SURFER - Skeleton Bay
Surf 13 years ago 547,381 views
European surfers Aritz Aranburu, Joan Duru, and Marc Lacomare migrate to Africa for the longest left barrels of their lives. See more of their journey in our March issue! Go to for the latest daily videos, photos, stories, news and more: Like Surfer on Facebook: Latest photos and breaking news on Latest videos at: Tweet at Surfer:
10. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay
20. comment for SURFER - Skeleton Bay
Only thing you got pegged is a stick up your ass. Getting upset over a 1 second clip of running with the seals.. smh
I'm pretty sure no one intelligent or thoughtful ever said that lol. Animal rights advocacy is not a new concept.
But hey be a "principled" man. Just as long as you are consistent with your beliefs. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are vegan and don't own any domesticated animals.
You never know what we think is "harmless" now we'll see in a totally different light in the future.
Think of all the circus animals. 50 years ago, nearly everybody would have said . "Transporting a massive wild lion in a cage around the country for shows? Harmless".
Since, it's quite obvious given history, that we humans are pretty stupid, and will continue to be, I don't consider anything harmless. Easiest thing is to just leave them alone.
Haha, jeez, you are blowing this way out of proportion and going really off topic. I (and most likely the guy running at the seals) agree with everything you said, but this isn't environmental destruction, or habitat endangerment, this is harmless human animal interaction. A mild nuisance for the seals at worst and a fun game at best. Nothing more :D
The point is we don't know, and I think we should let animals be in their natural environment and assume that any harrasment is damaging and not "fun" for them. I think animals are cool, and we all know animals in general have been on the losing end in a big way since humans came around. In fact, there are one or two seal species extinct from us killing them. It's high time we just let them live their lives without us meddling and thinking we're the owners of this planet and can mess with them, kill them, or destroy their environment as we please.
All we saw in the video was a little healthy cardio for the cute chubby little bastards.
I guess you must have talked to the seals and found there was some unfilmed "harming" going on :P
Yeah, a lot of harm came from that..
"Sometimes God gives nuts to men with no teeth!"
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