What's up NUB NATION!! Today we scored some solid surf, full on Florida barrels at Sebastian Inlet state park here in Central Florida. The Winter Storm Riley surf forecast was a little bit under what it had claimed to be for FL, but we still found the surfing dream. More surf tomorrow I hope you guys are stoked!! THANK YOU!!! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! DONATE! VLOG 793 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! Music - Wind Marching For Rain - Puddle of Infinity Surfing Lama - Bird Creek Oceans - Text Me Records / Bobby Renz Live Worms - Josh Lippi & the Overtimers Catch a Wave - Everet Almond Double Agent - Everet Almond Marianas - Quincas Moreira Punk in Donuts - Hang Dixit Introspective Spacewalk - Asher Fulero Mariachiando - Doug Maxwell Cumbia No Frills Faster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

SOLID FLORIDA BARRELS at SEBASTAIN INLET sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Surf 7 years ago 22,815 views

What's up NUB NATION!! Today we scored some solid surf, full on Florida barrels at Sebastian Inlet state park here in Central Florida. The Winter Storm Riley surf forecast was a little bit under what it had claimed to be for FL, but we still found the surfing dream. More surf tomorrow I hope you guys are stoked!! THANK YOU!!! - Love Ben ONLINE STORE! DONATE! VLOG 793 of 1000 // 2018 I'm vlogging every day of 2018! Join the fun & subscribe! My music! Music - Wind Marching For Rain - Puddle of Infinity Surfing Lama - Bird Creek Oceans - Text Me Records / Bobby Renz Live Worms - Josh Lippi & the Overtimers Catch a Wave - Everet Almond Double Agent - Everet Almond Marianas - Quincas Moreira Punk in Donuts - Hang Dixit Introspective Spacewalk - Asher Fulero Mariachiando - Doug Maxwell Cumbia No Frills Faster by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

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Most popular comments

LOGAN //POV// - 7 years ago
Heavy Sabastion Inlet. Yewwww!!!!!!!!!!
SaltyFresh Fishin
SaltyFresh Fishin - 7 years ago
12:46 shark fin behind Ben. Ben those waves are wild
INTENSITY - 7 years ago
I think it was totally overlooked how that guy came out of that sick barrel and proceeded to land a massive air reverse
INTENSITY - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy I guess
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
it was in slow mo!!
DwightDynamite - 7 years ago
That was sick
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Donovanheath - 7 years ago
Welcome to California music, love it!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Sean Jordan
Sean Jordan - 7 years ago
I didn't know snacks was such a professional filmer
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Yeah he's a boss
Ben have u started simul posting these vlogs on dtube and steemit? They are block chain and pay crypto . Diversify. (Maybe make a grom in charge of posting these vids to dtube and steemit ?)
JAWS1376 - 7 years ago
ben when you check the south side and vid the runner. I'm so glad you still get stoked. I knew you would!
Will Lebeau
Will Lebeau - 7 years ago
so heavy


Alex Babcock
Alex Babcock - 7 years ago
Heavy sessions. Yew!
SoCal Boys
SoCal Boys - 7 years ago
Looking forward to shralping some barrels and bowls when you come to SoCal Ben! Keep ripping. My knee is so close to surf ready. Can't wait to get back in the water.
Travis Bickle2.0
Travis Bickle2.0 - 7 years ago
Awesome... The boys, charging hard here. YEWW! #NNFTW
(Triple jump cut @9:30 is rad. Get jiggy with it! Great musical direction too here, Ben!)
Donavan Heidinger
Donavan Heidinger - 7 years ago
Muy spectacular!
E Wilkie
E Wilkie - 7 years ago
...soo bitchen......great to see you're getting some really great waves in lately !.......I can remember being really skunked the one time I visited at sebastians ages ago.............e...
Hunter Wade
Hunter Wade - 7 years ago
Charge pelican beach park there’s always waves about 20 minute drive from where you are
Karl Jakobsson
Karl Jakobsson - 7 years ago
Epic vlog episode Ben! But what’s the idea behind riding the short and fat softies in those waves? Looked like it made it much more difficult not skipping out? Mate you should talk more about what boards you ride and why! For the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Karl Jakobsson yeah dude great be honest i wasn’t sure if It was even going to be makable so i opted with the 5’6” sorry to pick some close outs and not take another close out board to the face. Ending up making a few tho & got the one dreamer on film so stoked!!
G Wall
G Wall - 7 years ago
Wow nice thrashing! My favorite maneuver in surfing is stand tall-to annialation. Plenty of prime examples there. A thousand ups to you good sirs!
Kirk Hathaway
Kirk Hathaway - 7 years ago
nice video!!!!!lots of fun today fo sho!!!!!!! nuking!!!!!!!da wave style
Jasper Saunders
Jasper Saunders - 7 years ago
When can i buy your wetsuit??
Jasper Saunders
Jasper Saunders - 7 years ago
And is it a good fit, because being from oz we dont have hyperflex??


toolhog10 - 7 years ago
I think this went beyond a simple video log, Possibly on the level of an art piece. Awesome movie. yew!
palomares - 7 years ago
HOLY GUACAMOLE! What a great video! Thanks for sharing! Broken boards (extra boogies ? :-)) Hope no casualties otherwise.
Henry Hagemann
Henry Hagemann - 7 years ago
Florida closeouts
Surf Da Bu
Surf Da Bu - 7 years ago
ALL TIME! you're a legend!
Rob Cook
Rob Cook - 7 years ago
You guys ripped it!! Barrell masters
Paul Phillips
Paul Phillips - 7 years ago
Yeeeeep!for the dream!
Uber Mick
Uber Mick - 7 years ago
Nice waves mate, but what happened to the boog footage??? #DontDenyDaBoog :p
Ja M
Ja M - 7 years ago
DOOOOOD this video IS a novelty
Caleb Mallory
Caleb Mallory - 7 years ago
Glad to see that even the pros have to do that little hop when your leash catches
while you're running on the beach haha #whenyouretoostokedtounstrap
Another WorldView Is Possible
Another WorldView Is Possible - 7 years ago
Looks like you guys scored some fairly hollow beachbreak at Melbourne Beach. Looks like the offshore wind was a plus on the shape there.

Not being from that that spot just up the beach from Sebastian Inlet?

And is it, as I have heard (and would appear), that the wedge wave there is mostly ruined?

Anyway, good barrels, when the shape was cooperating.

Isn't Reef Road, in Palm Beach, supposed to be the spot for Nor'Easters?

Isn't there also there something like a 'Monster Hole' in the area? What kind of dredging novelty is that?


Tyson Kinnison
Tyson Kinnison - 7 years ago
Saw some amazing shots of Reef Road and some tow ins in parts of Florida too
Mackem Abroad
Mackem Abroad - 7 years ago
Great day surfing in quality chunky waves. Great job boys. Wheres the Gork for the team HMF reunion session!!
Weflikin Mark
Weflikin Mark - 7 years ago
Tx_Slab - 7 years ago
We never get crap like that in Texas. I live through Ben. In my mind I’m boosting big airs, doing chop hop 180’s, 360’s, switch stance, etc. Glad you guys scored. Freaking epic surf in my book. Ben makes it look so easy. Baffles my mind how these guys can literally rip anything. Lucas is that dude who will paddle out and smoke u politely. Lol...Freaking dude rips. Is he riding a Lost V3 Rocket? Where the F#%^ was Gorkin?!!
icebreakerhi - 7 years ago
GRAVY how big waz that ?What u calling it numerically?
icebreakerhi - 7 years ago
Good to see that dick dragger put to use
Christopher Rovinski
Christopher Rovinski - 7 years ago
What!! You guys killed it!
Sick session sss i don't know how you guys have so much energy to do as many heavy sessions in a row as you do. Fantastic edit also was a great one to watch!
icebreakerhi - 7 years ago
Kalem Hall
Kalem Hall - 7 years ago
Paul Brennan
Paul Brennan - 7 years ago
17:40 INSANE - that man has a gift
Matt Ander
Matt Ander - 7 years ago
Priducing editing is getting stellar
Ian N.
Ian N. - 7 years ago
17:37 for a good time full barrel to air that was sick
ocripcurrent - 7 years ago
F me, man. Ive been bicycle touring all winter - just finished a 2-wk ride from New Orleans to Jax Beach... I get there and it's like 6ft. I haven't surfed since November. Im f r o t h i n g to get back home to OCMD to surf again. It was a total tease.
The Daddy Daughter Team of NJ
The Daddy Daughter Team of NJ - 7 years ago
Yo that guy had his fins on the wrong foot!
The Daddy Daughter Team of NJ
The Daddy Daughter Team of NJ - 7 years ago
yeah,,, yeeeww!!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
no way
Joe Hanlon
Joe Hanlon - 7 years ago
I would like to get back into surfing, thinking of some exotic island hopping or Porto Rican Gas Chambers, Rincon......any suggestions?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
The chambers for sure
David John Lutz
David John Lutz - 7 years ago
check out 3.6.18 you tube post - ' surfing winter storm riley - delray beach fl' - you need to get a drone - floridadave
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
SaltLife4Us - 7 years ago
Awesome surf. Really like the throw back soundtrack too.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
stoking, thanks!!
Kurt Llewellyn
Kurt Llewellyn - 7 years ago
What’s the name of the Novey in the inlet? Gravy Train!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Toby Hawk
Toby Hawk - 7 years ago
Wow! Beautiful waves... even the beat downs looked fun. You’ve gotta be completely exhausted. Get some good food and drink lots of water so you can charge tomorrow!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Chris Cohen
Chris Cohen - 7 years ago
Yewww, the barrel!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I love it


Corndog - 7 years ago
This was EPIC! "Dream Team" for the WIN! The whole vlog was packed full of action... had to watch it TWICE... for the DREAM! YEEEEWWWWW!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kilgore Trout
Kilgore Trout - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Sam Hall
Sam Hall - 7 years ago
need subtitles at 330
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha I thought about it
vwbustube - 7 years ago
Landlocked... But got me thinking about Florida again! Any Sea Lice?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I've literally seen one
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Curt Janney
Curt Janney - 7 years ago
Good good good
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kurtis Nelson
Kurtis Nelson - 7 years ago
Dude what about Monster Hole it's right there?! Props on taking on those closeouts to find the gems tho!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Nick Dykman
Nick Dykman - 7 years ago
What ever happened to the ben gravy edition wave bandit?
Nick Dykman
Nick Dykman - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
It's being released in May!!
Fred Taylor
Fred Taylor - 7 years ago
In Florida they call those things barrels, in Hawaii, we call them shitty closeouts!!!!
Fred Taylor
Fred Taylor - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy P.S. I didn’t mean to be rude, and the comment means a lot, it’s rare that a YouTuber will even read the comments. Keep up the good work!!!
Fred Taylor
Fred Taylor - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy, I love your channel, don’t get me wrong, and that was amazing surfing, I’m just saying that the conditions were not the best. No hard feelings!!! KEEP RIPPING!!!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I made one
notxorc - 7 years ago
Mr. Mojo Risen
Mr. Mojo Risen - 7 years ago
Nice shacked up Ben !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
charliejoeralph - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Matthew Berry
Matthew Berry - 7 years ago
literally the ONLY thing wrong with this is no gutter drunk. other then that prob your best vlog yet.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 7 years ago
...con pasion tan fuerte...(with passion so strong)...para mi gente...(for the people)!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 7 years ago
PS La chica es muy sarcastica...ay...yay...yay...yay...I'm inspired to comment in Spanish today. ;)
Robert Rob
Robert Rob - 7 years ago
Crazy shit going on down there!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kurt Llewellyn
Kurt Llewellyn - 7 years ago
Looks like the fins on the soft top held a rail in the bowls . I guess that answers my question from the other day. Got a couple sick ones boys. Tough conditions but that’s SBI trying to hold a swell. Yew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
It worked well!! Def tough, but fully fun!!
C - 7 years ago
I like the hair farmers style for sure.
C - 7 years ago
all in fun, my friends dad who was an old salt, would let us take his vw bus every weekend, and he would be like "alright you hair farmer go catch some waves". lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Jago Bouffler
Jago Bouffler - 7 years ago
that 22:45 shot had me so stoked!!!!! ps: do you know what that song is called, I've heard it in a couple of vids, its like backwards synth or violin?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
All songs in description!!
Ken Carthy
Ken Carthy - 7 years ago
Can I ask why your spending this epic swell surfing crappy waves. I love your vlog and what your about but it's going off up and down the east coast of USA. Surely you can find better waves. New Jersey looks like it's all time?? What about Hattress?no disrespect intended. For the dream.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I am where I am when I am there. I'm content.
Kurt Llewellyn
Kurt Llewellyn - 7 years ago
Anchor in Melbourne beach right now?
Josh Lippi
Josh Lippi - 7 years ago
Thanks for using my Live Worms track! Looks like a rad session.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Yeah dude!!
Tx_Slab - 7 years ago
Drone footage of Delray!
Micah cech
Micah cech - 7 years ago
NUKING! looks like you caught some sick ones. SoCal has been drooling over the east coast after a fairly dead winter waves wise, especially lately with all these terrible wind swells, I’ve still managed find some sick novelties though. #forthedream
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
All about the novs!!
Callum Waugh
Callum Waugh - 7 years ago
Dude I wanna get a wave bandit but they don't ship to Australia
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ryan Mcgee
Ryan Mcgee - 7 years ago
The warble in the wave. It can turn a great wave into crap or a crap wave into a gem. I love surfing the inlet. Nice to see it breaking again. Haven't surfed there in years but used to visit at least once a year.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
So true!!
Cele fuser
Cele fuser - 7 years ago
Beautiful pictures! Great surfing. Love the close up shots!! and showing the surfing lifestyle at its finest. :D
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
:) thank you!!
NTB AQUAHOLIC - 7 years ago
Yesterday was my favorite video yet, now this one is. You’re nuking right now!! YEWWWW
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha epic!!
Tx_Slab - 7 years ago
Go to 3:40 on this video at Delray. Haha! Dude was charging at 93 yrs old!!
Tx_Slab - 7 years ago
Don’t know how old that guy really was, but a legend no doubt! Lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
what a legend!!
Chad Ponder
Chad Ponder - 7 years ago
Missed all of this swell... dads is out of country and I’m landlocked at my moms house...
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Christopher Rathmel
Christopher Rathmel - 7 years ago
Claim: steeeep business out there, boys! Yew. Nice shots, Snacks!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
hahaha beyond!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha so fun!!
Dan O'Malls
Dan O'Malls - 7 years ago
HEAVY!!!! For the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
SurfingSky - 7 years ago
He filled more chicks than you surfing haha, sick barrels and that jetty novelty were crazy!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Brad Peens
Brad Peens - 7 years ago
Epic sessions..doing what so many of us can't.. ba da pa pa pa da da I.m Lovin it!! Spreading the Ben Gravy Love in South Africa.. Hopefully we see the big stuff tomorrow..
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha thanks Brad!!
dave grapes
dave grapes - 7 years ago
I'd drown
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha little dumpy for sure
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Sean Curran
Sean Curran - 7 years ago
YEWWW! That was epic. I wish we were getting some waves like that in California, it's been a challenge finding waves
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Hang in there!!
Jo Steins
Jo Steins - 7 years ago
just got home from a long day at work to find this! thanks for the eye candy!! forever for the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Editing spot on....thanx,must take a lot of time
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
:/ hoursssssss haha thanks!!
patrick jaroch
patrick jaroch - 7 years ago
SO NICE!!!!!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
aidan hayes
aidan hayes - 7 years ago
For the dream
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
aidan hayes
aidan hayes - 7 years ago
How are you pulling in on those waves on a wave bandit how are you even getting out there on foamie
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
the dream guides me
notxorc - 7 years ago
Shackin up sweet
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Alexander Mandragouras
Alexander Mandragouras - 7 years ago
Dolphins or shark, prob dolphin ... at 3:58 above surfer lol
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Mikie Statts
Mikie Statts - 7 years ago
Lucas rips!! Some more great content. Keep em coming bro!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
He's world class for sure!! Thanks will do!
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 7 years ago
He was so fast I thought that jet ski must have towed him or something. :)
rudy alonso
rudy alonso - 7 years ago
Thanks for waves ridden....but even better thank you for THAT ASS JIGGLING ON DA BEACH MAN....I'd like to PAP, PAP, PAP THAT BABY! OH BLONDIE WAS A HOTT!!! GRACIAS MUCHO MANO!!!
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Sandwich - 7 years ago
You ever surf the left reef break south of Ft. Pierce? Not the power was massive that day
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Sandwich - 7 years ago
If the period gets below 15 it really starts working alot of raw power last 2 days but it was freight training
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Sandwich - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy you should check it out if you can it was 8 to 10 on the face today have a pic of yesterday every bit of 15 ' on the face just avoid a north wind
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I haven't, would be stoked to though


g3mccotter - 7 years ago
Some of those sets definitely looked like 12'. That size where I am terrified to pop up. Not sure I would have paddled out that day. Charging!
Larry Barnard
Larry Barnard - 7 years ago
12ft ?? Holy cow. Hell NO. Not even 12ft faces.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Fun ones for sure!!!
Lucas Mulvehill
Lucas Mulvehill - 7 years ago
Trippy water footage, hope you enjoy your Brevard County Fire Rescue shirt, it was good to meet JP, thanks for keeping it positive
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Got it, thank you!!
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 7 years ago
you know you rip!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Daniel Luzzi
Daniel Luzzi - 7 years ago
Epic, way to battle those closeouts! And Ben, don't worry about that chick, she has no clue whats she's talking about. For the Dream!
Daniel Luzzi
Daniel Luzzi - 7 years ago
Let me know when you come to San Diego. You have a spot at my place!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
You're a legend
Didymostruespeak - 7 years ago
The alley-oops the air reverse the killer barrels period and hot chicks on the beach what a great episode thanks for those
magic cheeseball
magic cheeseball - 7 years ago
Epic!! some nice dreamers! your videos are always so well edited like watching a movie! great shots by snacks too!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thank you!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Adam Mullins
Adam Mullins - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Yall got bombed on all day though. Idk how you paddle out in large-ish surf like that all day. I am dead after 2-3 hours.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
So tired, but just do it for the dream!!!
Rob Zabroky
Rob Zabroky - 7 years ago
Dude.....was that the Dutch Boy in the pit?!?!?!!?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 7 years ago
All day shacking.....WHAT??????? This one's getting saved to my favorites. I'll watch this a few times!!! And the inlet one surfs more sketch than you...Yewwwww-rah! p.s. had no idea my daughter posted a comment this morning. Epic!
SurfinSanDiego - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Yeah Todd thanks so much man!!
Surfncoop1 - 7 years ago
Spongers are just a breed of their
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha legends
First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
So hyped when the surf clips come and its not those awful copyright free songs
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha they were copyright free tho
FindingIslandTime - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy! The Storm Riley vlogs are the best yet - way to keep 'em coming. P.S., no matter the pain it causes me, I never skip the intro commercials to hook a brotha up. TOTALLY NUKINGGG!
FindingIslandTime - 7 years ago
Every little bit adds up... but hey, that's just my two
That will earn him a fraction of a penny. Buy the merch if u want to support him for real
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha you're awesome thanks!!
Grant Smith
Grant Smith - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
NTB AQUAHOLIC - 7 years ago
Grant Smith haha
edd rider
edd rider - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha! the dream
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 7 years ago
Great way to kick off March !!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Joe Porcello
Joe Porcello - 7 years ago
Dude!!!!! How's the wave bandit tho.. them things wrk so good
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
best soft tops out easily
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Pat I
Pat I - 7 years ago
Epic session today, Ben! Great vid by Snacks. Lots of closeouts, but you guys found some dreamers too. 17:36 and 22:07 are among the best. But lots of great rides toward the end of the sesh. Stoked for you and the boys. And speaking of boys, what's JP up to? Would love to see some drone shots.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thanks dude!! I'm thinking about getting one soon!
Clay Hatch
Clay Hatch - 7 years ago
Hey Ben I've been thinking of getting a Soloshot. What has been your experience with it? I've heard good and bad things about the camera. Id like to get one so I can start my Great lake surfing youtube channel. Thanks Ben
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Works like a charm boys
P. Müller
P. Müller - 7 years ago
By far your best video yet! Snacks can film though! Greets from Germany! Yeeew
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Peter Avi
Peter Avi - 7 years ago
Dude this video is f**** Epic I watched it before work and I'm f**** pumped to go out there tomorrow...... for the dream yeeeewwww mahalos from Cali
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
texsurfer - 7 years ago
wave of the clip/day rat here
Rafael Ribeiro
Rafael Ribeiro - 7 years ago
Nooooo, you broke the dreamer hahah. yewww
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha :/
Louis Malott
Louis Malott - 7 years ago
dude this vid is so heavy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
bigfri5 - 7 years ago
Ben, have you heard of Formula Fun Foamboards?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I have not
Geoff F
Geoff F - 7 years ago
Idk if it's just the angle, but dude. There's what looks like a fin behind you right in the shore break at 12:44 haha
gregt041 - 7 years ago
100% Shark fin. So fun the last couple of days !
Geoff F
Geoff F - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy always looking out! Yeeew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha WOW!!! Didn't see that thing
Dan O'Malls
Dan O'Malls - 7 years ago
Whoa! You're right!
Ian N.
Ian N. - 7 years ago
heavy locals
Kurt Llewellyn
Kurt Llewellyn - 7 years ago
Zachary Wood
Zachary Wood - 7 years ago
I noticed that too. He heard it was nuking and decided to drop in
Matthew Patten
Matthew Patten - 7 years ago
Local single fin shredder!
Kirsten Courtney
Kirsten Courtney - 7 years ago
He must be a NUB fan smelling Gravy!
Ricardo S. C.
Ricardo S. C. - 7 years ago
NTB AQUAHOLIC - 7 years ago
Oh shit. That was def a fin!
Pat I
Pat I - 7 years ago
Definitely something there
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 7 years ago
Reminds me of the first few times I caught Frisco macking. Tons of swell with a huge bag of donuts. Looks like total massive El slammo with beautiful water. Glad you caught some makeable at the end of the day. For the win! Nice shooting and nice to see a vlog every now and then that's just pure Surf and stoke. That South Beach from the other day looked Epic! Can't beat solid waves in water that color, wearing a shorty in early March.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Stoked!! Thanks Darren
Jim Lastname
Jim Lastname - 7 years ago
Howzit Ben, Snacks and crew! You have cranked the stoke level to 10 and tore off the knob! The Wave Bandit quiver was claiming! The white one with the hinge was epic! HEAVY waves and battle tested. My claim? 20K views by tomorrow noon. NNFTW
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha! yew
David Paetzold
David Paetzold - 7 years ago
Very entertaining! Job well done Ben and crew.. Yeeeew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thank you!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
John Egan
John Egan - 7 years ago
Definitely some nice DO tubage there! Worth waking up for, eh? But those tubes weren't very forgiving tho...a lot of closeouts on y'all. Lots of salt in your breakfast today, huh? ;) Sorry to see the "new fold up style wave bandit Ben" :( Lucas's ride at 17:37 was EPIC!!! Good on ya you ol goofy footer you! That was some non-stop action right there...worth the price of admission for sure! ;) Give Snacks a big "high five" for us for his great video work! NNFTW! Cheers, John ;)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Yeah John thanks man!!
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 7 years ago
No Slam on the wave Bandit by the way. Just think if you have overhead conditions you should ride a maximum performance giving board and not waste your time spinning out
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 7 years ago
John Egan I don't think that was a crap wave Bandit that folded up. I think that was a full-on nice 5 fin option fish. Completely ridiculous to be riding a wave Bandit in those conditions to begin with
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 7 years ago
no I'm friends with turner his brother not like that at all
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels - 7 years ago
Omg dude. Epic video. Epic waves. Epic music. You can’t tell it’s about to get real when it’s all music, and waves. Sorry bout the wavebandit being a casualty of war. But what a pick me up can’t wait to get back in. Yewwww
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 7 years ago
Joseph Fago The Rabid Weasels well said my friend!!! All around top shelf today
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
yewww!! it's all good!!
Surf Rats
Surf Rats - 7 years ago
And sorry about your board man
Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
mariano casot
mariano casot - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Chris Gorman
Chris Gorman - 7 years ago
What an epic day for da boys, yew!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
surf420 - 7 years ago
ben you need a bigger board
surf420 - 7 years ago
no i mean a bigger shortboard
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
A bigger dream? On it!!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 7 years ago
great video hope you and Jordan are ok??miss the videos of you and Jordan together Hopefully you've got my address off turner?? xxx your such a lovely guy xxx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
We're good, haven't gotten your address but I will!!
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 7 years ago
Hahaha, I know. Just adding a little humor. I know it's all love with this guy. I love him too!
Kim Williams
Kim Williams - 7 years ago
it's not like that Darren I'm friends with his brothers turner,rob,and chat to Jordan sometimes i asked him if he could send me some of his stickers etc
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 7 years ago
Sounds like somebody's trying to get been in trouble, haha
JIM Bob - 7 years ago
yeww this is board snap central
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
so heavy haha
Andy Madden
Andy Madden - 7 years ago
Daddy punching out, tho? 6:17. dude has the heaviest lean forward style. GQ daddy. woah, the fuzz. heavier. broken board. heaviest. snax hasn't eaten the camera yet. win.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha! Yeah Andy!!
Billy Cowan
Billy Cowan - 7 years ago
Did y'all ride the Spectrum stepup?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
not yet!!
tradewind08 - 7 years ago
12:45 "Broke his board...bummer"
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Christian Burgess
Christian Burgess - 7 years ago
Proper nugs. Yew!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman - 7 years ago
I'm 100 percent jelly
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
the dream!!
Eddie Hoffmann
Eddie Hoffmann - 7 years ago
Epic video & sound track glad your getting some warm water wintertime nugs for the dream good job out there yeeew!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Symphony Farm
Symphony Farm - 7 years ago
Sessione EL Wacko!!! Never mind about that other Nub nation grammy nomination. This one takes it!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Jonny 190
Jonny 190 - 7 years ago
Epic ripping !! Thx 4 making this day here in NJ bearable with this epic edit of your day ! I'll b looking in 2morrow !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thanks Jonny!!
Rob Placek
Rob Placek - 7 years ago
Staring the race with a smile on my face. Thank you.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Danny Jets
Danny Jets - 7 years ago
Danny Jets
Danny Jets - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy hell yeah dawgy! Surf soon brothah!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Nicholas Duckney
Nicholas Duckney - 7 years ago
Holy Sh** that was so ace!!! The smile on your face while you ran up the beach after catching that tube was priceless. We used to call pure unadulterated fun like that 'Shining'....there was a lot of Shining going on in that video. You guys were like Tasmanian Devils out on the waves, loved every moment of that. I used to have to save up my pocket money for months to buy videos like this in the 80s. Thank you Ben, you made an old surfer/skater smile like an idiot today : )
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thanks so much!!! I am so stoked reading this!!!
Rob Placek
Rob Placek - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kurt Loeffler
Kurt Loeffler - 7 years ago
slowmo overkill....
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Yeah well
mark kelley
mark kelley - 7 years ago
where'godkin  ?  we need a hairy monkey fist / shaka
Eric Schmitt
Eric Schmitt - 7 years ago
damn. hope he is ok
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Kent Butler
Kent Butler - 7 years ago
So jealous.... So heavy
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
SurfinSanDiego - 7 years ago
Lets check the scoreboard.... Ben Gravy countless lives touched and 27000 subscribers. Spaced out chick on the beach who thinks a good wave is proper hand and arm positioning and whispers when no one else is around....0. Once again NUB nation for the WIN!!!!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
MrDeadsurfer - 7 years ago
Couldn't you guys find any open doors? So many closeouts! At least you charged them and got a lot of cover ups.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
I found 2, got one on film, but it was still the dream
Robert Wrobel
Robert Wrobel - 7 years ago
Looks like a few "boardcrackers" out there !!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha fully
Sean O'Connell
Sean O'Connell - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
tyler cox
tyler cox - 7 years ago
Barrels on the softy! Didn't feel like breaking a super? Killin it!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha so heavy
tyler cox
tyler cox - 7 years ago
oh snap, just got to the part where you snap the bandit! savage!
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 7 years ago
Still pretty big up here, commented late yesterday, i was surfing all day. It will be going off all week!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Wunderly
Ben Wunderly - 7 years ago
this whole episode was stoke from start to finish! love Snacks videography, capturing the surf life for sure. you guys are stone cold rippers! yew
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thanks Ben!!
Phil Duclos
Phil Duclos - 7 years ago
Bombing nuggs, wedges were on! I cant exactly say what that chick was watching, she must have been drunk or something, you had a good day, you were throwing some hard airs to break that board! Check you out tomorrow skater.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha thanks Phill!!
Local Motions
Local Motions - 7 years ago
It was just balls to the green WALL! Snacks killing it with the cam, Lucas, aka Dady Moose was letting loose, and the Gravy show was full throttle! Thank you for everything!!!
Local Motions
Local Motions - 7 years ago
Darren Reichert No but it's believable.
Darren Reichert
Darren Reichert - 7 years ago
No way! Don't know his name, but is your long hair boy Moose's dad?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Yeah dude!!
Angel Jv
Angel Jv - 7 years ago
Nub Nation:) YEW!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Levi Tarrant
Levi Tarrant - 7 years ago
Absolute carnage
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Michael Morgan
Michael Morgan - 7 years ago
The dream! Where is pov? sick barrels
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Gopro was acting so weird
The K.
The K. - 7 years ago
Sick waves!! Dumping close outs..nice!! :)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha fully!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
BLACK05GO1 - 7 years ago
You guys were charging. Those waves back at the neighborhood were killer. I can't tell you how much I wish I was there. I was at the beach in Bonita Springs (West Coast of Fl). Surf was slapping my ankles at 6"
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
So much fun!! Thanks!!
Tyson Kinnison
Tyson Kinnison - 7 years ago
Oh man! How amazing!!!!!!!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
SkyFreak - 7 years ago
nice waves !!!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
tomk1tl - 7 years ago
Looks like some good 10-12 footers....ooorah !
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
fun waves for sure!!
Janene Sheader
Janene Sheader - 7 years ago
R E S P E C T !! Nothin like Mother Nature at her best, sortin the men from the boys.. Loved the whacked out barrel shot, with the weird trippin colors thing.. Nice work boys, I’m dreamin of sweeeeet barrels tonight! Cya’s tomorrow :)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thanks Janene!!
The Corn Life Network
The Corn Life Network - 7 years ago
Completely EPIC! From start to finish, best edit all year! Snacks can film! I like his filming better than Jordan's because he gets the views we all want to see. Know what I'm sayin'? As always... For the dream!
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Russel Greene
Russel Greene - 7 years ago
good job cutting a whole surf movie in a 12 hour turn around. inside the inlet was the best. thats what makes your "films" unique.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Thanks so much!!
Adam Noce
Adam Noce - 7 years ago
Snacks is fucking great. Fucking Snacks.
Post Disclosure World
Post Disclosure World - 7 years ago
Do you know how to NOT be epic?
Tori Euliano
Tori Euliano - 7 years ago
I don't think it's possible
Tx_Slab - 7 years ago
Post Disclosure World - He blows my mind with the airs he always pulls. F$&@, I need my wings. :-)
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Matt Orendorff
Matt Orendorff - 7 years ago
Has that kook never worn Churchills before? Come on son.
Matt Orendorff
Matt Orendorff - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy oh come on. The yellow and blue fins the boogie board guy is rockin? Really? Semi pro tip - the Long edge goes on the outside so they look like a dolphin tail.
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
i dont even know what that is haha
ilovenewgirl and milfs
ilovenewgirl and milfs - 7 years ago
I can't even paddle out when its this big my dive ain't deep enough I slammed and drug down lol 5" is plenty big dream for me haha
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Get that thing deep!!
Tori Euliano
Tori Euliano - 7 years ago
Nub nation living the dream #pinapple
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Tori Euliano
Tori Euliano - 7 years ago
Love ya dad :)
Todd Euliano
Todd Euliano - 7 years ago
Tori Euliano you're a Legend my love!!!! xoxo
Victor Hadjiev
Victor Hadjiev - 7 years ago
Give a like for the dream!!! yew
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Ben Villasana
Ben Villasana - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
Jameson Salzano Vlogs
Jameson Salzano Vlogs - 7 years ago
Is it bigger than it looks
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
haha that's true
ilovenewgirl and milfs
ilovenewgirl and milfs - 7 years ago
Pshhhhaaaa damn right I need to get out. But it ain't clean up yet here on obx
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
it will be !!
Willem Kerr
Willem Kerr - 7 years ago
Hey Ben I know you probably can’t do this right now because your on the heavy swell but can you try to start a youth apparel line because a adult small is a pretty big for 4’6” 11year old
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
for sure!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!! - 7 years ago
How often is the forecast accurate?
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
never haha
SCRAP Kingdom!!!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!! - 7 years ago
Always early bird
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago
SCRAP Kingdom!!!!
SCRAP Kingdom!!!! - 7 years ago
First like
Ben Gravy
Ben Gravy - 7 years ago

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