SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

Powered by Wavegarden technology, Surf Snowdonia's wave pool can simultaneously generate beginner, intermediate and advanced waves at 2m, 1.2m and 0.7m. The Surf Snowdonia Wavegarden operates 7 days a week in Conwy, North Wales (UK).

SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever ! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 261

Surf 9 years ago 1,139,737 views

Powered by Wavegarden technology, Surf Snowdonia's wave pool can simultaneously generate beginner, intermediate and advanced waves at 2m, 1.2m and 0.7m. The Surf Snowdonia Wavegarden operates 7 days a week in Conwy, North Wales (UK).

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Most popular comments
for SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

irishfightfan saoirse
irishfightfan saoirse - 6 years ago
jesus that music is annoying
Shanti Shanti
Shanti Shanti - 6 years ago
ergh... Think you missed Kelly's wave dude....
Tony G
Tony G - 6 years ago
Water looks like iced tea
Paul Barrett - Alexander Technique
Paul Barrett - Alexander Technique - 6 years ago
I prefer the ocean
Justa Bowler
Justa Bowler - 7 years ago
don't disrespect this place cuz it's not as good as Slater's ... it came first and is still a great effort. I'm sure everyone would agree they'd rather have it than not!
Andrew White
Andrew White - 7 years ago
that looks dangerous
Awesome video!
have a good evening :)
stretchpadawan1 - 7 years ago
Bad wave with a completely shitty soundtrack. Did you guys commission a deaf person to make this ?
Grant Tobin
Grant Tobin - 7 years ago
these pools are awesome & all, but that water looks pretty naf :\

10. comment for SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

Stockturn Science
Stockturn Science - 7 years ago
How can you say best wave pool ever? For beginners maybe. Kellys shits all over this
Surfer Paul
Surfer Paul - 7 years ago
I wish Slater could make 10-Feet tubes with the wave machine
tubemaster777 - 7 years ago
Slater's is heaps better.
Zach Harrington
Zach Harrington - 7 years ago
I've seen bigger waves in a toilet!
bradbbs - 7 years ago
That fucking music gave me cancer
Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson - 7 years ago
Great attraction, sad about the really annoying musicGrrr
dezastruos - 7 years ago
looks so dirty! like sewer water
sim549 - 7 years ago
more like sewerdonia
Tim Norton
Tim Norton - 7 years ago
Does it need offshore winds?
guitarsurfer2010 - 7 years ago
Where the Herpes meets the Feces, Shitpool .

20. comment for SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

Pete Marsh
Pete Marsh - 7 years ago
I see this technology being used so surfing can become an Olympic sport. All waves equal, all surfers judged on their talent.
Иван Ткачев
Иван Ткачев - 7 years ago
Where is it!? What country!? Tell me please
Shoegum - 7 years ago
Kelly Slater's wave pool > this shit
MrDeadsurfer - 7 years ago
Mush burger.
Gunnar Moeller
Gunnar Moeller - 7 years ago
Build them next to the ocean and pump seawater in.... at least the sled goes both ways, right ?
So you get a return ticket...
sunrisesurfbum - 7 years ago
This wave looks much more natural and realistic than Slater's boring computer perfection wave.
Adam Bein
Adam Bein - 7 years ago
I muted that soundtrack so fast it's not even funny. <10 seconds. Good heavens.
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch
Gunther Ultrabolt Novacrunch - 7 years ago
Free ear infections and brain parasites with every paid admission.
Greg Sparks
Greg Sparks - 7 years ago
Claudio - 7 years ago
the water is orange blahhhhhhhhh

30. comment for SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

Dennis Oosterveer
Dennis Oosterveer - 7 years ago
cant these pools make bigger waves like tsunami style ??
Cliff De Zoete
Cliff De Zoete - 7 years ago
hahaha wtf is this music that makes my ears bleed.....
Stephen Klick
Stephen Klick - 7 years ago
People just need to do things the normal and natural way which keeps the spirit of it the way it should be, things like this pool are obsessive.
Greg lastname
Greg lastname - 7 years ago
720jlconner - 7 years ago
That divider is an accidemt waiting to happen. Please kill the soundtrack
Rey Cisneros
Rey Cisneros - 7 years ago
A dollar a minute still cheaper and healthier, then blow, and ladies of the night ... Raybann AustinTexas
Scott Patterson
Scott Patterson - 7 years ago
Best my ass. Slaters pool blows this away.
Damian Morgan
Damian Morgan - 7 years ago
If everybody who dissed this wave pool knew exactly where it is they would understand that this is infact an amazing acheivement for the area!! It may not give the most amazing waves but it also aint situated in California!! Its in a small village in North Wales so it gets quite a few visitors that probably never see a 'real' wave!!
ready and waiting
ready and waiting - 6 years ago
exactly…and the scenery around it is amazing and no white sharks on your mind while surfing , you want crystal blue then hit hawaii and spend some dollars spoilt children !
KB KB - 7 years ago
water looks like a cesspool
Splor - 7 years ago
wtf is with that music
Lee Gilbert
Lee Gilbert - 7 years ago
only thing you're catching there is typhoid
Francosteiner - 7 years ago
looks like sewer water? xf
Russ Kirk
Russ Kirk - 7 years ago
I agree with the guy below on the Kelly Slater one
Mr Trillion
Mr Trillion - 7 years ago
It looks sooo bad - The water quality is shit the actual wave is mush and slow !! + its expensive if you wanna book a session
John Burke
John Burke - 7 years ago
Its clean mountain water. Check where it is on a map before jumping to conclusions/ Not all water is bright blue...
peony Roses
peony Roses - 7 years ago
...the best. Even it is man- made. Playing in the open sea is way too risky. Just b safe.
infinity - 7 years ago
why no blue water ??
Geraldito Barba de Chivo
Geraldito Barba de Chivo - 7 years ago
Exactly how much hepatitis do you get from this?
John Burke
John Burke - 7 years ago
Never Mind haha you fucking retard! If there is sediment in water it won't be clear any longer. Nice delayed response though. The original post is several months old. Is that how long it took you to think of your retarded WRONG answer! Hahaha
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
John Burke - Moron. Water is colorless and odorless. What grade are you in? If you're actually in your upper teens you should seriously consider a permanent vasectomy. You can maybe Google that term.
John Burke
John Burke - 7 years ago
None. Its fresh mountain water. Its just brown.
peter neagle
peter neagle - 7 years ago
this looks like they are surfing in a sewer the water is so brown
johnty fiveofive
johnty fiveofive - 7 years ago
the water looks RANK AF.
Tim Stacey Photography
Tim Stacey Photography - 7 years ago

50. comment for SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

psy0rz - 7 years ago
wow that intro sound is horrible :)
psy0rz - 7 years ago
oh i still had my player on 1.5x speed :P
tian tian
tian tian - 7 years ago
yeah Kelly's pool is way better!
Eric Toth
Eric Toth - 7 years ago
Wave pools and surfing on the waves in a wave pool is not new not sure why anyone thinks it is.
Darrell Tiencken
Darrell Tiencken - 7 years ago
That water looks like untreated raw sewage!
amp3cx10000a7jp - 7 years ago
The waves are nice but the water is dirty!
MrNutsack100 - 7 years ago
Dirty ass water!!!!!!!
João Pinto Correia
João Pinto Correia - 7 years ago
Nice place to learn surfing. Wave parque
Mario Osegueda
Mario Osegueda - 7 years ago
it doesn't look like you can get tubbed for that fuck this place! water looks like crap too!
Mario Osegueda
Mario Osegueda - 7 years ago
Celia Stevens Did you really..I'm sure you've gotten tubbed more than once?! oh oh I'm sorry you're talking about the wave. Really? it doesn't look like you can the waves weren't fully forming it seemed!
Celia Stevens
Celia Stevens - 7 years ago
I once got tubbed
Kevin Brown
Kevin Brown - 7 years ago
children!!!! look at alll of those kooks !!!!!!!
Ken Cooper
Ken Cooper - 7 years ago
Kevin Brown i
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
Junk. Tiny junk at that.
dan w
dan w - 7 years ago
the water looks questionable to me.
Johnny Hazer - CZ
Johnny Hazer - CZ - 7 years ago
how it work? i mean this pool
minginify - 7 years ago
Wavegarden must be out of business after Slater's pool?
William Barrett
William Barrett - 8 years ago
did anyone tell you that is a turd pond with either parasites or chlorine, hummmm water is way to nasty looking for chlorine, did you guys get the memo that the skin is 60% absorbent. car macanics did and people that work with any fluids did as well. that's why they where gloves. nasty water kills you with either the chemicals or the parasites, microbes, bacteria, or forms of fungus. ask any top science professor at any university what these things do in the body over time. it will fucking blow your mind. they will live in you for years and occupy your immune system and then some cancer or disease will get you later on in your life. only go in moving water not stagnant bird turd ponds.
1ukjunglednbraver - 7 years ago
they cycle all the water with uv filter every 24 hours, the water is clean but yes its full of tannins
Charles Foster
Charles Foster - 7 years ago
Switch to decaf nerd-packer. It looks like tea or coffee...which is not toxic, parasitic or laden with chemicals.
Aladin Fox
Aladin Fox - 7 years ago
William Barrett - You are right, though water colour can be deceiving , it may just be peat residue from the local soil. Whatever the reason we all know now that the crystal blue Pacific is a swirling mass of plastic breaking into toxic micro beads infecting the food chain. No place left to run!
oldiesmusic76 - 8 years ago
Brown water??? No thanks.
805edog - 8 years ago
Looks dangerous as fuck
805edog - 8 years ago
Hahaha you are so right faggot. That comment I left was for people that actually surf. The average Joe like you would drown in that surf tank. That would be fun to watch.
Gabriel - 8 years ago
Jolly Rancher
Jolly Rancher - 8 years ago
Mushy wave.
Gary Hennessy
Gary Hennessy - 7 years ago
you are a cunt
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
Xploration - Try truthful. Shillboy.
X ploration
X ploration - 7 years ago
wow what a negative influence obviously jealous and unhappy
Jpgundarun - 8 years ago
Why don't they chuck some chlorine in there to clean that polluted looking shit up?
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
Aladin Fox did you just drink some of this shitty brown water or something?
Aladin Fox
Aladin Fox - 7 years ago
Chlorine!? That'll solve it I don't think !!
The Blue clear Pacific may look cleaner but we now know
that it is a giant swirling sewer of plastic debris and micro beads
polluting, the food chain. ✌
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
Thats cool, my brown liquid comes from beer bottles.
John Burke
John Burke - 7 years ago
It comes from a reservoir so, people do.
Jpgundarun - 7 years ago
Drink some then.
John Burke
John Burke - 7 years ago
Its not polluted!!! Its fresh mountain water. Why don;t you check on a map where it comes from?!
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
>>>>>>> HOW >>>>>>>>>> EXCITING >>>>>>>>>>>
John schnetzler
John schnetzler - 8 years ago
Hugh Jazz
Hugh Jazz - 8 years ago
Not the best at all, not even close
KseaStudios PNW Surfing
KseaStudios PNW Surfing - 8 years ago
I agree but it still looks fun =P
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 8 years ago
whzre is it?
Kris Roberts
Kris Roberts - 8 years ago
Snowdonia Wales!
Noel De Arce
Noel De Arce - 8 years ago
surferdjnj - 8 years ago
Neds dead baby!!
Arthur Watts
Arthur Watts - 8 years ago
Hopefully we'll see someone combine wingsuit and kite-surfing very, very soon. The ultimate drop in - literally out of the clouds.
Nikita Green
Nikita Green - 8 years ago
Kelly skaters is better
Cherie C
Cherie C - 8 years ago
Sin Fuller I agree
Jai Dem'mon
Jai Dem'mon - 8 years ago
Must suck to be facing into a fence. Can you get way ahead of the peak and do a big roundhouse with that fence in front of you? Even the POV footage is focused at his feet.
susan steinberger
susan steinberger - 8 years ago
where is this place too lazy to google it
WonderWhaz - 8 years ago
There's a big path in the way...duh!
V Schlottbom
V Schlottbom - 8 years ago
Do anybody know something about the cost compared to the Slater Wave? What is when the Slater pool is not affortable? Wavegarden is pretty much cost effective and Fitting for beginners and intermediate.
Homefront - 8 years ago
Just Curious why so many cocks are hating on this....
surfinmuso - 8 years ago
Crap. Keep trying. Maybe ask Kelly for some pointers
ZECA URUBU - 8 years ago
legal ....
michaeltokley jane
michaeltokley jane - 8 years ago
Michael tokley
Vanz75 - 8 years ago
Black and dangerous
Flash - 8 years ago
Look like they had a big surf fest before making this video. The water looks dirty.
Chet Anderson
Chet Anderson - 8 years ago
You probably know this, but fresh water ponds are murky...
Brian Trend
Brian Trend - 8 years ago
what do they screw u in £'s for an hours surf guys does anyone know?
Daniel Rebelo
Daniel Rebelo - 8 years ago
Muito louco
Sdot Yam
Sdot Yam - 8 years ago
where is the fucking tube??
JayJahy - 8 years ago
Why no good barrel like other wave pools?
harelsap1 - 8 years ago
iTzz-Savage - 8 years ago
Not as nice as the one in Dubai
iTzz-Savage - 8 years ago
+trey surf what the fuck are you talking about?? Get outa here with that fuck shit
trey surf
trey surf - 8 years ago
+Spencer Nottage it's better than nothing you idiot... such a negative view
iTzz-Savage - 8 years ago
+woodystorey yea it's still pretty cool
woodystorey - 8 years ago
Yea, I know about the one in Dubai...but I will never go to a Muslim controlled country ever, their record of human rights abuses is off the charts. Anyways this surf machine may not be as good, but it's still pretty cool....but Slater's is still the best in my opinion...
iTzz-Savage - 8 years ago
+woodystorey watch a video of the one in Dubai. You know what I'm talking about. And this one looks like shit water to.
woodystorey - 8 years ago
Always a hater in the group to slam something that's pretty darn cool...
Hired Expectations
Hired Expectations - 8 years ago
These poor idiots thought they created something amazing. Then Slater drops a bomb on them haha. Once he can market and sell the technology he's got behind the wave he has created, "if" he ever does, these guys will have nothing but a bankruptcy packet and shot egos.
gog 1284
gog 1284 - 7 years ago
thats fine we still got the mountains.
annmaria - 8 years ago
where is kelly slater's pool?
Michael Scavo
Michael Scavo - 8 years ago
waste of time and money now that Kelly's wave is out.
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
James Aston - His money. He can do as he pleases. Bar the hordes of kooks that you obviously identify with.
Michael Scavo
Michael Scavo - 8 years ago
hell yeah
James Aston
James Aston - 8 years ago
Michael Scavo you fucking dipshit
1 Kelly's wave is in America
2 Kelly's wave is only open to Kelly himself and the pros he chooses to invite on it
Gian Cuka
Gian Cuka - 8 years ago
even in the pool there is a lil bit oof crowd
Glenn Cipolla
Glenn Cipolla - 8 years ago
Not even close to Slater's....not even close.

100. comment for SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

Glenn Klotz
Glenn Klotz - 9 years ago
Kelly Slater's pool makes this look foolish.
Sebastian Danthez
Sebastian Danthez - 8 years ago
Oh yeah!
ph0kused - 9 years ago
kelly slater's pool shits on this
Leonel Ribeiro
Leonel Ribeiro - 7 years ago
no way bro...Slater is wayyyyy better...makes perfect tubes and this one, where r they???
Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson - 7 years ago
Something positive maybe? Yes well the​ U.S and Ausi economy must be sizable compared to Wales...doh!
Chris Notap
Chris Notap - 7 years ago
I agree. Slaters look way better than this one.
Garrett Alexander
Garrett Alexander - 7 years ago
Jack Christian Right cuz you’ve surfed kelly’s wave?
Sam Wells
Sam Wells - 7 years ago
Jack Christian you are very very wrong! slaters wave is 100times better than this trash
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
+Luca Siciliano Could be a commercial dye. But +1 for your science info. Cheers
Luca Siciliano
Luca Siciliano - 7 years ago
To answer for Superciuppaful, I say the coloration is attributable to organic acids leached out of plant detritus; also referred to as humic compounds
Never Mind
Never Mind - 7 years ago
Jack Christian - number1 bullshit. Shillboy.
MayBach Yard
MayBach Yard - 7 years ago
Jack Christian
it's better than this shit tho
Jack Christian
Jack Christian - 7 years ago
kellys is not that good, the barrel is too slow.. you always have to stall constantly .. there are no sections like a normal wave..
Superciuppaful - 8 years ago
is that why the water is brown?
Sebastian Danthez
Sebastian Danthez - 8 years ago
Oh yeah!
Dustin D
Dustin D - 9 years ago
Best Ever?
Dustin D
Dustin D - 8 years ago
Agree 100%
Hired Expectations
Hired Expectations - 8 years ago
Not even close. Kelly slaters wave pool makes this look like child's play. Literally this is a huge waist of time and money now that kelly can market and sell his technology he's created.
Edo A.
Edo A. - 9 years ago
water very dirty I saw better ones ....
The ClanAdventures
The ClanAdventures - 8 years ago
Its tanning in the water. It comes from the peat up in the mountains does no harm but after this lot spending a day in cold Welsh water Im sure there is a fare bit of pish in that pool now.
Ahman Millener
Ahman Millener - 9 years ago
This is cool. When I wrapped it around my mind, i figured it out. ingenious! It's an underwater catapult. Like on an Aircraft Carrier. Brilliant.
annonim - 9 years ago
The wave is so dirty why ??
The ClanAdventures
The ClanAdventures - 8 years ago
Its tanning in the water. It comes from the peat up in the mountains does no harm but after this lot spending a day in cold Welsh water Im sure there is a fare bit of pish in that pool now.
Alexandre - 9 years ago
not any more...
Robert McCall
Robert McCall - 9 years ago
These guys obviously haven't seen Kelly Slater's wave pool creation lately. It blows this out of the water... no pun intended.
scottiemcnichols - 9 years ago
Kelly Slater's new Wavepool puts all others to shame. This is just laughable to watch in comparison.
scottiemcnichols - 8 years ago
+woodystorey Try as I may, I can't imagine any conceivable reason why I would ever find myself in North Wales to bother, as there is NO chance I would ever travel that far just for this, although I would consider a trip somewhere closer for a week-long vacation to surf Slater's wave all day, every day.
woodystorey - 8 years ago
Yea we get all that, still pretty cool though...would you surf it?....sure you would, as you would Slater's...
Alek Salazar
Alek Salazar - 9 years ago
This looks like intense wake surfing lol
jerry jordan
jerry jordan - 9 years ago
Where is Dave Friar and the old school boys from The Mumbles, Wales ?  Richard "Wasper" Stocking,  Felix,  Roland,  Axel,  Steve Parker, Gary and Steve Parsons, Rodger Tim, and Allen.  Aloha to all the Welsh surfing bruddas. and keep up the good development.  Thanks to all you guys for a great surf trip so many tears ago.Jerry from California.
phoarey - 9 years ago
Such an appalling soundtrack. Mute
Charles Foster
Charles Foster - 7 years ago
Absolutely...this soundtrack is the audio equivalent of modern art that only people who see confusion and abstraction claim to understand and/or relate to. IMO this reveals a spiritual deficiency...the only remedy for which is allowing the Bible to point out the parts of you that need to be conformed to God's standard for confession and repentance/turning to God for the change that His Word revealed is needed and asking His Spirit to give you the (new, Spiritual) life that none of us are born with, but has terms of acquisition (the forgiveness of Jesus, who ratified the Abrahamic blood covenant for the redemption of mankind from sin on a cross at 3pm on Friday, April 3, 33 AD).
Dave Iles
Dave Iles - 7 years ago
How many likes you got Aura?
Aura Glasswerks
Aura Glasswerks - 7 years ago
phoarey go fuck your dog some more while mutes on
peteb2 - 9 years ago
So anyone know the reasons the water is that colour making it questionable on quality? I've seen vast sewage oxidation ponds with much better water colour....
The ClanAdventures
The ClanAdventures - 8 years ago
Its tanning in the water. It comes from the peat up in the mountains does no harm. Most mountain loch/lakes will be this colour. It doesn't come out through standard water treatment in the uk.
Marilyn  Conradie
Marilyn Conradie - 9 years ago
water colour looks funny ...brownish
The ClanAdventures
The ClanAdventures - 8 years ago
Its tanning in the water. It comes from the peat up in the mountains does no harm but after this lot spending a day in cold Welsh water Im sure there is a fare bit of pish in that pool now.
AlexParker1981 - 9 years ago
+Marilyn Conradie all around the world in the ocean there are brown waves like that due to climate and poverty. this is a normal thing to pull up to your favorite spot knowing it has some man made river run off to the ocean making for better sand bars. they probably used river water instead of a high cost clear water. I also believe you get more speed and the water is more dense which is more like surfing in the ocean. I would like all parks to be like that in the future and you have to angle it offshore to the daily trade winds so the wind blows offshore making for that smooth texture.
mp Energy
mp Energy - 9 years ago
And Energy ??? how much cost one Wave $$$$
steppeez - 9 years ago
+mp Energy Develpment of new devices(hydrowaves converters) demands a reasonable expenses (at the present time), but all profit will be extracted by proprietors (of enterprises) just after they will apply it.
Edward Elliot
Edward Elliot - 9 years ago
+mp Energy It's powered by armless orphans which keeps the costs quite low. when those little buggers get tired they just fire up the coal sludge generator. Probably averages $500 per wave
steppeez - 9 years ago
If to start up along the coast a recuperative converter of wave energy, the wave will transmit to the wave converter almost all energy (including the energy, wich the running wave extracts from a tail-wind).
fishkiller12672 - 9 years ago
+mp Energy Solar Power!
LODGE CASA VIEJA - 9 years ago
se viene la ola artificial .
Mary Desmond
Mary Desmond - 9 years ago
where is it
Matti - 9 years ago
GOrDoN ReMseY - 9 years ago
Conwy, North Wales
Mytus - 9 years ago
Surfing = stupidest ,,sport,, ever! :D
its something like hitting peas on the wall :D
woodystorey - 8 years ago
Where do you live?
woodystorey - 8 years ago
Hey Mythus....where do you live?'re the perfect guy to have his face bashed in with a baseball bat for just being a total asshole who doesn't know shit
Keith Sooy
Keith Sooy - 9 years ago
+dfhdgnsdfb odfgi You will die while texting your dislike for actual things like reality. Good luck on the road of life...(that is if you have a drivers licence) Scooter Rider?!
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi - 9 years ago
+Mythus phoon DIE - nonsocial brainlock fuck you are a retarded cunt, go back to surfing the web, closet thing you will ever come to playing a sport
Keith Sooy
Keith Sooy - 9 years ago
+Mythus phoon DIE - nonsocial brainlock ...You sir are a fucking Idiot. Bet you don't Know how to swim.
Albert BlackPearl
Albert BlackPearl - 9 years ago
+simrdown mon haha, So, back to your gameboy!! !
Albert BlackPearl
Albert BlackPearl - 9 years ago
+simrdown mon I was just going to say that !! TRUE THAT !!!
Mytus - 9 years ago
,, removed ,,   ;)
Mytus - 9 years ago
:D  I dont think so
Maximus Meridius
Maximus Meridius - 9 years ago
man I'm sorry but this is disappointing.. what a waste of what seems to be a lot of money.. they should have spent more time on R&D. not trying to hate but whatever..
bigwavesurferr - 9 years ago
Definitely need one in the middle of Yorkshire!!
Gefa Duro
Gefa Duro - 9 years ago
You realize, this is a precursor, thanks to this park, thousands of them will be made in the next hundred years or so...i heard its a snow plow underneath, imagine what kind of wave we'll be having when it's a plate 10 times bigger..with engines way more powerful and suited to this kind of thing. Human ingeniosity knows no limits, we will have mind blowing things very soon. Also they'll probably figure out that salt water gives way more lift, as does warm water.
Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson - 7 years ago
I like to leave it to something natural
Glenn  Guerrier
Glenn Guerrier - 7 years ago
Uchiha Hikaku
Uchiha Hikaku
Uchiha Hikaku - 7 years ago
I bet they've had the technology for years to create things we can't even imagine but anticipated it's effect on the planet so ceased any further development with it.
reeeheeheeeheehee - 7 years ago
but then you will die of radiation poisening
clarkewi - 7 years ago
I see the future and it works!
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi - 9 years ago
watch the vid with owen wright and Julian Wilson, didn't you see them getting spat out the barrel? still the best wave pool footage ive seen. its a shame it shut down and since then no one has been able to recreate it 
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi - 9 years ago
yes but they are actually getting barrels here and has a face to it not like this burger wave 
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi - 9 years ago
+Gefa Duro look up ocean dome japan, now that is a REAL wave pool, none of this mushy burger crap you see here
karayv - 9 years ago
Guys, what's the name of the soundtrack?
karayv - 9 years ago
+karayv Revolution Void – How Exciting
Ken Hall
Ken Hall - 9 years ago
that water looks yummy!
Luis Diaz
Luis Diaz - 7 years ago
does it? lol
Adel Mehdi
Adel Mehdi - 7 years ago
hhhh its river water so its full of végétale paticul
planTHC Greenhouse
planTHC Greenhouse - 9 years ago
Brazilian bottled
Techno .Clowns
Techno .Clowns - 9 years ago
With this same technology you don't think the great Tsunami in Japan 2011 was man made?
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi
dfhdgnsdfb odfgi - 9 years ago
+Techno .Clowns (Pyro) fucking idiot
Techno .Clowns
Techno .Clowns - 9 years ago
+Gefa Duro That too..But still as I said Man made, not a Natural
Thats what scares me that what if they do the same in Manhattan New York???
Gefa Duro
Gefa Duro - 9 years ago
Probably a nuke actually....
MYSTIC & SLAY'IN JUSTIN - 9 years ago

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About SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !

The "SURF SNOWDONIA - Best surfing wavepool ever !" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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