Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/JOBPlaylist OB and Co. redefine rainy days with puddle surfing, river running and shorepound madness. For normal folks on rainy days, you got a few options. Boardgames. Some light to heavy reading. House chores. Binge watching both seasons of House of Cards. Yoga. You keep it pretty quiet, right? They are days of reflection, calm and catch-up duties. Not in Jamie's house, baby. As witnessed in Episode 5, rainy days for JOB's clique can only mean three things: puddle surfing, river ripping and Waimea shorepound packing. Pud..ddle..what? Yes, you heard right: puddle surfing. You know, where you and a few friends find a side of the highway mud puddle, set up the winch and get towed into a puddle on a soft-top while your other friend comes at you from the side at 50mph to shack you. Spoiler alert: Poopies gets thrashed and drinks a hightop full 'o thick brown. Just North Shore boys having fun, is all. Blitz Kids - Title Fight Get it here: http://smarturl.it/thegoodyouth New Beat Fund - Peachez Get it here: http://smarturl.it/coinzep _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 118

Surf 10 years ago 794,417 views

►WATCH JOB’S NEW SEASON on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/JOBPlaylist OB and Co. redefine rainy days with puddle surfing, river running and shorepound madness. For normal folks on rainy days, you got a few options. Boardgames. Some light to heavy reading. House chores. Binge watching both seasons of House of Cards. Yoga. You keep it pretty quiet, right? They are days of reflection, calm and catch-up duties. Not in Jamie's house, baby. As witnessed in Episode 5, rainy days for JOB's clique can only mean three things: puddle surfing, river ripping and Waimea shorepound packing. Pud..ddle..what? Yes, you heard right: puddle surfing. You know, where you and a few friends find a side of the highway mud puddle, set up the winch and get towed into a puddle on a soft-top while your other friend comes at you from the side at 50mph to shack you. Spoiler alert: Poopies gets thrashed and drinks a hightop full 'o thick brown. Just North Shore boys having fun, is all. Blitz Kids - Title Fight Get it here: http://smarturl.it/thegoodyouth New Beat Fund - Peachez Get it here: http://smarturl.it/coinzep _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

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Most popular comments
for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

Action Kids
Action Kids - 6 years ago
you should try tow mile
Marcel Chevrier
Marcel Chevrier - 7 years ago
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Elliot Lambert
Elliot Lambert - 7 years ago
Siiiiiiiicccckkkk Waimea is a mad break man
Alex Y
Alex Y - 7 years ago
Do tubing and catch yourself on fire
05hayat - 7 years ago
3:40 you’re pendejos!!!
TejasToolMan - 7 years ago
wow this woulda been so much fun to ride on over an over
Pedro Baltazar Chicharron Guerrero
Pedro Baltazar Chicharron Guerrero - 7 years ago
Woooooow good me friends
Bones of Gold Skateboarding
Bones of Gold Skateboarding - 8 years ago
those rapids you created were the shit!!! great show!

10. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

SSTKR carl
SSTKR carl - 8 years ago
sorry , Location ??
Kahlia Sulendra
Kahlia Sulendra - 8 years ago
i dont understand how they dont get injured more. i get scared in 6 feet surf that im going to break my neck! but i suck compared to them obviously... still! how do you survive getting smashed by massive waves?
Peter Schmidt
Peter Schmidt - 8 years ago
aww deviant keks offenders all butthurt? ask your grand daddy bitch. i got your family photo album.
Chase Ryan
Chase Ryan - 8 years ago
Crazy to think I lived there and was at that beach all the time seeing these dudes
James Goodhew
James Goodhew - 8 years ago
What is it called when you make a current that you surf on?
Robert Piparo
Robert Piparo - 8 years ago
Red Bull... Your standards suck...
Richie Wolff
Richie Wolff - 8 years ago
u guys have the best life ever
Nico Stuve
Nico Stuve - 8 years ago
Richie Wolff je
Steve Andrus
Steve Andrus - 8 years ago
Did any one get ringworm
Connor Dunnagan
Connor Dunnagan - 8 years ago
What Nissan is that at 2:06?
milehighac - 8 years ago
Corey Watts
Corey Watts - 8 years ago
That is hell sick I want to do that so bad

20. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

spencer321100 - 9 years ago
Your first reason that it got stuck is cuz it's a tundra
Kevin Rustles
Kevin Rustles - 9 years ago
Id be pissed if i spent 8 hours digging and then a bunch of freeloaders steal my wave
Florida Man
Florida Man - 7 years ago
Nah man, one love. We can all share
AllHail Cookies
AllHail Cookies - 9 years ago
6:07 and 6:13. You welcome.
Timur Titivadze
Timur Titivadze - 9 years ago
Guys, what is the machine called that pulls the rope that they use?
icEzra - 8 years ago
+Tom Sharpe you are both wrong its a weinch
Brian Pickering
Brian Pickering - 9 years ago
INSANITY - 9 years ago
Last year I took a trip to Hawaii surfed lanakais and saw pipe jumped the jump rock. Best part was I stayed in kalanies step dads guest house and got to surf with kalanie
incognito 82
incognito 82 - 9 years ago
Poopies "he hit the reef"
Trey Wright
Trey Wright - 9 years ago
Poor Hawaiians... best waves and it takes some gulf of Mexico surfers to show them how its done.
Aint1S - 9 years ago
poor gulf guys, I'm one... for now. Looking to move to the North Shore. Surfed the entire east coast, South Padre Island to Destin, and So-Cal. I know that it'll blow my mind beyond surfing hurricanes before landfall, but you only live once! I need to get back to the living and less of the doldrum lull in Texas, my original home.
MacAttack flips
MacAttack flips - 9 years ago
Douche Army
Douche Army - 9 years ago
Yo, where can i get a fucking sentra wagon like that?!?!?!?
Shit is tite bruh
Bernat Lloret
Bernat Lloret - 9 years ago
really like to life this live!!
Elitheguy Elitheguy
Elitheguy Elitheguy - 7 years ago
Bernat Lloret you mean live this life

30. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

Praveen Joseph
Praveen Joseph - 9 years ago
ha ha funny
kai hamill
kai hamill - 9 years ago
4:40 haha
LeroyRifkin - 10 years ago
hang ten bro!
CM HX - 10 years ago
badeshka1 - 10 years ago
why do you have a toyota... not a domestic truck like that powerstroke you went matressurfing with
badeshka1 - 9 years ago
+Vasuu - Minecraft PvP! yea, its a hard combo to find!
muntdher firas
muntdher firas - 10 years ago
Dude thats crazy 3 minutes and 40 secand
Jacky Esquenazi
Jacky Esquenazi - 10 years ago
getting paid to live life 
e.i mccool
e.i mccool - 10 years ago
homemade flowrider
Joshua Moala
Joshua Moala - 10 years ago
"My name is Jamie O'brian and I live the perfect life"**
ZeppelinFanatic480 - 10 years ago
58 dislikes?? how
Surfnbrett B
Surfnbrett B - 10 years ago
That water is so nasty 
Dylan Wolf
Dylan Wolf - 10 years ago
Best Season!!!
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 10 years ago
Things were really brought down to reality for me when I saw that Nissan Sentra...
alfie wardle
alfie wardle - 10 years ago
How do you do the rapids what they did????
Joel Coghlan
Joel Coghlan - 10 years ago
those shorebreaks... mental!!!!
Lynda Galway
Lynda Galway - 10 years ago
5:23 get off my wave 
meatbrainnerd1 - 10 years ago
Lol poops rocks dude
Alberto abascal
Alberto abascal - 10 years ago
where is todays vid!!?
Fraser Wright
Fraser Wright - 10 years ago
tee hee they are funny :)
Harry Hughes
Harry Hughes - 10 years ago
Song at 4:22

50. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

Imabeatyouman - 10 years ago
lmfao so many sponsored mother fuckers its insane xD  (River surf part)
RedQuip - 10 years ago
Amazing. Very cool ideas. Goods job ;)
Tyson Lagon
Tyson Lagon - 10 years ago
For every day an episode isn't posted, a kitten dies :( I just died a little lol
Alastair Cameron
Alastair Cameron - 10 years ago
the last episode was uploaded a few days ago why was this one uploaded so fast??
UncommonNine - 10 years ago
Landon Durfinshna
Landon Durfinshna - 10 years ago
when was this uploaded 
Z.G. - 10 years ago
Nice ep.
Wouter Verschuren
Wouter Verschuren - 10 years ago
7:00 whats the traingle thing they throw in front of them befpre the wave hits?
Wouter Verschuren
Wouter Verschuren - 10 years ago
thanks :)
wakeboarder028 - 10 years ago
That's the ski handle from their wakeskate winch. They were originally developed for wakeboarding/wakeskating in smaller bodies of water which is why it has a waterski handle.
AvoliD - 10 years ago
Can one buy such a "cable-pull"? (*sry for my English)
AvoliD - 10 years ago
Thank you sir so much :)
wakeboarder028 - 10 years ago
Google "wakeskate winch" :)

They were originally built for wakeboarding and wakeskating tows without the need of a boat or a seadoo which allowed them to shred a lot of places they couldn't in the past.
Trollet HD
Trollet HD - 10 years ago
Life behind bars is best
hoochipappie75 - 10 years ago
That was sick..who figured out they could dig that and it be soo coolll....awsome
Brett Enfield
Brett Enfield - 10 years ago
Please make them every week? Everyone like this so they see how many people want them more often!
Jack Kershaw
Jack Kershaw - 10 years ago
song at 4:50 is Title Fight by Blitz Kids
Billy  Cronin
Billy Cronin - 10 years ago
By far the best redbull videos just wish that ye could make them longer
Jack Twomey
Jack Twomey - 10 years ago
4:50 well that escalated quickly
Chris Fast
Chris Fast - 10 years ago
Chris Fast
Chris Fast - 10 years ago
Rokas Slavinskas
Rokas Slavinskas - 10 years ago
Stupefyyoursenses - 10 years ago
music at 4:50? plz..
mamadou guetta
mamadou guetta - 10 years ago
Poopies ahaha
Kaleb Rodarte
Kaleb Rodarte - 10 years ago
Anyone know the song at 4:12?
Goonigan Garage
Goonigan Garage - 10 years ago
What's the song at 4:00? Anyone know? :)
Goonigan Garage
Goonigan Garage - 10 years ago
Thankyou so much :)
DidiX25 - 10 years ago
Beauty and the bass - Lee Richadson ;)
Zak Patterson
Zak Patterson - 10 years ago
I love these vids there sick.
Iwan Griffiths
Iwan Griffiths - 10 years ago
4:26 song?
waveaddict34 - 10 years ago
Yup... love job.
Takumi Nishikawa
Takumi Nishikawa - 10 years ago
#pitted  in puddles
Ben Dover
Ben Dover - 10 years ago
!what is the song at the enddd !
Virginia Living Organics
Virginia Living Organics - 10 years ago
whats the song at the end? Your mind is like a sponge and Im squeezing?
Saxon - 10 years ago
No! Now I have to wait 2 weeks for the next episode :(
Janor X
Janor X - 10 years ago
Get it!
alex00 - 10 years ago
thats how you live a life, bunch of friends, traveling the world have the best/funniest times
limbo - 7 years ago
Taylor Ferguson or.. if you can surf. takes balls to surf the waves these guys surf man. i say pay them lots! i couldnt do it thats for sure (wish I could)
Taylor Ferguson
Taylor Ferguson - 8 years ago
yeah......if ur rich.
09roramo - 10 years ago
Yaaa! the nissan sentra pulling out the tundra! classic
ohhroach - 10 years ago
these guys are idiots lol but makes for a great show
skyeg3 - 10 years ago
JOB and crew should surf north shore on aqua skippers
bradley follett
bradley follett - 10 years ago
Power Up
Power Up - 10 years ago
Easily, one of my favorite episodes. Carving out the sand and creating that make shift river was so sick. ;0
Sam Zona
Sam Zona - 10 years ago
5:56  Peachez by New Beat Fund
Jeff Burton
Jeff Burton - 10 years ago
what was the song that was playing when they were surfing those huge dug out river rapids?
Keanudabeast - 10 years ago
Cant believe poopies drank that mud
Bonafide Hustler
Bonafide Hustler - 10 years ago
Best red bull sponsored show on YouTube. Hands down!
OxuPoxu - 10 years ago
Is The Perfect Flight considered a red bull sponsored show? Jokke Sommer was on it.
Zain Gregory
Zain Gregory - 10 years ago
MOST DEF!!! :)
RODAX - 10 years ago
life behind bars ^^^
Liam Grieve
Liam Grieve - 10 years ago
FM - 10 years ago
7:44 talkin about a snowball...
Quincy Abrams
Quincy Abrams - 10 years ago
Waimea is nuts was there last week and I am sure all those rich people at turtle bay were pissed you guys were ripping those puddles out front hahaha
jrmusante1 - 10 years ago
more ass shots please
PassThe Purp945
PassThe Purp945 - 10 years ago
Diego burgos
Diego burgos - 10 years ago
intro song name?
Iwan Griffiths
Iwan Griffiths - 10 years ago
ye wanted to no that too
MrLulu1715 - 10 years ago
what's the last song ? 
cameron mctaggart
cameron mctaggart - 9 years ago
darude sandstorm
Jakob Arendt
Jakob Arendt - 10 years ago
Rolling walls
Parker - 10 years ago
These should be longer.
oskar moys
oskar moys - 10 years ago
what the song?
Griffin Delles
Griffin Delles - 10 years ago
isnt this the same as last season?
Hugos Thar
Hugos Thar - 10 years ago
puddle surfing taken to a slight extreme with the winch and a 5star puddle. but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that river they dug. fucccckk. madness. and that surf at the end. crazy short but tall waves. how the fuck do surfers do that without being a fish. and then right next to eachother?! dont you just get rag dolled in the aftermath? the few times ive surfed on waves like a 3rd of that size and it was pretty much to much for me. or is there a trick to getting caught rag dolling in the wave with no control?
da doodooboi
da doodooboi - 10 years ago
hahaha Waimea shorebreak is a lifetime experience! There's no tactical way of surviving the aftermath. Just basically go limp and let the wave wash you up the beach (hope you got good lungs and a tolerance for brunt force to the body hahaha). God how I missed those days. Living in AZ now and no water like that in sight. Need to go home ASAP!!!!!!
Kyle Gillam
Kyle Gillam - 10 years ago
Will never get old

100. comment for Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

PalmTreePlays - 10 years ago
Andy Haumersen
Andy Haumersen - 10 years ago
My life is so boring. . .
chili24137 - 10 years ago
dude that river to ocean connection thing was pretty incredible.
wakeboarder028 - 10 years ago
I had seen it on JOB's Instagram page and had no idea that was created by them digging the channel on their own! That was a lot of hard work put in by them, but if Pipeline is flat I guess you have a lot of time on your hands lol.
Galv4nize - 10 years ago
At first sight i couldnt believe that they built this ... awesome
エリンギ - 10 years ago
eastcoastfuckyou - 10 years ago
poopies needs a reality tv show
Daniel Hegner
Daniel Hegner - 10 years ago
Oh yeah!
AIRCYCLEGANG JWZ - 10 years ago
glad to be fifth :D
Mats Langeid
Mats Langeid - 10 years ago
JOB is the coolest person alive
Kuba Krawiec
Kuba Krawiec - 10 years ago
I am third
Madd Hatter
Madd Hatter - 10 years ago
I'm so happy everytime I see a new JOB episode into feed. Love these video. So awesome and great. Can't wait for the next one.
Norge Jestic
Norge Jestic - 10 years ago

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About Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5

The "Puddle Surfing | Who is JOB 4.0: S3E5" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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