RC Surfer shredding PERFECT WAVES
Surf 6 years ago 75,621 views
Full on radio-controlled ripping by RC Surfer guru Larry Howlett and his custom Maui RC Surfer named "In Da Tube". San Clemente pier provided perfect little waves and an empty line up for Larry to get some sweet rides! Also check out this vid of In Da Tube's mind blowing 360 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFfD4AVcXtg
10. comment for RC Surfer shredding PERFECT WAVES
20. comment for RC Surfer shredding PERFECT WAVES
After getting stoked, does the little dude go home to beach Barbie for a massage?
30. comment for RC Surfer shredding PERFECT WAVES
"Oh Ahhhh Whaaaaaat?"
50. comment for RC Surfer shredding PERFECT WAVES
.. aaaaaghhh.....nice.....aaaaaaaggghhhhh......omg......whaaaaaaat......aaaaaaaaaaaagh.........This is good.........aaaaaaagggghh.........he's coming in hot .......aaaaaaaaghhh nice.....mmmmmmmmm!!!!!
100. comment for RC Surfer shredding PERFECT WAVES
I was commenting that I hope they don't put motors in SUP's so Kooks can
get in the way in lineups. You know, full size surfboards with real people on them.