Real California Perfection | SURFER Films

A few weeks ago, the first footage of Kelly Slater’s wavepool went public and blew us/you/everybody away. The wave was flawless, and bigger than any man-made wave the world has ever seen. It has the potential to change surfing forever. But until then, we’re doing just fine. One of the best waves in California went off yesterday, and it did so in a way that only the ocean can. It was raw and it was real. Some waves could turn you into an unintentional gymnast via the backwash, other waves could be stored in your memory banks for eternity. It was a very honest form of perfection. The type a wave pool could never know. The type that makes us love surfing so very much.

Real California Perfection | SURFER Films sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Surf 9 years ago 177,230 views

A few weeks ago, the first footage of Kelly Slater’s wavepool went public and blew us/you/everybody away. The wave was flawless, and bigger than any man-made wave the world has ever seen. It has the potential to change surfing forever. But until then, we’re doing just fine. One of the best waves in California went off yesterday, and it did so in a way that only the ocean can. It was raw and it was real. Some waves could turn you into an unintentional gymnast via the backwash, other waves could be stored in your memory banks for eternity. It was a very honest form of perfection. The type a wave pool could never know. The type that makes us love surfing so very much.

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Most popular comments
for Real California Perfection | SURFER Films

Game Changer
Game Changer - 6 years ago
This film is insane bro!
James Bromley
James Bromley - 7 years ago
My G! This place looks fun
Matt Gordon
Matt Gordon - 7 years ago
Whats really ..whats really going on....?
patrick jaroch
patrick jaroch - 7 years ago
that long right, looks like rincon to me , but i ve been stuck in ohio for the past 20 yrs
XACUTE - 7 years ago
patrick jaroch leave i tell you. Lifes too short for only working
Admin Email
Admin Email - 7 years ago
that is santa barbara
awesome film!
have a great day :-)
Stropes Mesler
Stropes Mesler - 7 years ago
Nunya Bizness
Nunya Bizness - 7 years ago
I like showing off when fat chicks are watching me. Makes me feel like I own it and I'm the man. Yahhhhhhhh.!
T_MontageKing - 7 years ago
I live right near there and it is never good! always flat accept for like one time a year when it gets amazing like this

10. comment for Real California Perfection | SURFER Films

chronicstories - 7 years ago
fuuuuuuuuck slater...and his dusty ass lake wave.........lets see slaters bitch ass ego get at the wedge on a serious day....when its black balled......he can keep that leach water wave..that dirty ass stagnant doo doo water wave............kelly has to make a lake wave........THEY BEAT HIS ASS AT HIS OWN HOME BREAK ...SEBASTIAN INLET. .MONSTER HOLE..............HE GETS HIS ASS KICKED BY LOCALS ALL OVER THE uhm yea he made a wave pool nobody can surf.......THE LOCALS WOULD BEAT HIS ASS OUT OF THERE TOO...NUFF SAID...........FUCK SLATER
Antonio R
Antonio R - 7 years ago
Maquina de tubo prefeito só nota 10
Conor sheridan
Conor sheridan - 7 years ago
"Real California Perfection" (Besides the crowd, of course)
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
f**** a right cowboy
Daz B
Daz B - 7 years ago
the track? It goes so perfectly with the perfect waves
ludurigan - 7 years ago
fuck yeah
OMYOGA. ONLINE - 7 years ago
whats the name of the track in the video please?
Pedro Ivo
Pedro Ivo - 8 years ago
Fucking Awesome video, from brazil i just can't wait to surf there!
Ethan Silver
Ethan Silver - 8 years ago
Where is this
Sir Justonian
Sir Justonian - 6 years ago
All 5,000 of them.
Michael Gentile
Michael Gentile - 6 years ago
Santa Barbara Sandspit. Very fickle , rarely breaks and when it does the locals are on it.
PRFCT Storm - 8 years ago
santa barbara
Dale Tuck
Dale Tuck - 8 years ago
last wave awsome :)

20. comment for Real California Perfection | SURFER Films

clarkewi - 8 years ago
Great music. Afro funk.
Johnny Beyer
Johnny Beyer - 8 years ago
love me some Burnt Reynolds
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
fricking funny dude it.
Mountain Man3
Mountain Man3 - 8 years ago
Dustin Pitzer
Dustin Pitzer - 8 years ago
Real California Perfection would be without that crowd lol
Andrew Aston
Andrew Aston - 8 years ago
sick waves brah
walter watkins
walter watkins - 8 years ago
2:14 is the sickest clip of this video
James Bromley
James Bromley - 7 years ago
U could freeze frame that and send it to ur buddiest like yeah I surfed Nazare shorepound or look I went out and got the biggest meanest wave of our combined lives
David Sawyer
David Sawyer - 8 years ago
anyone know the song
Henry Gowing Productions
Henry Gowing Productions - 8 years ago
David Sawyer the sticks-the buddos band
Felipe Machado
Felipe Machado - 8 years ago
This is porn!
Matin Ghalambor
Matin Ghalambor - 8 years ago
Connor Mantel
Connor Mantel - 8 years ago
im not sure what surprised me more, the fact that dane reynolds fucking ripped the shit out of that wave!!! or the wave itself! FUCKING MIND BLOWING
Garth N
Garth N - 8 years ago
Is that raw sewerage?
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago

30. comment for Real California Perfection | SURFER Films

Lewis Tan
Lewis Tan - 8 years ago
2:33 is mental
jjs4you2 - 8 years ago
The only problem with Sandspit is it never gets bigger than about 8 foot faces, it would be one crazy place if it could hold 10, 12 or even 15 foot waves. Carnage would be the word and you would need a pull to get into the waves because paddling into a 15 foot wave at Sandspit would be nearly Impossible!
Melissa Portillo
Melissa Portillo - 8 years ago
WTF did you just say ?
kevin Rondeau
kevin Rondeau - 8 years ago
belle plage en californie.pour decouvrir un sport le surf.le.volley balls. tout se que j'aime
Alex Fernandes
Alex Fernandes - 8 years ago
This is sandspit right?
Tyler McM
Tyler McM - 7 years ago
haha 362/365 chance it won't be breaking
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
come on man .
Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 8 years ago
Wow, 50 guys on a point break...but looks super fun if you could get one!
PCaddictions - 8 years ago
Whats a good place to go in Cali for surfing? Planning to go during the summer with my father.
dirk diggler
dirk diggler - 8 years ago
Depends on what type of wave you are looking for. If you want beach breaks, there is nothing like Newport Beach. Look at 56th street and Newport Point. If you are looking for reefs that break in the summer go to San Diego and check out Windansea, Bird Rock and Sunset Cliffs. If you are looking for a point break, you can't beat Trestles in OC or Steamer's Lane in Santa Cruz. Norcal is a little heavier than socal, and the crowds are a little more testy up there as well. Stay away from the beach breaks in LA. The surf really sucks there and the crowds are insane.
Parker Jepson
Parker Jepson - 8 years ago
Newport Beach
Lok Ellyit
Lok Ellyit - 8 years ago
hmm nice ...perfection no. some really sweet poobs though (poo coloured tubes).
Cameron David
Cameron David - 8 years ago
Lok Ellyit
Lok Ellyit - 8 years ago
+Cameron David of course you can mate but make sure you don't mistake poobs for puubs (poo coloured pubes)
Cameron David
Cameron David - 8 years ago
Hahah mind if I use that?
Ben Paynter
Ben Paynter - 8 years ago
where is this place ?
Dezrt - 8 years ago
>blowing up sandspit

Y'all are goobers. Hardly a secret.
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
aint no secret  brah .
drunkrudetat2d - 8 years ago
every spot is overcrowded these days.
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
+Don Barthelmess Dude you really got to delete your comments. The place is overcrowded as it is.
Don Barthelmess
Don Barthelmess - 8 years ago
Santa Barbara local crew Boat "Alan T" at 1:15 is a dead giveaway and Santa Cruz Island is in background. Video is probable ediedt with footage from several spots but 1:15 is Santa Barbara Sandspit
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
Don Barthelmess
Don Barthelmess - 8 years ago
Its Santa Barbara Sandpit at the Breakwater- not San Diego..
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
+bmlsb69 Yes, gotta love San Diego! XD
bmlsb69 - 8 years ago
Yes San Diego going off!!
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
San Diego
Jaclyn Krogh
Jaclyn Krogh - 8 years ago
need diss
JD Michael
JD Michael - 8 years ago
Were is this
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
Jettylocal1502 No worries man! I totally get it. I've been surfing for 14 years now (since I was 4) and I totally understand you. A lot of people lack proper surfing etiquette. I always try my best to be a good surfer (in terms of etiquette). I was just trying to be funny with the comments because every time there's a swell at this break there's at least 50 people out lol
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
CousteauBix Sorry brother. I just get fired up sometimes about how many people lack etiquette or weren't taught water safety. In 36 years of surfing I still am open to learning anything water related.
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
CousteauBix. fuck you. we don't want or need anymore ass monkeys in the water down here. Go surf old mans just south of lower trestles.
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
San Diego
sabastian johnson
sabastian johnson - 8 years ago
the one dislike on this video is Kelly Slater
Andrew Wallus
Andrew Wallus - 7 years ago
Bwhahahahahahaha! I actually unfollowed his jazz on Insta cuz Im sick of hearing about fake waves....
Ron I.
Ron I. - 7 years ago
Ok don't be a smartass.
Parker Jepson
Parker Jepson - 8 years ago
+UNDEAD SKELATON he doesn't that's what one calls a joke dumbass
UNDEAD SKELATON - 8 years ago
How do you know that
Sarah Sophia
Sarah Sophia - 8 years ago
what is thaaaaaaat at 1:56 - 2:00, 2:15 - 2:19, 2:44 - 2:47, and 3:06 - 3:09 ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! like water coming up into to breaking wave and colliding with it ?!?!? never saw that before !!
Sarah Sophia
Sarah Sophia - 8 years ago
+Kaine Tucker It looks awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow !!!!!!!
Kaine Tucker
Kaine Tucker - 8 years ago
+Sarah Sophia yea its called backwash its really common in shories and artificial breaks
jonnebanan - 8 years ago
The human race has got some good surfers!
Jon Chandler
Jon Chandler - 8 years ago
is this rincon?
Michael Gentile
Michael Gentile - 6 years ago
No. It's North of Rincon and very fickle. Rarely breaks but when it does it can have a great inside barrel section with a sand bottom.
pinetarsavage - 7 years ago
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
robin des champs
robin des champs - 8 years ago
They should pay for all that pleasure haha
So perfect !
Gustavo Corrêa
Gustavo Corrêa - 8 years ago
2:46 kolohe andino?
sabastian johnson
sabastian johnson - 8 years ago
+Gustavo Corrêa i think it fuckin is m8
simon johnson
simon johnson - 9 years ago
Is this steamer lane in Santa Cruz
Michael Gentile
Michael Gentile - 6 years ago
Santa Barbara.
CousteauBix - 8 years ago
san diego
torry nerheim
torry nerheim - 9 years ago
That slap & take off is unreal, oh fuck. The place is going off!
robin byle
robin byle - 9 years ago
Dane killin it, that looks like a blast!
brianv61 - 9 years ago
I don't know about perfection but holy shit that looks fun

50. comment for Real California Perfection | SURFER Films

Bobby Droback
Bobby Droback - 9 years ago
reminds me of OB jetty. my slice of brown bowl heaven.
Ian kearns
Ian kearns - 6 years ago
Lot less hollow at ob
F De Mascio
F De Mascio - 7 years ago
Bobby Droback
I thought OBJetty too, but the entry was way diff.
Ismael Fatisse
Ismael Fatisse - 9 years ago
fu**** crowded oouuuw
Max Monterumisi
Max Monterumisi - 9 years ago
Great video!!!
dnlvh8 - 9 years ago
this video is a fucking great
Matt DeGennaro
Matt DeGennaro - 9 years ago
This is the sickest video I have ever seen, it deserves millions of views
Brooke young
Brooke young - 9 years ago
This was crazy to watch, huge waves!
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 9 years ago
Was that Dane Reynolds?
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
pulling his sleeve down after magic tricks .
Modern Funk Productions
Modern Funk Productions - 9 years ago

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The "Real California Perfection | SURFER Films" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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