Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

As seen on ABC's World News Tonight on 9/30/11. Footage was shot in Encinitas, Carlsbad and Oceanside. Surfer: Joel Puckett (Mad props, wouldn't have the cool footage of surfing without him). Music by The Ruse, check em' out here: And Winter Quarters, check em out here: Shot & Edited by Loghan Call & Jonathan Keena. Please email Loghan @: with any questions or requests to use the footage. Copyright 2011, all rights reserved. Thanks for checking it out! Cheers!!!

Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Surf 13 years ago 429,120 views

As seen on ABC's World News Tonight on 9/30/11. Footage was shot in Encinitas, Carlsbad and Oceanside. Surfer: Joel Puckett (Mad props, wouldn't have the cool footage of surfing without him). Music by The Ruse, check em' out here: And Winter Quarters, check em out here: Shot & Edited by Loghan Call & Jonathan Keena. Please email Loghan @: with any questions or requests to use the footage. Copyright 2011, all rights reserved. Thanks for checking it out! Cheers!!!

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Most popular comments
for Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

Humbe Alvarez
Humbe Alvarez - 8 years ago
this was one time only right?
AMG Wit - 8 years ago
Видеомонтаж, я специалист!
why tyrone
why tyrone - 9 years ago
This is all being caused by tiny cells called Dinoflagellates ;)
tekniqsound - 9 years ago
exactly which predators is the beach trying to fend off?
João MBN
João MBN - 9 years ago
This is the beach where Godzilla was born
Silvana  Carmona
Silvana Carmona - 9 years ago
es hermoso!
Skylar Thomas
Skylar Thomas - 9 years ago
yeah, i saw this in Carlsbad and thought it was GODZILLA RISING!!
Jq Tan
Jq Tan - 9 years ago
Dear Sir, May I know what camera did u use to be able to capture Bioluminescence?
TheRookie - 9 years ago
+91junny A normal camera? Bioluminescence is just normal light, it's just that on this particular occasion the red tide caused the water to phosphoress when it was disturbed. You don't need a special camera, just special circumstances for this kind of thing to happen
Art of Revolution
Art of Revolution - 9 years ago
I might have to make plans with my girlfriend. I love beaches, but I've never been to one like this.

10. comment for Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

Fresno Bob
Fresno Bob - 9 years ago
Why would there be anybody giving this vid thumbs down, that don't make sense.
Pegasus Puckett
Pegasus Puckett - 9 years ago
"Surfer: Joel Puckett (Mad props, wouldn't have the cool footage of surfing without him)."
Interesting! Wonder where the relationship is!
chrysa Kamp
chrysa Kamp - 9 years ago
Blue beach. .. I'm coming
Edgardo A. Pagaza
Edgardo A. Pagaza - 9 years ago
"There is the sea, great and broad, In which are swarms without number, Animals both small and great." - Psalms 104:25
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 8 years ago
Colin Anderson
Colin Anderson - 9 years ago
And people say there's no evidence of intelligent design and all this is an accident.
CAMERON AKRAM - 9 years ago
+Colin Anderson defensive mechanism. God didn't do this so that beaches look cool, this was most likely done by millions of years of evolution to deter predators as luminous colours symbolise toxicity -_-
Art of Revolution
Art of Revolution - 9 years ago
+Colin Anderson These plankton don't light up to be pretty for you. It's a defensive mechanism to scare off predators dumbass.
Pat H
Pat H - 9 years ago
+Colin Anderson the history of the diversity of species is sensible, determinable; I don't quite see where the supernatural belongs here, if you're applying the concept of god here
Colin Anderson
Colin Anderson - 9 years ago
+Alain Saaiman lol. Good analogy :)
Alain Saaiman
Alain Saaiman - 9 years ago
+Colin Anderson I threw a piece of paper down and it accidentally turned into an origami crane. ;p
YAOG - 9 years ago
Can someone explain what is causing that glow?
wookie Lovins
wookie Lovins - 9 years ago
+WilliamRayWalters Trillions of single celled dinoflagellates.... amazing the world we live in huh....
Wack 100
Wack 100 - 9 years ago
Algae from red tide.
Alice Eden
Alice Eden - 9 years ago
wow so beautiful o(π––π)o
Luis Armstrong
Luis Armstrong - 9 years ago
And the song too
Luis Armstrong
Luis Armstrong - 9 years ago
+Alice Eden exactly
Rodion Romanov
Rodion Romanov - 10 years ago
No soy de los que andan comentando pero este vídeo merece esta excepción, excelente contenido, muchas gracias por compartir esto con nosotros, fue realmente agradable.
Beatriz Santamaría Cardarelli
Beatriz Santamaría Cardarelli - 10 years ago
Gracias Loghan <3
Roshan Ghadigaonkar
Roshan Ghadigaonkar - 10 years ago

20. comment for Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

Marcos Amaral
Marcos Amaral - 10 years ago
Essa música agradável que toca no vídeo = " Midnight In The City - The Ruse "
Marcos Amaral
Marcos Amaral - 10 years ago
Simplesmente lindo maravilhoso!!!
sukhoy - 10 years ago
I this planet earth? It is awesome, reminds me of Pandora (Avatar)
ELCAPO0091 - 9 years ago
C M C - 10 years ago
thos is a nice song
Midnight In The City - The Ruse
gabriela mamani
gabriela mamani - 10 years ago
demasiado  precioso
iammetx - 10 years ago
Why is it called a red tide if it's blue?
Dave English
Dave English - 10 years ago
In the day the water can look red from the masses of plankton causing what is called red tide, and an indication that a beautiful light show at night is possible.
intigfx - 11 years ago
As pretty as that looks, isn't it risky if they swallow some of the water? I've always been told it's dangerous to eat seafood during a red tide because the planktons are toxic...
C M C - 9 years ago
+intigfx i think as risky as eating shrimp or swollowing a fly while motorbiking
Mark Girardeau
Mark Girardeau - 11 years ago
This is the best video I've ever seen on the bioluminescent phytoplankton, how often does it do this?
Marlene Munoz
Marlene Munoz - 11 years ago
I love this song I need to find the name of it!
Bryam Briones
Bryam Briones - 11 years ago
What's the song's name please someone help me. Thank You. I love the song. :D
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 11 years ago
Midnight in the the Ruse

30. comment for Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

Mikko Pehkonen
Mikko Pehkonen - 11 years ago
Im sure thats blue tide
Pano na Cara
Pano na Cara - 11 years ago
Deus é perfeiitooo o
Eliana Solange
Eliana Solange - 11 years ago
Que belleza !
melviniscool12345 - 11 years ago
What is the name of this song?
Adam Alnuaimi
Adam Alnuaimi - 11 years ago
Midnight in the City - The Ruse
Claudie Fortier St-Pierre
Claudie Fortier St-Pierre - 11 years ago
What's the best way to contact you for using your footage ?
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 11 years ago
Send me a message via YouTube. I would provide my email here, but I'd receive a ton of spam. Send me a message and I'll provide my email and we can discuss what you are looking for. Thanks!
Ringleader24 T
Ringleader24 T - 11 years ago
WOW ! OMG THAT IS AMAZING. I would so want to visit a beach like that in the night.
Mermaid Kat
Mermaid Kat - 11 years ago
That is awesome!
a45sArtwork - 11 years ago
I'm missing home these days especially the ocean... when this nightmare over, oh when this nightmare is over I'm going to enjoy what is rightfully mine:)
Ju Lieth
Ju Lieth - 11 years ago
Proliferación de algas marinas de tipo Lingulodinium polyedrum que da a las aguas un particular tono rojizo de día y crea el efecto luminiscente de noche.
Isabela Lima
Isabela Lima - 11 years ago
Perfeito! Cade isso no Brasil ? :(
Smaragd - 11 years ago
what is this ?? how is it made ?
Corine Frantz
Corine Frantz - 11 years ago
How often does this happen?
iamluisvelado - 11 years ago
Logan, thank you so very much! With this video I discover the band that would become one of my favorites!
Rhonesnipe - 11 years ago
Absolutely amazing video bro
JayJay.R. - 12 years ago
Beautiful, I live here in vista, wanted to go see it that year but wasnt able to, hope I get to see it in person when it happens again
Rosita Castellanos
Rosita Castellanos - 12 years ago
Woww... Es sencillamente... ¡¡¡maravilloso!!! <3
Michaela Naidoo
Michaela Naidoo - 12 years ago
that was the most magical thing i have ever seen, absolutely beautiful!!! wish i could be there...
DancesWithMonkeys - 12 years ago
wow! so beautiful! thank you for bringing this wonder to us!
TubeKZ - 12 years ago
Очень красиво
TheBIGOliveSoapCo - 12 years ago
shit no kidding! funny you said that. this video was played in my biology class to explain what that person was saying.

50. comment for Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

jman21121 - 12 years ago
i need your mind for my biology class!
DRawk Harris
DRawk Harris - 12 years ago
It's been at least 3yrs or more since I've witnessed this. So awesome even when u walk on the wet sand as the tide goes back out u leave glowing footprints! So cool. Is there a website or other source of info to let me know the next time the red tide comes back?
mrlewis - 13 years ago
why does that happen?
diggles28 - 13 years ago
Music ruined it
Falkon Games
Falkon Games - 13 years ago
Looks kinda like some kind of EMP pulse from the movies
rdbrewer4 - 13 years ago
Something that beautiful doesn't need a heavy music track. Distracting.
Florencia Martinez
Florencia Martinez - 13 years ago
Rainbow puke *-*
TieOneOnFishingProd - 13 years ago
Is this the same red tide hitting over here in Texas? I'm in rockport TX right now just got here so id like to know pm me
rv2beach - 13 years ago
Beautiful! Made me cry good tears <3
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@523Lobefinger "Midnight in the City" by The Ruse. And "A Toast to the End" by Winter Quarters.
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@srikanthsalesforce Midnight in the City, by the Ruse and at the end its "A Toast to the End" by Winter Quarters.
1TonTaco - 13 years ago
@Xxitry2flyxX I've been a spearfisher for almost 10 years now so being in the water a night dont bother me anymore:)
1TonTaco - 13 years ago
@Xxitry2flyxX I'm not to sure but its going on right now I went surfing here yesterday till 9:30pm at night it was the first time I've made it out during red tide it was awesome me and my buddy did'nt want to leave the water.
GarethWonfor - 13 years ago
Awesome bio-luminescence on this...
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@523Lobefinger "Midnight in the City" By The Ruse, they have four albums out and all worth checking out I might add! Thanks!
APeralta12 - 13 years ago
OMFG! this video is amazing :'D what's the name of the song??
miremax - 13 years ago
absolutely beautiful....
Dan Janssens
Dan Janssens - 13 years ago
I have seen the same thing about 40 years ago at the Belgian coast, i have never seen it again since. Quite spectacular
Dan Janssens
Dan Janssens - 13 years ago
I have seen the same thing about 40 years ago at the Belgian coast, i've neber seen it again since. Quite spectacular
SatelliteExile - 13 years ago
Wow, the tunes on this track kick ass. Wish I could drive down to see the waves in person.
Sebastian Counts
Sebastian Counts - 13 years ago
@LoghanCall sounds good man, anyways im diggin your style, keep up the good work
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@Sebastiancounts mainly video. I love photography as well, but I have invested my money into professional video equipment, so once I have my dream set up in film, I'll invest some money to start grabbing some cool stills!
Sebastian Counts
Sebastian Counts - 13 years ago
@LoghanCall sounds fun, i was shooting out there last friday experimenting with the low light, i got some good extended exposure shots of the coastline, and some decent ghosting shots with a 6 second exposure, do you usually do video/ or do you do photography to?
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@Sebastiancounts opening shot was Moonlight, the rest was at Ponto and Oceanside Pier. I shot this on my Sony Ex3 with a Fuji lens. It took a decent amount of time and a few nights out there to figure out the right settings etc.
Sebastian Counts
Sebastian Counts - 13 years ago
aw man! this is moonlight beach! what kind of camera were you shooting with, i was out there the other night with my 7d
Shimquist - 13 years ago
the opening shot is totally moonlight beach in encinitas.
Jennifer Chapman
Jennifer Chapman - 13 years ago
Beautiful footage /editing. Music fits well. Very impressive! Who was that surfer?
1naruto59 - 13 years ago
i just found another thing to put on my bucket list.
Serena Geroe Music
Serena Geroe Music - 13 years ago
Great video! Last night after watching it took the family to Oceanside Pier. We were lucky enough to see a seal swimming near the end of the Pier - lit up by the biolumenscence - as were the fish swimming away from it....I'm never going to forget that. Thank you for inspiring us to go out and see this phenom.
Aaroncroy252016 - 13 years ago
ive surfed in the dark before.. I will never do it again.
whitesharck71 - 13 years ago
E' una cosa che ho visto già quando ero ragazzino... ora con l'inquinamento marino è sempre più difficile osservare questo fenomeno così affascinante!!!
joshjgibbs - 13 years ago
@LoghanCall Great edit!
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
Headed to the Oceanside Pier tonight at 6pm to shoot more footage! If you'd like to join in, feel free! Search "Red Tide SURFING Video Shoot" on Facebook for our public invite if interested! Cheers!!!
WhiteLotus23 - 13 years ago
Love your video, totally awesome!! I seen it out there tonight and the experience is totally phenomenon!! So glad I had the chance to see it for myself and with my family!! Om Shanti~
fifty1thirty - 13 years ago
@LoghanCall it wasn't your footage, they mentioned it though. It was CNN mobile app for iPhone and it was / is one of the videos on the red tide currently up. They didn't use your footage or name, they just mentioned the surfer and that it was up on YouTube or google.
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@fifty1thirty Thanks! Curious, I knew CNN would be using the footage I gave them, what show was it on? Thanks in advance...cheers!
fifty1thirty - 13 years ago
Just watched a red tide clip on CNN and had to check out more on YouTube. This video is solid, the surfer lit by the glow of the algae is great! Nice video
stunt111 - 13 years ago
Ghostpolitics(10th degree GrandDragon Austin TX chapter of the KKK and reptilian NWO shapeshifter) sent me here
Hal9000ize - 13 years ago
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@permagrin4life please send me a direct message with your intentions on the video. I just need to know what my footage will be used for, open to most requests, but like to know prior to something happening. Cheers!
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@MrTexaszx2 I was out there myself and didn't feel any side effects :)
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@newsuperdavidbros You can check them out on iTunes, by searching "Winter Quarters" the song name or the name of the album which is "Stories and Lies". Cheers!
TheTomEGunn - 13 years ago
Oh man, I knew I shouldnt have ate those mushrooms at dinner...
David ward
David ward - 13 years ago
Where can I get a copy of the song "A Toast To The End" ?
Andy S
Andy S - 13 years ago
wow that is nice, but isnt red tide said to cause irritation of the eyes? if so im surprised the surfers go out.
10mintwo - 13 years ago
@LoghanCall Honestly, I wouldn't even bother. That's more often than not a waste of time. Much faster and easier to simply file a report at /copyright_complaint_form
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@10mintwo Much appreciated, sent him a message. Unfortunately its been happening a lot. Thanks for the heads up! Cheers!!
10mintwo - 13 years ago
just fyi, this person is ripping off your content: stball777
krazyb0ne92 - 13 years ago
thats insane i cant wait to move out to cali
Stjaws - 13 years ago
this is crazy i cant believe such beauty is natural! gotta go see this some time!

100. comment for Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@roadlesstrvled Thanks I appreciate the compliments. This was shot on a Sony Ex3 with a nice lens on it (not the stock one). Only post work that was done was to get rid of some of the static from having to use the gain, the color remains true, it was just that crazy of a color!
blah - 13 years ago
Wow that's great but why is it called "red tide" if it's blue lol
MrBlubolt - 13 years ago
Totally gorgeous! Disney has a long way to go to even come close to nature!
Mike Persia
Mike Persia - 13 years ago
Red tide is a common name for a large concentration of aquatic microorganisms, an event in which estuarine, marine, or fresh water algae accumulate rapidly in the water column and results in discoloration of the surface water. Just so people don't think "its radiation".
roadlesstrvled - 13 years ago
I grew up down in SD and all I knew about the evening ocean was GRUNION. Now there's something else to look for at night. This video really is well done ... curious what type of camera you used and if it enhanced the luminescent effect a bit, or if this is a "naked eye" perspective. Either way, it's great.
dave1745 - 13 years ago
Coo vid. Was just in so cal last wk & of course nothing like this happened... Thanks for sharing
bicycle X
bicycle X - 13 years ago
TalesOfACaliforniaGirl - 13 years ago
Check out 1:13 for sweet surfing moves!
ChrisFreedoms - 13 years ago
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@ScrewFrance32 I heard it hasn't been as "electric" the last couple of nights. Its all about the right conditions and can literally be here one night and gone the next. My recommendation is to go out around 9pm, at a place where its dark and hopefully it will still be around.
Prodestroyer - 13 years ago
Great video, how long do you think this phenomenon will last for? Through the weekend? I wanna take the lady out to view this.
Sammie - 13 years ago
So cool! I live in SD, I'll have to check it out in person :)
Loghan Call
Loghan Call - 13 years ago
@Twinkles36 it happens frequently on the coast if the conditions are right and was not caused by the radiation. This isn't a one time occurrence, and on the west coast is isn't dangerous.
SouL ReacTivatoR
SouL ReacTivatoR - 13 years ago
wow I pray these are not Blue Wave's of Death coming from the Radiation form Japan after the 5 nuke Reactors That exploded this this year That all the media is keeping people in the dark about, because of the Michael Jackson death cover up that is being Spammed on the local News to Keep you all bumbled down to what is really going on from the Truth.
djbeanhead - 13 years ago
Love this!!! Thank you!
Alice M Gegers
Alice M Gegers - 13 years ago

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About Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence

The "Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 - Bioluminescence" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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