Portions of today's video shot and edited by Ugh It's Joe! Go subscribe to his channel!!!! ► Subscribe to Trisha's Channel► New JNash Merch is here ► And check out some of my recent and best videos: David vs Trisha► Liza's Birthday ► David Ruins Our Vacation ► Confessing Our Relationship ► JNASH MERCH ► VIEWS PODCAST ► SUBSCRIBE TO MY FAMILY CHANNEL ► SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL ► INSTAGRAM► FACEBOOK ► SNAPCHAT ►@Jason23nash TWITTER► Try my Uber Code and receive $20 off your next ride. UBER CODE: Jasonnn7329ue Postmates Code: W7WCI (get $10 in delivery credit!)

SURFING AND SHARK INFESTED WATER MUKBANG sentiment_very_dissatisfied 353

Surf 6 years ago 327,401 views

Portions of today's video shot and edited by Ugh It's Joe! Go subscribe to his channel!!!! ► Subscribe to Trisha's Channel► New JNash Merch is here ► And check out some of my recent and best videos: David vs Trisha► Liza's Birthday ► David Ruins Our Vacation ► Confessing Our Relationship ► JNASH MERCH ► VIEWS PODCAST ► SUBSCRIBE TO MY FAMILY CHANNEL ► SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL ► INSTAGRAM► FACEBOOK ► SNAPCHAT ►@Jason23nash TWITTER► Try my Uber Code and receive $20 off your next ride. UBER CODE: Jasonnn7329ue Postmates Code: W7WCI (get $10 in delivery credit!)

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Most popular comments

Brooklyn Carbino
Brooklyn Carbino - 6 years ago
Trish and Jason should go on the Steve Wilkins show if you really think he's gay. Honestly I don't think he is, but you obviously have a hard time trusting him because all of your exes or some turned out gay.
leah G
leah G - 6 years ago
What is wrong with trisha?! Im so confused. Why is she the meanest to the person she "loves"
leah G
leah G - 6 years ago
Love the surfing montages
lorrainenicolee - 6 years ago
Wouldn't even be shocked if Trisha ends up cheating on Jason cause she's selfish like that
Beatrice Gane
Beatrice Gane - 6 years ago
This is why I love Brandon, he knows when to stop a joke and knows not to take things to far! He's just like "alright now this is sad" and just moves onto something else. The amount of people I know that would have just kept harking on about it is so frustrating. People need to read social cues/signals and know when enough is enough.
Phoenix Flying
Phoenix Flying - 6 years ago
It’s sad how many defense mechanisms Trish has and how it affects all relationships. The insecurities, fears, gaslighting, jealousy, lack of emotional regulation, relationship baggage. I’m a huge Trish fan and her trolling that she’s going insane half the time is entertaining, but the deep down sadness, loneliness, and fear she lives in is really sad. She needs counseling and couples counseling because she’s never been in a healthy relationship and probably doesn’t know where to begin to have one. Jason is kind and caring and patient. I hope they work out, but it’s going to take effort and willingness. Best of luck to them both! ❤️❤️
Boss Joss
Boss Joss - 6 years ago
the fact that Trisha wouldn’t turn in David for killing her own boyfriend but would turn it Jason for killing David says a lot about her :/
morgan wagner
morgan wagner - 6 years ago
Wow your videos have made me realize how shitty Trish really is. Unreal
nicalycab - 6 years ago
Why do I feel so bad for Trisha sometimes?


Lauren Bernhard
Lauren Bernhard - 6 years ago
Love trish but you are a saint for putting up with this treatment, this is hard to watch
Bubblesoldier - 6 years ago
Surtile Cryx
Surtile Cryx - 6 years ago
I love the corvette and david's music
shelby bennett
shelby bennett - 6 years ago
zane is so adorable lmao
Gee Lee
Gee Lee - 6 years ago
Gina Nguyen
Gina Nguyen - 6 years ago
I hate how people are back handing Trisha. Everyone has done shit in their relationships that they wouldn't want other people to see. If you haven't then you know you're lying, haven't been in a commited relationship, or you never plain self reflected before. Get outta here with you hateful comments because thats their relationship. Half you are in toxic and terrible relationships and never listen to your friends about your aweful boyfriends or pmsing girlfriends. The other half of you are too young to even have sex legally. Jesus Christ.
Bailey - 6 years ago
Something seemed so off with Trish. I know it's people on the Internet and I shouldn't be worried, but like I've never seen her like this in a vlog with Jason. Hope there's an update soon and things get better for her, she doesn't deserve all the hate she gets.
Chanchara a
Chanchara a - 6 years ago
“Leave your kids so I won’t be alone” selfish brat
Noceria - 6 years ago
LMAO when Jason says @ 5:14 "Trisha shows up and eats all the sharks" with his crazy laugh
Viki Victoria
Viki Victoria - 6 years ago
No videos on Jason or Trisha's channels! No Instagram! Bets they broke up


K Parker
K Parker - 6 years ago
I love how Brandon and David really are like Jason’s two boyfriends. David’s the cute one who always puts him down but they honestly love being around each other, and then Brandon is the quirky one that he acts like he hates but they have extremely hot sex... I’m so sorry if that offends anyone
Aubrey Anderson
Aubrey Anderson - 6 years ago
I tried so very hard fo support this relationship but threatening to have a guy stay over at your house is beyond disgusting and rude. Jason, you need to leave.
Sar Bre
Sar Bre - 6 years ago
Chopping at the bit
Bobbie Guyton
Bobbie Guyton - 6 years ago
well hell that was awkward... lol
Ravenclawsome 394
Ravenclawsome 394 - 6 years ago
I feel like this relationship is so toxic and Jason needs to end it. But I’m also worried about the exposing video Trish will inevitably make because the vlog squad are the kindest YouTubers around and don’t deserve what she would do to them!
Al Forest
Al Forest - 6 years ago
Ravenclawsome 394 it will back fire on Trish. Her previous exes had no platform to defend themselves, and they didn’t vlog from their perspective. So it was always her words against theirs.
Daphne Autumn
Daphne Autumn - 6 years ago
I used to LOVE trish and hate Jason, and then I loved their relationship, and then I started to not like it, and now I hate trish wtf
gigi gigi
gigi gigi - 6 years ago
david driving a corvette is the type of content i subbed for or really just anyone driving a corvette or just a corvette or really just any nice car
jjmusiclover3 - 6 years ago
They are going through it.
Blu Giraffe
Blu Giraffe - 6 years ago
Trisha is THE MOST manipulative, dishonest, toxic slob on earth. What a rotten human being- Jason is a nice guy who doesn't deserve all the insanity being throw his way.
Mary Jay
Mary Jay - 6 years ago
I had to pause during this whole Cringey Trisha clip , just so I can read the comments. I have been subscribed to Trisha for years and I'm a fan but girl you need to chill the fuck out. When a man has kids, they will always be a priority. You are DELUSIONAL if you ever think he will choose you over them. This vlog had good vibes til that part with Trisha. And Jason, I think you're rad, you need to put homegirl in her place.


Rozanna Elizabeth Dallow
Rozanna Elizabeth Dallow - 6 years ago
You deserve better!
#mood - 6 years ago
David asleep on the couch while everyone else hangs out is literally me.
Lauren - 6 years ago
So many ads.
mykellashley - 6 years ago
GROW UP Trisha!
Your Average Alex
Your Average Alex - 6 years ago
trish is just trying to find a way to break up with jason with her still being the victim
cynthia teles
cynthia teles - 6 years ago
Trish I love her but she sucks at relationships she needs to stop being a spoiled girl and realize she’s dating a man with kids and his kids come before her , she’s mad that he can’t stay the night but doesn’t realize his kids are more important than sex and cuddling ? Let him spend time with his kids . The day Jason ever bails on his children for Trisha is the day I lose respect for him but glad he didn’t though even with Trisha trying to be so manipulating saying she will invite another guy get freaking pet or something
gleeluver12345 - 6 years ago
God poor jason, he deserves so much more than this
lexi - 6 years ago
Julie Rodriguez
Julie Rodriguez - 6 years ago
I never understood why guy would dump her left and right, and now i get it! I don't know how he does it.
Alexa Kiss
Alexa Kiss - 6 years ago
I want a hoodie !!
Alexa Kiss
Alexa Kiss - 6 years ago
I’m not into Trisha dating you.... she seems a bit to much
Pyupew - 6 years ago
love ur vlogs dad
iTubexnews - 6 years ago
She's a liar! She obviously doesn't have a convenient friend who spends every night with her when she's alone and needy. She does come out with some rubbish sometimes. She pulled this one with Sean too but wisely he didn't fall for her childish games. As I said before, there is always the needy clinging me me me when Jason spends time with his children. She's jealous, manipulative and downright nasty.
spooky kayley
spooky kayley - 6 years ago
If trisha thinks jason is as gay as she makes it seem then why bother even being with him?? and the whole sex thing like clearly her sex drive is a billion times more higher than jason’s and it’s such a big deal to her so WHY STAY jesus christ lol
Rebuilding Myself
Rebuilding Myself - 6 years ago
Jason needs to get back to vlogging with his kids, & Trish needs to go back to her kitchen floor. She's such a manipulative, codependent, sneaky, always placing guilt trips, selfish, inconsiderate, spoiled brat! She's 30 acting like a scared child who can't sleep alone, basically asking Jason to choose between her & his kids smh....let her go back to guys who use her for sex, since she needs it so much. She's never happy or satisfied, let her go back to being miserable with apple juice & a paper bag over her head.
Jade Xxx
Jade Xxx - 6 years ago
Rebuilding Myself well said!
Jered Murlowski
Jered Murlowski - 6 years ago
thank you for finally doing something different than everyone else
Tashalynnx - 6 years ago
Ok Trish I love u but wow u need some help for these issues girl..first a billboard of yourself half naked next to his kids school.. then getting mad because he can't stay the night with you because he has his kids!! So you say you're having your male neighbor over.... seriously girl, accept those kids & love them as your own or go. Because he's NEVER going to choose u over them.... and how you're acting is unfair!
Petar D-Y
Petar D-Y - 6 years ago
Congrats on 1million you deserve it
Chand ki Chandni
Chand ki Chandni - 6 years ago
Why does she need sooo much sex tf. Go please yourself if you're so fucking horny all the time.
Brenda Sorto
Brenda Sorto - 6 years ago
Trisha has genuine trauma y’all am I the only one seeing that?


Judy Matthews
Judy Matthews - 6 years ago
Get rid of Trisha! She’s a bitch! Don’t be a fool!
Tyler Durden
Tyler Durden - 6 years ago
Next video better be “We broke up”
Mani Love
Mani Love - 6 years ago
She’s is so childish. They should break up immediately.
Delihla Chanel
Delihla Chanel - 6 years ago
Rae Lee
Rae Lee - 6 years ago
good fucking god jason stop fucking chewing gum and breathing into the camera fu c k m e
Nolan Barr
Nolan Barr - 6 years ago
That’s really FUCKED UP! Can’t sleep at your own place you always need some one over...are you 8? But then again Trisha has many weird and meat up problems
Lisa Enhelder
Lisa Enhelder - 6 years ago
Why do you record and put up with her being such a bitch? You have two kids??? #manup
Crystal Boven
Crystal Boven - 6 years ago
When it comes to kids Trisha should understand & not pout like a child JASON’S KIDS COME FIRST BEFORE YOU TRISHA ... you shouldn’t get jealous good grief that isn’t right I’m glad Jason spoke up I’m proud of Jason for sticking to his guns I really don’t see this thing that they have lasting very long
Tess cg And Movies
Tess cg And Movies - 6 years ago
It's people like you that don't understand or dony want to understand. Not everyone's perfect because we're all humans. This is why people hide their dark and shameful sides from people because of the judgement. You'll expect people to be sensible and posh and rational but this is real life and real life is messy and ugly and not pretty all the fucking time. Life is about building r/s so just sit with it for a while and think about it before commenting.
Liz S
Liz S - 6 years ago
dreaming- smallpools
Oliva Olive
Oliva Olive - 6 years ago
Trisa is LYING about not sleeping in the apt by herself. She even talks about this a few videos ago. She says that since she broke up with her last boyfriend it's been 8 months since she's had anyone sleep over. She is so manipulating! It's sickening. Jason end it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's appalling how she talks. Brandon has figured her out. That's so clear. Just throw this dog to the curb.
Oliva Olive
Oliva Olive - 6 years ago
Trisha is such a hag. Break up with her already! She deserves to be single all her life. End it!
ALEXA JA - 6 years ago
trisha's a snotty little brat someone needs to slap her across the face
Oliva Olive
Oliva Olive - 6 years ago
OMG....the guys in the car talking about Trisha eating the FUNNY! It was great!
Aries b
Aries b - 6 years ago
Most awkward ending vlog ever......jesus
domi b
domi b - 6 years ago
i hate the way jason handles things with trisha. she's genuinely saying how she is afraid to sleep in her home alone and he says she's trying to put pressure on him. its a very rational fear
Chad Chadwig
Chad Chadwig - 6 years ago
Her lips and ape looking nose and stupid lashes on those far apart eyes are such a turn off that’s why you ain’t getting the Dick
kmctop33 - 6 years ago
ooooff that ending
classy hippy
classy hippy - 6 years ago
Love Trish. But she's ruining her own relationship.
Kristle - 6 years ago
Love ya Trish but damn if you're not that happy in the relationship, just end it and stop making yourself or Jason miserable. Y'all deserve to be happy
Kara Hamilton
Kara Hamilton - 6 years ago
The ending was awkward. I love them as a couple..always have. . Bt this was weird. Is she mad him staying w his kids?
dschackkk_ - 6 years ago
I'm sorry Trisha but that is fucked up. if I was Jason I would end it right there. who the hell does that? i would neverrrr be okay with another girl sleeping at my boyfriends apartment if I wasnt there. fuck that. Jason, I'm sorry but this relationship is not healthy and obviously she is getting bored of you :/
Jo Kyler
Jo Kyler - 6 years ago
Zane is so great. I don’t understand how he’s single. He must be very picky..... or hiding something lol.
Mary Oshea
Mary Oshea - 6 years ago
Omg I can't take much more. Your being horrible to Jason!! I would never tell my man in front of other guys about my sex life, or lack thereof of !!! Stop
Mary Oshea
Mary Oshea - 6 years ago
Trisha I love you, but your verbally mentally abusing him !! Stop please
Danielle Baxter
Danielle Baxter - 6 years ago
that was fucking awkward yo
Mary Oshea
Mary Oshea - 6 years ago
Stop pick8ng on Jason Trisha omg !!!
Ren.White - 6 years ago
I have started skipping through the Trisha parts in Jason's vlog because the bickering and jealousy is too stressful it just doesn't make me feel good.
Shana Morrison
Shana Morrison - 6 years ago
.... um yeah that clip of Trisha and him ended so uncomfortably the silence was terrible I feel so bad for Jason :/
Hannah Ashlen
Hannah Ashlen - 6 years ago
Trisha is the only reason I watch you! I skipped to the part with you and Trisha lol
Johnny - 6 years ago
This video makes me hate the psychic twins. 1. Obviously they’re fake 2. This relationship IS toxic 3. They are obviously on Trisha’s side, even though she is the toxic in the relationship. I feel like Shane would be more understanding
Joanne Lapadura
Joanne Lapadura - 6 years ago
She is such a baby she makes u feel guilty
Joanne Lapadura
Joanne Lapadura - 6 years ago
Stop getting your lips injected so not attractive
saarakins - 6 years ago
If this is all like real and not all exaggerated for the camera I’d just say break up.
Johnny - 6 years ago
Jason, I know you need to feed your kid, but ads every 2 minutes is a nuisance.
Basics Corner
Basics Corner - 6 years ago
Jason, look i know u maybe really into trisha but trisha disrespects you. You are not satisfying her sexually and you are also not being able to give her the attention she needs. Just ask her to go if you have so many flaws. You are way better off without her. Ive followed way earlier back and i starting watching ur video before.And she is genuine good person but she is not the one that fits your lifestyle. You are holding her back for nothing and you are standing strong for nothing. No girl , no loving girl will disrespect her man in front of his friends. Neither will she treat u like trash and neither would she call over random man to sleep at her house. If u are worrying about the backlash of a potential breakup, honestly it is not worth worrying about it. your subscribers had enough of trish in the vlogs, david is always showing her attitude on his vlogs, brandon is clearly not liking trish as such, because it seems pressures, boundaries and restrictions are only applied on you. And ofc ur vlogs contain enough proof as to why trisha is dumped. Please think about it well. is she really worthy? And if she is then we have no choice other than accepting your decision. But think. there is a limit for everything. Come on David, Brandon,zane give jason the cold shower.
Trustme I'msure
Trustme I'msure - 6 years ago
You're audience is a bunch of whiny females dogs omg!
TinaTina84 - 6 years ago
Geez Trish stop acting crazy!!!! Like serious its embarrassing. Its hard to watch. Just STOP and think about what you're saying and doing. Try NOT saying anything in the times you just want to get a rise out of him. You can't take words back. Once they're out therethe damage is done! This is probably the most normal relationship you've ever had and maybe that's it, you're not used to normal so you try and stir up some shit. Just STOP. He loves you. He's not gay. He's not hiding you. Enjoy the time you spend together until more time passes and it gets more serious. It just frustrates me so much!
Oxygen Yoga Westbank Front Desk
Oxygen Yoga Westbank Front Desk - 6 years ago
Trisha is soooo annoying .. like she makes shit up she says she never sleeps alone which is a lie she has sooo many videos and vlogs crying about how she's alone and hates sleeping alone than she wants the neighbour to come over and sleep there which is super weird and even scarier ... and than she says she used to have sex 5 times a day although she is excessive in things I'm pretty sure that's a lie sorry girl not many guys or even girls can do that espacialy ones like Trisha ... than Jason has his kids and she just isn't understanding and she compares Jason who is older to her 20 year old crack head boyfriends who used to treat her like shit ... like come on he some what responsible ... honestly Jason hope u don't deal with things that isn't fair to u
Not Applicable
Not Applicable - 6 years ago
The Music is Awful who tf edited this? We dont want to hear fucking music over him talking
Nikki M
Nikki M - 6 years ago
Omg trish wat is wrong with you
emma tillery
emma tillery - 6 years ago
GET. OUT. any woman that makes you feel guilty for spending time with your children and threatens to sleep with other men because you’re with your kids for ONE NIGHT is toxic for you. She’s constantly emasculating you and bringing up extremely private topics in front of your friends. What kind of relationship is that? It’s not going to last, you’re wasting your time, hunty.
Chloe R
Chloe R - 6 years ago
I get physically anxious when Trisha and Jason banter lmfao this is unhealthy
MagicPonyMilk - 6 years ago
i don't get why everyone in these vlogs talks about being not gay all the time
Bryce Miller
Bryce Miller - 6 years ago
Jesus fuck please just break up with her. I'm so sick of seeing her and hearing her voice in the vlogs. All she does is bitch and complain.
MicW3llington - 6 years ago
I need Jason and Trisha to do a asmr video. idk why i need it... but i do
GEMMI - 6 years ago
Jason deserves better. wtf is this shit
Anjelica DaSilva
Anjelica DaSilva - 6 years ago
I think Jason just needs someone his age! A women who isn’t immature or petty
FruityHappiness92 - 6 years ago
Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD), is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions.
f maximus
f maximus - 6 years ago
yes she does have borderline personality disorder.
TheChosenOne - 6 years ago
lol you know exactly who this was directed to when you typed it lmao
Bunny Binx
Bunny Binx - 6 years ago
David is a 5 year old and it's hilarious. "You promised! You said I promise!"


bel zee
bel zee - 6 years ago
Trasha is the biggest manipulative nasty bitch...I wouldn't put up with that crap!
JaneMichelleTv - 6 years ago
Wait, you 4 drove all the way to Trisha's house so David could nap & you guys could talk about whether you're gay & if Trisha's neighbor should sleep there?? XD
James O'brien
James O'brien - 6 years ago
It started off great then got completely fucked up. Prozac should be a sponsor for Trisha she needs it.
krissy hake
krissy hake - 6 years ago
Zane's pink head looks like a out in the ocean!!!!
What a great way to spend a morning in the sun;)
VENT! News
VENT! News - 6 years ago
Jason probably can't stand the level of fish smell she has and avoids banging her, lmao. Looks like she was looking for one of the other guys to sleep over. WHY would she tell these other dudes she's not getting enough sex??? AWKWARD. Not happening--they don't like fat and fish--no one's interested in the chick from White Chicks, lol.
Kandi Kalistar
Kandi Kalistar - 6 years ago
That guilting shit is gonna drive Jason away. No one wants to feel that. Makes me sad for both of them :/
Cate Bradley
Cate Bradley - 6 years ago
I want to believe that some of these fights are a little staged because it makes for entertaining content. But if someone, anyone, is afraid to sleep alone they should talk to someone about that.
queen lillly
queen lillly - 6 years ago
brandon looks like the wolverine bringing that water
Coke Zero
Coke Zero - 6 years ago
Trisha if you looked like corinna you could get away with acting like this but your relationship depends HEAVILY on personality so dont ruin it
Sid Ferrell
Sid Ferrell - 6 years ago
jesus christ if you dont end stuff with trish already. she just openly admitted to having another guy sleep at her place
Angela Elena
Angela Elena - 6 years ago
Trish shows up and eats all the sharks LMAOOO
Harrison P
Harrison P - 6 years ago
Okay funny funny vlog but who edited it
potato tomato
potato tomato - 6 years ago
Poor Jason and his kids she's terrible
kaitlyn thompson
kaitlyn thompson - 6 years ago
Love the editing montages of the beach and surfing. Should incorporate more of that.
kaitlyn thompson
kaitlyn thompson - 6 years ago
Anyone notice he always shouts a girl out? Idk why but it’s weird to me
Katie Gale
Katie Gale - 6 years ago
one of your best videos! love the little montages
GoDale jrnation
GoDale jrnation - 6 years ago
Seeing this video, I think it's an appropriate time to voice my opinion. I've never liked the relationship between Jason and Trisha. Yes, I was thrilled to see Jason find someone and for awhile you could see it brought him happiness. From the beginning though, I've never been too fond of Trisha. Her and Jason are 2 very different people and she herself seems like the type to do something terrible (cheat). In my eyes they made better friends than boyfriend and girlfriend. The honeymoon phase has run out and you can just see that Jason isn't like himself.

I'm sure the things she says has a negative effect on him. She says she isn't trying to guilt him, but she is. She mentions all the ways in where he falls short rather than where he rises above. The whole neighbor thing coming over is extremely weird too. How can you be okay with having some guy come over when your boyfriend is home with his kids? I believe Jason got caught up with Trisha in her personality, looks, and for the fact that she too is a YouTuber. I hope Jason does something about this, because he deserves a lot better.
Hannah Cwiklinski
Hannah Cwiklinski - 6 years ago
Brandon falling omfg
internet person
internet person - 6 years ago
trish is so insecure. at first it was funny, then it was annoying, and now its just sad.
Grace Quin
Grace Quin - 6 years ago
trisha chill
brittany royce
brittany royce - 6 years ago
some of the Trisha content you put up is pretty uncomfortable and I can’t tell if it’s real or not, but if it’s real, I feel bad for her. Because you put her insecurities just RIGHT out there on camera
Sasya Natasanthi
Sasya Natasanthi - 6 years ago
Why does brandon always wear the EXACT same thing all the time
HgihAsFcuk - 6 years ago
She wants the D 5x a day and you're not doing anything about that?
Bitch needs one of those powered pounders turn the shit on and go watch the game lmao Jason you're crazy
chellbie - 6 years ago
I can’t cope with the arguments, are they just for camera!? Also dis using it i front of your good friends wtf...If the start of a relationship is like this it’s not gonna last I love Trish but she’s clearly. It 100% happy. Come on Trisha.....
Janelle D
Janelle D - 6 years ago
Loved the editing in this video
Angela Pardini Gómez
Angela Pardini Gómez - 6 years ago
Also u need a new intro bby
moms friend
moms friend - 6 years ago
Honestly I don't think Trisha was trying to manipulate Jason; she has bad paranoia and has had a friend who will come and sleep over for what sounds like a while? She even says "I'm sorry is that weird" because in her head her doing that is fine because she hasn't been in like a "real" relationship for kind of a long time. Personally I totally understand Trisha's reaction and I think it's so weird that Jason will post these moments with her or that he and his friends egg her on when she's being hysterical or upset- everyone knows that Trisha's had these issues she's been through a lot with her past relationships of course she's being insecure and lashing out, especially when someone like Brandon (who I love dont get me wrong) is sitting there encouraging her to fight or at other times calls her crazy..
Angela Pardini Gómez
Angela Pardini Gómez - 6 years ago
That entrance after the intro!!! Ok Casey neistat
Amaryllis Martinez
Amaryllis Martinez - 6 years ago
Why do you film literally everything!!!!
Devils Quartz
Devils Quartz - 6 years ago
Who is the guy in the middle of the start of the vid? 4.48
Pocahontas xo
Pocahontas xo - 6 years ago
"No.. Prevert" lmaoooo
Angela M
Angela M - 6 years ago
Don’t you know that being Trisha’s boyfriend is a full time job!
Brooklyn - 6 years ago
Everyone thinking trish will expose the squad yet Jason is exposing her everyday.
f maximus
f maximus - 6 years ago
she is exposing herself its not him..she is very unwell and not being responsible by taking care of her mental health.
Chad Chadwig
Chad Chadwig - 6 years ago
He’s smart to keep evidence of her phyco behavior
Not Applicable
Not Applicable - 6 years ago
Brooklyn Evidence.
Carol Bennett
Carol Bennett - 6 years ago
I give it to Jason for taking a stand. He doesn't take any crap from Trisha.
Hlumie Moloi
Hlumie Moloi - 6 years ago
Jesus christ.
mel oween
mel oween - 6 years ago
Trish is so manipulative someone make a montage of her treating Jason like that
Bianca Rosado
Bianca Rosado - 6 years ago
Brandon is gonna look like Jason when he’s older you can just tell
mel oween
mel oween - 6 years ago
In nice words, Trisha is crazy as fuck
Ang R
Ang R - 6 years ago
Jason please leave her king
nur syafina sobri
nur syafina sobri - 6 years ago
Jason please walk away from this relationship
Kat Burns
Kat Burns - 6 years ago
dang, she is manipulative. this is gas lighting at it's finest. weird to watch :(
sabreezii - 6 years ago
Jason needs to start thinking about his kids... not just when he has them for the weekend but future wise also.... Trisha is not a mother figure , she doesn’t support his role as a father. Every time he mentions his kids you can see it bothers her? It’s a bad sign when your with a woman that’s jealous to that extent? Those are his kids! How does this woman function in life being so passive aggressive and manipulative. Jason is definitely in this relationship for some kind of pay out because this is just toxic :/
JaneMichelleTv - 6 years ago
sabreezii oh I totally agree with you!! I just wonder if that’s one of the reasons she’s acting out more now-the ex getting in the way. But....I wouldn’t be thrilled if my kids were in these videos or even around all of this chaos at all.
f maximus
f maximus - 6 years ago
she is the problem not him they keep fighting because of her..she is clearly not in the right frame of mind..she seems to forget that he is a dad and that what she does directly affects him as well as the people in his life. People don't look down on her because of her past as a stripper or her patreon I'm sure there are people who do don't get me wrong but I think its more her behavior. she also needs to get sober. It seems like shes an alcoholic I get why his ex might be skeptical of her being around the kids and your right if she really wanted to be serious with Jason she would start making more of an effort to be sensitive of how she behaves. she has a lot of working on herself that she needs to do before jumping into a relationship. Not being able to sleep thats a big red flag clearly she has some serious problems and shes very paranoid about things that are not real and its ok if she needs help there is no shame in it but she needs to get some professiona help.
sabreezii - 6 years ago
JaneMichelleTv I remember hearing something like that also, I think the best thing Trisha can do is support Jason as a father , which she doesn’t. The kids already went through a divorce , they don’t need to witness this toxic relationship :/ the smartest thing she can do is learn to think of others and stop rushing into things. She keeps giving the ex wife reasons to keep her kids away. Personally I wouldn’t want Trisha around my kids (if I had any) she doesn’t understand boundaries... and the “exposing” threats don’t help her situation. Overall she needs to take a BIG step back and start evaluating her behaviour because she is her BIGGEST enemy... not Jason .. not his ex wife . BUT HER. I’m sure if she and Jason had a healthy relationship where she was actually responsible and supportive , the ex wife would eventually warm up to having her around her kids. Jason also, I’m sure he’s not even comfortable completely with the idea yet. They both need to figure stuff out because they keep fighting. Plus Trisha ALWAYS has to be with Jason, I’m sure sometimes he just wants to be with his kids, and they also just want to be with their dad. This is just my personal opinion... I obviously don’t know how things are between them all the time. But it’s evident Trisha has issues that she needs to work on. Saying she can’t sleep alone? That she’s going to call her neighbour to sleep over? Just to guilt trip him ...when he’s not even doing anything wrong??I’m sure if Jason was like “ok I’ll tell my kids they have to stay at their moms and I’ll come sleep here”, shed be happy. I don’t know something is seriously wrong with her :(
JaneMichelleTv - 6 years ago
sabreezii I don't know for sure but from listening to the podcasts it sounds like Trisha isn't allowed to be around his kids anymore? He said his ex wife oesn't like her and doesn't want the kids around any of this or the vlog. And that his ex got really pissed that he posted a picture of Trisha with their dog. The DOG! Trisha was so happy to meet the kids & wonder if that's what's really bugging her here maybe....cuz why couldn't she just go to his house for the night right? I don't know..
Ngozi E
Ngozi E - 6 years ago
Loved the different way you edited this one!
Isabel Milne
Isabel Milne - 6 years ago
I'm all for their relationship but tbh I'm not seeing this last much longer
scrumps101 - 6 years ago
Wow Trish, that was manipulative af, even by your standards. You treat this guy terribly while he treats you like gold.
Olivia Haas
Olivia Haas - 6 years ago
Don’t screw this up Trish!
Delfina Dias
Delfina Dias - 6 years ago
please stop chewing gum, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Roland Herbert
Roland Herbert - 6 years ago
Well that’s that
Its Kat
Its Kat - 6 years ago
i need to hang out with them for a day
Roland Herbert
Roland Herbert - 6 years ago
Our Pact reminds me of that “Archangel” episode of Black Mirror.
Roland Herbert
Roland Herbert - 6 years ago
Amy Mccauley
Amy Mccauley - 6 years ago
This was extremely uncomfortable. DOES SHE KNOW HE'S A MAN? MY GOD.. SHE'S
Mapgomez14 - 6 years ago
#JasonNash PLEASE LEAVE THAT crazy person!!!!!
raelyn ruiz
raelyn ruiz - 6 years ago
David is so cute
Don't Know
Don't Know - 6 years ago
I think I'm just dumb because I can't really hear the sarcasm in Trisha's voice when they were talking about turning each other in. If Trisha was serious Jason should run away from that relationship.
raelyn ruiz
raelyn ruiz - 6 years ago
Zane said the disrespect and I say that all the time lol
Elijah West
Elijah West - 6 years ago
what happened to the "we're growing apart" vlog?
Unicorn - 6 years ago
Elijah West i hope they do.. I enjoyed the vlogs at first but now there kinda depressing
Elijah West
Elijah West - 6 years ago
Unicorn they are most def gonna break up. Cause she crazy
Unicorn - 6 years ago
This is it. He just changed the title
Taylor Rose Gutierrez
Taylor Rose Gutierrez - 6 years ago
Why was Zane extra attractive in this vlog
Jade Xxx
Jade Xxx - 6 years ago
Jason will finally dump Trisha after her birthday, guaranteed.
kelly Vargas
kelly Vargas - 6 years ago
Nancy Rodriguez
Nancy Rodriguez - 6 years ago
I think trisha and you should make over Brandon and to find a date at bar or club. Please put dress shirt and dress pants.Plus hair cut
ShellyTurtle - 6 years ago
I've seen her make passive-aggressive comments about his children before.

Time to kick her to the curb. She isn't mature enough to understand that the children come before her. She is actually jealous of your kids!
Cade Joh
Cade Joh - 6 years ago
bro fuck trisha. she's a fucking bitch for embarrassing you like that in front of your friends. it's difficult to accept this, but you need to be strong and get rid of her NOW. She is manipulative and emotionally abusive.
Jordan Howard
Jordan Howard - 6 years ago
Kyndall Winston
Kyndall Winston - 6 years ago
can I speak for everyone and just say... FUCKING BREAK UP ALREADY. Trish thinks Jason is gay and wants his undivided attention despite the fact that he has kids. It isn't going to work out and it is getting nasty. I think as a whole people are tired of seeing this content. It's depressing the amount of arguing you guys do.
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 6 years ago
I mean this what you wanted jason. to have people take sides and argue down here for views. i cant feel bad for any of it.
though i will say you shouldnt chew with your mouth open because thats really displeasing to listen to.
HarlequinnProduction - 6 years ago
I tell my husband every once in a while "If you ever find yourself loving a man, please tell me." sometimes I question his sexuality too.....
their ship name would be tian
their ship name would be tian - 6 years ago
i don't even watch these videos anymore i just come for the comments
Maddi Paige
Maddi Paige - 6 years ago
I love Trish so much but she needs to chill out shes overreacting making problems out of no where like girl clam down Jason is the best you have had don’t push him away
Mariana Muñoz
Mariana Muñoz - 6 years ago
Chase Viramontes
Chase Viramontes - 6 years ago
I wish you wouldn’t have put that last part of Trisha in there it really makes her look bad. Not fair.
Susan miller
Susan miller - 6 years ago
stop being and old fuck and fuck your beautiful gf. Or we were all right this is a fake relationship for more views.
Baby Ken
Baby Ken - 6 years ago
Manipulating him into spending the night and being jealous because he's spending time with his kids is going to do it for Jason. He will never choose her over his kids, as he shouldn't! She needs to stop being so dramatic, and acting so fucking clingy and throwing tantrums because Jason has a life without her just because she doesn't want to have one without him. They aren't going to last, I see a kitchen floor Trish video very soon.
Moe Moe
Moe Moe - 6 years ago
Jared the instructor looks like London’s swim instructor (lance) from Zack and Cody.
Andrew Cantu
Andrew Cantu - 6 years ago
This was awful to watch Jason. Not because of your content, but because of the last 3 min of your video. Have some respect for yourself and friends bro.
Kimber B
Kimber B - 6 years ago
Breaking up soon
YasTrickYas - 6 years ago
Just a prime example of why you should date people your own age and on your own wave length. But honestly I can see why she goes for this type because when it’s over you know you’re not missing much lol
Jessica CC
Jessica CC - 6 years ago
Trisha sucks
hayleypdowd - 6 years ago
is this go damn "relationship" fucking over yet? i'm so sick of it
netflix lover
netflix lover - 6 years ago
You do you Trisha
Bethany DeAtley
Bethany DeAtley - 6 years ago
Joe is too adorable...
Coke Zero
Coke Zero - 6 years ago
Shes lying about the not sleeping
Sheridan Spencer
Sheridan Spencer - 6 years ago
What the fuck. Not clickbait. Or was it. What the fuck.
Madeline Brook
Madeline Brook - 6 years ago
Honestly he is so rude to woman. He literally is saying that Trisha is fat by saying she is going to eat all sharks
Vanessa !
Vanessa ! - 6 years ago
I fucking love jasons laugh
ginde baker
ginde baker - 6 years ago
I feel like Zane smells bad
Unicorn - 6 years ago
Yes! I agree lol
godislove025 - 6 years ago
trish is not in good place in her head.
Hxppi Lxnley
Hxppi Lxnley - 6 years ago
I love Zane's voice lol :(
ashley taylor
ashley taylor - 6 years ago
she looks psychotic in this video. you can see it in her eyes, shes on some sort of mental episode or something...
ashley taylor
ashley taylor - 6 years ago
the way she is looking at jason in this video is like shes disgusted by him and hates him its weird
miranda adams
miranda adams - 6 years ago
Joshua Gordon
Joshua Gordon - 6 years ago
Dump her already. Her ideas of a relationship is awful. She's aloud to do all the sneaky stuff but flips over the littlest of things accusing you of cheating. Normally when people act the way she does in situations it's due to the fact she done it before or is doing it. You are a wise wise.
Mehdi Perrel
Mehdi Perrel - 6 years ago
She gonna cheat on you tonight. I'm sorry for the pain it's gonna cause you man, but I guess that'll finally be over. She's 100% toxic for you. Just look at the comments + like/dislike ratio...
You KNOW we're refering to the first title.
Molly Durant
Molly Durant - 6 years ago
trisha is so manipulative
Alexis Butler
Alexis Butler - 6 years ago
Honestly, certain parts of their relationship have to be for views and for people to talk about it because they could easily cut that part out? they are smart people.
Nadiaclip - 6 years ago
Trisha got the whole vlog squad mukbanging she’s made history
heykc - 6 years ago
The gum chewing into the microphone drives me insane...
Leo Campanella
Leo Campanella - 6 years ago
Jason, please get out of this relationship. It's so toxic and she's so manipulative and she's not even shy about it. You deserve better.

All of your fans
miss 305dale
miss 305dale - 6 years ago
Leo Campanella i would loose my damn mind if i had a boyfriend and he’d tell me : oh i used to fuck 5 times a day with my ex

BITCH THEN GO FUCK HER THEN???? pshhhhh she’s crazy
Titty Kitty Cookie
Titty Kitty Cookie - 6 years ago
Leo Campanella Oh baby, he knows what he's doing.
potato tomato
potato tomato - 6 years ago
Leo Campanella AGREE
onyxr - 6 years ago
We need Jason back with the boiz and Trisha back on the Kitchen Floor !
Jimmy Hudson
Jimmy Hudson - 6 years ago
Tell David to make his vlogs this long
brianna mcburney
brianna mcburney - 6 years ago
also to everyone commenting about trisha and jason's relationship: we have no idea what it's really like!!!!!!! we just see snippets in their videos!!!! what we see in trisha's videos are always different than what's seen in jason's!!!!! stop talking about their relationship like you know exactly what's going on!
brianna mcburney
brianna mcburney - 6 years ago
brandon is such an instigator between you two sometimes lol if i were trish i would've chewed him out by now. my boyfriend has a friend who instigates fights between us all the time and i've chewed him out so he'd stop.
brianna mcburney
brianna mcburney - 6 years ago
Unicorn glad you misunderstood what i said!
Unicorn - 6 years ago
No he doesn't and if you let someone else start arguments in YOUR relationship you need some growing up to do
Stuey Star
Stuey Star - 6 years ago
What a fucken bitch
Sam The Amazing Wong
Sam The Amazing Wong - 6 years ago
Dont reach youngblood
Dont reach youngblood - 6 years ago
19:37 false dont act like what you had with seth wasnt real
racingchick2424 - 6 years ago
I wish Jason would grow a backbone. Trisha is so manipulative.
Luis Curzio
Luis Curzio - 6 years ago
She's sooooooo ANNOYING. I literally skip the video every time she shows up.
BleedBlueNSilver1 - 6 years ago
Jason i love u and trish both lol but i was in the same situation for 3 years and i finally did something about it, you need to do something before it gets out of control. Like idk if its like this all the time off camera or what i dont know but it doesnt really seem like an act anymore lol
The Great Saffouf
The Great Saffouf - 6 years ago
...I guess you better start looking for a laser removal clinic
Christopher Daley
Christopher Daley - 6 years ago
This guy leads a pretty cool life...
Megan Hi
Megan Hi - 6 years ago
Holy shit that was weird
alex - 6 years ago
this relationship is like watching high school freshmen in their first relationships, constantly trying to make their boyfriend/gf so jealous all the time lmao
spacetimecontinuum - 6 years ago
Dang! she dragooned you into changing the title. WHIPPED MUCH???
sara - 6 years ago
The 5 minutes of trish at the end really ruined this awesome video.
Yassine M
Yassine M - 6 years ago
dude, first of all y all need to go to the gym including lazyass david, second of all TRISHA WTF ?????? JASON you need to call a cat a cat, she isn"t that good for you, eventough she is rich, she can manipulate you bro so i know u being patient but dont force yourself into it. U are better alone than badly matched ! trisha needs to cool down or shut up :D here is my blog :
Yassine M
Yassine M - 6 years ago
Unicorn runnung on a treadmill and call it sport is the laziest part in going To the gym
Unicorn - 6 years ago
David does hit the gym, he runs on the treadmill he posts on his snap
Hayven Rogers
Hayven Rogers - 6 years ago
David pretending to sleep so hes not involved good on him
Unicorn - 6 years ago
Mackenzie Pellegrini did he cut something out?!
Will Reap
Will Reap - 6 years ago
Jason, please break up with her now. It is only gonna get worse. Continuing this relationship will only put you both through a lot of pyschological pro lems and unhealthy situations.
christierella - 6 years ago
Trisha looks depressed. It's not a pouty manipulation this time.
sara - 6 years ago
Soo Jason was busy with his children and Trisha's all jelous and mad because Jason couldn't sleepover? His kids come first and hopefully always will. She's so crazy he needs to leave her.
Taylor Stevens
Taylor Stevens - 6 years ago
David is me and I am him in this video !
Leesa - 6 years ago
Just watch his older videos before Trisha and he appears to be happy. Now he just doesn't appear happy at all and he looks rough as hell. Some people will just suck the life out of you and it looks as if that is what happening here. It is cringy to watch but I wish both of them the best...single.
Robyn Brooks
Robyn Brooks - 6 years ago
oof why did he change the title?
Captain Rob
Captain Rob - 6 years ago
Woaaaahhh that video went south when Trish came into it. From fun to stupid nonsense real fast. So toxic
Chris Sanders
Chris Sanders - 6 years ago
Dude you need to break up with Trisha.
Tricia Messineo
Tricia Messineo - 6 years ago
Trisha needs sex 5x a day?! My vagina hurts just thinking about it.
Viv -
Viv - - 6 years ago
Someone Pleeeeeeeeeeez tell me the name of that song @ 3:18mins, it's the first time I am hearing it and I love it. Jason may I asked you zodiac? I am Aquarius should you wonder.
snap back to reality
snap back to reality - 6 years ago
he changed the title to we are growing apart lol pussy whipped she made you change it lol
j. siegrist
j. siegrist - 6 years ago
It’s begun......manipulation to move in. Run
Alexandra - 6 years ago
I love that you dont let anything get in the way of you being an amazing father! We love you and support you and just want you happy!
Hello Friend
Hello Friend - 6 years ago
well I haven’t got to the part of Trisha that everyone is commenting about, I’m sure whatever I think of it. Someone else has said. So whatever. JASON! The editing in this video is so good. Quality content right here, I can feel the effort being put in ♥️
Scott Smith
Scott Smith - 6 years ago
Trish, stop calling Jason Gay, you Lesbo!
Randy Isham
Randy Isham - 6 years ago
From one 40 year old to the next get a haircut. It’s time. Get some sleep too. You look tired.
Scott Smith
Scott Smith - 6 years ago
You should just shoot David driving the Vet around town, awesome!
Madilyn Sumner
Madilyn Sumner - 6 years ago
omg the end with trisha was so bad
Samuel Harrison
Samuel Harrison - 6 years ago
joe without his glasses looks like paul rudd
Breanna Crutchley
Breanna Crutchley - 6 years ago
I honestly can’t stand when shes in the vlog. She’s exhausting and i’m not the one dating her. Jason could do a lot better
Cortney Faith
Cortney Faith - 6 years ago
That last two minutes hurt my heart for Jason. I would have cried if my significant other said that to me... :(
amber. - 6 years ago
If Jason let's hers go it'll be so dramatic though. he's like trapped. Trisha ruins this for herself. She wants a good boyfriend so bad but doesn't know how to act in a relationship. Be sensible. Have emotional maturity. Take it seriously .....
twentysix26 - 6 years ago
Imi Anderson
Imi Anderson - 6 years ago
I agree that Trisha has many issues, but does anyone else think it's also extremely unhealthy for Jason to put this all online?
ImLivingAmber - 6 years ago
Jason to Brandon: “I like it. I like what’s inside.” LMFAO
gizel g
gizel g - 6 years ago
Yesss lovelytheband's music in the vlog!!
Ami Mcbride
Ami Mcbride - 6 years ago
Lol that title change tho.., I could only imagine that fight ahahahha
tammie marie
tammie marie - 6 years ago
I love you trisha ♡
smartangel10 - 6 years ago
I love you so much, Jason, but the gum chewing in the second half of the video is for real testing my patience.
Blue Jay
Blue Jay - 6 years ago
"I'll do anything for a thumbnail"
Yeah like date trish
Laken Jackson
Laken Jackson - 6 years ago
instructor is soooo cool :))
jelinaangel - 6 years ago
Looks like someone is whipped
ethereal_ 16
ethereal_ 16 - 6 years ago
David is 5 and I love it
NanoxBeauty - 6 years ago
For once i feel bad for trish..
(Edit: Just kidding i just realized what she said)
MusoTV - 6 years ago
J, J Nash, J of the Nash. I think you go with that 'well thats that' and move on, cause yall make me need to play kirk franklin. Im not even religious... Holy cow.
P Ka
P Ka - 6 years ago
I think maybe trish exaggerates for the videos
Michael Detwiler
Michael Detwiler - 6 years ago
Poor Jason. I love both of them but Trisha is stressing him tf out. This won’t last much longer.
Joel Daniel
Joel Daniel - 6 years ago
You should remake the intro but Trisha plays you and you play the girl that gets pushed
Bryonna McKinney
Bryonna McKinney - 6 years ago
Joel Daniel nahhhh
Becca B
Becca B - 6 years ago
She's so disgusting who acts like that in a relationship. He's actually going to look after his kids and she's trying to guilt trip him into staying. It's even sadder if Jason doesn't think that that's out of order and thinks it funny like he did before, so shame on both of them. That must be so awkward for everyone else in the room she's such a possessive self centred woman.
Katie Gracie
Katie Gracie - 6 years ago
Maybe the vampire is back in Trisha's place.
Thea - 6 years ago
I don't want to believe that complaining your boyfriend isn't giving you sex 5 times a day or sleeping at your house every night, is love... Their relationship is so many levels of unhealthy and it makes me sad... They both seem like relatively good people but together I personally think they are toxic. Trisha is muniplutive and hyprcritical and dramatic and it must be tiring to date her. Real love surpasses the body and is loyal, but trisha is constantly flirting with other people and complaining about their sex life. And then accusing jason of doing those things even though he doesn't. its just tiring to watch and a little sad.. i wish the best for the both of them...
SoniSimi - 6 years ago
heyman 1126 Okay, thanks.
heyman 1126
heyman 1126 - 6 years ago
SoniSimi Jason is divorced with kids, not David
Bella - 6 years ago
SoniSimi yes yes yes I 100% agree with you! Having a fathers love is sometimes rare, and she should admire that Jason is in his kids life willingly and lovingly. It’s sad because I always have hope that Trisha will change her selfish ways, but she keeps surprising me.
SoniSimi - 6 years ago
Lauren Kneram Yikes yes Jason! Thanks
SoniSimi - 6 years ago
Bella I agree, maybe she was hoping to be invited to his house to stay over with the kids. Either way she needs to find something else occupy her time, and appreciate Jasons love for his kids especially after going through a divorce.
Hope Hughes
Hope Hughes - 6 years ago
This is the same bullshit she pulled with Sean. She doesn't want a bf and a relationship, she wants an employee that she can tell what to do and say. Her money has gone to her head because it enables her to buy services from people and businesses so she is head bitch in charge. Doesn't help that she feels like ppl need to cater to her because of her personality. To put your bf on blast in front of his friends especially about getting laid is ridiculous. You know Jason took the crew thinking he could escape with minimal trouble. That didn't turn out too well. Did I understand correctly that Trish said she hasn't slept in the apt alone ever??? Jason would not dare break up until after her birthday but I don't see this lasting the summer.
Mia Myers
Mia Myers - 6 years ago
you guys surfing completes my life
OG Gamers
OG Gamers - 6 years ago
Nash Plan sounds about right
Lorie B
Lorie B - 6 years ago
Well that's that!! Soo exhausted watching her
Juana Isa
Juana Isa - 6 years ago
I love you Jason but ...six ads on one video?
Saray Lira
Saray Lira - 6 years ago
You and TRISHA need to move in together! Kids are gonna have to get used the new step-mom when they spend time with you. You can't pick one or the other. Combine your worlds and everyone gets to be happy. A big happy family. You gus deserve to be happy, hope you guys make it work. Just hear one another and try to meet in the middle. We all have needs and things that we expect from our partner. Best of luck!!
Angela Reid
Angela Reid - 6 years ago
Saray Lira not gonna happen because their mother doesn't want them around trisha
Faiqa Ahmad
Faiqa Ahmad - 6 years ago
Brandon looks like Wolverine @ 10:34!
yourideordie - 6 years ago
I'm sad about the mukbang clickbait
miss alexandrea
miss alexandrea - 6 years ago
I don't know how any one can be with this self absorbed whore all she cares about is herself lol
Bria Bazemore
Bria Bazemore - 6 years ago
5:14 I’m dieing at Zane’s laugh.
Katie Sheaffer
Katie Sheaffer - 6 years ago
Dang boi y wont u give her the d? The poor girl is scared she needs a security guy at her door. But no excuse for no sex
Alex Rogers
Alex Rogers - 6 years ago
Well fuck, that ending shittt
Angela Reid
Angela Reid - 6 years ago
If these two stay together I can totally see jason just snapping one day, chopping her up with an axe and feeding her to his dog
Sammy Adams
Sammy Adams - 6 years ago
Too much trisha
Aubrey Corbin
Aubrey Corbin - 6 years ago
I wish everyone would stop bashing Trisha. I am beyond aware that she has high expectations but everyone has wants/needs. Just because hers are different and more extreme than Jason’s doesn’t mean she’s wrong for having them. It just means that they aren’t right for each other.
Mrs_M - 6 years ago
Welp. That’s that then
Frankie Vasquez
Frankie Vasquez - 6 years ago
I like Trish I just hate how she says Jason's gay. He's been the same person since day one. It's all joke and for the vlog. We can call he a hoe and a little slut for having all this shit on the internet. Darkest person on YouTube. Everything is fake on her but that's who she is. And he is who he is accept it.
Victor Arguelles
Victor Arguelles - 6 years ago
I don't like trish
carol kolts
carol kolts - 6 years ago
David, David, no, David, David please! Trisha loves David"s  drive and he could crunch her car and she would be like oh that's ok. Jason is Trisha bored? already. Crusty butts? no shower again? Tell please tell the truth, nothing , nothing to say, five times a day!
Memememe - 6 years ago
I don't sleep well by myself either but ya know what? Ya gotta find a way out of it, or it will eat you alive. NEVER depend on someone else to survive. Also... 5 times a day to have sex? No, girl. No. Ya can't be angry at someone else because your unhealthy habits/rituals abound.
Yenni Leyva
Yenni Leyva - 6 years ago
Jason you look so different
Bee Bee
Bee Bee - 6 years ago
Wow! Lol. Jason, she is cheating and sadly she thinks it's ok..probably bc you rode in the front seat with David n obviously that means your gay. Trish is awful. Poor girl sex 5xs a day get a real life Trish. So glad Jason said nope got my kids don't know what you want me to do. Honestly he cldve said I'm eating donuts tonite don't know what you want me to do..n itd been perfect. Trish is a sour cunt!!!!!!!!!!
Cyn Thia
Cyn Thia - 6 years ago
Seriously, Trish is def creepin on David! She’d drop Jason in a heart beat for that! FR!!
david babajanyan
david babajanyan - 6 years ago
cool vlog
houndsanddirewolves - 6 years ago
I love Trisha and found Jason and the vlogsquad through her but man. I feel so horrible when Jason has to constantly explain himself to Trish.
Ashton Schneck
Ashton Schneck - 6 years ago
I am a fan of Trish have been for years but she needs to work on herself and try to better herself not just for Jason but for herself I know she likes the attention from being a troubled damage girl and wants people to console her but she needs to learn how to cope when she doesn’t have someone to lean on and she’d get much more respect and more people that would want to be her friend cuz then she be the hot business lady with her life together not someone to just hang around because she’s always sad and has nice things.
Ariana Hill
Ariana Hill - 6 years ago
David's cute little baby laugh
Janicca Hyde
Janicca Hyde - 6 years ago
WTF did I just watch... I feel so bad for Jason. Trisha is fucking nuts! How is he not drained being around her like that! like walking on eggshells.. my god!
carol kolts
carol kolts - 6 years ago
Poser? spam, or fraud? foamie"s on shore break, knee slappers really? Trish is telling secrets. The bliss is blown out, everywhere. Choppy as can be, on the land and the sea-man.
holy heck
holy heck - 6 years ago
DOG BUS - 6 years ago
trisha is literally like a 5 yr old girl lol like wtf.
Kaitlandia - 6 years ago
I love Trisha but she loves to annoy Jason and have him beg for her back!! Not a good healthy relationship
Crimsen rayne
Crimsen rayne - 6 years ago
What was the title and thumbnail before?
Clayton Peltier
Clayton Peltier - 6 years ago
Trish thinks every video she’s in, even if it’s for a small ass portion, she needs to be in the thumbnail. She’s just feeding off of Jason, and David for clout. And who the fuck has their neighbor come over which is a GUY to help you sleep, and she said it’s easier for her to sleep if she’s had sex. She’s fucking her neighbor lmao.
Jason King
Jason King - 6 years ago
Jason go on the Bora Bora trip because it will be a great experience and then break up with that psycho Trisha..she is literally a manipulative insecure bitch smh
Clayton Peltier
Clayton Peltier - 6 years ago
Trish is fucking behind your back.
Snorlax Gamin
Snorlax Gamin - 6 years ago
Jason that bitch crazy where I'm from we call that 730 ... you need to run far bro lmaooo
Jonathan Belmares
Jonathan Belmares - 6 years ago
OMG that bit about Brandon and David being there kids was honestly the funniest thing ever. TRISH and the subtle shade she throws HILAROUS.
brianna huddie
brianna huddie - 6 years ago
this got uncomfortable so fast lol
range rover
range rover - 6 years ago
plz break up with her she doesn’t treat u right
Dream Morris
Dream Morris - 6 years ago
love you Jason and your blogs
Dream Morris
Dream Morris - 6 years ago
I want to go surfing so bad... I need to move to California
Jason King
Jason King - 6 years ago
The editing on this vlog is amazing !
hellogoodbye8492 - 6 years ago
lauralee murray
lauralee murray - 6 years ago
This is way better thumbnail
Alondra Rivas
Alondra Rivas - 6 years ago
Makes me sad, I think everyone thought Jason would be the one to help Trish and show her how therw are good people with good intentions on this earth. I love Trish but we have known she is damaged for a long time now. I just worry for Jason's mental health and his children. Like when a mad has a family there are boundaries that you don't cross and she crossed one of those boundaries in this video from what I saw. Very disappointing
Johnathon MacDonald
Johnathon MacDonald - 6 years ago
holy fuck jason is too patient. time to go bro.
Dee Karaman
Dee Karaman - 6 years ago
U changed the name of your video! You put that u are slowly growing apart, why not just stay honest. U obviously need a break from Trisha, she’s way too demanding. U should focus on yourself u are a great guy and all she does is complain about u
diana sanchez
diana sanchez - 6 years ago
all i got to say is wow at the end with tridh like wtf. im sure shes lying about never having slept alone. but how is jason putting up with this. im a trish fan but slowly switching over to jason.
sony so
sony so - 6 years ago
diana sanchez Jason is a comedian enough said. That's why he can put up with it haven't you heard what they say about comedians.
Summer J
Summer J - 6 years ago
Trisha seems like she’d be jealous of the kids after awhile for spending time with their dad. Ickkkk~
baby baby
baby baby - 6 years ago
Bree Payne
Bree Payne - 6 years ago
heyo chose me for dat hoodie so i can feel some slight relief from the pain i feel day to day
SoniSimi - 6 years ago
Did she just say, “I’m not having enough Sex”! That’s girl talk, not talk in front of three men. Gross.
jaquilin T
jaquilin T - 6 years ago
Oh my God I’m so sorry Jason, that conversation at the end with Trish talking about your sex life was probably the most uncomfortable thing in the world
Jonathan Belmares
Jonathan Belmares - 6 years ago
David is such a little shit sometimes. That face he made when Jason was like you can sit in the front on the way back.
Ramona Marquez
Ramona Marquez - 6 years ago
Do any of you know the song from the intro??
MarjánAlexis - 6 years ago
I got a question: is Trisha serious? Or is she playing an act like in David’s Vlogs? She is legit a piece of shit towards Jason, I feel so bad, damn
Little Star
Little Star - 6 years ago
Not that many ads lmaoooo
Kyle Summitt
Kyle Summitt - 6 years ago
anybody feel like she has totally cheated on him
Daniela Conti
Daniela Conti - 6 years ago
Zane is so cute, bless him
Eden Abraham
Eden Abraham - 6 years ago
Trisha is saying all of that stuff just to try and get a rise out of Jason. I wouldn’t be surprised if the male neighbor didn’t even exist or if they do it’s a girl. Or the killing Jason and not turning in David shit. Please. I know I am a girl. & I’m a lot like Trisha. She’s just not smart about her shit and WAY too clingy.
K- Boy
K- Boy - 6 years ago
Great 17:30 min vlog loved it :D
Deer Heart
Deer Heart - 6 years ago
well that was uncomfortable trisha obviously in a mood
TessaStyle - 6 years ago
tick tock tick tock...
Glitter Bug
Glitter Bug - 6 years ago
The vlog was sooooooo good until Trisha appeared. She's a downer. I loved watching your content but with her it's the same old same annoying crap.
Austin Kilgore
Austin Kilgore - 6 years ago
Ummm I kinda think they should break up. I don’t trust Trisha anymore. It’s none of my business but just my opinion
info warlock
info warlock - 6 years ago
Iknouare ButwhatamI
Iknouare ButwhatamI - 6 years ago
Jason is a pu**y. SPEAK UP.
Plus, He’s hanging on to this toxic relationship for content.
info warlock
info warlock - 6 years ago
pretty much
Bailey Pacheco
Bailey Pacheco - 6 years ago
This is like being in a relationship with a teenager, seems exhausting.
Austin Kilgore
Austin Kilgore - 6 years ago
21:40 the fucking chewing of the gum!!!!! Driving me crazy
alexacutie - 6 years ago
why does jason film and post trisha when she says those immature things or shit about their relationship? it's like he wants people to hate her and their relationship
Charlie Mason
Charlie Mason - 6 years ago
love this relationship so much and the both of you separately, but Trish he doesnt have your sex drive and he never will. Its okay to be frustrated because ive experienced the same thing, but its not okay to blame him/try to make him feel guilty for something that is basically out of his control. When you said you were gonna go round to that guys house cause jason didnt wanna have sex that was a very horrible thing to do-and you may have already spoke about it and fixed it (i hope). Same thing with double standards of what youre allowed to say about men that jason cant say about women. Still love you guys and hope you're doing well together, would love to see the reality show of you guys! Trish just remind yourself of why you're with jason! Sometimes you have to take a step back to appreciate what you have
Careymi Arreguin
Careymi Arreguin - 6 years ago
aztecarcher what’s the title of that one podcast episode
aztecarcher - 6 years ago
Pinksupergrl95 Its Jason's and David podcast. You can check it out on youtube just put 'jason nash and david dobrik podcast'
Pinksupergrl95 - 6 years ago
Charlie Mason Her sex drive isnt "more" than his, she equates sex for love. Thats all she knows
aztecarcher - 6 years ago
Charlie Mason oops, sorry i think i was replying to someone else and put it here and mixed it up. My bad. Just the first line was meant for you.
Charlie Mason
Charlie Mason - 6 years ago
aztecarcher did you even read my comment? I listen to the podcast. I have literally just spoke about the 2 instances you just mentioned.
aztecarcher - 6 years ago
Charlie Mason Really, you love a relationship in which a woman is emotionally abusing a man so much? You might want to go listen to Jason's latest podcast where he talks about the shit that went down in Vegas. Jason did not want to have sex so Trisha threatened to call some dude to pick her up and actually packed her bags to leave and go sleep with someone else. Its not the first time she has done this shit and she pulls out this card all the time while Jason is always trying to pacify her. You know that if Jason had even looked at another woman she would have done a whole cheater vlog where she cried about being the victim yet again. Is that someone you look up to? The problem is not the men..the problem is her and her need to be controlling and have people always give in to her.
Alexis Souza
Alexis Souza - 6 years ago
I really like the cuts/edits with music in this vlog its different but i like it.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable - 6 years ago
Alexis Souza Hated the stupid music
Alexis Souza
Alexis Souza - 6 years ago
that being said i can't tell if you are doing it ironically. if not i like it i like it a lot
Mystique Ashe
Mystique Ashe - 6 years ago
Trish is such a selfish ugly person on the inside to be so ungrateful for what Jason does for her. He's got 2 kids and yet spends so much time with her. Her crappy attitude and lying that she's never slept alone is BS. She's such a liar about everything that comes out her fake duck lips.
info warlock
info warlock - 6 years ago
all true
Zane Silver
Zane Silver - 6 years ago
Jason, I’ve been watching Trisha for like 3 years now, I think I know her pretty well through all the videos that I’ve been watching of her on her channel but also the videos from other people of her, and you need to be reassuring her a lot more, you don’t communicate well with her. She will accept that you have to sleep with your kids but there is a certain way to say it so she can process it, you should explain her how your kids need their father to grow up, but even if you are with your kids you’re still thinking about Trisha because she’s important in your life now. I know because I work the same, she has trust issues in people because she’s been disappointed by a lot of people in her life, also in this video she asked you if you were gay, because she’s still in chock with her previous boyfriend who cheated on her with a man, she’s just very human and would better say it’s ok than say “ it’s not ok I’m hurt” she doesn’t want to show her feelings anymore she doesn’t want to be weak, she’s been weak too much, so she would rather have a fake cold heart than show how much she loves you, and she REALLY really love and care about you a lot, because at the end she doesn’t want to get her hopes broken again. I’ve seen it in her vlogs, she said it multiple times. SHE LOVES YOU JASON. Don’t mess it up and talk more when you have miscommunications. That’s the key to a better relationship.
Jason King
Jason King - 6 years ago
Please do not makes excuses for that psychotic bitch..Jason is literally the best boyfriend she has ever had and she is still miserable and I can't wait till he dumps her
ITsCosmic4 - 6 years ago
Trisha is a fucking nightmare. She can’t sleep, and Jason can’t sleep there cause of his kids, so she threatens to have a guy come sleep over? I would say sure have that guy sleep over, and then you’ll never see me again and you can go back to never being appreciated.
BirdsFlyHigh InTheSky
BirdsFlyHigh InTheSky - 6 years ago
Katherine Louise
Katherine Louise - 6 years ago
Zane is so attractive omg
molly m
molly m - 6 years ago
i like joe
PatootieBootie Vids
PatootieBootie Vids - 6 years ago
This video already confirms a lot of things that people comment about all the time in Trisha & Jason’s videos (when they’re together)
Jonathan Belmares
Jonathan Belmares - 6 years ago
Zane needs to run y'all rent money as much as he sleeps there
Miranda Warner
Miranda Warner - 6 years ago
Good for you. Kids always come first. Trisha is like a child herself pouting over a man taking care of his kids instead of her. Waow
weoweearth - 6 years ago
Welp, now it makes sense why her relationships dont last....
barxada wardhiiglay
barxada wardhiiglay - 6 years ago
Poor Jason, he deserves much better.
info warlock
info warlock - 6 years ago
10 fold
Vannah Pine
Vannah Pine - 6 years ago
This is why I don’t watch Jason’s vlogs as often anymore, I feel like he makes Trish out to be selfish or speaks to her as if she’s a problem and he’s not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming anyone, but he should record what he says to her and how he acts toward her when the cameras off too. He always seems like the victim, or pressured and I doubt he is.

I’m not saying he’s a bad guy, but he shouldn’t make Trisha look like that.
V Bruno
V Bruno - 6 years ago
Trisha is a emotional vampire and she is sucking all your energy from you on a daily basis. If you realize that you are more exhausted than usual than please understand that you are with an emotional vampire. All her negativity is so draining, Jason. I know you know this. But then you go back to her like aw its okay she buys a lot of things and she is very generous but at what cost?
Akash George
Akash George - 6 years ago
I know Trisha is a lot to handle jason.. But content wise she's Gold..!! Just look at the comments.
Shilowfa - 6 years ago
Trisha can’t expect guys to stay in her life when she acts like this
Lyndsay Renee
Lyndsay Renee - 6 years ago
Always makes me some what happy watching your videos <3
Heart Beats Vanity
Heart Beats Vanity - 6 years ago
Just unsubbed. Changing the title twice- the thumbnail and being fake as fuck is gross to watch. Bye.
info warlock
info warlock - 6 years ago
katherine m
katherine m - 6 years ago
i would not be able to stand trisha's constant lies. it drives me crazy
Emma Every Day
Emma Every Day - 6 years ago
i agree with what everyone is saying in the comments. honestly, i think Jason is only staying in the relationship to protect himself and the vlog squad from Trisha’s massive exposing she continually does. I mean, she’s threatened it to him.
whyhello there
whyhello there - 6 years ago
That ending. Gahahahaha
Michelle - 6 years ago
Oh come on Trisha stop living in the past not everyone you date is gonna turn out gay, just being a certain sexuality doesn’t mean he’s gonna cheat. He won’t leave you for being gay Hun but with how you actually are. I really feel like you play on it. We’ve all been fucked over in the past don’t make it like you’re the only one. Saying your going to get a guy to sleep over on your couch is just plain cruel. If it were Jason doing that you would be so hurt. Get a dog if you want company. If you want to be happy you need to think before you speak.
Heather Marie
Heather Marie - 6 years ago
Did he change the thumbnail again?
Emma Every Day
Emma Every Day - 6 years ago
she just hire a night body guard
Brittney Rose
Brittney Rose - 6 years ago
"We're slowly growing apart" was the title
Qiovetspmk - 6 years ago
5:58 Sounds like you almost died.
eden sadgrl
eden sadgrl - 6 years ago
so many fucking ads interrupting the video, old man.
eden sadgrl
eden sadgrl - 6 years ago
chelsea brown
chelsea brown - 6 years ago
Boundaries are important in a relationship. I wouldn't say that they are doomed, but it will be a long up hill battle for boundaries to be set and respected.
Rosabelle DuBois
Rosabelle DuBois - 6 years ago
trish probably has ptsd and i feel for her :(
Chad Chadwig
Chad Chadwig - 6 years ago
Umm a grown adult women needing someone to pretty much hold her hand while she sleeps ? If that ain’t a sign to run ,I mean it’s time to grow up no one is going to break in and murder you your not that important that’s just an excuse to act like a child its beyond unattractive and Nash is done I can tell ...
Annabelle Dee
Annabelle Dee - 6 years ago
Let’s be real - that “neighbor” doesn’t exist
KoreanGuyWhiteGirl - 6 years ago
Welll bora bora is chalking up to be a wonderful, love filled getaway, ain't it
The Commenter
The Commenter - 6 years ago
She is a psycho. Break up
Cali9000 - 6 years ago
Jason. I know you want to provide for your kids but please look at the possible long-term effect. Who you date does impact on your kids. Especially your girl. You might not see it now, issues will pop up when she starts to date. PLEASE listen to your ex-wife. Kids are sponges...especially at that age. I don't want Charlie always looking for validation from men..PLUS she wants to be an actress? Sorry, but I don't want Wyatt to pick some girl who will treat him how Trish treats you. I know it's exciting talking to producers about a shows etc...but none of that will matter if 5-10 years down the road your kids are in the same place as you emotionally. It's just not worth it. Or is it?
potato tomato
potato tomato - 6 years ago
Cali9000 i really really hope he reads this
Elizabeth Clifford
Elizabeth Clifford - 6 years ago
Peep that lovelytheband song ❤️
Tanya Reyes
Tanya Reyes - 6 years ago
I can feel the tension...
savvbrian - 6 years ago
the fact that he put the title "we're slowly growing apart" made me feel that he understands it but just wants you guys to comment about it...
Lauren Nicole
Lauren Nicole - 6 years ago
7 ads? Wow
Brittney Pickup
Brittney Pickup - 6 years ago
Jason is such a good fella, he really deserves the best! from what I can see
info warlock
info warlock - 6 years ago
he should go back to his wife, she seems so nice compared to the wig wearing liar.
Nicole E H
Nicole E H - 6 years ago
alright this is the third thumbnail i've seen for this video and second title
G - 6 years ago
poor jason :/
Amy Tizzy
Amy Tizzy - 6 years ago
Who wants to bet that Trisha spun out the story of the supposed stalker and made Jason feel sorry for her. Jason, the dude lives in Texas and can't drive and is autistic, add to that she made a vlog stating she was so scared to go out and needed bodyguards then a few days later in another vlog mentioned that she had been out.

Add to that, a lot of people, including me, saw her subscribe to his social media and message him a few hours before she turned on him and accuse him of being a 'stalker'', just to get revenge on him for not wanting to be a fan and to save her channel from bleeding out subs after she made a vlog supporting Trump.

If that is not enough, she f*cking drives a pink g-wagon, anyone really afraid for their life trying to avoid a stalker situation would have long ago sold their very giveaway car and bought a standard one. She aint afraid of no stalker, she just wants to manipulate you into feeling sorry for her and choosing her over your kids.
layla tiyamike
layla tiyamike - 6 years ago
I know that Jason isn't going to see this but whatever
Trish is so manipulative to Jason I have a feeling she is cheating in him he's always happy around his friends and then Trisha comes around and fights every single time they meet like honestly oh r gonna call your fucking neighbor to sleep with you just because Jason isn't sleeping with you enough so what if he isn't sleeping with you do you realize he has things to do besides having sex with you freaking messed up .
Get your shit together Trisha and Jason do the right thing and leave her you don't seem very happy
Jewels - 6 years ago
Jason please get away , u are a father and she's just a bipolar toxic little girl who is about to be 30 and only goals is to eat fast food and get laid
christian ostagne
christian ostagne - 6 years ago
jason you can't put mukbang in the title and just expect views
Anete Kest
Anete Kest - 6 years ago
And i bet after all these comments she's like "Poor me, noone likes me - i feel so lonely. Please stay over, Jason!". *eyeroll*
Mandy Whitford
Mandy Whitford - 6 years ago
Oooh the title was changed it used to be 'we're slowly growing apart"
Mandy Whitford
Mandy Whitford - 6 years ago
Poor jason
TheeasyDM - 6 years ago
Why’d he change the title?
Jamie - 6 years ago
jason: it was literally like nirvana
zane: the disrespect
jason: the disrespect to who?
zane: don’t EVER compare yourself to nirvana again

aelizabethk10 - 6 years ago
Some people think you act this way for the camera, and that it's all for attention. If that's the case, and this is all fake, it's really sad you both would rather be famous for being hated rather than for actually good reasons.
Melanie Cook
Melanie Cook - 6 years ago
How depressing
kathryner1 - 6 years ago
Love your vids and tbh I started watching Jason's videos because of Trish and being a fan of her. I CAN'T deal with her refusal to let go of her insecurity and honestly I wish Jason didn't put it in the videos. It's not funny to me it's just frustrating to watch. I hope she's not as insecure as she appears in these vids because it's SO cringy.
L Bizzle
L Bizzle - 6 years ago
Pleaseeee break up with Trisha
Lipstick & Coffee
Lipstick & Coffee - 6 years ago
I don't know, man. I was in a relationship where we only had sex once a month even though I wanted it more. I tried to accept that's just how he was. 7 months after getting married, he tells me he wants to be in an open relationship and experiment with men. Not saying that's what's going with Jason and Trish, just saying I can understand why she's concerned.
Richie Roo
Richie Roo - 6 years ago
Way too many mid rolls ads, Jason!
Ross Brown
Ross Brown - 6 years ago
If you would take a shit.Trish would somehow make it be all about her.
Zoe Garden
Zoe Garden - 6 years ago
king of montages
Kendra - 6 years ago
why is Jason all of a sudden obsessed with saying dawg? plzz stop
Claire Campbell
Claire Campbell - 6 years ago
Huh. I see couples council in the future
Elle skip
Elle skip - 6 years ago
Trish was soooo stoned lol
Amy Tizzy
Amy Tizzy - 6 years ago
Amazing how Trisha was so fine sleeping in her apartment all alone all the time but then now to make Jason feel bad she has to throw in the lie about being too anxious and how she always has someone over...just to manipulate him into sleeping over more.
And we all know she never had sex 5 times a day in her life otherwise she would actually be losing weight instead of gaining all the time. Unless she meant as a prostitute where she lay down and just spread her legs open for the next wad of cash?
Kobe Duh goat
Kobe Duh goat - 6 years ago
Trish is fucken crazy and if you break up with her she’s Ganna make a vid like wtf
Jocelyn Stanton
Jocelyn Stanton - 6 years ago
Looked like a great day, too bad a miserable garbage person had to ruin it.
Luna Quinn
Luna Quinn - 6 years ago
Well that was an awkward ending...
Maggie Appert
Maggie Appert - 6 years ago
Who else was bothered by David having his shoes on the couch? I hate when people do that. If ya wanted to lay down take your shoes off first.
Amy Tizzy
Amy Tizzy - 6 years ago
Trisha would not turn David in if he killed Jason because she would then use the opportunity to blackmail the hell out out him and become his gf and star of his vlogs. Then David would just go and turn himself in because he would rather be f*cked up the arse by guys in jail than have anything to do with Trisha's blubbery mouth, ratchet sloppy eyed nipples and whiny manipulative personality.
jesus lucio
jesus lucio - 6 years ago
Trisha is totally cheating
Allison Chappell
Allison Chappell - 6 years ago
Vlog starts off fun, hanging out, surfing.... ends arguing with Trisha, again. When they're happy I love seeing them together, but for some reason he seems to like to focus on the negative. They could both find more compatible people.
Misery Laughs
Misery Laughs - 6 years ago
I don't think she should depend on the criminal justice system if David kills Jason. She should just become Charlize Theron's character in Atomic Blonde and kill David. Have you seen that movie? She's like female Bond.
Victoria Carr
Victoria Carr - 6 years ago
They’re breaking up soon lol
BOOMERANGxbrb - 6 years ago
OMG i cannot believe they post that shit! CRINGE ALERT!

Well that's that.
dandeliongum - 6 years ago
As someone who has watched Trisha for almost a decade, I was really rooting for her in this relationship but she CLEARLY has borderline personality disorder and needs therapy. At this point, she is toxic and even abusive, and I would leave her unless she commits to both personal therapy and relationship therapy.
Itzelth - 6 years ago
dandeliongum yas
JoshuA - 6 years ago
I don't like Trisha idk how some people like her I'm glad she says she is not in the vlog squad because she shouldn't be in ti
Sicco de Wilt
Sicco de Wilt - 6 years ago
It's vlogs like these that that make me really concerned about Trisha /:
The Wise Woman
The Wise Woman - 6 years ago
Trish is a textbook borderline
Janae Herrera
Janae Herrera - 6 years ago
She probably is. I'm textbook bipolar too. But who cares at this point, Having a disorder doesn't give you an excuse to be a shitty person...
Christian Lombardi
Christian Lombardi - 6 years ago
It’s the vine version of hugh jackman
Christian Lombardi
Christian Lombardi - 6 years ago
Is it me or does Brandon look like a knock off version of Wolverine when he’s on the beach?????
Anonymous - 6 years ago
Why is this old guy hanging out with all these young kids??? its just weird!!! MIDLIFE CRISIS!!!
Ella Hedger
Ella Hedger - 6 years ago
But Jason slept with Corinna’s mom
Adam Millns
Adam Millns - 6 years ago
Is the girl in Jason's intro Casey Jane??
Vanilla Bean
Vanilla Bean - 6 years ago
That whole conversation must of been super awkward!
rae lloyd
rae lloyd - 6 years ago
i don't think she thinks hes gay.People do this so they can transfer their emotions and how they are feeling onto someone else, so they aren't the only one feeling it and can get a release. Instead of her saying "hey. i'm being pissy/moody/irritable/lonely/annoyed mood today" she looks at how to make it his problem. Its not her fault really, its how her brain works, but its not an excuse either. I think she's incredibly insecure and set in her ways, and doesn't always get how snotty she can be. I do wish she'd learn some relationship skills and get some help there before its too late. I know she's been hurt alot, but she has to be able to grow and evolve with age and work on herself so she can hold up on her end of the relationship emotionally than expecting her partner to be responsible for that.
Stephanie Mendez
Stephanie Mendez - 6 years ago
I love Jason’s vlogs and intro!
Sophie Rose
Sophie Rose - 6 years ago
This is my favorite vlog not allot of trish just jason and the friends
Muhannad - 6 years ago
19:36 man how can Jason keep up with that face?
twin cherry
twin cherry - 6 years ago
David, Josh can't doe now; he has kids to raise.
ALEX - 6 years ago
Too much Trisha
Memphis Cushman
Memphis Cushman - 6 years ago
Jason dude I know trish probably said it was okay to post this stuff but it’s just invasive and paints her in a bad light. I love your videos but it’s getting too personal
Cheryl Lynn
Cheryl Lynn - 6 years ago
She paints herself in a bad light. Dont blame Jason for her actions. Thats just ridiculous..
Marissa Rose
Marissa Rose - 6 years ago
Zane was not feeling it lol
Cristina Rodriguez
Cristina Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Wow trish just has a crush of David , sorry Jason I was rooting for ya but now just dump her
Savannah Gehosky
Savannah Gehosky - 6 years ago
Was that a skit or was that conversation real??
ChickityChina - 6 years ago
Jason man, get out. What are you doing
Skittles Z
Skittles Z - 6 years ago
lmao did Trish make you change the title and thumbnail?
idall10 - 6 years ago
this video is fucking garbage
Sam C
Sam C - 6 years ago
am i the only one who doesnt seen an issue with her having a male sleep over? they arent fucking, who cares? i would do the same if my bf couldnt sleep over and i was scared to sleep alone.
Bianca Bello
Bianca Bello - 6 years ago
Trish kinda doesn't understand how relationships work and how you actually have to put in effort, how you have to compromise, and how you need to be selfless. It's not a dig and all of the other comments on this video are so important, and I feel bad for commenting on someone else's relationship but the comments of people concerned (all of us) is too much to ignore. For someone with children, Jason should never have to feel bad about putting HIS KIDS first. That's the way it works, especially when you're dating someone with children. They. Come. First. End of story!
Tracy.3 - 6 years ago
Jason, you really need to end it with Trisha. She has no business being in a relationship. She is toxic and only getting worse. Do it for your kids because this is affecting them. Children aren't stupid. You're teaching them that being in a fucked up codependent relationship with a narcissist is ok. It's not!
Bruna Souza
Bruna Souza - 6 years ago
David sleeping is me during every social situation.
Kat Mirah
Kat Mirah - 6 years ago
honestly don't like the way Trish acts towards Jason
huzzahas - 6 years ago
this video was great until paytas showed up.
Christina Velasco
Christina Velasco - 6 years ago
I seriously saw this happening. You can tell by how Trisha had been acting since the beginning of the relationship. Hopefully they work something out. I like them both together.
B.Jones - 6 years ago
My anxiety was getting bad watching David in the Vette. Fuck that lol
Dominique Ramirez
Dominique Ramirez - 6 years ago
I love joe so much he’s so funny
BeautyConfidence101 - 6 years ago
Lol trisha girl
emkato21 - 6 years ago
Joe! ^__^
Amna _
Amna _ - 6 years ago
I only subscribed to Trisha bc of Jason but wow idek what to say, I just unsubscribed. We all know she’s going to twist this and blame Jason saying he made her look bad in the vlog but that was raw footage of what might acc be a daily thing for Jason which is so upsetting he really deserves better.
Milhouse Van Houten
Milhouse Van Houten - 6 years ago
And of course Brandon is on the beach worrying about all the stuff that can hurt you in the ocean. He’s gotta be an only child
Milhouse Van Houten
Milhouse Van Houten - 6 years ago
David should be playing tennis and you need to be surfing I realize the bulk of the audience wants to watch you jack offs ordering food and laying around inside on computers but some live action would be nice from time to time
soniablade07 - 6 years ago
I’m normally a silent viewer and I watch both vlogs. But it’s been hard to watch Jason have this look when they’re together. It’s not a look of love, more like you’re tolerating the situation. It gets very exhausting when someone has the amount of insecurity she has. I love Trisha but she really really needs to work on herself before getting involved. Trisha would be so much happier if she focused on herself. That would reflect on camera.
D MS - 6 years ago
Trisha is out of it. What a drag.
xICant Fly
xICant Fly - 6 years ago
LMAO I thought it said "Please leave poor slut" On the door at 2:59 xD
Sugar Sugar
Sugar Sugar - 6 years ago
shut, not slut
Dy14n - 6 years ago
I normally try to ignore the stuff Trish says and whatnot, but to think it'd be chill for a guy to come spend the night just so she can fall asleep? Literally, pop a sleeping pill and you will pass out. She doesn't need to disrespect you by doing that kind of shit. I was in relationship similar to yours and let's just say thats over..
Chloe Mayhew
Chloe Mayhew - 6 years ago
David’s laugh at 16:39, you’re welcome.
Trey Chavers
Trey Chavers - 6 years ago
I love how the Views pic at the end is a screenshot from his phone!! Ha ha
Cora - 6 years ago
just sign it and mail it to me god damnit
Milhouse Van Houten
Milhouse Van Houten - 6 years ago
There’s a place called the Wedge in Newport the waves get huge sometimes Scott & Tood are from there. You need to get wiped out there for a video & your highschool nickname was WEJ so it makes perfect sense
Viki Victoria
Viki Victoria - 6 years ago
Jason for the love of God get a vasectomy!
Abigail Elaine
Abigail Elaine - 6 years ago
We love and support you Jason❤️
Viki Victoria
Viki Victoria - 6 years ago
Trisha pushes to see how far she can! One day soon there will be no return!
Stefhany wes
Stefhany wes - 6 years ago
Freaking Brandon with his parakeet hair lol
MAJEED55564 - 6 years ago
this relationship needs to be over its so unhealthy and toxic
Milhouse Van Houten
Milhouse Van Houten - 6 years ago
Please god surf more
Lisa DeL
Lisa DeL - 6 years ago
Does Brandon ever do anything or is he always a bump on a log and argumentative? He by far is the person that annoys me the most in the vlogs
TheGopack58 - 6 years ago
This is all for views. He likes how she explodes. He thinks it's funny. Let's be real here. They are great actresses. Like yall think she is like this all the time lmao. Stupid
Emily - 6 years ago
At this point I don’t think anyone can claim that we don’t know their relationship just from watching vlogs. Collectively the both of them have vlogged probably a good week’s worth of time solely showing the dynamics of their relationship and we all see how ugly it is. Trisha needs serious therapy, mentally she is like 19-20 yrs old. Shows so many classic signs of repressed childhood trauma.
Qphr - John Cano
Qphr - John Cano - 6 years ago
The surfing montage was before they got to the beach? Why? I thought that the surfing happened, because the montage played, and then was very confused where they were arriving to until I realized that surfing hasn't happen yet. Jason, I know you don't really like making youtube videos, but at least try not to be confusing.
Kayla - 6 years ago
hahaha he changed the title!!
Haley Severn
Haley Severn - 6 years ago
There’s no doubt in my mind that Trisha is cheating with how much she accuses you.
Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell - 6 years ago
Trisha is starting to piss me off
Nykkee Bunny
Nykkee Bunny - 6 years ago
Jason, why wouldn't you just ask Carly and Erin or one of the other girls from the vlog squad to stay at Trisha's for a night?
Emily Scott
Emily Scott - 6 years ago
The surf teacher looks like the life guard from the suit life of Zack and Cody
KC D - 6 years ago
This episode started on a high and slowly crashed like Jason’s career.
0riginal H
0riginal H - 6 years ago
Hahaha, it’s either; marry me today, I think ur gay, you hate me, I don’t get enough sex, like gurl! Calm. It. Shesh
Kiwi Bird
Kiwi Bird - 6 years ago
Man I feel sorry for you
Jenna Baker
Jenna Baker - 6 years ago
remind me to never act like trisha does...ever. not how you treat your man girl.
Jonathan Wargren
Jonathan Wargren - 6 years ago
I love watching you in other peoples vlog and i used to love your vlog i find myself skipping through to get past anything with trisha in it i cant stand her or the way she treats you... like i get it sex is sex but fuck me man there is no wonder why you say shit like ill never be as successful as David and put yourself down when you settle for people like Trisha. double standards and miss treatment every vlog... YOU CAN DO BETTER!
Bryonna McKinney
Bryonna McKinney - 6 years ago
Jonathan Wargren THIS! Don't settle!
Tsjnsj - 6 years ago
What’s the music he uses for the black screen?
Arabella Ishere
Arabella Ishere - 6 years ago
They aren’t haven’t sex because she keeps putting him through this mental bs and it’s exhausting to put up with. Let it go and just be happy with him, no one is perfect.
Niki Rose
Niki Rose - 6 years ago
Can I just say I love how you edit your videos!
Emma Wiley
Emma Wiley - 6 years ago
Abigail - 6 years ago
Trisha is just waiting for something bad to happen and if she keeps doing that something will.
emily morgan
emily morgan - 6 years ago
LMAO the original title last night had me shook
Emily Marie
Emily Marie - 6 years ago
I hate when he chews guuuuuummmmmm
Abigail - 6 years ago
This sounds harsh, but I'm so glad Jason is starting to get tired of Trisha too. I'm so happy he stands up to her.
marcela79 - 6 years ago
She is insufferable. She’s enough to turn any man gay rather than be with her.
noone knows
noone knows - 6 years ago
It’s too much now Jason.i know your not reading this because you don’t read comments and I know that trish dose read these but it’s just not right. I know we don’t see everything that happens off Camra but either way you can see that trish dosnt really have your back like you have hers.
f maximus
f maximus - 6 years ago
the stuff that happens off camera is probably worse.
JOSMAR LOPEZ - 6 years ago
The fact that 8 miller lite commercial showed annoys me
Kait Ty
Kait Ty - 6 years ago
Leave Trisha Jason, this is ridiculous. She is annoying AF and treats you like shit. I started watching you when you and trish started dating and I will support you when she drags you post-breakup.
!!!!!???? - 6 years ago
brandon's annoying
!!!!!???? - 6 years ago
surf instructor is classic california and pretty sexy tbh
Nadia Lynelle
Nadia Lynelle - 6 years ago
The vlog was fun and upbeat then it gets depressing towards the end. Now I remember why I stop watch Trisha videos.
sally - 6 years ago
Ffs she is so exhausting and I only see part of their relationship ... jason’s probably going to snap, shave his head and run naked into the forest where he’ll built a shack and paint the different rocks around him
Alic Itzner
Alic Itzner - 6 years ago
Lmfao fucking David
sally - 6 years ago
Obviously Zane is lonely guys !
Abbie Day.
Abbie Day. - 6 years ago
Trisha acts like a whore to piss off her boyfriend. That’s so fucked up. She’s literally a child Jason doesn’t have two kids he has three. Drop her
Random Attack
Random Attack - 6 years ago
She wants kids but she can't understand that he has kids and cares for them they came first I his life
aztecarcher - 6 years ago
She doesnt want kids...she wants a way to control Jason so that whenever she can just call him and say oh the baby is having a fever and i dunno what to do and the dude will leave his friends and other kids to come tend to her.
Janae Herrera
Janae Herrera - 6 years ago
It's honestly a good thing she's sterile and cant have kids. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. If she did, they would be mistreated and abused. If she does this to her boyfriend, imagine what she'd do to her own children.
Phil - 6 years ago
This was legit one of the best vlogs I've seen from anyone in a while. then trish appeared
PrincessMegMarie93 - 6 years ago
I think they are just doing that for the video
Potato Salad
Potato Salad - 6 years ago
You changed the title? Lmao
Susan miller
Susan miller - 6 years ago
great color on you Jason
Lazy Vegan Mom
Lazy Vegan Mom - 6 years ago
Is she really like that around your friends?
Dana Feenaghty
Dana Feenaghty - 6 years ago
when smallpools started playing I got so happy
Lianet Chavez
Lianet Chavez - 6 years ago
There’s something so depressing about a 50 year old man saying “dog”
TheChosenOne - 6 years ago
Ashley Bowen
Ashley Bowen - 6 years ago
Lmfaoooooo the silence at the end
Kelli Cerrillo
Kelli Cerrillo - 6 years ago
Everyone needs to chill for Trish. Everything is for the camera. She gets a shit ton of views for acting like this and so does he. If it was that personal he could turn the camera off.
Alic Itzner
Alic Itzner - 6 years ago
Fuck I want to go to the beach. So bad catch me outside mother fucjing DROWNIN
Jenileigh - 6 years ago
She’s a cheater and manipulater I feel like. Sucks cuz I kinda like u guys together but fuck. Get a grip trish way to ruin a good thing

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