SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

surf giant waves in a river. SURF en RÍO URUMEA. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN El temporal de olas pasa sin provocar destrozos graves en Gipuzkoa Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico. Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes 🔴 SUSCRÍBETE al canal y ACTIVA la campanita, NO da corriente ⚡😊 👉 ⇨ Hazte miembro del canal!: CONTACTO: mikeltrans(arroba) Dirección si quieres enviarme algo: Cafe Racer Sspirit Rekadista ( Por Correos no) Paseo Ubarburu 9, 20014, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, España Mi teléfono-cámara: Action cam sony con Jack para micro: Linterna grande: Comprar Ultrasonidos: destorgolpe: Reglas para comentar. Si no se respetan corres el riesgo de ser bloqueado: - Respeta a los demás, al contenido y a mi - Nada de spam ni anuncios - Escribe lo más correctamente posible Temazos música Rekadista dance disco 80-90 de mi furgo: Intro: INSTAGRAM: TXATARRISTA REKADISTA: RESTAURAR SUKUKI GT 750 DESMONTADA: BMW R65 EMBARGADA parada 19 años: MOTO ZOMBIE esqueleto Suzuki 49cc: Prueba BMW R12 de 1935: YAMAHA TDR 250: YAMAHA RD 500: APRILIA RS 125: DERBI FDS: SUZUKI GT 750: YAMAHA RD 500: ARRANCAR MOTO PARADA HACE AÑOS: DERBI FDS POR LA NIEVE: CAMBIAR ACEITE: APRILIA RS 125 CHESTERFIEL: Derbi fds: BMW Racer: KTM 125 DUKE: TAPIZAR ASIENTO: NISSAN GTR R35: TRUCAR MOTO: HACER DIETA REKADISTA: REPARAR PINCHAZO:

SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river sentiment_very_dissatisfied 814

Surf 7 years ago 932,916 views

surf giant waves in a river. SURF en RÍO URUMEA. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN El temporal de olas pasa sin provocar destrozos graves en Gipuzkoa Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico. Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes 🔴 SUSCRÍBETE al canal y ACTIVA la campanita, NO da corriente ⚡😊 👉 ⇨ Hazte miembro del canal!: CONTACTO: mikeltrans(arroba) Dirección si quieres enviarme algo: Cafe Racer Sspirit Rekadista ( Por Correos no) Paseo Ubarburu 9, 20014, San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa, España Mi teléfono-cámara: Action cam sony con Jack para micro: Linterna grande: Comprar Ultrasonidos: destorgolpe: Reglas para comentar. Si no se respetan corres el riesgo de ser bloqueado: - Respeta a los demás, al contenido y a mi - Nada de spam ni anuncios - Escribe lo más correctamente posible Temazos música Rekadista dance disco 80-90 de mi furgo: Intro: INSTAGRAM: TXATARRISTA REKADISTA: RESTAURAR SUKUKI GT 750 DESMONTADA: BMW R65 EMBARGADA parada 19 años: MOTO ZOMBIE esqueleto Suzuki 49cc: Prueba BMW R12 de 1935: YAMAHA TDR 250: YAMAHA RD 500: APRILIA RS 125: DERBI FDS: SUZUKI GT 750: YAMAHA RD 500: ARRANCAR MOTO PARADA HACE AÑOS: DERBI FDS POR LA NIEVE: CAMBIAR ACEITE: APRILIA RS 125 CHESTERFIEL: Derbi fds: BMW Racer: KTM 125 DUKE: TAPIZAR ASIENTO: NISSAN GTR R35: TRUCAR MOTO: HACER DIETA REKADISTA: REPARAR PINCHAZO:

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Most popular comments
for SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

Molo mono
Molo mono - 6 years ago
People don't understand in the comments, but what you are seeing is people surfing the waves that went up a river already hit 2-3 bridges and went around 1 corner. The other footage is from a lagoon that never has any surf. The waves off coast causing all of this are huge.
Scott Eastman Eastman
Scott Eastman Eastman - 5 years ago
Stoke is where you find it.
Miguel Spain
Miguel Spain - 5 years ago
" olas gigantes"....
Rey B
Rey B - 6 years ago
What’s the name of the intro song?
Sofi Diaz
Sofi Diaz - 6 years ago
Olas que."?
maria pilar garcia lasso
maria pilar garcia lasso - 6 years ago
Las olas son minis
WoLfGaNg Amadeus
WoLfGaNg Amadeus - 6 years ago
Looks dreadful. ..having a shower now
Edmund Wong
Edmund Wong - 6 years ago
Not quite giant.
Nelson Hernandez
Nelson Hernandez - 6 years ago
Me gusto el video gracias

10. comment for SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

Nelson Hernandez
Nelson Hernandez - 6 years ago
Nunca habia visto algo asi lo importante es dibertirse de una manera sana tanta gente con comentarios estupidos que no bienen al caso vivo en jacksonville fl y para surfear hay que esperar un Huracan de lo contrario es totalmente plano quisiera yo tener ese tipo de olas para dibertirme aqui
SurferNigel - 6 years ago
did not see any giant waves
capt. i. d.
capt. i. d. - 6 years ago
"ive seen bigger waves in a toilet" - Occy
SUGARPOP73 - 5 years ago
capt. i. d. Show me a river with waves smart ass.
Johnny Utah
Johnny Utah - 6 years ago
Very cool
EveryDayMan808 - 6 years ago
Giant waves? Dude, those are barely 2 footers!
Yt tips art
Yt tips art - 6 years ago
Wow cool
Pero Udovicic
Pero Udovicic - 6 years ago
Demanto sunturu
We're Our Souls
We're Our Souls - 6 years ago
That's pretty cool.
We're Our Souls
We're Our Souls - 6 years ago
That's pretty cool.
AJ G - 6 years ago
Knee high waves arent giant

20. comment for SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

筋肉万太郎 - 6 years ago
Steve Killingback
Steve Killingback - 6 years ago
3 things I like about this video. 1, Surfing on a river. 2, How sporadic the bigger waves to surf come along and 3, realising its where I have been to visit and remembered rolling waves coming from the sea into the river. I guess its cause it comes in from the Atlantic Ocean and travelled long diatances. San Sebastian, a clean and interesting place to visit. More of the surfing please!
KaiTakApproach - 6 years ago
Good to see that even in other cultures, little snotnose kids feel free to get underfoot and blatantly cut people off in the lineup. I thought that was an American thing. Apparently not.
Shaun Gabril
Shaun Gabril - 6 years ago
D. Alex Hutchinson
D. Alex Hutchinson - 6 years ago
Yes those are some rea giant waves!!!!
Tyler Gray
Tyler Gray - 6 years ago
1:12 board hit the other surfer
6Lilies6Phillies - 6 years ago
More like mediocre waves. There’s nothing giant about that.
SELMA BITENCOURT - 6 years ago
Smile SurferStyle
Smile SurferStyle - 6 years ago
The ultimate kook claim.
TrafficsKindaBad - 6 years ago

30. comment for SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

aracuscesar - 6 years ago
me cago de risa con tus olas gigantes
REED O - 6 years ago
If only someone could actually surf I might watch the hole thing
Air Plane
Air Plane - 6 years ago
Reminds me of when I surfed Nazare
Insolent Stickleback
Insolent Stickleback - 6 years ago
Thank you for sharing this!!!
jariol - 6 years ago
Giant waves? Okay if you say so
yeah - 6 years ago
I'm a surfing wanker so I'm going to make disparaging remarks about how crap this is
Ryan Mattock
Ryan Mattock - 6 years ago
How fun..
OG K - 6 years ago
That's awesome, it keeps the kooks off of the beaches!
Paul Sav
Paul Sav - 6 years ago
matheus alves
matheus alves - 6 years ago
Por que tem ondas aí?
Katmandoo - 6 years ago
Wherever you go, there are too many kooks!
なな - 6 years ago
Oprah30 - 6 years ago
2-3ft giant?? Lol
frank beans
frank beans - 6 years ago
It's a novelty wave. Every surfer has surfed them before. It's looks like fun and that's what novelty waves are about.
Edvaldo Farias
Edvaldo Farias - 6 years ago
Where is it?
I'm a license plate pressing dude hunter
I'm a license plate pressing dude hunter - 6 years ago
Kooks training ground
Dmm Dmm543
Dmm Dmm543 - 6 years ago
Pink eye, staph, impetigo, ringworm, dysentery, respiratory infections, YEAH !!! SIGN ME UP !!!
Jay Smith
Jay Smith - 6 years ago
kawika dav
kawika dav - 6 years ago
Looks very cold that's for sure.
Sleeping Lion
Sleeping Lion - 6 years ago
10 foot , southern Californian

50. comment for SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Cool, but not 'giant waves'! I have farted in my bathtub and created a larger wave than that, as the initial fart wave refracted off the wall of the bathtub and rejoined the original wave, like at the Wedge. It created a nice triangle bowl shaped wave that I rode all the way to the drain! A great windswell in code brown conditions! I once came up from the bottom turn and flew high off the lip narrowly missing the shower head. As I came down I hit the handle of the toilet bowl and got tubed righteously as the swirl barreled me hard. The lid was coming down hard!! I1t was a two flush takedown for sure. The Tidy-Bowl man saved me with his jet ski and pulled me out to clear blue waters! The Porcelain Pipeline almost claimed another. Oh, I know...many claim it is a shitty break, but most whom say that have never plumbed the depths of this man made break.
Dazz Freezee
Dazz Freezee - 6 years ago
Dude funniest things I've read in a while
Gabriel Peirano
Gabriel Peirano - 6 years ago
altas onda no mar e a rapaziada escolhe surfar no rio
Kevin Monteiro
Kevin Monteiro - 6 years ago
Tu já foi em San Sebastian?
JGCSRT - 6 years ago
Get waves where you can, I guess.
Bradley Weaver
Bradley Weaver - 6 years ago
Better than not being in the water. Where is this location?
Kevin Allen
Kevin Allen - 6 years ago
Build them a wavepark. Build it and they will come
Island life
Island life - 6 years ago
Is this a rare occurrence? If not it'd be cool to have dinner under water once a week ! Excellent post by the way- looks like fun.
pepino735 - 6 years ago
vivo en suurcalifornia ;eso es suficiente,vale.....
TheGamerTutorial Kiddo
TheGamerTutorial Kiddo - 6 years ago
The Margaret river's waves are bigger than the Urumea river ones.
TheGamerTutorial Kiddo
TheGamerTutorial Kiddo - 6 years ago
Surfing giant waves in Urumea River. 10 foot waves in Urumea river.
Paul Barrington
Paul Barrington - 6 years ago
Ahhh donostia.
Pedrito Diaz
Pedrito Diaz - 6 years ago
me gustó el video
Pedrito Diaz
Pedrito Diaz - 6 years ago
Hex - 6 years ago
Those waves are tiny IV surfed way bigger waves
Richard Conner
Richard Conner - 6 years ago
carlos eduardo
carlos eduardo - 6 years ago
gigante para un playmobil.
debbie peterson
debbie peterson - 6 years ago
Kind of a giant waste of time
Thomy Dell
Thomy Dell - 6 years ago
olas gigantes. jajajajaj
Eh Zeus
Eh Zeus - 6 years ago
Define GIGANTES, amigo.
Nash - 7 years ago
These waves are very small by most standard but looks like it is fun and cool. Why don’t you surf in the ocean? Sharks?
Wilian fish&surf
Wilian fish&surf - 7 years ago
Giants waves in extension maybe...
Sean Dillon
Sean Dillon - 7 years ago
What was the tide
fuck you
fuck you - 7 years ago
Pororoca en brazil ,,no es todo el año ,pero cuando viene son grandes olas..
fuck you
fuck you - 7 years ago
Looks like fun true .. but dont say that is bigger and dangerous waves 2 years kids they can surf there..
• PiesAreHawt •
• PiesAreHawt • - 7 years ago
People are surfing it for the novelty, not because it’s a good wave. Sick concept, Id surf it 100%
el_lecheroo - 7 years ago
yo no me metería en un río en medio de una ciudad ya que ahi se va los desechos de las personas
Anthony Fallas
Anthony Fallas - 7 years ago
Vos sabes que el deporte lo surfean hasta en un basurero si lo pudieran surfear jajajaja
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
+el_lecheroo hola, no hay ningún problema ya que es marea alta y es agua del mar. El alcantarillado de San Sebastián va todo a una depuradora así que no hay aguas fecales. Yo vivo en Zarautz y lo mismo todas las aguas fecales van a una depuradora. Saludos!!
Lurgs - 7 years ago
Fresh water surfing, nice.
An Archy
An Archy - 7 years ago
High tide, so what!
Bro baiter
Bro baiter - 7 years ago
foamy, foamy, foamy, Al Merick K small WYF!!!
Hal Heywood
Hal Heywood - 7 years ago
Bull sharks
Dustin Travis
Dustin Travis - 7 years ago
Fardin Shahid's Toy Review
Fardin Shahid's Toy Review - 7 years ago
Urumea river is the world's largest river for surfing.
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Just dodge the turds!! Yes...the turds!!
Sarah Cyrus
Sarah Cyrus - 6 years ago
Farding Mahzoob if you think this is the largest river for surfing then you must have never heard of BONO river aka the seven ghost in Indonesia..the waves are 5 times bigger than these! check it out !!
Fardin Shahid's Toy Review
Fardin Shahid's Toy Review - 7 years ago
Men surfing on Urumea river on giant waves. Giant waves on Urumea river surf. Urumea river is a rock beach.
Brando K
Brando K - 7 years ago
Small ass waves wot u talkin bout lol
Roberbe 1
Roberbe 1 - 7 years ago
Nazaré es un chiquipark en comparación con estas monstruosas olas
Sam Dallas
Sam Dallas - 7 years ago
Its NEVER WRONG to take advantage of your local conditions....
no matter what level you're at...beginner to expert....
SCREW the internet haters......
They are clueless.
TL Ezzy
TL Ezzy - 7 years ago
Foam'es and kook's aplenty... oh well, I would do it : ) you would think that there's somewhere around these parts that get's real waves? Just where is this?
Sean Dillon
Sean Dillon - 7 years ago
Dude it's san sebastian, like 45mins south of Mundaka. This day was 25-35ft this is inland in the river connected to the sea, literally 5 mins away it was maxing closing out 30ft at Zurriola
Krumbzii - 7 years ago
RodriDeAnta - 7 years ago
Solo los vascos surfean en un rio
Michael Harris
Michael Harris - 7 years ago
Oh fuck !
Buckeyeram - 7 years ago
That’s so cool
age03 - 7 years ago
That don't is a river is a pool whit como se diga olas en inges
James Bromley
James Bromley - 7 years ago
Kooks dropping in on each other...its not a freaking tidal bore so why arent they taking turns...maybe Brazos vacation
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
Is it S.sebastian?
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
REKADISTA thanks have fun ;)
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
+Yann Hartel yes. Urumea river
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
Good vid. Keep it on. Really
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 7 years ago
how did these waves form, where did they come from
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Rasta Fonz. Look up 'tidal waves'.,
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
Xavier Leonti
Xavier Leonti - 7 years ago
change the title !! and dont make peope loose time this is fucking useless !
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas

100. comment for SURF en un RÍO. OLAS GIGANTES en DONOSTIA- SAN SEBASTIÁN | surf giant waves in a river

Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Arturo Borquez
Arturo Borquez - 7 years ago
de gigante nada ni de peligrosa de hecho dan sueño esa tristes olas
Red Nova
Red Nova - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this vid... I would jump in and ride it,
Sowal Beach
Sowal Beach - 7 years ago
Paddle Boarders ruin everything
P&Wengineering - 7 years ago
Homefront - 7 years ago
Giant is not the word I would use....
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Homefront like we care!
Vlad Yavorov
Vlad Yavorov - 7 years ago
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Vlad Yavorov So your wife told you about me???
zebras don't fly for a reason
zebras don't fly for a reason - 7 years ago
...awesome video...
Romeo Santos Santana
Romeo Santos Santana - 7 years ago
Eso donde es
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
En el Rio urumea de San Sebastian, Pais Vasco, España
MrAranhaman - 7 years ago
Giant waves??maybe to an ant...
Yann Hartel
Yann Hartel - 7 years ago
Amazing place woaaaaa sapapayaaa
edmkpollensa - 7 years ago
Great vid. Congratulations!!!
Vietnam great country and friendly people
Mit unserer Kiteschule, auf unserem 9-stündigen Kitekurs, die in 2 und 3 Tagen gebucht werden können, Sie werden auf dem Kiteboard in Ihren ersten Wasserstarts beginnen und kiten in beide Richtungen.
MicBergsma - 7 years ago
@bengravy !!!
Gregory Bryant
Gregory Bryant - 7 years ago hundreds of mysterious surfing dreams (including surfing in cities) I've had since I learned to surf forty years ago. Thanks for posting!
David Musser
David Musser - 6 years ago
Gregory Bryant Dude, that’s the first thing I thought! I even said out loud “ I’ve surfed this river many times in my dreams!”
Alex Poly
Alex Poly - 7 years ago
Giant waves the size of your penis,
Advanced Minds
Advanced Minds - 7 years ago
el niño chico de la tabla de corchopan saltando la primera ola que le llega, como no, no falla.
Matt Cult
Matt Cult - 7 years ago
que alguien enseñe a ese niño a remar por dioss
UPthatHILL Music
UPthatHILL Music - 7 years ago
stop being so abusive.. the person was obviously taking the piss, and it worked.. I would have watched even if it just said river storm surge wave.. anyway just chill out and enjoy that one wave shown !!!
Martin Vega Pavon
Martin Vega Pavon - 7 years ago
Como mola
Joe Mama
Joe Mama - 7 years ago
How sad and pathetic. Losers
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Joe Mama
Why say that about your family?
daan hendriks
daan hendriks - 7 years ago
For a river these are giant waves, and it looks like a lot of fun! Surfing is about fun, not about how cool you are ;-)
Smile SurferStyle
Smile SurferStyle - 6 years ago
daan hendriks
I agree. So why are these kooks raising their arms and claiming it like its a skeleton bay 1000 meter drainer?
Insolent Stickleback
Insolent Stickleback - 6 years ago
No need to fix, we all know exactly what he is saying.  Any time you can stand and slide is fun, and cool!
Jiyu Shugi
Jiyu Shugi - 7 years ago
Not about how cool 'you think' you are. There, fixed it for you.
SF 475
SF 475 - 7 years ago
daan hendriks
yeah when surfing YouTube, it seems to be about clickbait these days!
Jade Owen Hamblyn
Jade Owen Hamblyn - 7 years ago
When do the giant waves start?
You Idiot.
You Idiot. - 7 years ago
Christian Eidsmoe
Christian Eidsmoe - 7 years ago
urine river!
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Don't bring your mom into this!
LAFOND PERRON - 7 years ago
Chris Namelast ii
Sam White
Sam White - 7 years ago
Shit music.
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Sam White Your mom what?
Red Mountain
Red Mountain - 7 years ago
Whoa,freshwater squids!
Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 7 years ago
There is giant waves in the sea if you look right at the back waves they are huge
Michelle Clough
Michelle Clough - 7 years ago
I've seen bigger waves in my bong water
Mellow Fellow
Mellow Fellow - 6 years ago
I bet he goes back there all the time :/
Ryan Mattock
Ryan Mattock - 6 years ago
Michelle Clough lol.. this must be a Santa Cruz moment..
Glenn Sosinske
Glenn Sosinske - 6 years ago
Best reply ever! Lol!
Sean Dillon
Sean Dillon - 7 years ago
The swell was like 15@17 that day, this is in the river next to Zurriola, was like 25ft closing out 200m away
Oskar - 7 years ago
hahahhaaha im dying
Jorge Reyes
Jorge Reyes - 7 years ago
Michelle Clough . Right. I was waiting for this big wave. Nothing. Bigger waves in my bathtub. Lmao.
PA2002 - 7 years ago
adam bamf
adam bamf - 7 years ago
at 1:42 that guy pushes his son in on a good one
brianbirc - 7 years ago
While waves you can surf on a river are rare. To anybody that can surf that is a skill that takes more experience learning than most all of its type for sure the title is wrong. Giant waves? These are less size than most surf breaks have on a normal basis. There are smaller days but this is not considered decent size and in no way Giant from large swells. Large for a river maybe but not a definition for surfing. I am not speaking about the videos of large wave surfing of particular breaks either considered giant.
DeltaLou - 7 years ago
Mmmmm yeah... City canal water, yum....
etherform66 - 7 years ago
nothing else to do in town?
Sean Preston
Sean Preston - 7 years ago
So let me get this right... they surf in the river, but the nice open water with waves and sandy beaches are completely unused? hmm
Nathan Sherf
Nathan Sherf - 6 years ago
Sean Preston the beaches are unused are they, how do you know., you been there?
hmm, me thinks you are full of it, making comments that sent true to try and belittle people, how dare people do something different and have some fun doing it.
arthur hondermarck
arthur hondermarck - 7 years ago
Sean Preston this is when it's too big to go out
kevinbeatzeus - 7 years ago
Those are Yuuuuugggeeeee!!!!
Tommy Petraglia
Tommy Petraglia - 7 years ago
they probably use the Urumea as their toilet and it gets "flushed" with the change of tide
let's all surf Into a stone wall. at least it's not as jagged as a reef
Jonathan Halloran
Jonathan Halloran - 7 years ago
This video sucks meaty balls
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Jonathan Halloran and you would know.
Isaac Asencio
Isaac Asencio - 7 years ago
a que le llamas gigante we
22 A Day No Way
22 A Day No Way - 7 years ago
Watch. 22adaynoway
Chris Strickland
Chris Strickland - 7 years ago
How are there waves in there ?
カン・ジヨン - 7 years ago
WeirdFamily - 7 years ago
waiting for the giant waves in this video???
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
kook does any one expect to take off on that mush ball with a short board?
Keanu Calix
Keanu Calix - 6 years ago
People like you make surfing so toxic. Yea they're small waves yea there's some questionable board choices. But the fun is still there. Don't be such a downer.
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
these waves are not giant
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
I dont think you understand. The sea can be 100000 feet. But those river waves were not giant. THATS ALL
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
Still not giants, that wave barley breaks. 45 foot waves in the sea means nothing if no one is surfing them. Is this those waves? No.
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
In a river they are giants. In the sea there were waves of 14 meters
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
Mitrigash 351
Mitrigash 351 - 6 years ago
Wilian fish&surf JAAAAA Lo callaste xd
Wilian fish&surf
Wilian fish&surf - 7 years ago
Erick Paladines Rojas
Erick Paladines Rojas - 7 years ago
REKADISTA si una cosa de grandes uf poco mas y no es un tsunami
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico
Alejandro Arndt Jack
Alejandro Arndt Jack - 7 years ago
Pero como te mola el copypaste jaja, es clickbait y ya está, asúmelo
gspainhour - 7 years ago
Desperate times calls for desperate measures... :)
yu tsuki
yu tsuki - 7 years ago
brenda foster
brenda foster - 7 years ago
Buggha bi-hteerrnbnfd,hope i spleeled it right??????
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Sami 45
Sami 45 - 7 years ago
Zwheres ben gravy
Branden Cote
Branden Cote - 7 years ago
I catch 4-6 foot waves
brenda foster
brenda foster - 7 years ago
And i learned engle in school,too!!!
Branden Cote
Branden Cote - 7 years ago
I ride bigger waves then that and I am only 10
brenda foster
brenda foster - 7 years ago
i am 61 and do not surf in toilet water!!!
Branden Cote
Branden Cote - 7 years ago
Those wave's are small
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Branden Cote and you know small really well, don't you?
iLiveOnFijiTime - 7 years ago
Why are people hating on this video. I think it its great! Very random. Title may be a somewhat misleading but still cool to watch.
aracuscesar - 6 years ago
then you get it, clickbait must be punished
G bluesman
G bluesman - 6 years ago
.because the hide behind YT like safe-space cowards who risk nothing in life yet have to bring everyone down to their level of "basement dwellers" at mom's house
Oxyrisen - 7 years ago
iLiveOnFijiTime It's because the title says giant waves and those are hardly giant.
tonyrave808 - 7 years ago
dji zzah
dji zzah - 7 years ago
not bad, probly better than the whole east coast of the united states
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
you can even watch the CT event that was on Long Island back in 2011 I believe. Not the biggest swell we've ever had but you can see the potential it has. Especially with the CT surfers riding those waves.

And jersey is even better. Go watch footage from Winter Storm Stella. New Jersey was big, heavy, mean and hollow.
Bryan Borgesano
Bryan Borgesano - 7 years ago
not at all bro. Have you ever been to the east coast to surf? Perfect point breaks in new england. Long island has some of the best lefts on the east coast, Good barrels with a good hurricane swell. Bunger surf is from Long Island and theyre the oldest board shapers in the country. ECSC started at Gilgo beach on long island and is held in VA beach. And the barrels and hurricane surf just gets better as you go more south. Do some research before you say some stupid shit like that.
Josh Van Roon
Josh Van Roon - 7 years ago
I believe this town is called kookaville
EveryDayMan808 - 6 years ago
Sean Dillon
Sean Dillon - 7 years ago
Lol this is the river in san sebastian, you a kook if you don't know where this is hahahah
Albar Mukhtar
Albar Mukhtar - 7 years ago
where r this place ????
cliff boule
cliff boule - 7 years ago
I've been hard up for surf, but really?
cliff boule
cliff boule - 7 years ago
And a crowd?
tako _man
tako _man - 7 years ago
hahaha how is this spot crowded!? dropping in is considered etiquette apparently when surfing in a canal. solid
JR Grande
JR Grande - 7 years ago
menuda kaka
erreb - 7 years ago
Bueno, eso de gigantes....
adam bamf
adam bamf - 7 years ago
i have had dreams a lot like this
BIG MONEY BOY - 7 years ago
i have had dreams surfing in the city...
adam bamf
adam bamf - 7 years ago
Slipknot 999
Slipknot 999 - 7 years ago
"giant waves"
Oxyrisen - 7 years ago
Slipknot 999 Was going to comment exact same thing.
renzoreba - 7 years ago
REKADISTA pareces un disco rayado
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico.
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico.
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
ganda jarda oh maninho
ganda jarda oh maninho - 7 years ago
well... it is a river so...
Anal - 7 years ago
crap video.
LightenUpFrancis - 6 years ago
Anal Well up your ass when your dad is done!
Daniel Salvatierra
Daniel Salvatierra - 7 years ago
Olas Gigantes?? jajajajajajaj
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico.
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
Sea Slug
Sea Slug - 7 years ago
Ron Davis
Ron Davis - 6 years ago
One word: asshole
Elmo Blatch
Elmo Blatch - 6 years ago
You are gay. Ok. There's nothing wrong with that.
Mike Mcintosh
Mike Mcintosh - 6 years ago
Sea Slug style points to the fat fuck in blue
Mike Mcintosh
Mike Mcintosh - 6 years ago
Sea Slug super gay
Sarah Cyrus
Sarah Cyrus - 6 years ago
Sea Slug you're just jealous because you can't have anything like this in your third world country since the rivers there are full of sh!ts, kook!
Budzindi808 - 7 years ago
4 words super gay men surfing
dukegreened - 7 years ago
w sedlacek
w sedlacek - 7 years ago
REKADISTA do you really wanna know what s giant??
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico.
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
SmileSurferStyle - 7 years ago
Ahmad Young
you killed it
Ahmad Young
Ahmad Young - 7 years ago
SmileSurferStyle 3 words SUPER GAY MEN
SmileSurferStyle - 7 years ago
Sea Slug 2 words....
michael sibilia
michael sibilia - 7 years ago
wheres BEN GRAVY
Kevin Healy
Kevin Healy - 7 years ago
Ben Gravy would get so pitted bro!
YUNGBOYS - 7 years ago
I was there last Week there was no river surf :(
YUNGBOYS - 7 years ago
Oxyrisen - 7 years ago
michael sibilia Good one!!!
michael sibilia
michael sibilia - 7 years ago
hahaha Gregg Smith
Gregg Smith
Gregg Smith - 7 years ago
Micheal, i told Ben about your comment, he had a good laugh
oh yea yea
oh yea yea - 7 years ago
you beet me..I was about to comment this.
Mauloa Thompson
Mauloa Thompson - 7 years ago
michael sibilia ayyyyyy he be back in Pennsylvania
michael sibilia
michael sibilia - 7 years ago
no idea what that means
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico.
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
Gregg Smith
Gregg Smith - 7 years ago
Its on his bucket list,or shit list
Sam Rofe
Sam Rofe - 7 years ago
B.M.M - 7 years ago
Looks fun !
Ivan Carlos
Ivan Carlos - 7 years ago
no son gigantes
Marcus Vinicius Souto Santos
Marcus Vinicius Souto Santos - 7 years ago
Ivan Carlos irado.
REKADISTA - 7 years ago
Son olas gigantes en el mar y olas muy grandes en el río Urumea. Hubo grandes destrozos ya que coincidió marea viva con pleamar y olas de mas de 10 metros en el mar cantábrico.
Y si alguien ve olas mas grandes que éstas en el río Urumea que suba un vídeo. Para ser un río son olas gigantes
Ivan Carlos
Ivan Carlos - 7 years ago
eso si SubC.
SubCulture MEDIA
SubCulture MEDIA - 7 years ago
Bastante grande por un rio
Diego Latorre
Diego Latorre - 7 years ago
San Sebastián's own natural wave-pool...nice
Nimble Sea
Nimble Sea - 7 years ago
That looks really fun!
SmileSurferStyle - 7 years ago
Nimble Sea
if your a midget
Jesus Losa
Jesus Losa - 7 years ago

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