodriguez Lago
Laura Rodriguez Lago - 8 years ago
holaa, estoy participando en un concurso para ganar una tabla de surf y me gustaría que me ayudarais, :) solo teneis que entrar en este enlace y dar like al video
Ofamau Valdez
Ofamau Valdez - 8 years ago
Ehh braddah's u got to go back to ur roots and who made surfing famous duke kahanamoku local boy from Hawaii says go back to ur roots ok nevah for get ur roots da roots is da only thing that can make something blossom and great so u have to appreciate wut duke kahanamoku did for u haoles u fakas from da main land
Luke Buchanan
Luke Buchanan - 8 years ago
2:08 ahhhhhh leo omg
Klwir Qldf
Klwir Qldf - 8 years ago
In 10 years it's an oval, looping forever, and a 20 foot wave.
LeClezio - 8 years ago
Need to plan 2 weeks in there just to grind the same maneuvers on best conditions. =P
TheFireblade1000RR - 8 years ago
tisoy909 - 8 years ago
Whats down there if you eat it. Something that can kill you? like a moving pump with impellers?
Emma Greenland
Emma Greenland - 8 years ago
i live here
Emma Greenland
Emma Greenland - 8 years ago
welcome to wales guys
Sean Kearns
Sean Kearns - 8 years ago
Slaters pool makes this look like garbage.
cwoolcat - 9 years ago
load of shit.
Derek Santos
Derek Santos - 9 years ago
Our Island of Guahan needs this
Bjorn Lundeen
Bjorn Lundeen - 9 years ago
The cage in the middle is limiting and distracting. I like seeing down the line with mystery.
Davu Maazouzi Perea
Davu Maazouzi Perea - 9 years ago
what the name of the first song ??
MelonArmy Trofimov
MelonArmy Trofimov - 9 years ago

50. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

Barney B rebel
Barney B rebel - 9 years ago
Cut back cut back turn turn turn cut back slash slash ....... Boring
Petar Miskovic
Petar Miskovic - 8 years ago
True, but imagine how much more training time you can put it now, the sport will evolve quickly
Liam Geschwindt
Liam Geschwindt - 8 years ago
But you can't do any of it so hush
al5422 - 9 years ago
Cool video.
Sit Back and Relax
Sit Back and Relax - 9 years ago
fake waves
jacobs akcat
jacobs akcat - 9 years ago
this completely ruins competitive surfing. competition is about showing off your knowledge of how a wave works. its showing you know how to pick waves and predict what theyll do or how they do like the PC surf comp: " Its FAIR"....Please.
MAnzk nanc
MAnzk nanc - 8 years ago
Well go back to the ocean. This is awesome whether you like it or not.
Jonas Raquel
Jonas Raquel - 9 years ago
Carlos Hernandez
Carlos Hernandez - 9 years ago
the waves are really small...
LAB TV - 9 years ago
Almost as crazy as theses german guys surfing their river lol
choco late
choco late - 9 years ago
future of surfing? WSL wave pool, anyone?
Renee Saulitis
Renee Saulitis - 9 years ago
Hey everyone mind checking out my Channel? I'm hoping to 100 subs. I love to surf and go on adventures. I'm going on a awesome holiday soon so awesome videos will be posted. Thanks if you sub!
Fábio Giorgi Acústico
Fábio Giorgi Acústico - 9 years ago
utuberine - 9 years ago
It kinda looks small and underpowered. Shame.
 They need to engineer something that pushes 10 foot smokin barrels with long thick sections in it.
Joris Splinter
Joris Splinter - 9 years ago
now look up kelly`s wave on youtube... that`s the best artificial wave at this moment
Arthur Turner
Arthur Turner - 9 years ago
Amazing as always!
Jahkgdm - 9 years ago
Add a side wave = more powerful wedging barrel similar to The Wedge in Newport. Shorter wave but more bang for the buck plus an air section would be more exciting. Also, would use less space.
Jason M.
Jason M. - 9 years ago
I'd love to surf that wave
Naufragio - 9 years ago
Check out my latest video, the most impressive waves 10 in the world!
James Cudmore
James Cudmore - 9 years ago
they got to be careful not to get a set on the head its metres away from the shore!!!
zrebrutibreniti - 9 years ago
kyttophy chrystiano brant carrasco
kyttophy chrystiano brant carrasco - 9 years ago
Zach Flynn
Zach Flynn - 9 years ago
Harrison Lee
Harrison Lee - 9 years ago
josh davis is a faggot
Walter Marlin
Walter Marlin - 9 years ago
I went back and watched the video again and the waves at the end of the video were smaller and a little slower. I kind of don't mind watching mello rides. Like golf surfing.
Walter Marlin
Walter Marlin - 9 years ago
Maybe put some color on the poles? The best part of the break was near the poles. I never seen a wave pool so powerful. I bet the break can be extended. The wave might be a little more low action for learners.
can this be in the olympics
ChINo BbZacK
ChINo BbZacK - 9 years ago
It is like a wave hippodrome !!
Bajuri Oxa
Bajuri Oxa - 9 years ago
good.. better line-up on the beach
surfinmuso - 9 years ago
seems like a lot of effort for a weak 2-3 ft wave, and a short ride. The edit proves it's overrated-been cut to look better than it is.
Gnasher - 9 years ago
16 second ride.
Krizanathan - 9 years ago
Typical Red Bull, 1/10 surfing 9/10 peoples faces :(
Caleb Pechumer
Caleb Pechumer - 9 years ago
I can see kooks flooding these like tourist attractions
Rhidian D
Rhidian D - 7 years ago
Well yeah... why else would they build it if not to attract tourists? You think they could cover their overheads just by having locals? It's not like there are a tonne of local surfers in Snowdonia... it's a mountain range for god's sake.
Citiz3nInsane - 9 years ago
such a poor video edit, we only get to see 2 sec of surfing, 5 sec of talking, 2 sec of surfing, 5 second of talking...
christian manning
christian manning - 9 years ago
just some lovely chemtrails killing the contestants around @2:04
christian manning
christian manning - 9 years ago
+Colby Carman So were all this guys who created America, Fucking ignorant slave.
Colby Carman
Colby Carman - 9 years ago
contrails you stupid alarmist
Citiz3nInsane - 9 years ago
+christian manning yeah that was right before 911
samuel rogers
samuel rogers - 9 years ago
This is the future of competitive surfing. Equal waves, equal opportunities. Let the best surfer win. And hopefully they pop up all over the world in every city and Ill be alone in the ocean again!!!
Audiostoke - 8 years ago
Yeah i hope it works that way too but im abit afraid it might work in the opposite way, brining more people to ocean line ups looking for bigger waves who haven't any ocean knowledge, aloha spirit, surf etiquette or paddle fitness.
Blue Bomber
Blue Bomber - 9 years ago
Was it too much to ask to see one wave from beginning till end instead of snippets for the sake of selling the video?
RichMartin FreeweightsAndSpeed.
RichMartin FreeweightsAndSpeed. - 9 years ago
Bit over edited
dji zzah
dji zzah - 9 years ago
mick fanning is really warming to the idea
Ruben Yee
Ruben Yee - 9 years ago
Hope they keep it off limits to boogie boarders
Lori Armstrong
Lori Armstrong - 9 years ago
I want to try ~~~><)))^< ~ ♥
streak88s - 9 years ago
Just no steroids oh! i thought your name was "Lance" sorry.
Arthur G
Arthur G - 9 years ago
Think it'll be possible in the near future to make 15+ footers??? That would be sweeeeeeeeet!
Timothe Lecointre
Timothe Lecointre - 7 years ago
Je suis en train de ma mère qui me dit qu'il y a des barbares de sa voiture de la musique de sa voiture le meilleur des meilleures ventes en vacances en plus il y en vacances à l'étranger de sa voiture de
Boxhawk - 9 years ago
I have a suggestion to improve it: Freeze the water, then have guys put on shoes with metal blades on the bottom, give them each a stick and tell them to hit a rubber disc around while they bang into each other.
aminor1950 - 9 years ago
+Randsurfer ...more like a, hockey one.
Randsurfer - 9 years ago
+Boxhawk That's such a hokey idea.
Bolts 1
Bolts 1 - 9 years ago
Definitely a great future ahead for this. I wanna have a go too!
Magic mirror
Magic mirror - 9 years ago
Giant waves 30 meters ,this and next week in Nazare,Portugal
Dash - 9 years ago
This is will be good for the future...hint hint Olympic Games
Alexandre GUIRAUTON - 9 years ago
Why spending energie to reproduce the nature?
Lets surf to the wave!
Ross Brandli
Ross Brandli - 9 years ago
so why do they still wear leashes? Can't wait till the infrastructure develops to the point where they can make a wave with a barrel.
MrPolarbearpunch - 9 years ago
where is thumbnail
A. TrezO
A. TrezO - 9 years ago
Unlimited waves every surfers dream
Felix Rodriguez
Felix Rodriguez - 7 years ago
I agree...not to mention the perfection of the waves and NO SHARKS ever, day or night!
Luistein - 9 years ago
vish jhony deep
Fable Srf
Fable Srf - 9 years ago
they're building like 5 more of these too! I think one in California and I know one in Texas but in not sure about the other locations
Andy Longtime
Andy Longtime - 9 years ago
Awesome for shredders / good air wave.
NoMoreShit - 9 years ago
spoiled brats... what about me?

100. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed

caswell 411
caswell 411 - 9 years ago
It's amazing how surfing was responsible for the invention of the skateboard, and now more than half a century later surfers are doing tricks invented by skateboarders/ing. It's beautiful how one amazing passion can accidentally spawn another amazing passion, and then for that passion to come full circle and inspire the originating passion to progress.
bokeflo - 9 years ago
Wave pools aren't just for swimming anymore. Very Cool.
boarder989 - 9 years ago
Andrea Massignani
Andrea Massignani - 9 years ago
who knows the second soundtrack's title ?
fuelbasti - 9 years ago
kind of cool for a contest because everybody get the same wave or has the same condition. Its all about style and creativity than.
Azzamatic - 9 years ago
Where's the boogie boarders?
KK Woolsey
KK Woolsey - 9 years ago
this is wack. man always gotta try and engineer some bullshit. let the waves break naturally for crying out loud. HAWAII x TAHITI
PatriotPigeon - 9 years ago
+Keli'i Woolsey "My way is better. You suck for trying to let people in a different place enjoy what I have the privilidge of enjoying every day."

Grow up. We can't all live on the coast, and certainly not all on the coasts with good waves.
João Filipe Souza Sena
João Filipe Souza Sena - 9 years ago
Muito legal a estrutura montada para o campeonato. Mas não gostei da cor da água! !
Анатолий Ливашевский
Анатолий Ливашевский - 9 years ago
привєт з України !
Digital Freedom
Digital Freedom - 9 years ago
Surfing artificial waves contradicts the spirit of surfing in my opinion.
Johnnie Kennedy
Johnnie Kennedy - 7 years ago
Digital Freedom yes
Surfncoop1 - 7 years ago
surfing contests contradicts the spirit of surfing also, but ya know, that's what we do....
SĮŃŚĮŃ - 8 years ago
choco late - nah watching it on youtube is like porn, to surf it would be like a private house call...weird science shit lol
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
yeah but it would be like virtual reality, super advanced porn. Not really the real thing, but as close as you can get for people who can't get it themselves.
choco late
choco late - 9 years ago
+Digital Freedom If surfing was like having sex , wave pool surfing would be like watching porn.
grilindi Rivera
grilindi Rivera - 9 years ago
jcotner00 - 9 years ago
+Digital Freedom this technology though will be good for people like me who are landlocked and have been wanting to learn to surf but don't have access. Luckily I live in Austin and will be learning just about everyday once NLand opens up
AlexParker1981 - 9 years ago
+Digital Freedom man is nature also so if we make something that's beautiful it's still going to be as fun, just a different experience.
caleedium - 9 years ago
+eric Burtron Yeah, totally agree with you there man. It's useful for people who r further inland like me but it will never overtake ocean surfing. It's easier to see everyone surfing if ur in the crowds though.
adndressurf - 9 years ago
+Digital Freedom Surf with resin, epoxi, and foam contradicts even more
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
yeah, but one hell of a consistent two peaks
skooli2 - 9 years ago
+eric Burton Agreed. After having to move to the mainland from Hawaii, I'd take a wave pool session right now. The only real issue I see with it is that it's two little peaks for every surfer within 100 miles.
Herman Melville
Herman Melville - 9 years ago
+Digital Freedom For competition purposes it creates an interesting challenge seeing as that everyone gets mechanically identical waves. Makes it a pure style contest. Granted I don't see it as any kind of replacement for traditional open water competitions, but it's a nice change of pace and I'd prefer it over some of the shitty beach break they force the pros to surf at times.
eric Burtron
eric Burtron - 9 years ago
I understand what you're saying, and as long as I'm on the islands I'll surf in the ocean, but in my opinion the spirit of surfing is as much about having fun as it is about having a connection to the ocean. This form of surfing isn't ever gonna replace proper surfing, but let the landlocked mainlanders have some fun.
KK Woolsey
KK Woolsey - 9 years ago
Thank You!
Max Monterumisi
Max Monterumisi - 9 years ago
the color of the water is matches the color of the water in Adriatic spot Malindi on better days!!! :-) :-)
Дмитрий Анисимов
Дмитрий Анисимов - 9 years ago
Минус, потому ,что не наши, и у них нет фантазии.
Axel Jensen
Axel Jensen - 9 years ago
Irvan Luthfi Hamdani
Irvan Luthfi Hamdani - 9 years ago
PurpleSprite - 9 years ago
I heard the water is shark infested.
Samuel Lennon
Samuel Lennon - 8 years ago
Jelly Do
NiceMeme - 8 years ago
+streak88s fuck you
Jelly Donut
Jelly Donut - 8 years ago
Definitely, Red Bullsharks
Jarutat Snidwongse
Jarutat Snidwongse - 9 years ago
it's murky water, gotta be the bullsharks only.
Riggro - 9 years ago
+streak88s hahaha
Moustachio - 9 years ago
+streak88s okaaaaaay....
streak88s - 9 years ago
I don't know about that, but the comment section is "stupid" infested.
Hugo Pearson
Hugo Pearson - 9 years ago
Is it just me that wants to see a person catch the inside reform barrel
Owain Cynfab
Owain Cynfab - 9 years ago
Every one from north wales say haaaaaay
thechosendude - 9 years ago
water color looks like a waste treatment plant.
Scott - 7 years ago
That's what I call Lake Shittykaka
Jenna Twatson
Jenna Twatson - 8 years ago
That's what they call a lake. Separate from what you know as an ocean.
Herman Melville
Herman Melville - 9 years ago
+aminor1950 I dabbled a bit.
caleedium - 9 years ago
I read in wavelength that they are using rainwater and zapping it with UV rays to clean it. Apparently they used an old brownfield with an old unused aluminium factory.
Herman Melville
Herman Melville - 9 years ago
+thechosendude Not everything is the islands.
Matthew Brazier
Matthew Brazier - 9 years ago
+thechosendude its water straight from the rivers and lakes that make up the drainage basin, so the water is pretty much fresh from the hills. Its pumped off the main water supply for the towns below
VideosAreDrugs - 9 years ago
Well its kinda in the middle of like town its not connected to a water source
Alan Xu
Alan Xu - 9 years ago
How does this work
Aint1S - 9 years ago
there's something similar to a snowplow being towed up and down the pool. it starts the bump, instead of water rushing up on a natural shelf or ledge etc.
there's about to be the world's largest in Austin, Tx and luckily that's close to me. sadly, my skill is building massive amounts of speed for airs from years of traveling the gulf more than both the east and west coast combined... I'll probably be the first to hit the wall... breaking just another board.
BariumCobaltNitrog3n - 9 years ago
+Liangshi Xu You can see the mechanism at 00:30 in the upper right making the wave.
Lo Bailey
Lo Bailey - 9 years ago
+thechosendude i think theres pillars or something in the middle and pushes water up and forms a wave
thechosendude - 9 years ago
same as a wave pool at water park
#WERTY - 9 years ago
this is insane
Max N.
Max N. - 9 years ago
Madcap - 9 years ago
First comment

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