RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

Get the DVD at http://www.ReeseProductions.com or download a copy from http://www.thesurfnetwork.com/ This is a trailer for the movie Radio Waves. Filmed entirely in Santa Cruz, California. Radio-controlled micro surfing at it's best.

RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Surf 18 years ago 434,793 views

Get the DVD at http://www.ReeseProductions.com or download a copy from http://www.thesurfnetwork.com/ This is a trailer for the movie Radio Waves. Filmed entirely in Santa Cruz, California. Radio-controlled micro surfing at it's best.

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Most popular comments
for RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

AxumGear - 8 years ago
hi awesome channel
GoShow Media
GoShow Media - 8 years ago
Excellent vids dude! Enjoy your content! You should check out our videos for more great content!!!
Marco Aurélio Simão
Marco Aurélio Simão - 9 years ago
Can we buy the toy?
Gareth Price
Gareth Price - 10 years ago
Compelling and exciting, cutting edge and funn.
waddac2 - 10 years ago
Now that is fantastic 
beyond1957 - 10 years ago
Kyosho Dude Genuine boxed set complete for sale. Located in CA.
A pro mod brush less build and this kit will rip.....nothing else like it!
Thegibolin - 11 years ago
OMG, it's Mini-Gibolin surfing !!!!   ;-)

Watch his adventures on Youtube while base-jumping (it's for fun and it's FOR FREE!)    ;-)
Julio Cesar G. Tedesco
Julio Cesar G. Tedesco - 11 years ago
awesome!!!! =)
Peter Hanschke
Peter Hanschke - 11 years ago

10. comment for RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

Keesha Peterson
Keesha Peterson - 12 years ago
ware is that
eric monje
eric monje - 12 years ago
uau no sabia k se podia hacer esto rc
reeseproductions - 12 years ago
You can now rent Radio Waves as a digital download (VOD) for only $2.99 from The Surf Newtwork.
reeseproductions - 12 years ago
check out my links page at Reese Productions for info on kits.
Jordan Gaeta
Jordan Gaeta - 13 years ago
Were do u get those surfers
weezeronyou62 - 13 years ago
wow thats cool hopr you check out my rc video
Tyler Hartner
Tyler Hartner - 13 years ago
@reeseproductions Can i buy this off of you . Ill give you $1,000?
reeseproductions - 13 years ago
@waterworkss Yes it's WAY better!!!
waterworkss - 13 years ago
Cool bananas! Just wondering if the rudder modification was "way better" than factory fitted....?
MrAbuonamici - 13 years ago
imagine go pro with that thing!!!

20. comment for RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

Antjan46 - 14 years ago
HowEEEdikyna waikikiSTYLIN...! Awesome man! I want one for them stoner flat days!! Fkn brilliant!
devilmanmatisse - 14 years ago
reeseproductions - 14 years ago
@gugaarrudafloripa Yes, we ship (deliver) anywhere on the planet. Shipping to Brazil cost $5.50usd. Thanks.
Guga Arruda
Guga Arruda - 14 years ago
@reeseproductions , do you have the way to deliver it in Brasil? Thancks.
egyptsean - 14 years ago
i might have to sell one of my cars and get another surfer lisa....i miss mine!!!
reeseproductions - 14 years ago
@keithskye Thanks man! It helps to have an expert like Spencer Johnson running the RC dude.
sailing314 - 14 years ago
Rene Schlesinger
Rene Schlesinger - 14 years ago
1:03 awesome!
Rusty Campbell
Rusty Campbell - 15 years ago
how sick was that floater in 106 yee
Didgeman80 - 15 years ago
That is soooooo cool!! I am in to RC but never have I seen that! Where do you get them? Thanks for posting! :)

30. comment for RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

paulochuky - 15 years ago
it really cooll
darius112 - 16 years ago
Where can i get one?
Edu Romero
Edu Romero - 16 years ago
I want one! xD
reeseproductions - 16 years ago
Santa Cruz California.
reeseproductions - 16 years ago
The one in the movie is heavily modified and cost around $600.usd
Miguel Blanco
Miguel Blanco - 16 years ago
This is really good, how much is this rc surfer?
reeseproductions - 16 years ago
George Thorogood's "Bad To The Bone". Search you tube clips using his name and the song.
dinhojunkz #TristenteCV
dinhojunkz #TristenteCV - 16 years ago
Awesome! Never seen something like this be4...
dinhojunkz #TristenteCV
dinhojunkz #TristenteCV - 16 years ago
What's the name of the song ? ²
sbcskateboards - 16 years ago
Bradley P
Bradley P - 16 years ago
dude, that thing moves!!! just look at when he first sticks it in the water
Thomas Herbst
Thomas Herbst - 16 years ago
What's the name of the song ?
mark675 - 16 years ago
lol!! that is incredible! ive never seen these before, if i lived near the beach id definately get one of these!!
Nik S
Nik S - 16 years ago
This is hilarious
dnlvh8 - 16 years ago
Where do u buy those i need one does ayone have one that u r selling or theirs an ebay link that u know of can u put a comment on my channel or essage me
Matt Mabarrack
Matt Mabarrack - 16 years ago
Only the best will do mate. I don't buy gear based on price... Your experience with modified KYOSHO r/c surfers is what? Again, we're not talking $100 board sharks or fake NQD surfers..
Matt Mabarrack
Matt Mabarrack - 16 years ago
$40? pffff.... the steering servo in mine cost $60... your thinking of those toys from Kmart... I have one for sale, $500AU
Josh Fowler
Josh Fowler - 16 years ago
Were did u get your RC surfer cos i want one.
oaklandathletic - 16 years ago
I own your Video and it rips.....I now own 3 Dudes and 1 Lisa ...We got to get together Dave and rip a few... Paul-Santa Cruz,cali
modelleg - 16 years ago
If we did that here in new jersey, a 20 lb striper would eat that thing. That a 18 ton striper to scale, actually.

50. comment for RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

aphr0dite2007 - 16 years ago
Leonard E Wheeler MPA
Leonard E Wheeler MPA - 16 years ago
impressive editing and shots
Matt Mabarrack
Matt Mabarrack - 17 years ago
It won't... they are toys not models... a good surfer will cost you upwards of $500
Daniel Scott
Daniel Scott - 17 years ago
but can u do the stuff u dont mod it beside sealing in thecompartment thinggy so no water getts in????
spoclogik - 17 years ago
Yeah, it's a Boardshark... haven't tried it yet. I hope it'll perform as well as the Kyosho. I'll have to check out your website!
reeseproductions - 17 years ago
The Radio Waves movie shows you what mods you need to do to greatly improve performance.
reeseproductions - 17 years ago
I think the model you are referring to is the Boardsharks rc surfer which is very different than the Kyosho brand rc surfer. The Kyosho brand is the type featured in the Radio Waves movie.
reeseproductions - 17 years ago
there is a link to Wombarra innovations on my website under the links page.
spoclogik - 17 years ago
I live in New England and stopped by Toys r Us the other night and to my astonishment, they are selling these for $16!!!!! Not $70 or $80. $16, wanted one for a while I might actually buy another as a back up.
Daniel Scott
Daniel Scott - 17 years ago
do u have to mod it and if u do wat kind of stuff does it do like faster
reeseproductions - 17 years ago
just sent you an email with info.
reeseproductions - 17 years ago
once you modify the sealing system leaking is no longer a concern. some key mod tips are covered in the movie.
kumatador - 17 years ago
is it actually surfing? or do you have the motor on?
Hugo Pinto
Hugo Pinto - 17 years ago
Fuck*ng awsome!! where did u get that sufer??
Joel - 17 years ago
if the video dident say rc surfer it would look like a pro in hawii
occyoccy - 17 years ago
if the inventor of this toy is not richman, he is a fool
reeseproductions - 18 years ago
Go to the reeseproductions dot com website and scroll to the bottom of the videos page and there you will find a link.
reeseproductions - 18 years ago
Hi, Yes a 3600 battery pack will give you longer run times. Everything you need to know to maximize the performance of the rc surfer is shown in the movie, Radio Waves. Check out the Reese Productions website for more info.
Felipe Franco
Felipe Franco - 18 years ago
hi, i have one of this, but i use a battery that i can surfing a few minutes only, about 5 minutes in the water. My battery is 1500 mah, if i buy one 3500 mah, i will surfing more time? Or what i need to do?
ponchoyo - 18 years ago
Luis Hernandez
Luis Hernandez - 18 years ago
Esta muy chido este prototipo, de eso no hay duda. Ingenioso el tipo este no?
Luis Hernandez
Luis Hernandez - 18 years ago
Esta padre, me imagino un uso serio seria que Hollywood tome un prototipo de estos y suplementen o talvez substituyan CGI de peliculas ... esta de a madre
Alfonso Sanchez Polo
Alfonso Sanchez Polo - 18 years ago
quiero uno, alguien me lo regala?? jajaja
nicolepremier - 18 years ago
I need one of these !

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About RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing

The "RC Surfer Radio Waves trailer - radio-controlled micro surfing" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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