SACRED REICH - Surf Nicaragua
Surf 16 years ago 1,654,994 views
Surf Nicaragua EP (1988) "I know a place Where you're all going to go They'll pay you to kill If You're eighteen years old First You'll need a haircut And then some new clothes They'll stick you in a jungle To play G.I. Joe CHORUS: You fight for democracy And the "American Way" But you're not in your country "What am I doing here?" you say But now it's too late You're entering Managua If you had brought your surfboard You could surf Nicaragua What is this we're fighting for What's our ultimate goal To force our ideas Right down their throats American Intervention Grows Deeper Everyday The situation worsens More soldiers on the way CHORUS: You fight for democracy And the "American Way" But you're not in your country "What am I doing here?" you say But now it's too late You're entering Managua If you had brought your surfboard You could surf Nicaragua Lessons we have learned Are easy to forget Hints of viet-nam How soon we all forget First we send advisors And then go the troops Another worthless conflict Another Chance to lose CHORUS: You fight for democracy And the "American Way" But you're not in your country "What am I doing here?" you say But now it's too late You're entering Managua If you had brought your surfboard You could surf Nicaragua"
10. comment for SACRED REICH - Surf Nicaragua
20. comment for SACRED REICH - Surf Nicaragua
Where you're all going to go
They'll pay you to kill
If You're eighteen years old
First You'll need a haircut
And then some new clothes
They'll stick you in a jungle
To play G.I. Joe
You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua
What is this we're fighting for
What's our ultimate goal
To force our ideas
Right down their throats
American Intervention
Grows Deeper Everyday
The situation worsens
More soldiers on the way
You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua
Lessons we have learned
Are easy to forget
Hints of Vietnam
How soon we all forget
First we send advisers
And then go the troops
Another worthless conflict
Another Chance to lose
You fight for democracy
And the "American Way"
But you're not in your country
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua
30. comment for SACRED REICH - Surf Nicaragua
saludos desde costa rica lml
I got boards.
50. comment for SACRED REICH - Surf Nicaragua
Most people in these countries like their dictators ...
But EU spend billions of Dollars to let Assad stay in power.
Assad has not even needed to for propagand all major news media delivered that for free.
By the thanks of political correct media they turn the blame to EU and USA.
Syria aint now natural disaster its created by humans and Bert Karlsson made millions on the war in Syria and 200.000 died EU is in finance crises and being plunderd and colonizased by mostly muslims.
"What am I doing here?" you say
But now it's too late
You're entering Managua
If you had brought your surfboard
You could surf Nicaragua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It reminds me when I was young omg
100. comment for SACRED REICH - Surf Nicaragua
if they even have high sand dunes over there
Ian Tafoya a.k.a Greg Fulton (incredible guitarist!) also went on to form Rebels Without Applause with the original Znowhite drummer, but then that went bust (i have 2 of their cd's), and now he is doing a band that does mash up hit songs in the local Chicago scene, called Sweet Diezel Jenkins. it's not bad, but a far, far cry from the Znowhite/Cyclone Temple shredding.
Surf Χαλκιδικη... Σκουριες beach!
Let´s go surf anyway :P
#ObamaDontListen #BringOurTroopsSurfboards #SurfIraq
Still love the version of War Pigs on Surf Nicaragua.
You could surf Nicaragua
more like those bands sound like SR!