RAW Teahupoo Tahiti Code red part 2!!

These are the raw clips from another epic day in Tahiti, *the video camera was velcro'd to the top of my camera hence the loud clicking :)

RAW Teahupoo Tahiti Code red part 2!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 30

Surf 11 years ago 344,442 views

These are the raw clips from another epic day in Tahiti, *the video camera was velcro'd to the top of my camera hence the loud clicking :)

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Most popular comments
for RAW Teahupoo Tahiti Code red part 2!!

geonerd - 6 years ago
Someone needs to find a camera with an electronic shutter....
Azhiaziam - 6 years ago
geonerd video camera was velcroed to the top of my lens, just experimenting a little. I have a Sony A7riii and a Sony a9 now :)
Smilez101 - 7 years ago
Andrew Stevens
Andrew Stevens - 7 years ago
"wave of the year" settle down champion not even close
Luis Renato Reis
Luis Renato Reis - 7 years ago
WHAT IS THE FILM SOUNDTRACK? I thought it was insane
Daryl L. Hunter
Daryl L. Hunter - 7 years ago
Well shot
Joe Hawk
Joe Hawk - 7 years ago
what the name of it
Big Joe
Big Joe - 7 years ago
Hindu Bodhcong Pala
Hindu Bodhcong Pala - 7 years ago
Hindi-Sanskrit nirukhta, etymology b syllables, of the word "Teahupoo": "Te" = "your"; "a" = "not, inverse of, anti"; "hu" = "being"; "poo. pu" = "husband". Answer: "Your not being husband". Truth. However, the Big Ocean Wave Round Longboard surfing pipes, are the Mother of Love, to Develop Knowledge. The easy silent-sight. The breathing space. The life.
Hindu Bodhcong Pala
Hindu Bodhcong Pala - 7 years ago
There's the important reality of real, factual knowledge. All are Blank-Minding themselves by Felony Forced Conversion Propaganda; in all Education; and they are a disaster of death against real children who I know personally. On balance, I admit that there are Italians who I know personally since very young who fought for me in real danger, and they were evidently always Self Correcting in the middle of the sadist impacts of the mass and the masses.

Recognize this fact. At Japan, before WW2, totally invaded by "Universal-Catholic-Global-Religion Parasite Colonial Looting Structure; the Japan Prime Minister, and the Commander of the Military, {{same as the entire "Catholic-social-racial-parasite population of China and India, Fake Asians}}; were both Fake Asian Hysteria Wannabe Touts, Catholic-EU/Bible-Mideast-African Racials: Fake Asians. What can we do with them suffocating our children? They then Bombed Pearl Harbor. Next the Same Scum, EU-Mideast-African-U.S. Catholic/Bible-Forced Conversion Neo-Colonial Racial-specific Forensics; same Racial-Religion-origination Forensics as the Fake Asian: Nuked Asian children in their own beds. Looting all family's made by the parasite masses. The entire Education Structure and its' "Technical Science Content" is Falsified Science. It serves everybody right.
The famous equation; E=MC squared; if you study fact, was solely created, devised, and structured by Henri Poincare' of the France Mines Authority, having no actual relationship to the Einstein Schizo-Hyper-Canker Falsified Science Fantasy Theory of Curved Space. There's No Such Thing As Curved Space Anywhere In the Cosmos. Einstein, being Schizoid-Cranial-Defective Hyper-Mimicry Thief, Parasite; together with the entire Bible Forced Conversion falsified Science Propaganda Group: has no actual factual relationship to that Equation. And you all Quote Ugga Bugga Wigwam Fake Science; Chewing on the words of it into every childs' face in every education classroom.

I only state the actual Science of Linguistics. The Linguistics which you know is False Referent Structure; a deformed picture. Real Linguistics makes etymological examination of "micro-syllabic linkage inside even one word". For example, the Western word "Chief": 1. "Ch", from "circo" as "circle, prime, first circle of authority, identified-individuated", Latin-Greco originated, not any Asian content; + 2. "ef:, from "effable", as "speak, spoken, verbal speech", Western-Euro originated, not any Asian content; + 3. "Shuf, shoof", as "Mountain Ridge", Greco/Russian/Persian originated, no Asian content. Thus: "The prime circle Captain of the Mountain Ridge Walkers makes the command of authority". Study is a razor.

And all Parsi, a Fake-Asian promotion from the West; fed, and feed, all the dead bodies of their own "bi-peds breeding" to "Special Inspired Carrion Birds", protected at Fake India Government Bombay and Delly. Adolf Shekelgrubber Hitler the Nazi, was Parsi/Cathlic-racial; as all Parsi get kicked out of India Asia during hard time: and the go home to Israel to be Jews, or Italy-French-German-Dutch to be Cahtolics, etc. Sub-human, not actually human evolved cranial/body geometry. And you go Blank-Mind with everybody for "The Take", at Propaganda Forced Conversion Education Structure Pan-Global.

What should I say, from broad knowledge, that you will comprehend? "Don't talk that Drab On about cement shoes into the East River. We are respect. You got to lay da concrete full length cuz it does not badda da fishes" ?. You bet, Buddy. I don't bet. We don't eat Pidgin for Fake Asian Invasion Pidgin Languages.

I surfed real storm pipes on my longboard. It's actually totally quiet inside the big tubes, the Blue-Green Room. All I get is all I need: the silent-sight. The breathing space the life. Anywhere. Everybody tells me, Get Outa Here.

When you are individuated, and study long, and make accurate long thought development, the world will not help you. Maybe you are avoiding the smell of broccoli, which contains chemicals which work substantially against stomach cancer, but the Vit K also voids the effect of coumadin and other blood thinners for specific health conditions. Felony Pharma-racial-defective family-geometries-made, Shrinko-racial-defective parasite sadist; Pharma-racial-specific Mental Attack Dope, including all the Felony Pharma-racial-defective Birth Control Evil Crooked Sadist Parasite Attack Dope, is all you will get today. So stay away from Crooked Dope, because the good Cops don't like that. Nothing can save you.
Nick Cipollone
Nick Cipollone - 7 years ago
All this, from me disagreeing with your etymology. Serves me right.
Hindu Bodhcong Pala
Hindu Bodhcong Pala - 7 years ago
Felony organized Catholic-Invasion-Fake-Polynesian Linguistics/Forced Conversion Cippolone-Family-Racial/Racial-Polyandric-Italian-Racial-Catholic Science Education; makes the Felony Murders Accession Forced Conversion-Science Promotion: that "Coherence Being a Specific Circle, is his Owned Property at Science Theory of Fake-Polynesian-Invasion Languages". When he loses his head to to the Asian Goddess Durga, certainly all honest Asians will not waste their breath to argue against the result.

We Asian-White-Racial-Family's are not in his own Circle of Coherence. However, next they Promote: Felony Shrink-Racial-Defective-Girl Abhorrent Physical Body Odors Belgium/EU/Mideast/African-Racial Polyglot Science Propositions Disease Nausea > Europe Racial-Polyandric Education Love Circles at the French Stench Wench Racial-Polyandric Love Affairs/Swedish-Racial Porno Movies Fake Polynesian-Racial Universities of European Financial Looting Structure against the Asian-Racial-Families. That's why the Felony Organized Forced Conversion-Invasion >Cippolone-Italian-Racial-Defective-specific Forensics Family: Shrinko-Racial-Defective SCUM; being Fiat Chrysler had to Incorporate at Amsterdam-Cippolone-Italian- Racial-Polyandric/Prostitution Street; to Make Forced Conversion Global Looting Money. That's his own Shrinko-Racial-Defective Skull Geometry, Oh So Sensitive Gloibal Concern made by his own Linguistics Theory for Fake-Scandinavian/Fake Irish/Paris-made Looting Structure against all Asian-Racial/Polynesian Family's.

Felony Falsified "Universal-Racial"-Linguistics Science Propagation:
1.] Falsified Finno-Ugric Language Theory.
2.] Portuguese Murders Accession Falsified Science Education into all of Asia enforced by EU Cannons for Financial Looting against Asian-Racial child-Family's; adding the Compounded Falsified Science "Polynesian Racial-Polyandric/Racial-Defective-Girl Theory: "South American Language Theory Falsified Dravidian Assertions.
3.] "Catholic-Italian-Racial-Defective-Austronesian Language Theories Forced Conversion": Promote that the African/European/Colonial/Neo-Colonial Education, being Physical Breeding Groups Polyglot Together, are the Falsified Polynesian facts at Evidence Science Forensics.
Darwins' physical EU/French-Portugal-Italian-Racial-Mother, had sexual physical phallic coital entry, made into her own Racial-Disease Odors Vagina Self; made by her own Racial-Selection and Choice; from more than 3 separate Male Phalluses. Darwins' "Out of French-German-Portugal/African-Racial-African-Dutch, and Neanderthal-Denisova Sub-Human"; the Darwin
/Vatican-Italian-French-Cippolone-Racial; Out of Africa Theory; evdidencing Pre-Historic Skulls: Only Makes Evident that Something Got Killed Off.

At the Americas, the accurate Science Research has substantiated that of all of the most ancient Skull evidence, specimens; Cranial-Geometries; that not one, or any, Asian, Indian, or Chinese, cranial geometries ever existed there. That specific Research did make extension,that various "Poly-Islander" groups pan-Global, may have been the original American Tribal cranial-geometries-racial-specific. Not one, or any, of them, could be substantiated to be the Cippolone-Racial-Defective-Family-Italian Skull Geometries, Fake-Polynesian Invaders {Falsified Austronesian Propaganda-Forensics/Evidence Basis}. All Italian/European/African-Racials: are not Asian-Racial Family's geometries

Racial-Polyandric Fake-Polynesian Grunt-Racial-Prostitutes/European/African Racial-Polyandric being the Vatican-Italian-Euro-Racial-Defective Shrinko-Racials: are not Language Proofs at accurate Science and Asian-Racial-Family Police Forensics.

Felony Forced Conversion Cippolone/European-African/Mideast-Racial-Defective Falsified Science Promotion; making the Murders Accession Heterophile Bloodsucking, Capital Offenses; are his own Racial-Defective-Group-specific Attack: their own "Coherent Circle at Falsified Sciences Forced Conversion. Examining those Felony Murders Accession Capital Offenses closely and accurately; their own Felony Coherent Circle at Science, Capital Offenders: "Makes Falsified Linguistics, Falsified Referent Structure". Feloniously Using the Falsified Science, FALSIFIED REFERENT AT LINGUISTICS; is the Felony Organized Western-Racial Religion Murders Accession Capital Offenders made by him and them; Capital Offenses, now identified at all Asian-family-hereditary-racial Royal States Law Enforcement, being the permanent and perpetual Evidence Corpus Law States Enforcement against the specific Felony Invasion, Forced Conversion-Education/Science: Capital Offenses.
Hindu Bodhcong Pala
Hindu Bodhcong Pala - 7 years ago
Cippolone describes his own Felony Parasite Sadist Group-made, Racial-"Catholic-Universal" > Falsified Science-Linguistics, Fake-Polynesian Language Promotion, made as Felony Murders Accession Foreced Conversion into Asian Earth as Financial Looting and Land Theft; against all Asian hereditary-racial-family-specific children and child-Family's. Cippolone and his ilk at the "Universities masses Forced Conversion Glory" is the Felony Racial-Polyandric French Dancing Girls College; bearing their own Fake-Asian/Fake-Polynesian Racial-Specific FORENSICS " > CANKER-POLYPOID Sebhum-specific-Abhorrent Physical Body Odors Forced Conversion Education Structure: Mental Defective Cippolone Italian Family Coherent With Its' Own Racial-Propaganda Theories. Real Science is always much more accurate at Forensics/evidence, than that. Fake Surfers never surfed real Storm Pipes. Real "Coherent" says: Get Out of Asia. Go Home. Drop Dead.
Hindu Bodhcong Pala
Hindu Bodhcong Pala - 7 years ago
Felony organized Forced Conversion-Western Racial-Specific Forensics; Falsified Linguistics-Science; Capital Offenses: is you. That's formal charges at the India-Asia puwitr Royal Nations Law States. Your "Theory" of Linguistics is made by Felony Western-Racial-Religion Fake-Polynesian "Universal" Invasion into Asia Earth; for the purposes which are the "masses Love" which makes starvation against all Asian child-Family's. Your own "cohrence is Mental Defective Forced Conversion Falsified Science Propaganda". The Felony organized Forced Conversion/Falsified Science/Linguistics, is a very much documented specific Forensics at all Asian Earth Police Science: Enforcement of Law against Forced Conversion Capital Offenses.
Nick Cipollone
Nick Cipollone - 7 years ago
your not being coherent
Hindu Bodhcong Pala
Hindu Bodhcong Pala - 7 years ago
We are not created by Egypt/Euro Canker Polypoid Flesh/Skin Fake Polynesians-Mideast-Portuguese-Deutsch/Amsterdam-Racial Polyandric-racial-specific. We do not speak hysteria Fake Asian-Tout Hysteria Wannabe Pidgin Languages, because we don't eat Pidgin. Do not say again from Portugal-Vatican-Avignon parasite-racial-Fake-Asians that the Easter Islands S. American Catholic-racial languages of their cannibalism: are Dravidian originated. If you want to really surf storm, Nick, you got to like to learn to think long thoughts. Rail Riders are Glimmers Blown.
As "enamoured" from the Vatican Oriental Studies department Forced Conversion Liars, parasites against Asian-racial children; the "Finno-Ugric" languages contains Not any Indo Sanskrit content. The Research does substantiate that among all prehistory Skulls at the Americas: not one or any Indian or Chinese cranial-geometry existed.
Even at India {which contains 5% of the population who are today Indo/Asian-racial-specific}, there are not"ancient" Italian Skulls as specimen. But, there are a few more recent Italian-French Mission Medical Doctors Skulls evident; because they 1] practice Felony Targeted Heterophile Murders of children, Forced Conversion Financial Looting Capital Offenses; and 2.] practice by Dink-Blank-Racial-Polyandric Skull, the prescribing of "Arsenic Delly Belly Foil Wraps" for Giardia Parasite which becomes Encysted into the Intestinal Wall. They do that because the Racial-Polyandric Canker-Polypoid m. & nf. of their own racial-specific", were invaded by them as "Naga Tribes Universal" into the areas of India which are the highest Arsenic content of the water.
It's simply where all the Canker-Splay-eyed/Side-eyed-racial-specific Doggie-Woggie-Goatie Kike Skulls are going to; as you got to escort them returned to their own specific "Mare" lands of racial-religion-language origination. Cuz Skulls don't roll too good.
Nick Cipollone
Nick Cipollone - 7 years ago
An interesting exercise, but no more than that. Tahitian, a Polynesian language of the Austronesian family, is not all that closely related to Hindi-Sanskrit. My understanding is that "Teahupoo" means "severed head" in Tahitian or proto-Tahitian; considering the obvious violence of the wave-break, that seems more convincing than "your not being husband".
Dillon - 7 years ago
lmao fuck off
Whitenacho - 8 years ago
With all the danger factors considered you would think maybe a few deaths but nada.
ken hanson
ken hanson - 7 years ago
Sleeping Lion that doesnt seem that bad 5 in the last 15 years. rideing waves that big.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 7 years ago
Keith Miller there's been deaths. U kidding me? Tons of people die surfing . I think there is 5 here, in the past 10-15 years. And that's only because a handful of surfers charge it when it's Huge.

10. comment for RAW Teahupoo Tahiti Code red part 2!!

Tade Bierozko
Tade Bierozko - 8 years ago
2:09 Damn son...
therockiesfan3 - 8 years ago
how deep is this water?
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
Not deep enough if you eat it.
Y2K - 8 years ago
rip the green boat
Москва Ньюз
Москва Ньюз - 8 years ago
WOW! This is really cool!
Daniel Bennett
Daniel Bennett - 9 years ago
WOW!!!!! excellent footage!!!! reality!!
Diego Torres
Diego Torres - 9 years ago
like 3 minutos or 4
sunsensational - 9 years ago
These guys get so deep. I would be racing for the shoulder like a baby
Alfredo Navarro
Alfredo Navarro - 7 years ago
Is that guy at 2:10 ded?
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
HAHA i'd be scared sitting in the boat!
bbs - 9 years ago
멋지다 꼭해보고싶네 ㄷㄷ
Tiburon Dreaming
Tiburon Dreaming - 9 years ago
As a photographer I say "fuck yeah awesome !!!"
As an inexperienced surfer I say  "fuck that !!!"
pal yer
pal yer - 9 years ago
bodyboarder made my day

20. comment for RAW Teahupoo Tahiti Code red part 2!!

Clawsen - 9 years ago
Teahupoo the best of the world...;-)
Kent Waialae
Kent Waialae - 10 years ago
Awesome pictures!
Kent Waialae
Kent Waialae - 10 years ago
Awesome pictures!
Kent Waialae
Kent Waialae - 10 years ago
jjmdavo - 10 years ago
that last wave was massive you could fit two mack trucks in the barrel
blakekarlpatrickwood - 10 years ago
SkateSurfProductions - 10 years ago
Gnarly waves! Yewww! Sick video
Ben Puglia
Ben Puglia - 10 years ago
Guy at 1:08 was smart, got super closed out haha
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 7 years ago
Ben Puglia yeah. If he cut high , then just floored it. Easier said than done
Ben Puglia
Ben Puglia - 7 years ago
maybe, would have to get an ass ton of speed. but definitely possible
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 7 years ago
Ben Puglia he may of been able to make that barrel
wingman7nz - 10 years ago
NUTS!!!! x100000000000
yallow rosa
yallow rosa - 10 years ago

bravi & brave
0:25 Raimana Van Bastolaer

30. comment for RAW Teahupoo Tahiti Code red part 2!!

Kevin Vaughn
Kevin Vaughn - 10 years ago
can anyone tell me how long you are under for if you get caught in one of these
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
Yep intervals matter
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 8 years ago
Yep exactly
MrLeeson660 - 8 years ago
Dont think the hold downs are the worry, relatively short at Teahupoo. Main concern is getting pulverised on the reef, broken neck, spine, or getting sliced wide open. Really gnarly shit!
Azhiaziam - 10 years ago
There are many factors, I filmed this and saw multiple two wave hold downs. 10 seconds is if you are lucky. The force can pin you to the bottom. It all depends where you fall.
MegaEnterprice - 10 years ago
1:08 XD
Coraille G.
Coraille G. - 10 years ago
The wave was closing out he did the right thing :P 
William A
William A - 10 years ago
1:07 Wat Da Fuq
Joe G
Joe G - 10 years ago
did the right thing the wave was closing out
Cory Mitchell
Cory Mitchell - 10 years ago
Haahhah sponge
gabsonking - 10 years ago
SBERTOL84 - 8 years ago
pacocrema - 10 years ago
aubrey valdez
aubrey valdez - 10 years ago
This is so amazing
Edgar Flores
Edgar Flores - 10 years ago
Que valor
guido dee
guido dee - 10 years ago
Yeah, this like the Roman Coliseum.  Feed em to the lions.
Goody908 - 10 years ago
fucking sponger kook 3:59
Keryn Celenza
Keryn Celenza - 9 years ago
Josey Wales
Josey Wales - 10 years ago
+al bundy he had some major cojones.
Barney B rebel
Barney B rebel - 10 years ago
sponger kook? haha your a kook even when u stand up
Barney B rebel
Barney B rebel - 10 years ago
rothman. wow
Deeds SevetySeven
Deeds SevetySeven - 11 years ago
Epic jonesy, you get the best shots
内田博貴Hirotaka Uchida
内田博貴Hirotaka Uchida - 11 years ago

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