Rasta - i surf because short film

Dave Rastovich has had the privilege of travelling the world as a professional freesurfer. In Rasta's travels he has been exposed to the worlds most breath taking wonders as well as the contrasting destructions that man has carried out. Driven by his personal beliefs and convictions Rasta is far more than just a surfer and devotes large portion of his time to combatting the ever growing issue of ocean pollution and the affects it has on it's inhabitants. Like the great Steve Erwin and as fruity as it sounds Rasta is somewhat of a wildlife warrior and will continue to fight for the protection of all marine life.

Rasta - i surf because short film sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Surf 14 years ago 347,801 views

Dave Rastovich has had the privilege of travelling the world as a professional freesurfer. In Rasta's travels he has been exposed to the worlds most breath taking wonders as well as the contrasting destructions that man has carried out. Driven by his personal beliefs and convictions Rasta is far more than just a surfer and devotes large portion of his time to combatting the ever growing issue of ocean pollution and the affects it has on it's inhabitants. Like the great Steve Erwin and as fruity as it sounds Rasta is somewhat of a wildlife warrior and will continue to fight for the protection of all marine life.

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Most popular comments
for Rasta - i surf because short film

Andrew miller
Andrew miller - 6 years ago
I Sarf because
Lurgs - 6 years ago
Brilliant. I'm forever trying to explain why I'm so tired but so energised after a surf but it's so hard to explain how it makes you feel. Not sure about e water though, you swallow enough anyway in a sesh. Great video.
gabriele macri
gabriele macri - 7 years ago
Amazing soul! The FUCKING man!
surfinmuso - 7 years ago
Yeah, to me it's beauty, meditation, therapy, love and pure joy all wrapped together.
Lucas J
Lucas J - 8 years ago
His opening comments about describing surfing and not having to understand something are for me the perfect explanations of surfing
Shaka - 9 years ago
You wouldn't drink the water if you surfed in L.A.
Taylor Harris
Taylor Harris - 9 years ago
Get tough shaka
Taylor Harris
Taylor Harris - 9 years ago
I do
guigui1236 - 10 years ago
That's so hippie it hurts !!
jorge Balarin Benavides
jorge Balarin Benavides - 10 years ago
If he drinks water in some places in Peru, he is going to drink shit, literally.
RJ McPherson
RJ McPherson - 10 years ago

10. comment for Rasta - i surf because short film

Mr.Woo Woo
Mr.Woo Woo - 10 years ago
You watch these pro surfers do these I surf or even Kelly Slater...man bottom line is they surf cause it makes them happy. They do it out of love...you find me other sports where guys will go play professionally then head back out for the soul...surfers do! And that is why is i surf...for the love of it, heals the soul and puts a smile on my face whenever i'm in the water!
beerznbarrelz - 11 years ago
Is that mentawaii?
Helin Wang
Helin Wang - 11 years ago
he got style.
rachelhoughable - 11 years ago
This guy bought a sandwich in front of me in line today....After watching this I wish I had spoke to him... 
Matthew Warfield
Matthew Warfield - 11 years ago
This guy is incredible.
sr175onx92 - 11 years ago
if he knew basic physiology of body fluid compartments and the renal system, he would probably pass on drinking the ocean water.
Basim Boulos
Basim Boulos - 11 years ago
mmm or maybe he would trust the fact that his renal sustem will take car eof all that extra salt brah
Alika Pepe
Alika Pepe - 11 years ago
0:22 math is amazing lol jk but sick vid billabong kepp up the good work
Torrey B
Torrey B - 11 years ago
That was amazing.
Gaby marrero
Gaby marrero - 11 years ago
te amo <3
Dominick Cutrone
Dominick Cutrone - 11 years ago

20. comment for Rasta - i surf because short film

Caitlin Woods
Caitlin Woods - 11 years ago
He came as close as it is possible to explain the feeling of surfing. Props to him
bcsburton - 11 years ago
I wanna meet this guy. He is an inspiration.
Brendan Wenzel
Brendan Wenzel - 11 years ago
My favorite one of the series for sure
Eric Cardens
Eric Cardens - 11 years ago
Damn rasta's my fucking inspiration.
anasta10 - 11 years ago
Trying to lose my mind - Matt Costa
XxCrazyKBxX - 11 years ago
1:04 - 1:08 daaayuuum nice slide on that alaia
Rasto - 11 years ago
Byron Bay / Australia
Rasto - 11 years ago
Whats the name of the song in the beggining
T D - 11 years ago
Much Respect David...Aloha :)
Ed Wilson
Ed Wilson - 11 years ago
He is a kiwi. Americans are stupid.

30. comment for Rasta - i surf because short film

lockie scicluna
lockie scicluna - 12 years ago
theres no way in hell u can explain surfing to someone whos never rode a board, but to another surfer he explained the feeling we chase perfectly
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 12 years ago
tried to make sense of that, nothing came to mind...
kayla schulz
kayla schulz - 12 years ago
that was so cool I real new deep in side you do that
Ricardo Murua
Ricardo Murua - 12 years ago
its called Cannabis
Greenstuffriders - 12 years ago
The purest surfer ever! Glad to have shared Taapuna with him.
Mitchell Latzman
Mitchell Latzman - 12 years ago
The water where I live is so good that literately nobody drinks bottled water, just tap. I'm so grateful for that.
bdonbdsful - 12 years ago
fuckin amazing!
chris mc
chris mc - 12 years ago
Someone knows what's the name of the intro song?
aliREGGAEE - 12 years ago
Its an alaia. its easy just look it up
Szopen - 12 years ago
Can someone give me names of the songs ?
dylan pascoe
dylan pascoe - 12 years ago
what board is that called at 0:50? I want to make one do bad but I dont know how
Sarah XXX
Sarah XXX - 12 years ago
Wow he is great!! I like! (Y)
yuri95fu - 12 years ago
wisely words man
Moosemountain5 - 12 years ago
Who are the eight ass clowns who disliked this?
Yannick Bats
Yannick Bats - 12 years ago
Song at the end is the ghost and the darkness by carnivores. Its not on utube tho
R Hoekman
R Hoekman - 12 years ago
youre probably just jealous because youre not as cool and awesome as he is. thats why u come on here and make negative comments towards him because u really want to be that way yourself but cant
Asier Larrea safón
Asier Larrea safón - 12 years ago
isidoros spanolios
isidoros spanolios - 12 years ago
amazing video.beautiful person
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 12 years ago
huge wanker for sure.. :)
Pedro Strom
Pedro Strom - 12 years ago
where is he from ?

50. comment for Rasta - i surf because short film

Yannick Bats
Yannick Bats - 12 years ago
what is the song at the end???/
Bliss Naquin
Bliss Naquin - 12 years ago
what is the song at the end?
kountatalk - 12 years ago
What a wanker. He tries so hard to be how he is. The way he talks. The words he uses. The way he looks. Wanker
florent bercher
florent bercher - 12 years ago
for me best freesurfer of the world...
leopardface1 - 12 years ago
@crashby96 Well he's not dead yet, so he's fine for now :P this guy is so inspiring. Not to mention awesome.
Andres Del Busto
Andres Del Busto - 12 years ago
name of the songgss?
Oub2 - 12 years ago
What about "I surf because it feels great." ?
giant regrigerator
giant regrigerator - 12 years ago
theres fish poo insida you
SmallTownGiants Newcastle
SmallTownGiants Newcastle - 12 years ago
Does anyone know what these songs are?
Shane Robitaille
Shane Robitaille - 12 years ago
Bryce Mongillo
Bryce Mongillo - 12 years ago
hahahahhaha oh my god so true.
DefSweater - 12 years ago
666 like ill take it
Omar Khan
Omar Khan - 12 years ago
Yea bro a little bit of that seaweed right before a surf session does you good
Breanna Freeman
Breanna Freeman - 12 years ago
the inability to describe something to me is proof that it is fucking amazing
Greekrider55 - 12 years ago
Alaia board
BowditchXD - 12 years ago
HE'S SOOOOOOOOOOOO FOREIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you know where I got that reference from, than you're my internet best friend.
s25036 - 12 years ago
fucking shit head ill stomp his face in
norgesta norgesta
norgesta norgesta - 12 years ago
wow!two thumbs up....your living the dream dude.i hope you have damage boards and let me buy it for a least price.thanks dude!
TheBCCM - 12 years ago
An Alaia
muzak001 - 12 years ago
Niceness... Check Youtube: RAYTOM / Living Vicariously
Morgan Robinson
Morgan Robinson - 12 years ago
It is a board styled on the ones the native Hawaiians used, just a plank of wood with a flat tail, rounded nose and no fin. Rasta is using a short one styled on traditional longboards of around 12 foot used by the natives. The Chiefs of tribes used sizes of up to 25ft as a show of their status.
Griffin Gullickson
Griffin Gullickson - 12 years ago
What kinda board is that at 1:00?
RamireZTKD - 12 years ago
oh lord I want to surf so much , like this is what i was meant to be doing , but i can't seem to be closing myself to this no matter what :(
Zach Weissberger
Zach Weissberger - 12 years ago
The Ghost and the Darkness by Carnivores
Cairo Ziebarth
Cairo Ziebarth - 12 years ago
yeahh...i wouldnt drink huntington beach's water..that crap is poisonous...
jandlrockursocks - 12 years ago
wow the idea of taking in some water before a surf is fabulous...hope u dont mind if a borrow that :)
Arthur Wellesley
Arthur Wellesley - 12 years ago
Zack Basilio
Zack Basilio - 12 years ago
i love this guy
daveasygoing - 12 years ago
Rasta my Hero
Victor Rodriguez
Victor Rodriguez - 12 years ago
Does somebody know the name of the song that starts at 1:43?
StorrorBlog - 13 years ago
@tymotoboy53 pussy
Jason - 13 years ago
I would drink the water in the ocean before i catch a wave but i surf in jersey.........
Micah Winston
Micah Winston - 13 years ago
@VictorWizard666 Trying to Lose My Mind- Matt Costa :)
Victor Rodriguez
Victor Rodriguez - 13 years ago
What is the name of the song?
giomonserate - 13 years ago
I love this. Captures just what it feels like and how I feel about it. Thank you, Dave Rastovich! He has such a great vibe and surf style.
susana gonzalez
susana gonzalez - 13 years ago
awesome words, the result of be conciseness.
abeabe - 13 years ago
This. This is beautiful.
Jarrid Beeton
Jarrid Beeton - 13 years ago
@billyblaze111 i would like to see what you would say if a company offered you money to surf.... get over it dude you clearly just jealouse, and btw rasta walked away from billabong because he just wanted to surf and do no comps but was lucky enough that they re signed him as a free surfer
jonny mckeown
jonny mckeown - 13 years ago
did you know people pee in the ocean
j - 13 years ago
@skisunshine Desert Point?
Shock Advised! (Alex)
Shock Advised! (Alex) - 13 years ago
The guy has way too much style.......gonna be taking the 5'10 Twinny out to Morocco in 11 days :)))))) not sure im gonna drink the water out there after it rains, probably end up with Hep A..... still if i get barreled it'll be worth it I Love Surfing
Mark McRurie
Mark McRurie - 13 years ago
@billyblaze111 You probably have no idea who Rasta is. He gets paid less to surf than most surfers because he chose the path of a free surfer. He doesn't compete, he doesn't go out and win heats or get ranked, in fact I don't even think he's in the top 100. He is one of the rare few who surfs for a living... sure he does get paid to surf, but I can guarentee you he isn't living a life of riches like Kelly Slater... he probably just gets by comfortably.
Dora Lives!
Dora Lives! - 13 years ago
He surfs because he gets paid to. If he didn't get paid to this video would be called "I work because..." Don't buy the hype of this type of marketing ploy. Surf when you can but get a freeking job so you don't suck the life out of surfing by turning it into some corpo money making scheme like this guy.
motocross6522 - 13 years ago
ahh omg he is right .. it is like describing a colour 2 a blind person and telling someone surfing which they never done before .. it's like you gotta do it 2 find out what it's like :D i never really gonna stop surfing it's a the sport ever x
John Cooper
John Cooper - 13 years ago
Drinking saltwater makes you crazy
Iddin Shah
Iddin Shah - 13 years ago
Never stop surfing Dave.
Randall Haraguchi
Randall Haraguchi - 13 years ago
Rasta is a legend. In his own little world, wish I could live that life.
verityandstu - 13 years ago
Just amazing. No pretence, no posturing, no arrogance. Just living it. You can see it in his eyes - he's lit up.
verityandstu - 13 years ago
@3sgtepwnzr Yeah. My thought exactly.
Gucci The God
Gucci The God - 13 years ago
What a level minded individual. Guy got me super stoked. Rastovich is the man.

100. comment for Rasta - i surf because short film

Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 13 years ago
@afonsoDS 3 out of 300.... we are the one percent you are the 99% herd animals sucking the propaganda.
Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 13 years ago
@afonsoDS Thre people actually, sex unknown except in my case.
Roy Stuart
Roy Stuart - 13 years ago
This is nonsense if non surfers couldn't understand surfing then no one would take it up as a pastime. It's a stupid arrogant thing to say that one can't explain it.
ADDrific - 13 years ago
Surfing is a drug. It's a stimulant, a rush that envelopes you but at the same time it's slowing you down, making you see and feel like nothing is real and time stands still. It's explaining the unexplainable without using words.
John Paterson
John Paterson - 13 years ago
he is a fucking genius
Jake boston
Jake boston - 13 years ago
surfed with him today at my local break 10-6-11 and his style is amazing. by far my favorite surfer in and out of the water.
Kakka - 13 years ago
need more people like RASTA in the world! LEGEND.......!!!!!
Kaz Uyesugi
Kaz Uyesugi - 13 years ago
@Pigroota "Experience alone can give a final answer. The knowledge gained in a few years by a commission of the kind suggested would be worth more than volumes of mere assertions and contradictions." -John Bates Clark
Karl XZY
Karl XZY - 13 years ago
champion. if one we had more surf breaks and coast lines to accommodate the ever increasing masses.
Michiel Bush
Michiel Bush - 13 years ago
Fuck he got it so right............
Clempt90 - 13 years ago
I dont surf but after watching that I certainly will now :)
Javier Torres
Javier Torres - 13 years ago
right on brotha
Nathan Beswick
Nathan Beswick - 13 years ago
Amazing person
Kevin Poelman
Kevin Poelman - 13 years ago
someone was so amazed he pressed dislike instead of like i think
hulza - 13 years ago
The ending song is "The ghost and the darkness" from Carnivores, i think.
George Williams
George Williams - 13 years ago
Dave Rastovich, thankyou, i have just been inspired.
042499mac - 13 years ago
that guys got it gooodddddddd
Brooke Larson
Brooke Larson - 13 years ago
I love him
Cuong Tran
Cuong Tran - 13 years ago
though only 3 minutes long, this is the most profound clip about surfing I've ever seen.
megableeker3 - 13 years ago
what is the ending song??
Coral Naim
Coral Naim - 13 years ago
WTH is with that 1 dislike
kersez - 13 years ago
You HAVE to surf til the day you die. If you don't still surf, you probably never really did.
SlideYourSoul - 13 years ago
Billabong please! What is the closing song!
Jorge Posada
Jorge Posada - 13 years ago
Lorne Greenlaw
Lorne Greenlaw - 13 years ago
This dude is amazing
tymotoboy53 - 13 years ago
who else flinched when he said "fucking amazing?" lol
andreisidro - 13 years ago
He has the best job in the world! Surfing just for surfing, without having to compete and getting paid to do it!
Bryan Harvey
Bryan Harvey - 13 years ago
now here's a surfer with a brain. refreshing...
Ray Alonso
Ray Alonso - 13 years ago
Yeah compadre!!!! Life is some deep shit hey????
Ray Alonso
Ray Alonso - 13 years ago
Yeah compadre!!!! Live is some deep shit ha???
Lewis Johnson
Lewis Johnson - 13 years ago
@Rno1055 called an alaia
smokeandfly86 - 14 years ago
Closing Song Please???
smokeandfly86 - 14 years ago
Closing Song Please???
Billabong - 14 years ago
@Lo8is Trying To Lose My Mind - Matt Costa from the album Unfamiliar Faces
Luis Morais
Luis Morais - 14 years ago
Oppening Song?
F Z - 14 years ago
Great video!!!!
Matthew Kennedy
Matthew Kennedy - 14 years ago
Cool dude..
Max G
Max G - 14 years ago
I have to travel 3hrs to surf shitty ice cold waves but I love it....great video!
Urbassk8 - 14 years ago
great comparison
Val D
Val D - 14 years ago
Great vid , thanks for sharing
stevecirillo - 14 years ago
True words.

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About Rasta - i surf because short film

The "Rasta - i surf because short film" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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