GLOSSARY: shaves - waves shaving - surfing sleds - surfboards snow - waves tri-tip - 3 fins filet mignon - 4 fins new york cut - ?????? strip - beach? idk For more terms please visit: Get a mug here: Send one of our greeting cards here: Other people in the video: Marcus: Tana: SUBSCRIBE▶︎ ▶︎ MY EP ▶︎ ▶︎ PODCAST ▶︎ ▶︎ OTHER PODCAST ▶︎ ▶︎ MERCH ▶︎ ▶︎ PO BOX 333 Washington Blvd. #7 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 BOOK ME ON CAMEO ▶︎ ▶︎ INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SNAPCHAT: codyko MY CAMERA: MY LENS: MY WIDE ANGLE LENS: MY MIC: MY OTHER MIC: MY VLOG CAMERA: Get free rides on uber here: Business Inquiries Only: CODY KO is an actor/comedian/YouTuber/podcaster/soundcloud rapper/internet badboy based in Venice, CA. He speaks in several podcasts and makes comedy videos on YouTube, some of his most popular videos being his commentary on funny things he finds on Instagram. SURF TERMINOLOGY Cody Ko

SURF TERMINOLOGY sentiment_very_dissatisfied 54

Surf 8 years ago 160,168 views

GLOSSARY: shaves - waves shaving - surfing sleds - surfboards snow - waves tri-tip - 3 fins filet mignon - 4 fins new york cut - ?????? strip - beach? idk For more terms please visit: Get a mug here: Send one of our greeting cards here: Other people in the video: Marcus: Tana: SUBSCRIBE▶︎ ▶︎ MY EP ▶︎ ▶︎ PODCAST ▶︎ ▶︎ OTHER PODCAST ▶︎ ▶︎ MERCH ▶︎ ▶︎ PO BOX 333 Washington Blvd. #7 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 BOOK ME ON CAMEO ▶︎ ▶︎ INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SNAPCHAT: codyko MY CAMERA: MY LENS: MY WIDE ANGLE LENS: MY MIC: MY OTHER MIC: MY VLOG CAMERA: Get free rides on uber here: Business Inquiries Only: CODY KO is an actor/comedian/YouTuber/podcaster/soundcloud rapper/internet badboy based in Venice, CA. He speaks in several podcasts and makes comedy videos on YouTube, some of his most popular videos being his commentary on funny things he finds on Instagram. SURF TERMINOLOGY Cody Ko

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Most popular comments

Vic Vinegar
Vic Vinegar - 6 years ago
God, I hate Tana.
adrianna kastner
adrianna kastner - 7 years ago
lol idk why I read this as smurf terminology
yanis zerkhfaoui
yanis zerkhfaoui - 7 years ago
say nigger
Shayler Neal
Shayler Neal - 7 years ago
Cody this video is like a year old now but you just said the name Shayler and I thought I was the only one in the world and I don’t know whether to be honored or upset
Who Dunnit
Who Dunnit - 7 years ago
As long as the kids get to keep every cent, it's entrepreneurship.
Fringgo Dunggo
Fringgo Dunggo - 7 years ago
Mabel - 7 years ago
Good spelling of labour!!!!
Mabel - 7 years ago
Oh shit sorry I just realised that that’s the American version, carry on
sofia greaves
sofia greaves - 7 years ago
ok what was the video with tana i wanna see
Gillian Zaldivar
Gillian Zaldivar - 7 years ago
iiiiii dontliketanamongoose

10. comment for SURF TERMINOLOGY

kaitlynn pearson
kaitlynn pearson - 7 years ago
he actually put a glossary. wow
caitlin shields
caitlin shields - 7 years ago
I really hope you don't still own those sunglasses
Laura H
Laura H - 7 years ago
i hate that mongoose
maxine - 7 years ago
girl in the samsung party probs wanted to smash
Austen Fisher
Austen Fisher - 7 years ago
Samsung visits retirement homes ?
Viri Arreola
Viri Arreola - 7 years ago
this was a good vlog until tana's POS face came on
Isabella Kapriellian
Isabella Kapriellian - 7 years ago
the way you talk reminds me of Schmidt from new girl
Jill Maul
Jill Maul - 8 years ago
rip tana
Emil Dahl
Emil Dahl - 8 years ago
I feel like you leave things out that could be nice contet, I understand that u dont wanna film all the time but still, like filming while getting a suit would be nice, aim for that 10 min mark dude everyone knows thats where its at. the JUICY utube moniess
Anahera Totoro
Anahera Totoro - 8 years ago
yo where are these collabs that him and tana shoot??

20. comment for SURF TERMINOLOGY

Devon Jones
Devon Jones - 8 years ago
what video is he talking about with tana?
Emily Fischel
Emily Fischel - 8 years ago
I ALWAYS see those two kids (00:16) when im in santa monica and like they seem super cool but i also hate them because that kid is maybe 5 and is already a better guitarist than me
Eryn Brown
Eryn Brown - 8 years ago
i love
Leah Strickland
Leah Strickland - 8 years ago
Where in Canada is he from?
okaychegs - 8 years ago
where's the vid with tana??
Brittney Northern
Brittney Northern - 8 years ago
"extra crispy"
Arianna Gardner
Arianna Gardner - 8 years ago
cody, hi.
Maddie - 8 years ago
going to start using "reasonably lit" in my everyday life
Karsen Beckner
Karsen Beckner - 8 years ago
Why don't you own a Prius
Ivan Cortez
Ivan Cortez - 8 years ago
you should date her

30. comment for SURF TERMINOLOGY

GrotePieterMan - 8 years ago
adventuresofgreg - 8 years ago
this vlog sucks
Christy Lynn
Christy Lynn - 8 years ago
devon looks like hes addicted to sunflower seeds
Columbiana G
Columbiana G - 8 years ago
Oh Cody, so naive
Laura Davis
Laura Davis - 8 years ago
wtf lemme come see u when ur in Canada :(
Laura Davis
Laura Davis - 8 years ago
the glossary lmfao
Sally Last
Sally Last - 8 years ago
I love you sooooo much!
Sally Last
Sally Last - 8 years ago
+Sally Last love you❤️
Sally Last
Sally Last - 8 years ago
+Sally Last Omg I'm so dumb this is my own post
Sally Last
Sally Last - 8 years ago
No I love him so much
Kate Kidd
Kate Kidd - 8 years ago
No Colby?? Unsubscribed
Connor Fleniken
Connor Fleniken - 8 years ago
This vlog made me pee so hard that I laughed.
Szarah R.
Szarah R. - 8 years ago
I really want to know his last name!
Kate Kidd
Kate Kidd - 8 years ago
He says it Jimmy Tatro's drunk questions video!
Emma - 8 years ago
I get disappointed when colby isn't in one of your vlogs
Victoria Rohal
Victoria Rohal - 8 years ago
"so that I look.... extra crispy"
Megan Shaffer
Megan Shaffer - 8 years ago
How can you pick just one comment. They're all so good man.
Hugh MacAskill
Hugh MacAskill - 8 years ago
big fucking wheels baby
Steffani Daconceicao
Steffani Daconceicao - 8 years ago
I didn't think a 4 minute vlog would leave me so satisfied.... sexually
stop0200 - 8 years ago
i don't understand why all of him and his friends have weird ass names, get a life
Connor Mullis
Connor Mullis - 8 years ago
Ha haha hahaha hahahahahahahahahah
Kristina & Karla
Kristina & Karla - 8 years ago
How do you feel after the juice cleanse?
Taylor Warner
Taylor Warner - 8 years ago
Marcus is so cute omg.
Hannah Goodwin
Hannah Goodwin - 8 years ago
haley farley
haley farley - 8 years ago

50. comment for SURF TERMINOLOGY

Alex Brady
Alex Brady - 8 years ago
can this comment be in the vlog
Ren Campbell
Ren Campbell - 8 years ago
Felipe Ventura
Felipe Ventura - 8 years ago
my cousin is special education and most of the time he yells gibberish and I usually understand more of him talking more than Cody talking "surfer slang"
Nicole Snyder
Nicole Snyder - 8 years ago
Yo Cody! You're literally my nigga!!!
mad fitz
mad fitz - 8 years ago
ur cool but those sunglasses look fucking stupid
LaurieRose - 8 years ago
Cody, do another video where you tell an interesting/funny story like the shrooms in Thailand. thats the best vid on your channel!!!!! I beg!
Bobby Flips
Bobby Flips - 8 years ago
ayyyy nice vids cuz :)
N Kristine
N Kristine - 8 years ago
A Canadian surfer, checks out.
Abby Jane
Abby Jane - 8 years ago
don't be a doctor bc "you have cancer sorry to warn you" isn't the easiest way to put it
Anna Aguilera
Anna Aguilera - 8 years ago
you're the coolest channel
Zac Swehla
Zac Swehla - 8 years ago
cody is the type of guy to listen to rap music, not know the words, and bop to the music like he knows what the lyrics mean
Allison Galloway
Allison Galloway - 8 years ago
Where are your sunglasses from
Mallory Coish
Mallory Coish - 8 years ago
i only watch your vids to listen to the catchy song in the front, but you're also fucking hilarious so
Melanie Rosenblatt
Melanie Rosenblatt - 8 years ago
the surfing movie with the Penguins reminds me of this
Abby Hlavacek
Abby Hlavacek - 8 years ago
Marcus is a Jeff, especially for looking like a pussy in the backseat
Chriisty L
Chriisty L - 8 years ago
I'm so tired of you not putting my comments in your vlogs, so fuck you and your roommates (except Marcus)
Uncleogee - 8 years ago
Sunrises are better than sunsets
Josh Jordan
Josh Jordan - 8 years ago
i was trying find something funny to say to get in the next video but i couldnt so fuck you cody
Rizalyn V.
Rizalyn V. - 8 years ago
Oh my god look at how in love cody is with marcus it's beautiful
ilyssa estrada
ilyssa estrada - 8 years ago
ur friend is like a pretty iggy
Hanndango - 8 years ago
The ad before the video was a period reliever ad and idk I just think that's really beautiful
Alice Liddell
Alice Liddell - 8 years ago
your laugh is so precious hah
C Rizz
C Rizz - 8 years ago
I fuckin bet dude
Robbie Carkner
Robbie Carkner - 8 years ago
Adriana F
Adriana F - 8 years ago
I'm surprised he isn't more of a douche since his name is Cody.
Abril Lazaro
Abril Lazaro - 8 years ago
I'd be friends w u but u probably wouldn't be friends w me lmao!
Jimmy Moon
Jimmy Moon - 8 years ago
Just watch all of your vlogs but I was sleeping
Samuel Hall
Samuel Hall - 8 years ago
Chapped peen
Abril Lazaro
Abril Lazaro - 8 years ago
Codys like the only F boy I'll ever deal w i love him so much
JaAust Clash
JaAust Clash - 8 years ago
The new "Liked Comment" button noise sounds just like Cody Ko's Intro Music!
BigElephant - 7 years ago
when you're extra to be the next comment in the video
JaAust Clash
JaAust Clash - 8 years ago
Wait that's me
JaAust Clash
JaAust Clash - 8 years ago
Shut up you comment copier!
whatcanyado - 8 years ago
wait okay cody lemme get this straight. you're a young, hilarious, attractive and generally successful Canadian. so, therefore, are you from Vancouver or Toronto boi?
madison gray
madison gray - 8 years ago
cody ko
Catie Venable
Catie Venable - 8 years ago
So how's the piss
Miguel Angel Vargas
Miguel Angel Vargas - 8 years ago
Cody's the type of guy to feature his own comment on his video
Miguel Angel Vargas
Miguel Angel Vargas - 8 years ago
You should actually do that though.
Matt Cosgrove
Matt Cosgrove - 8 years ago
lazerbot111 - 8 years ago
lazerbot111 - 8 years ago
I'm sorry....Vaginal*
genesis santamaria
genesis santamaria - 8 years ago
genesis santamaria
genesis santamaria - 8 years ago
genesis santamaria
genesis santamaria - 8 years ago
genesis santamaria
genesis santamaria - 8 years ago
Michael McCue
Michael McCue - 8 years ago
Did you just assume my gender bro
Vanessa Galarneau
Vanessa Galarneau - 8 years ago
Lmao this made my day ahahahahaha
robby ogle
robby ogle - 8 years ago
ill pay you a large sum of money to just fuck me up
Paul Rigsby
Paul Rigsby - 8 years ago
If your name wasnt cody it would have to be zack, tyler, or balthazar
Abby - 8 years ago
i love child labour. i also love sweet peas. fuck those other peas.
Em - 8 years ago
dick me down daddy plz
Em - 8 years ago
but deadass this guy is super hot
Kypto Nite
Kypto Nite - 8 years ago
This video tastes like piss. I made that one up.
gpf199797 - 8 years ago
jonathan lindahl
jonathan lindahl - 8 years ago
The blonde girl looks like a pretty version of Iggy Azaela (not a compliment)
JCG15 - 8 years ago
Low key, like on the low I'd lowkey go homo for you

100. comment for SURF TERMINOLOGY

BubbleTech - 8 years ago
you should come to aus and hit the wave on the gold coast, Coolangatta. Its got 'cool' in the name so it should be good enough for you
Vibhav Sharma
Vibhav Sharma - 8 years ago
who this annoying canadian looking dude who does the vlogs? im just here for the lumberjack dude with beard
Camila Moore
Camila Moore - 8 years ago
maybe you're fake and gay.?
Emma Christensen
Emma Christensen - 8 years ago
I would've liked to have seen the Harry Potter movies done with Marcus as Harry Potter. I think that would have been dope.
Sarah Patellos
Sarah Patellos - 8 years ago
you were on the promenade...
Grace Gondek
Grace Gondek - 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure that Cody just tries to be funny to hide his clearly deep rooted issues in the hope that jokes can make him feel like a valid member of our society
CarlaHurtado06 - 8 years ago
How bout you cut the funny shit and do some makeup tutorials ;)
Emily Reyes
Emily Reyes - 8 years ago
marcus is like Jesus with a fresh cut
Izzi Spiridigliozzi
Izzi Spiridigliozzi - 8 years ago
isn't Tara like 16?
Lily Peperson
Lily Peperson - 8 years ago
I feel like Cody is an asshole. Cody, r u an asshole? Be honest
Becca Mulcahy
Becca Mulcahy - 8 years ago
ugh. God DAMMIT
Thomas Hogan
Thomas Hogan - 8 years ago
Make it end
Cass Hortle
Cass Hortle - 8 years ago
you are a mixture of mark walhberg and adam devine
who dis
who dis - 8 years ago
Cody has the ultimate radio voice and personality
Stella Drake
Stella Drake - 8 years ago
Cody why did no one take the golden opportunity to smash you a hard one right in the balls when you had the VR goggles on? Wood have been realll nice nice
Sara Duron
Sara Duron - 8 years ago
omg i was watching this and my dog escaped!!!
Cara K
Cara K - 8 years ago
Molly butthole
Awkward Amanda
Awkward Amanda - 8 years ago
I can't wait for the roast video to come out
Zach Owens
Zach Owens - 8 years ago
Cody looks like the type of guy to spend ours on his hair in the morning only to get rejected by every girl he walks up too.
Lauren St. Paul
Lauren St. Paul - 8 years ago
Dan Castillo
Dan Castillo - 8 years ago
I'm convinced that Cody doesn't have a penis and his asshole is where his penis should be and there's nothing where his asshole should be
Jensyn Green
Jensyn Green - 8 years ago
i post you on twitter and the guys that follow me will dm "i love cody ko too", i think they want a three some
Donn Joseph
Donn Joseph - 8 years ago
cody is the type of guy to clap after a plane landing
Cole Alibozek
Cole Alibozek - 8 years ago
Mike Hunt turned into Mike Hawk when he married Trans G. Ender
Cloé Gélinas
Cloé Gélinas - 8 years ago
Fillet mignon is 100% french mam get your facts right
Cloé Gélinas
Cloé Gélinas - 8 years ago
Shit I meant to say "man" FUCK
Jensyn Green
Jensyn Green - 8 years ago
we are going on a date to buffalo wild wings, pick you up at 8 ;)
Hugh Robinson
Hugh Robinson - 8 years ago
You need to take a trip to New Zealand Cody and experience the amazing beaches/bitches we have here.
Meg D
Meg D - 8 years ago
Wait you're Canadian ? Shit.
Alexandria Hay
Alexandria Hay - 8 years ago
I really think you should change your intro video to a country dubstep remix. would really up your YouTube game
Melissa Vera
Melissa Vera - 8 years ago
You're Canadian??
Cami Jordan
Cami Jordan - 8 years ago
I feel like if Marcus wasn't friends with Cody and Devon he would be settled down with like a family right now
Faye Housefield
Faye Housefield - 8 years ago
why do you always capitalize your titles, stop yelling at me...please
Faye Housefield
Faye Housefield - 8 years ago
samsung lmfao i remember the 1920s
Gina Neset
Gina Neset - 8 years ago
Bellamy - 8 years ago
Tony Peacham
Tony Peacham - 8 years ago
Cody is the type of dude that
sawyerashlyn - 8 years ago
can you tell us when you pick out the comment for the video so I know when it's too late to write a fucking trash comment on here
Jacklyn Meyerink
Jacklyn Meyerink - 8 years ago
A Cody Ko vlog without surfing is like a hipster without beard oil that you've probably never heard of.
Ruby Bender
Ruby Bender - 8 years ago
That was rude...
Ruby Bender
Ruby Bender - 8 years ago
Hey Cody! Suck ass
Christine Metzger
Christine Metzger - 8 years ago
definitely some sexual tension between marcus and cody
Ashley Mason
Ashley Mason - 8 years ago
my mom said she really expected more from me for loving someone with slightly below average eyebrows :( thanks Cody
Ashley Mason
Ashley Mason - 8 years ago
fucked up the sad face, nice. Also where's Colby????
angel thrash
angel thrash - 8 years ago
I don't know why but I feel like you are ned from neds declassified school survival guide after he grew up and stopped caring about survival guides or helping kids at school in general
Zeke Ziegler
Zeke Ziegler - 8 years ago
You look like a gopher
Sabria Zlitni
Sabria Zlitni - 8 years ago
Your sperm tastes like piss
Indira Moo
Indira Moo - 8 years ago
Emma - 8 years ago
You're the Walmart version of hoodie Allen
Anna R
Anna R - 7 years ago
don't do hoodie allen like that
T-Bus - 8 years ago
+Cody Ko so true
Lily Peperson
Lily Peperson - 8 years ago
Jazo Moises
Jazo Moises - 8 years ago
oh my god THIS
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
hoodie allen is the walmart version of hoodie allen
Anna Mueller
Anna Mueller - 8 years ago
34 thumbs down Cody does not deserve this smh
Anna Mueller
Anna Mueller - 8 years ago
btw I saw more of your double chin than I wanted to in this video
Faruk KIRAÇ - 8 years ago
Some Cody's vlogs re addictive. But idk which vlogs. Im fucked up :S
Dom Underhill
Dom Underhill - 8 years ago
my favourite comment
Burgundy - 8 years ago
lmfao he actually put the glossary
T Pow.
T Pow. - 8 years ago
fuck you cody. you should have been in the back seat instead of marcus
T Pow.
T Pow. - 8 years ago
follow me on insta: Ratedroyal
craig campbell
craig campbell - 8 years ago
I'd drag my balls through a mile of a glass to hear that blonde fart down a walkie talkie
Josh Rice
Josh Rice - 8 years ago
Hahahaha I feel like Marcus just kind of walked in from a less weird group of friends and is always just a little bit thrown off and awkward but I love him
Brenda Cisneros
Brenda Cisneros - 8 years ago
hoping that one day my comment will be worthy of cody's attention and read at the end of his video. also marcus is so handsome
Windmill4321 - 8 years ago
Cody seem lik good man . tustworthy
Rizalyn V.
Rizalyn V. - 8 years ago
Tastes like piss
Windmill4321 - 8 years ago
Like buffalo
Parker Crews
Parker Crews - 8 years ago
I feel like Cody smells like Yankee Candle, saltwater and pussy all the time
Brittany Cooper
Brittany Cooper - 8 years ago
just commenting because your snapchat told me to
sara sams
sara sams - 8 years ago
cody ko eat my ass
Edwin Ahumada
Edwin Ahumada - 8 years ago
you smell that... it smells like good fam
Michelle Giorgi
Michelle Giorgi - 8 years ago
hey dude, dig the vlogs :) but i love your videos where you just sit in front of the camera talking about random topics, those are hilarious
Burgundy - 8 years ago
yea same
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
im gonna do more of those too
Matt Mac
Matt Mac - 8 years ago
Funny how people are literally only commenting stupid shit so they get picked for his next comment of the day
cameron toe
cameron toe - 8 years ago
this is rightousness!! surfs up!
Em Rasmussen
Em Rasmussen - 8 years ago
Official petition to bring back #tigerfacts.
Hannah LaRiviere
Hannah LaRiviere - 8 years ago
You smell nice kody
Elija - 8 years ago
Cody, you're a terrible Canadian. How dare you spell 'labor' without the 'u'.
Drew Hughes
Drew Hughes - 8 years ago
Most mature immaturity I've seen that's for sure
Drew Hughes
Drew Hughes - 8 years ago
And that my friend is impressive
Payton Heleine
Payton Heleine - 8 years ago
Great vlog Cody! You should go bowling in the next one!
Diego Lopez
Diego Lopez - 8 years ago
god bless tana mongeau fuck me tana fuck
Internet Shaquille
Internet Shaquille - 8 years ago
I want $5
Brooke Reder
Brooke Reder - 8 years ago
When you try to be cool and pretend you know exactly what Cody and Marcus were talking about in his car, without using the glossary ...
Julia - 8 years ago
Cody sucks cock
Emily P
Emily P - 8 years ago
you spelled labour the american way smh you're betraying canada
Caroline Sadler
Caroline Sadler - 8 years ago
Kinda of a shitty vlog. Don't worry. I won't unsubscribe and I will still watch all your other ones.
Liliana Rangel
Liliana Rangel - 8 years ago
Who came because of Tana? lmao
Lauren Smith
Lauren Smith - 8 years ago
tana sent me here
Trenttt - 8 years ago
dislikes because tana said too
shucom95 - 8 years ago
You should be a sk8r boi dude
Tiana Ellis
Tiana Ellis - 8 years ago
queen cody
Nicole DiGiulio
Nicole DiGiulio - 8 years ago
Cody this vlog is amazing!! you should catch Pokemon in the next one!
Garrett Otteson
Garrett Otteson - 8 years ago
What a dad
Ross Souders
Ross Souders - 8 years ago
good stuff man. I love your stuff
Quin Dunn
Quin Dunn - 8 years ago
invite me to go surfing with you.... do it
Megan Phillips
Megan Phillips - 8 years ago
please post a pic of you in your suit on snapchat like you did that one time because you looked extremely crispy
Charlie V.
Charlie V. - 8 years ago
Next Jimmy Tatro lol.
Danny Gonzalez
Danny Gonzalez - 8 years ago
Great vlog Cody! You should go bowling in the next one!
jmags - 8 years ago
+Cody Ko venmo me $5 I got you fam
Oakz - 8 years ago
+Cody Ko lmao
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
hey thanks but i'll pass
Killer Queen
Killer Queen - 8 years ago
Now that Tana is 18, you know Cody is gonna try to pipe that.
Joe Steigerwald
Joe Steigerwald - 8 years ago
I'm pretty like 68% sure canandas not even a real place
Pitzky - 8 years ago
Cody those sunglasses make you look like you struck out in t-ball as a child
Pitzky - 8 years ago
Cody those sunglasses make you look like you struck out in t-ball as a child
Austin Yeager
Austin Yeager - 8 years ago
He's slimmer
Austin Yeager
Austin Yeager - 8 years ago
Ha shut up faggot
Supreme Shinpad
Supreme Shinpad - 8 years ago
your nan wears shinpads for zumba
Ps4gamer7438 - 8 years ago
Cody ur such a tryhard but atleast cool. Fuck off
Breanna Roby
Breanna Roby - 8 years ago
isabully is the hottest person in this vlog
Breanna Roby
Breanna Roby - 8 years ago
*aggressively dances to intro and outro music *
Sarah Magree
Sarah Magree - 8 years ago
this vlog kind of tasted like piss if i'm being honest...
TempX MC
TempX MC - 8 years ago
just realized that you put Episode 11 on the last video and the one before that. HERHE EEE RICKY TICKYYY
Tyler Uliss
Tyler Uliss - 8 years ago
Yeah definitely don't kill yourself this shit is gold also tana wants your cack
Tom Sun
Tom Sun - 8 years ago
Cody looks like a less sophisticated and more slutty Jason Sudeikis
JCG15 - 8 years ago
Pls don't be in his next video
Killer Queen
Killer Queen - 8 years ago
Cody looks like everything you just said, but hungover from drinking and all that Molly water.
Killer Queen
Killer Queen - 8 years ago
Kaden Severn
Kaden Severn - 8 years ago
Why do you seem like an asshole that i want to be friends with even though i know you'll just insult me all day
cdq329 - 8 years ago
jaylin villanueva
jaylin villanueva - 8 years ago
So cali
Cody Ho
Cody Ho - 8 years ago
Why the fuck did you say me when marcus asked you a question and you're the only person is the fucking car you dumbass. ps those glasses make you look like a Amber Rose bitch ass wannabe
Natalia Diaz
Natalia Diaz - 8 years ago
Suck my ass Cody Ko. Suck it hard.
josie kell
josie kell - 8 years ago
Cody looks like he would suit nail varnish
WalkWithEunji - 8 years ago
So did you give money to those kids or did you film them and walk away?
Dylan Perez
Dylan Perez - 8 years ago
When is ur cousin blayze gonna be in a vlog
Jesus Leonel Rangel
Jesus Leonel Rangel - 8 years ago
pussy with goat
Hunter Leppard
Hunter Leppard - 8 years ago
Cutting through powder with a nice porterhouse sled
Mary Kathryn Stanford
Mary Kathryn Stanford - 8 years ago
Cody is the type of guy to comment "first" on someone's Insta picture and then get in a fight with someone when he figures out he wasn't first
Josh Films
Josh Films - 8 years ago
I watch these for Marcus
Evan Riekel
Evan Riekel - 8 years ago
Diego Santos
Diego Santos - 8 years ago
back to good ol
Alex H
Alex H - 8 years ago
teach me how to become american plz i am candian i don't like the cold
Burgundy - 8 years ago
hunter - 8 years ago
honesty fuck Marcus
Marc M
Marc M - 8 years ago
cody how many chicks do you boink a week
Em - 8 years ago
all of them
Caroline Sadler
Caroline Sadler - 8 years ago
Hahahaha holy shit. That was funny.
Cali Linstrom
Cali Linstrom - 8 years ago
why do i watch all your videos
Angela Samano
Angela Samano - 8 years ago
More Marcus less Cody!!!!
L - 8 years ago
wow what if we go to the same wedding
Я Christian
Я Christian - 8 years ago
low key dude you look kinda cute in this video lowkey though lowkey
shekinah mcgirt
shekinah mcgirt - 7 years ago
Justsomedude all da homo!
Chase Zwartz
Chase Zwartz - 8 years ago
Anna Mikesic full homo
Anna Mikesic
Anna Mikesic - 8 years ago
no homo
Burgundy - 8 years ago
Dee Rose
Dee Rose - 8 years ago
this vlog tastes like piss
Leona's Corner
Leona's Corner - 8 years ago
If Cody and I had babies they would be so funny!
Squishy Stalin
Squishy Stalin - 8 years ago
i fucking love your vlogs
Brendon Page
Brendon Page - 8 years ago
Cody you remind of tom cruise. How you might ask? You don't HAHAHA got you
14Rolex11 - 8 years ago
Just waiting for Cody to sell out and make a book
Angel Trevino
Angel Trevino - 8 years ago
taste like piss
Mackenzie Reed
Mackenzie Reed - 8 years ago
I love coming home from an exhausting day of work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays knowing that I have a Cody Ko vlog that I can cry myself to sleep to
Danny Thurlow
Danny Thurlow - 8 years ago
Evan Raiken
Evan Raiken - 8 years ago
Javier Hernández
Javier Hernández - 8 years ago
Andre Perolta
Andre Perolta - 8 years ago
Nora Dullaghan
Nora Dullaghan - 8 years ago
a guy who goes to my school has an incest shit going on with his sister but theyre both adopted from different families so i guess its not anymore
Carson Bradshaw
Carson Bradshaw - 8 years ago
Codys the type of guy to act like Pokémon Go is for losers but plays it when no ones around
Allie B
Allie B - 8 years ago
your ears are a different color than the rest of your body
Emily Pratt
Emily Pratt - 8 years ago
Zach S
Zach S - 8 years ago
This is unrelated but does anyone know how to catch Dratini, keep throwin fuckin pokeballs at him and he just keeps on running away

Anthony Abutin
Anthony Abutin - 8 years ago
Tell ur friend to not be a kook and take his wetsuit off in the car
abby - 8 years ago
Go to Canada and STAY THERE
Draizoh - 8 years ago
Cody is the type of guy to send you a picture of the shit he just took
Rizalyn V.
Rizalyn V. - 8 years ago
+Hard Dick bro go to heckk
Nick Radcliffe
Nick Radcliffe - 8 years ago
Is that weird?
Andre Perolta
Andre Perolta - 8 years ago
I do that
whoosht - 8 years ago
I ship him and tanuhmohjow
Button Pusher
Button Pusher - 8 years ago
Button Pusher
Button Pusher - 8 years ago
Weren't those Chinese kids in Nadeshots vlog
maemaejojo - 8 years ago
if your nose was a dick i'd suck it
Hannah Smith
Hannah Smith - 7 years ago
Scrolling and this honestly made me gag a little bit
KittieHOLE - 8 years ago
pleb worship
SuperChode - 8 years ago
if his dick was a nose i'd blow it
Rizalyn V.
Rizalyn V. - 8 years ago
ive graduated, thank u
JollyBravo - 8 years ago
+Rizalyn Velesrubio Only if you go to school
Rizalyn V.
Rizalyn V. - 8 years ago
U guys go to churc h
Burgundy - 8 years ago
JollyBravo - 8 years ago
If his dick was a nose I'd do the same thing
Joe Reed
Joe Reed - 8 years ago
Cody I've been trying to think of a good comment for like 10 seconds and all I can think about is cocks
Jake Starkman
Jake Starkman - 8 years ago
who tf
Ashly Bella
Ashly Bella - 8 years ago
the comments on your videos are by far the best part of your channel
Ashly Bella
Ashly Bella - 8 years ago
love your content tho keep it up, sport
Ashly Bella
Ashly Bella - 8 years ago
what im trying to say is, your videos suck
Kumori - 8 years ago
Ughh IHOP is the shit
zilbeas - 8 years ago
i bet cody tries to get high on sharpies
Cade Cintorino
Cade Cintorino - 8 years ago
you should join the WWE
LSDICK :0 - 8 years ago
Lmfao what
Chris Commodore
Chris Commodore - 8 years ago
I'm sitting next to my friend Jack Shaw and he said your a pussy. You are not a pussy
Chloe Bredemus
Chloe Bredemus - 8 years ago
Kenya Gilmore
Kenya Gilmore - 8 years ago
if only i was as funny as cody
Lillie Nelson
Lillie Nelson - 8 years ago
why does your face remind me of untrimmed nose hairs
Tess - 8 years ago
I thought the thumbnail was Zachary Piona
Sam Johnson
Sam Johnson - 8 years ago
what a shitty fucking video. nice video tho
Ella Wolf
Ella Wolf - 8 years ago
Shoutout to all the pears haha
Arlene Castillo
Arlene Castillo - 8 years ago
how many vids will it take for codyko to get to the center of a tootsie pop
Emma R
Emma R - 8 years ago
New comment go vlog
Hope Mikolajczyk
Hope Mikolajczyk - 8 years ago
disappointed. not enough marcus.
Sarah Gallagher
Sarah Gallagher - 8 years ago
This Vlog is more lit than my future
Brianna Flaherty
Brianna Flaherty - 8 years ago
I wonder how long people think of a good enough comment to get your attention... fuck you cody hoe.
Travis Johnson
Travis Johnson - 8 years ago
youre such a bitch.
Travis Johnson
Travis Johnson - 8 years ago
Stephen Hawking can surf better than you
marymegc - 8 years ago
Why is Marcus friends with you. Be better Marcus. Be better.
Michael Martinez
Michael Martinez - 8 years ago
sup cody u wont pick this as ur favorite comment u wont u wont
spa1113 - 8 years ago
is she bae
Tyler DeAgostino
Tyler DeAgostino - 8 years ago
Everyone out here catching mews, I'm catch int mewts as in shut the fuck up
James McCormack
James McCormack - 8 years ago
I use sex wax on my stick
Cassidy Smith
Cassidy Smith - 8 years ago
"""""New vlog go comment"""""" fuck u
Jordan davies
Jordan davies - 8 years ago
I'm not funny enough for cody to notice me but I wanna be noticed
Coolkidss - 8 years ago
Tana and cody should date
Seb - 8 years ago
i love how you only choose comments from girls... how about a chicken? huh? This is a lady chicken.
Robert Johannessen
Robert Johannessen - 8 years ago
Still waiting for full frontal nudity
Voodoo Mama Juju
Voodoo Mama Juju - 8 years ago
isn't it illegal for you to collab with a 17 year old
Killer Queen
Killer Queen - 8 years ago
She's 18 now
Sam Coniglio
Sam Coniglio - 8 years ago
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
Chaz Martinez
Chaz Martinez - 8 years ago
I bet Marcus acts like he's asleep in the car so Cody will carry him in the house and put him in bed
Jake Buckley
Jake Buckley - 8 years ago
Marcus blows turds
Lexie Cranston
Lexie Cranston - 8 years ago
For those who were wondering what the surfer translation for, "been a dick nose little bitch since day one" means... You're a Pussy.
Claire Simmons
Claire Simmons - 8 years ago
Where tf is Devon, he's my actual bitch
Evan Bradley
Evan Bradley - 8 years ago
You look like an older, less talented Justin Bieber
El - 6 years ago
Jesse Antal u stfu
Jesse Antal
Jesse Antal - 8 years ago
Evan Bradley
Evan Bradley - 8 years ago
+Evan Bradley no homo
Evan Bradley
Evan Bradley - 8 years ago
Still cute tho
Jasmyn Edgington
Jasmyn Edgington - 8 years ago
Fuck is up with the 4 minute vlog?
Mckenna Arthur
Mckenna Arthur - 8 years ago
i thought u were fucking w me when u said u were canadian i spent fuckin four minutes on google trying to figure out if u were serious or not the search was inconclusive though i guess i'll never know
Phoebe Caulfield
Phoebe Caulfield - 8 years ago
Chelsea Johnson
Chelsea Johnson - 8 years ago
Hello yes I have been sent from Snapchat to leave a comment, so here it is. hi
Beau Brooks
Beau Brooks - 8 years ago
i only watch these vids naked
Peyton Matt
Peyton Matt - 8 years ago
every time I look through the comments I see a bunch of try hards trying to get in his next video :) but it's funny so
Angel Almeida
Angel Almeida - 8 years ago
An 8 ball a day keeps the doctor away
Angel Almeida
Angel Almeida - 8 years ago
If I a had to suck a dick I think it'd probably be yours ...but no homo tho
Angel Almeida
Angel Almeida - 8 years ago
If you can do an olli over that other surfer dude (can't remember his name) I will go on a juice cleanse 10 times a year for 10 years
tara purgaric
tara purgaric - 8 years ago
hot hot nipple
YASMIN _01 - 8 years ago
I mean Cody ko is kind of funny
Angel Almeida
Angel Almeida - 8 years ago
My dad asked me what that wifi password was and I literally said GOD IS COMING REPENT YOUR SINS ...breathes out in relief fuckin love you Cody
CD - 8 years ago
You were really funny in Jimmy's drunk questions vid
flightofthetallguy - 8 years ago
Oh this isn't Nick Coelletti's youtube page? Why am I watching a Canadien fuck.
Zachariah Soughou
Zachariah Soughou - 8 years ago
Handbag poopdick
Colin Dineen
Colin Dineen - 8 years ago
katie wright
katie wright - 8 years ago
penis (:
Jordyn Green
Jordyn Green - 8 years ago
for the first 10 videos i thought that when you said you surfed it was a joke
Hannah Milton
Hannah Milton - 8 years ago
Zack Sougou
Zack Sougou - 8 years ago
Handbag poopdick
Zack Sougou
Zack Sougou - 8 years ago
Dick butt
Matt Hamilton
Matt Hamilton - 8 years ago
I'll be at the wedding man. I hope to havea beat off with you and ur dad if you know what I mean ha. Y'all gonna be dumb lit. Congrats!
Carmen Chavez
Carmen Chavez - 8 years ago
maybe the guy who made up surfboard terminology originally lived in a cabin in the woods up in the mountains, so he compared the things he did while surfing after sledding and steaks.
Ariana - 8 years ago
You're such a surfer and a nerd it physically hurts me, lowkey tho (you're lowkey kinda cute, lowkey)
Ariana - 8 years ago
+Joe Reed lowkey tho?
Joe Reed
Joe Reed - 8 years ago
Lowkey suck me
Miguel Torres
Miguel Torres - 8 years ago
3 lowkeys make a highkey.
ncdaking123 - 8 years ago
well i mean he imitated harlock on camp unplugged so you arent wrong there
cōsimō - 8 years ago
nice clown fiesta
Max Fogelstrøm
Max Fogelstrøm - 8 years ago
you should include some surf edits!
Chris Kelly
Chris Kelly - 8 years ago
Jimmy Neutron lookin' ass
Tori Garrison
Tori Garrison - 8 years ago
I've been sick for a week and your "vlogs" (it's in quotes bc it's only four minutes fuck you) are the only quality thing to watch and make me laugh
Grey Valliano
Grey Valliano - 8 years ago
How did you become friends with iggy azalea?
Aaron Adams
Aaron Adams - 8 years ago
Is it just me or does that blonde chick looks like Bert from Sesame Street?
JDelay17 - 8 years ago
i sat here trying to come up with a witty cody worthy comment, all this did was make me feel stupid fuck you cody for making me evaluate myself you cunt.
Mitch Young
Mitch Young - 8 years ago
my parents don't love me
Sam - 8 years ago
Cody is that one guy who has literally three funny jokes and constantly overuses them to the point where only one person laughs because they are trying to get on his good side
News Channel Butthole
News Channel Butthole - 8 years ago
Just jerked off
pwnzer26 - 8 years ago
Only bitches sit in the back seat (aka Marcus)
pwnzer26 - 8 years ago
That guitar was bigger than him...
Jose Ramon VR
Jose Ramon VR - 8 years ago
What should i comment
JollyBravo - 8 years ago
This might be a tad gay, but what length do you get your hair cut at? Like the sides/back. Also, what hair product do you use to style dem locks.
Jake Gorski
Jake Gorski - 8 years ago
Hey look it's Cody Calla Jess Ick
Josh Garcia
Josh Garcia - 8 years ago
eat my ass codster
Francisco Daniel Christopher
Francisco Daniel Christopher - 8 years ago
I demand longer vlog.
Megan McKee
Megan McKee - 8 years ago
Cody the type of dude to make really quality vids and have 30,000 subs! Amirite? #roasted
Kira Rasmussen
Kira Rasmussen - 8 years ago
this is the type of content i like to see
zohaa zafar
zohaa zafar - 8 years ago
you have 24 hours in ur day how is ur vlog 4 minutes wtf is tHIS CODY.
Chaz Martinez
Chaz Martinez - 8 years ago
+Chaz Martinez kidding it was ok
Chaz Martinez
Chaz Martinez - 8 years ago
+Cody Ko more like 4 minutes of absolute torture
Tanic Danilo
Tanic Danilo - 8 years ago
that's sad
zohaa zafar
zohaa zafar - 8 years ago
laugh more then bih
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
ya but its 4 minutes of laughs!!!!!!!!
Viviana De Leon
Viviana De Leon - 8 years ago
I love you Cody be my uncle
Kendall Steele
Kendall Steele - 8 years ago
new vlog go comment
savannah samuelson
savannah samuelson - 8 years ago
I actually stopped watching YouTube for over year now, but damn Cody you're so entertaining! Thanks for bringing me back :)
Mikaela Carter
Mikaela Carter - 8 years ago
ur such a bitch, lol
Mikaela Carter
Mikaela Carter - 8 years ago
love the vlogs though dude !!!!
Ian Becker
Ian Becker - 8 years ago
God kill me
max416 - 8 years ago
i bet that glossary was annoying to make
Ian Becker
Ian Becker - 8 years ago
Matt Grasman
Matt Grasman - 8 years ago
yo dope ass man
Ian Becker
Ian Becker - 8 years ago
what car do u drive? probably a Prius cuz ur a little pussy
Gohan Serrato
Gohan Serrato - 8 years ago
Ian Becker Mazda 3
Sarah - 8 years ago
lol at the people trying to be funny here to be his fav comment
I am McCarthy
I am McCarthy - 8 years ago
Yo were twins man im telling you
max416 - 8 years ago
this vlog was as short as my cock
mo btw
mo btw - 8 years ago
you're one crispy motherfucker for sure man
Kourtney Lynn
Kourtney Lynn - 8 years ago
Idk what's worse the child labor or those bowl cuts... Poor kids
Jacob Rimlinger
Jacob Rimlinger - 8 years ago
Cody the type of guy that would fart in a toilet and flush
willdude07 - 8 years ago
I believe a non-flusher is called a rimlinger, once it's left your rim, you let it linger in the abyss, creating a brown fog. oh shit rimlinger is your surname...
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
I am McCarthy
I am McCarthy - 8 years ago
A suh dude
Morgan Schultz
Morgan Schultz - 8 years ago
hey guess what
Chelsea Johnson
Chelsea Johnson - 8 years ago
Okay I laughed a little at this and I'm ashamed
Morgan Schultz
Morgan Schultz - 8 years ago
+Morgan Schultz k you have a nice day now
Morgan Schultz
Morgan Schultz - 8 years ago
+Morgan Schultz chicken butt haha gotcha sucker
Morgan Schultz
Morgan Schultz - 8 years ago
Jadeterry - 8 years ago
Go eat a moose dick
Jadeterry - 8 years ago
Jk I would feel bad for the moose
MadSeason96 - 8 years ago
cody ur fuckin so hot ur gonna give me aids
LSDICK :0 - 8 years ago
Take shrooms with my friend vishwa and i not even kidding
Matt - 8 years ago
cody do it for fuck sake dont be an asshole
LSDICK :0 - 8 years ago
+Vishwa Chitnis the funny thing is that we aren't even joking too lol
LSDICK :0 - 8 years ago
Vishwa Chitnis
Vishwa Chitnis - 8 years ago
+Cody Ko alright bro just text me
Megan McKee
Megan McKee - 8 years ago
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
ill think about it
Vishwa Chitnis
Vishwa Chitnis - 8 years ago
We live in Southern California so it wouldn't be a commute
tim Curtin
tim Curtin - 8 years ago
Cali no barrels, New York extra barrels bitch
penutts - 8 years ago
u should reply back because i had aids
Claire Hiott
Claire Hiott - 8 years ago
your last name is just the first half of your first name
ColtonT - 8 years ago
Cody seems fun to get drunk or high with
Emily Braunstein
Emily Braunstein - 8 years ago
Martinz - 8 years ago
fuck me daddy
Gxtes - 8 years ago
To why tf did u run a marathon tho
Blake Meyer
Blake Meyer - 8 years ago
Damn, I see you Cody! Chilling with Iggy Azalea!
Mia Prenovault
Mia Prenovault - 8 years ago
I like that you described yourself as crispy
Ian Harrison
Ian Harrison - 8 years ago
Grace Jeong
Grace Jeong - 8 years ago
cody u should kill yourself but nicely
PizzaMelon - 8 years ago
Kill yourself, No offense tho
Grace Jeong
Grace Jeong - 8 years ago
whats wrong with being a dick wad
Ariel Evans
Ariel Evans - 8 years ago
just because you wont to be the featured comment doesnt mean you have to be a dick wad
longyellowbanana - 8 years ago
suh dude
Cody Ko
Cody Ko - 8 years ago
Ehren - 8 years ago
+The Ugu Penguin hahaha you win
Hugh Robinson
Hugh Robinson - 8 years ago
Cody would be the type of dude to only catch and evolve zubats on Pokemon Go
dagbjort arthurs
dagbjort arthurs - 8 years ago
+The Ugu Penguin whys that so funny omg
The Ugu Penguin
The Ugu Penguin - 8 years ago
Being first to comment on a video or social media post might be special, but have you ever thought of the LAST comment? Vsauce here-
Jonathan Escobar
Jonathan Escobar - 8 years ago
T-Bus - 8 years ago
Delete your account
Alyssa Headlee
Alyssa Headlee - 8 years ago
you can't even be first on your own video what a failure
Claudia Nash
Claudia Nash - 8 years ago
u so fit
Lara J
Lara J - 8 years ago
hm taste like piss
Gxtes - 8 years ago
Hannah Larson
Hannah Larson - 8 years ago
i thought you were from Canada
Hannah Larson
Hannah Larson - 8 years ago
pretty sure its against immigration policy for him to be in the ocean
T-Bus - 8 years ago
+Hannah Larson
cuz its an ocean of maple syrup
Hannah Larson
Hannah Larson - 8 years ago
then why he is allowed in the ocean
T-Bus - 8 years ago
He is
ColtonT - 8 years ago
God damn it I wasn't first
ColtonT - 8 years ago

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