SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse )

Times Up! SURFS UP! Who will walk away King of the Beach? ChillyWilly Merch On Sale!! If you enjoyed the video, Leave a LIKE or SHARE! Thank you! :D New Videos Everyday! Subscribe! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to ULTIMATE. HORSE. CHICKEN. People will Fail. Things have NEVER been sillier! Game Description (From Steam) Ultimate Chicken Horse is a party platformer game where you build the level as you play, placing traps and hazards to mess up your friends, but dont mess yourself up by accident. So we decided to boot up Ultimate Chicken Horse over the weekend...and having never played it, we were unsure what we were getting into. Lets just say it was probably some of the most fun we have had in a long time. We could not stop laughing...I even got the hiccups from laughing so much. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Other's Channels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thumbnail Art Done by ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You Can Follow me on Social Media: Twitter - Twitch - Instragram - Facebook -

SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse ) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Surf 7 years ago 8,834 views

Times Up! SURFS UP! Who will walk away King of the Beach? ChillyWilly Merch On Sale!! If you enjoyed the video, Leave a LIKE or SHARE! Thank you! :D New Videos Everyday! Subscribe! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to ULTIMATE. HORSE. CHICKEN. People will Fail. Things have NEVER been sillier! Game Description (From Steam) Ultimate Chicken Horse is a party platformer game where you build the level as you play, placing traps and hazards to mess up your friends, but dont mess yourself up by accident. So we decided to boot up Ultimate Chicken Horse over the weekend...and having never played it, we were unsure what we were getting into. Lets just say it was probably some of the most fun we have had in a long time. We could not stop laughing...I even got the hiccups from laughing so much. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Other's Channels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thumbnail Art Done by ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You Can Follow me on Social Media: Twitter - Twitch - Instragram - Facebook -

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Most popular comments
for SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse )

VeNoM - 7 years ago
I feel as if Pier Pressure would’ve fit in juuuust perfectly for the title!
Lich - 7 years ago
14:51 onwards, constant laughter. I couldn't breathe
David von Doom
David von Doom - 7 years ago
Greed kills.
Lord Sivler
Lord Sivler - 7 years ago
...does the wave come back?
Carlos Hoffmann
Carlos Hoffmann - 7 years ago
I like to think it's you guys in animal suits
G26killer Louie
G26killer Louie - 7 years ago
Dontsh you know
nyeil ali
nyeil ali - 7 years ago
Saw this round from Galm's channel and came just to see chilled's facecam at the start when he had to outrun the wave.
Shawn Heatherly
Shawn Heatherly - 7 years ago
Grabbing the coin in the first round definitely kept this interesting, but I love how close that last round was between you and GaLm.
Gavin Hubbard
Gavin Hubbard - 7 years ago
Ur really bad.

10. comment for SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse )

Veronica M
Veronica M - 7 years ago
Oh man, you going for the coin, combined with your screaming and the wave just made my entire day.
jiji Ha
jiji Ha - 7 years ago
The moral of this episode is: Always go for the money, kids. It might not make you King of the Beach, but you can buy it up and close it down, so now you're the one letting those petty farm animals fight each other in a battle of life and death!
Dance for my asument chicken muahaha
Hello Guy
Hello Guy - 7 years ago
In this game the most recent chicken horse videos started em off in a volcano then Egypt and now at some pier that has a tsunami every 10 seconds
nater batter
nater batter - 7 years ago
Ill sub if you play this game more
Captain Cuddles
Captain Cuddles - 7 years ago
Chilled’s videos are always amazing.
Dont cha know?
seth last name
seth last name - 7 years ago
ThaStrake - 7 years ago
Starts the video, hears Chilled screaming for his life!
Well, that's a great start of the video. :D
YoshiMoshi - 7 years ago
lol that hardcore tunnel vision 7:00
Temmie S
Temmie S - 7 years ago
Upload in the middle of the day?
Scott Shafer
Scott Shafer - 7 years ago
Temmie S i think its cause he is settling in new home rn
Jonathan Maki
Jonathan Maki - 7 years ago
this level is great. you can't wait for others like a pussy italian

20. comment for SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse )

Flame Wolf Xalf
Flame Wolf Xalf - 7 years ago
Oh, Ritz. Don't 'cha know?
Gunsnroses fan
Gunsnroses fan - 7 years ago
"Does the wave come back?"
Marcus Hernandez
Marcus Hernandez - 7 years ago
So chilled, being a bunny from the future, still hasn’t lost the urge to get the money at the cost of his life
Jared Hill
Jared Hill - 7 years ago
Happy St. Patrick’s Day y’all
Forge Gump
Forge Gump - 7 years ago
Thank you for being a youtuber you make my day a better day
Aira - 7 years ago
Light Headed
Light Headed - 7 years ago
I vote that we give chilled more subscribers then he has
Lazy Ninja
Lazy Ninja - 7 years ago
"The intent is to provide satisfaction to the players GaLm" Chilled grabs the money So, Chilled is "satisfying" individually in a bunny costume and then takes the money and leaves? Hmmm... This can only mean one thing.... Chilled picked up a job as being Bugs Bunny at birthday parties. What an honorable, loyal, and professional thing to do to people in a bunny suit.
emelord - 7 years ago
Lazy Ninja you always comment some things some what smart.
MetaL556 - 7 years ago
You're saying he's muscling in on Ohmwrecker's turf, then. There can be only one Birthday Bunny!
Marcus Hernandez
Marcus Hernandez - 7 years ago
Lazy Ninja you and I had the same thought
hunter - 7 years ago
hmmm here before 50 views.... perfect time to go to the bathroom i guess
Jeffrey Z.
Jeffrey Z. - 7 years ago
You should have named the video pier pressure

30. comment for SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse )

The one friend Who has no life
The one friend Who has no life - 7 years ago
Chilled scream when running from the wave was the best especially when he ask if the wave come back
HΛKΞRΛV - 7 years ago
Moar Trappers Delight. I loved it, but this game is fun too!
Derp Chaos
Derp Chaos - 7 years ago
Chilled: does the wave comes back?
Me: Well if I remember from past videos...
The one friend Who has no life
The one friend Who has no life - 7 years ago
Wish chilled bunny did get a bikini
Bobby Williams
Bobby Williams - 7 years ago
Jaceon osbon
Jaceon osbon - 7 years ago
Spring break beach episode? Fitting lol
IrishRoyalty - 7 years ago
Ayeee that notification squad!
Jonathan Pinto
Jonathan Pinto - 7 years ago
early upload? Oh Boy.
Spectacular Pilot
Spectacular Pilot - 7 years ago
ThatCanadianKid - 7 years ago

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The "SURF CITY SHOWDOWN! | Pier Problems! (Ultimate Chicken Horse )" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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