Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5
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►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/JOBPlaylist OB and Co. redefine rainy days with puddle surfing, river running and shorepound madness. For normal folks on rainy days, you got a few options. Boardgames. Some light to heavy reading. House chores. Binge watching both seasons of House of Cards. Yoga. You keep it pretty quiet, right? They are days of reflection, calm and catch-up duties. Not in Jamie's house, baby. As witnessed in Episode 5, rainy days for JOB's clique can only mean three things: puddle surfing, river ripping and Waimea shorepound packing. Pud..ddle..what? Yes, you heard right: puddle surfing. You know, where you and a few friends find a side of the highway mud puddle, set up the winch and get towed into a puddle on a soft-top while your other friend comes at you from the side at 50mph to shack you. Spoiler alert: Poopies gets thrashed and drinks a hightop full 'o thick brown. Just North Shore boys having fun, is all. Blitz Kids - Title Fight Get it here: http://smarturl.it/thegoodyouth New Beat Fund - Peachez Get it here: http://smarturl.it/coinzep _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter
10. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5
20. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5
Shit is tite bruh
30. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5
50. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5
They were originally built for wakeboarding and wakeskating tows without the need of a boat or a seadoo which allowed them to shred a lot of places they couldn't in the past.
100. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5