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Most popular comments

The Norris Nuts
The Norris Nuts - 6 years ago
Just trying to do the best thing for the #LEGENDS...
Devon Legg
Devon Legg - 6 years ago
If you are going to quit anything, keep doing YouTube and skateboarding and quit surfing.
By the way, I am American.
Estie Craft
Estie Craft - 6 years ago
Plzzzzzzzzzz don’t quit yt I look forward to getting a notification every week when you guys upload and getting to sit down and watch and get a break from my crazy day #LEGENDS
Kristina Yepremyan
Kristina Yepremyan - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts h
Heather's Stuff
Heather's Stuff - 6 years ago
Don't quit anything Sabre.

Try to make a balanced schedule
Ouro Gold
Ouro Gold - 6 years ago
Hello I have bone cancer and was diagnosed when I was six I’m almost 12 and in that time I have accomplished lots of things for example I have won four gold medals for road cycling so do what is best and I know what you feel believe me so many times have a gone in to do the same thing and everything will turn out ok
Ouro Gold
Ouro Gold - 6 years ago
When I was 6 I was diagnosed with bone cancer and I have won 4 gold metals on cycling and I want to say that you can do whatever your heart wants to do
Maggie Wallner
Maggie Wallner - 6 years ago
Okay I think you should take a break for the rest of the month and just focus on your family and on your sports you come first not the legends
Julie Matlock
Julie Matlock - 6 years ago
No!! We like to watch you because you motivate us with everything you do and we like to support you ❤️#norrisnuts
Keke Homer
Keke Homer - 6 years ago
Sophie Devlin
Sophie Devlin - 6 years ago
Pandora Blankenship
Pandora Blankenship - 6 years ago
Don't quit the Norris nuts
Pandora Blankenship
Pandora Blankenship - 6 years ago
Norris nuts
Kayla Vazuez
Kayla Vazuez - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts plz don't you did great in my heart you won 1st every day you are first ily plz don't leave I will cry
+Bohdah Hudash rude
Bohdah Hudash
Bohdah Hudash - 6 years ago
norris nuts i love you
Bohdah Hudash
Bohdah Hudash - 6 years ago
+Farah's Life you are so nice
Bohdah Hudash
Bohdah Hudash - 6 years ago
u can quit
no omg
Lynn Buckley
Lynn Buckley - 6 years ago
But you need to do you tube
Elizabeth Barrett
Elizabeth Barrett - 6 years ago
But quitting YouTube isn’t the best for us because we want you on YouTube.but you do want to win so it’s up to you to decide not us!
Ewan Wilson
Ewan Wilson - 6 years ago
We love you Sabre! Plz don't quit Youtube! We all love you! Except for the hater. But there aren't many hater. You're lucky!
Katie430 Xoxo
Katie430 Xoxo - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts if you feel like you need more time to skate maybe have a break from YouTube for a couple of months and then start again when you feel comfortable but do updates every now and then. I love watching you guys and don’t want you to quit love ya your biggest legend!! #catchmeknuckles
Orlaith Ivers
Orlaith Ivers - 6 years ago
I really love you all even disco he is so cute and I think don’t give up anything your too good all of you. sabre don’t givr up on your life love your channel
Kaitlyn Ky
Kaitlyn Ky - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts Sabre you should not quit YouTube you can take a break and then you can go back to YouTube
Icrazyfoxfox 1
Icrazyfoxfox 1 - 6 years ago
If sabre quits YouTube she technically will still be in it around the house.
I know you'll pick a good choice, Sabre
I love y'all, Best channel EVER!!!
Miss Evie
Miss Evie - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts I think you should quit you tube although I love you sooooo much but I hope one day I am watching the Olympics and I see you winning I will be sooo proud of you sabe I ❤️ u so much!!
Hello It’s me
Hello It’s me - 6 years ago
Freya Waters
Freya Waters - 6 years ago
DONT QUIT YouTube sable u are the best I love ur channel sooooooo much.
Cute Bunny13
Cute Bunny13 - 6 years ago
Sabre, we all love you and support you, so you can quit/take a break from YouTube to achieve your dreams! We'd rather see you succeed than quit a sport that you love. We'll be okay with whatever you choose!
Unicorns Love
Unicorns Love - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts if you know want the best thing for the legends don’t delete your YouTube
Arnold Chege
Arnold Chege - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts p
Amanda Junior
Amanda Junior - 6 years ago
Not yt
Peyton Skyler Singh
Peyton Skyler Singh - 6 years ago
I love Sabre but I just don’t want to quit YouTube
Asha Murphy
Asha Murphy - 6 years ago
Just do you Sabre whatever choice you make will always be the best choice #catchmeknuckles
Melinda Koh Shi Qi
Melinda Koh Shi Qi - 6 years ago
Don't quit pls!! I am ur biggest fan! Pls! Don't!
Clayton Collins
Clayton Collins - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts I love you don't be sad
Gorgeous Georgia
Gorgeous Georgia - 6 years ago
Fsmocdk - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts skate
Radia tahsin
Radia tahsin - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts brother
Corgi Bear
JK. VLOGS - 6 years ago
Your amazing!!
Niamh Mackinnon
Niamh Mackinnon - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts love u guys
Mimey Lavis
Mimey Lavis - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts you are the best!
Lizzie Fam Bam
Lizzie Fam Bam - 6 years ago
I think Sabre should stop YouTube for two years but the others should keep doing it and the next time we see will be at an 1 hour long video of your Olympic event and re introducing her. Also u could have a massive see ya later Sabre party.
Lotti Rose
Lotti Rose - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts Sabre what I do at night if I’m worried or scared about something I always write down all of them in a notebook and you just keep writing and writing and don’t read it back then you should feel better
Kelly Michael
Kelly Michael - 6 years ago
Please don't leave sabre focus but do some youtube too maybe after some hours of practising!Please!!!
Sam Dudley
Sam Dudley - 6 years ago
Hey i have arnold chairi malformation aswell which my brain has shifted backwards
Kelsey Dewis
Kelsey Dewis - 6 years ago
Its sockie XD
Kelsey Dewis
Kelsey Dewis - 6 years ago
+Shelby Kaup i couldn't have put that better
Kelsey Dewis
Kelsey Dewis - 6 years ago
Sabre you don't need to quit YouTube you're already soooo good at skating I'm sure you'll make the 2020 Olympics:)
Ayla Gill
Ayla Gill - 6 years ago
I think sabre should do focus on skateboarding and do any vlogs or videos as she can but do as much as she can on skateboarding and doctor stuff. ( please dont reply unless your reply is to me )
Isabella Eshraghi
Isabella Eshraghi - 6 years ago
And also that dress is so pretty on you with your beautiful eye COLOR!
Isabella Eshraghi
Isabella Eshraghi - 6 years ago
Please Fong quit Sab!!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to you every week!
yellow snake
yellow snake - 6 years ago
Don't quit the Legends Sabre also part of the team. Maybe spend a set a mount of time on each.
Sienna Lewis
Sienna Lewis - 6 years ago
Sabre, I would hate to see you quit YouTube but I would hate to see you waste your skateboarding skills for us #LEGENDS I think you should follow your heart and do what your passionate about. We will support your decision even though we would hate to see you go (-:
lots of love to you Sabre!
- Fellow legend, Sienna Lewis (-:
Sasha McRae
Sasha McRae - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts k
Erin Arnold
Erin Arnold - 6 years ago
Sabre, where do you want to be in 5 years and 10 years? Everyday, work towards that goal. If you want to be in the Olympics, have and Olympic gold, be a coach for others etc, then do now what will get you there later. If you feel you need to commit to something 100%, make your decision and do it. Don't mope around about it. Be confident and commit and tackle it!
Lan - 6 years ago
Sab, you need to focus on what you need to focus on. Be in the vlogs when you can, I’m sure Sockie, Biggie, and Naz can keep it up. What’s important to you should also be important to the fans. The Legends will support you no matter what.
Shaylee Selinger
Shaylee Selinger - 6 years ago
Saber should quit YouTube because she should follow her dreams! Good luck #Legends love you guys
MidgitOkami14 - 6 years ago
Dont quit anything you never should give up u can do it just give it time
Miss Poppy Rose
Miss Poppy Rose - 6 years ago
I think she should quit surfing
maygan wooden
maygan wooden - 6 years ago
Sabre shouldn't quit any of them she is very good at them without sabre it won't feel right when you make videos
Xoxo_little_cookie _xoxo
Xoxo_little_cookie _xoxo - 6 years ago
Xoxo_little_cookie _xoxo
Xoxo_little_cookie _xoxo - 6 years ago
yah. Sabe don't give up please don't the Norris Nuts would not be the Norris Nuts with out you Sabe your family needs you so do the Legends. But we are here for you the legends and I all of us are happy with whatever choice you want.
Val Bollwinkel
Val Bollwinkel - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts if anything you should quit surfing for a little while we do not want you to quit YouTube
Maggie Murray
Maggie Murray - 6 years ago
If you do quit YouTube I will always be a legend. #legend
Eva adventures
Eva adventures - 6 years ago
She should quit YouTube to stay happy, and follow her dream to getting gold, and her surfing passion, also I'm sure she will be on the vlogs sometimes, but I want her to be happy, and safe.(I think the other 3 Norris nuts should carry on vlogging, and keep sabre in the vlog only sometimes
It's Emma
It's Emma - 6 years ago
Do whatever feels right❤️
Luci Gowing
Luci Gowing - 6 years ago
Khlood Ahmeed
Khlood Ahmeed - 6 years ago
Whatever you decide to do remember we gonna be with you and we gonna support you and wish all of the best for you love you so much
Faith_11xox Xoxox
Faith_11xox Xoxox - 6 years ago
Plz I will do anything for u to stay on
Mary Hansen
Mary Hansen - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts pls don't quit your YouTube channel!!!
S54963 - 6 years ago
SABRE! I love you and your family SOOOO much! But, here's the thing.... I think you should quit surfing... you are amazing at it just like everything you do! But, I dont see you doing/practicing that often. And when you do win gold who will be there to watch you? You need the LEGENDS through support in your journey and DISCO is just starting his youtube adventure. <3 You can ALWAYS do surfing as a hobby and do it for fun maybe 1 competition a year or something. But to me it seems like you like skating better. So I think you would be happier working towards your dream with supporters by your side. I LOVE you and I know you'll make the right decision. ❤❤
LoX Kawaii!
LoX Kawaii! - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts don’t worry!! Just do what you need to do! You don’t need to post sooo much just post when you can! Xx
Jahceline Beaston
Jahceline Beaston - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts Hey saber me and you share a lot in common I have a 5 mm lesion in my brain I get 5 to 7 headaches today and it makes Milesian bigger good doctor say there is a 70% chance I will die when I turn 15 my 14th birthday is coming up but don’t be worried us #legends are here for you And support your decision no matter what whatever you decide we will support your decision no matter what
It's lily Lily
It's lily Lily - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts #norris nuts
Aileen 123
Aileen 123 - 6 years ago
You are
Emmy and Bree
Emmy and Bree - 6 years ago
The Norris Nuts do what your heart wants you to do I don’t want y’all to quiet YouTube but I would not be a legend if I said you need to quit one of the things you love!
ROBLOX_QUEEN ! - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit YouTube
kristen chreiman
kristen chreiman - 6 years ago
Just talking to someone u trust like a friend or family helps a lot in tough times like this I love the Norris nut and I would hate to see u go but it is up to u
Raina Rayan
Raina Rayan - 6 years ago
Sabre dont gave up your dream beacause of youtube follow your dreams will be okay don't worry like if u think she sould still follow her dreams
Maddieglitter23 - 6 years ago
You done so much and made it so far don't take away that away I hope this helps love u ❤️
Jeannine Whitley
Jeannine Whitley - 6 years ago
First of all, hugs for all you're going through. I really hope the tests come out wonderfully... I'm a pediatric nurse in the US and the fact that you made it this far without any issues is a great sign... I think if you really want gold for YOURSELF, then that is what you should concentrate on. We will support you and would love for you to win but you have to do it for you. I think your siblings should continue youtube and you can make appearances as time allows... but you won't be bogged down with having to record. And we can get periodic glimpses and updates. We'll miss you but the rest of the nuts can keep is updated. I don't think we can take it if the nuts stop altogether. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.” —Les Brown.
gwynne m
gwynne m - 6 years ago
no offense but you're definitely overthinking it
Kaely Harris
Kaely Harris - 6 years ago
I really think she should follow her dreams and do what ever she likes more because she’s really great at both love u guys

Cheyenne'z Vid'z
Cheyenne'z Vid'z - 6 years ago
Can Biggy be my fashion designer please???


Zy Mines
Zy Mines - 6 years ago
You shouldn't quite none your so cool at all of your skills exactly YouTube so don't quite YouTube
Galaxy Unicorn XD
Galaxy Unicorn XD - 6 years ago
Don't quit youtube!!¡!!!!!!! Ur making me sad
Karina Rodriguez
Karina Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Sophia Ettadlaoui
Sophia Ettadlaoui - 6 years ago
Lol look at there lips!!!! Ugly legends
Nevaeh Kirchner
Nevaeh Kirchner - 6 years ago
Hey saber please don't quit youtube
Bella Awesome
Bella Awesome - 6 years ago
Saber don’t quit YouTube.The Norris nuts need u stay on YouTube.
Saber:kind sweet and loving
Naz: Beautiful
Sockie:kind sweet and caring
Carla Estrella
Carla Estrella - 6 years ago
Shanie _thegymnast
Shanie _thegymnast - 6 years ago
Quit surfing
Emma Quintana
Emma Quintana - 6 years ago
Macy's World
Macy's World - 6 years ago
please don't quit youtube love your channel please give me a shout out i am subscribed


Gamer Cupcake My Role Plays Are Kinda Funny
Gamer Cupcake My Role Plays Are Kinda Funny - 6 years ago
Hey Sabre... My name is suprenna and im nine years old its ok if u get my name wrong everyone gets it wrong no biggy Haha anyways sabre you are a beautiful person whatever you do we #Legends will always be there for u guys Biggy your a Good boy your very smart and funny sockie you are a inspiring and pretty Nazzy u are a pretty princess and a loving sister and disco YOUR THE CUTEST THING EVER! I just love you guys and sabre do what's best for u
Gamer Ali intros & more
Gamer Ali intros & more - 6 years ago
Its okay becuse i got surgery if i brake my arm again so dont feel like your the only one that gets surgery
Creative Bri
Creative Bri - 6 years ago
pick the thing least love
Cheyanne Kimmel
Cheyanne Kimmel - 6 years ago
Sabre don't quit you are the best most smartest person ever don't let anything stop you
William Busch
William Busch - 6 years ago
SABER do what you want not want someone tells you to do
Surpremekadi - 6 years ago
I think surfing because YouTube and skating is the most important that you been focusing on
Maria and Sophia
Maria and Sophia - 6 years ago
You are better at


Dont worry Sabere pls don't quit anything neither skateboarding or youtube.We love u and will always support your decision!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Brooke Hamilton
Brooke Hamilton - 6 years ago
I would rather u quit YouTube than give up ur dream Sabre
#Legends #CatchMeKnuckles
Addison Wentz
Addison Wentz - 6 years ago
I was so devastated when I heard this news
Mackenzie Larsen
Mackenzie Larsen - 6 years ago
I'll mail u 20 $$$$$ if u don't quit


Bri & Kaylie
Bri & Kaylie - 6 years ago
It's okay do what you have to do even if you are happy or not do what's best just don't stress about it
Mackenzie Larsen
Mackenzie Larsen - 6 years ago
Sabre don't quit ur and awesome at youtube if u really put ur mind to it u can really do this sweetie
Rayne ASMR
Rayne ASMR - 6 years ago
That special pillow. Take ur anger out on a pillow. That's what I do. Here is how ,kick it ,punch it ,and scream ,and cry in it. It really helps trust me I have four siblings
Feather boa
Feather boa - 6 years ago
Sabre your health comes only have one that comes first....then gold...then you tube. You are putting a lot of pressure on yourself you have a long life ahead of you so slow down take a breathe and it will all fall into place the way it’s meant to xx
plushie style
plushie style - 6 years ago
I have a Answer to your question! It think your should Just do Youtube when you have time! YouTube Is not as important as following your dreams, I wanted to be an artist! I followed dreams, Now I draw dragons and crap! So I want you to know, Follow your heart, Dream BIG and get BIG! #LEGENDS #THEGOLDISYOURS!
Isabella Napoliello
Isabella Napoliello - 6 years ago
I think you should quit skateboarding
TheAmy1277 - 6 years ago
I like biggy is a fashion designer wow 1 like

Its me
Foxy Love
Foxy Love - 6 years ago
Noooooo sab
Derika Strange 40 (STUDENT)
Derika Strange 40 (STUDENT) - 6 years ago
Sabre don’t quit u don’t have to win gold just for the ledgens u have already done so many great things
Kendra Pegau
Kendra Pegau - 6 years ago
You are loved. I love watching your videos. Please follow your dreams
Jenova Wilson
Jenova Wilson - 6 years ago
#legends #catch me knuckles I love u so much your my favourite YouTuber i love sockie during the fire drill i yelled catchmenukles i got in trouble i would love to get a shout out
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
you make us smile
please don't quit
Dolls Are Rocking Here In The Usa
Dolls Are Rocking Here In The Usa - 6 years ago
Is biggy a boy or girl? I’m nine and have no clue
Karsyn Loveridge
Karsyn Loveridge - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit YouTube I you love u Sabre I know I’m American but I love seeing your videos all your videos everyone every single one if you do please just let her now I love her and the rest of u
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
dont quit please
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
dont quit
AshlynT.V. - 6 years ago
YouTube because we know your love us a lot but skate boarding and surfing makes you happier than anything
Brienna T
Brienna T - 6 years ago
You can always make skateboarding videos. You follow your heart; go with your gut! We love you!
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago


Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
Andrew Hazelton
Andrew Hazelton - 6 years ago
please don't quit
Tia CRAZY - 6 years ago
Sabre, If you really need to stop making videos for a while, it’s ok. If you only occasionally post, that’s ok. If you have to quit youtube it’s OK. If you want to pursue your dream and that requires you to quit youtube, it’s fine. Just remember, the legends love each other for their imperfections, not perfections. You just have to decide what is more important, us or your skating and surfing.
Eric Hoitsma
Eric Hoitsma - 6 years ago
i hope she gets better
Gabrielle Armstrong
Gabrielle Armstrong - 6 years ago
Sabre, choose which one makes you the happiest! Not the one that makes the most money or makes you most successful or that you feel pressured to do. Choose what you're passionate about and love! It is only your choice, doesn't matter what anyone thinks! Because at the end of the day, you want to do what you were created to do! Now, if you have a hard time decided, one day choose that you're only doing youtube and nothing else, then the next day go as if you quit youtube and are only skateboarding, by the end of the day you will know which one you really want!
Tiffani Mcvicker
Tiffani Mcvicker - 6 years ago
Sabre you should definitely focus on skateboarding but dont quit youtube sockie biggy and naz can do part of the video and you can show us you practicing new stuff for skateboarding. I would love to see you skateboard more you are sooo good at it. #catchmeknuckles #LEGENDS
AcroTumbler110 - 6 years ago
Also Im really sad becasue i have been really wanting a shout out but every time other people get one im still happy for them
Sydnie Johnson
Sydnie Johnson - 6 years ago
what's best for us legends, We support whatever you choose
AcroTumbler110 - 6 years ago
please dont quit youtube im fine with waiting all of us legends want to watch you we all love you please dont be sad
Eric Hoitsma
Eric Hoitsma - 6 years ago
im brand new dont quit you tube
Angel Twins
Angel Twins - 6 years ago
Please dont quit youtube please no you guys have helped so much
Ewan Ward
Ewan Ward - 6 years ago
Sabre look.if u quit YouTube no more videos and you will let the legends down i think.u should quit.nothing pls every One will miss u
Avery Spruill
Avery Spruill - 6 years ago
Sabre I think you should do whatever your heart desires. If you feel like quitting youtube then you should do whatever feels right, because whatever is better for you makes me happier
llamakinz - 6 years ago
quit YouTube
Jenessa Duffy
Jenessa Duffy - 6 years ago
Hii Sabre the Norris Nuts, and the random person going through the comments.
First I want to say that Sabre, Biggie, Naz, Sockie you all are the best. You are so kind hearted and sweet. Oh I forgot Disco! It is so heart warming to see the siblings come together and be kind to each other. Next, I really hope that you guys dont leave I love you guys so much! But do what you feel is best for you bc thats what matters most. I love how passionate you are about your hobbies and how you want to bring them to the next level. You guys dont understand hiw much I love you. I wait everyday to see a new video. I will always keep supporting you as long as I can. Please notice this comment Norris Nuts. I love you all so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
claire harkin
claire harkin - 6 years ago
Saber please don’t quit YouTube you are my favourite young inspiration you are so kind hearted and beautiful and you always turn a bad situation into a good one like your decease that you have your so brave pretty and you have the most crazy kind siblings that keep you happy during this tough time I love all four of you soooo much #legend #catchmeknuckles
I'm stupid but
I'm stupid but - 6 years ago
Sabre do whatever u feel is best Ur great at them all But If U really need to stop doing one Just do what ur heart is telling u to do
blossom cutie
blossom cutie - 6 years ago
Raina B
Raina B - 6 years ago
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sabre please don't, keep going your a legend you can do it keep trying, we will all help you we love you. I don't want to stop you from your skateboarding life so full fill your dream and don't let youtube stop you, but know were all here for you and your desition.
Grier Riffle
Grier Riffle - 6 years ago
Follow your heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Grier Riffle
Grier Riffle - 6 years ago
But it would make me miss watching you you are one of my favorite yourubers
Grier Riffle
Grier Riffle - 6 years ago
Oh Sabre it is ok you will be great we will respect whatever you choose to do we love your channel
Sasa P
Sasa P - 6 years ago
Sabre please please don't quit YouTube for good just don't do YouTube when you can't and if you really want to achieve your goal which i think you can do because you are awesome just pop in in the occasional video for now and focus on your goal and Naz Biggy Sockie and Disco please don't quit even if Sabre has to only do YouTube some times I love love love the Norris nuts and I really dont want you to quit and by the way you guys are all growing up so fast and i am the same age a Sockie #Legends #catchmeknucles
Alyssa Baugher
Alyssa Baugher - 6 years ago
Don’t quit we would u and ur siblings so so so much we love u and the Norris nuts
Arthesa Drake
Arthesa Drake - 6 years ago
You want to win gold for the legends but without YouTube there are no legends! You don’t have to be the best at anything for us to love you. You should do what makes your heart happiest. YouTube will not affect your physical health but it may not satisfy you as much as skateboarding or surfing. Do what is best for Sabre :) xxoo #legends
lucy titus
lucy titus - 6 years ago
Dont quit anything!
Lylian Anderson
Lylian Anderson - 6 years ago
No don't quit
faith jackson
faith jackson - 6 years ago
do what is best for you
Life Vlogs
Life Vlogs - 6 years ago
Sabre do whatever makes YOU happy just know we love you
Neely D
Neely D - 6 years ago
Sabre no matter what you do or decide to do us legends will support you I ❤️ you guys
My Tennis Lifestyle
My Tennis Lifestyle - 6 years ago
The kids are so spoiled you always get whatever you want!!! And sabers so needy, she asks for so much fricking stuff
ben rodgers
ben rodgers - 6 years ago
Hi Sabre. This is what I would Do- You tube once a month till the Olympic games. Have it as a 1 month highlight reel of you and your family even if you dont get involved :-) That will keep all us fans happy and be manageable.
Second- Skateboard and travel different board parks as often as you can it will help you get better (You already rip incredible:-). Keep Surfing, even if you need to cut right back. It will always make you happy. :-)
Three- If you feel upset and angry at times, Slap Biggy around the house (body slam him if you have too). It will make you feel better and toughen him up. (Win-Win) Sorry Biggy, You will thank her later on :-)
Four- Never forget how much you have inspired people already and made people feel happy. Life is your blank canvass, Create a masterpiece and on your own terms. You wont always make the right decision, Thats what makes life so beautiful.

Love the the whole show- Absolute Rock Stars including Mum and Dad. :-)
Maddison Manuel
Maddison Manuel - 6 years ago
My heart is broken! I can't believe sabre even considered to quit!!!!
Juliana Chacon
Juliana Chacon - 6 years ago
I'm just so sorry about your diagnosis Sabre, I wish we could talk ... I would tell you that I've always had a dream of beeing an Olympic medalist, but when I was 18 I had some pains and was diagnosed with a chronic disease that made me stop all that I was doing, but now 6 years later I see that all of that had to happen to me to be who I am now. You're so lucky to have such a loving family, really cherish that, praying for you girl. X. O. X. O.
AVERY MURDOCH - 6 years ago
please don't quit anything!!!!!!!!!!!
Madelyn Squishes and Beach
Madelyn Squishes and Beach - 6 years ago
Just follow your dreams
Heran Amanuel Kidane
Heran Amanuel Kidane - 6 years ago
No Sabre just quit surfing because u barely do that
Sarah Eckerson
Sarah Eckerson - 6 years ago
To the people who are saying she's selfish for wanting to go away from Youtube?? WTF??THEY ARE KIDS. LET THEM BE KIDS. Let Sabre do what she's really passionate about and what could change her life. People on here are just so terrible sometimes. This is their life and yes, they choose to share it with the world, but it's they're life and they're kids. They should be doing whatever is best for their family. And that's the end of it.
Theunicorntabsplays - 6 years ago
Please sabre dont quit youtube remember where the legend and you guys are the golden legend and i love you guys so much i cried when i heard this please dont quit youtube i will miss you sabre your the best sister for your siblings you are beautiful love you sabre so much please dont quit ☹️☹️☹️
Victoria Lopez
Victoria Lopez - 6 years ago
You should quit surfboarding you don't do that as often not that you should stop it forever but you can still do it but just take some time off at least one activity which is surfboarding so you can get at least a couple more hours or just do what you need to do, don't worry
Heydy Galindo
Heydy Galindo - 6 years ago
Don't quit anything !!!!!!! Plz keep making videos,surf and skateboarding!!!
Ouro Gold
Ouro Gold - 6 years ago
Look I just want to say that you can achieve your goals for example when I was 6 I was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma or bone cancer besides that almost 6 years later I’m still going strong an I have 4 gold medals in the national cycling championship for my age group I hope this inspires someone
Ouro Gold
Ouro Gold - 6 years ago
I hope you read my story
Life with Brylee B
Life with Brylee B - 6 years ago
If Sabre is trying to win gold medal than post one video ever to week or ever two weeks
Slime Kids
Slime Kids - 6 years ago
I love you , the Norris nuts , mama ,papa, and baby disco
Sarah Eckerson
Sarah Eckerson - 6 years ago
Do whatever makes you happiest. Whatever would be least stressful for you. Don't do anything to please other people- do it to please yourself!! Xx
Kylie Nunes
Kylie Nunes - 6 years ago
Saber follow your heart and don,t let eanybody get in the way of that
Serene Hamzeh
Serene Hamzeh - 6 years ago
Sabre you just do whats best for you. If you do quit we will be heart broken but we'll know its for the best for you. I hope you don't quit because you make us all so happy and your amazing so ya.
Slime Kids
Slime Kids - 6 years ago
Don’t quit YouTube your so awesome you need to show the world. You are a beautiful young woman. No matter what you decide I will always be a legend. #legend
Arianna Hill
Arianna Hill - 6 years ago
Maybe you do videos of you practicing


DaKittyCatkylee - 6 years ago
Eli Mueller
Eli Mueller - 6 years ago
Saber plz don't quit please you all ways make me really happy
Cristy the cat
Cristy the cat - 6 years ago
Skateboarding live your dream be happy we still love you
Alanah Ross
Alanah Ross - 6 years ago
No don’t quit
Taylor Dockery
Taylor Dockery - 6 years ago
Plzzzzz don't quit YouTube. You make everyone happy n you complete the Norris nuts. It wouldn't be the same we LOVE U SABRE!!!! #legends
Bri Vermillion
Bri Vermillion - 6 years ago
I don't know why ur stressing about this ur good at both
Alexis Murtagh
Alexis Murtagh - 6 years ago
surfing comps if you really need to choose. I do a lot of sports too. It is very hard, but I love it! I wouldn't have it any other way. I love to surf and skateboard, but I would choose to not to do surfing comps because I would still be able to surf for fun.
kenz cobaugh
kenz cobaugh - 6 years ago
Saber please don't quit YouTube I love you guys l would cry if you do #cathmeknukles #lenged
Heatherł Purves
Heatherł Purves - 6 years ago
Being an Olympian is a real goal and very admirable! it's amazing that you are willing to give up something you love (youtube) to achieve this goal. Do what you feel you must do! Take a break from youtube... it's not like you can't go back to it! But the olympics may only come once in your life - youtube will still be there when and if you have the time! Everyone is so proud of you Sabre! Be happy and do what you want!
amy smith
amy smith - 6 years ago
quit youtube but be on some of the vids
It's Z And Me!
It's Z And Me! - 6 years ago
Take a break from YouTube for a few weeks. Take as long as you need. We love you guys so much.
Isla Malone
Isla Malone - 6 years ago
Socki you are so kind and outgoing and its amazing i wish i could be more like you! :)
Sebastian Hunter
Sebastian Hunter - 6 years ago
You guys are my favorite
Jewels Corner
Jewels Corner - 6 years ago
It ok Sabre and u guys can take a break
Noelle Sinno
Noelle Sinno - 6 years ago
Do a skateboard and surfing Chanel so you don’t have to quit anything
Capri Hales
Capri Hales - 6 years ago
I love you so much
kitty queen
kitty queen - 6 years ago
you all are sooooooo good at youtube and sabre do not quit youtube because i love u all so much :)
scilz kidz
scilz kidz - 6 years ago
Why do you cry in almost every video
Sophia Cat lover
Sophia Cat lover - 6 years ago
Sabre I personally think that you don’t need to post often. I still would love to see you the other Norris Nuts. Do whatever you think is best for you and your family.
Anastasia Grischenko
Anastasia Grischenko - 6 years ago
Sabre we don’t care if you lose we love you and please don’t delete your channel I’ll me so sad
magaline307 \loverofsims4
magaline307 \loverofsims4 - 6 years ago
Plz stay on youtube!
unicornfan 01
unicornfan 01 - 6 years ago
kitty queen
kitty queen - 6 years ago
Tamieka Abbott
Tamieka Abbott - 6 years ago
i also have chiari malformation as well and ii understand u with all the appoements its crazy
jevon groth
jevon groth - 6 years ago
no one will stop you from fulfiling your dreams and I hope all of you doctor appointments go well. you need to stop be so hard on yourself #australianlegends
Krissy Mcclure
Krissy Mcclure - 6 years ago
dont quit please sabre i love you #legendforlife
slime world
slime world - 6 years ago
Aubrey Cook
Aubrey Cook - 6 years ago
No way
Gymnastics Best friends Ximena and malia
Gymnastics Best friends Ximena and malia - 6 years ago
SABRE PLEASE SEE THIS!!!! We really don’t want you guys to quit YouTube but it’s your choice and we support you but maybe after the Olympics you can come back on YouTube!! Please like this so Sabre can see
B F F - 6 years ago
I think you should go for your Dreams
Anthony Reaves
Anthony Reaves - 6 years ago
Surfing and don’t quit YouTube
Joshua The Gamer
Joshua The Gamer - 6 years ago
Sabre, do what makes you happy. If you like skateboarding do that.
PeyPey the Podcaster
PeyPey the Podcaster - 6 years ago
Tamieka Abbott
Tamieka Abbott - 6 years ago
if u have to quit something i would chose surfing but do what ur hearts says love u xx
Scarlett Purdie
Scarlett Purdie - 6 years ago
Sabre the whole legend army is behind you no matter what your decision may be ❤️
Audrey Lanteigne
Audrey Lanteigne - 6 years ago
Please stay on YouTube! If you quit, please let the rest of your family continue
Justin N Jennifer Miller
Justin N Jennifer Miller - 6 years ago
and how old is Naz??
Nyny Williams
Nyny Williams - 6 years ago
She sould follow her heart and do what she wants
Justin N Jennifer Miller
Justin N Jennifer Miller - 6 years ago
she should just take a break from YT like itsfunneh did and itsfunneh took a break for 2 years
Shyann Yates
Shyann Yates - 6 years ago
You should not quit you should let Biggy Naz and Socky do the YouTube do you can practice for the X-games love you guys :-)
Karategirl Lovespandas West
Karategirl Lovespandas West - 6 years ago
I loved when biggy said I'm so good at faasshhiioonn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EmeraldFox Wilson
EmeraldFox Wilson - 6 years ago
I just want to say Sabre I don't care if you quit YouTube of course I don't want you to but if you really do the Legends aren't going to be mad at you we want the best for you and if you do end up quitting YouTube all I want to say is that I wish you so much luck with what you love to do. #Legends #catchmeknuckles
Magdalene M2021
Magdalene M2021 - 6 years ago
Sabre please listen if you feel like you need to quit YouTube to fullfill your dream then no one is going to stop you
Yasma Demarte
Yasma Demarte - 6 years ago
Ok Sabre listen to me please: Keep skateboarding and surfing! I mean, your goal is to win the gold in the olympics and this means you need to train more. This does NOT mean you cant be in the videos still. You can always be trainimg and all that but why not show up in the videos still? I really hope you see this and think its a good idea and I love you guys so much xoxo
Ainsley's Vlogs
Ainsley's Vlogs - 6 years ago
You know I don't want you to quit but if it is to do your dream than do it you only live once you know
Sabre, please please please dont quit youtube! you are a real friendly warm person (even though i haven't met you) maybe you could quit surfing? but not youtube :)
Maxine Mayfield
Maxine Mayfield - 6 years ago
11:27 look at sabre
Deja Robinson
Deja Robinson - 6 years ago
Jakky Is Cringey
Jakky Is Cringey - 6 years ago
Aww don’t quit anything
Ainsley's Vlogs
Ainsley's Vlogs - 6 years ago
Don't dance in the elevator remember you left your sister
Anna Roadman
Anna Roadman - 6 years ago
katero2002 lineham
katero2002 lineham - 6 years ago
use your condition as an advantage. like me you are hard on yourself and when your to hard on yourself you eventually stop enjoying the sport you love. the legends, your siblings and parents and I are here for you and like we have all said we don't mind if you get second or third or not on the podium we just want to see you happy and you will have a chance at gold and I know it.
RobloxWithKK !!!
RobloxWithKK !!! - 6 years ago
Sabre dont quit youtube I want you to follow your dream and you might be good at surfing but your better at skateboarding and your fans love you dont leave us
Payton Annecco
Payton Annecco - 6 years ago
You know not only Nazzy is beautiful you all are
Lesey Allen
Lesey Allen - 6 years ago
Everyone can hate on me all they want, but if I’m gonna have to be the first one to say it, so be it.
Okay, taking out your anger and depression on your sweet sibling just is not right. They are the sweetest things in the world and they feel every bit of your pain as if it’s their own. Heck, they will quit the YouTube channel (that is 75% theirs by he way) just so you can get your training in.
Second thing, at thirteen years old, a silver medal is amazing. Most people twice your age can’t even get into the qualifiers. Be more grateful! You have two more years to train for the 2020 Olympics. And if you don’t make that, the Olympics happen every four years. And you would quit at the height of your channel. Make your siblings ditch it too. Just so you can focus on one of the main reasons that you have so many fans. The worst part is, you say you’re doing it for your fans. Sure. Quitting the channel that makes your fans happy is good for them. Why would you represent us in the Olympics if you just completely abandoned the reason that there are so many people supporting you. After a long day of school, I’ll watch your videos and instantly feel better. And I promise you that I’m not the only one. You can get in plenty of training while remaining on YouTube. Just post less, train more, leave it to your siblings. I don’t know, you’re a smart kid, figure it out. And you still blame it on your medical condition. No sister, this is all on you. Own up to it, accept it, and boom you’re halfway there.
Ok, now hate on me all you want, I’ll stand my ground.

Edit: just watched your fishy video (thanks for leaving us on a cliffhanger there) The #LEDGENDS saved your fish. And days later, you repay us by quitting the channel that sparked us to save your fish in he first place. Nice one guys.
Carla Franco
Carla Franco - 6 years ago
Gosh I agree! Comes of very spoiled and its disappointing to be honest!
Lewis Kemp
Lewis Kemp - 6 years ago
Tasha Thrasher
Tasha Thrasher - 6 years ago
I love you all I don't whnt you 2 cwet
Livylou OCWC
Livylou OCWC - 6 years ago
I feel she should quit surfing
Lewis Kemp
Lewis Kemp - 6 years ago
Caitlyn Hough
Caitlyn Hough - 6 years ago
Saber PLEASE DON'T QUIT!!!!!!!!!
Maddison Mero
Maddison Mero - 6 years ago
What does reckon mean? I'm from the USA so I don't know
Maddie plays
Maddie plays - 6 years ago
blue gotcha family
blue gotcha family - 6 years ago
Do what you love
Slime Sparkles
Slime Sparkles - 6 years ago
Don’t quit just take a break
Nick Simmons
Nick Simmons - 6 years ago
Sabre please don’t quit your great your ledgands understand
Bella Richard
Bella Richard - 6 years ago
Maybe y’all can only most once a week so y’all won’t have to film a lot and Sabre still has time for skateboarding and so you don’t have to quite anything
Skylar Janecka
Skylar Janecka - 6 years ago
dont quit anything
Kadence Smith
Kadence Smith - 6 years ago
I know how hard it is to quit but I think u should say quits on....... skate boarding
Theater Kid
Theater Kid - 6 years ago
HI guys!! I think that Sabre should follow her heart. I think that Biggie, Sockie, and Naz could still have a youtube channel, if Sabre is okay with it. She can still be included, just not as much!! Do what you guys want though. If you stop making videos, I will really miss you!!! #LEGENDS for life :)
Laura Santa Maria
Laura Santa Maria - 6 years ago
All u gotta do is believe
Ebony Davis
Ebony Davis - 6 years ago
Sabre we all love u and u quit surfing WE NEED U WE ALL U
Bugs Classified
Bugs Classified - 6 years ago
Yes she should quit everything in the title. But Sockie, Naz, Biggy and Disco should not.
JHA Beasties for life
JHA Beasties for life - 6 years ago
I think u shouldn't quit but u could take some time off you tube if that's a week or even a month and u can think about how amazing u r and if. u really want you tube and skateboarding maybe wake up a hour earlier and do a video we don't care what u do or how good it is we just want u I'm not trying to say I don't want u on you tube I'm trying to help u make a decision I had the similar situation with basketball I had time off and it really helped me oh and maybe have a week off skating too it's just an idea remember u r an amazing person and everyone who has even just been told ur name loves how motivated in everything u do! can I please have a shout out
אורלי סיימן
אורלי סיימן - 6 years ago
We love you don't quit
lyla land
lyla land - 6 years ago
No you are my favorite
Katie Anne
Katie Anne - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit YouTube it would make my life a misery
Mia Kent
Mia Kent - 6 years ago
Today at my school was chiari malformation awareness day
Ingrid Mansfield
Ingrid Mansfield - 6 years ago
i don't want you to quit YouTube but you got to follow your dreams so whatever you decide i'm behind you
India Byron
India Byron - 6 years ago
You guys sure love fruit loop‘s like if you agree
Mirek Wlodarz
Mirek Wlodarz - 6 years ago
I say quit YouTube
Laila Stuckey
Laila Stuckey - 6 years ago
#legends Sabre we want u to stay on YouTube but if u really want to then u can quit to achieve your dream we will all be watching u at the olympics!!!<3
Hannah R
Hannah R - 6 years ago
Persanolly your favourite is skating and us legends and I know you love surfing but its not your true passion so please do what your heart says #legends
Jeanette Grønlien Storhaug
Jeanette Grønlien Storhaug - 6 years ago
What if it Sabre was sommetimes in the videos, but close to races not. And not to forget Sockie. She wasn`t in the x-games this year, but she skates and is REALLY good too.
Maybe you could kinda share the time. Sometimes it is Biggie and Naz, sometimes Sabre and Sockie, sometimes all of you?
hill fam hill
hill fam hill - 6 years ago
hi Audrey Jordan
Audrey Jordan
Audrey Jordan - 6 years ago
What you do is breath and don’t quit YouTube!
Indianna Vuletich
Indianna Vuletich - 6 years ago
Sockie is gorgeous
Rylee Hurley
Rylee Hurley - 6 years ago
Stephany Oneill
Stephany Oneill - 6 years ago
YouTube is the last thing you should think about honey go chase your dreams !!!
DOG MOM LIFE bella bruno bear
DOG MOM LIFE bella bruno bear - 6 years ago
Surfing you never go
Sophie O'Niel
Sophie O'Niel - 6 years ago
Sabre you are so beautiful
Margo Karadsheh
Margo Karadsheh - 6 years ago
Ann carsyn freky Cowart
Ann carsyn freky Cowart - 6 years ago
I will be a forever legend and if you quit it is not a bad thing.I promise you just do what your heart feels like you should it will all be OK. From your favorite legend ❤️❤️❤️
alana westman
alana westman - 6 years ago
Sabre I think you should go for the skateboarding.a chance like that is once in a lifetime and you can't throw it away you can always come back to YouTube after .you guys shouldn't quit YouTube tho just because sabre isn't going to be in the videos it doesn't mean you have to stop making them .sabre could always appear in some of the videos when she isn't busy xx hope this helps u guys ly x
Val Med
Val Med - 6 years ago
Pink Banana's
Pink Banana's - 6 years ago
Do what your heart says
Naomi Arias
Naomi Arias - 6 years ago
Sabre don’t quit anything your are good at everything!!!!!
Joanna Mitchell
Joanna Mitchell - 6 years ago
Biggie did you curse?????
Maizie Pelc
Maizie Pelc - 6 years ago
it isnt the dress that makes you beautiful its your great personality
Celina Hernandez
Celina Hernandez - 6 years ago
Hi I'm a huge fan and I hope u the best of luck of what u chose I just want to say that if u quit YouTube,yeah sure we'll be sad but when your done with skate boarding you promise to come back to youtube if you quit oh and by the way great fashion choice Biggy
musicmystery14 - 6 years ago
naz looks so much like their mum!!!
Jeremiah Moyer
Jeremiah Moyer - 6 years ago
Think that you could make another YouTube channel where you skate and for the people or the Norse nuts and keep the Norse nuts YouTube channel
Tania Lee
Tania Lee - 6 years ago
You decide what you want to do its heart but if i could choose i would say quit surfing because skateboardings your favourite sport and if you quit yputube i will be depressed and not talk at all whatever happens
Jaelyn Trevino
Jaelyn Trevino - 6 years ago
we support you saber its ok to do all of them we wont be upset or forget you
Brooke Elston
Brooke Elston - 6 years ago
Do what you love Sabre!!!
ObeyKay MSP
ObeyKay MSP - 6 years ago
Dont quit at all sabre your loved
IFAM FOREVER - 6 years ago
She should quit youtube
WonkestTomcat9 - 6 years ago
What do y’all use to edit?
Aoife o leary
Aoife o leary - 6 years ago
In my opinion I think sabre we love you so so so much.but if that's what you want to do then do it but the rest of the Norris nuts please please keep up YouTube. I was crying when I saw the thumbnail. Please keep it up
Angelina Varner
Angelina Varner - 6 years ago
Don't fell bad about your apontmint because here soon I half to go get a check up to see if my hairt is ok becouse I have 2 wholes in my heart and if it goes bad I might need open heart surgery
Sophie O'Niel
Sophie O'Niel - 6 years ago
sabre don't quit YouTube you should quit surfing.      We the #LEGENDS do not care if you get gold we just want you , and all the Norris nuts.I advise you to do what your heart tells you, don't let anything get in your. way you are perfect just the way you are,      the wises thing to quit is surfing. But like I said do what your heart tells you.
Jaelyn Trevino
Jaelyn Trevino - 6 years ago
K T - 6 years ago
aww Sabre, you are perfect the way you are! The little ones can run the channel and you can focus on skateboarding, but you also can’t quit surfing because that’s how you got famous, “if I win, I’ll buy donuts!” Sabre everything will work out.
Johnquarius Watts
Johnquarius Watts - 6 years ago
All of you are so handsome for biggy and cute as a princess for sockie nazzy and sabre
Marsadie Goebel
Marsadie Goebel - 6 years ago
Andy plays Roblox
Andy plays Roblox - 6 years ago
Please quit u always overreact

Jk I love ur channel
Alfie Anderson
Alfie Anderson - 6 years ago
kate parker
kate parker - 6 years ago
SABRE NO don't quit youtube!! You always mention that legends aren't perfect. And if you don't get gold in the Olympics we all still love you an support you!!! Everyone should agree! You are perfect the way you are and nobody can change that
Crafty TwinsTV
Crafty TwinsTV - 6 years ago
Y'all r soooooooooooo over dramatic
Sarah Barnard
Sarah Barnard - 6 years ago
My opinion is quit surfing stay on YouTube and do skateboarding
Genesis Gingles
Genesis Gingles - 6 years ago
Sabre, it takes a lot to give up something you love but it takes even more to have the strength to know you need to in the first place. Your happiness comes first at the end of the day and all of the legends will truly understand and support you all the way. You don’t always win by being first girlie, you win just by trying. Thank you Norris Nuts for your happiness and positivity and for showing how important family is❤️
Sky Gabrielle
Sky Gabrielle - 6 years ago
Love you guys❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Summah McPherson
Summah McPherson - 6 years ago
Dont worry about anything sabre you are perfectly inperfect
Sarah Barnard
Sarah Barnard - 6 years ago
Saber listen to me do not quit YouTube we need you. You said whatever is best for the legends and that is staying on YouTube and not quitting do not be mad at yourself because silver is really good just please don’t quit anything and if you quit you can’t get to gold just please don’t quit
Dawn Dillingham
Dawn Dillingham - 6 years ago
Saber don’t be sad just be happy you don’t have to quit YouTube anyway love you biggy
Boots&Leos More
Boots&Leos More - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit YouTube!!!
Rachelle Barone
Rachelle Barone - 6 years ago
Stop YouTube for a little bit your siblings can take over and you go chase your dreams of winning a gold medal don't ever ever let something as small as YouTube take over something as big as chasing a lifelong dream trust me YouTube will always be here.
Ayla Grace
Ayla Grace - 6 years ago
Sabre, do whatever your heart desires. YOU SHOULD NOT BE WINNING GOLD METAL IN OLYMPICS FOR THE LEGENDS!?!!! YOU SHOULD BE DOING IT FOR YOURSELF!. Because you love boarding! Not because you want to prove to anyone else that you can, but to do it for fun and show the world that you like it and that you have an everlasting passion! Please Sabre, do what you love most, even if that means you have to quit skateboarding, surfing, or youtube. Do what's best for YOU, and your FAMILY! I LOVE YOU GUYS! AND PLEASE, #LEGENDS DONT PUT TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON SABRE NORRIS. PLEASE TELL HER THAT IT IS HER DECISION.
Grape Moon
Grape Moon - 6 years ago
I subscribe I just want to say if you quit YouTube I’ll still be proud of you
Lillian McEvoy
Lillian McEvoy - 6 years ago
Lucy ds life Lucyd
Lucy ds life Lucyd - 6 years ago
No pls pls don’t quit!!! You post enough pls don’t leave !
Richard Farrar
Richard Farrar - 6 years ago
Follow your dream and the rest will follow @the Norris nuts
Gunnarsen love
Gunnarsen love - 6 years ago
Sabre you should quit surfing cause you can't do surfing every single day and for YouTube you should make out days for all the vlogs and that would make the olympics. Training better and easier for you .
Kellie P
Kellie P - 6 years ago
Follow ur dreams
Judy B
Judy B - 6 years ago
If it comes down to it i say quit Youtube, since youtube will always be there in some sense, however you only have so much time to get a gold medal
KayFilms Rblx
KayFilms Rblx - 6 years ago
Sabre u can do what you need.
A Google user
A Google user - 6 years ago
11:26 look a eyes
Candy Girl
Candy Girl - 6 years ago
saber you don't need to win for us you've already one my hart by being you! <3
Sydni Martens
Sydni Martens - 6 years ago
#legends if you quit YouTube I'll be sad I love you guys
Amber Pitts
Amber Pitts - 6 years ago
sabre we are all here for you do what u need to do
Gabriella Koglmeier
Gabriella Koglmeier - 6 years ago
Sabre fo what ever you want or your heart desires
A Google user
A Google user - 6 years ago
scarlettvlog zz
scarlettvlog zz - 6 years ago
Not to be rude or anything but it sounds like Sabre is blaming things on us. Is not our fault that she didn’t get gold. She should be proud that she got silver
Sarahi Fdez
Sarahi Fdez - 6 years ago
Plz don't leave YouTube we need you are our family
Ellen Plays
Ellen Plays - 6 years ago
I hate to see you like this saber, I love you #legends
A Google user
A Google user - 6 years ago
A Google user
A Google user - 6 years ago
come on dont quit sub to the norris nuts so she cant quit
Singing Queen
Singing Queen - 6 years ago
But I would love you to stay on YouTube please
Singing Queen
Singing Queen - 6 years ago
Sabre I love you so much and I only want what’s best for you and your siblings ❤️
Chane Toda
Chane Toda - 6 years ago
Like what everyone else said she should not quit anything because she the best at everything.
Ariana James
Ariana James - 6 years ago
hettie bree
hettie bree - 6 years ago
I think you should quit your place in the videos as you have amazing hobbies and you could be on YouTube all the time in the back ground xxxx I love you sm ❤️❤️
Shannon Bullen
Shannon Bullen - 6 years ago
Karlee Doty
Karlee Doty - 6 years ago
Sacrifice us we won't mind if you get your dream
its val cutie
its val cutie - 6 years ago
Sabre its ok and u can take time off of yt
nicky Burrell
nicky Burrell - 6 years ago
Emma Fearnside
Emma Fearnside - 6 years ago
Sabre. I think you should quit youtube! You worked so hard to get to where you are in surfing and skateboarding. Youtube is all ways here to come back to. I don’t want you to put all your hard work that you’ve put into getting where you are in surfing, to waste. You are getting so far with skateboarding and you have a great chance of winning gold at the olympics. Your dreams are more important to us than watching you on YouTube ! We are all here to support you ! Don’t give up!!!!!
Sarah's Life 101
Sarah's Life 101 - 6 years ago
I don't want to be mean, but I think she should quit surfing
Felicity Queen
Felicity Queen - 6 years ago
Surfing Idk
Kyla Pillion
Kyla Pillion - 6 years ago
I can't see Sabre being 15 years old! Like if you can't either
Livvy Dancer
Livvy Dancer - 6 years ago
youtube. she needs to follow her surfing dream
Sophie Gill
Sophie Gill - 6 years ago
Maybe Sabre quits the Norris nut channel then if she has any free time she can go do a video on her own channel and then the other kids have their own channel and do their own videos
caitlyn playz
caitlyn playz - 6 years ago
Its ok sabre dont worry whatever you choose the legends will support you no matter what and so will biggy sockie naz and disco ilysm
Punkt Terror
Punkt Terror - 6 years ago
Quit youtube and follow your dreams! You will find the time for youtube sabre
Good luck! Love you <3 #LEGENDS
Kyla Pillion
Kyla Pillion - 6 years ago
7:03 Disco looks exactly like the baby on the box!! O MY GOSH!!
Kenzie Vlogs
Kenzie Vlogs - 6 years ago
Sabre please don’t quit YouTube you are truely my inspiration # legend
Sinead McBrine
Sinead McBrine - 6 years ago
I think she should not quit anything she’s amazing at everything and the Norris nuts don’t quit anything just write out a schedule and just take breaks when everything is over take like 2weeks break
Cassie Davis
Cassie Davis - 6 years ago
Oh no
queen_lindsay yass
queen_lindsay yass - 6 years ago
Surfing she should quit surfing
Madalaine Whitcombe
Madalaine Whitcombe - 6 years ago
And I hope u get better soon
Aqua Marine
Aqua Marine - 6 years ago
Quit surfing
Zamorah Banks
Zamorah Banks - 6 years ago
My sis thinks biggie is a girl
Fantastic Unicornz
Fantastic Unicornz - 6 years ago
John Hole
John Hole - 6 years ago
Renata Muliqi
Renata Muliqi - 6 years ago
Kyla Pillion
Kyla Pillion - 6 years ago
4:31-32 I didn't even know Naz was there until she started talking! haha
Madalaine Whitcombe
Madalaine Whitcombe - 6 years ago
I fully understand if you need to take a break and follow your dreams then do it
Widowmaker Overwatch
Widowmaker Overwatch - 6 years ago
Aurora's World
Aurora's World - 6 years ago
DEAR : SABRE hello l am aurora l am 10 year old that lives in america . l watch you all the time you are the best youtubers that l have seen ! your vids make me happy even when l am sad! when l was younger l was shy but when l watch you guys l am not shy l am brave ! sabre l am going thought alot too . my doctor just saw that something is wrong with me :( said that l need surgrey ! which l am scared for . they all so said if they do it wrong that they have too do a full surgrey and if that goes wrong l am may going to die l am nervous, scared , worried PRAYERS . sabre l don't want you to quit But it is your live not yours . but l would love that you would stay ! FROM : AURORA 4 :50 9/ 19 /18
Claire Diss
Claire Diss - 6 years ago
Hey Sabre,
Us legends understand u want to win gold at the Olympics in 2020! Keep putting 100 percent on that. I would like you guys to keep this channel, but it's ok if your training in some vlogs. Maybe every fortnight or so, do like a mini update on how your going. And please remember to relax! Lots of love, and keep up the good work. It will pay off in the future! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Cheerfroggie25 - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit (like if you agree)
Cheerfroggie25 - 6 years ago
Is the rest of the family gonna still vlog
Derek Chilcote
Derek Chilcote - 6 years ago
NO not helping her
Rubee Dennis
Rubee Dennis - 6 years ago
Surfing x
Abigail Ryan
Abigail Ryan - 6 years ago
Hannah Lesniak
Hannah Lesniak - 6 years ago
but if there isn't the legends then theres no point to try and get gold for us because there won't be legends D;
MyPixelatedLife - 6 years ago
How old are they all?
Leiny Beany
Leiny Beany - 6 years ago
I want you to quit skate boarding youtube is your life you are my gold medal
Lidia Helverson
Lidia Helverson - 6 years ago
Saber it’s your choice if you want too quit anything you just focus on your dreams I’ll be watching you in 2020 Olympics and I’ll be rooting for you and don’t let anyone tell you any different I Love You
Molly watermelon_slimy
Molly watermelon_slimy - 6 years ago
Honestly you are a wounderfull girl and you are amazing you should do what you want to do inside if you have a dream reach for it and you are so lucky I love you
Gym Vaeh
Gym Vaeh - 6 years ago
When Saber said it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen I said except the Norris Nuts
Delana W
Delana W - 6 years ago
YouTube definitely. I think you should pursue your dream
Graeme Steele
Graeme Steele - 6 years ago
Anyway 1st the worst 2nd the best 3rd the pretty princess
Destiny Hancock
Destiny Hancock - 6 years ago
sabre:sabre let your heart decide as you are the best youtuber what your heart decides you to do.
socky:hello socky I love ur youtube channel I thing you are so pretty like sabre and naz!
Biggy:hello biggy you have got some fashon in you:)you are so funny in all of you videos! keep it up!.:)
Naz: omg I love u you are so cute and funny and load loads of prettynes in you so live ur life!
Diso: your so cute and you look like the baby on the dipers :) have fun on youtube:).
Gym Vaeh
Gym Vaeh - 6 years ago
I know a solution FRUIT LOOPS!!!!! I’m not kidding I am literally your biggest fan
Mushira Mohamed
Mushira Mohamed - 6 years ago
i dont want her to quit but to take a short break from youtube to focuse on surfing and skateboarding
Awesome Sophie
Awesome Sophie - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit YouTube if Sabre does can u guys continue
Lolerkas - 6 years ago
sabre pleasssssse dont quit youtube you are absouloutly amazing LEGENDS RULE
Shae Lewis
Shae Lewis - 6 years ago
Hey Norris nuts,
Life can get hard but we all need to remember everything will turn out. As for Sabre she is an amazing girl with so much determination but I would like the Norris nuts to know that what ever there decision is the legends will respect it

Catch me nuckels
Gwyneth Burke
Gwyneth Burke - 6 years ago
#LEGEND I love you
Jayde Stewart
Jayde Stewart - 6 years ago
I think it should be YouTube cause you need your family most
launa shahrestani
launa shahrestani - 6 years ago
Please don’t give up anything for the #legends
Sophia Sowles
Sophia Sowles - 6 years ago
Dat baby looks deformed
Satisfying ASMR Smiley and livy
Satisfying ASMR Smiley and livy - 6 years ago
Surfing or skateboarding cause I want to see Sabre,sockie,biggy ,naz, and disco
Eilidh MacLellan
Eilidh MacLellan - 6 years ago
do surfing quit that bc u don't do much vids on that but if u stop youtube then I will be dead and if u stop skate boarding it just won't be Norris nuts anymore and plus im from Scotland and it is -23 dg its freezing
XxTalia Leexx
XxTalia Leexx - 6 years ago
Payton Lesage
Payton Lesage - 6 years ago
Llamacorns !!!!!
Llamacorns !!!!! - 6 years ago
She would quit surfing
uandmebeat33 - 6 years ago
Hey Sabre and the rest of the Norris Nuts, I love watching your videos. Even if you post a video every two weeks. You can do this. I do lots of sports but I wasn't doing my best at my dance as I could only practice one night a week which came down on my exam score. I then deiced to NOT quit but to find a routine that fitted my doing netball, dancing and touch rugby which was to be a #LEGEND and ALWAYS believe in myself. you guys have inspired me to become the best version of me that I could possibly be. I have also be through a bit of a rhough time this past year and watching you guys has cheered me up. I would hate for you to stop youtube but if it what you think you need to do then you do it.
ps can you guys please go and follow my instagram @photo_333_656 or @libs_faulls also Biggy I find you so amazing and brave. Naz you have the most beautiful and kind heart in the world. last but not least Sockie you are so beautiful and have a great personality. #LEGEND #CATCHMENUCKLES
KARA FREEMAN - 6 years ago
By the way I'm an American legend #legends #catchmeknukles
Finlay Tube04!
Finlay Tube04! - 6 years ago
I would say quit surfing because it’s the thing you do the least
KawaiiMation - 6 years ago
don't quit youtube you have 810k subscibers you cant quit now we all love you and if you leave who are we going to watch just please don't leave
Keeley Rich
Keeley Rich - 6 years ago
Don’t quite and don’t cry your amazing and u can do anything your heart desires she can do it all I know she can xx
Krystal Vlogs
Krystal Vlogs - 6 years ago
I mean surfing
KARA FREEMAN - 6 years ago
Hey sabre just until you are not busy you can keep posting. what I'm trying to say is since you have all that stuff to do you can post once a week until you get back on your normal scedchel
Katie_23 Dawson
Katie_23 Dawson - 6 years ago
Sabre you go with your heart. Follow your dream. You do what you want to do. Cuz we’re #thelegends ❤️❤️ and we will still ❤️ you whatever you do. #4everalegend
Kendall Grusd
Kendall Grusd - 6 years ago
You are so pretty nazz and cute
holly_Dancer89 - 6 years ago
I love youse plz do not qit youtub
Freya Tube
Freya Tube - 6 years ago
charlee's world
charlee's world - 6 years ago
holly_Dancer89 - 6 years ago
We all love youse it is ok
Sophie Richardson
Sophie Richardson - 6 years ago
Cant u still do youtube but mainly do skateboarding
Krystal Vlogs
Krystal Vlogs - 6 years ago
Tom Petch
Tom Petch - 6 years ago
Sabre your dream is to get the gold but you are my favourite YouTubeer I love you do what you feel you want to do if your happy I am please could I get a shoutout ! Thank you
Lilli Chavez
Lilli Chavez - 6 years ago
Am I the only one who actually closed there eyes and sabre i have cancer and the only thing I want to do is have a first day of high school with my bff if you want to go to the Olympics then you have to do whatever you can to do that like i have to do everything i can to go to school (especially put dye in the nurses gloves) and im 99.9% sure the #legends will support you i know i will
Emmy Beard
Emmy Beard - 6 years ago
Emmy Beard
Emmy Beard - 6 years ago
Addyson Rose
Addyson Rose - 6 years ago
I know she loves the legends but if she needs to quit something she should quit surfing
KARA FREEMAN - 6 years ago
PLEASE STAY ON YOUTUBE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karena Atkin
Karena Atkin - 6 years ago
Its not the wining its the talking part xx
Simon Starmer
Simon Starmer - 6 years ago
kit kat
kit kat - 6 years ago
Leigh Chambers
Leigh Chambers - 6 years ago
Saber she,t NOT
Madison Nichols
Madison Nichols - 6 years ago
Do want u want
Loopey Leah
Loopey Leah - 6 years ago
Noooo sabre don’t leave
Katie xx
Katie xx - 6 years ago
I am crying plz don’t quit
Hacks fun and more
Hacks fun and more - 6 years ago
No surfing I'm sorry I love you sabre please quit surfing not skating or YouTube also please shout me out I love you you can fight threw this❤️❤️❤️
Sanne Ones
Sanne Ones - 6 years ago
I love you gays, god luck Sabre❤️
Nazzy ar so prity❤️❤️
Georgia Scholz
Georgia Scholz - 6 years ago
Sabre, we will support you no matter what! Obviously we want you to be happy and work hard for your goals but maybe just give yourself some time to think over it. We will still be happy to watch your videos, even if they aren't super duper exciting. But whatever decision you make, we will miss you if you quit. Maybe make skateboarding your priority and let the others take over youtube so we can still see the Norris Nuts (and Disco!!) and you can pop in whenever you can. xx
Alistair Gauci
Alistair Gauci - 6 years ago
Hi sabre if you quit yt and go to the olimpiiks i will be watching
Muffin Man
Muffin Man - 6 years ago
The best thing for the legends is seeing that you are happy and doing what you enjoy even if that means you will be quitting YouTube!
Alistair Gauci
Alistair Gauci - 6 years ago
Hi sabre if you quit yt and go to the olimpiks i will be watching
Muffin Man
Muffin Man - 6 years ago
Sabre I been in an exact same position as you. I know you love everyone of them a lot but you’ve got ask your heart where it wants to be
Tayyzz Johnson
Tayyzz Johnson - 6 years ago
Take a break
Lynn Buckley
Lynn Buckley - 6 years ago
Omg you are all so butifull
BayleighTubman - 6 years ago
Focus on the Olympics sugar! Follow your dreams do what makes your heart happy, life's to short ❤️
Asha Hughes
Asha Hughes - 6 years ago
I think you should quit surfing
Sanne Ones
Sanne Ones - 6 years ago
God luck Sabre❤️
addy cat
addy cat - 6 years ago
Cooper Doughty
Cooper Doughty - 6 years ago
if you love us dont quit!
Laila Elbanna
Laila Elbanna - 6 years ago
you are for sure staying on youtube if you dont i will be misrable for the rest of my life
Penguin Princess kitty
Penguin Princess kitty - 6 years ago
Do whatever you want to do Sabre
Cadogan Crete
Cadogan Crete - 6 years ago
you can make vides of saber sate bording
Doireann Lynch
Doireann Lynch - 6 years ago
Please don't pressure yourself
Sarah's EPIC World
Sarah's EPIC World - 6 years ago
jenna sling
jenna sling - 6 years ago
Quit YouTube because. Your only young for so long and you never know if these opportunities again. Live your dreams. YouTube will be there if and when you come back
Doireann Lynch
Doireann Lynch - 6 years ago
the queen of editing
the queen of editing - 6 years ago
when ur angry write ur thoughts also do the same if ur sad then give it to ur mom or dad so they can read it and understand
Kayah Harris
Kayah Harris - 6 years ago
Sabre just follow your heart if people love you they should respect what you want to do
Presley Mann
Presley Mann - 6 years ago
i have been A legend for a long time now and it wouldn’t be the same without you in the videos so if I had to decide to help you out I would choose surfing because i don’t really watch the surfing videos and you do more of skateboarding ❤️❤️❤️
the queen of editing
the queen of editing - 6 years ago
if u dont do any vids then what will make me happy again D;
plus u can still do u vids because disco is her and disco will be the pretend sabre
and think how many people ur disapointing please!
i love ur vids pls dont stop doing vids altogether biggy naz sockie and disco will do vids film how disco will grow up. one question do u go to school
im really sad im in tears pls keep making vids u make me happy have biggy naz sockie and disco do it and sabre here something i wanna tell you
never give up on your dream
if u keep trying you will succed
failure is there so u learn by mistakes
Samantha Hennessy
Samantha Hennessy - 6 years ago
I don't think you shouldn't quit neither because if u don't do YouTube we won't be able to learn more about the the fun things you do all the time and if you quit skateboarding you won't be able to compete in the xgames also if you quit surfing you will be left out because your syblings will be out there but they wouldn't do it withought you because there amazing and so are you
Harmony Wells
Harmony Wells - 6 years ago
YouTube quite
# Unicorns
# Unicorns - 6 years ago
Don’t que
Reese - 6 years ago
Dont @ me but ppl are being so selfish not telling her to do something that she will go far in life. She should really quit youtube and still b in the blogs just not a must do always. But she will go wayyy father in skateboarding! She should stick with that.
Danielle Hendry
Danielle Hendry - 6 years ago
plsss film u doing your training
Taylor Levin
Taylor Levin - 6 years ago
none . if you love something enough then you will be able to get gold
Charlie Fairweather
Charlie Fairweather - 6 years ago
Sabre and the rest of the norris nuts. You all need to follow your dreams. Follow your hearts
Miriam Hinds
Miriam Hinds - 6 years ago
I have a Q&A question for all but mainly for Biggy: What is your favorite Froot Loop Flavor? I love you guys #Catchmeknuckles
Cheerforever - 6 years ago
Sabre it doesn’t matter what you decide (oh wait actually it matters because if you quit YouTube and the rest of your siblings too I would be really sad and I would smile a lot less but wait for what I actually wanted to say) So even if you decide to quit YouTube you will be the best #legend ever! Everyone loves you ♥️
Meow House
Meow House - 6 years ago
you guys are all so beautiful (and biggy is handsome) and i wish i could meet you guys you are the best siblings i have ever seen and i wish i could be your sister #LEGENDS and can i have a shout out by some chance you dont have to its competly fine
Yguette Isugi
Yguette Isugi - 6 years ago
Avery Mulanix
Avery Mulanix - 6 years ago
I love you guus! You guys keep me going on hard days, never stop being you!!
ICE CREAM - 6 years ago
Kelsey Cunnah
Kelsey Cunnah - 6 years ago
when i first read the title without watching the video i started bursting out crying bc i didnt want you guys to quit youtube watch you guys every single day even though you dont post every day
chuck Armstronf
chuck Armstronf - 6 years ago
Surfing is a big part but its something that she does not do ALL the time
Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger - 6 years ago
Quit all of them
noriss nut lover
noriss nut lover - 6 years ago
stay strong
Jessica Leanne
Jessica Leanne - 6 years ago
Sabre, I also have Chiari Malformation and have gone through 3 MRIs now and just got my 4th CT scan yesterday. I’m also waiting on results to see if I will need surgery so I completely understand how you feel!! I’m here if you need to talk and no matter what you decide with YouTube us legends love you so much!! Keep you head up Sabre!
Clare Miller
Clare Miller - 6 years ago
Please don't quit YouTube you bring joy to my day and make me laugh every day xx
Jayden _Playz
Jayden _Playz - 6 years ago
You all should hit fuckers! Yeah!
Lily Green-Bain
Lily Green-Bain - 6 years ago
Plz don't cry don't worry I'm OK ICU do nutu make myday aspecoly u sabor
Elizabeth Lawson
Elizabeth Lawson - 6 years ago
i have kidney problems and im prone to infections and i promise you that the best thing to do is be open about your emotions, have a good cry and you will so much better. i spent 3 years hiding how i truely felt about how scared i was and now im open about it and people listen to how i feel. and i can honestly say that things get better and dont let this diagnosis control your life. your just a kid and you have so much life to live so live it up!!!!
bff girls
bff girls - 6 years ago
Im not just saying that to be in a shoutout but i would love to be in one x
Mackenzie Gyson
Mackenzie Gyson - 6 years ago
Sabre should quit youtube to do her all-time dream, in 2020 i am going to say , YES ,YES,YES Sabre DID make the correct decision i CAN believe she won GOOOOOOOOOOLD
inka olivia
inka olivia - 6 years ago
Quit youtube becose make your dreams come true
Skye Connolly
Skye Connolly - 6 years ago
I couldnt stop crying because i dont want you to go and we all love u. Btw you rock that dress sabre. Its so beautiful so it matches your beautiful face. Love u all. PLEASE DONT LEAVE SABRE
Mia Thwaites
Mia Thwaites - 6 years ago
Please do not quite utube
Lexi Flint
Lexi Flint - 6 years ago
corinn lichtwald
corinn lichtwald - 6 years ago
Sabre you don’t have to quit YouTube you can still make videos because then us the legends can help you. If you do quit YouTube then I would be very sad and so would everyone else. Sabre I think you should just go with with your gut.
Lexi Flint
Lexi Flint - 6 years ago
u can do anything u feel comfortable in we all surport u dearly we love u we are l8ke a family but on my opinoun u shouldnt to anything xx
Happy Tripper
Happy Tripper - 6 years ago
Sabre this isn't a problem. We will be here when you get back. The rest of the Nuts are super dooper awesome and we're more than happy to hang out with them. Naz is the real star anyway :P You're family Sabre. We got your back. Chase your dream! We can't wait to see you holding that gold medal high! We wouldn't have it any other way. OK? <3 #Legends
I do Makeup
I do Makeup - 6 years ago
ReservoirBroads - 6 years ago
Impossible telaportation dpes not work without Sabre
Lauryn Jardine
Lauryn Jardine - 6 years ago
Always stay positive
Megan's funlife.
Megan's funlife. - 6 years ago
You should not !!!!!!!!!!
kitty cat and bunny lover
kitty cat and bunny lover - 6 years ago
Quit YouTube if your really like skatboarding and surfing quite YouTube
Amanda Panda
Amanda Panda - 6 years ago
Your so close to 1million!
The goofy Flamingo Lovers
The goofy Flamingo Lovers - 6 years ago
norris nuts
Elizabeth Lawson
Elizabeth Lawson - 6 years ago
dont quit anything you can organise your time well
be happy
be happy - 6 years ago
she should quit youtube. disco can replace u
be happy
be happy - 6 years ago
i agree
Milla Sykes
Milla Sykes - 6 years ago
Please don’t quit YouTube. I watch you guys because your always yourself and funny
Jessica Everatt
Jessica Everatt - 6 years ago
You should do what makes you happy inside and out so if it means you have to quit YouTube the do it. I rather you win medals than sit in font of a camera.
Jenny Cw
Jenny Cw - 6 years ago
Aww sabre it’s ok just stay calm I really don’t want you to quit YouTube but if you have to then do I’m not trying to force you to not quit youtube but do what you want to do and what you have to do and I love the dress please give me a shout out
pFoluke Adekogbe
pFoluke Adekogbe - 6 years ago
I think that sabour should keep on with her dreams and keep on with her dreams even if it's hard
charlotte and ruby for life
charlotte and ruby for life - 6 years ago
me and my bff are big fans sabre plz do not leave or eles well be sad your the best at the momeint i feel like im losing hope to get shouout #legends love ye xoxo
Crazy Vlogz
Crazy Vlogz - 6 years ago
Plz don’t do any why do u wanna do this
DRC 04
DRC 04 - 6 years ago
Hey biggy I lovvve u and your siblings #bisexual
Ruby Rose Roberts
Ruby Rose Roberts - 6 years ago
Luv ya all
Reidin Brady
Reidin Brady - 6 years ago
Maybe she could make a Snapchat account and post on that or Instagram and post sometime
Alida Bauer
Alida Bauer - 6 years ago
Wen sabre is stoping jou dont hef toe stap dat breek mij hard
Kayla Heyneke
Kayla Heyneke - 6 years ago
Don’t be sad because sad backwards is das and das not good (I saw this and wanted you guys to be happy)
Da Derpiest Potato
Da Derpiest Potato - 6 years ago
Carly Marcus
Carly Marcus - 6 years ago
Disco is getting so big
Louise Ellie
Louise Ellie - 6 years ago
I love the Norris nuts donuts
Smarleen Paz
Smarleen Paz - 6 years ago
Susiekate26 !!
Susiekate26 !! - 6 years ago
Poppy Cloves
Poppy Cloves - 6 years ago
She’s not going to get gold
xox Lora
xox Lora - 6 years ago
Sabre you can film skateboarding tutorials
Novaatje - 6 years ago
I just started skateboarden en I really really like it
Jamie Newman
Jamie Newman - 6 years ago
My brother has ciari malfamation
Amandeepplayz 1
Amandeepplayz 1 - 6 years ago
Quit YouTube
Rikke Linnet Hartmann
Rikke Linnet Hartmann - 6 years ago
Hey Sabre work as hard as you need to on your skateboarding, but don’t quit youtube. Maybe the amount of time you can do videos will need to chance, but you need to have a life outsider of skateboarding to, just to keep you sane. I’d say keep surfing as a recreational hobby thing, to help keeping you sane to, but focus on the other to, itbdoes Sound to me like they are your biggest passions.
Baby H Khan
Baby H Khan - 6 years ago
I now what you can quit.
Baby H Khan
Baby H Khan - 6 years ago
I now what you can quit. NOTHING NOTHING
Baby H Khan
Baby H Khan - 6 years ago
I now what you can quit. NOTHING NOTHING
Jordin Rivera
Jordin Rivera - 6 years ago
By the way, you look BEAUTIFUL in that dress!
Laura - 6 years ago
Do whatever you want
Mia Fitzsimmons
Mia Fitzsimmons - 6 years ago
You guys are sibling goals! I love you! Sabre don’t worry about the olympics just focus on getting better in the present and you will be 100% ready for the olympics in 2020 I will be watching and cheering you on!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jordin Rivera
Jordin Rivera - 6 years ago
You know what, maybe she should quit youtube. She's right. She should be focusing on skateboard more than youtube. But you never know, she could always just POP UP! in one of their videos. But it's not my descision, it's hers.
Epic Jas
Epic Jas - 6 years ago
Look, I have been watching you guys for a LONG LONG time, and I think you are all perfect, don’t give up on your dreams! Also can I get a shoutout?
Abbey Falkins
Abbey Falkins - 6 years ago
She should do what she feels like she needs to do. She should do whatever makes her happy. As long as she’s happy, the legends will be happy!
Gian singh
Gian singh - 6 years ago
Hmm quit surfing
Jes Vlogs
Jes Vlogs - 6 years ago
I feel like you guys to do whatever you want to do that’s best for you guys because I know you guys love you in YouTube and I love YouTube channel but Saber has done a lot of great things and she does deserve to win gold medal for the Olympics. So you guys just like take a break if that’s what you thinks best and if things get easier then you guys can go back on YouTube. I love you guys I relate to u so much.
Melissa Zigova
Melissa Zigova - 6 years ago
We love u so much . Plz don't quit
Logan Newbery
Logan Newbery - 6 years ago
Nikita Farrow
Nikita Farrow - 6 years ago
Plz do not quit im crying plz do not u are my Hero's and if u don't keep doing vidioes how will I now and add me on Insta I'm of live when I'm of to America love you all catchmenuckles xx
MoFrey - 6 years ago
I have a great idea so that everyone is happy, you guys and the legends! How about you post less videos, maybe shorter, and maybe less edited so it takes less of your time. You could replace videos with live streams too. If you don’t have time for a video, just turn on livestream while you practice, eat, travel, or whatever! Just so we have an update with you guys!!! You could just livestream for ten minutes once a week and tell us what you’ve been up to and how you are! I’d love that!!! Love you guys and hope this idea helps!! Do whatever you need to to reach your goals but please don’t completely stop!!
Janée Johnson
Janée Johnson - 6 years ago
Sabre we all support you no matter what you choose, but you don't have to compromise what you love to do something else you love. There is always time for all the things you love you can do this I believe in you.
P.S love you Sockie, Biggy, Nas, and even Mama & Papa and the crappy nuts
Janée Johnson
Janée Johnson - 6 years ago
I forgot my favorite nut Disco
Emma Fuller
Emma Fuller - 6 years ago
24 hours in the kitchen please x
MoFrey - 6 years ago
PLEASE DONT STOP!!! I’ve watched many youtube vloggers and you re channel tops them all! I don’t know what Id do without your videos! They make me so happy and a better person! But do what is best for you even if sadlyyyyy that means no more youtube.
Niamh cunningham
Niamh cunningham - 6 years ago
love u Norris nuts keep it up your army is so strong ps biggy should be a designer ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡#legends
Ravenclaw Diamond
Ravenclaw Diamond - 6 years ago
You can't quit YouTube full stop. If sabre wants to be in fewer vids then that's fine but you can't stop your videos make me happy.Sabre you are already amazing and you will win gold in the Olympus. It's scary how good you are. I would really like a shoutout and is it just me or is Disco the cutest baby ever?
Crazysandwichlover - 6 years ago
#legends In school i was told to write an essay on a famous person and i chose you!
BERNIE DALY - 6 years ago
sabre we all love you so much and your dream is to go to the olympics if that means taking a break from youtube then take a break we will all love you the same and guys please don't be sad I hate to see ye that way don't be stress your dress is so nice well done biggy and good Idea sockie for donuts and good prank naz WE ARE A ARMY WE WILL STAY STRONG I LIKE =1 soldier #LEGNDS XXXXX OXOOXOOX LOVE YE WELL DONE FOR 2ND THATS AMAZINGXXXX
Emma's weekly vids
Emma's weekly vids - 6 years ago
I know this might sound weird but you could meditate and do yoga because when I'm stressed it clears my mind
SatanicWarlord - 6 years ago
you've been on YouTube and skateboarding in the X games . . . keep doing both , and you WILL get the GOLD ! NEVER STOP
Katy Hogan mccarthy
Katy Hogan mccarthy - 6 years ago
Kirsty's Random channel
Kirsty's Random channel - 6 years ago
Can I have a shoutout and Biggy I will be your girlfriend
Pineapple Productions
Pineapple Productions - 6 years ago
Maybe you could Make videos while you practice❤️
Ava B
Ava B - 6 years ago
No Saba I love you so much
Kirsty's Random channel
Kirsty's Random channel - 6 years ago
You can't quite YouTube we love you so much so don't quite YouTube now. Please don't quit YouTube
Amanda Le
Amanda Le - 6 years ago
Who else closed their eyes when biggie was about to reveal the dress
Brielle Willman
Brielle Willman - 6 years ago
Roberto Castañeda
Roberto Castañeda - 6 years ago
Me :D
plushie style
plushie style - 6 years ago
Me :D
Caroline Sofie
Caroline Sofie - 6 years ago
Think she Should film her practice and sometimes be in the vlogs and sometimes not so you will keep on doing these videos but sometimes without Sabre
Astrid Stengaard
Astrid Stengaard - 6 years ago
Sabre you should do what you love and that is skateboard
My Cool Canal
My Cool Canal - 6 years ago
What about disco he needs to be with you in the intro cuz he is a legend too
Ella T haircut
Ella T haircut - 6 years ago
Donot quit YouTube sad face crys :-(
watchingstuff2013 - 6 years ago
sabre you are so happy and grateful for ANYONE and you don't need to quiet YOUTUBE anyway but still keep on going with your dream❤❤❤
Sidnee Woodhall
Sidnee Woodhall - 6 years ago
I'm so sorry I love you
Toffee And me
Toffee And me - 6 years ago
I think you should take a break we would love you to win hope you get gold
Kkrich 101
Kkrich 101 - 6 years ago
Sabre we all want you to stay but it is your choice I love you all me and my friends all do #catchmeknuckles you make me smile❤️I really hope you stay sabre #englishlegend #legens
Mckenzie Star!!
Mckenzie Star!! - 6 years ago
U practice all you want but please let the other Norris nuts do smite blogs because I cant cope with no Norris nuts!
zara Duffin
zara Duffin - 6 years ago
Sabre is giving up on us
Infinity Slimes
Infinity Slimes - 6 years ago
Quit surfing
its Harry !
its Harry ! - 6 years ago
This is Lame, You make a whole army of Leagends, then you disbandon them Like thanks Noris Nuts. You hurt me.
Isabelle Lovatic
Isabelle Lovatic - 6 years ago
Can’t you film during your practice and the other Norris Nuts vlogs and help you edit the video
Isabelle Lovatic
Isabelle Lovatic - 6 years ago
Just me that cried when they ”sang” Sober with Demi Lovato?
Tilly and Tinker
Tilly and Tinker - 6 years ago
If you don’t do YouTube anymore that’s alright , but it wouldn’t be the same xx
Laura Daly
Laura Daly - 6 years ago
Please can you not quit youtube u r so good at it we love you saber
Gareth Walters
Gareth Walters - 6 years ago
sabre please dont quit youtube we all love you #LEGENDS #Catchmeknuckles #danceintheelevator #Emergencyhug
Soggy Potato
Soggy Potato - 6 years ago
Guys you don't quit YouTube you can just not post for a bit its ok
Maida Filan
Maida Filan - 6 years ago
No Please nooo
Courteney 103
Courteney 103 - 6 years ago
I think surfing
DJ Doggy
DJ Doggy - 6 years ago
I hate you leave youtube your ugly and you suck nerd!!
Naty CR
Naty CR - 6 years ago
I she has to choose I would say Youtube. But videos about practices and training would be awesome. She will be training while someone else is recording.
food is lifeee
food is lifeee - 6 years ago
Becki Gibson
Becki Gibson - 6 years ago
We love you Sabre and we love your siblings. We will be here supporting you no matter what you decide. Maybe have your siblings share your training and they can do the vlogs. No matter what we want you to be your best you and your healthiest you! You guys rock!
Caroline Connolly
Caroline Connolly - 6 years ago
Saber don't stop doing you tube you are my favorite person in the world #legend
Hello it's me
Hello it's me - 6 years ago
You should scate and achieve your dream but maybe you could be in some of the vlogs pleeeease love you and you could maybe show more of your scating and surfing i would love that
Chloe Lewis
Chloe Lewis - 6 years ago
Can I get a shoutout pls. Notifications are on a I’m subscribed naz u are so cute
Izzy Croker
Izzy Croker - 6 years ago
I think maybe sabre could be in the vlogs sometimes but not all the time so she can focus on her skate boarding
Audrey A
Audrey A - 6 years ago
Sabre we love you so much and whatever you chose i will support it but just know if you. leave we will miss you so much fallow your heart ill miss you all the legends will we love you so much❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Fun and me
Fun and me - 6 years ago
Sabre we all love you so so so much this is a HUGE opportunity so I think all the #Legends agree that we will wait for you to do your dream and we will support you as much as we can everyone reply to this comment if you agree
Eden Cooper
Eden Cooper - 6 years ago
No don’t guit
Jessie Love
Jessie Love - 6 years ago
Nooo Saber your doing amazing don't give up
Erin Lea
Erin Lea - 6 years ago
Sabre no ones committed to just ONE thing
Gabriella Manning
Gabriella Manning - 6 years ago
Hey! I was here since you guys had about 200k followers
Caitlin Joyce
Caitlin Joyce - 6 years ago
I feel like u should quit YouTube as much as I would hate that but you need to focus on your skating and getting that gold!x you can do it! Then after your skating stops getting so intense like it is now you can maybe come back to YouTube xx
Sugar Post Official
Sugar Post Official - 6 years ago
And here we can say we witnessed the beginning and the end of Sabre Norris and her online career
Thank you all and goodnight,
You’ve been listening to news at 5 with Biggy
Francisco Chirinos
Francisco Chirinos - 6 years ago
i love you sabre your decision is important to me
Davidx66 Vlog channel and Pokémon content
Davidx66 Vlog channel and Pokémon content - 6 years ago
Nooo Sabre don’t leave
Jessica Shannon
Jessica Shannon - 6 years ago
PLAESE don’t quit I love you so much ye are amazing don’t quit
Lexi Burnet-Lupo
Lexi Burnet-Lupo - 6 years ago
You are a great skateboarder and surfer.
I truly think you should quit YouTube.
You can still blog with the Norris Nuts.
You just won't have your own channel.
Slimee Royall
Slimee Royall - 6 years ago
hi sabre im having the same problem I'm taking blood tests and ex rays and finally iv got a cure . I have to get shots every night but it doesn't hurt . and please don't quit youtube #legends #catchmenuckles
Abul Bashar
Abul Bashar - 6 years ago
Please carry on u make be smile
Libby Wilson
Libby Wilson - 6 years ago
Sabre, do the choice you know you will be happy with. If you want to quit YouTube and do your dream, then you go girl! We don’t matter as much as your dream.
Cai_ Owen
Cai_ Owen - 6 years ago
Jeez why r you always sad
Annie Carter
Annie Carter - 6 years ago
I think that you should quit surfing
Chloe Leeper
Chloe Leeper - 6 years ago
kaylee clabaugh
kaylee clabaugh - 6 years ago
Don’t worry about about anything saber your doing great I love u ❤️
Olivia Jaine
Olivia Jaine - 6 years ago
Tara Uddin
Tara Uddin - 6 years ago
Sabre all the legends are rooting for you and hope you don't quit you are such an inspiration . If you quit all the legends will understand and still love you the same.

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