BEST COMPILATION YET? THUMBNAIL PICTURE BY: Jeff Divine (Sunset Beach) * Follow me on Instagram @lifeofkook were I post daily clips like these: I do not own or film any of these clips, I just created a compilation for you guys. SUBSCRIBE! If you own any of these clips please comment below and if you want them to be removed or receive credit I will do so. * The songs are: - Spark: - Funky Dark Island: * For business inquires or any questions/information email: I got the clips from my own instagram account which is @lifeofkook and I also got the clips from @kookslams and @kookoftheday.

SURFERS VS. BODYBOARDERS | KOOK BATTLE sentiment_very_dissatisfied 114

Surf 6 years ago 206,568 views

BEST COMPILATION YET? THUMBNAIL PICTURE BY: Jeff Divine (Sunset Beach) * Follow me on Instagram @lifeofkook were I post daily clips like these: I do not own or film any of these clips, I just created a compilation for you guys. SUBSCRIBE! If you own any of these clips please comment below and if you want them to be removed or receive credit I will do so. * The songs are: - Spark: - Funky Dark Island: * For business inquires or any questions/information email: I got the clips from my own instagram account which is @lifeofkook and I also got the clips from @kookslams and @kookoftheday.

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Most popular comments

Bob alloo
Bob alloo - 6 years ago
1:05 the definition of ignorant. This guy is arrogantly ignorant. Drops in on the guy and self righteously punishes the guy who was in the right. a couple of those guys diving head first into foot deep water are lucky they don't have broken necks.
scott - 6 years ago
Curtpiss payan is sponger nssa bitch probation officer 207 and again at end clip
mitchell powell
mitchell powell - 6 years ago
Bodyboarding is for dribble dicks
Andrey Agiy
Andrey Agiy - 6 years ago
Lol, Painful to watch. How about some ethics
Tom Moore
Tom Moore - 6 years ago
My least favorite part about surfing, I now understand the rules of priority, but when I accidentally mess up people get way too mad, we’re all just out there to have fun but some guys take it way too seriously
Dark_Mr _Man
Dark_Mr _Man - 6 years ago

I’ve been in something like that before.
Jj Ro
Jj Ro - 6 years ago
minute 3:04 was the most hilarious jajajajajajajajajaj
Vicente Villegas
Vicente Villegas - 6 years ago
A surfer (sorry my english), crashed whit me and broke my arm and the Guy insulted me...
Anthony Barrow
Anthony Barrow - 6 years ago
This is why I don't surf anymore . Surfed for 47yrs and had enough.


Bob Holliston
Bob Holliston - 6 years ago
I think all surfers and body boarders should pack. WAY more interesting video's and everybody would show more respect.
hazwaz - 6 years ago
3:30-4:13 why is their so much competition for such shit waves haha
Bodhi Sawyer
Bodhi Sawyer - 6 years ago
When they go so close to each other I do that to little kids and it scares the shit outta them
Adam InTheSouthWest
Adam InTheSouthWest - 6 years ago
I’ve surfed for over 30 years and body board, long board, short board, SUP, skim board, body surf etc.

An idiot is an idiot regardless of what they ride, some of the best water men I know bodyboarders.
Pat T
Pat T - 6 years ago
I'm a longboarder so taking off on the outside of 5 surfers on the sholder is easy. When they all fall off the wave is mine MOAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Keith James
Keith James - 6 years ago
I never drop in.
Airport Chronicle's
Airport Chronicle's - 6 years ago
The verdict....drum rollllll....BOTH ARE KOOKS!!!!!!
Randy Marsh
Randy Marsh - 6 years ago
Bodyboard shoud to be illegal
Waka Blonde
Waka Blonde - 6 years ago
your illegal
Brqdes - 6 years ago
3:53 is that guy autistic
Joey Mcginity
Joey Mcginity - 6 years ago
Notice it mostly boogie boarders who are kooks not saying all boogie boarders are kooks just in this video that are


mb421 - 6 years ago
Edited by a surfer for sure...
Surfers vs sharks
Lo Kidd
Lo Kidd - 6 years ago
Haha plenty of shit got eaten
brooks townsley
brooks townsley - 6 years ago
1 minutes 31 seconds Boogie boarder takes out Surfer Epic move
Fatelvis2 - 6 years ago
are these people unaware that other people are taking the wave or do they just dont care
BEARDEDYAKER - 6 years ago
I surf but bodyboarding is a sport too, respect needs to go both ways on wave priority. I am in Cocoa Beach and our problem is the SUP boards on the waves they are huge and heavy and can really kill someone.
Aladin Fox
Aladin Fox - 6 years ago
First world problems ✌
X X X TV - 6 years ago
3:02 smallarms HUAHuahUAHuahuHA
X X X TV - 6 years ago
2:08 P R O! Claps
Rasta Fonz
Rasta Fonz - 6 years ago
i bodyboard and i would never drop in on anyone unless that ONE person is always dropping in even when you told him DON'T.


Jasper Feldschuh
Jasper Feldschuh - 6 years ago
0:36 is what I hate about some surfers. They always think that because their sport is harder, they have the right to snake people
Kristhian Aguilar
Kristhian Aguilar - 6 years ago
Fucking lame ass bodyboarders
Bob Flendorg
Bob Flendorg - 6 years ago
First time I've seen a dwarf surfing - 3:00
alejandro - 6 years ago
I got a skim board to the back of my skull in capitola one day surfing it damn near ko,d me.
Dorian Bow
Dorian Bow - 6 years ago
j'ai croisé un strasbourgeois dans les landes, attention trés dangereux, il a fait 4 avc à l'eau
Claire - 6 years ago
Oh no. The wee flying man. I'd be shit scared. Sorry.
Asiqn_ Life
Asiqn_ Life - 6 years ago
At 3:12 small dude thinks he's boss.
Hubert Hubert
Hubert Hubert - 6 years ago
still to come: Surfers vs Bodyboarders vs Sharks!
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 6 years ago
Wow. This past weekend there was SUCH a good vibe in the water....bodysurfers, surfers, boogies, all getting along....SO nice.
Manufacturing Solutions
Manufacturing Solutions - 6 years ago
dropping in on Johnny Boy Gomes @0:57 on a sponge, is a guaranteed beat-down (even after he does a floater on your back)
Capitão Fênix
Capitão Fênix - 6 years ago
A culpa e sempre do surfista so o bodyboard ta certoo
Monsieur Liam
Monsieur Liam - 6 years ago
Léo Fioravanti avec élégance!
Marie Poch
Marie Poch - 6 years ago
why they surfing so close to each other? and the same wave?
Nicolas Ruvalcaba
Nicolas Ruvalcaba - 6 years ago
Getting snaked on one wave doesn't justify purposely shooting your surfboard at someone, or purposely landing on them - that's just fuck'd up considering that you could severely hurt someone over such a minor offense. I really don't care if I get snaked on small days, and when It's really big most guys out there know what they're doing..
Kommandant Franz
Kommandant Franz - 6 years ago
Alyssa Spencer
Alyssa Spencer - 6 years ago
I get so mad when bodyboarders go right in front of me... LIKE ARE U BLIND

Omg and dont get me STARTED with surfers that FREAKING SNAKE you!!
Dylan Byrd
Dylan Byrd - 6 years ago
They make it look like turning is impossible
TheA CAN - 6 years ago
Kooks are adorable!!
Forgot Myname
Forgot Myname - 6 years ago
Beschen shot his board at me once at T Street. No injury but a dick move - I was paddling to get out of his way.
He doesn't like spongers. 20+ years ago.
Lachlan Nagle
Lachlan Nagle - 6 years ago
i pissed my self at the end clip


Gabby Hayes
Gabby Hayes - 6 years ago
Okay now, the midget doing the superman into the back of the red wet suited dude alone (@ 4:36) is worth a subscription, lol.
Mat Bennett
Mat Bennett - 6 years ago
3:03 love this dude
George 755
George 755 - 6 years ago
1:08 did he die
theo van staden
theo van staden - 6 years ago
haha this is funny!!
graham liddington
graham liddington - 6 years ago
Hate speech. Be like Jamie OBrian and not a fucken nobody shit editor fuck tard elitist bitch lol
Travis McCalgan
Travis McCalgan - 6 years ago
2:48 MVP, fucker deserved that
Croco_ Panda
Croco_ Panda - 6 years ago
Surfer are just son bitch
Hortense Schmelting
Hortense Schmelting - 6 years ago
I surf and bodyboard. If the waves are small and hollow, I prefer to bodyboard. I paddled out into a lineup of about 20 surfers recently and got cheered on by about half of them when I got barrelled on my bodyboard. Three of them later told me they were thinking about getting into bodyboarding for some local shorepound breaks. One of the best surfers out there that day was on a Machado twin-fin fish; he was making the 6'-thruster guys look slow.

I'm amazed at how things have changed -- maybe it has something to do with Botha saving Geiselman's life at Pipeline, or maybe it has something to do with people like Jamie O'Brien and Dave Rostovich who will ride a wave on anything and who remind us that it's more about getting out in the water than anything else. But it's just good to be in the water with people who enjoy the waves without the ego trips.
Randsurfer - 6 years ago
And then you woke up and discovered you hadn't been surfing, you just wet the bed.
Zack Hertz
Zack Hertz - 6 years ago
You should get a camera
marc handler
marc handler - 6 years ago
Nice comment man
Tronald Dump
Tronald Dump - 6 years ago
its like both are trying to snake eachothers waves but are failing badly.
Jason Wein
Jason Wein - 6 years ago
jeez surfers are selfish however i love surfing
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
Any surfer that thinks ok to run people over and hit them with ur board and fins doesnt deserve the privilege to surf.. .you have lost the true meaning of surfing and your gonna hurt someone real bad one day and thats not what its about....hurt the wrong guy like me and ill fucking cut you with my knife at your car....verbalize which way you going your not too cool to talk to others.. And if there is a real kook in da way stay clear of him or her and dont compete with an one wins.....surfing is spiritual....let keep it that way...
Hubert Hubert
Hubert Hubert - 6 years ago
Surfers vs Bodyboarders vs Sharks...still to come
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
Hubert Hubert lmao....but noooo!
1StarProductions - 6 years ago
That's what I always hated about surfing.
B Soo
B Soo - 6 years ago
wtf! is that guy at 3:53 paralyzed now or what
G Maynia
G Maynia - 6 years ago
surfer at 2:06 wins
major skills demonstrated there.
madefromwater - 6 years ago
Bodyboards are irritating speed bumps!!
TheSilverSurfisher - 6 years ago
last bit looks like Surfers against Waves (Literally)!....
808bboarder - 6 years ago
“Vs” lol how?? Is it like a competition or something?
ahinalu2 - 6 years ago
@4:37 fucker got what he deserved.
Lyn burger
Lyn burger - 6 years ago
what happend to that spongie?
Lyn burger
Lyn burger - 6 years ago
That guy tried to cut him 1:01 , KARMA.
Lyn burger
Lyn burger - 6 years ago
DUDE PLZ TELL ME THAT THE guy at 1:01 lived, That is realy freaking me out, Fudge that guy got so cut, what a fucking dick that surfer was, i would beat the shit outa him and i dont even boodie. that shit kills the surfing sport for me.
Bob is my cats name Lol
Bob is my cats name Lol - 6 years ago
They are just dropping in on each other most aren’t kooks also a kook couldn’t live at the wedge on a heavy day
davor obradovic
davor obradovic - 6 years ago
Lol kooks . Situational awareness much?
77714anthony - 6 years ago
McKenzi Adams
McKenzi Adams - 6 years ago
Shortboard Surfers have always been assholes, I have never met one that I liked.
Gunnar Moeller
Gunnar Moeller - 6 years ago
And you've never met a bodyboarder cause you don't go to gay clubs.
alextheskaterdude07 - 6 years ago
3:59 haha nice try! Costco foam board on a dry shorebreak . Gotta give em props for trying!
alextheskaterdude07 - 6 years ago
I usually advocate peace between everyone but notice how almost everyone of these clips shows the boogie boarders making the fuck-up. You could hurt or even killed someone but I dropping in on them especially in bigger waves. I cannot believe the clip at 1:23! This boogie boarder grabs the surfer’s board when he was the one dropping in! This totally deserves a blackeye
Maxwell Smart_086
Maxwell Smart_086 - 6 years ago
...fat, untrained bodyboarders who are competing for the waves with real surfers. Shitheads.
Joshua Dunne
Joshua Dunne - 6 years ago
All I see are stand up surfers who think they get priority on all waves all the time. Happens alot. Until shit like 1:22 Hilarious.
Diego Ortega
Diego Ortega - 6 years ago
everybody has the right of enjoy the see.... anyone is the owner
boogaboo - 6 years ago
omg the douche at 1:20 deliberately takes the surfer down? wtf?!
Tomás Stabilini
Tomás Stabilini - 6 years ago
William Bissell
William Bissell - 6 years ago
If leashes were not allowed it would thin the crowd out a lot. If you wipe out a lot then you spend most of your time swimming for your board or paddling out. I wonder how many people would be out if they couldn't use a leash?
Wareight Machine
Wareight Machine - 6 years ago
4:07 is my nightmare... I see kooks everywhere!
Underground Hip Hop Paradise
Underground Hip Hop Paradise - 6 years ago
2:36 with a sea to surf 4 people in the same point
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 6 years ago
That was cool!
danman2988 - 6 years ago
Tsotsi Media
Tsotsi Media - 6 years ago
Kooks all around... Not Surfers, Not bodyboarders andnot bodysurfers! Learn the rules of the road assholes... If you don't you need to get a hard esson!
Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 6 years ago
Most of these surfers were pretty cool. But I HATE those guys who intentionally try to hit bodyboarders or bodysurfers. Those guys really suck.
Reece Harbottle
Reece Harbottle - 6 years ago
0:27 we see u, u kook
stfuliberal - 6 years ago
The midget at 3:03 lmao
ClausenLT - 6 years ago
Holy crikey...that last one!!!!
t mac
t mac - 6 years ago
Kook spongers.
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
t mac ur shit in the fridge....
the40yogamer - 6 years ago
1:47 that one was a surfer on surfer im gonna have call click bait heh
frank beans
frank beans - 6 years ago
Midget surfer wins this video!
Dennis Shellhorn
Dennis Shellhorn - 6 years ago
Looking down on people learning is arrogant as we were all kooks once. I'm surprised the term is still in use as it goes back to the 1950's. Looks like the major problem is it is just too crowded.
Randsurfer - 6 years ago
First of all, why get rid of the term "Kook' when it is perfect? Second, The major problem is the kooks don't bother to look behind before attempting to drop in. Especially when it is crowded.
Daryl Wilson
Daryl Wilson - 6 years ago
Fuck off den den you kook. Lol
Colin James
Colin James - 6 years ago
I'm lucky that where I surf there isn't dick heads as bad as the one's in this clip, because I'd be in jail.
aracuscesar - 6 years ago
the last one = gold
Adam Walsh
Adam Walsh - 6 years ago
Fuck that shore break. Pain pure pain. Love it.


Adam Walsh
Adam Walsh - 6 years ago
Love smashing into body boarders. They always take off without looking. Always. Just cause your on a body board doesn't mean rules dont apply. Feel the tip of my surfboard in your back bitches
handymannification - 6 years ago
The body boarder will always be the kook
Brent Segorski
Brent Segorski - 6 years ago
body boarders should not drop in on surfers EVER!!!! Sometimes when they drop in on me I just walk to the back of my 9'6 Dewey Performer and then shoot it right at them lol lol lmao lol lol lol
KahikohammaH - 6 years ago
Brent Segorski Surfing etiquette is the name of the game
KahikohammaH - 6 years ago
Brent Segorski Discriminator. Surfers grab Bodyboarders waves too. It’s racism in a different form.
APXdangles - 6 years ago
Bodyboarding is the equivalent of scooter kids at the skatepark. Little to no skill, easy to do, and just take up space. Get on your feet nerds. Any fat fuck can slosh around on their stomach on a board.
izhar - 6 years ago
@ozzymanreviews should do a commentary on some of these clips. Btw nice compilations bro
Lekeke S
Lekeke S - 6 years ago
Sponjers for the win cheeeee
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
Lekeke S word!
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 6 years ago
Dick draggers, everyone of them. If you don't stand up it don't count.
Torque Ventum
Torque Ventum - 6 years ago
Doc Lo’s Beast Mode
Doc Lo’s Beast Mode - 6 years ago
yessssssssssss Kook Battttttttttles rage on!!!
Heather jo
Heather jo - 6 years ago
That a midget! Lol..
Here its who ever has the outside .. Maybe they were local-ish ?
Not sure what i think of body boarding yet ..not much so far. Seems to cause lot of damage to surfers . I just can't take them seriously an get lil pissed when their snaking..not cool.
Outside TV
Outside TV - 6 years ago
Hey Like of Kook team, we loved your content and think your videos would make a great addition to our video of the month contest! By uploading your videos to you have the opportunity to win a wetsuit and a new surfboard and be featured on Outside TV! See you on Campfire!
CrapuleScred - 6 years ago
Kooks are everywhere. Respect the ocean And every ridin style.
Share Waves, or you gonna be drop or go home.

miguel canelas
miguel canelas - 6 years ago
Tom R
Tom R - 6 years ago
Kooks is right. Some aholes also
Jabroney - 6 years ago
3:00 ripping midget!!
Andréa S.
Andréa S. - 6 years ago
If you have legs, you shouldn't bodyboarding.
Abdul Nour El Beb
Abdul Nour El Beb - 6 years ago
bb> surfin
evan gamers
evan gamers - 6 years ago
In my opinion if you’re punching people over snaking you then you shouldn’t be out there. Instead, just tell them not to do it again, or just tell them to be more aware of the people around you or where you are in the lineup.
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 6 years ago
Invent a bull whip that velcro straps to your wrist.
Rodney Smart
Rodney Smart - 6 years ago
Or if they do it again, punch their lights out.
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 6 years ago
That was some good shit
ncsam 000000
ncsam 000000 - 6 years ago
Some of that shit is funny as hell. Damn spongers lmfao
Vitabrick Snailslime
Vitabrick Snailslime - 6 years ago
Well there might be a lot of people who don't look up the line or follow good etiquette, but it still takes a first class arsehole to deliberately run into someone.
malaihiboi - 6 years ago
This guy trying to start shit. It's 2018, grow up cook!!
Alf Bittner
Alf Bittner - 6 years ago
Basically the planet is too crowded, you could be in Alaska and there would be crew out
CANYON KILLER - 6 years ago
Miki Dora was the king of snaking people's waves... the midget LMFAO!!!
Russ Trinidad
Russ Trinidad - 6 years ago
Brah there are many body boarders and rip and many surfers that are kooks. I surf, but just want to squash the stereo type.
Thomas Chapman
Thomas Chapman - 6 years ago
Some really malicious behavior in this video.
Legend - 6 years ago
Surfing has gone a lot more kooky these days, too many dudes. The tour is an absolute joke. Bodyboarding is super underground and hardcore. Sure there’s kooks as well but surfings just got boring to watch. The recent boog comp at El Gringo Arica in Chile last week was absolutely epic. The future of heavy wave riding for sure. In my opinion
kawika dav
kawika dav - 6 years ago
Don't drop in unless you really know what you doing. You do that a Makaha you will be killed.
kawika dav
kawika dav - 6 years ago
+angeloeastblanco Go learn at Waikiki or White Planes then when you know how come to Makaha.
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
kawika dav been to makaha....lovely people....slightly getto side....well how the fuck are you sopose to mean dont drop in on other people....
kawika dav
kawika dav - 6 years ago
Stupid ass drop in masters. No drop in and you will be ok.
TauranianGamer - 6 years ago
Idc I would have had a ton of fun and laughed a lot because me and my friends would catch waves at the same time and wipe out at the same time and it was always a laugh
People need to take this sport less seriously
Sir Justonian
Sir Justonian - 6 years ago
No crowd where I surf.
Jason C
Jason C - 6 years ago
Where you at?
Robby Wilski
Robby Wilski - 6 years ago
Where are you?
Forgot Myname
Forgot Myname - 6 years ago
Me too. I surf it alone.
Robbie G
Robbie G - 6 years ago
After almost 30 years of bodyboarding I can say the bodyboarding vs surfer thing is bs. So many kooks in this video in waves where the shouldn't be regardless of craft.
HOLA HUMANO - 6 years ago
Hay olas para todos, el respeto es primordial... sino es muy fácil perder las formas. A nadie le gusta que le salten las olas.
Goomer - 6 years ago
Another great collection
Ole Kristian Larsen
Ole Kristian Larsen - 6 years ago
Thumbs up for those "setting an example". It is the only way to deal with the problem in the end...
Ole Kristian Larsen
Ole Kristian Larsen - 6 years ago
yup, surfing to be cool.
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
Ole Kristian Larsen so if your with violence while surfing then you are a looser that surfs to be cool and ur temper is that of a spoiled 5 year old. . use ur brain and think for once... Take in the facts all around not the cool guy
E F - 6 years ago
3:02-3:05 Is that Wee Man?
t mac
t mac - 6 years ago
Get a room u 2.
E F - 6 years ago
aracuscesar - True but there aren't many surfer/skater athletes that are midgets...geez
aracuscesar - 6 years ago
not every fuckin short person is wee-man geez
William Cribbins
William Cribbins - 6 years ago
Smh bodyboarders are just like scooter kids so frikin annoying
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
William Cribbins your a fucking idiot....most likely spoiled brat....steriotyping people cause of there vessels......your the guy who surfs to be cool...."looser!"....childish comment....evolve!
JM AF - 6 years ago
Kelly Slater seems to be a fan. Takes talent to spot talent I guess
808bboarder - 6 years ago
What’s annoying is you clowns on the surfboards/bodyboards wasting waves tryna act like you know where to line up at, just to exert all that energy tryna jump on it and you realize you ain’t got it lol
Ollie Whitham
Ollie Whitham - 6 years ago
Not really, surfers drop into u kook
el pro 10
el pro 10 - 6 years ago
Wins bodyboard
Zavier Orlos
Zavier Orlos - 6 years ago
surfers are so kook
Hudson Hitchcock
Hudson Hitchcock - 6 years ago
One of them fuckers just got curb stomped
ErgoCogita - 6 years ago
Was that Johhny Boy Gomes at 0:57 ? Dudes lucky if he was able to walk away that day. JB got arrested a couple years ago for beating the shit out of somebody in the water at Waikiki.
YThankQ - 6 years ago
A grown man referring to himself as Johnny Boy and fighting people in the water.. Doesnt get much more pathetic than that
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
ErgoCogita you guys are so cool...not
TheAwakenHD - 6 years ago
The surfer or the bodyboarder ?
Iosua Iosua
Iosua Iosua - 6 years ago
I see JBG all the time his daughter is surfing now
t mac
t mac - 6 years ago
ErgoCogita looks like he punches him afterwards.
Francis Ramp
Francis Ramp - 6 years ago
Richard Marino
Richard Marino - 6 years ago
This is why you need a hard-ass or two to "REGULATE".
Vlad Nechai
Vlad Nechai - 6 years ago
2:08 like a pro
Bob Rickleson
Bob Rickleson - 6 years ago
This shit is hilarious
reg reg
reg reg - 6 years ago
Ever since the Iphone came out the " me first and fuck everyone else" mentality has infected everything. People have iPads in there boards ffs! I'm surprised they not texting in the tube yet
james dacus
james dacus - 6 years ago
boy @ 2:55 got thrashed
Garbarrage - 6 years ago
They both got trashed. You can see the dude's board creasing after the impact.

Idiot "pros" acting like hard men on a 1ft day. Drop in or not, I'd have drowned that prick after a stunt like that.
James Ferrell
James Ferrell - 6 years ago
this is basically what happens at wedge
-SpyGuy- - 6 years ago
I think ur a kook because like 25% of the boogs vs surfers were actually surfers landing or running over other surfers which means u can't even tell if someone is a sponger or a surfer
logan grant
logan grant - 6 years ago
Life of Kook most people would already assume you're a kook because of your name lol
Life of Kook
Life of Kook - 6 years ago
SpyGuy I think I was too lazy to find clips with just boogie boarders as it would take too long so I decided to stick some clips of surfers getting run over hoping no one would see it. Sadly there are people like you who actually waste their time commenting stuff like this calling me a kook.
Martin Ivanov
Martin Ivanov - 6 years ago
They are like scooter kids
07maitai - 6 years ago
Spongers and SUPs are the worst.
Royal CODpiece
Royal CODpiece - 6 years ago
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
07maitai biest idiots are the worst...brats that think there cool cause they surf....go fuck ur self hittler
JM AF - 6 years ago
true. They make Hitler, Osama and Trump look like angels. Tool.
Chris OBannon
Chris OBannon - 6 years ago
punk how tall are you, I'm sponging at 6'3 your short ass looks like your sitting down when standing up..
Ollie Whitham
Ollie Whitham - 6 years ago
Les Furtado oh really hahah, right seems like ur the Kokomo now keyboard warrior
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 6 years ago
Ollie Whitham sounds like u have never surfed
Ollie Whitham
Ollie Whitham - 6 years ago
At the end of the day the look is the one having ago at other riders on social media lol
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 6 years ago
logan grant they are half men they dont stand up
logan grant
logan grant - 6 years ago
07maitai bodyboarders pioneered waves such as, Teahupoo, (Mike Stewart was the first person to ride It) Padang Padang, The Right and even pipeline. I 100% guarantee you most pro bodyboarders have a better areil game than any person on the WSL.
Fen - 6 years ago
See it over and over again, people dropping in and not bothering to look up the wave to see if its clear or not!
TheA CAN - 6 years ago
When I am at the water.....I don´t care.....BECAUSE I OWN THE SEA!!!!
Gabby Hayes
Gabby Hayes - 6 years ago
Gabriel Tedone
Gabriel Tedone - 6 years ago
chronicstories - 6 years ago
4:13.......BUAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA......that looked fun
Peter Myers
Peter Myers - 6 years ago
What a bunch of irresponsible fools. I’d be amazed if it didn’t take a whole lot of stitches to fix what’s gone wrong here. IDIOTS!
lo car
lo car - 6 years ago
zrex808 - 6 years ago
After the third drop in by a "professional/model' surfer at Laniakea, I grabbed his rail and flipped him and board. We both ate it and he paddled in without a word. Later, I found a 12" ding on my right side rail embedded with his hair.
Ten CM
Ten CM - 6 years ago
Sick ollie at 1:43 !!!
Romain Guéry
Romain Guéry - 6 years ago
Why is it always Medina?
Daryl Wilson
Daryl Wilson - 6 years ago
Brazilians are cunty mcfront bums. Need to learn to respect surfing . It's not soccer, its not WWF wrestlemania .. learn to be gracious ya crazy apes.
Jabroney - 6 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh no doubt. Im in San Diego and they're pretty shitty to surf with. Why are they so cunty?
Les Furtado
Les Furtado - 6 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh Hawaiian watah
Romain Guéry
Romain Guéry - 6 years ago
xenophobic alert!
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 6 years ago
Hawaiians are pretty bad but at least they keep the bs on their own shores and don't take the shitty attitudes on tour to share with every other line up they paddle into. one brazzo is ok, the more you add the worse they get….just like muslims I suppose. I will add your ability doesn't mean anything, if you share someone else's lineup you show respect, no one seems to have informed these kooks of that!
Seb - 6 years ago
Arsenic Pharaoh Hawaiians are no better I personally love Medina, Toledo and many others. I don't know why we focus on a surfers or nations personality rather than there surfing ability!
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 6 years ago
Met a lot of brazilians mate, liked 1% of them. The brazilian representatives in Surfing need to learn some manners and a lot of respect to turn my and many other Aussie's opinions around. Ive seen a lineup working perfectly, everyone getting waves and hooting each others pits and I've also seen them completely ruined by one sometimes two….nearly always multiple brazilian kooks! I won't travel to Brazil ever, and a lot of Aussie's would appreciate the bad brazzos go travel elsewhere in the world.
Romain Guéry
Romain Guéry - 6 years ago
I don’t think that you can compare one individual’s behaviour to a whole country. I have met some shity people in the line up coming from all over the globe. Medina is a tool and that is no secret but please don’t generalise!
Arsenic Pharaoh
Arsenic Pharaoh - 6 years ago
Partly because he's brazilian and those guys are the biggest fucken kooks to ever set foot on a surfboard and partly because he's a totally spoilt little cunt. I worked for Rip Curl and met him and his entourage, nearly all fuckwits!
michael R
michael R - 6 years ago
The problem is there is no beginner , intermediate and expert surf sections. Some Surfers think all waves are theirs and have no problem running you over to ride them . It is funny because we're I go out it is always the same guy's...
Cfass1 - 6 years ago
They are ours. Go back to Costco and return your shit.
surfinmuso - 6 years ago
No the problem is kooks not knowing surfing etiquette/rules, and the inexperienced taking on waves way above their skill level. Everybody gets waves if they are followed AND IT MAXIMIZES SAFETY. It's not rocket science-just look inside before u take of.
Stuart Hayward
Stuart Hayward - 6 years ago
While this video is entertaining and disturbing at the same time, you can clearly see that it's not just bodyboarders being kooks, hardboard surfers are often acting the same. When it's big on the north shore, you quickly see who is a true waterman and who shouldn't even be out there.
Respect is often giving to anyone who has great water skills, wether they are bodysurfers, bodyboarders, long boarders, SUP and regular, performance hard boarders.
Michael Wendell
Michael Wendell - 6 years ago
+cgm0826 dick like u should'nt evan be in the water, ass wipe!
Cockroach Man
Cockroach Man - 6 years ago
We should all just be waterfunmen
cgm0826 - 6 years ago
nah bodyboarders are kooks. fuck outta the way
dan mahoney
dan mahoney - 6 years ago
1. Look outside before dropping in
2. Don't snake waves
3. Don't paddle out up the middle at a point break.
4. If riding SUP, don't be that guy who catches a set wave then paddles back to the front of the lineup.
JGCSRT - 6 years ago
Stuart Hayward * given
JacuzziSurfer - 6 years ago
Haha One of those clips is mine
Salmon *fish noises*
Salmon *fish noises* - 6 years ago
JacuzziSurfer if you didn’t tell him which one you have no credit
angeloeastblanco - 6 years ago
JacuzziSurfer laughing must mean you were one of the dicks
I saw that too
Life of Kook
Life of Kook - 6 years ago
JacuzziSurfer which one?
Island life
Island life - 6 years ago
These just get better !
Tony Allen
Tony Allen - 6 years ago
the problem with the body board is it gives people with no idea a opportunity to get into the line up and lot of the time the surf is puss, so you get some idiot that's got no idea trying to ride some 1 foot slop on something that's meant to be ridden in heavy shoreys and Reef breaks,same as trying to ride a heavy shorey on a mal, it's going to look stupid
Phd Craven Moorehead
Phd Craven Moorehead - 6 years ago
Pinche Kooks man. They just don’t get it man. Thanks for showing these dumbasses
Tim C
Tim C - 6 years ago
what could go wrong with 7-10 guys trying to surf the same wave??
Austin Squillace
Austin Squillace - 6 years ago
Tim C party wave baby
Who is P.O.V 2.0
Who is P.O.V 2.0 - 6 years ago
0:20 I found willy pov
Haha nah
hadznation - 6 years ago
Life of Kook
Life of Kook - 6 years ago
The best video yet? Like, comment, share! and subscribe obviously
graham liddington
graham liddington - 6 years ago
Eat another D! lol. Damn you need a boyfriend!
mikerafone music
mikerafone music - 6 years ago
Never saw sponge monkey assault! Lol
Paul R.
Paul R. - 6 years ago
Life of Kook it’s a pretty funny compilation
ciao - 6 years ago
hahahaha perfect video
8 EYE GAMING - AGAR.IO / SLITHER.IO - 6 years ago
the best video yet I think

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