SURFER - Momentum Reunion

The Momentum generation reunites 20 years later. Track List 1. "The Desert Won't Save You" by U.S. Royalty 2. "Worries" by Memory Tapes 3. "Staring at the Wall" by JEFF the Brotherhood 4. "Just Ride It" by Cuckoo Chaos 5. "Doused" by DIIV 6. "You Can Count on Me" by Panda Bear Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:

SURFER - Momentum Reunion sentiment_very_dissatisfied 36

Surf 12 years ago 365,066 views

The Momentum generation reunites 20 years later. Track List 1. "The Desert Won't Save You" by U.S. Royalty 2. "Worries" by Memory Tapes 3. "Staring at the Wall" by JEFF the Brotherhood 4. "Just Ride It" by Cuckoo Chaos 5. "Doused" by DIIV 6. "You Can Count on Me" by Panda Bear Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:

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Most popular comments
for SURFER - Momentum Reunion

First Last
First Last - 7 years ago
13 min vid for a reunion of 2 movies :( sick vid just wish it was longer. I wish anything with shane and kelly was like 5 hours haha
The dude abides
The dude abides - 7 years ago
I still have all my momentum VHS vids and seaside and beyond. I watch them all to this day.
Geoff West
Geoff West - 7 years ago
I watched momentum a thousand times in the early ninties, my favorite surf film by far, had a big impact on me as i was 13 or 14 when this came out, the surfing the music, it was a sick time to be a surf mad grom
ThyChrysanthemum - 7 years ago
Love the throwback music here.

Man, you hear how surfings changed but to be honest for people like us just watching the comp's don't see that huge of a shift.

But watching this behind-the-scenes stuff does make you think "do the guys currently competing have this sort of camaraderie shown here? Is this where all that change is occurring? Behind the scenes?"

Sounds like even though the industry was making money back then, it wasn't exactly all formulaic how videos parts and shit needed to be done with sponsorships and branding. There seemed to be a lot more room to just have fun and not worry about the money part.
Edouard Weltzer
Edouard Weltzer - 7 years ago
gotcha, fluo, NOFX, lost boy, baggies, hours of surf
Emily Rife
Emily Rife - 7 years ago
Bodyboarding Today
Bodyboarding Today - 8 years ago
Long live Taylor Steele!
Kapahi 746
Kapahi 746 - 8 years ago
Who's watching in 2016
Birdy  Wirdy
Birdy Wirdy - 8 years ago
where can one view the original with the original sound track?.

10. comment for SURFER - Momentum Reunion

M Mckissack
M Mckissack - 8 years ago
+Jayce OFWGDGAF If your good with your skateboard and start surfing the you'll rip...
Julian Uribe
Julian Uribe - 9 years ago
+Jayce OFWGDGAF Because doing what we love requires it
thedereklee9 - 9 years ago
I'd rather watch the grainy cheaply shot original momentum and focus footage than the contemporary hi definition tropical island crap.
Ross Geddes
Ross Geddes - 9 years ago
So who's giving this a thumbs down and why?........I'm going surfing!
Cruize Wu
Cruize Wu - 9 years ago
CoDFreE6tY - 9 years ago
I can't be the only one who clicked on this video, thinking it was a surf video taking place on Reunion...
Corey Grace
Corey Grace - 8 years ago
Same as me
Menno van Uden
Menno van Uden - 9 years ago
Brilliant vid - inspiring, and great to see such friendship and camaraderie built up over the years with some great surfing history among them and reflection by the chaps on when they are older what they will be doing and their priorities. Well done Kelly, quoting him: "the 60's will be the new 40's. One thing is for sure - they will all still be ripping it out there and loving what surfing offers !
seiji tanaka
seiji tanaka - 9 years ago
The Don
The Don - 9 years ago
NSW Coastal Data Network Program
tile tile
tile tile - 10 years ago
can someone put one step beyond on youtube?dag nasty.

20. comment for SURFER - Momentum Reunion

Henri Tron
Henri Tron - 10 years ago
Sebastian Tron 
mo money meezy
mo money meezy - 10 years ago
hahaha "we even got a bald guy who sold his soul to the devil and has like 6 world titles but we put him in his place"
Walt Jisney Channel
Walt Jisney Channel - 8 years ago
In 21012 Kelly already had 11 titles, last time he had 6 was in 2005
Gerald Duenas
Gerald Duenas - 10 years ago
@2:22 That's Dropknee Legend Paul Roach knocking around Kelly. Future Kings in their respective practices. This doesn't show the whole match but it's pretty classic. Good stuff right here mate. 
gwinners27 - 10 years ago
Momentum II was the first video I watched when I started surfing in HS. These guys were a key part of my surfing awakening in Orange County. The nostalgia! 
James Watters
James Watters - 10 years ago
solid group
sorryibrokethetrees - 11 years ago
is this the full vid?
sorryibrokethetrees - 10 years ago
+Lean Silva
Lean Silva
Lean Silva - 10 years ago
Scott Horban
Scott Horban - 11 years ago
These films helped ALOT of people get big in their careers . From the bands like Offspring , Sublime ,unwritten law , Strung out , Pennywise etc. And these surfers as well. Taylor Steele knew how to pick Talent. Momentum1&2, Focus, G-times were videos that can never be beat in my opinion. Also Kids today are still trying to copy the turns , airs and blow tails  in these videos. Thanks Taylor Steele and crew for the years of inspiration and just plain awesome videos!  
Filippo Gabriele
Filippo Gabriele - 11 years ago
Best vid ever
Callan Daniel
Callan Daniel - 11 years ago
Where were they surfing?
Julian Uribe
Julian Uribe - 11 years ago
I decided to watch this immediatly after watching Momentum 1 and 2, its so epic! I uploaded the full movies to momentum and more of taylor classic's so you guys can enjoy too !

30. comment for SURFER - Momentum Reunion

R. Donask
R. Donask - 11 years ago
now reunion GOOD TIMES THE MOVIE !!!!
synsies1000 - 11 years ago
that was frkn awesome!
Slater Wright
Slater Wright - 11 years ago
thebestever475 - 11 years ago
US Royalty is a hipster band
Helin Wang
Helin Wang - 11 years ago
freaking epic!
BeetzBum - 11 years ago
freaking epic, sweet video!
clarkewi - 11 years ago
If you take up surfing when you are 12 and continue till you're 50 you will move many times, change girlfriends many times, change wives a few times, change houses a few times, change jobs a bunch of times, maybe even change countries a couple of times - but I'll bet you 5 dollars you'll still be surfing - and maybe with one of your surviving surf buddies. And you will keep doing it as long as you 10. That's what I did and I'm 62.
Stopthegreed - 11 years ago
My wife yelled "So your going to be a 50 year old surfer" at me in a packed restaurant, like it was a Bad thing. She has no fukn clue. Hell yes i am till the day i die. Great Video,
MHD HZQ - 11 years ago
It says Kandui Villas, which is in Mentawai, Indonesia.
Buuba Avila
Buuba Avila - 11 years ago
What is name the film? I don't remember. I need see again this film! Help at name?
Chris Mancini
Chris Mancini - 11 years ago
You can only watch it once....SO TRUE, that film would dissolve...Great memories for some alot of jealousy for others...Cause they would shake your hand ect, then not include you.
garrett818 - 12 years ago
Way to go Bryce Lowe White. This is sick!
Daniel Fox
Daniel Fox - 12 years ago
the best
James Surfer
James Surfer - 12 years ago
where is this place?????????????????? indonesia?
jeebersjumpincryst - 12 years ago
Ohhh....... The NOSTALGIA Huurrrrrrts!!!!! This brings back the memories so hard!!! I was the same age as these guys, but diff country - we watched them religiously, and they were inspirational to us and our surfing. We ended up competing with some of the at Kuta beach in 1992, Scholastics. Good memories... Hold onto and enjoy this age, you young surf loving men and women - I look back and I can truly say they were golden moments in my life, and I even knew it then, so go hard you young people!
Az S
Az S - 12 years ago
thanks taylor, some good memories came back then.
24CRED24 - 12 years ago
This is sick!
Shedz Channel
Shedz Channel - 12 years ago
thats me now...20 years on
Will Myers
Will Myers - 12 years ago
Elielson Fonseca
Elielson Fonseca - 12 years ago
20 anos depois e a galera mandando ver ... Linda matéria !!!

50. comment for SURFER - Momentum Reunion

guitarboy952 - 12 years ago

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