Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

A girl riding on the hood of a car falls off and gets her leg stuck in the engine. This segment was taken from Episode 603 which originally aired on October 4, 1994. Vote for Rescue 911 to be released on DVD at and to be put back on television at

Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

Surf 18 years ago 516,039 views

A girl riding on the hood of a car falls off and gets her leg stuck in the engine. This segment was taken from Episode 603 which originally aired on October 4, 1994. Vote for Rescue 911 to be released on DVD at and to be put back on television at

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for Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

Matias Kurvinen
Matias Kurvinen - 10 years ago
How did she get stuck there!? Everybody says she slipped from the hood! But how did her leg go up and get stuck!?!!?!?!??! THAS WHAT I NEED A ANSWER TO!
Youngbull23 - 10 years ago
Don't let her get on the hood of the car and it must have been serious.

CC Maez
CC Maez - 10 years ago
She learned the hard way !!!!!!
Ezrin Morales
Ezrin Morales - 10 years ago
Tru want to try something stupid would get them to get hurt like that
Youtube aholic
Youtube aholic - 10 years ago
I've never heard of this "spot" until now...
The Headless Horseman
The Headless Horseman - 10 years ago
even if the exhaust manifold got up to 1200 degrees, wouldnt it turn into a liquid? Aluminums melting point is 1220 degrees F and I think some of the heat shield on some manifolds are made of aluminum
TwiggyMarshmallow - 10 years ago
I remember this episode quite well. I saw this when I was about 7 or 8 years old and it has always stuck in my mind since. I'm almost 27 now and this still scares the crap outta me.
Cara McMahon
Cara McMahon - 10 years ago
That's why you don't car surf, kids! But really I'm glad she's OK.
Unicorn Beaniez
Unicorn Beaniez - 10 years ago
i agree

10. comment for Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

Brittany Thrives
Brittany Thrives - 10 years ago
This is just crazy!! There is no way I would let my child,sister or whoever the person was sit on the hood of the car while I was driving! That's just insane!!
David Chamberlain
David Chamberlain - 10 years ago
This is why you don't let you kids ride with your teenagers
The Headless Horseman
The Headless Horseman - 10 years ago
Is that an old chevy cavalier?
Mel G
Mel G - 10 years ago
What I don't understand is why did the older sister slam on her brakes, especially knowing the bump was in the road?? Glad the little girl was okay in the end!
Nicole Watterson
Nicole Watterson - 10 years ago
I would have def said no
The Headless Horseman
The Headless Horseman - 10 years ago
Wow that one kid looks like a mummy his whole head is wrapped. Poor kid
Allison - 10 years ago
Jane doe explain why it should be ( its spelled , didnt you learn spelling?) Illegal. Not everything can be. It is dangerous but there are far greater things than this that need to be illegal.
Allie S
Allie S - 10 years ago
The kids in my neighborhood always rode of the hood; thankfully no one was hurt. But all it takes it one time. Remember when kids used to ride in the back of trucks? Those were some of my happiest memories.
Cherokee Harper
Cherokee Harper - 10 years ago
"We're going home tonight?" Are you kidding me? Didn't you see her leg, Dad?
Janie Doe
Janie Doe - 10 years ago
I don't know why anyone would want to Car Surf on Cars?, That's Dangerous, when I saw this Episode when it was on "The Family Channel", My Reason Side says: That Girl Should've Known Better Then To Do Something As Dangerous as That.
and My Other Reason side (and agrees with my Reason side) says: If That Girl See's Someone Jumping Off of a Bridge, Would She Jump Off Too?.

Also We All Know the old saying, "Monkey See, Monkey Do", What does that Mean?.

20. comment for Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

jediskunk67 - 10 years ago
It's always the same excuse with these kids, "everybody else is doing it."
glock 22
glock 22 - 10 years ago
the driver should not of slammed on the breaks the way she did
TimmyLongfellow - 11 years ago
Almost a Darwin award winner. Lucky.
TheNoisePolluter - 11 years ago
2:50 I think he meant exhaust manifold, because if your engine block is getting up to 1,200 degrees, you've got another serious problem.
Kim Mckeon
Kim Mckeon - 11 years ago
Kids want learn the hard way
Duvmasta - 11 years ago
Why don't southern people use proper grammar?
AviationNetworkHD - 11 years ago
Ok thanks!
allgood2000 - 11 years ago
The next segment is "Cardiac Controller".
allgood2000 - 11 years ago
Yes, there was one called "Dispatcher Down" where a dispatcher had a brain hemorrhage, and another called "Mystery Dispatch" where a dispatcher choked on a piece of candy.
allgood2000 - 11 years ago
There are 670 stories, if you don't count the ones on the World's Greatest Rescues video.

30. comment for Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

allgood2000 - 11 years ago
Youtube had a 10-minute limit up until 2010. I uploaded this back in 2006, so I had to split the video into two parts.
allgood2000 - 11 years ago
I uploaded this video in two parts. This is part 2; the recreation of the accident is in part 1.
Amy McGarvey
Amy McGarvey - 11 years ago
How sad!!!! Never ever do this!!!!
germaine - 11 years ago
Omg when i saw her leg i was like eww but i saw alot of shows like that so im okay wif it but little uncomfartable
AviationNetworkHD - 11 years ago
what was the next episode?
Austin Lucas
Austin Lucas - 11 years ago
I don't know all of what she thought, But I get the feeling it may have been along the lines of "It'll be fun". I see no problem with fun, But go have fun growing plants (Without pesticides because pesticides can hurt you - There are natural ways to keep pests away like putting dog hair by plants to keep cats away) or something like that, Look before you leap or walk so you don't fall in a pit! And please do choose to avoid the pits when you can!
Austin Lucas
Austin Lucas - 11 years ago
Perhaps see if you can notice something that is stupid that people do out of fear of being left out, E.G. drinking and driving. One bad apple ruins a barrel and beliefs are powerful, I believed to this video. If my wording is a bit confusing, Replace "Believed" with "Walked" and know the two words are synonymous in the context I used them in.
tempo1889 - 11 years ago
You know that older sister definately had those car keys yanked from her after this happened.
Angela Emo
Angela Emo - 11 years ago
I'm So glad she made it. it's so wonderful she went to read to the children
john smith
john smith - 11 years ago
no sympathy for these girls what they did was very stupid yes everyone makes mistakes but this is an exception as I said no sympathy for these clowns
Mary Janek
Mary Janek - 11 years ago
Happy she ok
Glen Judge
Glen Judge - 11 years ago
Was this a reenactment because the father forgot his kids name
OneSkiWonder - 11 years ago
The only reason adults generally make better decisions than adolescents, is because they've already done the stupid things when they were kids, and learned from it.
Youtube aholic
Youtube aholic - 11 years ago
that's one way to do an oil change..... :P
Princeroadj - 12 years ago
I haven't seen people ride on hoods since I was in high school ( Class of 1999) 3 kids from my team almost got kicked off cuz they did something similar to this on the person on the hood was on his stomach facing the driver not holding onto anything. Needless to say they disappointed EVERYONE! But this lil girl in god..that was by far the ugliest burn I have ever happy she pulled thru
Rachel Pannell
Rachel Pannell - 12 years ago
If the EMT Bobby Doolittle didn't go on to be a Doctor I'll be very disappointed!
Cassandra S
Cassandra S - 12 years ago
And her sister should of keep saying NO.
Beth hopkins
Beth hopkins - 12 years ago
yea but her big sister should had said no and not let her do it any way.tell her no that something could happen
Jason Koneman
Jason Koneman - 12 years ago
I grew up in La Marque, and was about 9 when this happened. I was even born in the hospital they took her too. I will say that I don't remember anyone "car surfing" as I was growing up.
Sarah Beesley
Sarah Beesley - 12 years ago
i dont think shell be doing that anymore.

50. comment for Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

energizer61bunny - 12 years ago
I'm sure everyone has done something stupid when they were young [even when they are older] it may not have caused as much trouble as this particular thing did but still.
Grace Noelle
Grace Noelle - 12 years ago
Never and I mean NEVER ever and I mean EVER have your kids ride on the hood of the car!!! So don't try this at home KIDS!!!
Rebecca LaFleche
Rebecca LaFleche - 12 years ago
In my neighborhood a girl did this and even though the car was going very slow she fell off, hit her head and went brain dead and died.
golden_ra - 12 years ago
So scary! I know a boy that this happened to in high school for the same reason-- riding on top of the car. He is paralyzed now.
Lonewolf2444 - 12 years ago
There was a kid last year that was hit by a car.... It was a hit and run. He is okay not his arm and leg had to get pinned but he is running and playing tetherball with me. Yay!
LifeOfAnEnglishman - 12 years ago
Her sister should also have been more stubborn and not given in to her little sister. If my little siblings asked to do this it would be a very stern no.
gleelover1802 - 12 years ago
why did she do this??? she think that was cool for her becuz the kids at school??? look lil girl listen when she say NO!!!
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 12 years ago
I think, In my oppion Car Surfing Should Consider To Be Illeagle In Every State.
angela emo
angela emo - 12 years ago
Even if she always got what she want by complaining she should have not been on top of the car and I agree with Sarah when she said" its both are faults"
Logixo Adolfo
Logixo Adolfo - 12 years ago
I hate it how people always rant about what a bad choice she made. Yes, it was a bad choice but you can't say that you never made a mistake in your life. To her it looked fun. If you saw something fun you would do it, no matter how old you are. Stop calling other people stupid just because she did something wrong. If this was you would you want to be called stupid? I really hope sara is okay today.
Steve Ho
Steve Ho - 12 years ago
How much is light flight or medical helicopter cost when using it first time?
Fretlessjay - 12 years ago
Holy Shit i remeber this show when i was like waaaaay young
lightningbolt99999 - 12 years ago
I've just made it through freshman year in high school, and almost daily as I'm leaving the building I've seen people people riding on the tops of cars, on the hoods, and I'm like "Where the hell are the deans that need to stop them?" These people could end up seriously injured like the girl in this video, or even worse, dead. I agree that we need to add this sort of precautionary implement to driver's education classes in my state of Illinois, whatever state you live in, & hopefully nationally.
Elisabeth1903 - 12 years ago
Driving a car at 16 is absolutely irrisponsible!!
Zimeatsgirswaffles - 12 years ago
one of my classmates this year car surfed. She was lucky because when she fell, all she got was a broken leg
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 12 years ago
I hope that Little Girl learned her lesson, and Don't do what the other kids are doing.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 12 years ago
@angelie7473, i would have to agree with you.
PersonNamedLiv !
PersonNamedLiv ! - 12 years ago
Is it weird that when ever I watch videos of people getting hurt. Whatever they hurt starts to kinda tingle? Ex: In this video she got her leg stuck in the engine. My leg started to tingle. o-o
Logixo Adolfo
Logixo Adolfo - 12 years ago
I hate how people always post mean things. People always did it in her neighborhood, and it looked like fun. She didnt know better. Can you really blame her for that. If you were hurt like that you wouldnt want to hear "Thats so stupid why didnt you listen when she said no?" You would want to feel better. I hope she's okay now.
Reagan McCall
Reagan McCall - 12 years ago
Highschoolers do that at my school everyday I don't know how many times my mom has called to report them but they keep doing it. One of them is gonna have this happen to them one day. It's sickining.
Stuingtion - 12 years ago
her leg looks like a smoked sausage
therunescapemaster19 - 12 years ago
what the hell was she thinking
e3mlypapular - 12 years ago
im glad the girl is ok she is a kid she wanted to explore how riding on the hood of the car felt like she did learn her lesson
AnythingNeverything - 12 years ago
Not trying to be rude or mean but when she is reading to the kids in the hospital what happened to the kid with the white mask
mack g
mack g - 12 years ago
Double dribble much
Shawaeon - 13 years ago
Oh man, her leg was basically cooked. I can't even imagine how much that hurt.
chrrycke04 - 13 years ago
@lookkool90 I know u posted this 2 yrs ago (ha) and I dunno if anyone answered u or not but....Car surfing is an old "past time" particularly for teens bak in the late 80's early 90's...unfortunately it was legal until people kept getting hurt..then it became illegal.
KJB - 13 years ago
Common e people that's stupid
Glen Judge
Glen Judge - 13 years ago
everone calls her sarah but her dad calls her lily so is it lily or sarah i am fucking confused
MedRareSteak - 13 years ago
When going Car Surfing, always wear a helmet, pads, long jeans, long-sleeved tee, and that vest with tether cords and hooks that rock climbers use to catch themselves if they fall and what SWAT Officers use to travel on walls.
TheButtface09 - 13 years ago
I was born exactly 5 years after that happened.
timshackboyz - 13 years ago
man how could somebody get there foot caught like that
Greg Miller
Greg Miller - 13 years ago
Now this is Why Shriners is such a wonderful place, those that work there are all heroes. No matter if the mops the floors. I think God will smile upon those that help the children, in fact I know He will. Greg
Megan Cameron
Megan Cameron - 13 years ago
I love this shiw
sam munro
sam munro - 13 years ago
Only in America would something this stupid take place....
Tobius11 - 13 years ago
that just hits me with bully even that many years ago...and after she did..she still worries about bully's
lovable2316 - 13 years ago
Y was she sitting in the middle anyway?
simon cutler
simon cutler - 13 years ago
Ditto what the person below me said. Poor girl, how unfortunate.
kate muse
kate muse - 13 years ago
This is why it's just best to stick with surfing waves. Not the hoods of cars..
Louis Pettit
Louis Pettit - 13 years ago
the doctor looks like samule L jackson
KISSlover18 - 13 years ago
@angelgirl7473 she was a little girl.. lil girls never listen!
PyramidHead138 - 13 years ago
a "4th degree" burn? didnt know there WAS a such thing
Z - 13 years ago
@lookkool90 yep they still do they now call it ghost riding in which you leave it in Neutral on a very slight decline so its rolling very very slow you hop out and walk ontop of the car hood everything
newstarcadefan - 13 years ago
That actually happened near where I live...a teenage girl went car surfing...and ended up very badly injured, and to add insult, she and the driver were charged.
MegaJGYoung - 13 years ago
"We had to jack the car off." Now see what happens when kids do this, it gives cars a tendency to become sexually aroused.
Rhonda Ouwenga
Rhonda Ouwenga - 13 years ago
did I hear that guy say.."talk to me..does it hurt?" lol
ryzuk98 - 13 years ago
how did her leg get stuck under the engine?
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 13 years ago
I think that Car Surfing should be Ielleagle, and if someone is caught doing it, then they should get a ticket.
Junior Vegas
Junior Vegas - 13 years ago
she got what she wanted that day because she always gets what she want.
JUNIORMICH - 13 years ago
@angelgirl7473 her "big sis" shouldn't have left her do that in the FIRST PLACE

100. comment for Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Russell - 13 years ago
I swear I've watched every episode ever made by now. too many lonely saturday nights. :)
Velox415 - 13 years ago
@HunterMann Do be fair, you can die or be injured easily while surfing waves as well. Sharks, drowning, concussions, etc. Well, less-so sharks; attacks are rare, but you could get my point. In fact, I think a famous pro surfer died just a few years ago; they found his body floating near shore.
Shannon Rupe
Shannon Rupe - 13 years ago
It can be dangerous to ride on a hood of a vehicle.
kartic k
kartic k - 13 years ago
@LeakyDiaper Well its a cavalier not a nice integra or maxima
dickcheney6 - 13 years ago
Yu7Yu7Me7Yume7 - 13 years ago
I thought she was riding on the roof of the car XD
erracht - 13 years ago
Thank goodness I've never seen anyone try to pull a retarded stunt like this.
Kimberly Luna
Kimberly Luna - 13 years ago
Then why did she put on the BRAKES.
027220 - 13 years ago
@angelgirl7473 She's 'younger' than her.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 13 years ago
I Think That Car Surfing Should Be Considered A Felony. and I Think that lil girl should've listened when her older sister said no. and if she some kids jump off a bridge, would she do it too?.
Shannon Rupe
Shannon Rupe - 13 years ago
I think it's really dangerous to ride on a hood of a car.
lovegunz1 - 13 years ago
this show should be brought back.
Averiella - 13 years ago
they're always pinned by the engine.. they're leg is always stuck up in the car and being burned. ALWAYS. why?
Seroster - 14 years ago
@lookkool90 People have ben doing it since the first cars with roofs. And people still do it. Sadly.
Melanie Rose
Melanie Rose - 14 years ago
HOLY **** THIS IS SO SAD AND UNGLY THE BIRNT maybe next time she will listen because god did this to show her it not right and just because other people do it doesnt mean u can do it
cammio99 - 14 years ago
I dont want to sound mean but i dont feel bad for her, she shouldve listened
Kasandra Jang
Kasandra Jang - 14 years ago
Aww poor children she was reading to i mean she was probably in alot of pain and such but watch the end. Babies in wheelchairs.
mxims97 - 14 years ago
Stupid car, nom nom nomin' on that pore little girl who chose the wrong decision. Well, she didn't know, but she should've listed to that little voice in the back of her head, '' DON'T DO IT DON'T! YELL' GET STUCK!'' later, ''Told ya so.''
mxims97 - 14 years ago
I do the same thing only on the roof. When the car is NOT moving. It's fun to climb cars, but don't do it well it is in use; being driven, etc.
Chelseae Taylor
Chelseae Taylor - 14 years ago
i was on one of these shows were i got hit by a car on rollerblades and my back split open with my head
MsGina - 14 years ago
@Patrickslag13 September 17th? Mine too!! :D
austin4226 - 14 years ago
Dr. Samuel L. Jackson took over her care...
Nohely Alvarado
Nohely Alvarado - 14 years ago
I Waanteed Teew Trry That Buut I Chaangee My Mind :]
Blaknificent09 - 14 years ago
White kids come up with the dumbest ways of killing themselves....keep it up
MrBobbyhill39 - 14 years ago
cars are for driving.
wildstarfall - 14 years ago
@shootbinary I will admit i have been stupid and allowed my sister to sit on the hood of my car while i drive in my parking lot and going atleast 2 milimeters a second or a little faster and my sister always yells go faster go faster go faster and i sometimes do but after seeing this I am never allowing her to do that again no matter how much she begs and pleads with me i agree every child should be forced to watch this!!
noor may
noor may - 14 years ago
nice video ..
MrGH3Man4 - 14 years ago
The First thing I would do if thos happend is to take apart the front of the car
austinFLAUGH - 14 years ago
@angelgirl7473 She was ten. Her older sister shouldn't have let her.
cutejoshie - 14 years ago
This girl is inspirational. I am impressed with her outlook on life and the way she gives back. Kudos to her.
Hannah Fierle
Hannah Fierle - 14 years ago
why the hell would you ride on the top of the car?! that's so stupiddd.
hell5309 - 14 years ago
I hope her older sister remembers this if and when she decides to become a mother.
mrsnowman102 - 14 years ago
I don't get why on part one and part two videos the first one is only 2 minutes and the second is like ten and there is some with 12 minutes on one video
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 14 years ago
I Think that Car Surfing should be outlawed. Thumbs Up If You Agree With Me.
bilwatk - 14 years ago
I hope this little girl has learnt her lesson. Her sister was a very responsible driver but really should have said NO and not given into her persistant winges.
Navykid4thefuture120 - 14 years ago
o.0 i know a sarah jones
gregoryy2010 - 14 years ago
wht the f is car surfing i am in san diego nd they surf the waves not cars wtf i dont understand u surf under the car wowwww
Edward Padilla
Edward Padilla - 14 years ago
Wow! I see so many people saying stuff like "She learned her lesson...", but we have all done stuff that's dangerous throughout our lifes. Its not the accident that makes this girl strong its the way she handled it. Her out look to over come it. Next time you get in a car remember, in the US there were 10 million accidents in 2010. Will you learn the lesson not to get in one or will you take the chance.
arthur ceballos
arthur ceballos - 14 years ago
she sould have listened,! but you know how 8 year olds and up are
Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 14 years ago
I think that car surfing should be outlawed.
warren gene
warren gene - 14 years ago
thats what these people get when they do these dengerous stunts...i know this family had a big bill because of those families that have kids...SAFTY matter where you are at...sometimes accidents happen...please be safe out there.
Curly Cutie
Curly Cutie - 14 years ago
there eyes are really pretty... im jealous
DarkApteryx - 14 years ago
how do they make these reenactments? seems pretty legit. or would take a lot of 1987-1997 movie magic.
Subaru Wrx
Subaru Wrx - 14 years ago
@angelgirl7473 are you kidding me its not the little girls fault. She is too young to understand...
horrorbro - 14 years ago
That Hurt at 1:01
BSLx - 14 years ago
Wow her sister should have said I SAID NO! AND NO MEANS NO! IT'S DANGEROUS! :)
Stuingtion - 14 years ago
The girl's leg looks like a smoked hot dog at 5:32
jlrsmiles - 14 years ago
well why did she slam the breaks on when there was a kid sitting on the hood???????????
1f5sda1991 - 14 years ago
You wouldn't catch me doing something that dangerous.
KimOfDrac - 14 years ago
Until like a year ago when a similar accident happened in the US I had never heard of this. Why the hell would you surf on a car??? Only in America...
Futuramapwnsall - 14 years ago
someone from my school fell off a trunk of a car when doing this. The car was only going about 10 mph and the kid fell off. He died 2 days later. It was too bad because he was a really nice guy :(
Thom Hawkins
Thom Hawkins - 14 years ago
im sorry but this is a stupid thing to do never do this people.
Stuingtion - 14 years ago
5:36 her looks like a smoked hot dog!
jessica jennings
jessica jennings - 14 years ago
@lookkool90 Now its "Ghost ridin the whip"
jessica jennings
jessica jennings - 14 years ago
She looks like punky bruster/strawberry shortcake
phplasma - 14 years ago
@angelgirl7473 Wrong; kids don't know any better. The big sister shouldn't have said Yes.
Kim H
Kim H - 14 years ago
her leg might not have been burned so badly if they had a water hose or access to water even just poored water down on her leg would have cooled the engine. guess its a learning experience . why didn't she feel her leg was on fire and say hey water? burnt nerves i guess hmm just a thought
Lord Sandwich
Lord Sandwich - 14 years ago
I remember watching this episode as a kid, and will remain in my mind. This should be a lesson to all who think about doing this!
countrymx4171 - 14 years ago
WOW shes good at basket ball at the end! Hehe. I am glad everything turned out alright! <3
Pdogg1985 - 14 years ago
Everyone makes mistakes, I even did this one time when I was younger but it was like from the front of the driveway back . ALL parents and sblings make mistakes Im just glad this child was ok she is strong this made me cry. Lets all go to the site to get rescue 911 on DVD.
countrymx4171 - 14 years ago
do they re-enact this? I hope they do!!!!!
jhgjhggj - 14 years ago
That girl was ten years old and at her age she really should have known better than to do that.
ford9572 - 14 years ago
@shootbinary Likewise!!! I couldn't agree more!!
Kirk - 14 years ago
tsherwoodrzero - 14 years ago
Guess she never heard of feather braking. After she panicked, what did her in was that she continued driving forward, after seeing her ten year old sister slide forward off of the hood. *facepalm*
Adam Klane
Adam Klane - 14 years ago
there was no recreation before this event took place. it always pist me off when he says, "This story has no recreation." now it pisses me off even more when you dont see exactly what happened before the injury. Uuurrghh!! lol
Lana7601 - 14 years ago
Long before I was even born, my uncle was killed in a similar situation. From what I've been told, he was standing on the foot rails along the side of his friend's truck and when his friend began driving, my uncle fell and had his head run over. I used to see people in my high school's parking lot goofing around like that and it would make me SO mad! I never got to know my uncle because of something so stupid, something that was so easily preventable. Cars are NOT toys, people!!
steven2be2003 - 14 years ago
car surfing??yea I bet thats a lot of fun falling off a moving car
Indica Lotus
Indica Lotus - 14 years ago
I did car surfing when I was about 12, I fell off but I was really lucky and only got a few scratches.
chuckmanofgod - 14 years ago
@angelgirl7473, I agree; nevertheless, her big sister should not have given into her younger sister begging her to allow her to surf on the car. She should just have flat out said, "no".....regardless of her younger sister begging.
1RadicalOne - 15 years ago
Jesus Christ...I seldom see more foolish behavior than riding on the EXTERIOR of a moving vehicle.
Toronto324 - 15 years ago
@ lookkool90 Old......I don't think People do car surfing.......
apeck100 - 15 years ago
@MagnussGeisler God loves all the children of the world. smell what your shovolin and look in hym books or lisntin to christain music. the song is called (jesus loves the little children).
Christian Metatron
Christian Metatron - 15 years ago
@lookkool90 Ive never heard of it either, must have been a 90's thing, but WTF? That is the dumbest thing to ever do, because: - she got hurt - that was a totally preventable accident - the police could have given them a ticket, if caught - insurance companies frown on such stupidity
Brandon Lillo
Brandon Lillo - 15 years ago
911 Fire Police Ambulance
Iris De
Iris De - 15 years ago
it took 40 minutes for the life flight helicopter to arrive???? dont they have adac in the usa?
laurie35094 - 15 years ago
Yes, sadly, kids still do this. Kids think they won't fall off, or that they're going slow and could stop in time if they do. But you CAN'T stop before the kid is under your car. There was a 9 year old here, the MOM was driving and let him car surf. She thought since she was going slow it was okay. Most are teens, though, who just can't grasp the danger, or are sure they are "being careful" just like this little girl said.
Sneaky - 15 years ago
pause at 5:35!!!!!!!! u can see her burned leg!
Hotshotter3000 - 15 years ago
Look at 1000 ways to die. Some idiot goes 'car surfing' at very high speed. Needless to say, it doesn't end well.
Babygurl1142 - 15 years ago
why would her sister let her ride on the hood in the first place
DukeandLeafvids - 15 years ago
I'm glad I'm skiddish and scared of things like this....... no matter what age you are, you shouldn't do it.
blackhat2005 - 15 years ago
I hope the person driving lost her license.
rockmeister33 - 15 years ago
I believe it started with the movie three ninjas and their suzuki samari,
Jocke Arkstrand
Jocke Arkstrand - 15 years ago
this is why you shouldn´t have a driver license to early. Your not mature enough, and are much easier to take influence form friends and bad ideas.
H20fanatic20 - 15 years ago
This makes my tear up everytime, no matter how stupid the things the kids do whenever i hear them say im sorry , im so sorry...just breaks my own heart
scorpianofthesun - 15 years ago
I've seen my friends do it.
brilliant1990 - 15 years ago
Every parents worst nightmare, that poor little girl, what an experience to have to go through.
godsfiddler - 15 years ago
Generally when you have a child that "won't stop until they get their way" you have parents that refuse to lay down the law and discipline their kids. Like when my parents said no, we knew not to ask again, or it would result in discipline.
christy19802660123 - 15 years ago
I agree
Angel girl
Angel girl - 15 years ago
she should have LISTENED when her big sis said NO the first time.
Veronica Laviolette
Veronica Laviolette - 15 years ago
I'm not gonna say anything, other than, I'm sure that poor kid learned her lesson that day.
LeakyDiaper - 15 years ago
I find it amusing that they had their seat-belts on in the car and at one point, were concerned about their own safety. At least that's what the reenactment shows. And who the hell lets an inexperienced 16yo teen who just got her license, drive around her 2 way younger siblings? Oh and you want to jump up on the hood of my brand new car and dent and scratch it all up? Christ on crutches!
Hunter Mann
Hunter Mann - 15 years ago
Surf Waves Not Cars you losers!
ulij20 - 15 years ago
I was talking about the mother in the Speed Dial Burn Save.
SakuKoivuRocks - 15 years ago
I cannot comprehend why people continue to do things like this. I think 10 years is old enough to know that riding on a car hood is obviously dangerous.
strushkathell - 15 years ago
Now I feel so bad for riding on the hood of a car when I was a kid.. thanks God nothing ever happened to me.
MasterPuddin - 15 years ago
only one thing came to my mind when i was done watching this vid "who the hell would let a little girl ride on the hood of their car"
Kenneth Scully
Kenneth Scully - 15 years ago
Most of you morons act like you've never made a mistake before. This was simply just a mistake, just like the ones everyone else makes everyday. They were just unlucky enough to have theirs result in someone getting seriously injured. I think they are very brave for facing what they did and putting it out there for the world to see, in hopes that somebody will learn from their mistakes. And that includes those of you that took the time to come down off your high horses and criticize these girls.
Scott Orvik
Scott Orvik - 15 years ago
I Feel 10 Year Old Sara's Pain Knowing What To Do For Her , And When I Was At The Ymca Rec Center Rock Climbing Somebody Like That Gave Me A Hug , Love Scott Orvik
jediskunk67 - 15 years ago
What was that girl thinking?
anamallover - 15 years ago
just wonding who??
PTPLauthor - 15 years ago
yes there are people that do things like this. Hopefully nobody that ever sees this video clip ever tries something like that.
emily reinecke
emily reinecke - 15 years ago
her sister should of said noooooooooooo the last time she said no :(
Luna Hussini
Luna Hussini - 15 years ago
i love allgood
Hannah Giles
Hannah Giles - 15 years ago
he looks like eddie murphy xD
The Candoozi Channel
The Candoozi Channel - 15 years ago
ahh ahh oh no
theincompetentme - 15 years ago
what? what does the show being old have to do with beauty!?
theincompetentme - 15 years ago
i blame teen wolf and gta4.......
ladodgerschick - 15 years ago
I think it is
Amir - 15 years ago
i feel sorry for her
WafflesArePhat - 15 years ago
Ouch!! That'd Hurt Like Hell
grainy123 - 15 years ago
shes just a kid u ....ass. Blame someone else.....
Chicagoman36 - 15 years ago
i remember this episode i was young
TIMELINE JEDI - 15 years ago
I wouldnt let my lil sis ride the hood of my car
Charl Onesixty
Charl Onesixty - 15 years ago
good for her !!! what the fuck is wrong whit does people
eAStcOASTEr91 - 15 years ago
i remember that episode i was only 3years old then i still remember that tho
Patrick Slagerman
Patrick Slagerman - 15 years ago
Wow that kinda sucks... But that was my birthday!
rn437 - 15 years ago
uhm, maybe check the description. Exact date when the episode is recorded.
bonzty - 15 years ago
lol, how silly can humans be? that happens if women drive!
Sheldon Kuhlman
Sheldon Kuhlman - 15 years ago
People are dumb asses... If you were to break that hard so she falls off... Stop the car! Dont keep going! GOD...
scottishgirl767 - 15 years ago
Was there any articles or information about her in the news?
allgood2000 - 15 years ago
Perhaps you could take advantage of their ignorance. I have a friend who was an EMT, and she and her colleagues were dealing a belligerent man injured in a wreck. They wanted to tell him that he had his head up his ass, but they couldn't, so they told him, "Sir, it appears that you have a cranial-rectal inversion."
allgood2000 - 15 years ago
Yes, La Marque, Texas isn't that far from Galveston (where Shriner's is).
charliedeanne - 15 years ago
Ok, you all say its the drivers fault but remember this was 1992, the laws were different then, all that hood riding stuff was ok. The driver in this video slowed herself down when she came across a dip in the road, she did that for the girls safety, she never knew how tight Sarah was holding on, to be honest it was a complete accident, hood riding was ok in 1992, so if Sarah died then her Sister would not have been charged, also, it was Sarah who wanted to ride so badly.
Ellen Cole
Ellen Cole - 15 years ago
if i were a paramedic i would never go under tht car coz im extremely claustrophobic and would probz have a panic attack and i hope tht girl learnt a lesson! next time dont car surf
Comaneci101 - 15 years ago
it was 1200 not 200. omg!!! if 200s gonna hurt than think about 1200!!!!
angelahk28f - 15 years ago
I think they both made bad choices. In Texas? Probably only suspended license for a couple years and probation. Plus you can expunge felonies after 7 years.
SasyBecause - 15 years ago
this is very sad because .... If this happened now there is no telling what would have happened both UTMB is barely up and Shiners bailed from the island
Clare - 15 years ago
Fair enough if you clarify that but at first you said that 'girls are such stupid drivers' and usually that would mean all girls... I agree with you on the 'some girls' though. And that women on this video IS a stupid girl XD
babonny - 15 years ago
the kids always seem to be so reckless.
t2rodz - 15 years ago
Why would her mother say yes!? ITS DANGEROUS!!
abhitron - 15 years ago
Well she was 10 years old in '92, so therefore she should be 27 now. She's probably married or something.
runefan213 - 15 years ago
I agree. The one who is responsible should be the one who is driving it. But lesson learned in a VERY VERY HARD WAY.....
runefan213 - 15 years ago
i know its been 2 months but what can you do? Kids we do stupid stuff all times.
Sandra Wayner
Sandra Wayner - 15 years ago
not just girls are stupid drivers there are guy that can be stupid drivers too. but this was a stupid move on both of the girls part they both where old enough to know better and what could happen.
whattheheck1000 - 15 years ago
what about july?
THING24LIFE - 15 years ago
agreed. i would never let my little brother do that.
THING24LIFE - 15 years ago
i know so did i. my favorite shows were the rugrats and rescu 911. i wish they would at least show reruns. ide bet 50 bucks ive seen every single episode. lol
zintekvault - 15 years ago
lol..."She said it's not your fault. It was both of us." "....hahah
Hollie Bentley
Hollie Bentley - 16 years ago
He thought she was going home that night? With a burn like that? Lol.
davidevgen - 16 years ago
yea i miss this show too
phYs1Cx - 16 years ago
FUCKING UNREAL, she cant be under the car and lie down on her MUST be on ever u look it its just impossible that he fall first by head then by the rest of body...if she did it she would be also on back...just IMPOSSIBLE...fucking bad fake movie!!!!!!...just think it!
Nick Wells
Nick Wells - 16 years ago
Isn't that the same Shriners burn institute where Anton from Russia Rescue was taken to?
Comaneci101 - 16 years ago
04:05 - 0:7 thats got to hurt
Goblet0fire - 16 years ago
yeah, and 7:31-7:36 it looked like she was giving birth.
Nonya Bizness
Nonya Bizness - 16 years ago
actually this kinda seems like something a boy would do
bretta 9mm
bretta 9mm - 16 years ago
should not have a licence at all if i was her parents i would chew her ass out big time and a punishment :U ...
Carlin Jones
Carlin Jones - 16 years ago
now people we all make mistakes! and the value lesson is to learn from them.
Carlin Jones
Carlin Jones - 16 years ago
i wouldnt call it sexist but blancorum is outta line when he says that! i'm a woman but let me just say that im not a good driver myself so you may not wanna get into car with me! but i have to say is never leave a teenager in charge!
Carlin Jones
Carlin Jones - 16 years ago
oh ok so you're sayin that men are better drivers than women? you're too embarrased to stop for directions my god mister.
BURROWSMOOSE - 16 years ago
they cant just jack the car up with someone under it,they have to asses injuries first as to prevent further ones...goof
Dorvell Stewart
Dorvell Stewart - 16 years ago
Why the hell did the idiots leave the car on with Sarah's leg stuck in the engine. When the show returns and the segment picks up from where it left off, you can still hear the car running. Wouldn't it have been wise to shut it off right away?
oopsibrokethecow - 16 years ago
Well that was brilliant
christy19802660123 - 16 years ago
I wonder how sarah doing now
Brett S
Brett S - 16 years ago
the kids in this video are stuipid
lennic95 - 16 years ago
I'm a girl, and I can drive fine! She's one of many women that can't drive properly: if you think all women are incapable of driving, you're SEXIST!
lennic95 - 16 years ago
Stupid girl!
AFGSANFORD2 - 16 years ago
Both girls were stupid for what they did. I do feel sorry for the one that fell off the car. The older one who was driving, I would have taken the car away from her and not allowed her to drive for along time if I was her father.
Connor J. Sierra
Connor J. Sierra - 16 years ago
haha stupid little girl shes stupid for asking to ride on the hood of the car. I dont feel sorry for her one little bit!
icecreamman199 - 16 years ago
omg that poor little girl <:C
Andrew Hyland
Andrew Hyland - 16 years ago
man o man thats all I gotta say to that this was one of the ones I watched that I remembered
morgan boucher
morgan boucher - 16 years ago
whit so she was goast riding the wip wow thats one bad ass bitch
Sarah Cook
Sarah Cook - 16 years ago
by them being stupid
morgan boucher
morgan boucher - 16 years ago
how the fuck would that happin
rainrozery - 16 years ago
Who car surfs? I've never heard of this before and no one I know of has done that. It must be a suburb thing...They must be really bored. Times have changed, thank goodness!
Sarah Cook
Sarah Cook - 16 years ago
FullMoonBunny - 16 years ago
scorpianofthesun - 16 years ago
Kids do stupid things. But then again, the more stupid things you do, the more you learn. Unless you do something so stupid, it cost you your life.
scorpianofthesun - 16 years ago
Ground her? Are you kidding me? So, if this was your child, who was in loads of pain, and probabaly scared for her life, after that bit of trauma you'd ground her? If this were my child, I'd be more concerned for her life, forget about grounding her. Plus, don't you think that someone going through this is already learning their lesson? Yet you think she should be grounded? She already learned her lesson, she doesn't need to be grounded!
scorpianofthesun - 16 years ago
i'm not standing up for that 16 year old, but teenagers don't think. I'm not saying all teens are like that, but being a teen myself (I'm 19), I think I can say that I've acted/done things without thinking. Not that it gives her an excuse. I think she should have been stronger and really put her foot down. She may not have been thinking of the dangers at the time...
scorpianofthesun - 16 years ago
I'll admit it: I've car surfed before. It's a rush, but really scary. Yeah, you think you're hagning on tight, the car is going slow, so nothing could happen. Truth is, anything can happen. After seeing this, I'm never car surfing again!
toothy3000roxs - 16 years ago
iraqidolphin - 16 years ago
Kid will be kids. That's why they are not considered adults.
iraqidolphin - 16 years ago
Ground the little girl. You don't think she learned her lesson already?
crazymisscarlza - 16 years ago
if you watch the first part it says that they are her sisters
allgood2000 - 16 years ago
That was her sister, not a babysitter.
joeblow blow
joeblow blow - 16 years ago
2nd, 3rd or 4th healed. Plus it was only her leg. I can see the parents getting all emotional if she had 3rd and 4th degree burns all over her entire body and face. I would have fired the baby sitter and grounded the little girl once she got home from the hospital.
mindajane - 16 years ago
I'm sorry but I don't think that babysitter would be allowed near my children. I relize it was the little girls idea but that babysitters first job was to protect that child!
vanz00 - 16 years ago
Please, a 4th degree burn where she requires extensive surgery and rehabilitation therapy is minor. Your an idiot, plain and simple.
Assbutt McMonster
Assbutt McMonster - 16 years ago
OH MY GOD! The babysitter is such a moron for letting her!
joeblow blow
joeblow blow - 16 years ago
Those parents are a little to overdtramatic. She only hurt her leg and burned healed. And it figures the parents say that she's such a fighter. Any parent would say that. Do you really think they are going to say "My daughter's a quiter." Stupid.
molly1002 - 16 years ago
Wow oh my god! i'm so happy she's ok! how the hell did she do that? on the roof then on the bottom! wow i don't see how she did that and who the hell was driving the can!!!!!
Harry in a Hurry
Harry in a Hurry - 16 years ago
Double dribble at 8: 01
Harry in a Hurry
Harry in a Hurry - 16 years ago
If I were under that car I wouldn't someone named "Dolittle" helping me.
horrorbro - 16 years ago
Omega0920 - 16 years ago
between the firewall and the transmission fuck that had to hurt
ladodgerschick - 16 years ago
lol the life flight helicopter lady goes running over there like a little kid on christmas morning "guys, what have we got???"
icecreamman199 - 16 years ago
omg thats realy sad
b rabbit
b rabbit - 16 years ago
these are kids..its the kids that have to learn the hard lessons...they sometimes do stupid shit thats why kids have parents but parents cant always be wherever their kids are at every minute...dont be talkin shit about a child who could of died...have some respect ppl
MadameAshlini - 16 years ago
Peelsock, wut u mean by 5:01? she's only taking off her shoe???
Dalano Bass
Dalano Bass - 16 years ago
i dont feel sry for here since her sister pushed the brake on PERPUSE AND THAT MAKES ME ANGRY SHE WOULDNT LIKE THAT WOULD SHE BITCH
Peelsock - 16 years ago
Hmm, 5:01...
Merry - 16 years ago
You should feel more sorry for the older sister. She must have felt terrible and probably blamed herself for not stopping her sister.
Merry - 16 years ago
No one should ever car surf unless it's part of their job.
ulij20 - 16 years ago
Actually, I saw it when it was aired on TV. I didn't see it on YouTube, though. I actually felt sorry for the mother.
Brendan Murphy
Brendan Murphy - 16 years ago
I take it you saw the episode before it was deleted. I too see it.
ulij20 - 16 years ago
I agree. The Speed Dial Burn Save was the one with the toddler who ran into her mother in the kitchen, causing the pan of hot grease in her hand to spill all over the kid, wasn't it? Yes, the mother might have been a little more watchful, but geez, no need to make things worse by throwing blame. The mother felt guilty as it were (in fact, I believe there were a few times after it happened when she picked up the little girl and said, "I'm so sorry!" Have a little compassion, people!
Daniel singleton
Daniel singleton - 16 years ago
you dont see that on GTA
Brendan Murphy
Brendan Murphy - 16 years ago
You guys better stop making these rude comments. If people on this episode see these comments, they are going to ask this one to be deleted. It happened on Speed Dail Burn Save on 524 because of the comments that the mother was careless and stuff. You guys better think about this.
whitchry9 - 16 years ago
oh poor girl. that was a horrible ACCIDENT!she will NEVER car surf again that's for sure
allgood2000 - 16 years ago
Shriner's is a hospital for burns, so he was probably burned all over his body. Burn victims wear those body suits over their skin to help prevent infection.
trennto - 16 years ago
"looks like a pretty good burn here", says the doctor. lol. (BTW, how the hell did her leg get stuck up in an engine from getting run over?)
Moises - 16 years ago
wonder wat she think bout ghostriding hahaha dumass white gurl
lynsey T
lynsey T - 17 years ago
how old is this giirl?
thesecretfox1 - 17 years ago
fuck u
Nonya Bizness
Nonya Bizness - 17 years ago
yea and her sister was just as stupid
Nonya Bizness
Nonya Bizness - 17 years ago
The hell I cant blame her. Sure I've done stupid stuff in my life like skipping school or breaking a window with a baseball but for fucks sake I've never done anything THAT retarded. Common sense (which is not so common anymore) would tell you, "riding on a moving car- not such a good idea, dur dur durrr"
KryptoniteDinosawr - 17 years ago
She really looks like Peppermint Patty o_0
Nonya Bizness
Nonya Bizness - 17 years ago
stupid kid, got what she deserved
CppEngi - 17 years ago
it's now the cool thing to do these days.
ApollosAlibi2007 - 17 years ago
That girl is sssooo stupid! Who in the right mind would sit on a car!?
mike langer
mike langer - 17 years ago
They will not do that again.
christy19802660123 - 17 years ago
i wonder how sarah is doing now
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
It depends on where you live, and I think those types of laws are recent. I grew up in Virginia, and they didn't pass any sort of passenger laws for minors until 2001. Those laws were that a 16-year-old could have one passenger under 18, and a 17-year-old could have three. Family members didn't count as underage passengers though, so you could have multiple siblings in the car.
Natasha Cassick
Natasha Cassick - 17 years ago
Did Sarah's sister get her license taken away for this? I thought it was illegal for a provisional licensed driver to drive with passengers under the age of 18.
A Chaps
A Chaps - 17 years ago
but you can't download youtube movies - or can you? is there a way?
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
It's on here. I think it's titled "Cardiac Controller". When you want to search for the segment after the segment you just watched, just type in the Rescue 911 and the same episode number. For example, to look for other segments from this episode, search for "Rescue 911 603".
Jana Egan
Jana Egan - 17 years ago
Oh wow...scary.
Mel Boyd
Mel Boyd - 17 years ago
but can u post it please i'd really like to see it
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
Yes, but it's too long for youtube.
Mindy Rhodes
Mindy Rhodes - 17 years ago
The choice the older sis made lett her younger sis dride on the hood of the car wasn't the birhgtedt idea, but this little girl is so strong to pull though like she did and she is brave too.
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
Well I can't say that I myself have ever gone though some as traumatizing as that, but whenever I do something stupid that causes pain, I usually do acknowledge to myself that I had it coming.
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
That's bad, but I have to admit, it made me laugh pretty hard.
madlib - 17 years ago
What a brave little retard
itsalleternal - 17 years ago
What else were they to do? If they lifted the car on their own, it could crash back on her and that would make the injuries worse...
katie mccurdy
katie mccurdy - 17 years ago
stuck under the car for 40 minutes? Omg, that must have been veryyyyyy painful. What a brave girl
betatalk357 - 17 years ago
yep, that's the one. Thanx!
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
I have a bunch of episodes on tape from back when the show aired on tv. I trade with other people who have it on tape to get even more episodes. That's from Episode 209. Shatner introduced the location as Prospect Park, though. Is that nearby?
betatalk357 - 17 years ago
Also, can you tell me which episode had the Ridley Park, PA police officer in pursuit of a suspect at night who ended up shooting the cop with his own gun during a struggle? I'd like to see that episode b/c it's from my hometown. Thanx!
betatalk357 - 17 years ago
How'd you get these Rescue 911 episodes? They're really great and I miss a great show like this since all they're showing on t.v. these days is crap. KEEP PUTTING RESCUE 911 ON YOUTUBE!!! THANX!!!
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
If you want to see what happens when you do something *really* stupid, watch "911 Firecracker Explosion" from Episode 327.
betatalk357 - 17 years ago
If i ever had kids who'd wanna do this, or stick their finger in a light socket or something this stupid, I'm gonna let them watch this first! "See what happened to her? That's what happens when you do something stupid."
orlandobabe - 17 years ago
I don't know who'd I be more mad at if I was the mother of that little girl, I don't know if I'd be mad at the little girl for begging to ride the hood of the car or the babysitter for giving into the girl's begging.
allgood2000 - 17 years ago
I don't know, this probably would have been filmed in mid to late summer of 1994.
Kelli Barron
Kelli Barron - 17 years ago
I noticed the hospital's flags were half staff. I wonder who or what for judging on the date.
The Foranator
The Foranator - 17 years ago
It is very painful this would never had have happend if the driver of the car had sense!
christy19802660123 - 17 years ago
what a brave girl
KGBDestroyer - 17 years ago
omg I feel so sorry for her.
christy19802660123 - 17 years ago
me to
Virgil077 - 17 years ago
einstein was right "there are only 2 things that are unlimited the universe and human stupidity"
Fred Tan
Fred Tan - 17 years ago
omg that is gonna hurt, imagine be stuck in a 200 degree engine
Fred Tan
Fred Tan - 17 years ago
i can feel the pain in my heart
snakes3425 - 17 years ago
The sister probably lost her licence, and also probably got a criminal record for child endangering
Debra Yorke
Debra Yorke - 17 years ago
kids are stupid. I hope you all watching this remeber tot hink twice before doing something dumb. I hope they never let that girl drive ever again oh and I love the 90s hair and clothes
snakes3425 - 17 years ago
I wonder what the police did to her sister for allowing her to ride on the car's hood
snakes3425 - 17 years ago
She's lucky she didn't lose her leg
christy19802660123 - 17 years ago
chrisz71 - 17 years ago
God the pain and suffering is palpable in this video- EXCELLENT re-enactment... almost too real to watch (or at least listen to) wait, she didn't turn the engine off at first? That's probably why she had such severe burns!
mtiller2006 - 17 years ago
It is a miracle for her, after all that pressure, all those tests, everything. I know it was a mistake on her part, but it is a lesson we all learn. God bless her...God bless her family. It is a miracle
rebecca - 17 years ago
U know the sister should have said no but it was an accident
Jason - 18 years ago
Isn't the guilt of what she did to her sister punishment enough? It's something she'll think about for the rest of her life.
snakes3425 - 18 years ago
Agree: Talk about irresponsible. She only had her car and licence for about one day, and she goes and allows her sister to do this, talk about irresponsible. She probably lost her licence and car till she's 117. One thing I love about this show is 90% of the accidents shown are caused by people being stupid or careless. This was a 10 year old, and the person at fault is the driver of the car
snakes3425 - 18 years ago
Nixon died in 1994
snakes3425 - 18 years ago
She probably did, i.e. lost her licence and car till she was 116. This is one of those times I would have been glad to see a cop.
guiloro - 18 years ago
man she woulda got the worst belt whoopin in the history of mankind and break a broomstick upside her back. bust her head to the white meat.
Vixen83 - 18 years ago
how FUCKING stupid
Hugo QP
Hugo QP - 18 years ago
it does'nt take 16 years of age to realize it's a stupid idea..
Andy Price
Andy Price - 18 years ago
That ignorent girl should be charged with child abuse and sent to prision for life with no possiblity of parole
jillhbaudhaan - 18 years ago
thanks for uploading i wonder what the parents did to the older sis, how studpid can you be
Godzillaman - 18 years ago
You're all wrong! The people who are responsible are the kids who were riding on it in the first place!
happy7117 - 18 years ago
I almost wonder if they did it for recognition on tv, like "hey, if we plan an accident where you get hurt by riding on the hood of my car, we can be famous because people will watch us on tv!"
happy7117 - 18 years ago
I'm not sure who was the better idiot, the older sister for letting her younger sister drive on the hood, or the younger sister asking if she could.. A girl who makes stupid decisions like letting a younger girl ride on a car hood should not even be behind the wheel!! This segment could have easily been replaced with a more worthier episode worth watching...
Jason - 18 years ago
This is just something I saw happening as I watched the episode, you know? What was the older sister thinking?
happy7117 - 18 years ago
It sure is stupid!! Just say NO untill they stop asking!! Like drugs!! Just say NO!! I'd rather have a sibling mad at me than be in a hospital!!
happy7117 - 18 years ago
Or right before the bump- have her get off the car for her to drive over the bump then get back on the hood--(which was never smart!)
Ms Visio
Ms Visio - 18 years ago
Next time try the Boeing 747 wings just above the engine!
Ms Visio
Ms Visio - 18 years ago
Fuking IDIOT!
bluesinkku - 18 years ago
The driver was just a kid herself, 16 yrs old..
happy7117 - 18 years ago
True, still that girl driving should have not let her ride on the hood no matter how many times she asked her or begged!! And as for the bump in the road, the girl driving should have slowed down considerably-- the point is that girl is a spoiled brat!!
Kinako Ishiyama
Kinako Ishiyama - 18 years ago
Yeah, but she wasn't the girl's parent, so she probably doesn't have much experience with children yet.
happy7117 - 18 years ago
Just another segment with a kid acting foolishly and getting seriously injured as a result...!! The girl driving should of said "Stop asking me--the answer is no!!"
Sal Salvatore
Sal Salvatore - 18 years ago
its cool
Lee Scott
Lee Scott - 18 years ago
Sal Salvatore
Sal Salvatore - 18 years ago
i was talkin about the dumbass that was driving who the hell lets a kidd ride on the hood
Lee Scott
Lee Scott - 18 years ago
Don't call her an idiot. She was a little girl who made a mistake but she learned from it. Learn to keep your opinions to yourself, please.
Sal Salvatore
Sal Salvatore - 18 years ago
what a fuckin idiot

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About Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)

The "Rescue 911 - "Car Surfing Girl" (Part 2)" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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