Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed
Surf 9 years ago 1,157,579 views
» More Surfing? No problem: At north Wales's Surf Snowdonia, the world's first Wavegarden, Red Bull delivered a whole new format for competitive surfing: 30 minute heats, best of 5 waves, and one of the most consistent breaks on a planet (well, duh, it's a wave pool). After four rounds of knockout, Hawaii's Albee Layer defeated New Zealand's Billy Stairmand 3–1, and was crowned the kind of the lagoon. Click play and check out some of the best action from the wave pool! » Subscribe to Red Bull: _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
Wonderful video!
have a great day :)
10. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed
Water is alive with differnt types of energy, Guya or Mother earth spirit.
When you surf this wave and you feel like somthing is missing, its the spirit of the wave. Its dead.
i love redbull.
Hope every one of you is having a fantastic day and enjoyed the video!
- From a GoPro youtuber thats just starting out
20. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed
And, I am NOT a Russian Hacker!
30. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed
50. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed
They need to engineer something that pushes 10 foot smokin barrels with long thick sections in it.
Lets surf to the wave!
100. comment for Pro Surf Contest in a Wave Pool - Red Bull Unleashed
Grow up. We can't all live on the coast, and certainly not all on the coasts with good waves.
there's about to be the world's largest in Austin, Tx and luckily that's close to me. sadly, my skill is building massive amounts of speed for airs from years of traveling the gulf more than both the east and west coast combined... I'll probably be the first to hit the wall... breaking just another board.