Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th

Filmed by Taylor Curran

Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

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Filmed by Taylor Curran

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Most popular comments
for Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th

Bloody Pelican
Bloody Pelican - 6 years ago
thunder cloud.
cristian alexis torres salazar
cristian alexis torres salazar - 6 years ago
ramon.....leyenda viviente de surf chileno y mundial.....el mar te ha regalado....unos minutos de su gloria.... en el edi , tambien en figi...para comvertirte en legendario.......un tipo con conviccion....con humildad.....con valores.....simplemente me emociona.....bendiciones desde iquique chile......
Matias Larrain
Matias Larrain - 6 years ago
Dejando las discusiones weonas de lado , me produce orgullo y felicidad ver a Ramon a puro ñeque construyendo su vida en el surf.
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 6 years ago
OH MY. Viva Ramon!
We wanna see the paddles @Surfer.
Dino Denton
Dino Denton - 6 years ago
Absolutely Recockulous. Wave of a lifetime there.
Dino Denton
Dino Denton - 6 years ago
I love how it spits then opens up again just to say GOOD JOB!!!
feerro - 6 years ago
Chilean Legend
edijef - 6 years ago
máximo Ron Damón
Shan Timothy
Shan Timothy - 6 years ago
How does he fit the huge balls into his wetsuit? Amazing courage and skill!
Juan Pirata
Juan Pirata - 6 years ago
Lo mas grande Ramon Navarro
Proteje al mar y el mar le brinda olas que solo se consiguen en suenos.
Matias Larrain
Matias Larrain - 6 years ago
Me gusto tu comentario Juan

10. comment for Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th

frank beans
frank beans - 6 years ago
Why is it clipped?
mybleachhouse - 6 years ago
So stoke Ramon got the wave of the day on this swell. Well deserved man.
claudio fox
claudio fox - 6 years ago
orgullo para CHILITO
diego Aliaga Ortiz
diego Aliaga Ortiz - 6 years ago
Grande navarro, terrible seco qlo.
sueltaelmelon - 6 years ago
por supuesto que se que es chileno..lo conozco desde cuando nos miraba..
Ramon merece elogios lejos de la groseria...
pues el no las dice..
TALO ALTEN - 6 years ago
Otro de Ramon Navarro https://youtu.be/Y0WoNkUBSh8
Damian Benson
Damian Benson - 6 years ago
When Cloudbreak looks like Teahupoo.
Alex White
Alex White - 6 years ago
cloudbreak is so insane.. no other wave on the planet maintains this kind of quality and length of ride at XXL
MrAranhaman - 6 years ago
Probably the biggest barrel and best wave ever....OMG
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 6 years ago

20. comment for Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th

Owen Nicholls
Owen Nicholls - 6 years ago
So heavy..
alvaro mujica
alvaro mujica - 6 years ago
viva chile conchetumareeee
SEBASTIÃO Carneiro - 6 years ago
Bikersurf - 6 years ago
Grande ramon..!!!
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
One of The greatest ridden wave of all
time !!! Undoubtedly the biggest wave ever ridden at cloudbreak !!! Congratulations Hermano Ramon Navarro !!!!!
Gonzalo Jorquera
Gonzalo Jorquera - 6 years ago
una legenda el perro quliao
Fabrizzio - 6 years ago
Que Orgullo este cabro !!!!!!!
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 6 years ago
Tow ins don’t count,,,,,,,,,,,,,
clarkewi - 6 years ago
Has to be one of the heaviest waves ever ridden.
Francisco Silva Trujillo
Francisco Silva Trujillo - 6 years ago
ctmmmmmm cuanto mide esa ola qla 30 m?

30. comment for Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th

SDBARTENDER1 - 6 years ago
Biggest wave ever at Cloudbreak?!
Bigger then Kohls.
ditimely - 6 years ago
Kohl wouldn't have paddled in this one.
SDBARTENDER1 - 6 years ago
Of course Kohl paddled into his.
brendon leary
brendon leary - 6 years ago
Sounds like milking time at the dairy.
Mauricio Fabres Azócar
Mauricio Fabres Azócar - 6 years ago
que tiene que ver Chile ?? seguro el estado apoya a estos deportistas ?? la mayoría llega por sus propios medios , es más el es hijo de pescador y todos sabemos la tradición del estado chileno a los pescadores a través de la ley de pesca , así que grande Ramón
TALO ALTEN - 6 years ago
Mauricio Fabres Azócar pobre weon, no es Chile quien te mete en deudas, eres tu wn que te vas solito a encalillarte. No te preguntes que hace Chile por tí, mas bien la pregunta sería que haces ti por hacer de Chile más grande. No teni que estar esperando que el pais vaya a solucionarte tus cagadas. Déjate de andar alegando y se productivo wn, no actúes como parásito.
Matias Larrain
Matias Larrain - 6 years ago
Mauricio Fabres Azócar
Mauricio Fabres Azócar - 6 years ago
no soy amargado jiles .. me gusta ver la realidad y no embobarme con la wea de Chile y chile pata y chile para acá si al final chile no me da nada más que deudas y malos tratos , cero apoyo.. de hecho el loco en la entrevista que dio pidió lo mismo más apoyo porque ahora todos se suben al carro de la victoria ... simplemente jiles
Damada Perez
Damada Perez - 6 years ago
Mauricio Fabres Azócar pita el wn amargado...si el estado ko lo apoyaba...que ahora lo haga y con esto Ojalá salga en mas medios y el Leviatán lo ayude!!
BarracudaMTL - 6 years ago
Mauricio Fabres Azócar cállate ctm ...
Craig Thomson
Craig Thomson - 6 years ago
Anyone sending in nominations for XXL wave of the year shouldn't bother.
okapPerrox - 6 years ago
Jorge Meza
Jorge Meza - 6 years ago
Eres leyenda Ramón, realmente la cagaste! Todo un crack.
Sylvan Doyle
Sylvan Doyle - 6 years ago
He coulda been deeper....
martin silva
martin silva - 6 years ago
What size is this roughly
Paul Eagle
Paul Eagle - 6 years ago
Just absolutely amazing
Maria De Jesus Ramos
Maria De Jesus Ramos - 6 years ago
Ramon tv Difusora
Borja Peñalver
Borja Peñalver - 6 years ago
Quien puede ser tan subnormal de poner un no me gusta a este olon!!! Algun kiteboarder...jijijiji
Eric Knorpp
Eric Knorpp - 6 years ago
Representing Chile... Cannot wait to see if he wins wave of the year!!
sueltaelmelon - 6 years ago
es chileno.
sueltaelmelon - 6 years ago
tu eres el comentario mas educado que he leido...conozco a ramon desde que se le caian los mocos...
Damada Perez
Damada Perez - 6 years ago
sueltaelmelon por supuesto es nuestro máximo referente en Chile . Surge a desde los 13 años y con esto sólo demuestra una vez más su calidad de leyenda grande Ramón!!!!
Kurtis Nelson
Kurtis Nelson - 6 years ago
That first section looks like Teahupoo unreal!
William López
William López - 6 years ago
Increíble Ramón! dejando chicas las barrels de fiji!
JohnB - 6 years ago
Roberto Carvallo (815)
Roberto Carvallo (815) - 6 years ago
leonardo burotto
leonardo burotto - 6 years ago
Esperaste toda la vida y el mar te contestó,grande hijo de pescador, bendiciones y pura vida desde stgo ,chile....
Matias Garmendia
Matias Garmendia - 6 years ago
Navarro buena CHILENO!!!!!!!!!

50. comment for Ramon Navarro's Massive Barrel At Cloudbreak | May 26th

Pablo Donoso Yañez
Pablo Donoso Yañez - 6 years ago
Brutal ! ... Ramón eres un crack !
mikael Roots
mikael Roots - 6 years ago
Towing vs Paddling? Ramon was towed-in into that wave, so I wonder if this really matters when there are other surfers trying to catch those waves with no artificial assistance as Ramon did.
DANIEL4123 - 6 years ago
That is the best wave ever ridden!!!!!
denny beck
denny beck - 6 years ago
biggest barrel ever
SURFER - 6 years ago
Felipe Ortega
Felipe Ortega - 6 years ago
tumtum821 - 6 years ago
dover_beach - 6 years ago
Nuts. Just nuts. And yet I can't look away.
Ramsey Sieverts
Ramsey Sieverts - 6 years ago
I don't like that they all wear these blow up life jackets. I personally know guys that would charge that shit "tow'd in" without that shit if given the chance.....
Alvaro Ruiz
Alvaro Ruiz - 6 years ago
Those are the stupid guys that get killed.
Aveen Ver Ploeg
Aveen Ver Ploeg - 6 years ago
CTM weon
LuisG GN
LuisG GN - 6 years ago
grande Ramón.. chileno de un corazón gigante..!
Messina - 6 years ago
That thing is a monster.
charleschannel - 6 years ago
The guy who screamed should feel ashamed forever
Nestor Ramirez
Nestor Ramirez - 6 years ago
La cagoooo...grande navarro
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 6 years ago
You fall.. you die
Jay J
Jay J - 6 years ago
Ha ha mooo mooo, moooooo! Can't stop laughing. Nice wave as well.
Rafa Towers
Rafa Towers - 6 years ago
Ramón Navarro from Chile, wuena conchetumareee.!
Ezekiel Naaktgeboren
Ezekiel Naaktgeboren - 6 years ago
Wave of the year?!??
Carlos Tapia Cáceres
Carlos Tapia Cáceres - 6 years ago
Grande Ramón.. saludos desde totoralillo, coquimbo Chile.
Iván González Navarrete
Iván González Navarrete - 6 years ago
Impresionante este flaco. Y es chileno wn!!!
stabg289 - 6 years ago
Whats funny is the cheering slowed down sounds like COWS mooing ? So are Cows just really Cheering for something ?
Post Disclosure World
Post Disclosure World - 6 years ago
It's so massive it almost looks like CGI
ricardo marchant
ricardo marchant - 6 years ago
He's the man!!! Aguante Ramon!!!!
Kenneth Martin
Kenneth Martin - 6 years ago
Hard to find the words to describe a wave that massive, rideable, barreling freight train without being towed-in and so perfect! Cloudbreak.
LIEU PROJECT - 6 years ago
Holy crap that looks like the wave from the thundercloud swell that cleaned everyone up
LIEU PROJECT - 6 years ago
Probably bigger hey it looks monster
mungbean74 - 6 years ago
I thought exactly the same thing about that Thundercloud wave that Mark Healey paddled over.
Kenneth Martin
Kenneth Martin - 6 years ago
Is this bigger than the Thundercloud day?
Phyllipe Couto
Phyllipe Couto - 6 years ago
Cacete de agulha
Aaron Sof
Aaron Sof - 6 years ago
holy sheieiit
Makoa De Almeida
Makoa De Almeida - 6 years ago
holy chet, small kine looked more like teahupoo
1booyaka1 - 6 years ago
The howls you hear when it's slowed down is actually me screaming from my computer, long distance.
MrSpaceLama - 6 years ago
this is the best wave I've seen surfed
J. Collins
J. Collins - 6 years ago
That's a ride of the year finalist I can't imagine 4 or 5 waves that outdo that one in one year, this is one for the ages. Wow.
J. Collins
J. Collins - 6 years ago
SURFER yeah those places are crazy alright I think this one just had that special feel, you remember how Beschen wanted to introduce a new scoring system in the then ASP with an 11 being possible for those waves that give you chicken skin? That's what this one does, for me anyway. That's like a requirement for ride of the year nominees, and wave of the winter for that matter. Nuts clips all day yesterday i thought there might be 4-5 waves in one session that outshone this one. Gotta give Ramon a lot of credit too, guy just keeps charging harder and getting better every year for a long time now.
SURFER - 6 years ago
Some pretty crazy waves ridden at Shippies and The Right from early this month. James McKean's wave from shippies in our "Clips of the Month | April" was pretty wild -- but not this wild.
Che Enneper
Che Enneper - 6 years ago
ErgoCogita - 6 years ago
I just pooped a little.
OGTRUENO - 6 years ago
Rory Pascarelli
Rory Pascarelli - 6 years ago
oh. my. god.
David Clark
David Clark - 6 years ago
That's Cloudbreak? It's looks like freakin Teahupoo! I've never seen it so big!
redrumrabbit - 6 years ago
He got way too shacked bro.
phil_2p - 6 years ago
that barrel is so perfect considering its size, its crazy
perilous4u - 6 years ago
C'est bon ça!!
sebastianAOG - 6 years ago
Matias Larrain
Matias Larrain - 6 years ago
Bien dicho !!!
Canal de youtube de Gonzalo
Canal de youtube de Gonzalo - 6 years ago
Ramón Navarro leyenda
D Waters
D Waters - 6 years ago
Crazy thing is that wave looked more like Chopes than Cloudbreak
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 6 years ago
ctkim1 - 6 years ago
my friend and I thought the same thing....."is this Chopes"? Fricking Cloudbreak!!!
jc s
jc s - 6 years ago
Yes , it is bigger than thundercloud session for sure !!!
Kenneth Martin
Kenneth Martin - 6 years ago
Is this bigger than the Thundercloud day?
Rui Miranda
Rui Miranda - 6 years ago
Ck T
Ck T - 6 years ago
tow ins dont count
kpoolillanes - 6 years ago
bigg balls count
Fvkc-R-E_2_d_9th-PWR - 6 years ago
Yeah, that was weak, he should try harder. You seriously have a very jaundiced perspective of things.
surfingheros - 6 years ago
I'm calling it... wave of the year! My god that was beautiful!
Nombre Apellido
Nombre Apellido - 6 years ago
Now THAT would be impressive. A quivering pile of feces
Fvkc-R-E_2_d_9th-PWR - 6 years ago
Wow Jonathan Halloran, full of spite, bitterness, and impotent rage. Let's see you let go of the rope on that thing, or even a fraction of that. I am sure we would all be witnessing a quivering pile of feces and jelly. However you want to crunch it, it could easily be argued that it is one of the most impressive waves ever ridden. By any means. P.S. Have you even seen what Navarro can do without a rope?
Jonathan Halloran
Jonathan Halloran - 6 years ago
Sorry dunce. It's a tow-in, default to the back of the class.
Fvkc-R-E_2_d_9th-PWR - 6 years ago
I'm calling it... wave of the evah!
J. Collins
J. Collins - 6 years ago
I said finalist and I could easily see it winning that's all time
Daniel Sovino
Daniel Sovino - 6 years ago
la leyenda cada vez más leyenda
Alex Boutilier
Alex Boutilier - 6 years ago
fucking insane!!
Whereisharald - 6 years ago
what a wave!!

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