SURFER - Skeleton Bay

European surfers Aritz Aranburu, Joan Duru, and Marc Lacomare migrate to Africa for the longest left barrels of their lives. See more of their journey in our March issue! Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:

SURFER - Skeleton Bay sentiment_very_dissatisfied 41

Surf 13 years ago 547,381 views

European surfers Aritz Aranburu, Joan Duru, and Marc Lacomare migrate to Africa for the longest left barrels of their lives. See more of their journey in our March issue! Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:

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Most popular comments
for SURFER - Skeleton Bay

Ck T
Ck T - 7 years ago
who is the kook scaring the seals?
Jack Mellencamp
Jack Mellencamp - 7 years ago
Man, I wish I knew about this place when I was a youngin...awesome.
Peter Y
Peter Y - 7 years ago
as i understand > there are many sharks ? who is hunting on fur sea ???
Ron I.
Ron I. - 7 years ago
Excellent edit.
Lee Grove
Lee Grove - 7 years ago
We have the same problem here in California: insane people chasing seagulls on the beach, throwing rocks at them, as well as--stupidly, as it's over 100 yds--throwing rocks at the dolphins in the surf. These seal-chasing surfers are just as scummy as the dolphin killers in our neighborhood; let karma do its job...
POWER ORUKA - 7 years ago
OK Smith
OK Smith - 7 years ago
Finally someone going backside
Dingo Capo
Dingo Capo - 7 years ago
dicks bring assholes to skele coast fuck off kooks
Anal - 7 years ago
Crap music.

10. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay

Tony Stokes
Tony Stokes - 7 years ago
what are the things floating in water behind the break?
MrSurfingdreamer - 7 years ago
I don't understand why anyone would dislike this video.
Allen Rod
Allen Rod - 8 years ago
That flight formation of birds behind the first wave was longer than the wave itself wtf.
Jaime Bustos
Jaime Bustos - 8 years ago
looks like playa hermosa costa rica in the winter time.
Jaime Bustos
Jaime Bustos - 8 years ago
As a goofy footer I love the lefts!.........: )
Lyn burger
Lyn burger - 8 years ago
who cares the barney chased some seals, like you didn't do stupid shit when you were young,
surf and jiujitsu
surf and jiujitsu - 8 years ago
does this place have alot of sharks?
Jason North
Jason North - 8 years ago
nice music. bad new York doesn't have good waves. ..
Mr1screwloose - 7 years ago
New York gets great waves... Sometimes!
Winston Kenyon
Winston Kenyon - 8 years ago
Best barrels ever!
Eduardo Battistini
Eduardo Battistini - 8 years ago
perfection 1:35

20. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay

BigErn_Mccraken - 8 years ago
The garden of tubin...
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
Chase seals into water. Is that fun or something? Or something to proudly show in a video? Only makes them look like ignorant, redneck surfers (already too many of those around).
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
George Pemberton seals are chill and tough enough to get by just about everywhere! Some fool with a badge who needs to justify his job (and who was no doubt rejected by his father or something) puts out a study and hangs a sign, and then no one else but he (or she) can harass the Damn critters any more. In other places where humans are overpopulating (# Ano Nuevo Beach California.) there really is a problem because of endless fools and their kids and dogs being too interested.
George Pemberton
George Pemberton - 8 years ago
I've actually been there where that seal colony is, if you paddle out in a kayak they jump on the kayak and you can pat them in the water. They're chill and they don't care about humans.
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
cloud nine.
cloud nine. - 8 years ago

Only thing you got pegged is a stick up your ass. Getting upset over a 1 second clip of running with the seals.. smh
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
Whatevs dude. I've got you pegged. You're nothing new. You're just trolling as all the others do. Why don't you just mind your own business and let me think whatever I want and I won't judge your sophomoric "lol" lifestyle off in suburbia somewhere. Sound good? Sayonara.
cloud nine.
cloud nine. - 8 years ago
+Rodrigo Coppelli

I'm pretty sure no one intelligent or thoughtful ever said that lol. Animal rights advocacy is not a new concept.

But hey be a "principled" man. Just as long as you are consistent with your beliefs. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are vegan and don't own any domesticated animals.
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
I'm a principled man. Leave the wildlife alone. Even if you think it's harmless.
You never know what we think is "harmless" now we'll see in a totally different light in the future.
Think of all the circus animals. 50 years ago, nearly everybody would have said . "Transporting a massive wild lion in a cage around the country for shows? Harmless".
Since, it's quite obvious given history, that we humans are pretty stupid, and will continue to be, I don't consider anything harmless. Easiest thing is to just leave them alone.
cloud nine.
cloud nine. - 8 years ago
+Rodrigo Coppelli

Haha, jeez, you are blowing this way out of proportion and going really off topic. I (and most likely the guy running at the seals) agree with everything you said, but this isn't environmental destruction, or habitat endangerment, this is harmless human animal interaction. A mild nuisance for the seals at worst and a fun game at best. Nothing more :D
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
You miss the point. Perhaps the seals loved it. Perhaps they hated it. Perhaps it felt like the kind of cardio you get when a someone with an ax is chasing you; perhaps not.
The point is we don't know, and I think we should let animals be in their natural environment and assume that any harrasment is damaging and not "fun" for them. I think animals are cool, and we all know animals in general have been on the losing end in a big way since humans came around. In fact, there are one or two seal species extinct from us killing them. It's high time we just let them live their lives without us meddling and thinking we're the owners of this planet and can mess with them, kill them, or destroy their environment as we please.
cloud nine.
cloud nine. - 8 years ago
+Rodrigo Coppelli


All we saw in the video was a little healthy cardio for the cute chubby little bastards.

I guess you must have talked to the seals and found there was some unfilmed "harming" going on :P
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
What did you do talk to the seals or something? How do you know?
cloud nine.
cloud nine. - 8 years ago
+Rodrigo Coppelli

Yeah, a lot of harm came from that..
Rodrigo - 8 years ago
Damn straight. I'm not sensitive about much but I am sensitive to any sort of harm or harassment to animals. You obviously don't care about that.
cloud nine.
cloud nine. - 8 years ago
Harmless fun. You sensitive people always have to find something to get upset about.
papapetad - 8 years ago
you know u got yourself a good wave when 3 barrels take up 2 minutes of video @@ Incredible surf spot...
dynabomb - 8 years ago
talk about a shack attack hahaha
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
1;20  let me chase these sea lions into the water to attract some sharks that should help ?? there is a reason they are all ashore ..its a warning ..I would come in and punch him right in the atoms apple ..
Mr1screwloose - 7 years ago
Dolphy G WOW you must be some kinda Marine Biologist to figure all that out. I don't think anyones ever thought about all that.
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 7 years ago
ahhh poop !!!!
Mr1screwloose - 7 years ago
Nope... still owned!
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 7 years ago
not really ..NECT ??? ads ???? dude must BE a five year old he cant spell and what do seagulls gotta do with sharks ?? we can have a kook off anytime been surfing all my life a good 40 years in the water all over the world .besides the guy wants to play with my nuts ..sounds pretty fricking GAY if you ask me .
Mr1screwloose - 7 years ago
DAMM Glenn got owned on that one!
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
glenn sarconi NECT YOUR dumb ads will be telling my 5year old not to chase the seagulls off the beach. I WOULD KICK YOUR NUTS OUT OF YOUR THROAT AND STUFF ONE INTO EACH EYE SOCKET WITH MY PINKY TOE. (you're a kook.)
Nuno Carvalho
Nuno Carvalho - 8 years ago
Real a fucking twat, why just not take the moment and just enjoy the wild life. Why chasing the sea lions?
"Sometimes God gives nuts to men with no teeth!"
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
Nuno Carvalho bet your gay.
MAB - 9 years ago
dark cold water with lots of sea lions? that's a shark trap!
Tyg Rahof
Tyg Rahof - 9 years ago
This looks like an epic knee-boarder wave.
Tyg Rahof
Tyg Rahof - 8 years ago
+glenn sarconi Easier on the back for us classical surfers. LOL
glenn sarconi
glenn sarconi - 8 years ago
+Tyg Rahof  half man !!!
Humphrey Smiggens
Humphrey Smiggens - 9 years ago
reppingeason - 9 years ago
Why chase the sea lions into the water? WTF!

30. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay

Cheops2112 - 9 years ago
Why is the guy disturbing the sea lions...??? Surfing is cool but disturbing indigenous wild life is not...
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
Cheops2112 fuck you. in that spot these guys rule the wildlife obviously. You my friend are gay.
Adrian. - 9 years ago
Matt Tildesley
Matt Tildesley - 9 years ago
epic 3 tubes on the 1 wave dosen't get any better than that.
fin dennis
fin dennis - 9 years ago
does this break on a reef? or sandbar?
Trevor Martin
Trevor Martin - 9 years ago
+FinDennisFilms sandbar
adventuresinbelieving - 9 years ago
Creator made it.
grilindi Rivera
grilindi Rivera - 9 years ago
This wave omg
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 10 years ago
Meanwhile at home break > 2 second rides (close-outs)
wozza77able - 7 years ago
National Pornographic sometimes watching shit like is like rubbing salt in a raw wound
Ron I.
Ron I. - 7 years ago
Not as ugly as me though.
elcanitris - 7 years ago
I play with myselfn because i
National Pornographic
National Pornographic - 8 years ago
Maria Edwards
Maria Edwards - 8 years ago
I feel your pain, I live in Alabama
SkateSurfProductions - 10 years ago
Such a sick wave... 
Raul Martinez
Raul Martinez - 10 years ago
amazing wave and footage! If only it wasn't shark infested, you guys have some seriously big cojones!
jasason10 - 10 years ago
Artiz is a great backhand barrel ridder 
Nicolas Guionnet
Nicolas Guionnet - 10 years ago
Do they really need to chase these seal ?  Is it a part of the fun ?
dileo DJD
dileo DJD - 9 years ago
They too fat and need excercise bra... too many fish burgers.
Maria Edwards
Maria Edwards - 10 years ago
Come on man youve never surfed with seals? "I haven't"  Ironically enough I wounder if your more likely to get bit via karma chasing those blubbers out. 
kaleb alaimo
kaleb alaimo - 10 years ago
2:25 the two 40 gallon drums floating passed! 
Christian Smith
Christian Smith - 10 years ago
Yeah, I agree about leaving the seals alone! No need for harassing the locals you ass hole!!! Can anyone tell me about the drums out the back? Are they shark drum line???
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
Christian Smith the drums are sea lion barbeques... delicious with misquite!
The High Viz Boyz
The High Viz Boyz - 10 years ago
Tertius Nel
Tertius Nel - 11 years ago
Too bad they buliding a port here now
Trixter808 - 11 years ago
well the sharks got plenty to eat there
123vandrax - 11 years ago
this is the sikest wave i have ever seen its like a dream come true wave omg only in my dreams i ride a wave like this,looks like a sharks hangout too thou shud help with the crowds
Zach MATz
Zach MATz - 11 years ago
you guys is nutz! shark infested garuntee!! props!
alyinsanfran - 11 years ago
Dick move chasing the seals into the water though eh?
Aidan Gunn
Aidan Gunn - 7 years ago
man shut the fuck up
Jack McDonald
Jack McDonald - 10 years ago
haha ya feel you man, stay safe out there ya hear
alyinsanfran - 10 years ago
+Jack McDonald Ha! Yeah that's what we do in the Red Triangle here - always surf around seals because that means there's no sharks. You should look up the definition of 'chumming'.
Jack McDonald
Jack McDonald - 10 years ago
not really, more chance the sharks will go for them instead of your leg
alyinsanfran - 10 years ago
+gillos cos they're resting.
gillos - 10 years ago
cos they hate water......?
piet skiet
piet skiet - 10 years ago
Its in a nature reserve,,,no teasing or disturbing of any animals allowed !!!
John Schroeder
John Schroeder - 11 years ago

50. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay

Chris Ryan
Chris Ryan - 11 years ago
yeah fuck yeah, fuckin oath cunts..
marcelo menegasso
marcelo menegasso - 11 years ago
best left!!
Brad Foster
Brad Foster - 11 years ago
look on -v-i-m-e-oo for film 29194892
Brad Foster
Brad Foster - 11 years ago
Its a clip from a video called Namibia
Jorge Diaz
Jorge Diaz - 11 years ago
7 people can go die! ^^
migael coetzee
migael coetzee - 11 years ago
Simply the best
Piu piu Piu piu
Piu piu Piu piu - 11 years ago
Anyone knows what camera was used to make this film?
Lance Steytler
Lance Steytler - 11 years ago
omg that first wave!!! :O
Nelson Ferreira
Nelson Ferreira - 11 years ago
one day.... i hope
adventuresinbelieving - 11 years ago
Andrew Savage
Andrew Savage - 11 years ago
you got it
MrRookie41 - 11 years ago
Best wave I have ever seen. No slow motion required.
Bronson Harrington
Bronson Harrington - 11 years ago
If you cannot perfect your tube riding skills at a wave like this - you're definitely doing something wrong. You're going to bail, not because you can't surf, but because you lose focus for a sec -- then eat it!
CreHiper - 11 years ago
The last wave is the best of the se
CreHiper - 11 years ago
Regulars too Man Regulars too
TheMxer48 - 11 years ago
Corn Wilson
Corn Wilson - 11 years ago
Actually shark nets just deter sharks, they are only a few metres high and a shark can easily just swim over top, not saying they are shark nets though.
Emil Zacharia
Emil Zacharia - 11 years ago
what sort of people would dislike this video??
Ericxnegley - 11 years ago
maybe to check for a swell indicating a tsunami or big waves. But i don't know
john deer
john deer - 11 years ago
anyone thatsais sharks is a pussy ive seen a 10 footer and a 8 fotter under me seperate times surfing and the mined there own business!! and when they do bike someone they never bikethem again and eat them because they reolize she wernt a seek !! more people die every year from coco nuts falling on there head than shark atacks!!
MrDeadsurfer - 11 years ago
This is the best wave I've ever seen.
Max f
Max f - 11 years ago
To think that the whole video consists of only five waves surfed......
Euphoria - 11 years ago
that last barrel was. Mindblowing
NJSublime - 11 years ago
A goofy-footer's wet dream.
kim com
kim com - 11 years ago
what a sick wave
Gustavo Walther Lueders
Gustavo Walther Lueders - 11 years ago
and full of sharks and shallow rocks
TomatoKetchupWraps - 11 years ago
there to let you know where the rocks are close to the water surface
nomoreluke - 11 years ago
Women can't surf
Sacred Light
Sacred Light - 11 years ago
ousters are inside of em...
wee poo
wee poo - 11 years ago
Anyone else go here fwhenever they play Youriding?
Emily Dreibelbis
Emily Dreibelbis - 11 years ago
Hey ladies! If you’re a surfer and want a sexy bikini that will stay on, check out Wave tested. Surfer-approved.
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
Emily Dreibelbis thanks (but they squeeze my double D's snd make ne squirt)
Nico Holtzhausen
Nico Holtzhausen - 11 years ago
that is a open sea oyster farm my friend
90sideways - 11 years ago
To stop surfers from going out too deep where they can't touch the bottom
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
90sideways hilarious!
Alex Almandoz
Alex Almandoz - 11 years ago
Good video!!!!! I like it!
M G - 11 years ago
first wave is riding switch
Shane Dickeson
Shane Dickeson - 11 years ago
those waters look very sharky..
Honeysucklebommie - 11 years ago
White Fence - Sticky Fruitman Has Faith It says it right there under the vid!
inalavalamp - 12 years ago
that first wave...
MforMarley - 12 years ago
PaBlo Rg82
PaBlo Rg82 - 12 years ago
como se llama tema de musica del video? alguien lo sabe? por favor
INSAN3xDEMON - 12 years ago
I like the part where he gets the barrel...
Will Collins
Will Collins - 12 years ago
i think theres some people who just go around disliking videos because how could someone not like this
Likma Ball
Likma Ball - 12 years ago
It's amazing how a good wave can make a shit surfer look half decent
TheConor312 - 12 years ago
nah carnivorous caterpillars big problem in this area
Hugh Watson
Hugh Watson - 12 years ago
1/4 of these views have to have been from me. cannot stop watching! so good.
humanmillipede - 12 years ago
soooo epic yewwwww im amped to now go surf perrenporth :-/
Shred Show
Shred Show - 12 years ago
That first barrel section before it gets all wobbly looks perfect.
Tristan Burke
Tristan Burke - 12 years ago
i dont think theres a way to be sure how to surf this
Celina Flores
Celina Flores - 12 years ago
Such a long ride!!! (nice video, btw.)
TheSoulSurfer - 12 years ago
Wouldn't you smile to the camera in front of a wave like that? I would.

100. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay

radrod05 - 12 years ago
Damn lookin better dan pipe!
Vann Hurst
Vann Hurst - 12 years ago
naw hes still in the pocket chillin
Ricardo Silva
Ricardo Silva - 12 years ago
There are nets attached underwater to the sand or sea soil made from a unbreakable material , it actually in some places in the u.s they use them.
Jake Riggs
Jake Riggs - 12 years ago
1:35 is that a shark in the wave? ooo
hishamxx1 - 12 years ago
Best wave ever
multiyak - 12 years ago
este video no es tuyo!!!!!!
Andrew Savage
Andrew Savage - 12 years ago
do you realize you need to learn to spell
vinesrok - 12 years ago
Jesus view 10 pointers there
Michael Doe
Michael Doe - 12 years ago
I cant get my mouth up off the floor..full on!
Michael Doe
Michael Doe - 12 years ago
are those shark nets out there ?
patrick ramirez
patrick ramirez - 12 years ago
my favortie wave in youriding
Rodrigo Snege
Rodrigo Snege - 12 years ago
surfnskate76 - 12 years ago
Cold, sharky, dumping, and full of seal crap for sure....but I wanna surf it!
Matías Santibáñez
Matías Santibáñez - 12 years ago
Perfect Wave
Rotty Blasphemy
Rotty Blasphemy - 12 years ago
sick as fuck
keagan neveling
keagan neveling - 12 years ago
this spot is right on my doorstep. love africa..
Malan King
Malan King - 12 years ago
what the fuck are those birds all about lol sick as
ahinalu - 12 years ago
Where there's birds, there's food, where there's food, there's seals, and where there's seals in that region there's sharks.
opunake4lyf - 12 years ago
yeah yeah, some places put them up, like around popular swimming beaches, yah know.
majik31 - 12 years ago
It looks like the J-bay of lefts...nice long peeling tubes...
opunake4lyf - 12 years ago
i thought maybe a shark net aye?
Bricabrac - 12 years ago
Matt Gaby
Matt Gaby - 12 years ago
eerr maaa gaarrd seeearls
Nick Goldston
Nick Goldston - 12 years ago
Dude. This shit is insane.
S Byster-Bowles
S Byster-Bowles - 12 years ago
Sticky Fruitman Has Faith by White Fence
Ryannn - 12 years ago
how many birds are there??
Cameron Watkins
Cameron Watkins - 12 years ago
i bet im the only one here who knows where this is!!!XD
Tigerstyletron - 12 years ago
something by tame impala
AndroidPLAYS - 12 years ago
2 words Extremely perfect
Sean leroy
Sean leroy - 12 years ago
What is this song?
jake fritz
jake fritz - 12 years ago
shark infested but definitely worth the risk
1956raffy - 12 years ago
as if the seals do not have to brave the sharks when they have to feed these idiots are chasing them into the ocean for no reason other than showing off for the video,surfers have a responsibility to be environmentalists and respect the ocean and its inhabitants,probably french
pokiboi96731 - 12 years ago
Reed Schuette
Reed Schuette - 12 years ago
That is no ordinary flock. That is a massive amount of birds.
Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 12 years ago
What, have you never seen a flock of birds before? (;
Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson - 12 years ago
ive surfed it 15 ft so good
Ghengis Julius Napoleon Ceasar Bonaparte Khan
Ghengis Julius Napoleon Ceasar Bonaparte Khan - 12 years ago
0:25 i realis no one cares but WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH ALL THE BIRDS !!!!
enricopalma100 - 12 years ago
dont you just hate mushy closeouts?
Royan Glisse
Royan Glisse - 12 years ago
Crazy ! Entièrement d'accord avec toi Guillaume ;)
Matthew Jordan
Matthew Jordan - 12 years ago
sickk fucking video. whats the song name ?
Ben Owen
Ben Owen - 12 years ago
So i we went to Nambia for a surf trip. Id have to bring my own shark net yeah..
TheXD3D - 12 years ago
And Alain Riou?
NewportLocalBra - 12 years ago
You get out and jog up the beach to get back to the peak.
El Weebo
El Weebo - 12 years ago
Actually I've found that: bigger the barrel = easier to ride. Just need bigger balls for bigger waves.
El Weebo
El Weebo - 12 years ago
Look at 1.58 Looks like shark net to me!
Richard Turner
Richard Turner - 12 years ago
Pelican point Namibia
Stewart heather
Stewart heather - 12 years ago
shark nets? isnt it a huge flock of birds flying past?
R Hoekman
R Hoekman - 12 years ago
you have a point. but what i was saying is that if someone cant find the barrel here then they suck
Justin Scott Ferreira
Justin Scott Ferreira - 12 years ago
well I would like to know if those are shark nets and i presume its namibia! ummm let us know, please matie it looks good!
TDog Bones
TDog Bones - 12 years ago
from what I heard, it´s pretty difficult out there to even make the take-off... I guess it´s easier getting barreled probably anywhere else.. but I don´t know, haven´t been there and probably never will.. hate my life!
Roberto Correa
Roberto Correa - 12 years ago
I'm from Brazil! VERY NICE!
Roberto Correa
Roberto Correa - 12 years ago
R Hoekman
R Hoekman - 12 years ago
if you cant get barreled in this you might as well stop surfing
B Higgins
B Higgins - 12 years ago
Agreed. I started surfing in the early 90's, and in 2001 I took a surf trip to Bali. Up until that trip I could only claim 3 or 4 waves that were legit barrels...during the trip I would have 3 or 4 a day.
Oliver Ganguli
Oliver Ganguli - 12 years ago
pulling into a barrel is perhaps one of the easier things to do in surfing. The hollower the wave( and heavier) the more skill is put into the barrel riding and any other aspect of the sport... unless your trying to eat crap.
Oliver Ganguli
Oliver Ganguli - 12 years ago
gaganovitch - 12 years ago
1:35....cannot find words for that!
Elielson Fonseca
Elielson Fonseca - 12 years ago
Sensacional !!!
Elielson Fonseca
Elielson Fonseca - 12 years ago
Disparado o melhor vídeo em tubos longos !!!
mARTellARTS - 12 years ago
looks like great white hunting grounds to me
gotPossy - 12 years ago
DUBSTEP SUCKS. And that bay is pure awesomness.
TheGroynoodle - 12 years ago
Who would listen to this crap before paddling out in surf like that???
kdovalley - 12 years ago
not sure who could possibly agree with this comment
crazyhigh2244 - 12 years ago
Shaun Francois
Shaun Francois - 12 years ago
the dubstep was sick fag
Wilbur Agullana
Wilbur Agullana - 12 years ago
two words: Goofy Heaven
LifeAsJamesT - 13 years ago
I'm a Natural Foot, I dream of J-Bay...
spo7878 - 13 years ago
The interesting thing is next week i´ll be going to africa for a year or so, and more interesting than that is where i am going is nearby Namibia, and for the last but not least, who knows i´ll be giving a try on that spot and you will only dream on surfing Skeleton Bay by watching this kind of movies... cheers.
LifeAsJamesT - 13 years ago
if you wouldnt risk seeing a shark (that may or may not be there) for these waves then you dont need to surf...any surfer i know would charge that place without the slightest hesitation!!!
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
LifeAsJamesT yup. sharks don't want to eat humans...we taste like shit i guess. they do take a nibble from time to time...which is awesome. They fon't scare me at all though. Swim right at them and they always freak out. everytime! Seriously i would drop a line though...bbq'd shark over driftwood on the beach is pure heaven.
spo7878 - 13 years ago
Seals = Great White Sharks!!!
Pieter Joubert
Pieter Joubert - 13 years ago
Skeleton Bay is in Namibia but you will need a special permit to access Skeleton Bay because it is surrounded by diamond fields that is not open to the public. For all the retards that do not know where Namibia is, it is just above South Africa where I live.
jason nosaj
jason nosaj - 13 years ago
is this a fukin wave pool cuz wow those waves OMG....
thomas dee
thomas dee - 13 years ago
Secret out now. Sik wave!
louigi134 - 13 years ago
where the hell is this place
raindogred - 13 years ago
@crotchetmonger no mate this is that tasmanian wave park everyone's raving about
A Haum
A Haum - 13 years ago
Dan Menten
Dan Menten - 13 years ago
Gotta work 4 it because the inside bowl looks the best!
A Lennon
A Lennon - 13 years ago
That, might be the best wave ever ridden.Where is this filmed?I must go, I must go, I must go, I must go, I must go, I must go. One more thing, I must go.
brumaza - 13 years ago
healthy sick
blahblah - 13 years ago
Africa is a continent. So this is like saying: "Hey some surfers went to Asia and found some waves". So how about telling us which country this is???
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahyeahimboredblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah how about we just drive you there and paddle out for you? We wouldn't allow you here anyway newbie. Unless you rock a 2 piece and give instant blow jobs.
Ian Stuart
Ian Stuart - 13 years ago
@SDtakeover yah just being a smartass. and you're right.
Nouk - 13 years ago
@callumrich91 listen it with "No Church in the Wild" (Jay-Z feat Kanye West)
Ian Stuart
Ian Stuart - 13 years ago
@SDtakeover africa is a continent not a country.
Whitenacho - 13 years ago
OMG! and the music is awesome!
Zac White
Zac White - 13 years ago
sharky as
SurfingGrizzlyBears - 13 years ago
I liked the one where he got barreled
Majestic Yodalar
Majestic Yodalar - 13 years ago
bad ass name
Daniele Tomasi
Daniele Tomasi - 13 years ago
is that cory's left?
NewportLocalBra - 13 years ago
You see those seals on the beach? That means theres some big ass great whites ready do munch u.
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
WANNABEENEWPORTLOCALBRAH.... you see those seals on the beach? that means big ass great whites are there to EAT SEALS. Stay in Newport you won't like the real world. ( got dat wedge!)
griffin locke
griffin locke - 13 years ago
you know the waters safe when the seals wont even go in
geremdu85 - 13 years ago
fungus among us
fungus among us - 8 years ago
geremdu85 seals like to sunburned too tho. Sharks don't wanna eat people. Just a little nibble every now and then. #battlescars
geremdu85 - 13 years ago
amazing wave!!!
kaYboi8o8 - 13 years ago
@callumrich91 I thought the dubstep version was better
adamu328 - 13 years ago
@labanski1 I bet the first surfer on this video disagrees!
HBschultz - 13 years ago
watch?v=E-qvGDsMe8M Better version of this video!!!
labanski1 - 13 years ago
the best backhand bazz i ever seen god dang it.
1superman808 - 13 years ago
this place is nuts
Ryan Steinolfson
Ryan Steinolfson - 13 years ago
Holy Shark bait. That place has got to have a ton of whites around.
Externalnow125 - 13 years ago
Uncomfortable seeing that young guy chasing the seals into the water. Not the smartest thing to do,drawing White Pointers to the spot.
kersez - 13 years ago
How is it possible that my "March" issue arrive the last week of January? I know time slows down in the barrel but I didn't realize it sometimes reverses.
Paul Narada Alister
Paul Narada Alister - 13 years ago
Where is Skeleton Bay? In Namibia near Mowe bay somewhere or what?
Pierc21 - 13 years ago
dakine400 - 13 years ago
what makes this place great is that it is a sand bottom point! when sand creates perfection those that surf it are truly lucky!
Kenyon Flint
Kenyon Flint - 13 years ago
what a champion!!
Islandhoppers - 13 years ago
great clip
Callum Richardson
Callum Richardson - 13 years ago
whoever made the call to remove that terrible dubstep song and replace it with white fence should be nominated for surfer poll surfer of the year.
Michael Williams
Michael Williams - 13 years ago
off its skull!!!
Simon Kirouac
Simon Kirouac - 13 years ago
perfection !!!
cookster601 - 13 years ago
Was there a whale in one of those waves?
TheAlexbsurf - 13 years ago
barrels , bariques ,tubes perfect session !!
ToolsnFire - 13 years ago
Refreshing music, this is the way to go with surf vid music. Btw, typical surf vid music is overdone punkyhardcore trash
Frankbrunorox - 13 years ago
Amazing video, awful music!
Guilherme1 PUBG
Guilherme1 PUBG - 13 years ago
changed the original music. this new music sucks
podagee4life - 13 years ago
shark city! lol
drewtoonz - 13 years ago
anyone know song?
righton121212 - 13 years ago
Not the best barrel riding I've ever seen but the wave is insane
Karl Herrmann
Karl Herrmann - 13 years ago
Wow, well done, you took someone elses original footage and changed the track! How very original!
Hoyt Smith
Hoyt Smith - 13 years ago
I kind of dug the music.
SurfersDreamland - 13 years ago
yeah, long rides. Love it! Hang loose,
cfmetalgear1 - 13 years ago
I'm a regular footer who loves lefts. Is it a bad thing? Not when there are waves like this.
darylsmitts - 13 years ago
music was kinda gay, had to mute it, but a sic vid thanks!
Daniel Canil
Daniel Canil - 13 years ago
@MrNvona I reckon looks dice
drewtoonz - 13 years ago
Michael O'Neill
Michael O'Neill - 13 years ago
cold water lots of seals yikes!
ufo fdez
ufo fdez - 13 years ago
whats the songs name?
SlideYourSoul - 13 years ago
SO SWEET! shred on!

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The "SURFER - Skeleton Bay" video is part of the surfing, sexy girls, beach category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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