Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

Respect in the lineup surfing the north shore. Hawaii - pipeline, rocky point, waimea Kala Alexander, Flynn Novak Video By Kris Heineman / John Salanoa

Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 536

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Respect in the lineup surfing the north shore. Hawaii - pipeline, rocky point, waimea Kala Alexander, Flynn Novak Video By Kris Heineman / John Salanoa

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Most popular comments
for Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

GUI CLARINDO - 6 years ago
Kala,you are a big mierda, you dont respect anyone and expect respect?? Come war with me...I will teach you what is a real respect...!
justin mogol
justin mogol - 6 years ago
Respect my a$$
Proximity Symbol
Proximity Symbol - 6 years ago
Fucking moke
19MarkZ - 6 years ago
This I agro stuff is bullshit. Respect yes, but it is all about the joy of playing in the ocean. Sometimes the groms and kooks have the most joy. Respect that.
Luke Donald
Luke Donald - 6 years ago
Don't ever come to NZ
tony ruaporo
tony ruaporo - 6 years ago
Kala Alexander like's to fuck cock taste good stay out of my country of New Zealand
Donald J. Boognish
Donald J. Boognish - 6 years ago
What a homo. Look at the gay tribal tatoos. Come to RI Homo Boy and see what time it is. Ill kick that XXL butt plug up your ass so far itll pop out your cocksucker.
D B - 6 years ago
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
1:05 lol she don't surf the photo guy just said go hold this board and walk and we'll take a short clip of your ass

10. comment for Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

Dick Berry
Dick Berry - 6 years ago
Tripp Miller
Tripp Miller - 6 years ago
So your saying if I’m a fat, white, pasty, American with my boogie board and “Hawaii sucks” T-shirt I might get my ass kicked? THANKS!!
The Man
The Man - 6 years ago
MCwalk02 - 6 years ago
This guy just making up shit. 50 yrs old grow up.
Epluribusunum - 6 years ago
So they have self-righteous arrogant entitled native douchebags in Hawaii too!
MCwalk02 - 6 years ago
Hate this tool
Mack Lack
Mack Lack - 6 years ago
This guy would not last a week in Miami, New York or LA.
John Rambo
John Rambo - 6 years ago
Dude thinks he's a tuff to meet this turd on the beach...I'll show him he's all mouth real quick.
Cosme Do Nascimento
Cosme Do Nascimento - 6 years ago
That´s pretty awsome song in the video, does any one knows the name of it?
John O'Mahoney
John O'Mahoney - 6 years ago
A ruse if I ever herd one!

20. comment for Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

sszztoetayoa - 6 years ago
I get protecting your community as it should and could be, however, Hawaii, all Islands are a tourist hot spot. I feel the same way about Californians moving to my state but I don’t unleash hell every time a Cali Boy/Girl sets up. I have ZERO RESPECT FOR YOU! stay in the Islands, handle your own worth and for the sake of Blue Water, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH!
Face it man, with out main land money especially Maui wouldn’t have an economy.
Peace love, Broda!
thePhished - 6 years ago
looks like most of the people who commented on this video would get their ass beat at pipe lol
hanajinks - 6 years ago
Dude is a scumbag
Salty Tortoise
Salty Tortoise - 6 years ago
"You took things if you wanted it and demanded respect" okay the USA is a warrior culture, took Hawaii, and now demands respect.
Fran Serrano
Fran Serrano - 6 years ago
So... Respect is so important... But locals do not need to follow the rule? They get the best waves? Even if someone else is already in? I don't get it. One or the other, but cannot be both. Local or not, you need to respect as well.
MegaSpurs18 - 6 years ago
Being local doesn’t entitle you to anything. If anything you should let others have good waves because they most likely don’t get ride them consistently like you do being blessed to grow up in an area like that
ricky hofmann
ricky hofmann - 6 years ago
off the wall is my backyard cuz
55nublet - 6 years ago
Faking one owns the ocean the ocean own the ocean lol...I honestly never paddle out and drop in on anyone anyways that just not nice ..
David Williams
David Williams - 6 years ago
This guy Kala reminds me of a common street thug.
james james
james james - 6 years ago
Good thing about reading these comments is everybody HATES THE CUNT!

30. comment for Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

james james
james james - 6 years ago
Someone needs to shoot one of these cunts and it will stop then!
james james
james james - 6 years ago
This guy is a total cunt! Needs to be shot for all the assaults he is guilty of! Respect what from a cunt like this?
Harrison Williams
Harrison Williams - 6 years ago
Harrison Williams
Harrison Williams - 6 years ago
What goes around always comes back to its source !
notxorc - 6 years ago
These dudes disrespect surfing it's shameful
BeyondTheSmile - 6 years ago
Meh... Just went and surfed Pipe. Local group dropped in on me a couple of times so I dropped in on them. They did fuck all when I saw them out of the water... Though I am 6'4 and solid. Locals need to realise it's everyone's beach/wave and share. Otherwise they might be the ones getting the shit beat out of them.
zack meyer
zack meyer - 6 years ago
Straight fuck boiiii lol lol don’t snake someone’s wave ... pretty simple and have a kick ass time
Ucnamuc - 6 years ago
Yeah and Larry Blair won back 2 back pipes... Then they beat him up and broke his boards to stop him on his third...these f'n bleeding heart indigenous shit me.... Get a job
Seawolfaka - 6 years ago
Every line up is like this. Why are you so special? Kaus u 1 donkey. Every surf spot you visit ? Your the donkey . You get Bro/Brah'ed in. Everywhere you go. What's that equal.
Seawolfaka - 6 years ago
So you steal from people ? Yah ? The KKK paddles out and ? Your a piece of shit . Respect? Right .
spencethegreat38 - 6 years ago
I like how he's saying respect is everything and blah blah blah, then he goes on to praise the warrior culture and 'taking what you want'...isn't thievery one of the biggest types of disrespect? This asshole is a walking contradiction.
Jeenius IAMa
Jeenius IAMa - 6 years ago
He is just a criminal, nothing more nothing less. That he is a sponsored surfer does not change that at all!
Joe Joe
Joe Joe - 6 years ago
What a cocksucker will be old and pathetic now trying to pretend he has a life
doulos88 - 6 years ago
what a prick
Timothy Long
Timothy Long - 7 years ago
I like seeing my home break regulated to an extent. The young crop lacks basic respect, not just for locals and elders but their fellow man, so some of it is good. But these Hawaiians are entitled AF, like they’re owed something. And then these Pipe guys come out to Southern California and act like they’re at home out in the water. It’s all a pretense to dominate wherever they are.
jenset jones
jenset jones - 7 years ago
Thugs in the line up get owned sooner or later...
Jules canidoit
Jules canidoit - 7 years ago
I don't talk to anyone. U want me to hold yr hand. .I don't drop in but if ur a everywhere mine ill adjust my tactics. Never needed to fight. Just ignore them when u get abused. Happy surfing
jabbabbabba - 7 years ago
drugged out loser.
metalmaster76 - 7 years ago
Your life revolves around a a game/leisure activities relax cuz
jesse lehmann
jesse lehmann - 7 years ago
wolf pac my ass, you cant bring enough friends for me. easy to feel tough when these blonde fucks don't fight back. What a bunch of losers, don't make waves.<----

50. comment for Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

elissandro silva
elissandro silva - 7 years ago
fuck this shit
Simon Roberts
Simon Roberts - 7 years ago
Kala you may think you da shit. However the comments here reflect the views of people from all over the globe and from all walks of life. Surfers and non surfers. Your small circle of friends may blow sunshine up your ass. But it’s plain to see the rest of the world and the general surfing community think you’re a fukn asshole.
Simon Roberts
Simon Roberts - 7 years ago
The lineup would be a better place when people like kala aren’t in it.
getadogupya - 7 years ago
pacificswell - 7 years ago
Novak should teach respect lessons in socal.
Cole - 7 years ago
Ya I’m def not getting outta the water when you come out lol
Alex Costello
Alex Costello - 7 years ago
kala needs to be calm and collective and not try to beat up everyone. Respect is a two way street! love ya kala but damn bra dont be so angry all the time ! one love bra!
FLAWDAWADA727 - 7 years ago
"It's a warrior culture" Though the white man took the islands without a shot fired.
"Warrior" ??? More like a COWARD CULTURE
jabbabbabba - 7 years ago
BLACK05GO1 - 7 years ago
Sorry, but "respect" is proved in the line up. Just because you were born in Hawaii, you don't own the ocean. If you're a local and you surf like a kook, move down the beach. It's Kooks that drop in on people and get in the way all the time trying to paddle out, that are a danger to surfers. I surfed as many places as I could over the years. I'm always cool with the locals and I give the skilled surfers respect in the line up. But I'm not letting some local Kook snake my waves. If I am a much better surfer than he is I'm taking the wave if I'm in position for it. But if a highly skilled local paddles for the same wave, I'd back out and give him the wave (out of respect for his surfing skills and that he's a local). But just because someone is a local, I'm not giving him my waves if I'm a superior surfer to him.
frazz stemton
frazz stemton - 7 years ago
3 inch meth powered dick. full erection. go meth man. .3 inch miricle lmao
thecalebkingshow2 - 7 years ago
Kala is a total kook on the waves. He gon get licked one day fuck that liar. They don’t want safety they just want to hurt people on the waves. He’s a dick
Dennis Nedry
Dennis Nedry - 7 years ago
Ho bra no act ahh fookin kook like catch cracks ah?!?
Sonny Burnett
Sonny Burnett - 6 years ago
Dennis Nedry
Oh dere you go you fuckin guy!
Austin Oldfield
Austin Oldfield - 7 years ago
I want to fight this guy so fucking bad................
reknful - 7 years ago
Kala is fucking dweeb
manuelott29 - 7 years ago
haaaa....frank bush is soooooo your face kala !!!!!!!!!
Paul Parker
Paul Parker - 7 years ago
Surfing= brain dead
Mike Jones
Mike Jones - 7 years ago
Kala is a panty. He neva bang n e bangaz b4 he scared come waianae i teach u respect dummy
Roger Wall
Roger Wall - 7 years ago
The difference about Hawaii boys and puertorican boys we a lot more friendlier than you guys,yea worrier culture BS.Come to our breaks and you all will find out what a true openness and courtesy is we welcome all except cocky Hawaiian's like you you guys make me laugh how idiotic you all sound. IDIOTS.
Chillinee - 7 years ago
If Da hui paddled out everyone had to leave? Thats the lamest shit Ive ever heard. The ocean is for everyone! Not for a band of racist cunts
Smart Alex
Smart Alex - 7 years ago
You'd think these hawaiins are doing time in a super max prison by how hard they pose.
The Surfing Stoner
The Surfing Stoner - 7 years ago
I ever catch you at the wedge or HB pier, mark my words you'll be in the grave
Richard Kuszel
Richard Kuszel - 7 years ago
One day someone is going to put a bullet in the fuckers head. You talk about respect o please all you criminals are the talk about respect then you disrespect everyone.
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
Da Leader of da Hui isn't even frigin Kanaka Maoli he's an AshkeNazi-Jew from Jersey/Jewzy! For those who dont know what an AshkeNazi-Jew is they are the Fake Jews as the bible callse them in Revelations 3:9 as Amos 9:7 & Gen 2:13 proves the real Hebrews are Ethiopian's.
Spock in a Ditch
Spock in a Ditch - 7 years ago
markriobr - 7 years ago
Gave up Hawaii since 88,is throw money away, where is far from being the paradise. Go to Indonésia,there are better waves,more brakes without all that Hawaiian crap. besides nice people and lots of fun. Lots of women and peace. Why go back and forth on that crowded shore,and risk being surrounded by these type of person; There are many cool locals for sure,now if they realize you are from Brazil ,is never one and one. Never had any problem over there,but know people that did. Some got the best of it and others not so much.
markriobr - 7 years ago
The basic in life start at home. Being humble and respect,and abroad if you have that in you just be yourself. Had an ordeal as a 20 kid the second time in life on Malibu. Could easy be passed like an American,now had a different board trunks and this local got all over me. Never snaked a wave and was surfing just the left over. He was bigger,stronger and and was a...le all together. Did not end well,but i left without any bruise . Went and try surf Pipe few times,took me an hour to drop in a decent wave,decide after is not worthy the hassle . There are many brakes on the N S you can have a good time.
mitchell johnson
mitchell johnson - 7 years ago
we will extend you the same courtesy , bra
Oscar Benitez
Oscar Benitez - 7 years ago
John Henry
John Henry - 7 years ago
Looks like a gang on the water to me.
Shane Peterson
Shane Peterson - 7 years ago
This fuck throws the word "respect" around like a damn punchline/buzzword.. what a sad piece of shit.
danilo guerra
danilo guerra - 7 years ago
Surf é para todos des de iniciantes a amadores e profisas. Aloha
Andrew Dance
Andrew Dance - 7 years ago
Yet, Hawaii has many regulars who hog the waves just because they think they're entitled to. Respect goes both ways. Don't hog all the waves just because you are local. Look up Lunada bay boys. You guys are no different.
Me How
Me How - 6 years ago
Duke Palk the haoles there don’t matter they’re good people
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 7 years ago
Kelly Slater said to earn respect when he first got to the islands was by taking off on the biggest gnarliest closeouts at Pipeline.They let him get waves after that.
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 7 years ago
Kelly Slater said to earn respect when he first got to the islands was by taking off on the biggest gnarliest closeouts at Pipeline.They let him get waves after that.
Adam Dennis
Adam Dennis - 7 years ago
he's right. it is their home. and he speaks about safety. he doesn't act like nobody is welcome.
BLACK05GO1 - 7 years ago
No matter where you surf, you need to be a skilled surfer to join the "pack." If you don't have the skill level to be there you will run someone over or just get in people's way. No place for a Kook in the "pack."
BUT a person should be able to surf any break they want if they are a skilled surfer and you treat everyone with respect and follow the rules (no snaking waves). I live in Florida and I've been surfing most of my life. I would never bash someone for surfing our local spot just because he's not a local. If he can surf well and is respectful, everything is cool. But if you are a beginner you need to stay out of the main line up. You will just be a danger to yourself and the other surfers.
Curt Brooks
Curt Brooks - 7 years ago
The first guy thinks he's the shit and he's right
Clint45s - 7 years ago
Welll....what can you say...I've got similar situation here, so why would i want it over there? Bunch of lug nuts, and yes it is about respect, but its also about not going to prison or getting your self killed, so why da problem Bradda...My gun bigger than your Gun...Just saying Bra! Its why I never had a desire to visit Hawaii...You find stupid everywhere!!!
TheActiontkr - 7 years ago
Everytime I watch this it cracks me up, "respect" has killed more people than any water hazard.
RED S7VN - 7 years ago
Fuck this childish shit. If someone is better than you or in the water before you, fuck you. Ocean don't belong to anyone. HI guys are childish and immature as hell.
AKPRODUCTIONS17 - 7 years ago
Brody Bolero is a fake ass punk. Bali High my ass
John Morgan
John Morgan - 7 years ago
I would say to people don't go there full of thugs let the Mexican drug dealers rule hawaii I hope America cuts them off
John Surf
John Surf - 7 years ago
Hawaiian right of way no matter what,outside people gotta wait your turn!!!!
Joey - 7 years ago
Kala, you're a bitch
John Morgan
John Morgan - 7 years ago
mike simmons your right there scum methheads they can't read racist shit they sit on there ass and complain about white people like Australians and mainland Americans disrespecting while there having holidays there.
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
Maybe we'll all get lucky and this kala idiot will get Cancer or something close
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
Oh Kala, your SO-o-ooo tough... Kala, What you pick a fight with a white guy that you know you can't beat up and without your 47 friends with you?... Yeah, you and I both know that will never happen...I lived in Hawaii for six years and these people are mongrels... Uneducated, worthless to society, rude, disrespectful, racist... I could go on and on but my fingers will get tired of typing.... They're using "we're protecting our waters"... As an excuse to harass white people... That's the truth.... Don't let this racist jackass manipulate you into thinking he's doing something righteous. Have you guys seen all of the gargantuan amount of homeless Hawaiian people on Oahu?... I'm embarrassed for them.
Mikosa - 7 years ago
Idiots think they own the waves....but I own the air!
Ro Maniac
Ro Maniac - 7 years ago
Through the roots!

100. comment for Respect at Pipeline and The North Shore Winter '10/'11

Mark Lindsey
Mark Lindsey - 7 years ago
An obvious latent homosexual
Mark Lindsey
Mark Lindsey - 7 years ago
Which is a quote from Fred Van Dyke, a contemporary of Greg Noll and Peter Cole when he wrote an article in Surfer about what it takes to surf giant waves both mentally and physically.In that context he meant no disrespect to his fellow riders
Braddah Jay
Braddah Jay - 7 years ago
Look at these haoles comments pretending they know everything about the aina. Donkeysssss
Dallon Ghan
Dallon Ghan - 7 years ago
I understand how they feel about people disrespecting their waves. However, Kala Alexander is a dickhead. He comes across as a bully mofo.
freedomfyter - 7 years ago
Respect is what got criminals in jail.
biggybango A
biggybango A - 7 years ago
jerk !
James Rowena
James Rowena - 7 years ago
I am sure if Kala came to California and surfed a local break with some of his Da Hui Boys they would stay way back and let the locals take the best waves. Furthermore, I am sure he would be receptive and understanding if some locals ganged up on him and punched his teeth in when he tried to grab too many waves. Remember it is all just about safety...yeah right. What a disingenuous lying sack of shit Kala is. I would respect him much more if he would just admit he is a thug running with a pack of assholes to take all the best waves and they will abuse, intimidate and brutally beat normal people looking to enjoy some sessions. At least that would be honest. Kala is a greedy person and wants all the waves for him and his boys. The wolf pack mentality and violence makes him feel strong, a big man to rule the North Shore....but in reality deep down he knows he is pathetically sad, intellectually challenged and a weak person that adds nothing positive to this world. Drug user, drug dealer, convicted felon, and divorced and I would imagine a terrible father to his daughter...TOTAL LOSER, but yeah a pretty good surfer. Congrats Kala on your life accomplishments!
Pat T
Pat T - 7 years ago
"Respect" means I get my pick of all the waves and if you go for one I'll bash you up with all my buddies. Its ppl like this who ruin surfing for everyone. Respect has to be a two way street and this guy gives out none.
Brynn Jones
Brynn Jones - 8 years ago
Naaah he ain't ever getting waves in local = does that make sense ? No cause this wolf pack shit is a lie all localism is a do not own any wave or area of the ocean .....common courtesy is key here. This guy is beating people up and uses fear-NOT respect to control what he sees as his own.Street thug mentality take a hike!!!!! it has no part in real surfing.Sooner or later it escalates...... guns are pulled out and people will die.There is no Hawai Aloha in that.... is there?
Trey L
Trey L - 8 years ago
Guy at 2:06 had a solid stage three tear in that shoulder of his. Damn! Surprised you can surf with it like that!
Cplo Wu
Cplo Wu - 8 years ago
hate those pit boys
Phillip Hunter
Phillip Hunter - 8 years ago
because your surfing not up to scratch go to sea and get some mahie you nothing special cause you live on the nth shore u gotta get in touch with a tangaroa cuzz.
ThyChrysanthemum - 8 years ago
Can't wait for this generation of surfers with kala to be dead already so we can move on and just enjoy these spots like normal.
Anthony Giangaspro
Anthony Giangaspro - 8 years ago
I personally find that following the 'entitled' form of respect in the water gets me 0 waves. The way I get waves at new spots is just following basic respect such as letting the surfer closest to the peak enjoy his ride. Bottom line is local or not, if i'm closest to the peak and in the best position, i'm taking the wave.
Northern Beaches Same day surf
Northern Beaches Same day surf - 8 years ago
The same people saying this type of shit do the same when in other people's countries, they usually have the attitude of fuck them they come to my spot and do it, then I just becomes a circle of disrespect
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
Kala come to Ocean Beach San Diego will ya? So over no respect from college punks. We need more regulators. Mahalo
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
mr puff there's fucking jew on the island dictating people. Telling these methheads to fight the visiting surfers and telling these mainland tourist to get off these island jews are money hungry bastards
Rielero805 - 8 years ago
Who is this methhead?
Keoni Gonsalves
Keoni Gonsalves - 8 years ago
jus respect the Hawaiians that's all
diver dave
diver dave - 8 years ago
i lived in Hawaii in the 1970's ....
there were complete tools like him that thought they owned every wave and everyone else needs to sit on the beach and worship his skills !
they have no idea how bad their life would be if the tourist stopped going - the cash would quickly dry up and they would be fighting over the last coconut and banana !
Hineskitt Velvett
Hineskitt Velvett - 8 years ago
Are you still molesting boys in Thailand Diver Dave? You sick fuck.
Raj Patel
Raj Patel - 8 years ago
I demand respect before paddling out!
drewbehr - 8 years ago
Fuck Localism
Rick James
Rick James - 8 years ago
Oh into brag that Hawaii is a warrior culture jaja if you pussies were successful Warriors then the white man would not have taken over your islands and made you there bitch
West Gate
West Gate - 8 years ago
Rick James when retribution comes around....I hope you get the same judgement as the whites that did injustice to the Hawaiians..Military was brought in and forced to fight....You better repent for your word, because you will eat them.
Andrew O
Andrew O - 8 years ago
Shut up ice head freebasing monkey boy
ikol798 - 8 years ago
Warrior societies where you took what you wanted is indicative of samurai culture where you have a Devine right above the rest of the people. In other words parasites who live by fear and intimidation not true warriors who defend the people.
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 8 years ago
RESPECT is EARNED and not just HANDED OUT like FREE WELFARE that most there get. RESPECT YO'SELF first PUNK! A FLORIDIAN owns Pipe! Kelly Slater 11 Time world Champ.
bada bing
bada bing - 6 years ago
Uh, no he doesn't. JOB, John John, and a handful of others do. Slater is right up there, but still respects the pecking order.
Joseph Becker
Joseph Becker - 8 years ago
I've been to Hawaii once and It was a great time. I was stared down and harassed by the locals. I even got my tires slashed by some kids for being a white man. That's not very respectful... When people come and visit my home in South Florida I don't attack them for not being a local. Wtf is wrong with you cunts over there? You guys do realize tourism makes up almost a quarter Hawaii's economy? If you want to go back to being indigenous warriors thats fine, but good luck being a poor 3rd world state..
sanchez12344321 - 8 years ago
Kale is a piece of shit bully.
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
robert lucas these hawaiians are not hawaiians there fucking call themselves hawaiian I think the problem is when it became a 50th state in the late 50s all these people moving there and you wouldn't know who they are. and there's a lot of hawaiians are Asian too from grandparents who are farm labourers in the early 1900s
joseph pablo
joseph pablo - 8 years ago
Hawaiians arnt the most humble ppl in the line up . That's for sure and kala Alexander is a top cunt .
Andrew O
Andrew O - 8 years ago
robert lucas Stolen what from them?
robert lucas
robert lucas - 8 years ago
Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke - 8 years ago
Fucking thugs. Great White's need to stop being lazy and begin ridding The North Shore of its thug population infestation. You don't own the North Shore, you jobless coconut drinking baboon
knight of ni
knight of ni - 8 years ago
Are all hawaiians over testosteroned pricks, or is it just the ones I've met?
Me How
Me How - 6 years ago
Mike Simmons this is wrong
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
No they are the absolute scourge of the planet.... Everyone I know despises that race like the black plague and for good reason. (I can almost hear the Hawaiians looking in their dictionaries for the words
79pejeperro - 8 years ago
surfcrazy1 - 8 years ago
The guy is a cunt.. Full of shit... Pfft respect.. Guy knows fuck all about respect.
West Gate
West Gate - 8 years ago
If you're not Hawaiian, then please go back and study Hawaiian history. How would you feel if your ancestors organized a Soverign nation, and then white missionaries come over in the name of Christ. Then start pushing their weight around, began making laws where Native Hawaiian's cant buy land or vote, and then bring chinese people in on ships that have smallpox. You would not like it.

Caucasians, show some humility and admit the wrong that was done to the Hawaiian people and the heritage stolen from the children, and their children's - children.

Imagine this, Hawaii never knew what a STD or Epidemic was until white European showed their face. I see why James Cook was eaten by the Hawaiians.. King Kalākaua really messed up by allowing whites to move into Hawaii and advise him. Now, you may not have done it, but your forefathers did it. The Hawaiians had their land stolen, and today nearly all the ocean front properties are inhabited by white Europeans.

So white Europeans, drop your pride and arrogance and show some humility. I don't agree with beating whites because their whites...However, at the root of every horrible act in the world, you find a white man.This is why GOD did not give them any Melanin in their skin, because they are the border of wickedness. The truth be told, your are not White, but rather you are RED..The blood shows thru you skin, and you are not naturally protected from the earthly elements because your were not given any Melanin.

Jesus Christ will not spare the nation of the EDOMITES, the so called white man from the caucasus mountains. He is the border of wickedness.

Stay faithful my Hawaiians, your legacy was stolen but God will make right every wrong done in the earth. I truly miss living in Hawaii.

Also, I'm not Hawaiian or white, but I am educated and know the culture and history of this beautiful place that is now over developed by the greedy white man. A monorail on Hawaii, that is so stupid.

"Aloha Oe"
Papa Bear Spaghet
Papa Bear Spaghet - 6 years ago
How come you guys surf instead of sticking with your proud history of swimming?
TheMaster5150 - 6 years ago
How come you guys ride the white devils board, instead of the traditional style boards of you proud history.
Papa Bear Spaghet
Papa Bear Spaghet - 7 years ago
+Neo-Nazi slit your wrists you fucking ignorant white cracker
Tomi Beara
Tomi Beara - 7 years ago
your hawaiian culture sacrificed HUMAN BEINGS, it was God's will for you to stop this, and you couldn't stop it yourself.
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear - 7 years ago
West Gate um your educated in what other people wrote so its not such serious info, if a person can go missing today and no one cares to find them then im sure alot of shit happened that is disgusting, more than money ruining the ground in front of your eyes. How about people in general if you take away race just people in general are just fucked up. So greedy white or black brown or splat color or money is not fucked. Your poop diamond is more greedy white man history then anything else still till today
robert lucas
robert lucas - 8 years ago
they are our brothers as we maori are there the whites brought their deseases and treachory to our nation as well but we managed to beat them down until they asked fopr a treaty which is now known as the treaty of waitangi. yet until this day they are still attemptingt to dishonour it . nothing but wolves and theives in sheeps clothing white trash !!!!
surferpam1 - 8 years ago
So much hate. It doesn't matter who you can beat down. It matters who you can lift up. Kokua.
robert lucas
robert lucas - 8 years ago

West Gate
West Gate - 8 years ago
Ricky lee LMAO....No need to apologize for being born white....Just asking for compassion for the wrong done by whites in the past and present.
If you can though, please end the monorail project, it is over budget and raising taxes.
tupacamaru2 - 8 years ago
To get respect it starts by showing respect. When I'm in Hawaii, I show respect and act respectful just because it's the type of person I am and common sense. However, can't tell you how many times I've been stared down for no reason at all. "Fahkin haole!" is often the words uttered after I pass by. For what? I smile, nod and I'm just going about my business not bothering anybody. I may look haole but my mother is dark. Not that it matters but.
MegaSpurs18 - 6 years ago
King Kana Productions that’s fair just don’t take it out on the guys trying to have a good time in the water, we don’t do anything to yoy
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
Hey jetty local... Nice name douche.... Those Caucasian forefathers you're talking about and vented 99.72% of everything significant on the planet so if you don't like it... Put down your cell phone... Stop driving cars... Stop taking planes... Stop using your computer... Don't use the Internet.... We invented all that boy
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
King Kana Productions. Please accept my sincerest apologies for my ignorant Caucasian forefathers.
johanna ruth
johanna ruth - 8 years ago
i actually experienced living in the Kalalau vallley and spent time with my older hawaiian friend and i have respect and can understand. i even went to the local hula lessons each week. although i do appreciate coming to hawaii but i can also tell the difference between locals and tourist some are nice some arn't.
King Kana Productions
King Kana Productions - 8 years ago
sanchez12344321 you know what, you don't know anything about us Hawaiian's. we suffer more shit than you haoles ever will. I not saying I no like haoles but before the haoles came to Hawaii it was clean here, no diseases nothing everyone was healthy and then when the haoles came they bring diseases they stole our home, kicked us out of our houses built on top of our sacred grounds and made it to expensive for the locals to live in.
Tom Adams
Tom Adams - 8 years ago
Not good enouph to for Hawaii waves .   Here ,  I find a decent break where there's hardly any surfers ,  so I don't snake ,  or piss off anyone .   It's really not that difficult to just let the experienced have their waves .
xpat73 - 8 years ago
Kala spent most of the '90s in Halawa State Prison for assault. Why the fuck should anyone respect a piece of garbage like that??
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 7 years ago
robert lucas mahalo
Dale Gribble
Dale Gribble - 7 years ago
Maybe his actions define him and not his origins. Lot of people with the same origins who don't act like him.
Crash Davis
Crash Davis - 7 years ago
lulz, what a load of shit
organikness - 7 years ago
You're an idiot. I don't like this guy, but people like you are the real problem
Raj Patel
Raj Patel - 8 years ago
ok coconut.
robert lucas
robert lucas - 8 years ago
what ever you punjab cabbage
Raj Patel
Raj Patel - 8 years ago
Robert Lucas is trying to brainwash us with his ching chong aboriginal oo oo ah ah language!
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 8 years ago
robert lucas: You mean the WELFARE, CRACKHEAD and METH CULTURE right?
xpat73 - 8 years ago
GTFO - a criminal is a criminal. So take your "warrior" crap and shove it.
robert lucas
robert lucas - 8 years ago
Problem with all you honkies is you don't and aren't born into culture so you have no idea how indigenous people think. Your from the tall poppy society. You make friends and get a false sense of security that you think you understand because your've integrated. Then you make comments and call names. Well welcome to our world where we man up cause its all we know we are warriors wether you like it or not. We come from a lineage of warriors its our blood. Follow the trail its leads from Hawaiki Nui all the way to Aotearoa and South to Rapanui. My people are no different and we have the same rules. The dickhead who writes the next comment hides behind his words and would be a softcock in a face to face aye boy? Come roll out with the Maori Warrior and you will truely feel pain just as we maori have punished Israeli's and every other so called armed forces. If you don't believe me them read up on the NZ SAS.



HAERE HAERE HAERE hear mai i nga ngaurtao o Hawaiki nui haere ki te Aotearoa.

Chur Kala
Tino Pai Brother.
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
take him to darwin jail with the full blood Aboriginals they can sort him out
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
the real local families in hawaii and decendents of them should get together and start looking at these wannabe hawaiians who weren't born there and causing trouble
MR THIRTYODDSIX - 8 years ago
a surfer got shot 3 months ago by the golden gate bridge,i was fishing and heard about it,hes fine but fighting over a fucking wave,thats funny shiat.
Barak Burt
Barak Burt - 8 years ago
obviously no one in the comments lives by a beach thats popular with waves otherwise you would understand tourists are the worst they have no awareness your out there surfing or bodyboarding and they hog the waves like its there ocean. like fuck that bro
Barak Burt
Barak Burt - 8 years ago
i see alot of negative comments torwards kala and the other dude whoever he is but i just moved to hawaii and its true you must not get in the way or drop in on other locals its common sense font get why everyone thinks the dude is an asshole for not liking when dudes come to the beach he lives and surfs at and think they own the ocean.
htfcm - 8 years ago
Terrible attitude. Hawaiians do not get treated like that on the mainland.
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
wolf pack aint got nothing on the mucka mad boys!
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
one of these punks ganna get shot.
kato695 - 8 years ago
you earn respect, you dont just deserve it!
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
why has hawaii got a bad name? because they let anybody walk in and live there since the fifties and sixties and now
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
hey arsenic some of them wannabe hawaiians aren't even born there eg there children are born in hawaii but the parents aren't I don't agree with that. there hypocrites
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
Kaylee White good on you. The problem is these people calling themselves hawaiians but were not even born there. There the ones causing trouble its a joke around the world.
Alfonso Perez
Alfonso Perez - 8 years ago
"Educate people in the lineup", I think I can imagine.
parraphrase - 7 years ago
I condemn the acts of injustice and oppression committed by white Europeans and advocate for making it right when possible but in all fairness there never was nor will there ever be a brown utopia. This is a myth propagated by the ungrateful beneficiaries of western culture which was birthed in Europe. The places colonised by white europeans were already filled with injustice and evil. Tribes in the americas practiced the cruelest evil upon each other, the Pacific Islanders ate each other for God's sake, and the Hawaiians brutally conquered and enslaved other people's. The difference between white European colonisation and what is normal in the history of all nations is that whites actually had a profession of morality that was high enough that they could be condemned by it and consequently be forced to apologise. The Parthians, Medes, Ethiopians, Samoans, Comanches etc ad infinitum never apologised for their cruelty because it was so ingrained in their beliefs and culture they wouldn't even consider it was wrong. Same as with the Hawaiians. Whites are the only conquerers in history that were ever willing to or ever even consider apologising or making reparations for their past history. And to give the social, educational, and financial assistance we have to those we've conquered or enslaved is the exception in history. Those colonised by whites ought to thank God they hadn't been colonised by each other. We borrow our moral assumptions from the whites we are condemning. With our native form of morality what they did wasn't even 'wrong'. Go back in time and ask the Sawi warriors of Papua New Guinea to apologise or feel bad for their idealisation of treachery. How would that work out for you? They'd slowly torture you to death and then eat you. And for years derive enjoyment from describing how they did it. It was white missionaries that taught barbarous cultures to actually live in harmony. They were FAR from perfect and were out of harmony with their own Bible but, what were the mortality rates amongst the indigenous prior to western colonisation? Far worse than now. How much pain and suffering did the average native endure in a lifetime? Far more than they do now. For sure. The conquest wasn't pretty nor is it ever but the aftermath has been the kindest in history. Just saying.
surferpam1 - 8 years ago
Robert, absolutely! I love the British people, but this is a world-wide problem begun by the WASP British Imperial government whose leaders, AS white Anglo-Saxon protestant men, honestly believed they were superior to anyone and everyone else. They spread their condescension, disease, child-stealing, cultural violence and domination under the guise of "Christian love" and, unfortunately it's still going on through every "missionary" and/or uneducated tourist who steps off the plane. Auwe!
robert lucas
robert lucas - 8 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 8 years ago
Hey Kala, How about you take some of your own advice and show some respect for locals when you travel? You Hawaiians need a fucken good lesson on modesty and respect……you bunch of fucken cunts are almost as bad as Israeli surfers!!!
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
They don't have any respect, because they don't have any education, because their parents are the same as them... Which is sit on your fat ass all day and complain about everything...The only problem with Hawaii is the Hawaiians
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh I know people like you. You surf like crap and spew hate. There's only one way to get rid of you.
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh +Chose your words carefully a.p. Your walking a fine line with what your saying.
John G
John G - 8 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh I wanna see kala try and take on one of those. I've seen high school wrestles fight better than him lol
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 8 years ago
Me either, highly trained solders can have whatever sets they like lol
Papa Bear Spaghet
Papa Bear Spaghet - 8 years ago
Don't group all Hawaiians with this guy.
John G
John G - 8 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh Israeli armed forces are bad fucking ass. I would hate to pick a fight with one of those guys lol
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 8 years ago
I'd pay to see that!
tupacamaru2 - 8 years ago
If Kala took on Israelis one on one, it'd be a wrap. Lot of them are in the Israeli Armed Forces.
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
all mainland citizens call themselves hawaiian
surferpam1 - 8 years ago
There's a difference between fear and respect.
John G
John G - 8 years ago
du Bb no one fears that fucking loser.
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
he gets respect out of fear
Louie Bernabe
Louie Bernabe - 8 years ago
Grow up Kala. You are nobody and you and your "boys" don't own the ocean. You don't show people respect. Hypocrisy
Call me, Carlos
Call me, Carlos - 8 years ago
Respect = safety, is a perverted notion. Da Hui is just a fucking gang. This is apparent, the way they jump someone, not of their group, that might, by accident or confusion, commit some minor trespass. But, watch how quickly one of them will dangerously snake / drop in, on you without some much as an excuse me. Or, how one of "da boyz" (that may not even surf anymore), will "confront" you (if he isn't too busy breaking into your car), on the beach. Fucking hypocrites.
Michael DeRyder
Michael DeRyder - 8 years ago
all yall saying you'd whoop his ass and blah blah blah make me laugh. I dont agree most of the times with the beatings but I get it. I lived on maui for a year. saw so many people come for a week with just the worst attitude and no respect. Saw plenty of people chased out of the bay, up the cliff, to their car, told not to come back. Dont drop in and burn people. Smile when youre out, say hi, wave, a fucking hoot. Dont just paddle out with that dick head no smile look. That pretty much goes everywhere. It happens here also in the outer banks. Surfing can be dangerous, especially in big waves. Its like if me and mu buddies are skating a ramp. Dont just show up, start dropping in and running into people. atleast acknowledge us first. fuck. whatever though. This shits always gonna exist. especially somewhere as heavy as hawaii. aloha
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 7 years ago
Michael DeRyder well said Honolua is ridiculous 135 donkeys surfing
Burmese -
Burmese - - 8 years ago
so, what you mean is that if you dont say "hi" to every human being at the beach your ass is gonna be whooped, how must i knowledge them ? sorry, english is not my first language.
James Best
James Best - 8 years ago
I think respect in water is needed I always show it and hope to receive it and on most occasions do,what there saying is right and don't dis agree with them trying to enforce it
John Morgan
John Morgan - 8 years ago
I hope someone one day. Who's family has been there since the 1800s would kick Eddie Rothman out of the Hawaiian islands. So he can go back to California that's my fucking dream.
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 8 years ago
Holy shit THANK YOU! That guy is the biggest walking talking piece of shit, he makes the Hawaiian surf culture look bad. What a complete embarrassment to real talented locals and regulars.
Jane Margolis
Jane Margolis - 8 years ago
right. i actually thing that guy is from New Jersey
Bob and Melissa Woodrow
Bob and Melissa Woodrow - 8 years ago
They are mad because we took the islands....i'm sorry but we have every right to enjoy our ocean and beautiful islands that we now own..... and please remember who owns these islands Kala. You are just a meth addicted, low class, poor ghetto child who happens to be lucky enough to be brought up here instead of a section 8 project on the mainlands....thanks.
xpat73 - 8 years ago
Another jackass who thinks that they are owed "RESPECT" just because they are breathing. Respect has to be earned JACKASS....and it's a two way street.
milkmandan77 - 8 years ago
Don't forget to respect the mainlanders, if it wasn't for them the Hawaiians would be speaking Japanese and shining their shoes.
K Hodges
K Hodges - 8 years ago
Doesn't look like respect from what I've seen. But more of hierchy. Locals get priority and the slops are for the rest. That's not respect that's more false entitlement
Mike K
Mike K - 8 years ago
There is a pecking order for who gets to peck at the fleas from my hairy nuts first
Mike K
Mike K - 8 years ago
I pay taxes, I get to use the fucking beach as much as you, if you don't like it, come at me brah
Mike K
Mike K - 8 years ago
Hawaii is America, John from Ohio is as much a local as this dude.
Mike K
Mike K - 8 years ago
respect my dick bitches.
fuck locals, fuck Hawaiians
Pedro Crespo Delgado
Pedro Crespo Delgado - 9 years ago
The guy is a clown.
Nerd Geek
Nerd Geek - 9 years ago
What about respecting the LORD. He created the ocean it's is a blessing and he made it for everyone to enjoy Praise be to the LORD...   The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10Everyone should fear the LORD... And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28
clarkewi - 9 years ago
Surfing is one of the few places where the warrior ethic still exists - especially in Hawaii, but also New Zealand, Oz, Tahiti etc.
Kaybsoul - 9 years ago
That guy in the first half of the video sounds like an AHOLE who should be locked up in prison, good job at taking a peaceful chilled out sport that is suppose to be FUN and turning it into a stressful fight club with rules that get you beaten up, he says give respect no matter who it is then says locals should get the first pick of the best waves lol.
B C - 9 years ago
It is that simple - RESPECT !!!!

Don't be a dick head !
Jason Rentaponga
Jason Rentaponga - 9 years ago
Nothing but thugs most of them especially Kala. They travel to our beaches and think they own those too. All they want to do is fight
Navalha Brasil
Navalha Brasil - 9 years ago
I think in some point of Kala's speech it makes sense, and i don't know the guy, but my impression through the vids is thats very arrongant and selfish person, let us not forget one day we get old, slower, strongless and when this day comes, there will be another "superman" to take the place. Oss
stfuliberal - 9 years ago
You nailed it Flynn.
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 9 years ago
First of all surfing is not a "Warrior Culture." Second I would love to see footage of you surfing on the mainland and giving the locals the best waves because the deserve them just for living there. 3rd you say its all about safety but i think thats kinda bullshit when there are multiple vids of you bashing guys in the face. You should lay off the ice and stop pretending.
PipeLineGt - 6 years ago
Joe Sharp In ancient Hawaii the chiefs were the only ones who surfed I believed. Just respect the locals, you wouldn't want someone new dominating the spot u surf everyday/week.
Joe Sharp
Joe Sharp - 9 years ago
You can tell Novak has about 100 plus IQ points on Kala hahaha. He speaks the truth about localized spots.
kbkesq - 9 years ago
Sounds like someone has no brain, can't get respect without playing toll-keeper to a wave he didn't create and has no ownership of.
romanboi10 - 9 years ago
The ocean is for everyone! YOU AIN'T SHIT! I pray you threaten me over the ownership of a beach, I will stab you.
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 9 years ago
shinny back up your coconut tree moron. You don't even know how to spell the word respect!
Sinjinbin 64
Sinjinbin 64 - 9 years ago
Welfare Rats!
Richard Garvis
Richard Garvis - 9 years ago
You and your but brother Eddie Rotman can go fuck yourself! Just stay out of my path..... And never threaten me nor my sons again or you will pay the Ultimate price!!!
Richard Garvis
Richard Garvis - 9 years ago
I know you personally Kala and you never gave me nor anyone I know respect.... I consider you the Devils advocate and if you ever cross my line or my sons life again on the Nshore or any place I surf in the world I will put you in your place despite your beliefs or your origins! RG
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 6 years ago
Sleeping Lion I agree to an extent .
But EVERYONE is a local to some place .
And we don’t all act like a bunch of dickholes to people passing through .
Kala could get fucked up by ANYONE in my gym ..
nutt1674 - 6 years ago
jesse lehmann You're exactly right...not to mention the "Public Assistance" tax money that flows generously into that STATE from the mainland. Funny how quickly they forget.
jesse lehmann
jesse lehmann - 7 years ago
we did take over the islands...that's why its a state in the usa and not a country anymore, where everyone buys mainland goods at extortionist prices. American Capitalisim at its finest and most glorious!
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 7 years ago
Do u know your history? America came and basically tried to take over their island. He's a indigenous person, so he looks at typical Americans as the bullies who came and colonized. Wouldent you have a chip on your shoulder also? No one is good at putting themselves in others shoes.
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
He's a druggy brah and probably borderline alcoholic Karma comes in many forms.
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
he's a degenerate are correct sir.
du Bb
du Bb - 8 years ago
he'll get shot one of these days, dont worry
15thsquadron01 - 8 years ago
Right on.
stfuliberal - 9 years ago
+Richard Garvis Well said. I have spent my whole adult life in Mother Ocean. She has feed me and put coins in my pocket working as a professional diver. Kala and his whole surf crew are hypocrites. Hawaiians are fucking ass holes in the line up. There is no respect from them no matter who you try an assimilate.
Thx1138 - 9 years ago
Blablabla... I'll buy that beach and everyone out !
alex santos
alex santos - 9 years ago
Now those tugs a.k.a Kauai boys think they OWN the ocean so much that even in pro competition in Hawaii they "demand"priority for the best waves!!That's so pathetic!!
MegaSpurs18 - 6 years ago
alex santos I surfed a little bit in Kauai and never ran into crazed locals, but on the North shore of Oahu some locals were making donkey noises at a guy who obviously was just trying to learn
Aaron Lin
Aaron Lin - 9 years ago
You talk about respect Kala but you don't do anything to help out the ocean. I have yet to see you take up your time to clean the beaches by removing marine debris. Other than that, no one will ever respect you
MCwalk02 - 6 years ago
Hes a fucking douche
Stapleton Brian
Stapleton Brian - 7 years ago
He's a bitch made wanna be bully picking on unsuspecting surfers just visiting and trying to get better. Gang bang wanna be's. Every winter I make it my goal to beat the fuck out of as many Da Hui as I can find. Cowards. Wish I could find this big mouth bitches house over there. Don't know where he hides all day. The sit back and pick out all these guys traveling alone with no fight training, or any desire to fight. Nothing but bully's that can't whip anyone but little surfer guys. Faggots!
chris melendez
chris melendez - 7 years ago
Neo-Nazi please don't go away....I'm having so much fun right now.
chris melendez
chris melendez - 7 years ago
Neo-Nazi are entertaining as hell.I can tell you woke up with me on your mind.As you rage on it is obvious to me that you are a failure at life.That you have minimal education.Even a smart racist would put you in your place.You feel threatened and I understand why.I would too if I were an impotent loser in a world designed to cater to you as you put it.My guess is you are the shame of your family and least successfull out of the's ok little man.....I am here for you...feel free to vent and express all your fears.btw the Nazis lost bwaaaahaahaaaa!
chris melendez
chris melendez - 7 years ago
Neo-Nazi ha ha haaaaaa.your life sucks!it must be hard to live here for you!confused little girl rockin a shemagh in front of a Nazi flag..the deadly look you were going for is a huge fail.Its obvious that YouTube commenting is your outlet for being A coward your entire rage on little man.It is still amusing 3 days later....and please feel free to contact/continue anytime your scared.You love to whine ,and I love to hear it.kind of symbiotic no??
chris melendez
chris melendez - 7 years ago
Neo-Nazi maybe you are not used to your troll-role.You have failed as you are showing all the emotion.And in fact,I am now enjoying this more then you are.Your "raging" is like the sweetest music to my ears...I'm all under your skin.I can picture you,fists all balled up with the ice!!!
chris melendez
chris melendez - 7 years ago
Neo-Nazi Cornball kid,using the "nigga" talk and claiming things are "dope".oh and my favorite north shore insult "kook" are one confused little girl.
chris melendez
chris melendez - 7 years ago
Neo-Nazi why would he come to California to surf???think about it..........YOU TIT!
LetsBhonest - 7 years ago
It's funny to get advice about respect from an absolute sociopath who gets off from busting up the faces of people who are weaker than him.
What an awful person!
Jake Kama
Jake Kama - 7 years ago
Aaron Lin obviously you haven't been around enough
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
Metyen Oyebade All these people who are jealous have no idea the good work he has done for those kids. Purely jealous.
Kaybsoul - 9 years ago
+Aaron Lin ah ok so people in Hawaii don't respect this guy? I was listening to him talk thinking what a terrible person he sounds like, good to hear people there dont like him either, bullies like this don't deserve attention or limelight
Metyen Oyebade
Metyen Oyebade - 9 years ago
+Aaron Lin I do agree with you, but he has done a lot of good with Mauli Ola.
Greg Ian
Greg Ian - 9 years ago
Loser! - Its just an expression of your own fear dude, you're not kidding anyone.
qwerty123627 - 9 years ago
how are these cunts thinking they own a beach that tattooed cunts like 50 and still trying to bully people what a fucking tool!
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
I lived there for 6 years and they are absolute, complete and total insects
Bethany Orange
Bethany Orange - 9 years ago
All the hypocrites that talk about respect and defend this thug Kala are lying to themselves and the people reading this. I have surfed in Hawaii 3 different times in 3 different islands. I never once dropped in on anyone, never tried to take position in the take off zone, was never aggressive and was always respectful and friendly. Not all, but most locals in Hawaii, treat outsiders like trash, try and intimidate them and are all around pieces of shit. My girlfriend was harassed daily on the beach by these guys who "preach respect". She was so offended by their aggro sexual advances she refused to go the beach anymore. At our break in California we welcome all outsiders with the benefit of the doubt attitude until they drop in or do something stupid. In Hawaii you are hated the moment you paddle out. Many breaks you are told on the beach do NOT paddle before you get into the water. The biggest problem is they have no money and are jealous of people that can come afford and vacation at their island, which would not exist if the mainland did not fund it economically. Tourist dollars make the island run idiots. The local police are totally corrupt and the local guys like Kala, Sonny, Johnny Boy, etc are two bit thug wannabe gangsters. Da Hui should be an SNL skit for wannabe mobsters protecting the waves in an ocean that is not theirs. Pathetic losers filled with jealousy and hate, that break the law beating people up and harassing non local girls....lovely.
James Rowena
James Rowena - 7 years ago
What a well thought out and intelligent comment by Calvin. The girl gets sexually harassed by local scum more than once and they are cry babies?....Would love for you to leave your little rock, come somewhere like Lunada Bay and try to surf, you would get a serious beat down, car set on fire and then cry your way back to Oahu. Punk.
Calvin J
Calvin J - 9 years ago
+Bethany Orange then don't come hawaii cry baby ride your party waves in cali
parraphrase - 9 years ago
+Bethany Orange Best comment on this thread.
Kody Kaniho
Kody Kaniho - 9 years ago
most of you dumb haole fucks cant even surf I bet & id do some research about kala before you keyboard warriors post shit.
Kane Christopher
Kane Christopher - 7 years ago
Kody Kaniho if the mainland didn't fund your island, you woud be eating your own shit off the ground so don't be such a shameless cocky nig
94808G - 8 years ago
+stfuliberal and by the way. haole literally translates to white/foreigner
94808G - 8 years ago
+stfuliberal want to know why we collect the most welfare? because your stupid government decided to do nuclear testing (over 60) rendering the land useless and radioactively poisonous. They accept the Micronesians and give them free welfare, Hawai'i pays for the UNITED STATES mistake again. stfu if you don't know what your talking about.
Kody Kaniho
Kody Kaniho - 9 years ago
Haha I dont collect welfare bitch. You " white folks " are so ignorant.
pleasestop1000 - 9 years ago
Fuck this fagman, never been out of his box.
Patrick Leaders
Patrick Leaders - 9 years ago
Hi my name is Kala and I am a complete uneducated Jack Ass who thinks he owns the ocean. I have been surfing for 28 years and nothing is worse than some insecure jack ass how actually can take something as relaxing and free wheeling and spiritual like surfing and attach all these dumb ass rules to it and then makes himself dictator of the seas. What a complete IDIOT he is and anyone who agrees with him is also.
Aint1S - 9 years ago
I agree with most everything that he said... the only exception is when he said, "locals get the best waves first..." that's a statement that says the exact opposite of what the video is about. That's a hierarchal mentality and if applied to other types of consumable things from outside Hawaii, they would not have fuel, blanks, epoxy resin, trucks, nor food. They pay the same as we do, but people from the "mainland" as well as anywhere else do not say, "this car is a lemon, if they're all sold out in the US... we'll send it to Hawaii." "This for is turning bad, just send it to Hawaii... we got ours."

That explains why the islands are stricken by poverty in the face of the fact that so many wealthy people visit and spend a lot while they're there. The endless vacation destination that doesn't recoup the rewards of their natural assets.

I don't want a Utopia on the waves, but respect would be nice... you give to receive and your got to give a little without prejudice or people will just take what they can, as soon as they can.
Peng Peng Peng
Peng Peng Peng - 9 years ago
Surfer gangs are totally faggy. Bikers would destroy these pussys
TheOriginalBRad - 8 years ago
surfers are better fighters but bikers have weapons
Tim Nelson
Tim Nelson - 9 years ago
all these guys, talking shit about kala. I'd read some history before you keyboard commandos post shit
Wyatt Randall
Wyatt Randall - 9 years ago
It's everyones ocean.
Colton W
Colton W - 9 years ago
If you think you own a wave ur dumb I understand safety and stealing other peoples waves but there should be no need for you to have to wait on locals to catch your waves go fuck yourself if you think you own the ocean its for everyone
Rayne Namuo
Rayne Namuo - 9 years ago
Eh das my unko be quiet if u don't like him.....
Static D21
Static D21 - 9 years ago
Chee unko Kala!
DJ Jorge Castellanos
DJ Jorge Castellanos - 9 years ago
Is this Da Hui official Spokesperson? LOL
leimanaang - 9 years ago
I don't think Kala was saying Hawaiians first, he's saying that's how it was.
Aaron N.
Aaron N. - 9 years ago
Like what kala said if you don't live in a grass shack and don't eat spam all day u have to respect!
sk96756 koloa
sk96756 koloa - 9 years ago
Basically this is the truth. Respect equals safety, you put everyone in harms way should you be disrespectful and drop in on people. The ocean is no joke, surfing is arguably the most dangerous sport in the world. One mistake from a kook, someone could drown. They don't have this mentality to have a negative effect, they have this mentality for your safety. Some of these comments obviously come from people who don't surf at all or if they do surf, they surf beginner size waves. When your life is in the face of death defying waves, rules and regulations must be enforced for everybody's safety. That's just the bottom line. And Hawaii has some of the most dangerous waves in the world, hence why you need to be respectful at all times.
james james
james james - 6 years ago
sk96756 koloa fuck of you cunt! Excusing pricks like that!
Calvin J
Calvin J - 9 years ago
+Patrick Leaders You are an idiot if you don't understand what is going on here. Its not about laying claim to the beach it's about respecting everyone that is out there, especially the locals who live and breath the spot that you're at. And cutting someone of is not only disrespectful its also dangerous, and in places like pipeline where the waves are 12 feet high and the reef is right below you, reef that is jagged and filled with caves not only are you putting yourself and the guy you cut off in a life threatening situation you're also putting the lifeguards and surrounding surfers and anyone who comes to your aid in a bad spot. All because you were not aware of what's around you and because you wanted to be hard headed. And just because there is no hierarchy on your cali shore break dosn't mean it's gonna be the same every where you go. Especially in rougher waters. You said you been surfing 28 years you think you would be educated by now.
sk96756 koloa
sk96756 koloa - 9 years ago
You're exactly the kind of idiot that would get his ass beat in any local surf spot, Hawaii or not. Your ignorance is at an all time high, you've made no valid point in your argument and if you carried yourself like an adult then maybe you would have had an adult response out of me but I could tell by your first response that it would be impossible to have a mature debate with such a peanut sized brain such as yourself. If I were you since petty insults seem to be your thing I'd suggest you come up with better insults. I don't even need to make you look stupid you've done a perfectly fine job yourself. Good day sir.
Patrick Leaders
Patrick Leaders - 9 years ago
+Sandon Kamaunu Thanks Hot Shot!  I wonder who would win in a spelling bee; your dumb ass or kala's???  the Contest would have to be limited to words no longer than 3 letters though so you both could participate :-)
sk96756 koloa
sk96756 koloa - 9 years ago
Patrick you sound like a complete idiot. I can't even describe how stupid you just made yourself look.
Patrick Leaders
Patrick Leaders - 9 years ago
+Sandon Kamaunu jackass! So since you think surfing is the most dangerous sport in the world the only way to keep people safe is guys beating someone up because you maybe got cut off? Surfers like you are the most insecure of them all. I have been surfing for 28 years and I have no more say over the waves at my local break than the guy who is their riding those waves for the first time. No one owns the ocean. Surfing is about letting go and enjoying the ocean and the ride. People like Kala is a complete uneducated jack ass with a huge ego and anyone following his line of BS is the same thing. How can someone be so good at surfing yet know nothing of what surfing is really about. People like you and him surf to fill your own deprived ego not for the joy of it. Go kick your own ass you wimp if you want to fight so bad!
Peter Peter
Peter Peter - 9 years ago
We want people to be safe so we beat the shit out of them
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
These guys restored order
Raul Sada
Raul Sada - 6 years ago
15thsquadron01 come to Hawaii get pounded out all u fakkas talking smack
Raul Sada
Raul Sada - 6 years ago
Kaybsoul this is as real as Hawaiian gets baddah no come to Hawaii we pound fakkas like you out stay off our Aina
Aaron Gauvin
Aaron Gauvin - 6 years ago
Hawaii has a darkside careful when you visit
The Heroin Underground and Chico
The Heroin Underground and Chico - 7 years ago
Native Hawaiians mother fuck hate white people. Add the meth problem. People go missing. Welcome to Maui.
Sir God
Sir God - 7 years ago
fair enough, theres nothing worse than some asshole snaking around in the line up, that you havnt seen before, trying to snavle all the waves and then when you paddling back out the pricks taking off on closeouts infront of you
Braddah Jay
Braddah Jay - 7 years ago
Barney kook
Jetty1502 - 8 years ago
Peter Peter + #1 Do you surf? #2 Have you been to the Notrh Shore? And #3 A well traveled person. By that I mean someone who has traveled extensively? Im just Curious.
surfcrazy1 - 8 years ago
He doesn't represent real Hawaiians...we don't beat the shit out of people under the "respect" banner.
15thsquadron01 - 8 years ago
believe me these people have no respect for themselfs.
Kaybsoul - 9 years ago
+Peter Peter was wondering the same thing lol! i hope this guy is not what real Hawaiians are like.
Peter Peter
Peter Peter - 9 years ago
+Anthony Rose HAHA nice
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 9 years ago
Lmao that's funny, that's wat he's really saying huh." I care for you man(knee to the chops) we just want you to be careful Bradda (has boy in farmers choke, boy can't breathe) just be safe and have aloha buddy ( full mount, hammering the elbows and closed fist also open open hand bitch slaps on poor tourist). Aloha come again for anotha surf lesson Braddas.
TruthAndDiscovery - 9 years ago
By the way he is posing, his talk and the long history of Hawiian violence and ego, he looks as if its not so much about 'saftey' as he like to say to justify his pigeaded attitude but about intimidation, ego and greed for whatever wave he and his buddies want. Your a disgrace to humanity, and that's a KOOK! I did not find any of this kind of attitude from Fijian surfers (like 'you are a second class citizen and we locals only get to take the best waves') when I lived there for 10 months and I surfed a heap of local spots as well as pumping Cloudbreak many times and also perfect Restaurants quite a few times as well and there was none of this bogan attitude. There was usually alot of etiquette in the water (not always depending on if a low life like this came along which was rare) and most times there was opportunity for everyone to gradually make their way to the head of the line up and score pumping set waves and then go back to the back of the line up and work your way in again, especially at Cloundbreak and Restaurants. You can have Pipe with the 100's of other wannabe's scrambling around the lineup, not interested. Pipe is a classic wave when its good but it is no where as consistent as Cloudbreak and unless its a perfect day pipe closes out alot, Restaurants on the other hand is mechanical crazy perfection and Cloundbreak probably has good surf about 300 days a year, so consistent.
peachbebe - 9 years ago
Haoles arent meant for the sun....seriously you need to respect the local island bruddaz
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson - 9 years ago
Bruh I bet your not even hawaiian your probably asian
Jackson Cortez
Jackson Cortez - 9 years ago
+evaneezy Finally someone that doesn't think burning locals is ok
Angelo Manttan
Angelo Manttan - 9 years ago
most people from low respect cultures such as usa, so on would not have a clue how highly tribes people exspect respect espeacially when you using something wich is theres on there own home and exspect to be givin eveything
jiblet 65
jiblet 65 - 9 years ago
+Angelo Manttan ???
nick lopez
nick lopez - 9 years ago
That's exactly what what my dad told me growing up surfing
Book A Trip
Book A Trip - 9 years ago
Kala is a bitch ass island monkey entitled to nothing. for the rest of his life real tough guys that have watched this video. are going to confront Kala all around the world no matter what the setting is. when Kala is in the grocery store in so cal with his kids. he is going to have to worry about a real tough guy walking up and punking him !!!!!!!
JoeRUGBY10 - 9 years ago
Warrior culture LOL Tiny fucking island in the middle of the ocean, the British are warriors, the roman were warriors, spartans, germanic tribes, monguls etc etc Not so much the fucking Hawaiians !! 
Leonard McCaffrey
Leonard McCaffrey - 9 years ago
Respect the Hui! Just that simple...
magorkel - 10 years ago
2:07....Bury your face in that!!
daveythesurfer - 6 years ago
1:08 is better
TheOriginalBRad - 8 years ago
i know what your talking about without looking, haha was it wearing yellow
magorkel - 9 years ago
+Patrick Bateman i'd wipe off my chin and move on!
Drets - 9 years ago
+magorkel what if she farts?
Dogeron Meredith
Dogeron Meredith - 10 years ago
This article by NYT is biased as it does no give the whole historical context of why locals and Hawaiians act the way they did and still do. I guess NTY interprets "respect" differently than the Polynesians.....try put the article into the context of Hawaiian history and you will get a mo beta perspective of why there is cultural resistance when it comes to respecting the way surf is regulated on the islands.....dont pass judgement on what your eyes only sees on this video...cause the lenses are very short.....Aloha and malama pono
DANIEL PADILLA - 9 years ago
I can dig it..context seems to lean the latter.
milkmandan77 - 10 years ago
nice steroid tits brah
magorkel - 9 years ago
+milkmandan77 its moobs, dood.
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
I stand corrected sir. Let the record show that Patrick Bateman really knows his stuff when it comes to man tits.
Drets - 9 years ago
+milkmandan77 i know gyno, that aint gyno
milkmandan77 - 9 years ago
+Patrick Bateman It's called gynecomastia brah
Drets - 9 years ago
+milkmandan77 not sure if srs. If srs then you're a true retard.
Alex Sands
Alex Sands - 10 years ago
hypocrites...if they don't know you it doesn't matter how respectful you are, you probably won't get waves at any reputable spot.  I guarantee if any of these guys paddled out at huntington beach they wouldn't give a shit about respect considering the atmosphere.
imhellag - 10 years ago
Sometimes for a reality check I like to watch local tough guys on the internet, it helps me stay grounded and realize how other people might see me when I open my mouth or tell ppl I'm from HI.

Say hi to Keonikeihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele (or his given name John) for me ok?
Stephen Taylor
Stephen Taylor - 10 years ago
Im kala, look at ME, see how i POSE with  my fists under my bicep to make them look big and swollen!!! fucking tool.Wasnt he in North Shore, the movie,? AND UR A HORRIBLE ACTOR TOO ...BRA
Calvin J
Calvin J - 9 years ago
and yeah blue crush too
Calvin J
Calvin J - 9 years ago
he was in forgetting Sarah marshal 
Calvin J
Calvin J - 9 years ago
no he wasn't full cast and crew
Tim Nelson
Tim Nelson - 9 years ago
+Stephen Taylor Laird Hamilton and Gerry Lopez were in that movie, faget
Calvin J
Calvin J - 9 years ago
+Stephen Taylor he's not in that move captain buthurt
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 10 years ago
he was on the toll road between Newport and trestles . he was road ragging when he forced car over to shoulder more than one Mexican beat him down ..he was out numbered..Usually I don't condone that sort of thing but he had it coming..
Paul Babcock
Paul Babcock - 10 years ago
I need a burger and some soda
cwoolcat - 10 years ago
Who does this turd think he is....he doesn't even make sense. All he is saying is all the waves are his.
zatoichi101 - 10 years ago
This guy is a typical local asswipe. I hate jackoffs like this. RESPECT?? That is a two-way street. And that is something this arm-chair "warrior" will never understand. What a pathetic jerk. "Locals should get the best waves first"?? Really? I wonder if he shows the locals at other breaks that kind of "respect." I doubt it. Total double-standard asswipe.
sk96756 koloa
sk96756 koloa - 9 years ago
He shows locals at other spots around the world tons of respect. That's kind of why he gets lots of waves in other peoples surf spot.
zatoichi101 - 10 years ago
Hmm. What you write -- on the surface -- sounds totally sane and reasonable, even honorable. But I did live in Hawaii for a few years and I can tell you first-hand that there are more than a few locals who do not fit the kind, honorable description in your response. I did surf several spots around Oahu -- occasionally North Shore, but mostly South Shore (Diamond Head, Ala Moana, etc.). I have never dropped in on anyone and have always held back and let the locals have the lion's share of the waves. But that did not stop the occasional jackwad from paddling over and exercising his warped sense of authority over me -- and any other Haole in the area.  Come on, be honest -- you know it does happen. And it happens all the time. Especially in afternoon sessions -- that's when the real jackwads would come out.

But -- I do have great memories of early morning sessions.  Yeah, in the early mornings I surfed with the best of what Oahu had. Great locals, old-school, with the give/get respect mentality that you mentioned.

So ... my criticism here? To be honest, he really did sound exactly like the jackwads I encountered over and over. And I can tell you that he sounded nothing like the man you described. And certainly nothing like the guys I would encounter at dawn patrol.

If you know him personally, and know him to be the fair, honorable man you described -- well, then maybe I have misjudged him.

I was just going off what I heard and saw.
Master0Tang - 10 years ago
Pathetic bravado?

Hardly.  Did you even bother to listen to what Flynn Novak had to say? If you think these guys would show up at some localized surf spot they've never been to in Florida, then paddle out and act like they own the joint, you would be wrong. They would go out with a smile on their face and be happy to be given whatever came their way.

I've seen guys like Kala go out of their way help to people they didn't know.. If you are a respectful and sincere person Hawaii is generous to a fault. When you cop an attitude and act like your shit doesn't stink, your vacation will most likely be a horrible experience.

Again, you get what you give.
zatoichi101 - 10 years ago
"Give it to get it." I get that. But to listen to his pathetic bravado -- I sincerely doubt he does give much respect to anyone other than his inner circle. Respecting your friends, that's easy. It's the other kind of respect that is a true judge of character.
Be real.
Master0Tang - 10 years ago
Actually, yes. He does. Give it to get it. You're the asswipe that doesn't understand. The north shore was my hang out in the 70's and 80's. I never ONCE had an issue in or out of the water. 
gtlip - 10 years ago
Kala is nothing but a coconut butt plug!!!
hanajinks - 6 years ago
I wish l could've put it as well as that.
starhit - 10 years ago
Hahaha lmao
Tomtom# - 10 years ago
And this guy at the beginning of the video talks about respect... Haha, don't worry I'm not interested. You can stay where you are at the most crowded spot in the world and annoy the younger generation. You'd rather do something else than surfing at some stage. I don't know, go to a charity or give after-school tuitions or something. Learn to interact and not just think like "oh no he's taking my wave"! Then maybe people on this blog will respect you a bit more.
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 10 years ago
That Skip Hawaii fuck is a clown I always see that pussy disrespecting my hawaii braddas lmao man stay away from hawaii clown
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 9 years ago
Sole ufa
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 10 years ago
Stupid hoales and palagis every where you crackers go you get scared, I'm half white samoan and love humble non racist Caucasians just only my father all you other racist fakas go suck on it! Stay off polynesian islands if you have a problem we no need ur money
Abdul Muhammad Jafar Smith
Abdul Muhammad Jafar Smith - 9 years ago
You say stupid haoles, crackers and palangis. Then you mention you love humble non racist caucasians... You seem a little slow or confused!!! The only one who doesn't seem humble is you Mr Rose ☝ You sound extremely childish and a tad racist also. I'd slightly understand your frustration if you were 100% native Hawaiian but you're not...
Enjoy wasting your limited time on this beautiful planet sulking over spilt milk, Im sure your parents do not share your opinion..
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 9 years ago
+Anthony Rose dude, you're so off topic it's rediculous. why do you hate white people ? im white and i love all different races, i get that alot of white people seem kooky , but everyones different in many ways, cant hate them all. it's a waste of time. just live life happy and be who you are, (without the racism) , shaka dude
gtlip - 9 years ago
fuck all racists white, black, brown!!! Fuck all of you ignorant racists
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 9 years ago
My Polynesian cousins the Hawaiians and their Queen were lied to and deceived into selling over Hawaiian lands to the white Devils, and I promise you if the Hawaiians and the white Devils fought with just the basic deadly weapons and no gun powder guns and rifles and canons I promise you the white Devils would have been slaughtered. And that would happen against all the polynesian warriors of the great people of Polynesia. But the white man is paying for it now and getting the crap beat out of em, that's the ones with no respect for the local people and islands
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 9 years ago
Lol you better watch out white trash I believe those Mexicans and blacks bout ready to rape all your women and impale all the hillbillys on a stick ass first buddy. Let's be real here you white turds not all just the racist ones get your ass handed to you in Hawaii and Samoa plain and simple. And when we come to the mainland (native American land not cracker land) we kick your asses there as well get over it. I don't care if you don't admit it I know already.
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson - 9 years ago
If we don't own shit then why is hawaii the 50th state in the US and we obviously weren't scared to come take your shit over from your so called great hawaiian worries lol they didn't put up much of a fight
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 9 years ago
Lol white man don't own shit but their car and house which they scared to come out of both in Hawaii and Samoa lmao.
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson - 9 years ago
Hawaii isn't your land anymore bitch your ass got taken over and so did part of samoa lol thats why there is a part called American samoa
Anthony Rose
Anthony Rose - 9 years ago
Bonjour pussy, you big nosed fucks would rather make love with ur faces than go to war you pussies
gtlip - 10 years ago
fuck samoans nothing but fat greasy wife beaters!!!! Fucking scum as bad a micronesians
Gustavo Francisco Nardelli Borges
Gustavo Francisco Nardelli Borges - 10 years ago
Whats the song?
Eduardo Barreto
Eduardo Barreto - 10 years ago
Through the Roots - Fight
Bethany Mitchell
Bethany Mitchell - 10 years ago
you drop in on everyone when you cunts travel overseas. why don't you respect the locals?
Alex Sands
Alex Sands - 10 years ago
+Mati Melo we all know what happened to hawaii, but that doesn't mean they can't be the better for it and act positively, especially when they travel.  They of all people, from experience, should know better.
Yusuf Bobat
Yusuf Bobat - 10 years ago
+Mati Melo that has nothing to do with them being dicks when they go surf elsewhere and not practising what they preach.
tooken tito
tooken tito - 10 years ago
+Yusuf Bobat imbecilic comment, these people have to deal with living a lie imposed upon them and their sacred cultures
Yusuf Bobat
Yusuf Bobat - 10 years ago
Exactly what I was thinking. I hear they act like some badass crew when they go overseas and show no respect. All this mob mentality stuff is so unnecessary. In usa, South Africa , Australia you will find territorial locals. But the majority are friendly and normal people unless you act like a complete nob. These people seem to be looking for a reason to argue and fight
tamegomait - 10 years ago
There was a show about this cunt on tv now there's a show about jamie o brien,all narrsisistic cunts all fuckin hard cunts on their own home turf,no fuckin humility what so ever,number 1 assholes
Will Powers
Will Powers - 10 years ago
curlcurllocal - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure the guy talking is the same dickhead who was in G land when I was there. Calling people off waves that weren't his, claiming waves with fist pumps, etc. . These guys create an awful vibe even in the most epic line ups. Piss off back to Hawaii and stay there.
Aeropuerto Ibz
Aeropuerto Ibz - 10 years ago
dukeflyingcow - 10 years ago
flynn novak's approach works everywhere i go to surf.
hairfarmer07 - 10 years ago
Respect to a bunch of people that most have nothing to offer. Have no real skills in life. But surfing. Wow. Respect. Wow. I guess if that's all you have is surfing then hold on to it and make it as big I deal as you can right. Loooook at meeee look at me wait look look at meeeee. Me monsters lol.
hairfarmer07 - 10 years ago
Bahahaha. Dam man. I have never heard such a stupid statement. Lol. Locals get the waves first. Lol. So lame lol. Hahaha. F@@kin Neanderthals. The mentality. Wow. Later bra. I'm going to go get my lunch. Spam. Yyyyuuuuuppp
Sua - 10 years ago
hey put on a shirt!
Ho Stevie!
Ho Stevie! - 10 years ago
Kala is bae
Chris K
Chris K - 10 years ago
Fckn clown
jacob spair
jacob spair - 10 years ago
Screw local entitled bitches. Its public property. Im a local at trestles cali but whoever is on the inside, local or not, gets the wave.
Fug Babylon
Fug Babylon - 7 years ago
Locals do take priority whether you wanna admit it or not. If i go to trestles i would respect that code.
Kala on the other hand is a douche punk i know this for a fact
Yusuf Bobat
Yusuf Bobat - 10 years ago
+Kepa Revelle no he didn't . Being on the inside means it's your wave.
Yusuf Bobat
Yusuf Bobat - 10 years ago
+steve buch he's not saying that at all. He's saying anywhere if you start paddling, look to your side and see someone paddling before you on the inside it's their wave. If somebody has already stood up and started surfing it's their wave. These guys have an unnecessary mob mentality. They go overseas and drop in on everyone. Why don't they respect those locals.
hakalau 808
hakalau 808 - 10 years ago
Why is it that Eddie Rothman has a problem with haoles? He is a haole and not even from Hawaii.  I understand the people being disrespectful aspect, but because they were haole seems hypocrytical.  His children are part white even if he has forgotten he is.
MrKayaker69 - 9 years ago
Your exactly right !! Eddie Rothman is a two dime hood from New Jersey !! He's the biggest Haole in Hawaii lol !!!!!
The sad thing is a lot of the local Hawaiians buy all that crap !!! Hilarious really !!!
Gastón CG
Gastón CG - 10 years ago
one question??? would you react the same way if a guy or a lady jumps off your wave??? 
Edward Lees SunRiseCars
Edward Lees SunRiseCars - 10 years ago
Assholes like this turned me off surfing...  
magorkel - 10 years ago
+Alex Sands exactly!!! you just cant show up and be ass up in the water. 
Alex Sands
Alex Sands - 10 years ago
+Edward Lee I would almost agree with you, but the waves are becoming so crowded I don't think all beginners should be encouraged.  If you really want it, you'll learn on your own, and maybe the hard way, by staying out of localized spots until you get better.
Alex Sands
Alex Sands - 10 years ago
+Toker808 look who's talking, not only are you hiding behind your screen, but your home's reputation.  Not worried.
tooken tito
tooken tito - 10 years ago
pussy man
tooken tito
tooken tito - 10 years ago
+Edward Lee the first sentence he speaks is about respecting you. I know he would respect you even after you showing your worst traits first. Ever heard of god Yeshua the holder of LIGHT? 
Dustin Guriel
Dustin Guriel - 10 years ago
Hell yeah posing in the barrel all day long!  And your main hobby is talkin shit on Youtube and pretending to be an "ultimate fighter." That's just sad.
Dustin Guriel
Dustin Guriel - 10 years ago
Says the kook keyboard warrior.  Awe did someone beat your kooky face in and send you packing?  Nah you probably got drilled by whitewash and couldn't even make it out to actually surf.  Yeah you're right guys like 11 time world champ Kelly Slater are just stoners. You couldn't even duck dive a wave at any spot in the video so I'm not sure why your slack jaw is runnin so hard anyway.  Keep your limp wrists on the keyboard homie cuz we got enough posers in the water already. 
gtlip - 10 years ago
+Toker808 typical pothead says "respect me" yet shows known fucking clown just like Kala - go back kauai fuck tard
Dustin Guriel
Dustin Guriel - 10 years ago
+Edward Lee You're over simplifying it and looking at it and presenting it only in a negative light.  Nothing wrong with new comers paying their dues.  Why should everything be handed to people on a silver platter? You want it bad enough, put in your time in the lineup, show some respect to those that have dedicated their life to it, show some humility, you're not entitled to everything just because you think you are.  Some people literally live to surf, that's their life, if you think that's stupid then do something else, like golf.
c.a. jones
c.a. jones - 10 years ago
+Edward Lee You're right on Edward.  The main reason I wanted to surf and what I got from it, had nothing do with my own ego or my 'tribe'.  And these obnoxious jerks making the comments think they're surfers because in their sad anonymity they think acting like a jerk is a surfer thing; it is now because those idiots collectively ruined it.  Look at Gerry Lopez and some of the older surfers. They weren't like that. 
Edward Lees SunRiseCars
Edward Lees SunRiseCars - 10 years ago
I am a terrible surfer  - but am still at it after 30 years.... because I love it - I just hate the "tribal / territorial attitude" = "gang attitude" : The people who need a gang are usually bullies and are cowards when they do not have their gang with them. What we need is a surfing community that welcomes newbies and learners and shows them the ropes of surfing etiquette....
thePhished - 10 years ago
You were never a surfer. its that simple.
WILD THINGS - 10 years ago
+Toker808 You're the keyboard warrior challenging someone unknown person to a fight over the internet. 
dan theman
dan theman - 10 years ago
kala alexander, respect is a two way street, first YOU must give respect, then you get it
jcsawabe1 - 10 years ago
Pull that hard ass local bs and one day you will get dinged up. Respect is earned, not a requirement. You want it, then you give it
Jeff Jr
Jeff Jr - 10 years ago
Kala is the biggest clown and Uncle Tom their is! Always talking shit about the haoles but dating one gtfo of here! Fucking tubular, that's how he sounds... Hahahaha.
L B - 10 years ago
I respect all people! why don´t you respect me?
Walter Macmaster
Walter Macmaster - 10 years ago
so much Aloha from this video haha but honestly localism is dead on oahu the only places that are really localized are lineups like pipeline and makaha. Makaha is pretty much the only good break on the west side so they have a little bit of a right at makaha as long as you dont burn people or run your mouth you will be fine here
Phocas Buck
Phocas Buck - 10 years ago
My guess is that most travelers who are commenting in here either don't surf or don't surf in Hawaii. Those that do, know to keep your head down, show respect, don't be a dipshit, and enjoy what waves you do get. Have made lots of friends there doing this and it has served me well.
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 7 years ago
Phocas Buck you hit that right on the button.
magorkel - 10 years ago
that's just the way it is. those that dont get it, learn the hard way.

but everybody, sooner or later gets it, or quits.
dukeflyingcow - 10 years ago
your attitude works everywhere
steve buch
steve buch - 10 years ago
Now you have got the correct attitude. Smart
madthevillain - 10 years ago
All the angry people who are struggling to understand this are suffering from the same thing: lack of culture and lack of respect for culture. If you're upset, your ancestors probably come from a country that stole land from other people (european emperialists), so of course you wouldn't see anything wrong with flying to an island and disrespecting the locals by just taking and demanding space in the water. If you're feeling upset, it's because of your sense of entitlement to something you haven't earned. Aloha!
Nada Whey
Nada Whey - 10 years ago
You give respect to get respect. Respect doesn't mean kiss the ass of all the locals..
Nick Brown
Nick Brown - 10 years ago
meth meth meth shards shards shards blah blah blah
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 10 years ago
what a as monkey small island small mind  come try that act on the mainland get your ass kicked ask sunny he got beat down by Mexicans trying to be a tough guy what a joke this is why we don't go to the islands any  more
Iosua - 10 years ago
Buddy, Mainland means the bigger states such as California. I live in California right now. Never in my life have I seen a Samoan  Hawaiian or Tongan get beat up by Mexicans. Mexico has bad gangsters but not in the states.
washington luis de figueiredo alves
washington luis de figueiredo alves - 10 years ago
+Samoa MoSamoa And if it happend, Sunny migth consider himself luck, they (mexicans gangsters) usually beat people with high velocity bullets or trow them of tall buildings  among other things.... cherrs mate.
Iosua - 10 years ago
sukr bait
sukr bait - 10 years ago
I cut off Derek Ho when he came to the Oceanside Harbor in the late 80s for the Stubbies Hey Derek!..your in my water now! And yes I did that cause he was acting like a major dickhead in OUR ocean on OUR waves. That's how we do it in O'Side!
Mike Thompson
Mike Thompson - 10 years ago
I respect your vagina.
Nick Buakaew
Nick Buakaew - 10 years ago
Just like any place on earth, if you are a foreigner you will be treated second class. The white always have this aggression about them. Its not bad to be aggressive but you are not fighting a war, you are surfing and enjoy the beauty of nature and respect the people and their culture. Enjoy life.
Jack Ward
Jack Ward - 10 years ago
I have respect for Kala and all the north shore surfers that is beyond all words. 
Fender4stringer - 10 years ago
Hawaii is not the only break on earth. The Philippines has class waves no white man has ever seen let alone surfed.
Dean Ferraro, EA
Dean Ferraro, EA - 10 years ago
Guy Andy
Guy Andy - 10 years ago
RESPECT? if I was in your house then yes of course but they are NOT your waves. Such bully bullshit. Way to go bro sweet power trip. One day he's gonna pick a fight with the wrong man and it will change his perspective on shit
Esteban Rincon
Esteban Rincon - 10 years ago
How are you supposed to "know" someone you don't know, if strangers have to "get out?" That makes no sense. LOL
randhall joss
randhall joss - 10 years ago
full respect to the black short,use to be an ocean side ca  local but in fact i'm swiss imigrant in california,first contact with the local was very hard before i became à member of it,my board back then 12 foots single fine double barell nose riding shape buy a local friends
jerry.pacific - 10 years ago
I have and will continue to respect the Native Hawaiian People.
20BMR - 10 years ago
You all should get along or dog n his crew will come get ya..
artemac - 10 years ago
hawaiians better show fuckin respect when they come to so cal. aint no fuckin hui here punk bitches  bunch of wannabe gangstars 
cogen651 - 10 years ago
Warrior culture,cut me a break!This is why they belong to to USA? "if we wanted something,we took it"Are you kidding"This is why people like this need to be laid to waste"
The overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii refers to a coup d'état on January 17, 1893, in which anti-monarchical insurgents within the Kingdom of Hawaii, composed largely of United States citizens, engineered the overthrow of its native monarch, Queen Lili'uokalani. Hawaii was initially reconstituted as an independent republic, but the ultimate goal of the revolutionaries was the annexation of the islands to the United States, which was finally accomplished in 1898.
So don't hand me your warrior crap!
In fact you poor excuse for a warrior is to gang up on young surfer kids by themselves and beat the crap out of them! It's easy to be brave when you have your friends standing by in case you start losing a fight,
JoeRUGBY10 - 9 years ago
+Samoa MoSamoa lmao you bring your fist and ill bring my gun.... no wonder Samoa is a small place with little relevance on the world stage with mongs like you living there.
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+Ben Can you pronounce the "th" sound?
Ivan Ivanovich
Ivan Ivanovich - 10 years ago
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+Ben What's with the brah and brada?. You sound  like idiots.
Ivan Ivanovich
Ivan Ivanovich - 10 years ago
ho cuz, u one fucking intellect??? joke, that was probably the smartest thing ive read on the internet in a long long time. much aloha....
lamoonshine - 10 years ago
+Samoa MoSamoa
i hate localism but after reading all theese comments i very encourage this kind of surfers to keep protecting their spots the way they do it.
AND  I am almost sure that all of theese loosers here dont even have the balls to surf the Pipe and North shore.
Keep up the ALOHA SPIRIT
Love to yall! and Holly love to the haters
Skip Hawaii
Skip Hawaii - 10 years ago
+Samoa MoSamoa  How stupid are you? So you really think that before the Europeans came with firearms the Hawaiians didn't use weapons? How do you think Kamehameha finally was able to defeat the other islands? With European firearms you stupid fuck. As for whites having superior numbers bullshit, the Honolulu militia had maybe 1500 men. Where were the thousands of Hawaiian "warriors"?  They surrendered without a fight. And who's the pussies?
John Anderson
John Anderson - 10 years ago
I don't know a lot of surfers really come off as the most arrogant, cocky, selfish people!
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+Samoa MoSamoa No,it's because we are smart enough to invent a device to give us an advantage.So while your ancestors were eating coconuts and putting hay dresses on,we were using our brains.It's just that simple..
YeahNo101 ?
YeahNo101 ? - 10 years ago
Lmao. Good one man. Like the "whites" England, France, Italy, Norwegians just a few whitties who concurred the world at one time or another. Like those kinds ? We will always find a way to destroy hot blooded irrational stick/coconut swinging "people of color". I'm just saying. Beautiful islands though. Glad us pussy scared honkies talked are way into letting you give it to us.
Nada Whey
Nada Whey - 10 years ago
If your culture still exist today then your forefathers were warriors plain and simple.
cronulla70 - 10 years ago
+pookela lopez because he's a fucking coconut
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves - 10 years ago
He is just upset because the Aussies had to show them how to surf the waves in Hawaii.
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+Josh Nacua Ok, you keep telling yourself that,I hope it works out for you..That's why the white man has dominated the world you racist SOB.People like you talk yourself into a fantasy world where reality does not show it's head and people just laugh .White people have fought more wars standing up for themselves than any race in history and won! Through are stamina,courage and most importantly brains we have persevered..Read your history.It's people like you who keep racism alive.White people fight when necessary and the cause is just,not just when we have to raise low self esteem,like you,because unlike you, we use our brains,that is our cerebellum and frontal lobe. So you keep talking the Sh@@,it's not going to get you anywhere except in your own pitiful mind! Because no one is going to believe you ,all they have to do is open a history book,you fool!
Iosua - 10 years ago
Polynesians never back out of fights, you white people are known for being scarred of everybody.
pookela lopez
pookela lopez - 10 years ago
For you to speak upon the matter of How a Hawaiian man is supposed to compose himself. You have no idea as to how it feels to have something ripped away from you. To have been born with the knowledge that something like that is a mutiny in an of itself. Speaking as a Hawaiian it aggravates me everyday to see aina (land) that was used to promote life, sustainability and respect gone to the highest bidder. Although I do not commend him on violence I do understand why. What I do not understand is how or why you feel the need to mock him. Also why you felt the need to post that?
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
Some people think paying for a plane ticket to Hawaii gives you the right to surf. No, it gives you the privilege to earn some respect - and then you surf. 
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+iLiveOnFijiTime That's what I'm saying,they should be taught the rules.How do you know the kid who got the crap beat out of him knew the rules?That display was disgusting.He didn't just throw a couple punches,he beat that kid like he was dying to use his MMA skill,not because of what the kid did.
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
+cogen651 All they have left is their ocean. Kids should be taught the rules before they go surfing. Hawaii is not mainland USA. culture is different, ideas are different, respect is different. Point is, it is not our place it is theirs. I'm not Hawaiian but I understand where they are coming from. If there are some uncalled for assaults then sure put them in jail. But for the most part, outsiders think Hawaii is a place where you pay money and do what you want. No. There are locals there. When snowboarding in the US you always let the local kids have their run first. It is just manners. Those that don't understand the rule of 'locals first' just don't have manners. 
cogen651 - 10 years ago
Cut me a break.These idiots are running around beating young kids up,who may not understand the rules.They should be arrested and thrown in prison and have all the other psychopaths beat the crap out of the,since they are on their own level anti-social.I always say if you want to teach a psychopath a lesson ,put him a cell with a psychopath who is more psychopathic than they are. For instance,psychopaths are rated now,tpo being 40.Stick this dude in a cell with psychopaths at a 35 to 40 rating.Even he will be amazed at their brutality.
Alissa Kauai
Alissa Kauai - 10 years ago
Im Hawaiian and the only reason we disrespect you guys is because you come to OUR home and expect to surf, This is our land, and our ocean. We were born and raised here. This is our home. Of course we feel disrespected when people like YOU  come here with your head high. Beat it!
kcuf7 - 10 years ago
Amen! I wit you on that...
RippedNutrition - 10 years ago
+Sherise Parra This is the best reply out of anyone's so far! Respecting people I understand, but respect needs to be earned. That's just pure ego. Love, respect and sharing are things to be given freely, in the water and out. I live in Hawaii and a lot of the Uncles say that the next generation lost that Aloha too. There is a lot of selective aloha. I've seen people get harassed, beat up, and the cars broken into for being in the wrong place, again in and out of the water. It blows my mind; Hawaii is the only place I know that discrimination is openly accepted. 'F'ing Haole' or 'Repect the Locals' you hear out here a lot. And I am not talking about the dimwit idiots mainlanders who come here and have there nose in the air and think they own the place. I am talking about genuine good people who get vibed out and/or attacked BECAUSE they are not like them. To leave it on a good note; Love everybody, especially the unloved.
Sherise Parra
Sherise Parra - 10 years ago
Alissa. People who disrespect others do it because they have no self respect. I used to be oversensitive in the water, when I was younger, because I was an insecure shit hat. When I was converted through the Spirit I developed some self respect and no longer felt the need to disrespect others. Come to my beach and I'll respect you. I'm not insecure and weak. Even if you're a kook. I'll push you into a wave and hoot for you.  : )
Jnhmb4812 - 10 years ago
Idk how you haoles can just talk over the internet? I garantee half of you cant even surf anyway! This has nothing to do with aloha! Its about being pono. Its about respecting what we say. Because half the time alot of people think they know what there doing but they dont! And if your the clown out there not knowing what your doing and everybody else does you gonna get hurt! And you could also get someone other than you hurt!!!Doesnt mean us locals are fucktards!! Because of this there are garanteed less accidents!! And idk how you can just talk about hawaiians being gay, i mean look at white people they the only ones doing gay marriages in hawaii ever since the bill passed!! So please dont disrespect our culture!
TheKaffeeKlatsch - 11 years ago
His words hold no meaning, as they contradict themselves.
BAJA GRANT Grant Hartman
BAJA GRANT Grant Hartman - 11 years ago
Good solid video...Like they said, its all about respect..  No respect, stay out of the water, you are dangerous.. 90% of my injuries on the water is from other surfers...
wave122101 - 11 years ago
fuckin over priced shave ice loco moko portugeese n eggs bastards...
wave122101 - 11 years ago
fuck your respect!
77Cfriend - 11 years ago
the local guy has a flat tire so he puts on the  spare, starts driving but forgets to tighten the lug nuts, the tire  comes off and starts to pass him, he sees it and says
"Loose wheel, you gonna leave me know"
77Cfriend - 11 years ago
I thought he made sense without getting too  heavy
We need the audience volume turned up a little bit.
We need the audience volume turned up a little bit. - 11 years ago
Sometimes, maybe too often, "Respect" for Kala Alexander means punching someone else in the face. He doesn't teach. He pounds. I wish he'd be more giving of Aloha and then give people the benefit of the doubt, because not everyone who drops in, does so intentionally, or with evil intent.
Alexander, Garcia, Kaiborg, the whole Lot of them really seem to want to FIGHT first and then talk about how much they are good people, later on. I think if more bullies were punished for the behaviours that Kala and them perpetrate upon people then they'd THINK more first about picking fights with other people.
They don't need to be Bulls and Bullies.
Mr1flyfisher - 11 years ago
One day this cowardly bully is going to meet the wrong dude and he is going to get jacked. He picks out and targets surfers to fight that aren't looking to fight and aren't fighters. One day he is going to pick out the wrong guy. I can't wait for the day this Kala Kook gets his head pounded into the sand. And it's caught on film and on youtube. His comeuppance is coming for sure.
St. Mark
St. Mark - 6 years ago
wolves are coward animals that only hunt in groups.
greenhouse Productions
greenhouse Productions - 6 years ago
Hes part of the north shores wolf
Mr1flyfisher - 11 years ago
Kala the Kook desperately just wants to have his ass kissed. That's what respect means to this clown coward Kala, it has nothing to do with safety or even surf etiquette, that's just his m/o so he can get some desperately needed self actualization and pretend like he is someone important and special by his self appointed so called policing of the surf in the name of safety. It's a farce. He's a punk thug plain and simple.
 Safety? He says it's about Safety but then says, "When the locals show up everyone else has to get out of the water". And spews nonsense about "warrior" culture.  He's just a punk that goes out and seeks violence and tries to start altercations and fights. He attacked some dude during a tournament in 2004. Who the fuck paddles out in a tournament and then attacks a participant? He's a KOOK. He belongs in jail for assault.
surfyou76 - 11 years ago
Never had a problem in the water.  Respect goes a long way and makes you friends in the water.  Made many friends there in less that a few weeks and got spoted many waves.  Best place in the world to me.
Harpo Jr
Harpo Jr - 11 years ago
It's fucking stupid, they fucking welcome you "aloha" to them means spend your money then gtfo of my ocean. It's a ton of bullshit if it wasn't for the surfers and all the companies that own pro houses down there they'd be gone. It's the same in Costa Rica (where I part time live) the locals here aren't as bad (only half I then surf) but the ones that do surf are all 13-18 years old and can't surf for shit, they want the cloths you wear the boards you ride etc. They fucking have no edict or respect in the water at all. They fucking back paddle you then don't make it. Or if you go and you're deeper they fucking flip out. It's not just hawaii it's everywhere. Surfing is just crowded and that's the way it is now :/
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
I'm not condoning the fighting. Why not just report them to the police? That is the best way. I'm just saying that Hawaiians were doing rather fine before we decided to take everything from them and even though we know the history we still try and take more from them. And asking me about the aftermath of every outsider leaving Hawaii right now and how the economy would go is stupid. You don't throw a lion inside a cage and then say "OK lion I will leave you alone now and you can do what you like, see how you survive if I don't come to feed you since you don't want me around."  Point is, respect locals of any country, we US peoples seriously think it is our right to tell people around the world how to live their lives. Because we are just so much better than them aren't we? 
MelonCiego - 10 years ago
If you don't like the way it is here in Costa Rica then you should consider go back to the shithole you came from. Go somewhere else fuckwit. 
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+iLiveOnFijiTime Well good, I agree ,See what happens when you lose the vacationers,Then you will be crying for hand outs You think ganging up on ignorant kids and beating the crap out of them is the answer.Why don't you explain the rules to them first.I saw this young surfer get the crap kicked out of him because by accident he went into a competition by accident.It's brave to fight when you have all your friends around you in case you start losing.
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
As for Hawaii, they welcome you 'aloha' because they live in a society molded by a different culture that has robbed them of theirs. They need to smile so they can make money to survive in their ancestors lands which they don't own any longer. The waves is the only place left to be who they are as islanders. Stop trying to take everything from them. They don't need the companies and pro houses to live there. They lived there before that. As for Costa Rica - I don't know anything about that tho so good luck :) 
Jonny Insano
Jonny Insano - 11 years ago
You're talking about turkey town Pavones and I love it there, never had a problem except by euros out there.
washburn jackhammer
washburn jackhammer - 11 years ago
fuck locals!! they don t own the ocean
Eric Marshall
Eric Marshall - 11 years ago
yeah i'd rather get out of the water when the boys are surfing. that to me is a sign of showing them respect and not get my ass kicked for being disrespectful. i'd rather do that and get to surf with some of the locals later.
robin byle
robin byle - 11 years ago
This is why surfers get a bad rap, I've surfed my whole life and would never make people get outta the water just cause its my home break, thats not what surfing is about!
josh75923 - 11 years ago
Safety is the number one issue provided you don't get beaten for being the wrong color or from the wrong place.  Bottom line, this isn't about respect like this guy is talking about, its about selfishness and control where some of the biggest hypocrites on their own doctrine are the ones trying to enforce the rules.
808 Tait
808 Tait - 11 years ago
If you're not from here (Hawaii), you wouldn't understand. It should be common sense how to act, but somehow its slightly different  here.  I wouldn't change it for the world.
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
+cogen651 I may have went too far there, I must have been getting frustrated. I personally don't condone violence, (however rugby isn't violence in my opinion lol). All I'm saying is people should understand how they must feel with so many people coming in all the time. I am a part of the problem too, traveling and surfing. But we must always respect the locals, always. I'm not going to beat someone up over a wave (no matter how many times a kook tells me to watch where I'm going as he drops in on me). However if I'm back home and people who paid to come think they can do whatever they want just because they paid to be there - yes we might have a problem. To most surfing is just a sport. A lifestyle promoted by magazines, nice butts and fancy shorts. To some of us from the islands it is much more than that. We don't have much left in our culture. We feel robbed off everything (which we were). So respect in the ocean is a huge deal to us. It is the one thing the world knows us for. Yes there might be a few big headed people that take it overboard (I concur with jail time for assaults) - but its not everyone. Anyway, no one gives a shit about what i'm writing so lets just hope things get better and people get happier. 
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
+cockroachafro we don't have anyone starving in Fiji. Every single person that is Fijian is born with land. That is the cultural system. Once we get too many people into Fiji then the system will change and we will become like Hawaii. If Fijians are starving its because they live in the city - a city built by kooks. Why do you guys think you are the Savior?
cogen651 - 10 years ago
I live near the beach you fool.with a lot of vacationers.Yes it gets crowed ,but we don't beat the crap out of them,you freak!
cockroachafro - 10 years ago
+iLiveOnFijiTime  Yeah right on fuck them kooks and their money which could benefit starving fijiians as long as you get your shitty little patch of shitty fiji surf right.
iLiveOnFijiTime - 10 years ago
Always pisses me off when surfers get angry at locals (especially Hawaiians) and talk about how the Hawaiians need them for their economy and shit. Eff that, waves are worth more then money bro. I'm so happy Fiji doesn't have a million kooks swarming taking everything (starting already).  When that day comes. Its going to be rugby in the lineup  ha ha ha ha. 
josh75923 - 11 years ago
Its the same at any major surf break through out most of the world.  It doesn't have to be Hawaiil.  It's everywhere spoiled,  selfish people are that think they own everything and have a sense of entitlement.  They will always be jealous of those that come to share their pissing hole.
ifcan - 11 years ago
Respect the 808 people
jet632 - 11 years ago
you dont own the ocean!! wtf. respect? its more like all the white boys got to kiss and kneel at these primadonna hawaiians feet
Charles Williamson
Charles Williamson - 11 years ago
I've surf maui a couple times, the locals are super nice. but there is always some Australian causing problems
Natan Felix
Natan Felix - 11 years ago
brazilian respect pipeline 
Joe Adams
Joe Adams - 11 years ago
man, these hawaiian guys get every fucking kook tourist in the world coming to their home breaks to surf. I would be like that too. 
Frank Pellegrino
Frank Pellegrino - 11 years ago
Hawaii may have been a warrior society but it was also a queer one. Even King Kamehameha indulged in the deep Hawaiian cultural tradition of keeping a gay lover - they have a term for it: aikane. Look it up. Is the conflict between Western, Christian homophobia and Hawaiian gay sex what Kala Alexander, Kai Garcia and others are really frustrated about?
Dennis Nedry
Dennis Nedry - 7 years ago
Frank Pellegrino keep your personal problems to yourself buddy. No one wanna hear your Friday night encounters.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 7 years ago
Western Christian homophobia????? America is full of faggots. Do U really think America represents true Christianity and a lifestyle built around God? Lemme guess, u also think middle easterners are all terrorists who don't follow religion at all.
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
Dear: You
Dear: You - 11 years ago
Hahahahahaha!!!  thanks for that quick historic segment..
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
Appears that I've touched a raw nerve. Wow! 11! and you think you know about everything?............sometimes better to keep you're moth closed and not appear to be an absolute, as you put it, FUCKTARD little boy.
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
I've known for over 30 years that Samoan culture reveres transvestites
oregonxyz - 11 years ago
yeah, it starts with respect, but when an outsider gets a wave, then it turns into localism

if ignorant bush people try to claim the ocean, there will be conflict -- the answer is for them to stop being so selfish and to stop acting like gang bangers and prison rapists
calpitoc - 11 years ago
Hey Kala, you forgot about aloha. 
Kyle Thomas
Kyle Thomas - 11 years ago
I understand where Kala and the boys are coming from, I use to get super frustrated when I lived in San Diego cuz the barneys from the midwest would come out of the wood work and have no clue about surf etiquette. I've left my home state of California for the Appalachian mountains and I still feel this way when people go snowboarding and act like assholes. Everyone is out to have a good time and I'm not saying I look for fights because I don't, but, I'll bump fists in the name of public safety to get the point across 
Kyle Thomas
Kyle Thomas - 11 years ago
I've only back paddled a couple locals in my life and it was because they were complete dbags and I was fully prepared to bump fists if they felt froggy. I'm not typically a fighter but people get stupid in the water and on the mountain
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
+Jack Schreuder hey there big man.............all 11 years of you..............what a joke ur. Or I should've spoke your language and said "fuckin joke". 
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
+Cee Jay and who has the right to judge me? Certainly not a bully local
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
If you can't beat'em join em. I feel like a dikhed paddling to the inside all the time and I don't do it all the time, but if you don't act like a dikhed sometimes, you tend to miss out completely
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 11 years ago
everytime surf rage is brought up kala has something to say, i wonder how many surf fights he's been in
cogen651 - 10 years ago
+Cee Jay I agree
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
wonder how many fights the bully has caused. I have tattoos all over me, but I cover up with a rashie coz I know people are intimidated. He has created his persona with the full intention of using it to intimidate, if he hasn't he's a complete idiot oblivious of the world around him and as an idiot he should shut his mouth and go crawl back in the hole he came from. 
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 11 years ago
I'm sure hawaiians are genuine people , however the younger crew of surfers / spongers have a nasty look on tourists. Always give respect to the people who live around the area. But they should also respect you.
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
+Jack Schreuder Hey there big jack! or should I say little jack...........have they dropped yet?  You love that word FUCK.........makes you a real big FUCKER 
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 11 years ago
yup, very true, they think they're the king of the block bascially, it pisses me off, im from barbados and we get localism pretty badly.. 
sucks ass but all you can do is surf and use the right of way system, otherwise they'll call upon a shit ton of their friends to help kick your ass. :\
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
+Matthew MacKenzie You only have to find a spot where locals do not create a perpetual environment based on bullying non locals. The problem is created by the locals not the occasional selfish tourist.............think about it. No locals less problems.............unless of course you think the locals have the right to police a break and we all know how corrupt the police are. The locals are just dikheads who happen to be able to intimidate a majority of people.
Matthew MacKenzie
Matthew MacKenzie - 11 years ago
yup , there are dicks in every country, this same stuff happens to snowboarders, skateboarders, and many more, just have to find a less crowded spot i guess. 
Cee Jay
Cee Jay - 11 years ago
We are either all human beings as one or divided as locals and tourists. It is not a case of one should respect the other, no human being has a right to something they do not personally own or the right to consider themselves above another human being. If you want respect you have to give it. Who voted the locals as the one eyed group who decides who is worthy of respect? Locals are just dikhed bullies with the numbers. I have mental problems and I hate locals; they're usually sorry they opened their mouth because I'm not playing a game. So now the bully locals call me a KOOK and funnily enough they leave me alone. Why? Because they see me as a bigger more threatening bully. The locals are nothing but dikhed bullies. The only thing they understand is a bigger bully. I've always wanted to start a tourist surf club so all tourists can surf to their hearts content without threats from locals. I don't care if I don't catch a wave, I would love to see the local bullies have to earn respect.  This idiot in the Youtube clip is just promoting bullying.........Join a tourist group at your holiday surf break and beat the locals.
K Mirra
K Mirra - 11 years ago
sick of u haoles coming in from california and aussie land.
rob job
rob job - 11 years ago
Brah it's culture. he'enalu was reserved for the elite and the proven. Shits in our blood there are bloodlines here, lineage. He's doing his part to uphold what he was born into. Everyone whose complaining needs to go back to the suburbs and go listen to the beach boys.
luvluv - 11 years ago
yeah right kala gets mad chicks
Rodrigo Segura
Rodrigo Segura - 11 years ago
Long live the warriors
jimboldcerveza - 11 years ago
Cali doesn't have a history? Tell that to the Chumash who were enslaved by the Mexicans. Tell it to the Californios after the Americans took over. Tell it to the Americans who lived through the Mexican reconquista. Personally, I'll never understand why native hawaiians worry so much about mainland americans. The Japanese took over Hawaii decades ago.
milkmandan77 - 11 years ago
Nice steroid tits brah
Nibiru Kanahiku
Nibiru Kanahiku - 11 years ago
Everyone can comment on their attitudes but if i come to your hood and piss on your sidewalk, y'all wanna fight. Lol. Defend your turf. Part of life. It ain't Disneyland.
Sonny Burnett
Sonny Burnett - 6 years ago
Nibiru Kanahiku
You can
Just as long as you sit
Hunter Vanderpoel
Hunter Vanderpoel - 11 years ago
This guy is a jackass. He will live out the rest of his poor life lonely
TheHAYNSPUNJAH - 11 years ago
Rajah dat! Stay cool and everything will be fine. @colinreedmiller
Mike B
Mike B - 11 years ago
Ya bra, lets get a sno-cone bra, crystal up ya, fuck a pineapple bra, ya. Watta kook! 7 miles of tweakers and pro-ho's. F*** Hawaii.
john myer
john myer - 11 years ago
fuck off every encounter i ever had with hawian surfers ends up bad they are dicks
lamBETTERthanY0U - 11 years ago
kala is gnarly rolling on mats with other dudes and all that but he can still get beat up
jackass123491 - 11 years ago
You act like everybody in the mainland looks like supermodels. I would also like to mention that in many cultures including old Hawaiian culture fat=beautiful because it means you are wealthy and can afford plenty of food.
jackass123491 - 11 years ago
Stay out of Hawaii with that attitude. You won't last five minutes here, and if you already are here you might change your attitude or get the hell out.
pc kizwark
pc kizwark - 11 years ago
Hawaii, founded by Polynesians around 400 CE, great seafarers living off the sea & land, was given religious laws respected for more than 1000 years protected by Kapu to maintain & preserve the balance in Mana and ecosystem by those who became Ali'i'aimoku (chiefs) of the Islands to them given by the Gods. Respect their ways, and they will respect you.
Daniel McFall
Daniel McFall - 11 years ago
Yeah right, show respect and you will get waves, sit in the water and watch, those guys will mark you for however long you are in Hawaii as weak and pick you apart, they will drop in on you. I lived in Kauai. You go out, have a big smile on your face, be friendly, and have fun, and frickin go deeper than everybody out there and charge if you want respect. nobody respects anyone who just sits in the water like a dopey tourist. This is the most unrealistic line of bs ive ever heard.
wave122101 - 11 years ago
theres more homeless living in their cars nowadays along cam why... y? fuck working @ Donquihote is not cutting it or @ abc brah... kalihi locals fools!
wave122101 - 11 years ago
get real job...working @ matsumoto shave ice not gonna cut it...
jsnstpierre - 11 years ago
keep your asses in hawai man... quit comming to main land U.S. you fat fucks!! lmao
usainboltnumberone - 11 years ago
Fuck you Kala you piece of shit
Patrick Michalina
Patrick Michalina - 11 years ago
Spot on! Your comment is so true.
Sake Bobombs
Sake Bobombs - 11 years ago
Sure no problem, just don't paddle out.
ihatepunkrock101 - 11 years ago
Joe, been to all the islands a number of times. Still have family on a few. My comment was mean spirited, I apologize but it is accurate. I am saddened by the decline of your schools and social fabric but fighting guys on the beach won't help.
Joe Malapitan
Joe Malapitan - 11 years ago
You have never been here, have you? Because if you have, you wouldn't be as stupid about this issue as you are. Hawaiians are some of the warmest and friendliest people in the world. They will welcome you to their families if you acknowledge their identity and the uniqueness of the culture. It was the white conquerors that first called Hawaiians savages in order to justify their taking over the islands. Remember that...and don't come here. People will smell your arrogance from a mile away
Joe Malapitan
Joe Malapitan - 11 years ago
Typical!. Cali doesn't have a history of people invading the shores, taking what they want and trying to wipe out the culture. There's plenty of reasons why so many Hawaiians are so guarded and plenty more reasons why many of them don't consider themselves as Americans. You're one of the reasons.
ihatepunkrock101 - 11 years ago
Keep fighting guys on the bean while guys who are much smarter, and oiler, buy your entire island. Warrior culture, hahaha, you lost.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
betteryeti - 11 years ago
That's a nice sentiment, but it's not real life at all. "Respect" is a very flexible concept in the mind of a violent sociopath.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Done and done. Google "localism surf beat-down" and such.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Yeah, you've kind of put your finger on it. Actual adults are pretty under-represented in the upper ranks of surfing. I can count them on one hand. Start with Laird and Kalama. Lopez. A few others. The rest of them are pretty trapped in their toxic adolescence. They use words like "respect", but it's a smoke screen. Translation should be, "everything's mine, unless I say you can have some. You disagree, I hurt you." These guys hurt surfing big-time, from Mickey Dora on down the line.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Actually, a startling number of local PV/bay cities violent local dirtbags have been tossed into jail, big fines, 1000-hour community service stints lately. The court hearings have been quite fun. You just keep making those threats and innuendos, okay? Bubba is waiting for you at the LA County lock-up. See you soon.
Andres Chavez
Andres Chavez - 11 years ago
Kala Alexander is a tweaker
Ericxnegley - 11 years ago
fuck Kala Alexander
Buddha Vonsurfenstein
Buddha Vonsurfenstein - 11 years ago
We all borrow the land. Is that what aloha is? More like greed. You want respect? Do something respectable. I never snake on purpose. Even in my hometown that gets flooded by tourinsts every summer.
roloB747 - 11 years ago
pot calling kettle black with this guy for sure
enjoifranz - 11 years ago
Kala Alexander = Most pussy surfer when he isn't first in the lineup.
superskim1 - 11 years ago
or he just doesn't want to get burned by someone from cali or aus
BigErn_Mccraken - 11 years ago
Partly has alot to do with the chip on their shoulder from the western takeover. Black people in the south are the same way, along with hispanic gangs in L.A. Also probably has something to do with people like you lumping them all up into the meth smoking category. It's kind of ignorant on behalf of them and you.
snemmy10 - 11 years ago
Can't wait to come here next month for a sup trip. Just me and the boys. Hopefully it's better than florida, where I live. Mohala.
Darien Eng
Darien Eng - 11 years ago
Way to make all Californians sound ignorant bro
up lift
up lift - 11 years ago
warrior?really ?really its surfing,it isnt your ocean nor anyone elses!!!
Jeremiah Crutcher
Jeremiah Crutcher - 11 years ago
cool story bro
Jeremiah Crutcher
Jeremiah Crutcher - 11 years ago
cool story bro
Austin Bo
Austin Bo - 11 years ago
in other news... s'up alana 1:06
Jesus Saves
Jesus Saves - 11 years ago
There just mad because the Aussies and South Africans had to show them how to surf the north shore back in the late 70's
joey1000 - 11 years ago
Warrior culture? yeh because the hawaii warriors are up there with the vikings, Arab tribes and celtic clans Who at one point all of them controled most of the world. But yeah you Kauai "warriors" are really top ter badass lol gimmy a fuckin break. All the discovery channels ever do is talk about the Kauai warriors leading the crusades while fighting back the norse vikings and doing there best to fight the nazis and defending the waves of the north shore AT THE SAME TIME. Cunts
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Um, Lunada? Yeah, until the Coast Guard shows up and puts you all in jail, as happened when the Lunada dirtbags tried to intimidate the surfing son of the Brazilian Ambassador. Boy, was that fun to watch. Even more fun was seeing the spanking the local sheriff got from the judge. You thugs just keep it up. You'll just keep going to jail and lengthening your rap sheets... so that you'll never work, or get a loan... and end up being even bigger dirtbags who can't afford a stick.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Wow. A sane person. How did you get in here?
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Yeah, but kind of not the point; anybody can be nice once you get to know them. The larger point is that he is creating -- for people he doesn't know, and who don't know him -- an environment of fear, and exclusion, and violence. And he's setting himself up as a spokesman for Hawaiian surfing. Um, really? That's what he has to offer? That's how he wants to be remembered? Respect me, or I beat you? Warrior culture equals thuggery? Not much of a legacy, I'd say.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
See, that's the thing: real, hardcore, life-long watermen (Laird, Kalama, Titus, etc.) are all about inclusion, and education, and passing it along to the next generation. They are, dare I say the word in this forum, grown-ups. Localism and territoriality and "warrior culture" are not the stuff of grown-ups; they are the stuff of undereducated losers stuck in adolescence. It's not cool, it's not core, it's just sad. These guys will all end up like Buttons: broken, addicted, incarcerated.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
It is my fondest dream that you shut your mouth. But I'm pretty sure it's never going to happen.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
What you're practicing isn't culture, it's thuggery. You have no true aloha about you at all. Your ancestors -- if you can really claim them, and I'm betting you can't -- would be ashamed. Seriously. They'd disown you in a heartbeat.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Yep. You get it.
speedxdreems - 11 years ago
lol Punk
Mo Gains
Mo Gains - 11 years ago
We should all pity that "local" man. Its really sad that he is as old as he is and still can't grasp sad.
MrKahunadog - 11 years ago
Rickson brown belt, so he can back up what he says(imo).
The Notorious Ewen McGregor
The Notorious Ewen McGregor - 11 years ago
Jeez can me and my girl and one year old son build a fuckin sand castle on the north shore when we visit or do little pre school locals get to build them first!?
Argo Life
Argo Life - 11 years ago
It's his collarbone. My dads is like that cause he broke it
beardedswine - 11 years ago
no it's different when they do it cos they're special. he had to have no shirt on too so everyone can see his tough stickers. respect is earned not blindly given to people because you think they might beat you up
Marcelo S.Oliveira
Marcelo S.Oliveira - 11 years ago
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you KALA!! GAY...!!
jorge vizcaino
jorge vizcaino - 11 years ago
i hate that kind of surfers like the first guy, who think non-locals are just shit and have no right to surf there. i agree that we should respect them and sometimes give them right on the wave. and i think they wouldn't like to be trated like they treat non-locals when they go to other spots
Zackary Trahan
Zackary Trahan - 11 years ago
thats true
Joshua Hauoli-Bobbitt
Joshua Hauoli-Bobbitt - 11 years ago
Us hawaiians grew up with our fist not our brains my uncle buffalo told me he take away boards because thay drop in and make the other person stuck on the inside so true respwct is true power so respect local s or end up in makuakave
betteryeti - 11 years ago
If you think that surfing a heavy wave isn't life-threatening in itself, you're either bluffing or deluded. I've surfed plenty, with and without competition. I grew up less than 500 linear yards from Ghost Tree. Don't know that wave? Didn't think so. Nobody did, in the '70s. You just go on telling yourself that 10x overhead in eight feet of water isn't dangerous unless somebody else is trying to make the drop. Yeah, that's it. You're going to win a Darwin Award.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
And you, my little grom, have no idea what you're talking about.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Taliban = vicious culture of tribal conflict, fundamentalism and violence = bad. But we're supposed to believe that Kauai Wolf Pack culture of tribal conflict, fundamentalism and violence = good? Man, where's the drone strike when you really need it? This guy is just a domestic terrorist. He's just another uneducated dirtbag trying to get his way by threatening people with violence. Pathetic.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Um, let the record state that Eric Jeckel has made a veiled threat of violence and mayhem. "You could end up washed up a mile out there." Eric, you're a pathetic little turd. I cannot wait to put you and your little twerp brethren behind bars.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
You're an idiot, and you clearly didn't go to law school. If you made that argument in court, the judge would laugh you all the way to the lockup. You're making the argument that you're a) engaging behavior that endangers your own life, but b) going to perpetrate assault on someone engaged in the same behavior, just because you may feel he/she isn't as good/capable/hard-core/wolf-packie as you. Yeah. That's going to fly. I'm betting you didn't really study very much, did you?
Pak Ombak
Pak Ombak - 11 years ago
sounds good on tape LOL
Eric D
Eric D - 11 years ago
was this the guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall? I know Kalani Robb was the other guy in the fight seen. I wouldnt mess with this dude.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Oh, and while we're at it, more groovy Kauai warrior culture: Andy Irons. Assault; chronic alcoholism; drug addiction; "Wolf Pack" goon. Dead before forty, leaves wife and kid behind. Respect? Really? The guy manifestly had zero respect for himself, let alone his family. Yep, let's all glorify the wonderful Kauai warrior culture. These island boys live in a land of delusion.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Double plus agree.
betteryeti - 11 years ago
Warrior culture? Warrior society? How about rule of law? It's called assault. Which is why virtually all of those Kauai boys have criminal records and jail time. And this guy wants to lionize and glorify a culture of violence and tribal conflict? Really? Can we just all agree to prosecute them to the full extent of the law, and then sue them into financial oblivion in civil court? Your warrior culture is extinct, brah. You will be too, soon enough.
ohhStorm - 11 years ago
broken collar bone haha
Eric Jeckel
Eric Jeckel - 11 years ago
maturity has nothing to do with it brother , it's about respect you are putting yourself at risk every day your out there if you are with people who dont have respect for you you could end up washed up a mile out there
ph0kused - 11 years ago
Why cant these Hawaiian locals just be cool. It's not like here in Cali - where we deal with 10 times more people in the lineup, its not about respect, its about maturity, we're all here to surf, just have fun and realize there's more things to life than smoking meth on an island and ruling a break.. If ruling a break is your greatest accomplishment, id say you should get out of the water and live some more.
mharley284 - 11 years ago
If I was a local I'd have the same attitude, too many dummies need to b checked
rhino hippo
rhino hippo - 11 years ago
these goons mercilessly beat on people
William Maria
William Maria - 11 years ago
Islanders are a little stupid. Slow almost retarded.
omi totem
omi totem - 11 years ago
what is the song in background??????
Pierce Majette
Pierce Majette - 11 years ago
broken collar bone that went untreated
Sam Richards
Sam Richards - 11 years ago
Hawaii's economy is based on tourism and visitors, including surfers. If this guy doesn't want foreigners in the water surfing, he can go fuck himself because we keep his overpriced island from going to shit like it would if all of the tourism stopped and over half of the state was out of a job.
Shane Frank
Shane Frank - 11 years ago
"if you dont respect your gonna hurt someone" more like someone else is going to beat your face in. thats how youll get hurt.
dybo89 - 11 years ago
separated shoulder
nihonjinorbust - 11 years ago
if your referring to mwa. the only thing is bad about my ass is the smell.
clarissa ramirez
clarissa ramirez - 11 years ago
Fuckin pi haha
calpitoc - 11 years ago
I think Kala's definition of safety is avoiding the local style beat down.
jsroland - 11 years ago
I peed in the water when I was in Kauai. Twice.
patdizo - 11 years ago
each island had different chiefs who fought for control of all the islands they were constantly at war until kamehameha the great conquered all the islands they also fought against Europeans like the british captain cook who was unable to defend himself with his cannons and muskets against the Hawaiians spears and was killed
Aloha - 11 years ago
you guys talking shit online but guarantee if you were there you would be sitting your ass on the sand too scared to step to Kala. Put em in their place Kala. @colbyking386: i dare you.
Mill Gevaro
Mill Gevaro - 11 years ago
haha. Hawaii was a warrior culture..? who did they ever fight against? they'r a freakin island in the middle of nowwhere. yea, EVERY culture used to be a warrior culture. I for one wouldve like to have seen the Hawaiian 'Warriors' go at against any Celtic tribe in Europe..or any Indian Tribe..or just any tribe in general.. it wouldve been a short confrontation haha. Then at least I would want to go there to surf. Man Hawaii is all ego and ignorance and blabla about the ocean and respect...eergh
Tyler Bennett
Tyler Bennett - 11 years ago
watch out we got a bad ass over here
SiLenTuce808 - 11 years ago
Basically if you go somewhere where locals thrive like idk... the beach. You gotta be more respectful which should be natural.. like common courtesy you know.. but I guess it must happen often to locals for them to form a coalition or a gang of some type. For those of you who think you can do what you please where ever you go... think again cause someone might let you know what's up.
bob willie
bob willie - 11 years ago
Hawaii might have been a warrior culture, but guess what genius, its 2013!
0boardcertified0 - 11 years ago
Acromioclavicular separation. Not a break.
nihonjinorbust - 11 years ago
Demanded Respect??? If this homie local gives me shit in the water, my crew is waiting on the beach and they will follow this fucker home and fuck his knee caps up so he will never able to walk let alone crawl into the surf again..So change your attitude pineapple.
kaYboi8o8 - 11 years ago
You aren't the first idiot with that mentality to paddle out to pipe, every one of you with that mind set got embarrassed out there.
LCA - 11 years ago
fuck you lol
LCA - 11 years ago
Haha, go in so we can watch you drown.
prana515 - 11 years ago
He has broken his collar bone before
Alex Pendleton
Alex Pendleton - 11 years ago
fucking haole. you'd get fucking tuned on the north shore
Likma Ball
Likma Ball - 11 years ago
It's not about his personality. Most people are respectful and nice. Expecially those who practice martial arts. But this is about being a good ambassador... which this guy clearly is not
Aristotle Zografos
Aristotle Zografos - 11 years ago
ColbyTheKing386 - 11 years ago
This guy is a punk, not even close to a warrior, I'll go in whatever water I want. Stupid hula skirt wearing bitch
JDub - 11 years ago
Personally I like Kala. I have had the opportunity to hang out with him a few times, surfing and train a little in jujitsu. He has always been nice to me and everyone else around. He, and most of the other Hawaiians I know, just don't not turn the other cheek and let you off the hook if you act a fool. Trust me, before I met him I felt the same way most of you do. But after actually meeting my view has changed. I think most of you would feel the same.
tymotoboy53 - 11 years ago
YES! this jakethekent guy is a cunt. He has no clue about respect and I'm glad you do.
tymotoboy53 - 11 years ago
I never said Kala wasn't a human being. You need to learn how to read and show respect. If you actually met this guy and you were on his good side you would see what a genuinely nice person he is. But you'll never get to have the pleasure of doing that because you're just another youtube kook that can barely stand up.
tymotoboy53 - 11 years ago
jakethekent - 11 years ago
"Because you treated hime like a human being instead of some hawaiian" So you think Hawaaians are not human beings....? WHO should learn some respect. "Because he pissed in YOUR toilet" that proves it! "One of the best human beings on the planet!" He's up there with best for sure. Right between Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela. Your friends must have a right laugh when they come to your house!
jakethekent - 11 years ago
Pipeline is not the only heavy, or the even close to being the heaviest wave in the world. We all realised that years ago - sorry to break that to you grommet. Kala has nothing to do with respect and polices nothing. He wants respect and everyone to bow down to him....including you. Respect yourself and stand up for good a good man and a true surfer!
DIZZYGIT - 11 years ago
All these bitches talking shit. I dare any of you so called hard men to go to PL and drop in on a set of glass waves. You will have a broken nose quicker than you can stap your leash on.
up lift
up lift - 11 years ago
try helping your fellow man,its works better
up lift
up lift - 11 years ago
if the locals and pros been surfing there all their lives cant they help and allow people to catch some of those waves?they dont own the ocean its everyones,kala are you going to bust up some foxy chick that wants to grab a wave,people should be more courteous and help each other instead of the negative vibe,so neanderthal
Harley Davidson
Harley Davidson - 11 years ago
Fuck Kala!!!! If I'm going to the island I'm taking whatever wave i want. If i pay to go somewhere I'm saying the locals can have my leftovers! Fuck these shitheads!
gergio123 - 11 years ago
I love Hawaii but I sweat some people that live there make it into nothing more than a few floating turds in the ocean.
xtzu2 - 11 years ago
TheBeofox - 11 years ago
1:45, look at the shoulder of the guy on the left
bwaldy1 - 11 years ago
both top comment missed the point. surfers all over do this shit. oh and in OZ they have post up at the beaches telling people how to surf so no one gets hurt. we don't want dumb fucks like that in the water so we tell them in person. Don't get it, don't come out.
usainboltnumberone - 11 years ago
Educate people? How can you sit there and say educate people, if you yourself have not been educated to start with. fuckwit honky
MrPepper2482 - 11 years ago
locals get the best waves first haha fuck that what a thug
ryan johni
ryan johni - 11 years ago
ahahahhah this guy is a joke
surferpam1 - 11 years ago
(O'ahu isn't the "Big Island") ...just sayin'. But I agree with everything else you said, my brother. Surfing etiquette is one thing; individual respect is another. Kala will not win real respect until he keeps his temper in check, stays out of jail and reprograms the spiritual side of his life. Maybe he could learn a thing or two from Buttons.
usainboltnumberone - 12 years ago
Guys a fucking tool
Steven Erb
Steven Erb - 12 years ago
you aint no better then the next. i would never get out of the way...i go
VR SURFBOARDS - 12 years ago
dude would be a tranny in hollywood if he lived on the mainland
revspook - 12 years ago
Kala = Surf Nazi.
Shoal Nervo
Shoal Nervo - 12 years ago
not too long ago Capt Cook showed no respect. So we beat him to death and ate him.
mexicanamerican21 - 12 years ago
its all respect an if you act like a fool, ull get checked up
william shaw
william shaw - 12 years ago
Flynn was intelligent,,Kala reminded me of an Oxnard thug!!! Just so u know ,Kala,this Florida "Howlie" will give respect at one of your many homebreaks,ONLY if you earn it!! And don't be racist,and act like a thug!You kids have some of the best ,most consistent waves in the world every day of your lives.What you fail to realize is,other than pineapples and sugarcane,tourism,surf tourism especially ,is what fuels your economy!Quit bein a thug! Or you'll have go back to the spear for your dinner!
Jay Michigan
Jay Michigan - 12 years ago
no disrespect, but after watching people fuck eachother up over a wave seemed pretty ridiculous. Especially when there are not repercussions when it does happen. Waves come in constantly all day. I was just saying the egos need to drop and people need to chill the fuck out.
kani'ala kalili
kani'ala kalili - 12 years ago
k man, dont say people of "The North Shore"....say kala from the North Shore n alot of people misjudge the local way..our island is so small that everybody knows everybody some way or the other...n The North Shore is a way of life..he is right in some ways but just boasts to much..n if you got slammed by a 10 foot hawaiian wave onto razor sharp reef.... itll probably be worst then that 60 ft kicker launch...i seen people get butchered at pipe....nuff sed
Joey Kanaka
Joey Kanaka - 12 years ago
@ vinimoreira2011 your gay! You probaly hide behind your computer all day talking shit... Come to hawaii fagot we will see whose gay punk bitch... Kala would probaly slap you silly...
Michael Miller
Michael Miller - 12 years ago
If it's not your home break, show the locals respect. If you do, you will get your waves and good vibes. If you don't, you deserve to get pounded. If you do you will make friends, and get more waves. I have been around the world surfing and have had nothing but good waves and made lots of new friends. After the locals see me show them respect, they are usually telling me to go on set waves.
Jay Michigan
Jay Michigan - 12 years ago
Get a life surfing should be fun. Its not a combat sport. If you want to do combat sports join the MMA or UFC and get your ass kicked. That is all.
vinimoreira2011 - 12 years ago
Kala is too skinny ... Looking a mad mad gay... I could make him swallow my black belt fast as hell... FUCK da hui... They just mess with people who dont know fight... Try a real one ... In brazil people Say that most of local hawaians are gays behind this macho atitudes
Noah Foskett
Noah Foskett - 12 years ago
kala, your fat
thetruthveritas1 - 12 years ago
Haha yea its funny until him and his thug friends punk you out. I dont know why you think hes a good guy ive seen him personally beat people up a few times right in front of pipe when the other person wasnt even causing trouble. Hes knows jiu jitsu and he used it on my friend in which it shattered his knee he had over 10k worth of surgery and had to do 9 months of rehab. Yea what a great guy.
milkmandan77 - 12 years ago
Steroids = bitch tits.
tymotoboy53 - 12 years ago
I really doubt that's true haha.
keithmaine04 - 12 years ago
What are you talking about Haoles Hawaiians are one of the most respected people from the islands.
thetruthveritas1 - 12 years ago
If hes such a great guy then why did he break my friends leg a few years back all because he had to act like mr macho. Kala is the biggest douche on the north shore and everyone knows it.
JUSTIN D - 12 years ago
cool story bro tell it again
muttonbuster - 12 years ago
If you took away all of the surfing references, this dude sounds like an aryan brotherhood cat I used to know who spent a little too much time in prison in the Corcoran SHU. Must be a sad, fearful life to always have to thump your chest.
Damian Rawle
Damian Rawle - 12 years ago
respect the english language and get a bigger vocab you backwards fuck
Nick Roberti
Nick Roberti - 12 years ago
I'd like to see him in prison, earning "respect."
TacticalFED - 12 years ago
God i hate a cocky bird chest surfer
tymotoboy53 - 12 years ago
kala is one of the best human beings on the planet. He works in the mauli Ola foundation to take kids with cystic fibrosis surfing. last time he was in town here the guy was at my house taking a piss in MY bathroom and you know what? He was so appreciative for us letting him do that, he said we're welcome anytime we want and you know why? Because we treated him like a human being instead of some hawaiian. YOU should learn some respect.
Pocketful Of Fog
Pocketful Of Fog - 12 years ago
@ 0:40 secs "Respect is super important because you are in a small place and if you do stupid stuff, everyone knew" WTF? So if this dude grew up in a large community, should it be different? Would you still preach respect or? The last heads I knew some facts on this dude is that he is a thug and this is just talk... ...and the warrior culture that takes what they want is still there and there is nothing mellow about a handful of meth heads holding someone at gunpoint or robbing your house.
makaveli1216 - 12 years ago
drinking game with this video on replay. drink every time he says "respect"
rockmar - 12 years ago
ExoticKidd - 12 years ago
Dude shut up you think you so bad ass
jakethekent - 12 years ago
What an asshole. Kala is a thug and everybody knows it. What gives me the shits is how lots of pros etc go along with it rather than rise above it. I ask you Kala is it with safety in mind that you sit on some poor bastard and beat his head with your fists because he got in someones way or made mistake in the water? Fucking hypocrite. I don't fear you just the negative effect you have.
keith john
keith john - 12 years ago
Respect yeh , but fuck ownership of the ocean.Bullshit localism.It's what adults call sharing.
TheAirperri - 12 years ago
What's the next? MMA fight in the line up?
J Struts
J Struts - 12 years ago
"If you have respect you get waves, its real simple" -Kala. Bonafide tested and proven statement. Surfing pipe and north shore is 100 times friendlier than surfing the lane in Santa Cruz, if you have respect. Respect is love at the most basic level. Its too bad many adults are like children today, not realizing this necessary fact of life.
Cayle Grommet
Cayle Grommet - 12 years ago
i cant stand you people, who love to have the last say in everything. listen to what Kala is saying. surfing is ultimatey about respect and if you dont have that you will put yourself in danger. this fucking pipeline. not your little home breaks.
artoficial - 12 years ago
Kala Alexander should just get off the "look how tough i am" attitude, safety is important, no doubt...but common man, lighten up, every time the guy opens his mouth its bullshit talk...he's probably a big shot among his peers but would get his ass kicked in OZ or anywhere else for that matter with a fucked up tough guy attitude. there's always someone bigger than you prick so learn to be humble...lots of surfers don't even wanna go to the big island anymore because of pricks like this guy
Ben Honour
Ben Honour - 12 years ago
Wow!! Yaaaaawwwwnnnn chill out its only surfing, 'respect' ha ha is this dude for real.
jonerspirit vecht
jonerspirit vecht - 12 years ago
Realise where ever you live, you don't own the land. Even though your forefathers lived there too. Change happens to all of us in life. Tourists will come, accept it, you benefit from it. There's no war anymore. So dont act like it. I heard the word respect 20 times or so. You have to get it first on your turf. It's our Island, our waves. Greed isn't a virtue. Be wise and do not claim to be. One love.
Luke c
Luke c - 12 years ago
This is why I stick to my local break, 4 people in the water all friends and no BS like this shit!
Lelio Cerizza
Lelio Cerizza - 12 years ago
guilherme v
guilherme v - 12 years ago
shit! fuck you!!!
Erik Steinberger
Erik Steinberger - 12 years ago
"Respect = Safety". Bullshit. Respect means thinking you're hot shit
kawika lukeala
kawika lukeala - 12 years ago
someone named willie can't catch a wave when he goes to hawaii.....hahahahahahhaa
Caetano Pedrosa
Caetano Pedrosa - 12 years ago
you are right on the fact that anybody shouldering each other on the lineup is a pain in the ass, but there is a pre judgement on the non local guy... and that is wrong...
Darin Kahele
Darin Kahele - 12 years ago
look at it as if a bunch of guys from hawaii paddled out to your spot and started shoulder hopping you.... im sure you would rather them show YOU respect at your homebreak
Darin Kahele
Darin Kahele - 12 years ago
exactly and USA>Japan any day.... im sure if japan overthrew hawaii it would have been a whole lot worse today
Caetano Pedrosa
Caetano Pedrosa - 12 years ago
Respect... Locals get the best wave because the first issue is safety? wtf?
Leon Comino
Leon Comino - 12 years ago
To show respect is to earn respect. Be courteous and positive at all times in the water, remember why you're out there in the first place, to have fun and enjoy waves like everybody else. Dropins are inevitable at some point in ones surfing career, unfortunately it's a part of what we do, thankfully the majority are unintentional and can be settled with an apology, regardless who's right or wrong, it is far easier to forgive and forget then otherwise. Lead by example so that others may follow.
maverickssurfing - 12 years ago
he saiD Ppl ARe gOiNG to GEt waveS as long as tHeRe nOt RetardS And hAvE respeCt.| if no one had respect youed get freaking cunts droping in on your waves at your home break
Matt VanHaaften
Matt VanHaaften - 12 years ago
You don't know what you're talking about. Hawai'i never would've been "left a 3rd world country". It's positioning on the globe is far too important strategically to be left alone. It would've most likely become part of Japan (most likely) if the USA didn't illegally overthrow the Hawaiian government and establish itself here like they did. Get your facts straight.
Jeremiah St. Thomas
Jeremiah St. Thomas - 12 years ago
We don't occupy Afghanistan Zulukauai. We left it a third world country. Be glad we didn't leave HI a 3rd world country. You're welcome.
Zulukauai - 12 years ago
Respecting the line-up simply means to not drop in on anyone who is already on the wave. And yes Hawaiians should get the waves. IT'S HAWAI'I. Not where ever the fuck you clowns are from. Educate yourself on our culture first before you start judging. RESPECT is something simple to ask for. And I'm sure it isn't too much to ask for in your own household. your own home.
Zulukauai - 12 years ago
Learn about the Hawaiian culture before you muthafuckaz open your mouth. It's OUR land so we get to have say about what we want to do with OUR waves. The USA came over and invaded/killed our people. They OCCUPY Hawai'i now, same as they're doing in Afghanistan. Give us our land back, show MUTUAL respect, and you will receive respect. That's all he's saying. Not once has he bad mouthed any other surfers in this video. He's just saying LEARN, UNDERSTAND, and ADJUST to our culture and our rules.
Lieutenant Bedonde
Lieutenant Bedonde - 12 years ago
1:46 hows that guys shoulder!?
Kris Mars
Kris Mars - 12 years ago
lmao u funny..waterproof glock lol
Blake McCrea
Blake McCrea - 12 years ago
I hate this aspect of surfing. People who demand respect tend to have little to no respect for others
Konachronic - 12 years ago
Nah... on the north shore it's more like, if you have meth you'll get respect. That place is just messed up!
Gilroy Joshua
Gilroy Joshua - 12 years ago
Ill come and surf all the waves I want with my water proff glock strapped..Mess with me and I will put a hydro shock in your dome. Respect that
hjetyeah - 12 years ago
dat ass 1:06
chew kok
chew kok - 12 years ago
Dudes collar bone is broken.
gbellllz - 12 years ago
so hard. lol. awesome.
stuart denton
stuart denton - 12 years ago
Don't people know that Kala is sorta a joke in the surfing world?
BLUE MONDAY - 12 years ago
weed puller
weed puller - 12 years ago
ya brah. what goin do when ol man? surf? you guys quit! no mor nuff waves or what! enjoy it why you can,Be nice. Who Knows what the future holds? Maybe No More Hui. HuH? PEACE
pono heen
pono heen - 12 years ago
"pidgin" it's a language composed by many people that worked and lived on/in the sugar cane fields of hawaii so that workers; hawaiian, filipinoy, chinese, white, japanese could kind of understand each other.. but man so much anger on this page
420Lovermusic - 12 years ago
awww bullshit shut up ...
Danielfallz Rothman
Danielfallz Rothman - 12 years ago
Kala should shut his meth hole.
Alok kimbo
Alok kimbo - 12 years ago
Watch your mouth before these Hawaiians chain-saw your ass in the name of
Alok kimbo
Alok kimbo - 12 years ago
I bet this dim-wit drugged motherfuker is not allowing any surfers to have a good time in the name of respect.
HumbolSkitso - 12 years ago
(continued)... So go ahead take your chances, do what you want, wherever you want. Just remember you might not like the consequences, and end up calling the police and start hating and talking shit because you didn't like your "consequences" hahaha fuck all you people who complain because you was disrespectful and got delt with by "LOCALS", you should've known better. Next time just bring the cop with you so he can protect you beforehand hahaha fuckin pussies. Hmmmm I wonder how many haoles wil
HumbolSkitso - 12 years ago
I'm guessing all the people who "disliked" we're haoles or punky locals and the "likes" where respectful locals or people who understand bottomline respect. Soooooo many stupid comments on here, all I'll say is you can do WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANNA DO!!!! ANYWHERE IN THE FUCKIN WORLD!!!!! BUT trust and beleive that here in HAWAII, us LOCALS take disrepectful matters into our OWN hands and deal with the situation INSTANTLY and how ever WE feel nessisary for YOU to get THE FUCKIN POINT. So go ah
Rod Templar
Rod Templar - 12 years ago
I see there a lot of MENSA members putting in their two-cents worth here. Well, speaking as an old man, there are 3 kinds of locals at ANY surf spots...........those who were born within site of the break, those who have been walking 15 mins to get to the break, and those who have to drive 15 mins to get there. Everyone else takes the scraps, like I do whenever I first surf a strange peak.
James Biederman
James Biederman - 12 years ago
I'm not good enouph to surf Pipe. I'll stick with 2-5 ft faces in the OBX and stay out of trouble.
AlexDickins - 12 years ago
dat ass 2:07
Siri - 12 years ago
warrior culture? you are an idiot you know?
keawe long
keawe long - 12 years ago
Da huis next generation of these days sad all haoles...
xpat73 - 12 years ago
Problem with these guys is that they think respect should be automatic. Wrong. It needs to be earned.
Shark Addicts
Shark Addicts - 12 years ago
song anyone?
head2fiststyle12345 - 12 years ago
wont happen, we dont even treat each other with aloha, i see it everyday...
D33P S3A
D33P S3A - 12 years ago
you better dont come to my break Alex or I ll break your fuckin neck. Feel badass bitch? you are not a soul surfer...probabley is your only choice and is the only thing that you kind of do good. because you never made it pro.
DAGUY42 - 12 years ago
Fuck you too haole
Getthefuckoffmylawn - 12 years ago
Fuck Hawaii, and fuck you too.
DAWRASTLER - 12 years ago
You mad cause you can't own a public beach?
Gary - 12 years ago
What a joke, the Hawaiian Kingdom will NEVER prevail again. Give it up.
DAWRASTLER - 12 years ago
chill the fuck out kook.
joe dirt
joe dirt - 12 years ago
not a real kaua'i boy, stay o'ahu
joe dirt
joe dirt - 12 years ago
kala alexander dat fckin camel toe
ak47law - 12 years ago
Great comment,you sound like true sore bitch that could not get any waves on her trip to the big island with the boyfriend.,,,mean dirty savages did not let you do your shoulder drops,hun?
Video drone
Video drone - 12 years ago
Makes sense to me. If you listen to what he says, he teaches you the way.

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